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Is the origin of monarchy just a hereditary military dictatorship? like did most begin with just some barbarian tribe conquering a settled city, becoming the new ruling class and then devolving into inbred god-kings?
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>Is the origin of monarchy just a hereditary military dictatorship?
According to absolutists, yes.
We see it all the time even in the present day.
The whole business with titles of Tsar and Kaiser? that comes from a literal populist dictator Julius Caesar.

Jean Bodin - First Monarchies by Conquest
>For before there was either City or citizen, or any form of a Commonwealth amongst men, every master of a family was a master in his own house, having power of life and death over his wife and children: but after that force, violence, ambition, covetousness, and desire of revenge had armed one against another, the issues of wars and combats giving victory unto the one side, made the other to become unto them slaves: and amongst them that overcame, he that was chosen chief and captain, under whose conduct and leading they had obtained the victory, kept them also in his power and command as his faithful and obedient subjects, and the other as his slaves. Then that full and entire liberty by nature given to every man, to live as himself best pleased, was altogether taken from the vanquished, and in the vanquishers themselves in some measure also diminished, in regard of the conquerour; for that now it concerned every man in private to yield his obedience unto his chief sovereign; and he that would not abate any thing of his liberty, to live under the laws and commandment of another, lost all. So the word of Lord and Servant, of Prince and Subject, before unknown unto the world, were first brought into use.

>Yea Reason, and the very light of Nature, leads us to believe very force and violence to have given course and beginning unto Commonwealths. And albeit that there were no reason therefore, it shall be hereafter declared by the undoubted testimonies of the most credible historiographers, that is to say, of Thucydides, Plutarch, Caesar, & also by the laws of Solon, That the first men that bare rule, had no greater honour and virtue, than to kill, massacre and rob men, or to bring them in slavery. These be the words of Plutarch. Yet have we more also the witness of the sacred history, where it is said, that Nimroth the nephew of Cham, was the first that by force and violence brought men into his subjection, establish
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What happens is so-called lordly monarchies settle down and become established so-called royal monarchies (according to this). The retain the power of lordly monarchy in origin, but permit a return to liberty under their guidance and protection.

I'm a bit more partial to Hobbes' view, b/c imo it is more consistent: the rights of sovereignty are the same in monarchy by institution (royal monarchy) and monarchy by acquisition (lordly monarchy). It is consistent with the ground that a household and state are fundamentally no different, so that's why I like Hobbes' stance.

Most famous of all is William the Conqueror.
>All Estates of Land Proceed Originally – From the Arbitrary Distribution of the Sovereign – In this Distribution, the First Law, is for Division of the Land itself: wherein the Sovereign assigns to every man a portion, according as he, and not according to any Subject, or any number of them, shall judge agreeable to Equity, and the Common Good.
>And though a People coming into possession of a land by war, do not always exterminate the ancient Inhabitants, (as did the Jews) but leave to many, or most, or all of them their Estates; yet it is manifest they hold them afterwards, as of the Victors distribution; as of the people of England held all theirs of William the Conquerour.

Hobbes on Lordly / Royal Monarchy, by terms of Sovereignty by Acquisition / Institution
<Soveraigne, And Subject, What
>And he that carryeth this Person, as called SOVERAIGNE, and said to have Soveraigne Power; and every one besides, his SUBJECT.
>The attaining to this Sovereign Power, is by two ways. One, by Natural force; as when a man makes his children, to submit themselves, and their children to his government, as being able to destroy them if they refuse, or by War subdues his enemies to his will, giving them their lives on that condition. The other, is when men agree amongst themselves, to submit to some Man, or Assembly of men, voluntarily, on confidence to be protected by him against all others. This later, may be called a Political Common-wealth, or Common-wealth by Institution; and the former, a Common-wealth by Acquisition. And first, I shall speak of a Common-wealth by Institution.
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Imo, it is a consistent position with /leftypol/ because that's what Engels thinks.

The institution of private property came to secure the booty of war.

>Thus in the Greek constitution of the heroic age we see the old gentile order as still a living force. But we also see the beginnings of its disintegration: father right, with transmission of the property to the children, by which accumulation of wealth within the family was favored and the family itself became a power as against the gens; reaction of the inequality of wealth on the constitution by the formation of the first rudiments of hereditary nobility and monarchy; slavery, at first only of prisoners of war, but already preparing the way for the enslavement of fellow members of the tribe and even of the gens…

>Only one thing was wanting: an institution which not only secured the newly acquired riches of individuals against the communistic traditions of the gentile order, which not only sanctified the private property formerly so little valued, and declared this sanctification to be the highest purpose of all human society; but an institution which set the seal of general social recognition on each new method of acquiring property and thus amassing wealth at continually increasing speed; an institution which perpetuated, not only this growing cleavage of society into classes, but also the right of the possessing class to exploit the non possessing, and the rule of the former over the latter.

