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R: 500 / I: 163

/isg/ - Internet Spectacle General

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbywfzu-jI

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert
R: 19 / I: 9

/Burgerpunk/ VI

Previous thread:
R: 16 / I: 5

I need this IRL LOL

I need to be ball busted like this IRL, but women shouldn't need my consent and should tie me up and leave me to my fate when they're done. What's a simp more or less? >///<
R: 27 / I: 9

Bird vs Capybara vs Cat vs Dragon:

Dog vs Dolphin vs Fox vs Goat:

Jellyfish vs Narwhal vs Octopus vs Opossum:

Platypus vs Raccoon vs Seal vs Sponge:
R: 7 / I: 0

American Homelessness

Arrived today in downtown Denver. First thing I noticed was the smell—the faint smell of feces. Second thing I noticed were clearly drugged-out homeless people on every block nodding off on fentanyl. Third thing I noticed was that downtown was almost completely dead despite it being a Sunday and an unofficial holiday (Cinco de Mayo). And take a look at pic related: Denverites carry narcan on them just in case they come across someone OD'ing—THIS IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS IN A FUNCTIONAL SOCIETY.

This phenomenon is obviously not limited to Denver. Ground Zero is San Francisco, where people have to volunteer so that kids don't get accosted by hordes of homeless in the Tenderloin neighborhood (See https://apnews.com/article/san-francisco-tenderloin-drugs-children-7ae668d1050363170514ca057589ec1e). And go to any liberal "hip" city like Seattle, Portland, California, Austin, etc. and you'll see the same epidemic of homeless drug addicts spilling out into the streets.

What the fuck is causing this problem? You don't see this humanitarian catastrophe to this degree in non-progressive cities like Houston, Dallas, Phoenix, Miami, etc. (though they still have it bad.) I mean for fuck's sake, I'm from Chicago and even here it's not as bad as Denver (our homeless are more of the shit/piss on the L kind, not the nodding off on fentanyl downtown kind. Per capita, homelessness is less pervasive here, but we are a failed city by many other measures).

What the fuck are these "progressive" cities doing that are completely ruining their cities? What is the humane solution? Is it just as simple as build more housing? Or doing what Houston is doing and getting these people into apartments? (see https://www.governing.com/housing/how-houston-cut-its-homeless-population-by-nearly-two-thirds) You would think "leftist" cities would be on the ball here, but clearly they are fumbling hard.

Something has got to be done, or this country is quickly going to become uninhabitable.
R: 286 / I: 37
Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?
R: 486 / I: 136


🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
R: 500 / I: 120

/ukraine/ - Russia-Ukraine war general #175: See You, Donbass Cowboy Edition

Remember!!: R.I.P. Russell Bentley


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0pyVJG7_6Q (Link TBA)

📺 Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the MULTIPOLARISM general thread: >>>/leftypol/1590991
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• Remember to take your meds! It helps mediate schizoposting and foot fetishism
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games
R: 29 / I: 7

Kashmiri leftist here

Hello, ask a Kashmiri leftist who lives in Kashmir anything from culture to politics and history of socialism in kashmir
R: 47 / I: 8


Is Tribalism, ethnocentrism, and preference for ones own people, religion, and culture inevitable? And if so, doesn't this hurt the universalism of communism? Is homophily just "human nature" and built into the hunter gatherer id of humans?

>Tribalism is the state of being organized by, or advocating for, tribes or tribal lifestyles. Human evolution has primarily occurred in small hunter-gatherer groups, as opposed to in larger and more recently settled agricultural societies or civilizations. With a negative connotation and in a political context, tribalism can also mean discriminatory behavior or attitudes towards out-groups, based on in-group loyalty.
R: 11 / I: 0
me on the top
R: 284 / I: 99
Long-hidden ruins of vast network of Maya cities could recast history
<In Guatemala, scientists map well-organized network of 417 cities dating to circa 1000 B.C.

>Beneath 1,350 square miles of dense jungle in northern Guatemala, scientists have discovered 417 cities that date back to circa 1000 B.C. and that are connected by nearly 110 miles of “superhighways” — a network of what researchers called “the first freeway system in the world.”

