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Int’l Workers’ Day: ‘Bleak prospects’ for workers in war-torn Sudan
Radio Dabanga reporter Suleiman Sari spoke to several Sudanese labour and trade union commentators, who praise Sudan’s workers for their resilience, and encourage unity among trade unions, asserting that the collective action of unified trade union workers could contribute to ending the war, achieve peace, and promote the goals of the December 2018 Revolution.

Russian troops enter airbase in Niger where US soldiers are stationed
A senior US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that Russian forces were not mingling with US troops but were using a separate hangar at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani international airport in Niamey, Niger’s capital.

Turkey halts all trade with Israel over military actions in Gaza
A Turkish Trade Ministry statement said “export and import transactions in relation to Israel have been stopped, covering all products.” Turkish officials would coordinate with Palestinian authorities to ensure that Palestinians are not affected by the suspension of imports and exports, the ministry said. The ministry described the step as the “second phase” of measures against Israel, adding that other steps would follow until Israel “allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

War on Gaza: Prominent Palestinian doctor tortured and killed in Israeli detention
In what has been termed a "deliberate assassination", Bursh, 50, died in the Israel-controlled Ofer prisoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Second Boeing whistleblower dies after raising concerns about 737 MAX
Dean, 45, had an active lifestyle and was believed to be in good health prior to his “sudden” death on Tuesday, following the onset of a fast-moving infection. He was stricken with Influenza B and MRSA, and developed pneumonia, according to Fox59. He spent two weeks in critical condition before he died on Tuesday in Oklahoma, according to The Seattle Times.

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy broke federal labor law with anti-union remarks=
Jassy told CNBC in April 2022 that if employees were to vote in a union, they may be less empowered in the workplace and things would become “much slower” and “more bureaucratic.” Similarly, in the Bloomberg interview, Jassy remarked, “if you see something on the line that you think could be better for your team or you or your customers, you can’t just go to your manager and say, ‘Let’s change it.’”

UT Austin says protesters carried guns and assaulted people. Prosecutors haven't seen proof.
UT Austin said Tuesday night that pro-Palestinian groups with ties to "escalating protests" across the country brought weapons and assaulted people during the rallies. On Wednesday, Garza told KUT the university's statement — and its insistence that demonstrators had "guns, buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel-enforced wood planks, mallets and chains" — was "interesting." “It’s concerning … we work in the world of evidence and facts, and we have not seen a single weapons charge or an assault charge," she said.

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CPP Statement On The Occasion Of International Labor Day 2024
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the vanguard of the Filipino proletariat, extends its revolutionary solidarity to workers all over the world on the occasion of International Labor Day. The May 1st declaration was done in Paris 135 years ago today, to commemorate the May 1, 1896 Haymarket strike in Chicago, USA, demanding an eight-hour working day, that was violently suppressed by the police. More than a century since, workers all over the world, along with other toiling classes and sectors, continue to fight for their rights and aspirations, amid intolerable conditions brought about by unprecedented crisis of the global capitalist system. They desire to wage revolution and bring history back to the course of socialism. In the face of a chronic crisis of joblessness, workers’ wages continue to be pulled down below the daily costs of living. They are subjected to even worse forms of exploitation and oppression, as profit-hungry financial oligarchs and monopoly capitalists race against one another to accumulate even greater wealth.

India’s Adivasi Communities Are Facing Brutal Repression
In the mineral-rich heartland of India’s Bastar region in the state of Chhattisgarh, a severe onslaught against indigenous communities, known as Adivasis, is currently unfolding. The Indian government officially recognizes the major Adivasi community in the region, the Madia, as a “particularly vulnerable tribal group.” Despite this recognition, the ongoing state-led aggression against them poses a grave threat to their existence, putting thousands of lives at stake. At the heart of this unfolding tragedy lies the Indian government’s steadfast commitment, echoed by the declarations of Home Minister Amit Shah, to eradicate Maoist revolutionaries by the end of 2024. In their pursuit of a “Maoist-free India,” state forces have intensified their operations in 2024. Over the past four months, they have killed ninety-two Adivasis and Maoists. On April 16 alone, security forces killed twenty-nine Adivasis and Maoists, fifteen of whom were women. To carry out this bloodshed, the Indian sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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 No.1840351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Several universities across the USA and the world are currently protesting pro-Israel administration and politics. This will be a recurring theme as the days and weeks go by with no end in sight. Police brutality and arrests are going to reach an all-time and shills will continue to justify the expanding police state while turning a blind eye on innocent protesters being abused and arrested.
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It's much more likely to be misplaced limitless youthful optimism
A characteristic rarely possessed by those who have read and understood Althusser


if da gommies supporting Palestine makes you support israel, you were only virtue-signaling.


