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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1840351[Last 50 Posts]

Several universities across the USA and the world are currently protesting pro-Israel administration and politics. This will be a recurring theme as the days and weeks go by with no end in sight. Police brutality and arrests are going to reach an all-time and shills will continue to justify the expanding police state while turning a blind eye on innocent protesters being abused and arrested.


Fuck Zionists, fuck pigs.


Gabba Gooblins


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The UCLA encampment was attacked with fireworks, Zionists beating protesters with poles, also shining lasers at people's eyes and deploying bear mace and other unknown substances against protesters. They also began shouting anti black racial slurs for unknown reasons.


Pro-Palestinian student gets cornered by a gaggle of Zionists outside of the UCLA encampment. One of the Zionists talks like an Andrew Tate fan. Unfortunate case study on why you shouldn't be caught on your own at these events.


Cops with gas masks moving in rn as the chvd shock troops leave


https://twitter.com/MrOlmos/status/1785575555620123065 thread with footage of the ziochvds attacking the UCLA encampment
too lazy to save and post all of them rn



Tried to post last night but jannies are banhappy faggitz.
The gist was thst Tunisia has formed a week of Actions, including occupations, called 'University flood' or something, with various demands.




Attack on pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA: Here’s what to know
Hundreds of seemingly pro-Israel attackers assaulted an encampment of pro-Palestinian student protesters at UCLA.
The attackers hurled projectiles at the encampment as they tried to break through makeshift barricades.
Violent clashes ensued between the protesters and the counter-protesters, many of whom were masked.
Television footage showed people clashing with sticks and tearing down metal barricades. Others were seen launching fireworks or hurling objects at each other in the dark – lit up with laser pointers and bright flashlights.
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said police had arrived on campus, calling the violence “absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable”.
Stop posting twitter links you retard, if you're to lazy to post actual videos then just don't, we're not here to enable your corpo social media addiction.


Shut up, it's not my fault it's the only place you can get live updates from, and you can lurk with blank account
>corpo social media addiction
Get a grip




Here you have the protests against Biden. Now all the ziggas that said BLM was entirely a Democrat show must say sorry.


>it's the only place you can get live updates from
Just read the news like a normal person you social media addict.


What is truly incredible about this is that the level of aggregate investment in Israeli firms is likely to be trivial. Even if you expanded this to include, say, the worst of the worst defence contractors like KBR etc. the level of divestment and restructuring required wouldn't be overly complex.

"In its 2019 report, the Harvard Prison Divestment Campaign named four companies in which Harvard indirectly invests that it said were linked to the Israeli military. Those investments amount to $86,625."

"Harvard also holds $294,988 in indirect investments through Exchange Traded Funds in other companies on the list that the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights released in February. Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, are exchange-traded securities that often contain small investments in hundreds to thousands of other companies that meet certain criteria."


What is wild is that universities are reacting like this - out of principle.


show me which news site has live on the ground footage of these events


i'm w/ "Glowist-Leninist-Bidenist" (??) on this one. if possible, plz upload the thread as a screencap or download any videos from insta using yt-dlp, an open source vid extractor (https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp). i personally use this site due to the non-existen natur of sign ups or emails, im sure allota ppl on here be the same.
insane but 2 b , these fuckin american-zionists r real fuckin persistent and violent.
>Just read the news like a normal person you social media addict
where do u think the news is gettin the stories from?


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University of South Florida, protestors using umbrella's as a shield against police projectiles, this looks pretty organized.


This could go bigger than blm tbh


you can replace the domain name in the links with a working nitter instance


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Holy shit, all across the east coast


i hope so, the Western world is finlly wakin up to the injustices of Israel


dam son, all the free hong kong folks talking about chinese police brutality turn up and changed their tunes this year


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Zionists, flag status? 🦵🧐



Someone download and watch this clip of Kwame Ture talking about tactics relative to riots.

The videos below on mobilization and organization, by Kwame Ture, are good too for watching and downloading for spread.





Booby-trapped flags are a proud anti-invasion tradition o7


The far-right Zionist JDL fascist types at UCLA and other colleges are all organizing in these Hillel centers. Hillel is a zionist organization that promotes zionism on campus and is organizing the fascist counter-demonstrations. Students need to start turning all the Hillel centers into autonomous zones..


Nah they'd all be crying how it's another pogrom and it'd be front page news on WaPo and NYT. Better to let the Zionists come to the protestors, just hope they're better prepared for the next round. Fuck these fascist Zionists pigs.


>Nah they'd all be crying how it's another pogrom
Maybe they shouldn't have decided to be violent fascists who form mobs and beat peaceful protestors.
>Better to let the Zionists come to the protestors, just hope they're better prepared for the next round. Fuck these fascist Zionists pigs.
Fuck that, take the fight to the fascists.


<nooo I need video.
You fucking zoomed.
>where do u think the news is gettin the stories from?
Their journalists/crews on ground
Avast anything from telwitter will be verified and sorted… how many times have you seen misreporting or old news repurposed as BREAKING posted here in the form of twitter screen caps? yet you persist..
If you want to do twitter stuff just go to twitter. Idk why thsts complex or controversial..


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Do you think there is a potential for these student protests to become something bigger? The potential is definitely there. Workers need to join in a general strike. We need something to trigger a massive anti-capitalist movement towards a socialist revolution, and I wish Gaza is it. After all Gaza is the culmination of everything wrong with our society, caused by capitalism. This is a rare opportunity, wont come again soon.


student activists need to get in contact with the workers who are part of the MIC, ideally through one of the socialist parties involved in the movement


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I am a zigga and I never thought this? Why are you bringing ziggas into this?

Death to the USA and all her butthurt proxy gremlins (Taiwan, Ukkkraine, Isn'trael)


I'm not a zigga but I did say something like that (that a democrat president would quell protests), and I admit I was wrong. I never expected Biden to go full Genocide Joe. Thanks to Hamas, the hand of the empire has been forced and the democrats have had to go mask off. Turns out it was good Biden beat Trump for precisely this reason, since the public is now being turned against both parties. I feel that these are somewhat extenuating circumstances, however, considering that actions of Hamas surprised everybody and threw a wrench into the whole dynamic.


Potential? Absolutely.
Guaranteed? No.


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Here’s a quick recap from today:

>In the United States, police have arrested 282 students protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza in a raid on New York’s Columbia University and the City College of New York as local authorities paint the crackdown on protesters as a necessity.

<Jewish Voice for Peace has condemned the New York Police Department’s actions against protesting students.
>A Palestinian solidarity encampment at the University of California campus in Los Angeles has been attacked by pro-Israel counterprotesters, and classes have been cancelled.
<University of South Florida police say 10 people have been taken into custody after protests on campus.
>Tulane University Police Department in New Orleans, Louisiana, says at least 14 protesters, including two Tulane students, have been arrested in connection with protests.
<Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, says she has been “horrified by the violent actions of police at US universities smashing protests against an ongoing genocide perpetrated by a foreign country”.
>In South Africa, unions have linked Workers’ Day commemorations to a march in solidarity with Palestinians. Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the growing demonstrations are proof that Gaza is the world’s “first issue”.
<Campaigners in London have protested outside the Department for Business and Trade, calling on the UK government to halt arms supplies to Israel.
See what you can learn from the actual news, anons? (:


You're right, I didn't think the Biden presidency would be so kino. He was clearly the better candidate, if it wasn't for him then liberals could just blame it all on the orange man.
But don't bring ziggers into this, there's not that many of us in your section of the internet.


>"down with stalinism"
>in japan
>while AMERICA and ISRAEL are genociding palestinians
beyond retarded
these protests are good and i'm glad they're happening, shame to see people like that though


those outside variables that can turn the entire situation on its head are EXACTLY why a lot of the prophecizing about outcome of e.g. "a trump presidency will be better for the left in the long run!" etc etc are more an exercise in sports commentary than political analysis. if we dont take unpredictability into account the analysis is always going to fall flat


>down with Stalinism!!!
And just like that what little sympathy I had for these half baked protests has evaporated. Let the liberal-Zionists and Trotskyite-Zionists kill each other for all I care, to keep them is no benefit and to destroy them is no loss


>one dumb student far from the epicenter of the protests has a cringe slogan
<thats it, its hopeless, fuck it, lets the cops wipe them out!


Why are the text on the helmet written in English? They're in Japan, I don't think much of them understand English, compared to the Philippines.


I'm pretty sure that was ironic


Room temperature autism score


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>Campaigners in London have protested outside the Department for Business and Trade, calling on the UK government to halt arms supplies to Israel.


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They look like they're recalling the Zengakuren (famous for street fights with the police) and I think the most militant of them were Trotskyists. I think this pic is Trots battling the JCP.


>Why are the text on the helmet written in English?
Considered Lingua Franca and its a global movement.
English signage is Not an uncommon feature in many Asian countries protests.