>Scientist say this extensive road-and-city network, along with sophisticated ceremonial complexes, hydraulic systems and agricultural infrastructure, suggests that the ancient Maya civilization, which stretched through what is now Central America, was far more advanced than previously thought.

>Mapping the area since 2015 using lidar technology — an advanced type of radar that reveals things hidden by dense vegetation and the tree canopy — researchers have found what they say is evidence of a well-organized economic, political and social system operating some two millennia ago.

>The discovery is sparking a rethinking of the accepted idea that the people of the mid- to late-Preclassic Maya civilization (1000 B.C. to A.D. 250) would have been only hunter-gatherers, “roving bands of nomads, planting corn,” says Richard Hansen, the lead author of a study about the finding that was published in January and an affiliate research professor of archaeology at the University of Idaho.


Graham Hancock - absolved
His detractors - BTFO

You may begin your posts by admitting you were wrong to trust liberal scientists and the ideology-laden "science" that aims to maintain the status quo, rather than advance humanity. I'm not angry, or here to gloat, I am just happy that now we can finally move on and start discussing the implications of "civilisation" being much older than we think. How does this affect Historical Materialism? (my position, as explained extensively and in-depth in the last thread, is that it actually makes HistMat a more robust theory) Graham Hancock is a self-proclaimed socialist

The last effortpost thread, full of academic sources, logic, reasoning, good arguments, was moved to /siberia/ as to kill it. It seems I didn't save it on this computer, but I know for sure I saved it. I will find it, I promise you that.
R: 161 / I: 9

What happened?

I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
R: 75 / I: 15

/prc/ - People's Republic of China general

A general thread for all China related discussion.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:
R: 23 / I: 3

The Left Needs to Unite

I am new to LeftyPol but I've seen too many tender hugboxes in the DSA (everybody knows that mega cringe DSA meeting footage) if the Left wants to become an effective political action block in the United States and bring about the Socialist and progressive change we wish to see in this country we must abandon these granular "points of privilege" and oppression Olympics along with the curse of idpol the wonderful silver lining of living in the US is that we are in fact a blank slate we don't have bullshit cultural ties for people to cling to like they do in the rest of the world Even Marx saw the potential in this nation He said himself that socialism and eventually communism is achievable on the US without Violence and I agree with him. I honestly belive that the US has the potential to be a beacon of progressiveism in a world that has shifted to the right at an alarming rate. We are the richest country in the world why are there homeless people, why do people have to pay for thier own medical care? We have rights in this nation that revolutionaries could only dream of in other countries (The 2nd Amendment being the most overlooked one in lefty circles) but instead we argue and heckle like some kind of fucked up elderly polycule when we could be winning elections and making positive change in our communities. I beg the greater Left to unify and centralize so we can finally excise the fascist ans neo nazi threat that looms over our country and the world
R: 22 / I: 21

Palestine vs the Zionist Entity #83 - Democratic Israel bans Al Jazeera Edition



🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog


al-Qassam Brigades








(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 83 / I: 5 (sticky)

Moderation Thread

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

R: 223 / I: 26

Sexual Pathology of Left-Wing Sects

I spent several years as a member of the American DSA, and have heard accounts from several other people on their time in more radical ML or Maoist organizations. From these I'd like to make two general observations:

1. For rank-and-file members, left-wing organizations are extremely sex-negative. Their social events are the most awkward, un-romantic things imaginable, and a lot of the time orgs will actively instruct their members not to form intimate relationships with each other.

2. In contrast, the leadership of these organizations are fucking constantly. Whether it's DSA polycules, Trot rape cults or Maoist sex gurus, org leaders always end up having far more sex than regular members. Often they end up fucking rank-and-file members, creating imbalanced relationships that end in scandal and abuse.

So why is this the case? Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex? Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?
R: 404 / I: 209


Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
R: 161 / I: 114
2d/3d porn animation thread

Old: >>297367
R: 131 / I: 37


Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
R: 2 / I: 0


hello friends
my partner is addicted to this site and has extensive knowledge on tor and other computer shit with a minor in computer science. how do one become moderator? they would be so happy to be moderator! theyre so cute and perfect we have so much fun together, we have plans to love together in adult life, but it would make them so happy in the meanwhile to read all your posts. please and thank you- kale ❤️🥺
R: 68 / I: 8

So are we just going to let reactionary libtards and cuckservatives destroy civilization?