<And this institution came. The State was invented

In a royal colony thread, I touched on how there is a debate between whether the heroic kings were truly monarchies or simply military generals commissioned by the people like a kind of "military democracy" Engels and Marx purports. It clashes with the monarchist view latent in Homer's maxim in the Illiad about there being "one ruler, one king".

The same is said for the Native American civilizations like the Aztecs were simply "military democracy" with a military strongman commissioned to lead, without consideration of monarchic virtue or pre-eminence.

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dunno, but I would like it if they got killed off and replaced with fresh ones if the nile doesn't flood in the rainy season.


Same could be said for North Korea.
Is it just the natural course that because of the Korean War, Kim Il Sung became a pre-eminent name in North Korea?
Or is it simply the commission of a military democracy in testing times?
Imo, what communists don't consider is the so-called cult of personality and focus on one leader is intentionally tapping into monarchical virtue. It is to achieve that unity in the organization of the State like in Plato's Republic. This underpinned the very idea of totalitarianism. I wouldn't be surprised if communists did this deliberately to achieve socialism, b/c the idea of the Leader isn't only for military commission, but domestic ideology and organization of the State.
By using one personhood, the emotions of the people are unified as a singular entity.
It really achieves the same end Plato's Republic wanted in abolishing private property: to bring people together in unity of emotion.
To abolish the properties of various persons into unity of one person.

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>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
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Its all a giant cope for not being able to breed


One simple thing is that they want a monopoly on orgies.
Only the rich in their fancy yachts and billion dollar mansions should have orgies. the population is merely the seeds to pick their victims on harvest.


disregarding the pedo allegation,
>command your desire!


>its another "shitting on the rightwingers that live rent free in my head" thread
>theyre still calling them prudes/sexual deviants


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It's funny because Haz grew up in Ann Arbor Michigan which is essentially a college town to a family of lawyers. You couldn't find someone more sheltered.


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hahahaha hadn't seen that one.


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An example of cops in the US working with neonazis


Genuinely friends, I'm having a philosophical and mental health crisis to the point of very constant and nonstop suicide ideation, I can't handle the cruelty of American society and its people much longer, I can't handle constantly facing the liberal death drive and the hunger for annihilation of myself and everything around me it constantly pushes me towards, I can't handle living in such a cartoonishly evil society that literally nobody has a right to live and everyone must earn their right to life

How do you remain sane as a communist in the American Empire? Especially when everyone around you is a liberal psychopath? I've been unemployed for a single week and my mother, a retiree, is already frustrated at me for not having another job, she can't even consider that now we have time to spend together that we won't have anymore once I'm working again, all that matters is that I'm not selling my labor power to prove I am not "lazy". How do I even survive in a society as evil as this? A society where parents don't feel a shred of empathy or solidarity towards their own children?

Genuinely asking, how do I overcome the desire to see everyone and everything die? How do I overcome the liberal death drive that is in my own heart? Genuinely seeking resources, parties, theory, activities I can do, anything, because I feel like I am starting to enter genuinely dangerous territory with my mental health.

I'm posting here and not Siberia because it isn't just depression, it's really the psychotically cruel disposition of liberals, who are most people I know, where even my own parents think I don't deserve to live unless I wage slave almost every moment of my life.
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Have you ever considered just lying to your mom? She's just being unreasonable when it usually takes months to find a new job


Things get a bit easier and you get used to be being a communist and living in this hellscape. I think your mood is affecting your perception a bit too much, but it's not like it's your fault.

I recommend doing an inventory of your daily habits. Stop doing drugs if you do for now.
You want to dial in diet, sleep, vitamins, exercise.

Get as much help as you can. If you can get on antidepressants then do it. But your goal should be to have impeccable habits.

Your mood is determining your reality. You need to change your entire life. It will take an insane amount of work, but it's well worth it.


I understand comrade. I feel the same everyday, we're really living in a world of cuckitalist npc's. I feel you- my whole family is the same, their brains were rotted to the core with capitalist realism from the start. Parents dont even want to share resources with the kids, there is no community or society outside individualism for these burgerbrained fools.

As for coping, I dont know bro. I just am hanging on by the hopium I have to undermine capitalism the first chance I get. If I ever end up in a position of power I wont treat others the same.


>Especially when everyone around you is a liberal psychopath?
1. Write the name of the given communist org(s) into search engine
2. click on link to websites
3. Check address for local chapters
4. Put address into openstreetmap
5. Go to offices and socialize, apply for membership
Crazy to think you could've of saved yourself of all that melodramatic writing by just applying the basics of the political theory you claim to uphold. Or have you actually engaged with any of the communist writing whatsoever? (no worries, do that at the places as well, you seem severely under-socialized and terminally online – get out of your room and into social situations before PragerU's next Op converts you to alt-neo-conservatism through a VR porn campaign).