The problem with taking unpredictability into account is that you can't predict it. In this case, we don't know what a Trump presidency would be giving us right now. We can say that it wouldn't give us the people turning on democrats in the way they are now (but something similar might happen in response to democrats failing to combat Trump). The real issue is we don't and can never know how an alternate path for history would have panned out. We can't say the alternative would be better or worse. We can't even say for sure whether present circumstances will turn out to be good or bad in the long run.

I would contend, however, that it's precisely because of the "outside variables" (radical historical agency) that these kinds of predictions are important to do. "Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." When you create a map of cause an effect and use it for political forecasts, it can reveal possible points of inflection where the status quo can be overturned. The failure of anybody to predict October 7th has more to do with the extreme marginalization of Gaza, putting the activities of resistance forces behind the fog of war and (reasonable to assume) devastating their material ability to combat the zionist entity and force a conflict like this. The same goes for the Houthis - who expected they could put the Red Sea under siege? Their opportunity for to shake things up was invisible to most people aside from them. One of the understated benefits of a globally active movement is the ability to communicate these things with each other and coordinate to take advantage of and assist with these opportunities and make the most of them.

> more an exercise in sports commentary than political analysis

A pretty ill-fitting metaphor considering that sports are constrained in a way that prevents any "outside variables."


Protesting in Japan is incredibly difficult. As you can see in this video, there is a policeman guiding the march. The route is planned before hand. It is a little ironic.
I participated in a pro-Palestine march some weeks ago, and it was the same. Cops around us.


>they’re already Soros-baiting



Now imagine if Cuba did something like this. You would never hear the end of how the state wouldn't be allowed to exist by libs and conservaturds


So are chvds and zionazis going to start showing up to to attack protesters more, or is what happened last night a one time occurrence?


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Stole that agro judofaggots jacket which was highly amusing.


[redacted link]
It seems the redscarepod subreddit thinks the protests are mostly cringe.(DO NOT LINK TO REDDIT POSTS FOR DRAMA)



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Incredible things are happening in America


Quelle surprise


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This is standard in most places with an organized police force.


Unfortunately (Or maybe even fortunately) they mostly effect the politics of big city states and not something like Columbus. They are HUGE in the cities like New York and Seattle though.


>wake me up when these libs bring some rifles. until then this is worthless.
This, lack of organization and long term/emergency planning kills. It's the hippies all over again.


Don't make shit up. It's very obvious to people who actually put in the effort.


have either of you two ever done anything worth while except bitch on the internet


>deep down they know capitalism benefits them and dont want it to end


Consider that the criticism comes from a desire to see these protests succeed, but also recognizes the historic record. Even these students want to achieve anything, anything less than armed resistance will be snuffed out with ease.
Likewise, kneejerk reactions like yours are just enshrining naivety and opportunism.
If I really wanted to bitch I would have pointed out how all these camps is nothing more than bourgeois adventurism that was never meant to achieve anything beyond giving participants happy feelings.


This is baiting, anons - Learn from it;
>wake me up when these libs bring some rifles. until then this is worthless.


how did it kill your family? legit question


[redacted link]
The asmongold subreddit is also against the protests(DO NOT LINK REDDIT POSTS FOR DRAMA)


We've lost the soyface youtube thumbnail guy… IT'S OVER!


Where's the bait, retard?
Please inform us how these protest camps could've ended up any other way, considering actions by security apparatuses over the last 200 years.
Fuck, these kids got it easy compared to BLM just 4 years ago.


They work in a secret clandestine communist cell which is totally directly connected with China and are like best buddies with Xi Jiping, but it's a seekret so they cant tell you the name. It totally exists though. It just goes to another school. In Canada


Welp this aged horribly and it was only posted 23 hours ago lmao. The masses love to see Zionist thugs launch Taekwondo kicks on protestors, no way this won't escalate tensions amirite


those stupid racist snow UYGHURS on both the main sub and the alternate rspod are literally just /pol/tards as well (and as another anon astutely called them) bourgeois cocaine wraiths larping as communists while slowly inching their way towards third positionism

I hate the fucking SNOW uyghurs that post there so much

if you lurk their post histories majority of them are rich kids who went to elite universities who rant about how much they hate the people in the cities they gentrified along with Indian + Latin American immigrant hate threads that are literally just /pol/shit but on reddit

and then these stupid fucking snow UYGHURS will turn around and tell you shit like "oh the working class would be better off if your kind had never come here :)" while pretending to be the architects of some grand socialist movement

literally just Hazoid SNOW uyghurs whose real support for any leftist project shows whenever their Honduran Door Dasher fucks something up and they post a twenty page rant where their stupid vapid cocaine whore friends nod and agree that gig workers should not even br paid wages or something fucking stupid that they probably got off their CIAuyghur parents

"Some of Us LIKED Going To The Parks"

fucking RedScarePosters man,







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>mfw they explain the lack of effective activism on the predominance of asian students


thielanon have you considered just not looking at r/redscarepod


i am the original thielanon and i only go there every 15 minutes now. They lost their influence to anyone that isn't big city or rich types.


>15 minutes


I look at it of hatred for them and what they represent: you must know your enemy. The RedScarePod lobby is large and it is numerous, the enemy is everywhere. That tall white guy who cut you in line at a concert merch table? Premeditated Thielbrained intent. I can't really help it that these freaks go out of their way to shit all over anywhere vaguely "left", I wish most of them would realize what they actually want and fuck off to their little proto fascist enclaves


having guns doesnt mean they will automatically get organization ya fucktard


Stupid and disgusting comments, especially ones disgracing the current protestors, and past protestors like those at CHAZ/CHOP and affiliated Socialist Rifle Association members, or John Brown Gun Club members, serving security at the time.


I can't tell if you're sincerely insane or if you're parodying /ISG/


>same generated trip



multiple anons across the board are sharing the same tripnames, no idea what the mods have done, why?


And before any of our resident honkies take offense to the term "snow uyghur", there is a world of difference between a snow uyghur and a white person. White people make cool music and teach you English when they're not being weird and racist in a benign, paternalistic fashion. Sometimes they help you out in spite of the massive historical beef between them and the oppressed masses of the Global South

A good example of a snow uyghur is a Zionist. They show up to someone else's country, rape children, snipe elderly women with weapons that cost more than your college tuition, and basically act like literal Abrahamic demons and yet extol their own civility as if they hadn't just hung a toddler off a lamppost. Another example of a snow uyghur is when the KKKrackers in T*xas dismembered a black kid, lit him on fire and kept parts of his body as souvenirs and then made post cards of this stunning display of barbarism to send to their relatives. Another snow uyghur behavior is starting WW2 and getting scores of white and non white people killed and them having the audacity to make up shitty slogans like "No More Brother Wars" despite a near pathological thirst for violence and expansionism.

The best counterexamples of the snow uyghur phenomenon are Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. They gave the oppressed people's of the Global South the ideological tools to fight against their oppressors, and for that they're probably in heaven if there is one.


you cannot fool me, reveal yourself impostor


I take far more offense to the fact that you've convinced yourself that redscarepod is some kind of supervillain secret society and not a micro-niche of hipster losers


I'm you from the future anon




Just make up your own dumb tendency (or more) to avoid being a copy.


Software Engineers deal in abstraction primarily, and the RedScareLobby is an abstraction just like a class or interface. It is not so much a thing as it is a concept that stands in for the mechanisms of white supremacist capitalism, and it is a funnier way to look at an objectively depressing topic, especially if you have the grave misfortune of being a member of The Wretched Of The Earth.

The same kind of prejudices that lead to people lynching Emmett Till still live on, and just like the paranoid schizophrenic sees men in black suits gangsterstalking walking through the bushes, adherents of the "RedScarePodLobby Domination Complex" see the ugliness of Western society peeking through the pinholes in every interaction.


Made a mistake of checking out Reddit on the protests. Biggest mistake of my life.
>”Those kids could be protesting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine instead! America isn’t even involved in Palestine!”
>”Anti western forces are destroying America.”
>”this is all Iran, Russia, and China’s doing!”
>”These kids don’t even realize they’ve been propagandized”

I hate liberals


you mean racism?


So glad I deleted my account on that shithole lmao


I got banned for calling Europeans a bunch of snow monkeys but stick around because of pure masochism.


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libs be libbin


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Redditors aren't just liberals
It is the most glowing site in existence


reddit is literally a confirmed glow hive and it's openly full of bots. the major subreddits talking about current events are always dogshit. the glow posts are always artificially boosted and the counter-narrative gets buried.


Pretty much. RedScarePod posters ate ludicrously racist, and have referred to me as a "barely literate savage" in the past for calling them out on their xenophobia despite claiming to be socialist (Socialism with Nationalist characteristics: obviously brown people cannot grasp the glory of Marxist Leninism, despite brown and yellow people actually having either achieved Marxist states or come close to achieving them while crakkkas *checks notes* shoot student protests and break up air traffic controller strikes to roaring applause and dismantle the Soviet Union)


Cheers, for some reason got banned or blocked, presuming due to name-sharing>>1840750


i'm glad more people are NOOTICING peter thiel tbh


The user has a point, it is in a way parody, and injustice towards the student journalists, if not for them, would we have the footage of these protests?