We're going to run out of fossil fuels at the rate modern civilization exists. (Nuclear, green and renewables can only support up to a quarter of a billion or so for a long time. you can read about and analyze it for yourselves) until fusion becomes economically feasible we can't support the number AND rate of consumption we currently have. and on top of that we've fucked the climate that it's anyones guess from going back the bronze age to complete extinction of the only intelligent species in this part of the galaxy.
it's all going to rot because of cunts like Bezos and Buffet and the hundreds of millions of delusional narcissistic capitalist bootlickers that worship them.
>muh Malthusian
grow the fuck up and open your eyes, we're burning through this planet like there's no tomorrow. the next century is going to be nothing but misery, possibly the bleakest thing humans will ever have to go through. mass starvation and migration on levels never seen before… and no one gives a fuck.
R: 41 / I: 57

Hunger Games

Grace Battle Royale: Hunger Games
R: 17 / I: 1

Tumblr joining fediverse


Tumblr is going to joining the fediverse soon.
R: 3 / I: 6
can we have a comfy Memri thread for the sake of nostalgia?
R: 42 / I: 2

No one actually shares any interesting programming projects

99% of the programming projects I see on github, reddit, HN, etc. are just programming tools for other programmers. "I made a data-processing library for the ButtFuck framework" "I made a fancy-pants syntax highlighter for Fartlang in vim" "I made a utility that tells you if your config file is blah blah blah" 10 billion stars on github with a bunch of badges and emojis of course. All this effort put into programmer tools and for what? So they can make more programming tools, I suppose?

The gods of programming have blessed mankind with the means of producing the most complex, ornate, beautiful machines they can dream of as a single individual without needing to worry about material or labor costs, safety or regulatory concerns, etc. and all programmers can imagine is "what if I made my shell a bit prettier." What a waste.

P.S. This is just me ranting, I know some people do make cool things, you're gonna have to just let me cook on this one
R: 57 / I: 11
History proved he was right
R: 30 / I: 2
Ambiguous endings really are the best and I’ll never understand the kind of person who craves a clear cut answer.
R: 327 / I: 105

Western Animation

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
R: 417 / I: 92

Occupy College 3

Down with imperialism, down with capitalism, down with zionism. The protests are spreading beyond the US. Don't let up the pressure, make sure to strike when the iron is hot.
R: 13 / I: 1
>main character in his most famous book sells out his gf under the possibility of torture
<in reality he secretly sold out his socialist contacts to MI5 voluntarily
Was it embellishment?
R: 305 / I: 89

/Climate/ #3 Off the charts edition

This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
R: 20 / I: 3

Boyd Rice and other (?)Nazi(?) Musicians

Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it
R: 14 / I: 2

Sex and Relationships General

Previous thread >>524100
R: 4 / I: 0

Need help with Dialectics

I have to confess something to you, comrades. I've been a leftist for many years now (here since the 8chan days), and I still CANNOT fully understand what the fuck dialectics is. Yes, I've read plenty, I've read a lot of Marx and Engels, later Marxist authors, philosophy books, dictionary definitions, I've watched philosophy lectures, youtube videos. I've even read some Hegel, with a lot of difficulty. All this and my brain still cannot grasp wtf dialectics is actually supposed to be.
The first problem is that many of these texts on dialectics look like pure gibberish to me, and it makes me mad when I can't understand them. Second, the words and definitions seem to change constantly depending on what I'm reading. Some people talk about the "dialectical method", others about "laws of dialectics", the "dialectic of history", "materialist dialectics", "dialectical biology", "dialectical consciousness", x person's dialectics, x philosophy's dialectics, others even bring up math and physics, etc. It all becomes increasingly convoluted and confusing, and in the end I fail to understand anything. It just leads me back to my initial question, what the fuck is dialectics? Maybe I'm just really not smart enough for Marxism, or philosophy is not my thing.