What is the dominant ISA of the current USA?


Or an op?

>explanations of the world
Apples and oranges. Natural gods should not be conflated with world gods nor with natural science. Their roles in society are totally different.
Other societies' cosmologies do not necessarily say much about the origins of material objects or with the sort of explanatory rigor that positivists would like history to have. In fact, early religion-bureaucracies were not concerned very much with useful knowledge relative to things on Earth, so much as with metaphysical names, relations, and successions. So with the Kwakiutl cosmology, a collection of episodic encounters with the spirit world by which the tribe historically gained access to natural or (mostly) cultural properties, almost all well in the past, or the Christian cosmology which doesn't explain any natural forces, and well before positivist science existed to displace it.
Even then, world-religions don't purport to explain what is when there's world-history for that, so much as they propose to create what isn't. They place the adherent into a half-finished story (or dance, or dream) and oblige the believer to extend it, through commitment to the religion's defined relations to action (value). People's relation with natural gods, on the other hand, was performative and transactional, not normative and moral. Nature gods did not presume general command of human affairs, which was the sole business of the king (which total command only really extended about 100-200m from his person, and dropped off rapidly thereafter). Those not looking to enhance their love or riches, or had not recently come into a bounty thereof, weren't bound to render service unto Venus, but good luck being seen by her when she comes around to Earth to distribute her blessings.


i love this movie but damn why that UYGHA HAVE BRASS BALLS IN HIS SUITCASE LMAO

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 No.1810736[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you think modern day fascists / abstract right wing authoritarians, anti democratic racists have the capacity to evolve beyond their larp stage and become something more deadly relative to "allowing" themselves to be co-opted into power or normalizing their politics? What could actually generate support for a new fascist-coded type of party or organization to rise in the United States?
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Well i don't have much to say about your post about modern fascist and liberalism being the same thing today, nothing that has already been said.

But the first point you made, that "liberals defeated fascism" is quite wrong. Liberals funded or ignored completely the fascist threat. They supported Franco and ignore completely the destruction of the treaty of Versailles, and so so much. The "liberals" are responsible to the spread of fascism, not its destruction. The soviets destroyed fascism. Those are opposites.


>they didn't eliminate it (franco, etc.) but did neuter it as a movement. however, this neglects that the WAY they did that was by absorbing it, and as such taking on a large number of its properties themselves
dude. read the post


<Source for that claim?

Italian Industrialists from Liberalism to Fascism: The political development of the industrial bourgeoisie, by Franklin Hugh Adler, Page 311


>"At April, referring to information passed along to Donati, editor of the Catholic newspaper Il Popolo, Salvemini noted: 'An industrialist of Turin told Donati that in his circle people have begun asking themselves if it might now be wise to pay the Communists to fight the Fascists!' In early May, the future Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti wrote to Gramsci in Moscow that 'the industrial classes are rather wary of the new regime, fearing unpredictable developments in the class struggle with Fascist syndicates."

I believe the Salvemini he's referencing may be Gaetano Salvemini, who was a Socialist and anti-fascist, so it's not like this is coming from the regime itself or some super 4D chess propaganda.

Edmondo Rossoni, the person I was referencing, spent some time with the IWW and prior to becoming a Fascist, would even spit on the Italian flag, so it's not like he started as a virulent nationalist. It was, however, Racism he encountered in America directed at Italian workers that ultimately led him to rediscovering his nationalism.

He described, while a Fascist, industrialists as "Apathetic, Passive, and Ignorant" and believed that under Fascism the workers would be trained in the running of large enterprises with the goal of ultimately taking them over and doing away with a capitalist/industrialist class in its entirely.


How does that part of your post makes the argument presented invalid?


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Modern day Rosie the Riveter
>be critical thinker
>apply for job(s)
>subsequently served ads starring this character
>realization occurs
What do you think? Will this campaign work as intended?
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My my, Ms. Anime Oppai
Used my wi-fi to browse waifus
till my balls were both dry
the good old boys
were jackin off to hentai
singin "I'll be doing this till I die"
"I'll be doing this till I die"


this is why conservative men over thirty whom preach about morals and have families are a red flag.