It's kind of crazy how hitlerite they are. And they are supposed to be– and probably actually are– the Western political "center".


RSP is the epitome of the hipster -> Fascist pipeline. There is a deep history of this tendency, they merely reaffirm it contemporaneously.


I can't imagine a RSP poster supporting any protest at all that wasn't explicitly white nationalist and profoundly misogynist. Their grievance is that there is not yet a swole youth fascist wing out there and they are stuck with the electric scooter/frumpy nerd/light-worker alliance which is just not the vibe.


Also, one of the hosts, Ana, is an open scientific racist and a complete pseudo intellectual. The problem with hipsters most generally is that they severely overestimate their own individuality and intellect, the whole notion orients around the insistence that *I must be special compared to the 'masses'*, it is an abstraction equivalent to artisocratic thinking.


Thiel, like Soros, is just some other freak who wants to influence culture so he feels safer. As long as the haute bourgeois exist in the information age, we'll have these people. No individual one of them is special. Their infowar bullshit is just culture war spectacle and has minimal influence on the actual class war, because they believe their own dumb bullshit and think ideology is more important than material conditions.


I think that ideology does relate to material conditions in a bidirectional sense but of course from a Marxian perspective it cannot override and redirect the base. What it does do, however, and somewhat effectively, is stultify and stall the inevitable acceleration of the material conditions which will intrinsically undo capitalism.


Japan derangement syndrome is real, one fucking Trot and twitter clamors for a third nuke.


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This is a crazy comment to make, these are perfectly reasonable and good, guidelines and rules to have at a protest.

Myself, previously attending generally protest marches, I've not seen these sorts of rules and guidelines before, I think it is well done, and shows organization, from other images of encampments, I have seen people in high-vis vests, meaning there are protest marshals, and possibly some sort of command structure.

If there are rules, there must be someone to enforce those rules, or the people at said protest to enforce together, this is showing to me, organization, it's showing structure and coherence.


>The best counterexamples of the snow uyghur phenomenon are Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
<Karl Marx


It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.


i cannot imagine there being a swole fascist movement because fags who want to join those movements do so in order to siphon masculinity through priest-like repetition of memes. Actually fit people would just not care, join a cause for their own personal benefit or become criminals. Idealism is mostly for dyels


>no substances
other than this potentially being ableist for people who have a medical condition, these are fine lol





>other than this potentially being ableist for people who have a medical condition
Lol, you retard.


>organization, it's showing structure and coherence.
This is anathema to the American way of life


revcel moment


To be honest Fascists do encourage their members to work out. It just usually focuses on aesthetic muscles rather than more practical strength training. Heavy roid use too.

By contrast, /fit/ style leftists are rare enough that police remarked they were surprised when they arrested that Maoist body builder in Germany because usually it’s the far right that gets a bunch of meatheads.


Love it when dumb cunts on here expose they don't leave the house. Bonus points for having a flag to complete the roleplay.


Modern right is mostly guys like these


Even for a board that's already overrunning with morons, this topic really brings out the most retarded.


This reminds me of the autumn of 1978


Gymbros are typically either apolitical or more left-leaning. You can't successfully weight train if you have the lack of self-control and humility associated with being a right winger. Those types of people are prone to immediately trying to lift too much weight and getting injured.


I mean there’s plenty of thuggish neo Nazis in Simi Valley, so…



A great video, shows how the students are all working together, to get rid of these small counter-protestors.


You're correct on your assessment, the redscare subreddit is full of bratty suburbanites. I remember a thread on there where users were smugly laughing at how wealthy African immigrants treat working class Black-Americans like shit. There was another thread which was deleted where they were complaning about Chicanos protesting against gentrification in Boyle Heights.


Sure they could have beat the shit out of him, they showed mercy.

Would you rather they face police action, via justification of so-called 'assault'.



An interesting list of needs for the UCLA protestors, again another sign of organization among the student movement, they recognise certain things will be needed for their struggle, especially: Helmets, Gasmasks, Shields and Umbrellas, this show they are ready for defence to some capacity.


They piss me too but the best solution is to ignore them. The fuck are they gonna do, get off their phones or stop going to shitty overpriced bars and restaurants in Dimes Square to act as fascist stormtroopers? These retards won't do shit and they know it. Instead all support should be going protestors, donate to student groups like SJP and local chapters, or directly donate helmets, respirators, etc. It's only gonna get more spicy (I hope)


Take a look at this clip, it is from Kwame Ture, I bet you would highly agree with it, and believe it is functional and useful, would you think so for the students now?


(genuine, not rhetorical question).


Alternative plan: Mace these retards and when the zio freikorps turn up pelt them with rocks


It's the USA. Cops see any of those and they start blasting.


I mean I saw the Patriot Front dox and there were plenty of pics of them working out and showing off muscle. It’s really not hard to find right wingers who workout and build muscle. Yes they’re broadly cringe and weak, but let’s not pretend there isn’t an obsession with “aesthetics” that a few take seriously enough to work out.


I hope you're joking. But if Zionists insist on escalation then protestors should follow the Iranian method and let the enemy show their hand first. There's about fifty levels of escalation you get go through before you even discuss firearms. Asymmetrical tactics are key.


All evidence points to the opposite


They aren't getting ready for armed struggle, this is a protest movement among students, workers, ordinary people of many backgrounds, for the freedom of Palestine.

In the future will communists need, arms and what you are saying, for freedom from wage-slavery, history has shown the truth, we both know, but right now? no.


this is realistic.


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When did CSPAN start allowing user videos?
>would you think [this strategy would be useful] for the students now?
NTA but yes. And fortunately at least we see some signs of organizing.

Also it's very funny how as soon as Ture answers the question about how much violence is necessary, and he says whatever it takes to destroy the enemy, they put "Harlem, NY" up on the screen. So subtle lol. "The black people are gonna get you, whitey!"


If they aren't getting ready for armed struggle then they are adventurist libs who are protesting to make themselves feel good and nothing else


>this is a protest movement among students, workers, ordinary people of many backgrounds
wait its a fucking interclassist protest???????????????????????


If you have some kind of militia organization that scares away the cops, yeah. In this scenario where you have a largely unorganized body of student protesters, it would be hard to get people to start carrying weapons in a way that was ordered and disciplined and could avoid provoking cops to start shooting. If you just have one or two bring out rifles, then the snipers can just take them out and say they stopped a mass shooter or something like that.


You need a lot of guns and organized gunners to win a firefight with the cops. Tagging a few cops before being gunned down yourself is pointless. The encampments are also not usually in a very defensible location once gunfights are on the table. And whoever wins, if lead starts flying most of the casualties will be student protesters, because a lot of noncombatants would get caught in the crossfire. Turning this movement into a militant one would need to be carefully negotiated to avoid it becoming a bloodbath.


>post your creds on an anonymous communist imageboard or you cant analyze anything
fed moment


The protesters outnumber the pigs 100 to 1 or more and most pigs are armed with nothing but pistols. A single squad with rifles could take on dozens of police easily.


i dont want to get into the "guns or no guns" discourse regarding a protest that is clearly not communist but this is true, no police force is actually equipped and trained to deal with a massive uprising


bro are you retarded? if you kill a cop it just summons more cops, they're like bees. unless you have a plan to kill all of them it's pointless


Isn't it funny, how what you are saying, is exactly an adventurist tactic, relative to right now, the SRA is not involved etc… this isn't CHOP/CHAZ.

The armed route, although the questions around it are interesting, and who knows in the future, as of right now, it doesn't seem realistically viable,


>this isn't CHOP/CHAZ
thats not a bad thing lol


Good. More cops means more dead enemies. The people outnumber the pig thousands to one. They cannot win if we actually fight back.


Cops have more than just pistols, and they love any excuse they can find to bring in the heavy equipment.


the point is actually organising the people in order to fight back.


I agree, it is not a bad thing, CHOP/CHAZ was positive for what it was, there was stark similarities and differences with the Paris commune, there are lesson to be learned from both.

I'm using CHOP/CHAZ to illustrate the example, of how those protestors were armed, and had armed organizations cooperating within, contrastingly the student protestors are largely peaceful and defensive in their actions, this suits their encampment method.


You can literally buy the exact same weapons swat teams have. They can, at best, match your arms and even then only with their most elite officers. The average rank and file pig is easily outgunned by anyone with an AR-15.

We both outnumber and outgun the pigs. Defeating them would be trivially easy if anyone really tried


no, defeating them would be easy if literally tens of millions of people tried.


how does this end?



Speaking of user clips, I came across this one, thought you would like it.


>Gymbros are typically either apolitical or more left-leaning

Its true that lifting is just a normal person thing and its ridiculous when liberals act like its something a reactionary magnet, but saying that leftists are overrepresented among liberals is delusional. trust me, i wish it were true


This guy is like Laser-Anon II.


Why is American cracker police so loyal to Zionism depute the latter shitting on them on the regular?


