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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.742065[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Techno feudalism is increasingly becoming a bigger threat than fascism.


it's the same picture

 No.1574396[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
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Yep, should work! OGG, MP3, probably others too. See if it works for ya:
I will add that YouTube embeds are also a newly restored feature that, I'm told, should be easy to use.


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RedParabola is a new user who's been making great contributions to the site's general look, including the front page and the Vector skin itself, as well as finally implementing a Featured Page functionality. We hope to keep customizing the way the site works and looks and are open to feedback. Thanks also to the Devs for their help in making this possible

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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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Wow just read the Iraq article on leftypol wiki it literally has parts with more state department talking points presented as fact than the actual wiki. Needs fixing.


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Reposting this gem



This is really great and informative


>sources are 2 (two) book citations by liberal authors and dozen mainstream zogslop articles about random shit
Leftypol's greatest researchers

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 No.1825226[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Please break text into paragraphs

Russian people abroad, despite being villified by their countries, weren't a troublesome minority because they lived for generations there under both communism and tsarism. Hatred against Russian people in former republics is due to "nation-building" by those small nations and Russia's betrayal of Russians abroad

Liberalism became a reactionary ideology since feudal empires fell apart. There's nothing progressive about liberalism ever since then. Liberalism doesn't need capitalism to preserve it, because liberalism IS capitalism's brand ideology. Nationalism is just liberalism that positions itself as national, "for the people/country"


Does Russia look like an unstable Middle Eastern country using conscripts to you?


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>When the Czech says something DOTPhobic so you gotta hit them with that Brezhnev stare.


>Crusader figure
Absolutely degenerate

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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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Daily reminder that Sakai might be wrong about his analysis, but he was right about white peoples having problems.


Yeah. Of course.


>So are we gonna get another wave of radicalization now that cops are beating up peaceful student protests?
Doubtful. They'll be back simping for Biden in a couple months after Trump wins the republican nomination


You just described Contrarian Anon to a T

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 No.211384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>the first minute


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Why is whitey like this…


>Have you forgotten all those times high and mighty empires got humiliated?
Right, by barbarian armies and civil wars. But has an empire ever fallen to some random criminal organization? Serious question, I never heard of this happening.
>>Mafia is what secretly controls the whole of America
Don't pretend to be surprised. You said here:
<"haute bourgeoisie and multinational corporations" will have to compete with mafia.
<They are already official bourgeoisie, lmao, they are just under mafia's protection.
<And then this mafia takes over corrupt underbelly of a capitalist society, drugs, prostitution, bad labor, corrupt politicians and police, debt and casinos, fucking everything.
They are not boogieman. You overestimate the power, cohesion and abilities of criminal organization in the imperial core.
Sure cartels can be powerful especially in periphery countries but they pale in comparison to the Federal Government and the US. Corruption happens but United States intelligence budget was about 100 billion last year. How much does the mafia spend on intelligence in year?
>say that American ruling class are the ones who control narcotraffic and migration and what else
They don't control everything but there is no way they don't control large amounts. Obviously current evidence is limited but we do know about what they've done in the past and can extrapolate that into the present.
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Drop the racialism retard.


What is the /leftypol/ verdict on the "Indian invasion" of Canada? Indians are a unique group in that everyone on the political spectrum dislikes then for a different reason. Right wingers dislike them cause [REDACTED], liberals dislike them because of the misogyny and rape, and leftists dislike them cause of hindutva fascism and casteism.
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Jeet cope


Delusional pajeet


racism, and as another anon said, the further we approach the point of no return for WWIII, this whole 'jungle vs garden' and otherizing narrative will continue, it's just crackers being salty at asian people succeeding, it is similar in the UK, good we are doing well, your loss.


racism, and as another anon said, the further we approach the point of no return for WWIII, this whole 'jungle vs garden' and otherizing narrative will continue, it's just crackers being salty at asian people succeeding, it is similar in the UK, good we are doing well, your loss.


I don't dislike Indians.
Sage + fuck off + go back twitteroid

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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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Barbarian societies commonly participated in slave raids, yes


even assuming 100% of the cases this lawyer handled were plead before trial and he didn't need to fabricate evidence, over 15k cases in his career? defense attorneys having nothing at all to say during any part of it? no one wondering how this guy could resolve cases in a couple hours? no way


>>1836037 (me)
i want to emphasize that at the numbers he's suggesting, assuming a 40 year long career he'd be handling more than a case per day. this crooked lawyer is simply built different


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Yeah, he seems desperate for attention. Although, I'm personally of the opinion that while the protest are in earnest, the spectacle around it is a distraction. Afterall, these brave bleeding hearts are still tailing AOCIA.