If they advocate for organizations with the F word (Family), theyre a traffic light


Literally who


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 No.1745177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hop aboard the datamining-victim train and post your results, retards
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>Everything is a dropdown and not radio buttons
I'd rather kms


Ideal candidate to lead Maoist self-criticism sessions that turn into baby boiling sessions and/or peer-pressure suicide cults.


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>>political psychology


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I'm the buddy in question


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Many questions had me half-agree, half-disagree, where it seemed pretty obvious that if I disagree, the test thinks I agree with the exact opposite.
Otherwise, it was a nice experience.

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 No.213072[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

💰️DOW/Market Watch Thread💰️
monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.
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It's seller's inflation, aka Greedflation. Read Weber, not Max but Isabella.


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they know something


prostitution predicts crisis coming


i think this dumb stripper index meme is just that, a meme for funny headlines, every other consumer indicator should be right in line and it shouldn't have extra predicting power


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Cool, very nice.

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How big of a problem is the Milton Friedman/Jack Welch philosophy of business management for capitalism? Was it an inevitable development of the crisis of profitability of the 1970s? The whole mentality of fire the engineers and put the cost cutting beancounters doing stock buybacks to make the line go up, is it simply a bad practice which can be undone or is it an inevitable result of attempts to create a counterveiling trend to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall?
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>American studies

I bet this is one of the people who complains about 'bullshit degrees' and so on lol


>how is finance capitalism a problem for capitalism
<Another reactionary trying to make the pre-capitalist workshop political economy great again
<In my leftypol


OP is asking fair questions, and the answer is that capitalism will always tend towards financialization like this. However, there is always a fundamental tension between high finance capital and actually productive capital. Finance can pump productive capital for wealth, but only up to a point. If you go too far you undermine the productive base. That's why the tendency (if they're being smart) is to put the squeeze on what are basically worker concessions like benefits and workplace safety. However, that is even more limited, so the incentive for finance is to keep squeezing and actually affect production. Depending on the balance of political power, that tendency will get corrected sooner or later. You might have a relatively stable balance or an oscillation like a pendulum swinging back and forth. This is one of the causes of recurrent crises in capitalism.

One of the most noticeable material differences in AES countries is that the "finance sector" equivalent is usually managed by the state, making them largely immune to these sorts of crises, since they operate according to managing production rather than maximizing profit for the finance sector.


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I'm actually really glad that this thread got created because I just started playing Portal 2 and I've always wanted a more in depth explanation or some kind of analysis of the economic decline of Aperture labs. I was 15 when the game came out so I didn't really understand what was going on other than Mr Johnson being a crazy bastard and blowing all his money away on everything.


also Cave specifically complains about bean counters which was the entire point of my post that I forgot to add.

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I swear to God almighty I fucking hate it here. This country is good for nothing and I wish it burns in the eternal flames of hell where it belongs yet somehow escaped it.
Like 95% of the people here are brainwashed by a population-wide CIA psyop operation eating up the most liberal bullshit propaganda like it's served to them from a kebab stall after a long day at work.
It feels nigh impossible to be a leftist here, not even mentioning being further left than fascism (also known as social democracy). Poland is literally a mix of the worst traits of the west and east with nothing good added at all (except grandma, love you.)
The class consciousness is non-existent, and historical knowledge is biased more than that Cuba society from Florida. Even when I provide actual sources that disprove any most common misconception I am met with accusations of being a paid Russian bot or posting falsified commie research (from famous commie institutions like Yale or Harvard)
If I see one more resident of this god forsaken country tell me that "Hitler's occupation was way better than the Soviet one" I will actually summon the spirit of Tukhachevsky and tell him to this time do it fucking right.

So how are you doing?
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Working hard to improve the image of socialism (can't really call it communism in Poland lol) day by day, helping out the common folk, organizing actions and what not.
Sometime ago I saw some people on the Polish equivalent of 4chan/reddit notice one of our successful actions and get mad at a girl getting her salary because "commies helped her do it"
Just a thought


I swear I saw pole complaining in youtube comment which got many likes that communism was coming back in Poland again among youth, and a lot of people didn't believe in free market anymore several months ago.


from the USA def being feeling like this on bad days sometimes as well

that shit fucking blows me man, like how much a bitchmade smoothbrain do you have to be to not handle different cultures living near you


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Trzecia Rzeczpospolita is a case of a mass psychogenic illness



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 No.1662769[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
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Went to the same Labour Day rally as last year. The population is still disproportionately women and minorities. Hell some people, especially malay women, came wearing white and black keffiyeh. I personally feel like a bit out of place especially when I came alone. Perhaps if i had more courage and social skills, I could have talked to them about Palestine.