>CHOP/CHAZ was positive for what it was, there was stark similarities and differences with the Paris commune, there are lesson to be learned from both.

no there fucking was not, you need to reevulate things and go back and look at what the facts on the ground were. the fact that people still talking about fucking "CHAZ" instead of the organization of food and housing distrubution in protester-occupied minneapolis or even the homeless encampments in philly makes my blood boil, it shows the grip that liberal social media spectacle has on the left that dismissiveness towards the george floyd protests cites fucking "CHAZ", defense of the george floyd protests cites fucking "CHAZ", jesus, people need to get their heads out of their ass and stop uncritically thinking in memes



I don't think any exist anymore.


and you are a retarded adventurist, your ideas would bring down the full force of the US state on a movement that actually has positive momentum right now, in the absence of any mass base, any alternate infrastructure, any networks of trained cadre



Alright, maybe you are right, It was a specific reference with encampent tactics, and yes it is a bit spectacle for me to focus on CHAZ/CHOP, I could have used better examples like you have.

But truthfully, yes the george floyd protests, especially, with the encirclement of minneapolis police department, was very organized, very coordinated, in the moment; an example that is good from the unicornriot documentaries, is of protestors acting as human shields, while people behind them at a distance, would throw projectiles like rocks at the police to move them back, while the human shields allowed non-targeting from the police.



<that one anon repeatedly whining about guns and willing the students and profs to violently escelate to bait
Can you people not?


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wonder how much and how fast they're gonna dial up the racism? lots of international/immigrant students on these campuses.



<that one anon repeatedly whining about guns and willing the students and profs to violently escelate to bait
Can you people not?


>smart,logical response
<It's because the anarchists are on their side, they are Porky's strongest soldiers.
bruh. source lol. pretty sure anarchists hve had jus as influential effect elsewhere, this is jus a PNW shithole issue.
but that doesn't make >>1840884 response any less real tho, that shit was an idpol nightmare. does anyone in thread hve a pic of the POC-only community garden? ik its a rightoid meme, but still makes me lol.


Looking up, the examples you cited, these are good examples, apologies, and again I was citing CHAZ/CHOP relative to encampment, and specifically the issue of arms, which really can't be applied right now.

A good video on George Floyd Square.



i remember and those were good tactics, but the goals are different here in some positive ways – protestors are demanding divestment of the universities from israel, a specific demand that can be met, and the longer they can hold out and keep the pressure on, the better chance they have of succeeding. while they should defend themselves to the full whenever necessary, it seems like they understand that direct confrontation with cops and counterprotestors are not a winning strategy here, and that escalation should consist of occupation of buildings and widening the scale


i think overall we are in agreement, i apologize for being so hostile


>it's "good" because the demands are "realistic" under a liberal framework
come on


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Just my two cents.

'Students' might not a class by themselves, but for most of them their class background and familial upbringing as well as their position as potential bourgeois of the future lends them the characteristic consciousness and outlook of that stratum. It's undeniable that academia reproduces bourgeois ideology, but nothing is more erroneous than to posit that this is done against the will of the poor student whose mind is apparently held captive by evil institutions. In reality these people are not proletarians, which means they have a stake in the preservation of existing society and hence their views, consciously or unconsciously, are molded by this material fact.

College students are not a revolutionary group, they are impotent and will never accomplish anything in their own right. Individuals with material interests in the preservation of the existing state of affairs express these interests in their practical activity under various ideological guises.

If these protests were led by proletarians things might go different…(bait/shitpost)


Agreed the situation is different here, as I was saying to another anon, this is a protest movement of students with their encampment, and the wider protest movement among workers and ordinary people, coming out and sacrificing their weekends, for the people of Palestine.

It wouldn't make sense to escalate, what has been largely, a peaceful and defensive protest movement for palestine, and yeah the demands are realistic, and will be achievable among their universities, when I have protested with my uni a few months ago, it has been long lmao, we made demands of divestment etc..


like 50% of young people go to college dipshit


>students have not yet come into direct possession of their middle class or bourgeois family's assets and property, which enables them to be 'radical' in their youth until they settle down in life and acquire these causing their faux-radicalism to evaporate
Cool, and?


You ignore the numerous amount of, working class students, who will fall into debt, especially in the US, it is a little easier for those in Europe, but that debt remains for the rest of our lives if not most.


not the point. it is good that there are tangible demands that could technically be met BECAUSE they arent going to be met and the colleges are sending in cops instead. as much as ill defend to the hilt protesting/rioting over police brutality, theres something especially effective about being able to point to a demand that is perfectly realistic at the same time the administration is cracking skulls to stop the conversation from even happening. it reveals, in an especially visceral way to the protestors and in a smaller but still significant way to people watching it from the outside, that these are brutal institutions that have no interest whatsoever in the cushy ideals of free speech and democracy, they just let people bleat about that when it doesnt amount to anything. more specifically the brutality of the response reveals just how linked the institutions of the US bourgeois are to the zionist project.


TBH there have so much more interesting, longer and expansive TAZ's/ZAD's than CHAZ that CHAZ mentions very easily flag that someone does not know what they're talking about wrt Occupation strategy and have a superficial spectacular understanding of these things.


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in florida news
USF protestors are getting felony charges
UF protestors got arrested, 8 out of 9 were set free without bail except one who is the YDSA co-chair, with bail set to 5k


yes cool but in the west most ppl hve to go to college to get a job. i can't speak for the ivies, but state schools and community colleges're mostly kids jus goin thru it to get a job. ik that's what my mum and dad were. i'm a tradie myself, but i see this is the case.
>If these protests were led by proletarians things might go different…
nah bruh, as >>1840903 said, these protestors aren't jus demandin an end to Israeli apartheid- they callin for an end to colleges funding ties to Israel. its a set condition that can be easily met, and its only happenin at their schools. their ain´t nobody *but* the students that can do somethin in this case.
but otherwise, why tf would the burger-prole give a shit about Israel? all my coworkers is spics, and mostly dominican, they don't give a fuck.


We need to analyze students as they are today, not as they might be in the future.


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>university staff cooperating with cops trying to hide the arrests taking place


At least you aren't pretending the protests are related to communism. Not even being sarcastic, I'm also for Israel to stop murdering proletarians, but let's call things as they are.


>i'm a tradie myself


real!!! r u even a leftist tho? this is a convo bout college protests against Israel


real!!! r u even a leftist tho? this is a convo bout college protests against Israel


>They are losing the public relations battle. But how could they? They have been supremely adept at public relations for decades, but now it is all slipping away? Such does not make any sense, unless it is by design.
It only doesn't make sense if you are a /pol/tard who ascribes supernatural powers to Israel and "the Jews."


wow, the jews are so powerful! amazing that no one else has found a way to utilize this kind of 5D chess perfect intra-group cohesion on such a huge geographic and historical scale, it almost sounds impossible! but since you say its real i can only be impressed


thank you for your contribution


How much more can this escalate


>or by your jewish Marxist professors/handlers
Unfortunately I can't tell if this is banter or are actually insane and believe it.


Aren't Temporary Autonomous Zones, or Zones to Defend, similar to Soviets, Communes or other forms of occupation protest?


very funny considering your shithole board has been a fed infested honeypot full of drooling retards for almost a decade now. kind of shame, /pol/ used to at least have some entertaining schizos



>No. I'm from /pol/. I just popped in to see how you guys were reacting to the latest current events on campus.
welcome bra, doesn't it feel good to be truly anonymous again?
>And to spread some info that you probably don't get taught here or by your jewish Marxist professors/handlers
true, btw all ur fave authors are pedophiles. who cares tho? the right nvr gave a shit abou savin kids. read siege tho broski!!


what the fuck are you doing misato? We're having a conversation.


you are responding to /pol/ bait and derailing the thread


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volcel vanguard volcel vanguard
escalating to firearms this early is likely a mistake. I suggest sticks, pointy or otherwise


>Myself, previously attending generally protest marches, I've not seen these sorts of rules and guidelines before
Lessons learned from Occupy really. One of the ideas behind the structureless nature of OWS was that having no organization was that it wouldn't be co-opted, but what ended up happening is that the media would stick a camera in any random face and appoint that person as your representative for you.

>bro are you retarded? if you kill a cop it just summons more cops, they're like bees.
GTA rules. When you get up to 5 stars they endlessly respawn.


yeah. GTA is theory, if you kill enough tanks in RL they start just sending tanks and dropping bombs on you.


enough cops*


The Congress just passed a law that de facto makes it illegal to criticize Israel on Universities/Public Property


doesn't it also have to pass through the Senate? also, notice how fast they are with this


it's not like that will be an issue. America is literally ZOG


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Imagine if neo-Nazis actually started attacking those Zionists instead of being bitches.


Reading upon TAZ, I realize there are some issues with it, especially the, promoting of an one-and-done experience, according to this one article, however I understand the temporary part of TAZ is debated.

And reading upon, soviets, and especially the idea of dual power in relation, these seem more strategic or tactical, and more viable.


This sounds like an escalation, on the part of the senate.