Still, I've been thinking about giving dialectics another try, maybe starting from scratch again, so if anyone knowledgeable can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. Maybe there's some key treatise I've missed or some obscure lecture that will make it all easier. Thanks for reading my rant.
R: 13 / I: 4
you're a German and you see this when walking down the street
you join the army or nah?
R: 500 / I: 96

/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread

Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
R: 8 / I: 5

landlord hate thread

I just moved and my previous rent seeking parasite pissed me of so fucking much, I'm sick to and I hope he caught something from me.

>water enters the house when it rains through the window

>garden is filled with glass and nails due to his second building rotting in place (my dog almost cut an artery because of i)
>no isolation
<shit talks because the garden isn't nice enough
<Litterally gets money every month for doing

Trash talk your personal scum parasite in this thread please, landlords are really the fucking worst of the worst. I have not felt this violent since years
R: 22 / I: 2

Who is funding the leftypol organisation?

You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers". We know projects like Linux or Wikipedia are backed by multimillion dollar corpos. So who is financing this site here?
R: 10 / I: 1
me on the right
R: 84 / I: 10
What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
R: 201 / I: 66

Music Search

Music Sauce Thread
Thread for locating sources on music, musicians, composers and other content.
If you can, use Use Shazam or MusicID to locate music by audio.
Also https://www.aha-music.com/identify-songs-music-recognition-online/
Use https://songsear.ch/ for lyrics
R: 6 / I: 2

material explanation?

east asian martial art be like
<after training in the art of the southern anteater jutsu under the guise of master shaolin guru guanxi tanaka, i can finnaly do the yin-yang flip kick, the komo kami kai stun whirlwind jab, and finish with the 300 sons of yama double air punch, may the ancestors in heavens look at me in pride

west asian/westoid martial arts be like
<so yeah there's not much here, when in a street fight, once you lock in on your opponent, break his face open, aim for the eyes, the back of the knees, the loins, put your knuckles on his weakest points, proceed until he's down for good
R: 323 / I: 76
Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
R: 478 / I: 85

/leftybritpol/ FAKE ROYAL FAMILY Edition


>Princess of Wales: Kate image withdrawn by three news agencies amid 'manipulation' concerns

>Three photo agencies have retracted a picture of the Princess of Wales over concerns it has been "manipulated".

>The image, taken by Prince William and issued by Kensington Palace for Mother's Day, showed Catherine with their three children.

>But Associated Press was the first to pull the image as it "did not meet" the agency's photo standards. The agency noted an "inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte's left hand".

>Kensington Palace declined to comment.

>The photo shows the princess sitting down, surrounded by Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis and Prince George, the latter wrapping his arms around her.

>It was the first official photo of the Princess of Wales since her abdominal surgery two months ago. Since then she has stayed out of the public eye.

>The image was posted on the Prince and Princess of Wales's social media accounts with a message from Catherine which said: "Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months.

>"Wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day."

The latest edition of the iconic thread.

We need to shut this country down until we can figure out just what the hell is going on here!
R: 108 / I: 74

youtube archaeology (2000s)

if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
R: 105 / I: 16

Georgia and its consiquences

I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
R: 78 / I: 14
I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.
R: 256 / I: 180

OC Thread 16.0

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

R: 500 / I: 56

/leftydeutschpol/ - Deutschland General

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
R: 25 / I: 1
i just checked /lit/ and half the threads and posts are off topic nazi stuff
R: 10 / I: 1
im afraid to die
R: 5 / I: 2

Do you cry?

Today, I cried.

And not just for a few minutes. I've been having intervals through the day where I start weeping and dry heaving for a few minutes, like a wave of sadness rushes over me, and I collect myself and go on. It feels terrible. I feel lonely. I've been free from work and other obligations for a few days now and all the things I've been pushing deep down are now coming up. Deaths in the family, loses of friendship, general feeling of senselessness.

The thoughts of suicide have, however, not come up.
R: 1 / I: 1

Pension funds and contemporary capitalism

What are the implications of pension funds for the class status of workers enrolled in them, and for the contemporary state of capitalism in general?
Supposedly, about 45% of US assets, and about 25% of European and Asian assets are held by pension funds. By any standard that's a big chunk of change. About 80% of British workers participate in workplace penson plans (up from 47% in 2012), and about 52% of US private sector workers do too. You could push the figures higher yet by including government sovereign wealth funds, often intended to meet the cost of public sector pensions.