Significantly more people and especially media presence. Newspaper and radio station reporters were there getting interviews. What is weird is that small and obscure podcasters were there too, I am told one of them may be connected to the government…

The same advocacy groups from last year came too. What is interesting is a new one is here for sex workers. The person at the booth described themselves as essentially HR department for the sex workers, to provide protection and testing kits for them. What is odd is that for a group that believe that sex work is work (the person is literally wearing a button that says that verbatim in chinese), it is rather agnostic on the question whether to legalize and regulate it or to diminish and discourage it. I was like, surely if you believe that sex work is work then you have to advocate for its legalization, regulation and unionization as a permanent solution to their plight. We also discuss the nature of work and what is it for a while. Regardless, I personally found testimony of a sex worker and the type of her clients interesting.

Also there was a booth that who was against ISD (the law lets the government catch people without trial or judicial approval) and clearly the remnants of the Old Left. They even had a book cataloguing Barisan Sosialis statements and documents since its inspection. Too bad it was all in chinese and the books were taken up quickly. Also there was a kid that came to the booth claiming that these people were communists and deserved to lim kopi. He literally looked like a soyjak with a Jordan Peterson tier understanding of marxism. He claimed to read Das Kaptial and the Communist Manifesto and based his understanding of it on communism, when neither didn't really discussed what exactly socialism or communism would look like. I mocked his theoretical ignorance and got him to admit that Singapore is a social democracy, not a free market capitalism. But apparently social democracy is capitalism to him. At least he wasn't harassing the booth people anymore.

The speeches were the same as last year. TaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Don't you dare insult Shay's geological engineering proposals! When world DoTP is established, they will all be undertaken.


i wont argue here, but imagine 1 billion indonesians and all of the citizens of ASEAN being capable of simply buying a high speed train ticket and riding all the way to queensland or the northern territory of australia from singapore or thailand within the course of 12 hours or less. i don't know what riding a train is like but to me it sounds like an easy way to overcome australia's overly protective border policies.


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Would a proposal forming a new more radical party from the ashes of the WPS better than radicalizing the current party? Or would it be self destructive to bring attention of the PSS alligned cops on the socialists. Like the socialists are kinda fine intermingling with socdems but i'm afraid they might be targeted if they form their own org.


I am saying it is better to radicalize the current WP and if that fails (ie the socialists get purged or sidelined), we can use that as an impetus to make a socialist party. There is still many benefits to being in WP, learning how to run an electoral machine, how to write policy, do media and campaigning etc etc. There is a reason why other parties struggle to maintain its presence in the political landscape, let alone win any votes. Look at PSP as a counter example.

The organizers once told me he found WP to be too moderate to really change anything, but the point is that WP at its current state isn't the end goal, but a stepping stone to something more radical. If it has to fail, then it must be made to fail faster.

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We're going to run out of fossil fuels at the rate modern civilization exists. (Nuclear, green and renewables can only support up to a quarter of a billion or so for a long time. you can read about and analyze it for yourselves) until fusion becomes economically feasible we can't support the number AND rate of consumption we currently have. and on top of that we've fucked the climate that it's anyones guess from going back the bronze age to complete extinction of the only intelligent species in this part of the galaxy.
it's all going to rot because of cunts like Bezos and Buffet and the hundreds of millions of delusional narcissistic capitalist bootlickers that worship them.
>muh Malthusian
grow the fuck up and open your eyes, we're burning through this planet like there's no tomorrow. the next century is going to be nothing but misery, possibly the bleakest thing humans will ever have to go through. mass starvation and migration on levels never seen before… and no one gives a fuck.
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>the issue is that both heavy water and breeder reactors (strictly, a subset of heavy water reactors) are both capable of producing nuclear weapons material (plutonium-239).
That's a moot point given that nuclear weapons already exist and are being made regardless of the presence of breeder reactors or not.


>we sit back and do nothing and still win???
Yes. The ruling classes always destroy themselves


But they keep generating their successors. That's the point where they need to be stopped.


I think there's probably a point to be had that if breeders were as common as coal plants, that making nuclear weapons by the millions would be easy enough that any country could do it.
Whether or not that is a good thing is an exercise for the reader.


WE are not gonna do anything but shit and scream because WE are irrelevant

shikata ga nai

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