Does this give even more of a prerogative, for the police to be even more violent?


that's like saying isis should bomb israel
neo-nazis walk hand in hand with zionists, one of the biggest donors to azov was a israeli jew


it's the other way around


y'all can't behave, if you don't like it make your own subreddit


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1984 if 1984 was real :( sumone send a pdf of the bill b4 i hve to become unlazy and google it


This point might have made some sense if this weren't /leftypol/.


>that's like saying isis should bomb israel
No, it isn't.
I understand separatists have a shared goal, but that's not relevant here. A notable part of US neo-Nazism wants to (and occasionally does) shoot synagogues. Boogbois would love to see le left and le jew escalate.


Those Zionazi counter protesters are absolute subhuman swine. In case you needed more evidence that Zionism is fascism, look no further than UCLA. All Zionists are Nazis and should be treated as such.


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*racial separatists.


>A notable part of US neo-Nazism wants to (and occasionally does) shoot synagogues
and zionists want to spread antisemitism and fear within jews outside of israel
yes? those two groups work together for a reason


I fucking hate these people so much it's unreal



>All Zionists are Nazis and should be treated as such.
This is your brain on liberal namecalling.
Zionists act like Nazis and work with Nazis, but that's not what they are. They're Zionists, and that in itself should hold your disgust as much as a Nazi does.




I just told you, I'm aware they have a shared interest. But neo-Nazis (especially small groups and 'lone wolves') can and do kill random jewish people. They're not going to ally with zionists over their mutual interest, they're too simplistic for that kind of politics. Go ask /pol/'s nazi thread if they'd work with a Zionist


No, classification.


BOG - burger occupied government


oh yeah we should just be like Qtards who call everyone liberal marxist anarchist jews. words have no meaning amirite


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>But neo-Nazis (especially small groups and 'lone wolves') can and do kill random jewish people
and zionists don't care about random jewish people, just like white supremacists don't care about random white people who are killed in their attacks
how many white children did that breivik guy kill again?
>They're not going to ally with zionists over their mutual interest
it doesn't matter if the synagogue shooter himself is a zionist or not, the people who push white supremacism are the same people who push zionism


>>1841006 (me)
to clarify even further: yes of course a /pol/tard won't say he's for zionism, but it doesn't matter, that guy has 0 impact in the real world
the people who finance all the propaganda that /pol/tard consumes are also behind zionist propaganda


except it's not being a Qtard, because Zionists actually are fascists. They are Jewish fascists. Is it better if I call them fascist instead of literally Nazis? Qtards will call a centrist Democrat a commie because they're retarded. I'm calling Zionists fascists/Nazis because the ultimate end goal is the same.


>zionists don't care about random jewish people
Yes they do, they are a Jewish ethno supremacists, that doesn't mean that they wont silence/kill Jews that speak out against them just as Apartheid South Africa persecuted whites who spoke out against them. The only similarity between Nazism and Zionism is that they are racial supremacists and they view each other as inferior and posting a random picture of a sub 80 autism score Ukrainian does not change what Nazism is.


>Is it better if I call them fascist instead of literally Nazis?
It might seem small or pedantic but that's the difference between sounding insane and sounding correct.


They're basically the same country. Bibi is from fucking Pennsylvania of all places and almost every US politician is on Israel's payroll.


>I'm calling Zionists fascists/Nazis because the ultimate end goal is the same.
I see where you're coming from, but I hope you'd call me out if I called anarchists 'stalinists' and vice versa because ultimately the common communist aim is a stateless classless society.


imagine actually believing this


Something has gone terribly wrong when you can no longer back out of supporting your vassal because your vassal has successfully bought off your entire political structure. Not sure if there is any precedence for this which is why people struggle to categorize it.


>>zionists don't care about random jewish people
>Yes they do, they are a Jewish ethno supremacists
Nobody got more white people killed than the nazis.


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you know what they say about scratching a liberal


>saying this while complaining that leftists say you're just as bad


>Nazis were white supremacists
They considered half of Europe to be subhuman, they weren't exactly white supremacists rather than German ones.


>Yes they do, they are a Jewish ethno supremacists,

For Zionists "Jews" have to reside in Israel. If not, at best you're an asset to be used. At worst you're just another anti semitic target for mossad.


These are the same people baffled the KPD hated the SPD (cue "for no reason at all!"), as they launch headfirst into the same behavior
>ivy league subhumans
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks


has to be a troll starting shit, no-one could possibly be this blatantly hypocritical with a straight face.


>no-one could possibly be this blatantly hypocritical with a straight face
<posting this in an israel thread


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no replies to my cool meme :( so sad :(
anywayz this is the bill in questin. wtf is this. actual garbage of a bill, and the pathos go crazy and makes up like 60% of the argumnt. wut're our thoughts?


One of the Reddit comments I mentioned said there’s no point in protesting on campuses because America “isn’t involved” in the Palestine conflict, but also those students should protest Russia’s war in Ukraine instead:


There's no term for it because every single media outlet is in the pocket of Israel too. If it's not in the news then it doesn't exist to 90% of people.


My man has balls signing that off with his real email address lol


Oh it's a good meme, I just thought I had seen it before


>why people struggle to categorize it
They don't call it a Zionist Occupied Government for nothing


Not really. I bet you haven't even made a temporary mailbox to send them anal vore drawings yet.


Not really. I bet you haven't even made a temporary mailbox to send them anal vore drawings yet.


I'm too lazy but I'm sure someone will


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The aim is to criminalize dissent against Israel. Call Israel racist? Lose your job
Say that they are killing thousands? That's antisemitism


Wow this vassal may be so important that it's actually more important than America itself


Nature offers many analogies, but they are far from pleasing to the disembodied bourgeoisie. One that comes to mind is dogs stuck together after mating.

Isn't he a lawyer?
I wonder whether class isn't the more salient factor than self-identification. I think Marx wrote rather a lot on that actually

Look if you're not going to put the entire social-constructive class into something harsher than gulags on day one, you're going to lose.


States help each other casually violate their social contracts all the time. It's part of the point of the structure.


I don't know how burgers tolerate this shit lmao, you have your congress passing laws to protect the interests of a foreign nation faster than any other bill.


Israel isn't helping America


Well bourgeois democracy is bullshit, it's not a suprise that the politicians don't represent the people


Genuinely how the fuck does this happen?
We’re passing through bills to make it verbotten to criticize some worthless, smarmy, tiny fucking country with a smaller population than my city
Pissrahell would be dead in a day without American aid, why can’t this parasitic country just fucking die already?


>claims of jews killing jesus
that literally happened though, in real life and in the bible


A forward base in the oil districts isn't as important as it once was, but Israeli engineers aren't complete slouches.


Because they bought out your entire government and media.



This is just standard Five Eyes shit and nothing to do with them recently openly violating the constitution, and for what? A forward base that convinces everyone to bomb you and turf you out? Potentially getting your puppets overthrown on the way? And gets your most reliable allies banned from the Suez? For a forward base you've never launched attacks from? Even more comically the only US bases in Israel are recent additions to help defend Israel. And even when it comes to intelligence sharing Israel is constantly selling on US secrets.


I'm fucking telling you people, I've worked around working class middle-americans for most of my life, and the VAST MAJORITY of them are bread-and-circuses retards. Everyone on the left wants to pretend everyone is created equal and everyone has the same intellectual potential. Regardless of your views on eugenics, the average american is completely brainwashed by The Powers That Be. You have to understand, for the average podunk burger, the United States is not A country, it's THE country, and Israel is her ever tortured and subjugated innocent ally. In the factories of hundreds I've worked in, I've found 3 people total that I felt were "awake" (i.e. ostensibly not philosophical zombies) and who could think critically about topics and issues both small and local, and global. Sure, I will concede that in a utopian world, there would be a lot more intelligent workers, but I truly have come to believe that the modern worker is effectively a mindless slave of the ZOG. I'm sorry. Feel free to form your own opinions; trust me, I hope I'm wrong and this is relegated only to my midwest area, but I have little hope left.


This has been true everywhere forever as long as the country is relatively stable and there's food on the table. Russians were mostly a bunch of drunk religious conservatives until the Tsar went full retard and massacred a bunch of people.


Replace "Jew" with "Chinese" and "Israel" with "China". Suddenly, it's not a problem in the eyes of Congress.


Right, but I would argue even then they didn't have flashing screens everywhere subliminally and explicitly messaging them. I do wholeheartedly believe that the numerical majority of Americans would happily take up arms and fight to the death against any socialist revolution, NO MATTER what information comes out about the evils of their oppressors. It would take years and years of focused counter-propaganda to even being to tip that scale back, and such an endeavor wouldn't be uncontested. In my experience, they'll simply cast any anti-capitalist rhetoric aside as Chinese/Russian/George Soros/Insert-Enemy-of-the-Year lies.


>posting a random picture of a sub 80 autism score Ukrainian does not change what Nazism is
I think a lot of this neo-Nazism (especially in its trolling form) is like a corporate ideology for mercenaries and contract killers who promote a cult of war because war is their business, but I'm not sure that's the same thing as the Third Reich because we live in a different world nowadays. There are guys who fight as contract soldiers for the Russian army who have Nazi tattoos and were involved in far-right MMA stuff. I can post pics of them. I'm not trying to start some shit about this but there are just people like this who fight on different sides (including both sides) during wars nowadays. But that doesn't make Russians = Nazis. I mean, this guy is? You can say that much.

