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I need to be ball busted like this IRL, but women shouldn't need my consent and should tie me up and leave me to my fate when they're done. What's a simp more or less? >///<


Seriously, tie me up naked, ballbust me until I'm barely conscious, lock me in an abandoned house and throw away the key! What's a simp more or less? >///<



File: 1714712733754.webm (853.03 KB, 376x302, cheka_twist_his_nuts.webm)



this is my favorite Mr. Beast video


tie me up naked


File: 1714943169161.png (392.17 KB, 496x566, ClipboardImage.png)

it really is him tho


File: 1714951805290.png (113.55 KB, 290x351, ClipboardImage.png)



materialist explanation?


wtf are those shoes


they're made for bustin and that's just what they'll do


Ball stompers they're called.



bustin' makes me feel good



I’m not a phat ass chick, but I’ll kick you in the nuts for free if you look like this guy

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