And yes, she still votes with the party. But what they are doing is no more impactful than her frivolous public statements, except for the complicity of the MSM coverage, that otherwise downplayed anti-Zionism, until the US decided to begin officially distancing themselves from the Nakba2. Had the blackout remained, I bet none of these protests would have gained traction.


i don't know if i would go this far, but these ads always show someone being obese in skin tight clothes, instead of the more normal weights and ways fat people present to complement their figures. it's a weird and hamfisted attempt at body positivity at best

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He seemed pretty based, bit of an oopsie with that whole "No peace, No war" thing, but he redeemed himself by locking the fuck in and saving everyone's ass during the civil war.

He was also Lenin's guy and he seemed pretty smart, but whenever I talk to other leftists or socialists he is kinda seen as a joke, and he and his theory is not taken very seriously (see icepick memes). Either that or I see "Trotskyist" used as a general slur against leftist/communist orgs people don't like.

What is this about? Is Trotskyism legit brainlet tier or is this just a leftover from the Stalin days? What are your opinions on the Trot? Can he be redeemed?
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>Who was he genocidely racist against?


Ideologue. Stalinism is the logical conclusion of leninism, Trotsky wanted to make things like a one party social democracy


He ran away from the Turkish consulate he was stashed in.


>so by it's blatant superiority across the world it would spread naturally
hows that working out for us?


where are socialist countries? It would work just fine in a non interventionist world. but imperialists exists. That is why Mao was right in designating anti imperialism to be the number one priority of communist movements

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 No.695716[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Allora, vediamo se ho capito:
si appoggiava come candidato presidente della regione il Signor Tiscali, noto capitalista già in quel ruolo una ventina d'anni fa che mancò per giunta la rielezione per un secondo mandato alla fine del primo; fra l'altro in precedenza questo qui disse pure che lui la politica la faceva come "atto di carità" da una botta e via, senza intenzione di ricandidarsi;
per appoggiare il Tiscali, si doveva presentare la lista in una coalizione insieme sì a certi indipendentisti con credenziali di sinistra ed esplicitamente anti-nato - questo lo sapevo - ma pure ai referenti locali di Carletto il Pariolino, che come detto è un noto anticomunista, opportunista, cialtrone, figlio di papà e di mammà, faccia da schiaffi e tante altre belle cose;
nel fare tutto questo, non si cava un ragno dal buco: percentuali risibili alla lista e manco un amministratore di condominio eletto, figurati un consigliere regionale.
Morale della favola: per qualche bizzarro motivo, bisognava appoggiare qualunque cosa avesse anche solo una lontana parvenza di "indipendentismo", persino se schierato a destra su ogni punto di programma. Ma allora c'erano già quegli altri buffoni del partito sardo d'azione, che praticamente si sono ridotti a una costola della lega e che avevano già avuto la presidenza nei cinque anni passati, per l'appunto con una coalizione che più a destra di così non si può. Però poi il capo nazionale del partito dice che "con la coerenza si prendono i voti" e al tempo stesso rifiuta alleanze elettorali con altre organizzazioni a sinistra, anche quando non c'è proprio niente da perdere e tanto varrebbe provarci… Beh, mi auguro che questo qui e in generale la dirigenza che lo sostiene vengano messi alla porta al più presto.
A parte questo, esite ancora il PCI - ex PdCI-Losurdo ed ex PCdI - ed esiste ancora il PC oppure il Pelatone l'ha affondato definitivamente, dopo le molteplici scissioni di sessioni locali importanti - Roma e Livorno, se non ricordo male - e del FGC per fare pastette demenziali con lunatici e spostati d'ogni tipo?


di tutti penso esista ancora solo il PCI ma ci sono davvero due gatti in culo


Proprio adesso qui >>1835698 in quella locandina che vedi c'è il simbolo di un inedito - per me almeno - Fronte Comunista… Scissione di che cosa?


L'unica cosa in cui Rifondazione è coerente è il far cacare.


Sono il tentativo del FGC di ricostruire una forma partito dopo che Rizzo ha deciso di far satare in aria tutto per leccare lo scroto della piccola borghesia

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