>They considered half of Europe to be subhuman, they weren't exactly white supremacists rather than German ones.
The Nazis did consider themselves part of the white race, but one of their core beliefs was human inequality as the only universal truth, fundamentally, so different groups of white people were not the same. Germans were also not all equal. The Fuhrer is better and superior to everyone else and that's why he's the boss.

>Pissrahell would be dead in a day without American aid, why can’t this parasitic country just fucking die already?
I doubt that Israel would just roll over without American aid. The Israelis might eventually be destroyed but not without killing a lot of people. I met one ex-IDF guy (in college) who grew up in Russia and was a teenage Dynamo Moscow hooligan. Look at those guys who attacked the camp at UCLA. People like that are real and they're definitely willing to use violence, they like violence.


furthermore, "Communism" is practically a curse word, at least among the older generations. I've had people actually fucking spit on the ground at the sound of it. I desperately wish to be free one day, but I cannot fathom how it could ever happen here without extreme catastrophe and destruction – something to truly level western civilization, and even then you'd have opportunistic nations and bad actors flying in from all corners of the earth to pick the spoils and claim land.


New Hampshire state pigs are attacking protesters at the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth




why are cops so fucking brutal




Is this a rhetorical question?


Because unlike the 2020 blm protests where cops took a knee, these protests actually offend a real power center in the USA


In this case far right nationalism for another country, not their own


You're dishonest or have bad memory if you don't recall the amount of police crackdown the BLM protests faced.


Its far right nationalism for their fake skydaddies favorite people, who aren't them. Evangelicals have no right to call other people cucks.


Lol. Lmao, even.


Exactly. All Abrahamists are demented lunatics. If I had a time machine I'd travel back in time and shoot that schizo psychopath Abraham in the face - assuming he ever existed that is.


I absolutely think this has the possibility to turn into something big. I've been practically shaking all day from this.


>caused by capitalism
Not sure that zionist fascism and terrorism by die hard genocidal zionists can really be defined as "caused by capitalism"


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Abraham wasn't even real he is a fictional character invented to steal land lmao


Most likely. Hence this clause
>assuming he ever existed that is.
The question then arises who exactly to go back and assassinate in order to nip all Abrahamic creeds in the bud and at source


You're a brainwormed dipshit


Yeah I realized after I fetched the screenshot, still worth posting for the comedy of the entire thing coming full circle


Fuck Zionists, fuck pigs.


>muh miniscule examples in 4 straight months of fiery protests
Lmao. Roflmfao, even. Cope.


>still worth posting for the comedy


You're coping and malding. Seething even.


We've seen politicians and cops kneel in front of BLM supporters.
There obviously was some crack down where there were literal riots with cars on fire, yes.

But otherwise BLM had fucking massive institutional support. We've seen the NASDAQ stock exchange tweet that "Black Lives Matter", but I don't think they've done the same in support of Gaza, have they?(astroturf, samefagging, ban evasion)


No u.
Blm had widespread neoliberal establishment support in government, corporate, academic and media institutions despite rather fiery protests and billions in property damage across a sustained 4/5 month period
Police response was muted and softly,softly in most cases despite a few exceptions. Cops were told to stand down in numerous cases and in many incidents took a knee themselves.
Compare to now.
Very mild tame protests by comparison in most cases ie university sit ins by students in genuinely protest
Result? BOOM full overt force of the State cracking skulls and criminalising protesters
The difference is stark, blatant and right in your face. The reason is obvious to anyone with a brain
Because unlike the 2020 blm protests these protests actually offend a real power center in the USA
Simple as


genuinely peaceful* protest


>We've seen politicians and cops kneel in front of BLM supporters.
Yeah the cops kneeling for photos, the same cops that would beat the protesters even right afterwards. You're a fucking rube dude or maybe just a zoomer who wasn't even politically conscious as recently as four years ago..


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Genuinely wondering if Burgerland is a few years away from a revolution of sorts. Haven't seen this much contempt for its authoritarian government since Vietnam.


Dumbass has motor memory from typing fiery but peaceful protest a billion fucking times lmao


power requires both coercion and consent
idpol is a bourgeois invention


There's not going to be a revolution here, don't hold your breath for that. But I do think busting Israel's balls enough to get them to stop their genociding is within reach, or at least enough to get them to pay some consequences for it.


The anger wasn't nearly as strong as during Vietnam, while the communist movement was much stronger and labour more organised than nowadays, it still wasn't enough for revolution by a long shot.
Don't be overly optimistic.


Why are they not kneeling in front of pro-Palestine protesters for photos?


I wouldn't be so hopeful. I see an Ottoman style collapse as being more likely.


you gotta understand how large this country is, in some parts the police showed (either genuinely or cynically) sympathy with (some) of the protestors demands in others they pushed over 70 year olds for standing


"Take a knee" for Palestine isn't a thing.


Yeah we can clearly see that.


Stunning rebuttals
You seem remarkably motivated to deny the real power held by the zionist fascist faction in the USA


Do you really not know what that was about? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taking_the_knee


Deflection, zogbots going ape at pro-Pali protesters doesn't mean BLM was whatever gay little fantasy you have, which I cannot be bothered scrolling back up to remind myself of


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This is literally hours of clips. Multiple studies have shown that BLM protests were overwhelmingly peaceful, you rightoid retard!
Fucking kys.


>You seem remarkably motivated to deny the real power held by the zionist fascist faction in the USA
Actually you fucking retard, I'm deconstructing your conception that the BLM protests didn't also challenge power. It has no bearing on these current protests one way or the other. Another point I didn't make was that Palestine is much less popular than (at least stated) opposition to police brutality or racism.


BDS needs to make a concerted comeback
Tame requests for a ceasefire is not good enough


Seething cope
>BLM protests were overwhelmingly peaceful
Correct - but NOT as peaceful as Free Palestine university sit ins
Now compare the BLATANT difference in levels of State repression and propaganda from the establishment
Holy kek
>Palestine is much less popular than (at least stated) opposition to police brutality or racism.
Hmmmm I wonder why that could possibly be
Painfully low insight poster - or simply just a zionist apologist and AIPAC shill


That movement got killed by anti-BDS laws everywhere.

You cannot endorse BDS and do any business with any sort of government institution. And since in "capitalist" America, a good half of the spending comes in one way or another from the government, you're screwed.

This includes companies like payment processors (Paypal, etc.), web hosting companies, etc. that would facilitate collecting funds or advertising for such BDS organizations and causes.

So you're still free to say "down with Israel" but you can't really do much beyond that.


Indeed I'm aware. All the more reason to push it back into the public spotlight.
>So you're still free to say "down with Israel"
Not according to the new "antisemitism" bill that's just passed


cops are able to crack down quicker right now because 1. college admins are calling them in directly, giving them much more legitemacy in directly cracking down compared to george floyd protests 2. cops & mayors are much more afraid of the potential for sustained civil unrest that is a greater possibility cracking down on mobs poor black people who often have much less to lose compared to what they see as a bunch of snivelling woke brats


what are the actual details of the bill? isnt it just symbolic? not saying it isnt a terrible precedent of course


>The question then arises who exactly to go back and assassinate in order to nip all Abrahamic creeds in the bud and at source
Proto-Judaism was invented by Akhenaten's Atenist Monotheist priests and a band of Canaanite migrant workers fleeing over the Isthmus of Suez (the marshy land bridge between Egypt and the levant) from Tutankhamen's soldiers after the death of Akhenaten initiated the purge of the short lived Monotheistic cult of Aten and the reinstatement of state-backed polytheism. The charioteers chasing them got caught in the mud of "sea of reeds" between the red sea and the Mediterranean, which later became exaggerated through oral retelling as the exodus myth. The head Atenist priests, Mosheph and Aaron, themselves of Canaanite origin, became lost in the land of Midian, and met up with the semi-Nomadic Midianites, who henotheistically (but not monotheistically) worshipped the Canaanite storm/war God YHWH and carried around a tent-temple called the tabernacle, along with other artifacts like the ark of the covenant. Mosheph and Aaron decided to ressurect the Atenist Religion as YHWHism by convincing the Midianites to not merely worship YHWH as the head of a pantheon, but to abandon their belief in other gods entirely, and to adopt a monotheism. Mosheph and Aaron purged the Midianites of polytheistic worshippers and created the Abrahamic myth in order to justify marching north and taking over the other Canaanite settlements for YHWH. After doing so they retconned history to say that the land they conquered was their inheritance all along, and that the peoples they conquered had strayed from the original monotheistic belief system, and they established a priestly class from Aaron's sons to carry on the monotheistic traditions. Mosheph died before reaching Israel.


>1. college admins are calling them in directly
Indeed. WHY though?
> 2. cops & mayors are much more afraid of the potential for sustained civil unrest that is a greater possibility cracking down on mobs poor black people
Fair point. Granted.