This has two odd implications I'd like you to play with: the first is that any worker enrolled in a company pension plan is arguably, by virtue of that status, an investor. The shareholder who's value the firm strives to maximise is often a pension fund in abstract rather than a traditional porky - a human capitalist trying to get rich. They aren't a shareholder - but they are invested in a financial service that holds shares on their behalf. (An unfortunate lesson for workers when pension funds go under is that pensions aren't all that special as investments go - sometimes you lose everything!)
The second is the oddity that since the pension fund wants to maximize the value of its investment, it can act in odd ways: It's not unknown historically for a company to be asset-stripped at the behest of its own pension fund, for workers to be made unemployed because that course of action maximized the size of the pension fund they were part of… Furthermore, political actions can have odd consequences - for example Liz Truss' attempt at a libertarian turn in UK economic policy ultimately achieved nothing except costing pension funds hundreds of billions of pounds by fucking up their investment strategy.

So, to repeat the opening questions:
1. What is the class status of workers heavily invested in a pension fund? Do they remain proletarian, become petit-bourgeois or bourgeois, or find themselves in some new category? And whatever your answer - why?
2. What are the implications in terms of future capitalist development for such a large chunk of global wealth being owned on behalf of future retirees, rather than by more traditional capitalist investors? An odd situation of a pension-maximizing machine eating the world? The painless socialization of all assets on behalf of the workers? (Are they really so different from Löntagarfonder if you squint?) Intergenerational warfare between the young and the retired? You know the drill, I want takes.

I'm not optimistic about getting good answers but I consider the topic interesting enough to risk it.
R: 121 / I: 32
You are not converting right wingers.

Just wanted to drop in to tell you that your negative attitude towards liberal progressives but your welcoming attitude towards right wing extremists with the rationale that the latter has more potential to be converted „because they also despise capitalism“ is both dumb and proven to be false.

We‘ve had a fair share of right wing extremists here, mostly because of raids and at other times attention whores starting pointless debates. Rarely do we have successful converts and when we do they still can‘t let go of right wing brainrot, i.e. chauvinistic idpol. And unlike the liberal progressive idpol it‘s actually pro-actively divisive while liberal progressive idpol still seeks to overcome oppression and bring people together this way, albeit based on a misguided liberal understanding of how these oppressions came to be.

The people with the greatest potential to be converted remain liberal progressives for the simple reason that they have a shared sentiment in opposing oppression and establishing an egalitarian society. Meanwhile, right wing extremists are exactly opposed to that. Sharing the notion that something sucks about capitalism has in no way meaningfully moved these people closer to being your allies, which is blatantly obvious through historic precedent; it was right wing extremists who killed communists whenever they could.

Your attempt to try to differentiate yourself from mainstream left wingers to appeal to /pol/acks by saying uyghur is pathetic and very telling. Grow up and develop a realistic grasp of who your actual allies are.
R: 28 / I: 1

jungle/drum and bass

post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.
R: 19 / I: 4
Worse than Hitler
R: 53 / I: 16
Can I still be a communist if I play Helldivers 2?
R: 1 / I: 0
canon btw
R: 64 / I: 15

What are your thoughts on portraying inherently evil, simple, fictional characters as revolutionarie

This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
R: 17 / I: 49
I'm running out of images to post on imageboards, please help.
R: 4 / I: 0

Neo/Platonism & Marx

Is Platonism and Marxism/leftism compatible or is Plato just a proto fash? What about related ideas like Spinozism and neoplatonism?