Reading "Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism" by Andre Vitchek ( https://ebin.pub/revolutionary-optimism-western-nihilism-9786025095412.html ) gave me some brief hope, actually put some tears in my eyes because of how much I related to some of the passages. SSRIs have also been helping me.


>watching a video about how people lived double lives by stealing an identity
>comment section
>"i guess it works for some, but if the federal agencies like the FBI want you, there's no hiding!"

Has this ever been false? I know these agencies have unimaginable resources and work on a "monkeys create shakespeare" principle, when there is no such thing as an unsolvable case but a case that hasn't had enough reaources put into it. Is it actually true that there in reality is no escape for anyone or anything provided they want you hard enough? This would be an interesting topic and it would be cool to see if there are any madlads that didn't fit this rule. The main question that interests me is do cases have a natural solvability limit that at some point cannot be increased by technology or resources, or does the solvabiloty only depend on whether it is high enough profile that it warrants big enough effort.
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It's almost like ppl never leave their echo chambers to do any independent journalism.
>We r media noe
No wonder Trump is still even viable!!!
>>>>>Oh mY gawd were gonna loose!!!!!!
But anyways:


the weather underground clowned on the feds so hard they were the basis for homer's mum in the simpsons.


Lel, I'd completely forgotten about that.


If they "want you" they'll just frame you or kill you. The only way to win is to be permanently off their radar so they never "want you."


>50% of murders solved
This is also an over-estimation since a lot of the people who get convicted are the wrong person. Cops have a tendency to arrest the first person they find who "meets the description" and then manufacture a case around them.

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If socialism was on the menu in any of the Burger/Nato controlled countries how would the proletariat deal with the consoomer public? Restaurants for example rely on labour exploitation to work. Would they disappear? Many many people love visiting these. A lot of the things people would take for granted could suddenly disappear through a new economic system.
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>restaurant work is not more exploitative than other work
It's currently build on systematic exploitation alone and would absolutely need a fundamental rework to function under socialism for a way to have enough people also even want to work in that field without inhumane working hours under minimal pay. Most people are forced into that sort of work by their material conditions and unlike say being a farmer it isn't necessarry for humanity to survive.


Are y'all using the word "exploitation" in the Marxian sense, as in the appropriation of surplus labor value (which would continue to exist under any economic system, although the surplus value would be used differently), or in the ethical sense, as in people being coerced into selling their labor power under threat of destitution (which would not exist under socialism)? In either case I still don't see how restaurants are more exploitative than other capitalist enterprises. Please define your terms.


Yes restaurants would disappear, to be replaced with just having lunch/dinner with friends and family, maybe neighbors and acquaintances.
>A lot of the things people would take for granted could suddenly disappear through a new economic system.
As communists this should be expected. People will adapt, especially considering most of these things didn't exist since the dawn of history.

Also this




there would not be restaurants, nor hairdressers, nor any other specialization that isn't in heavy industry, nor any lunch breaks at people's jobs. please ignore actual socialist experiments and how they dealt with the restaurant question
also send all chefs to goulash

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 No.1541067[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for the discussion of Anarchism

Foundational texts [ancom]:
>Alexander Berkman, ABCs of Anarchist-Communism
>Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
>Errico Malatesta, Anarchism and Organization

News [English]:
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Are these “capitalist theocracies” in the room with us right now? And how are your current anarchist states fairing?


>MLoid needs to deny Houthis are theocratic nationalists and Russia is capitalist like the opportunistic coward it is


the fact both of you even have these types of arguments prove both MLoids and the average anarchists are retarded and will never win


>Le first line of the green text proves anarchist is le based
<First line is about how anarchist support Capitalism genocide and imperialism if the target is not woke enough
not the own you think it its anarchoid.


The first line is disingenuous and relies on emotional argumentation, which isn't shocking for an ML
"Anarchists support capitalist genocide" only makes sense if viewed through the cowardly and opportunistic lens of modern self-proclaimed MLs, who very shamelessly champion theocratic organizations, capitalists, and other murderous anti-communists leading the fight where MLs themselves have pathetically failed
It's actually the highest of farces to witness MLs take immense pride in rhetorically supporting the armed struggle of non-socialist anti-proletarian militant forces whose ultimate aim has nothing to do with the aims MLs themselves champion
The cowardice typically reveals itself in the hypocrisy of the MLoid, where they promote themselves as cold materialists and pragmatists when it comes to the history of ML led purges of the left, but cry and shit themselves when modern communists and anarchists don't throw their lot in with militants that are only circumstantial enemies of the West

Do you genuinely think your online politics are worth that much of a fuck? Why does it matter if communists rhetorically shill for the Houthis and Russia in your smooth brain?