>Indeed. WHY though?
Because having protests on campuses scares away rich donors, which provide the majority of funding for prestigious colleges, much more money then tuition and gov grants.


>what are the actual details of the bill?
Everything is antisemitic now including criticism of the zionist entity.
>isnt it just symbolic?


>Because having protests on campuses scares away rich donors
BLM didnt seem to scare off the rich donors. Curious
You're sort of conceding my point here


>Here is a new bill about what you cannot say about us
>In particular you cannot say we control the government


But your argument isn't that they were apathetic or encouraging of BLM, it's that they constructed it entirely


Yes I read this before years ago. Very interesting and most likely true. Thanks for reminding me of this anon. Freud was not completely full of shit.


is this an american law?


It is darkly comedic
>it's that they constructed it entirely
Wut? Holy strawman no. That was not my argument. But in the case of these college admins - these are the very SAME admins who supported BLM and were calling to defund the police



>Now compare the BLATANT difference in levels of State repression and propaganda from the establishment
Proportionally the Biden regime is even more violent and repressive than Drumpf. So much for "lesser evil" BS. KILL ALL LIBERALS!!!


Just signed into law an hour or so ago


Based and correct


>Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
fair enough
>Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
This is vague, covering everything from /pol/ shit to pointing out that a powerful individual is Jewish, or an organization is motivated by Jewish Ethnonationalism.
>Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
I'm sure if you are Jewish this sucks when it happens, but this happens to every ethnic/racial group, its not something unique to jewish people.
>Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
I would be fine with criminalizing this if denial of other genocides such as the genocide of the Native Americans and Armenian genocide were also illegal.
>Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
But Israel does exaggerated the Holocaust, Israel blames the states of Poland and Russia for events that happened in these countries while they were under Germany Occupation. And I don't even like Poland, but blaming poles for the holocaust is stupid and ahistorical.
>Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Its rare for this to happen, but it does happen sometimes. Ex: Sayanim.
>Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
But Israel is objectively racist.
>Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Their is no double standard in opposing genocide wherever it happens.
>Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
tbh i don't care about stupid religious stuff
>Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
When you do stuff that the Nazis did, violate Geneva conventions, mass civilian executions, violate territorial integrity of other states, people will call you a Nazi.
>Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
I don't think people should do this, but the reason why people do this is because Zionists keep telling people that Israel does collectively represent Jewish people.

Overall their are some legitimate stuff in IHRA, but most of it is a bunch of bullshit and its real purpose is to crackdown on peaceful antiwar protestors.


unless im reading it wrong, the federal government has been directing the department of education to follow these IHRA guidelines since 2019 when determining what is considered discrimination in regards to jews. its still bad and is definitely being reaffirmed in this new bill to drive home that the bipartisan federal government supports the suppression of these protests and schools taking disciplinary action, but unless im misunderstanding something here it doesnt seem like there is actually anything new being introduced besides the reaffirmation of previous policy



I basically agree with everything you said here - more or less.
Well done anon. You are now legally and officially an antisemite according to this bill and the IHRA definition.


So what are they gonna do now? Put everyone in prison who says Israel is a racist shithole that doesn't deserve to exist?


I'm no legal scholar but reaffirmation of terrible law is bad mmmmkay


Sure, why not? They can put them next to the people who only had a couple grams of weed in their pocket.


They can use it to clamp down hard on people as an example in hope of terrorising others into silence.
Peak fascism.


i agree its terrible and we should absolutely discuss how bad the law is around this, but we also dont want to look like morons who dont realize what the actual content is if its just reaffirming something years old


A pitiful lukewarm response
The zio entity is genociding Palestinians while the US funds, arms and abets it.
This law CRIMINALIZES anyone who states that simple truth
This is overt fascist tyranny. Plain and simple.


Companies who employ people who say Israel is racists can't get federal or state contracts/subsidies.


Surely that is going to save their economy and help against China.


Companies who employ people who say the USA is racist can get federal or state contracts/subsidies.
Really makes you think
The US is literally fascist on behalf of a foreign fascist state
The US governing class put aside concepts of strategy and competence a long time ago Hans


>The US governing class put aside concepts of strategy and competence a long time ago Hans
Did I imply something to the contrary or are you just a needlessly combatitive diva for no reason?


>Did I imply something to the contrary
>a needlessly combatitive diva for no reason?
Just reiterating your point Hans. Perhaps you misread the tone.


i know that you retard, i am 100% against the zionazi entity, i think israel is a monstrous genocidal state that should be burned to the ground. all i am doing is trying to clarify the details of the content of the fucking bill everyone is talking about so i can be well informed when i am arguing with people about this, what are you not understanding


Perhaps you should reiterate the points you would want to make instead because I understood what I said quite well.


Hand wringing about whether we should or should not oppose this bill "in case we look like morons" is just fucking bizarre in these circumstances. Mind blowing.
>I understood what I said quite well.
Evidently. If only you could say the same about what I said. If this is how you react to agreement, I dread to imagine what you'd do when faced with contradiction.


>So what are they gonna do now?
Prevent you from holding any jobs if you dare question the ruling class.


the IHRA codes are fucked because they're self-contradictory and written by an explicitly zionist organization. but adopting external guidelines on what is or isn't discriminatory isn't fucked in principle just in practice, because they're not taking these from student/community representative councils, just nepo baby libtard NGOs and propaganda outfits. kind of reminds me of zizek's point that the socialists have the moral high ground, we should be building alternatives to the liberal public policy think tank complex but with accurate and equitable guidelines not astroturf ones.


There is a cluster of petit-bourgeois "socialist" media/grift fandoms over there.

>but of course from a Marxian perspective it cannot override and redirect the base
Engels on this:
<I have interpreted your first main phrase in the following way: According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation. We ourselves make our history, but, primarily, under pre-suppositions and conditions which are very well determined. But even the political tradition, nay, even the tradition that man creates in his head, plays an important part even if not the decisive one. The Prussian State has itself been born and developed because of certain historical reasons, and, in the last instance, economic reasons. But it is very difficult to determine without pedantry that, among the many small States of northern Germany, precisely Brandenburg has been destined by economic necessity and not also by other factors (above all its complications with Poland after the Prussian conquest and hence, also, with international politics-which, besides has also been decisive in the formation of the power of the Austrian ruling family), to become that great power in which are personified the economic, linguistic, and-after the Reformation-also the religious difference between the North and South. It would be mighty difficult for one who does not want to make himself ridiculous to explain from the economic point of view the existence of each small German State of the past and present, or even the phonetic differentiation of High German which extended the geographic division formed already by the Sudetti mountains as far as the Faunus.


>Hand wringing about whether we should or should not oppose this bill "in case we look like morons" is just fucking bizarre in these circumstances. Mind blowing.

how the FUCK is anybody reading this into what im saying? i am obviously just saying i dont want to inaccurately describe what this bill does BECAUSE i will be opposing it regardless of whether the meaningful content was already passed in 2019, am i really being that unclear or are you two actually that dull that you think trying to understand the content and context of the bill means i dont oppose it?


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no way this is real
>that literally happened though, in real life and in the bible
<the Romans were Jews


I keep seeing people saying that they feel like they're going insane and that their illusions of society being shattered.

It makes me wonder how man people are going to take the tankiepill.

How many are going to realize that there is no "free world."

How many are going to understand just how ready and willing the government, media and liberal institutions are willing to spread flagrant lies in order to support imperialist agendas and slander their enemies?

How many are going to realize that it's not just the Israel-Palestine conflict they're lying about, but that they tell these flagrant lies about ALL of their enemies?

How many of them are going to realize that claiming that people who oppose the Western imperialist agenda in those nations or counters the lies that they spread are "authoritarians" somehow caping for dictatorship and oppression is just as ridiculous as claiming that the people protesting the genocide of the Palestinians are terrorists in league with Hamas?

… and how many of them are going to chalk this all up to one big fluke and go back to being mindless liberals?


Nah. Don't underestimate the power of liberalism. Our ranks will surely grow quite a lot, maybe even triple. But that's still a tiny number.


The romans carried out the murder of Jesus by command of the jews, the one who give the command is the murdered.

Saying the jews didn't kill jesus is like saying Hitler didn't kill any jews, that the SS killed the jews.


when cults and messiahs turned out to be frauds and prophecies failed, there were people who left, but some people just doubled down. its more comfortable to have certainty.


Except the Romans were in charge of the Roman Empire. It wasn't the Jewish Empire. The Jews were under military occupation by the Romans. Pontias Pilate had the legal power to save Jesus but he refused even though he had the political, legal, and military authority to and even though his wife personally warned him not to crucify Jesus because she had a nightmare the day before of how they'd be punished if they did.

The Gentiles are responsible too that's the whole point. People trying to exclusively blame Jews miss the entire point of the story.
John 15:18.
"World" includes everyone.



And to give some context, student protests for Palestine, have been happening since the sharpening of genocide against Palestinians by Israelis since October 7th and of course previously, I attended a student protest a few months ago but not since, and organizers had been setting up and getting people to sign up to, organizations, at these protests.


no it's like saying Nazi Germany wasn't run by Germans, even though Hitler was Austrian. or better yet, that it was run by Jews because there were more than a few Nazi Jews


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>[Haz is] a leading Marxist-Leninist figure in the west.