>Neo-platonism (or Neoplatonism) is a modern term used to designate the period of Platonic philosophy beginning with the work of Plotinus and ending with the closing of the Platonic Academy by the Emperor Justinian in 529 C.E. This brand of Platonism, which is often described as ‘mystical’ or religious in nature, developed outside the mainstream of Academic Platonism. The origins of Neoplatonism can be traced back to the era of Hellenistic syncretism which spawned such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and the Hermetic tradition. A major factor in this syncretism, and one which had an immense influence on the development of Platonic thought, was the introduction of the Jewish Scriptures into Greek intellectual circles via the translation known as the Septuagint. The encounter between the creation narrative of Genesis and the cosmology of Plato’s Timaeus set in motion a long tradition of cosmological theorizing that finally culminated in the grand schema of Plotinus’ Enneads. Plotinus’ two major successors, Porphyry and Iamblichus, each developed, in their own way, certain isolated aspects of Plotinus’ thought, but neither of them developed a rigorous philosophy to match that of their master. It was Proclus who, shortly before the closing of the Academy, bequeathed a systematic Platonic philosophy upon the world that in certain ways approached the sophistication of Plotinus.
R: 538 / I: 114 (sticky)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use /meta/.
Public Repo:
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link:


Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
R: 360 / I: 225
Having a cup of tea.
R: 131 / I: 25

/edu/ checkpoint

Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.

Previous thread >>>/leftypol_archive/580500
Archive of previous thread

Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.


Reality has a Marxist bias
R: 463 / I: 138

Film Thread

Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
>Cocteau: Orpheus, Blood of a Poet
>Godard: Breathless, Band of Outsiders, The Little Soldier
>Kurosawa: Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, Ran
>Mizoguchi: Sansho, Ugetsu
>Kobayashi: Seppuku, Human Condition
>Fritz Lang: Dr. Mabuse, Metropolis, M
>Bunuel: Discreet Charm, Simon of the Desert, The Exterminating Angel
>Kieslowski: Dekalog
>David Lynch: Anything, including Twin Peaks old and new.
>Ki-duk Kim: Spring, Summer…
>Gilliam: Brazil
>Kubrick (pt. 2): The Shining, Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, FMJ

&ltA- Tier - Entertainment
>Cronenberg: Naked Lunch, Dead Ringers
>Billy Wilder: One, Two, Three, Sunset Blvd, Witness for the Prosecution
>Becker: Le Trou, Touchez pas au Grisbi
>Melville: Army of Shadows, Le Cercle Rouge, Bob le Flambeur
>Clouzot: Diabolique, Wages of Fear (the ultimate languagefag film)
>Bresson: A Man Escaped, Pickpocket
>Renoir: The Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game
>Ferrara: Bad Lieutenant, King of NY
>Jodorowsky: The Holy Mountain, Santa Sangre
>Peckinpah: Straw Dogs, Alfredo Garcia
>Woody Allen: Annie Hall. All the other old-and-good ones too.
>Carpenter: The Thing, They Live
>Tarantino: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
>Scorsese: Kind of Comedy, Taxi Driver. The rest can kinda fuck off.
>Hitchcock: Pretty much all of them.

Let's talk about movies, then. Don't have to be lefty films but obviously recommendations on that front are also welcome.
R: 79 / I: 29
Just applied for 25 entry-level positions that have fuck all to do with degree I spend 5 years studying. Chances are I wont get any of them. Thinking about removing university from CV just because it might make me seem too overeducated in the eyes of the recruiter.
R: 9 / I: 2
Should mammoths be resurrected?
R: 75 / I: 11

Fullmetal Alchemist General

How the FUCK is it possible that there’s no general thread for quite possibly the most well-written and even leftist-oriented Shounen serial of the 2000s?

Wanted to make a general because I been tearing up listening to shit like this

Best anime soundtrack ever imo, easily tops even Jojo’s
R: 2 / I: 0

Self-Help Book New Edition

Forgot I wrote serious self-help book a while back, or rather a draft of one. Never got around to finishing it. Figured, why not now. But anons, I need your help in figuring out what else to write in it. As we know, this website and this board in particular is the best representation of the average person. Your input matters the most. So please, let's help the people self-improve, leftistly!