Is baby scared of seeing people with different ideas? Does it hurt baby's little brain?

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Found this small game about Weimar Germany's SPD and its efforts to strave off the rise of the Nazis.


See if you can be a good Rosa killer lol.
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glowie simulator would be funny
>invest in outlandish avant garde art
>undermine socialist organizations
>support leftist academics over socialist/communist ones
>push subjectivism and postmodernism in academia, art, popular culture etc
>finance reactionary freikorps and lone wolves and goad them into acts of stochastic terrorism
>sell narcotics to the poor and use the money to fund your operations
>sow racial tension wherever possible
>recruit fascists of all stripes
>assassinate journalists who expose your plots, bribe coroners to say they're suicides


Glowie simulator would have some good dark comedy, like when they failed to kill Castro so much they moved on to wacky schemes like trying to poison him so his beard would fall out


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oh yeah entire branches of spending that lead nowhere
>research into the occult and the paranormal (the men who stare at goats)
>trying to kill Castro for the 300th time
>funding secret societies that do nothing but partying and having kinky sex
a lot of fun could be had with glowies over time coming to believing their own subjectivist nonsense


>most concise summary of western intel ops I've ever seen


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there's more
>foment color revolution in vassal states that step out of line
>embed spies in political parties across the world, both in "allied" nations as well as hostile ones
>set up fake news networks ála Radio Free Asia and RFE/RL that push your propaganda
>also set up "real" news network ála MSNBC and Fox that also push your propaganda
>finance a historical negationist academia designed to obfuscate and justify Porky's crimes while presenting your own meddling and sabotage of the internal affairs of Socialist nations as those nations' doing
>set up adventurist orgs and try to recruit and entrap more radical socialists
>but be careful that you don't accidentally recruit and entrap your own agents!
>fund Trots and other groups that claim to be socialist while opposing every application of socialism
>fund the development of tools like Tor that sometimes come back to haunt you as they also allow radical groups to communicate undetected

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Currently there's presidential debates in Mexico.

>In 2018 the left won the presidency

>The results it has had are great, a blooming economy, from the 15th biggest economy in terms of GDP to the 11th currently surpassing that of Russia
>Crime levels reduced by 20%
>Record foreign investment in the country

Sheinbaum represents continuity to this project, and even right wing media news admit, she's winning by a landslide, 63% electoral preference on average against 27% or so of the right wing candidate.

The future is shining brightly for us, I hope Mexican policies can be mimicked in other countries.
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>Social Democrat
Eeeeh. Are they at least willing to say fuck you to the US, rightoids and their empiralist agendas? Some Lulags would be nice at least.



His mentality and policies resemble Bernie Sanders' a lot from what I have seen. I would wanna read articles about comparing him to FDR.

He's had a few arguments with Milei who is a right wing liberal from Argentina, and yes, before this president there were a bunch of yes men.

These are a few things the current president has refused to do, when the US requested it:

>Sending weapons to Ukraine and imposing trading sanctions on Rusia

>Agreeing to give away the nation's resources such as lithium (Elon Musk wanted to own a lithium mine, AMLO told him to fuck off, we can sell em batteries, but not the concession).
>Oil reserves; previous president was a right wing liberal he gave away the oil to foreign businesses, none of them were obliged to invest much, they basically kept all the profits. Current president basically kicked them out and the ownership of the oil has gradually returned to the national state owned oil company.
>The US wanted us to keep immigrants from other countries, while they were doing paperwork to live in the US, current president refused to do that

Those are the ones I can think of without looking it up.
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That’s nice and all but is AMLO increasing worker or state ownership of the means of production?


Bourgeois property relations are most likely staying


AMLO is like a watered down Lula. He's good compared to the options, and to the past, but not as good as could be.

Even if he were "perfect", the government apparatus wouldn't let him do much, and Mexico doesn't really have an organized working class movement to support him or his reforms. Anything he does could be easily revertible.

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You should call yourself a communist, not a "leftist" or a "socialist".
Source? Literally from the manifesto.
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The worker dont want bull and a lot of talk that gives no bread and meat. If possible, keep it as simple as it can be.


>The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions
Communist is for big dick chads afraid of nothing
Marxist is for big brained philosophers
Marxian is for economists
Leftist/socialist is for starbucks-drinking westernoids scared of Russian man bad and probably closet reformists



I'm not in the closet. I get out the closet, then I get back in, then I jump out again. Wee, the room's spinning.



i wish there was a way to instantly understand the context when someone speaks and not have to give a name for everything. There are not two people on earth that think of the same thing when they mention something more complex than an object.
>To the average worker
Not average and not worker. Not everyone is a burger.

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