Also a new name would be cool, Red Manifesto seems kinda, boring.
R: 79 / I: 13


420chan.org redirected me here. I know it got sold and it's been down for a while, but why redirect here? I don't want things to change. I want them to stay the same. Please tell me everything will be alright.
R: 601 / I: 305 (full)

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity #82: October of Glory edition


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog


al-Qassam Brigades








(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 28 / I: 32
If you want a vision of the future under socialism, just imagine trans girl clitorises cumming on your face – forever.
R: 4 / I: 0
Jannies persecuting TOR users for personal reasons again.
The claim to turn it off this time is so called 'low quality posting from the onion' despite the facts that most tor posting is simply various anons posting news in the Palestine threads and that most tor posts are better than your average clearnet post.
Attached are the top 3 threads in /leftypol/. This is clear evidence removing the .onion has nothing to do with 'post quality', with all of the tor posts being better quality than these 3 threads, and is personally about jannies feelings.

R: 36 / I: 7 (sage)

George Soros is supporting Palestine

So apparently George Soros is supporting Palestine. Rightoids say, he is a "Marxist-Globalist who wants to destroy America". Are they unironically correct?
R: 120 / I: 34

Sick of making the same mistakes

I want accountability. I'm fat, impatient, lazy, and undisciplined. In this thread, I'll catalogue my process from weak useless parasite, to strong paragon of the proletariat.

I'll post here everyday with updates.

My goals are to reach and maintain my weight, exercise regularly, and make a certain amount of money every day.

I'll add more detail later on. Feedback is welcome all along the way.
R: 30 / I: 34

tfw no nazi girlfriend to hatefuck

Why even live anons?
R: 563 / I: 68

Socialist copyright


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
R: 75 / I: 10  
What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
R: 37 / I: 4
>why doesn't Cockshott fix the NHS if his theories work
Well why doesn't he?
There's his opportunity right there since the UK health system apparently is not as good as it could be?
R: 2 / I: 1
>hello i am Is Real finn from Minnesota

>did you know finland is the happiest country on earth but is biggest suicide country on earth? hahaha we äre very quircky

>did you see that? i used the ä sound, but it's not actually spelled like an a :ddd
>In Finland we hava this thing called sauna… and it's ssooo freaking awesome! like We actually go there naked and drink finnish beer everyday! Pretty ebin, huh?
>when jungle starts speak vietnam be afraid, but when snow starts speak finnish be afraid, be very very afraid
>we had ebip winterwar and we won against sweden and gobmun rusha soooooooohard
>did you know that Finnish sniper named Simo Häwhä aka White Death killed 600 Russians in Winter War with no scoppies????, Fun fact from simple history and armchair his: he always put snow in his mouth to avoid the steam and use ski to move very fast, so the enemies can't spot him, why isn't american liberal skewls no teach about this? i learned this for the first time from youtube. we also have finn man who eat meth and go crazy kill, you only have to type finn meth man and find very ebin finn story :DD (pls do it)
>In Finland we are very big culture, we have this thing called TORILLE! (it means you're are of going to local helsinki market square with fren) we have also thing called "kalsarikännit". It's very awsome but hard to translate for the nonfinn, but basically it means that you're thinking alone in home wearing nothing but underpants and litsening to polkkkkka, very very cute
>only country next to soviet ruzzia untouched by cömmönism💪, we is very rich very smart and invent things appropriated by soviet ruzzia, like suomi drum magazine gunn and ushanka cap, we of no standed with nazis, it's soviet ruzzia that stand with nazi
>suomi never forgettä , Finland should of annex Karelia, Murmansk and all the land south of it to Lake Ladoga… that will shorten the border with soviet Russia ️🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
>we is not swede, we is not russia, we is not mongol, we is finno-urgoric europans and proud
> Wait… You've never seen Lordi's Eurovision entry 'Hardrock Hallelujah?? why not? it's veryy ebin
>fren have you seen country human video about winter war? is make me proud of finn roots
>I'm Finn and I love you! :D We finns love when foreign people from west europe says some thing good about us. :D
R: 18 / I: 10
whats your smoke of choice?
R: 615 / I: 84 (full)

Sex and relationship thread

For all your life issues.
Previous: >>510845
R: 47 / I: 30

Arknights Thread

Thoughts on Arknights?
Kinda surprised there's not already a thread about this, there's so much politics crammed into this game's story I'd imagine people here would have interesting takes on.
R: 260 / I: 122

/SEA/ - Southeast Asia and Oceania General

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 59 / I: 13
>it was reported that early on in his imprisonment Kaczynski had befriended Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing, respectively. The trio discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship which lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
so a white nationalist, a pakistani islamist, a practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban american gang leader were all sharing a single cell block together and apparently got along well together, how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?
also what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?
R: 11 / I: 8

Leftypol boring

Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it
R: 234 / I: 58

Warhammer Thread

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
R: 138 / I: 36

describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
R: 251 / I: 24

Privacy general

Comrades, we need a thread on privacy. Any decent activist should try ways of staying anonymous on the web and prevent being tracked by governments and corporations.General tips===* Use free software as much as you can.* Use GNU/Linux and keep it up-to-date, to be sure that you don't have unpatched security exploits* Don't use Flash Player, use youtube-dl instead for watching streaming videos online* Do not use Google, use DuckDuckGo or StartPage instead* Use a password manager like Keepass or for GNU/Linux users keepassx. Create new passwords for every site that you visit and use a strong password as a master password. A tip for easy remembering of your master password is to use a sentence. "i fucking love cookies and tits!" with extra capital characters etc. is easier to remember than some random characters and long enough to prevent brute force attacks of any kind.* Use the Tor Browser Bundle if you really want to stay anonymous.Firefox====* Go to Preferences -> History and set History to "Never remember history". * See for additional tweaks: https://github.com/amq/firefox-debloat and https://vikingvpn.com/cybersecurity-wiki/browser-security/guide-hardening-mozilla-firefox-for-privacy-and-securityAdd-ons-----------* Use uBlock Origin for preventing tracking etc. Bonus: use hard-mode to manually whitelist external domains on sites. Don't use uBlock but be sure to use uBlock Origin https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode:-hard-mode* HTTPS Everywhere* DecentralEyes: prevents CDN hosting from tracking you (Google for Jquery etc.)* Self Destructing Cookies: only allow cookies that you choose to allowOS==* Encrypt your hard drive or home partition at least* If you use GNU/Linux, you can try to restrict systemd or syslog from logging. * Use a distribution which takes security seriously. Also, be sure that you don't install a lot of things outside the repository. It will cover most of your needs.Real life tips===* Pay with cash if you canFeel free to provide tips to each other comrades!
R: 1 / I: 0
What are the historical implications of Adorno actually being a giant spider?
R: 50 / I: 17 (sticky)

Next Burgerpunk thread theme

So the current thread will hit the limit soon and I can't decide on the theme for the next one. In the spirit of this election year, I'm making a poll that runs from today to the 30th. Here are the options:
COVID nostalgia
Trump-JFK Jr. 2024
Vote here:
R: 186 / I: 24

Why did Nazis appropriate Hindu asthetics

Why were Nazis obsessed with indian history and more specifically the Aryan caste?
I started reading Hitler's esoteric beliefs and it seems he rejected catholicism for vague dharmic Hindu beliefs and was fascinated with the Hindu caste system. I also noticed this being a trend amongst German academics of that era.
Schopenhauer being the most prominent scholar of Hinduism at his time and also Nietzsche to some extent. Who praised Hinduism for it's life affirming and warrior asthetics. He even claimed he wished he was born a brahmin.
R: 11 / I: 0


Former Israeli Malware Distributor Kape Technologies Now Owns ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access, Zenmate, and a Collection of VPN “Review” Websites.

Do NOT use ExpressVPN! It is not only an Israeli company that does work for the IDF, it is also a slimy company that auto renews your subscription without your consent even if you turn off auto renew.
R: 44 / I: 2
>Be me, Spanish speaking South American
>Opens youtube news video regarding the zionists and Iran/Palestine
>Almost every comment is a batshit crazy evangelical cocksucking the jews

Does this happen in your country too?
R: 5 / I: 1
>I'm at work thinking about how I'll shit up leftypol later
R: 361 / I: 140

/brg/ - Brazil General

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
R: 2 / I: 1

Principality of Zeon but written by American

>Everything he says and does is objectively good. He is completely and totally based.
<Writers make him an abuser so you know he is a baddie