/ITG/, faggot.


>If I wasn't busy right now with some assignments, I would join in.
Peak leftypol excuses to do nothing scumbag…
Why do you even come here?
Just get a normal hobby instead of pretending to care about this stuff.


I joined and protested when I was free a few months ago, as I am occupied, I am not going, until I'm done I'll be going asap, if you read the post where I provided context, you wouldn't be commenting this.


Bread and circuses loses it's effectiveness when it all the prices go up. Only 25% of Americas are actually right wing and most wont willingly die for Capitalism.
Also, Boomers were brainwashed into hating communism and think capitalism is good because they benefited but most of the younger generations got screwed. America isn't even close to lost.

This legislation not only attacks pro-Palestine positions, it is so broad it actually would outlaw parts of the New Testament. We should bring that up to every pro-Israel Conservative we come across.
Who has responsibility is depending on who's being addressed. Acts 2:36 specifically says "the house of Israel" crucified Jesus.

And Pilate might have had de jure rule but he was de facto afraid of a rebellion so he gave into the locals.


>I would be fine with criminalizing this if denial of other genocides such as the genocide of the Native Americans and Armenian genocide were also illegal.
Don't forget denying the Uighur genocide or Putler's genocide of Ukrainians! Dog bless.


And I work, I need money? do you not need to live, when you have free time you are able to get shit done, like protest, when you don't, you don't, unless you don't study or work, I can assume you're a good for nothing NEET.


Stalin dropped out of college to join the bolsheviks and Robb banks


You or I, are not stalin, be serious


Actual payed wage work is different than uni work you massive retard.


I do BOTH, you idiot, I work and study


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Monash University was attacked by Zionists last night, with alleged police enablement.


ultra detected.


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First pic remind me " whatcha you doing rabbi", and second pic remind me of shut it down meme both are old /pol/yp meme.


>watching some douchebag commentator instead of just posting articles


Here is a quick update on police interventions at pro-Palestine student protests on other US campuses today.

Police in New Hampshire said they made 90 arrests and took down tents at Dartmouth College.
Officers in Oregon came onto the Portland State University campus as school officials sought to end the occupation of the library that started on Monday.


>Don't forget denying the Uighur genocide or Putler's genocide of Ukrainians! Dog bless.
And this is why I don't want genocide denial laws in America, because their will be a bunch of fake shit tacked on.


>Police in New Hampshire said they made 90 arrests and took down tents at Dartmouth College.
They also brought out an armored truck


People will be back. This is not the end’
Live Al Jazeera footage shows dozens of detained protesters waiting in line to be processed chanting slogans, such as “Free Palestine”.

A detained protester told Al Jazeera this was not the end of the protest movement.

“People will be back. It’s not the end,” he said. “Until the genocide ends and the funding … The billions of dollars spent.”

The protester said his message to UCLA was that this was “very disappointing”.

UCLA professor detained during police crackdown: Student newspaper
UCLA’s student newspaper, the Daily Bruin, has reported that at least one university professor was detained alongside students when police broke up the pro-Palestine encampment.

The paper cited another professor who was in the encampment as saying that students had also been “visibly injured” by law enforcement, who fired stun grenades and “violently dragged” some of them off of the site.

“Faculty are standing to bear witness to this unnecessary horror”, Graeme Blair, associate professor of political science, told the Daily Bruin via text message


>imaginary friends are not an extremist view
Never change USA


That's excellent news, for it is in these moments of revolution that the "base" is most liable to be deliberately moved by outside agitators, so to speak.

Any ghost story can make someone feel better. Religion's purpose is to be official.


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>leftists needn't have employed the old Soviet talking point that "liberals are just as evil as conservatives."
<literally proves that quote as correct
Everyone saying that this is bait but It really do be like that with these dumbfucks.


No one cares about your abrahamic religious cults and fairy tales
In fact that provision is the least concerning bit of this fascist bill


>outlaw parts of the New Testament
And the very idea that we are free from Mosaic Law. This is a HUGE religious war, and the fundie Prots are losing their religious identity to Judaism. The question is, do they see their religion as post-Judaic, or neo-Judaic, and will they be allowed to?


Translate that to secular speak. If they can copy-edit the "truth" of history, they can block the ideological exits from their religiously-based class system. Look at it as a whole system.
Men may not make history under circumstances of their own choosing, but they do make it nonetheless. If you're looking for a religion to ride into the destined future like a parade float, Marx has nothing for you.


I'm not convinced Jesus ever existed
I'm not convinced "the jews" are/were responsible for killing him if he did
Furthermore I don't care
What I do care about is jews currently mass murdering Palestinians at the rate of 40-50,000 in the last 6 months with the full support of the US that has just criminalized anyone for mentioning this fact and calling it what it is ie genocide


You don't even need to scratch them at this point.


Go to the bathroom, nobody cares about your emotional bladder urgency


Remember to screenshot your post to qualify for your aipac bonus


Based as fuck and rare burger W


hey, I support my local unions :(
there aren't many of us, though…


Israel isn't a foreign country. It's an US colony.


>in real life
>and in the bible


The colony appears to have more importance than the core
The tail is wagging the dog


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What's wrong with burgers?


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>starving out burgers
They'll gonna have to wait a while.


>What's wrong with burgers
The dialectic of church and state. They tried to break it, now they own it.


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The galling hypocrisy and self-victimization liberals do when the left calls them out on their shit never stops being deeply disgusting and pathetic. I can't even laugh at this shit anymore, it's just fucking cockroach behavior.


sauce please



They really don't. They only care about other zionists. Like every other fascist they re-define belonging to their own purported ethnic or religious or national group to mean "agrees with me." They'll gladly throw diasporist or apolitical jewish people under the bus.


Protesters in Paris say some students on hunger strike
An unknown number of student protesters from Paris’s Sciences Po university have decided to go on hunger strike in a bid to get their demands met by university administrators.

Sophie, a student protester at Sciences Po, reported the hunger strikes to Al Jazeera following a meeting between student protesters and university administrators in the French capital. Large protests were held at universities in Paris last week, including Sciences Po and the Sorbonne.

But Sophie said that none of the students’ demands had been met, including for their universities to cut ties with Israeli universities.


Lol, Biden just held a 5 min speech on the protests and in the end journalists hurled questions at him and he quickly and unambigiously responded to the question whether the national guard should intervene with 'no' instead of just deflecting the question. I think this was a blunder.


Zionist donors in shambles, they were getting ready to goon over pictures of dead students and Palestinian kids at the same time


Perhaps the police, including the secret police and blacklists, are considered adequate, as they were in Biden's record player days.


>Don't underestimate the power of liberalism. Our ranks will surely grow quite a lot, maybe even triple. But that's still a tiny number.
Your numbers are tiny. But I'd like to add a historical lesson: when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968, only 25% of white Americans approved of King. A full 75% either didn't care about King or loathed him and everything he stood for. Some number of them were happy he was shot. I haven't seen polling on the actions at Columbia and UCLA, but I'd be shocked if it was less than 25%.

Either way, there's massive myopia in the liberal world that really thinks the only true version of activism is within the Democratic Party, and that if DO PROTEST RIGHT, everyone will ~*~magically~*~ come around to your position and support you, which is absolutely ahistorical nonsense. No matter what kind of protest action you do, more likely than not, most Americans will hate you – including a significant number of liberals. They'll say, well, "well, Rosa Parks was good…" because she was quiet and sat on the bus, but the "Rosa Parks" in their head is a mythical version that has little resemblance to the actual person, who was a huge supporter of armed black self-defense, worked with Black Power organizations, and was far from a deeply committed nonviolent activist.

I don't like Hamas. I've put my cards on the table. But you don't have like Hamas to think what Israel is doing is monstrous – and if you're an activist, you have to do what you think is necessary. If that means occupation, then OK. And there's tactical and strategic questions about that, which I'm not involved in planning on the ground so I can't weigh on that, but most liberals are not talking about that – they're talking about HOW WILL THIS AFFECT JOE IN NOVEMBER. Well, you just tell 'em what Gay Nazi anon told ya: that if someone is going to vote for Trump because of some kids at Columbia acting in a certain way in May, they were going vote for Trump anyways. And if any of those 20-year-old kids did some dumb shit, well, 20-year-olds do dumb shit all the time.

It's not as if being disciplined and talking about nonviolence is going to make any difference with the vast majority of people who simply oppose all protest. What we should be doing is supporting students in their activism, not whining that they aren't doing it in our preferred way. I have no preferred way. Because what do I know? There's no historical evidence that suggests there is a right way.


>I don't like Hamas



>only true version of activism is within the Party
It's best to think of parties as secular churches with all the ontological and epistemological derangement that implies.


Ideological disagreements with ultra-conservative Islamist groups. I wouldn't want to live under such a group. But I don't think that's strictly relevant to what's actually going on or whether to support the protests or not.


How can I as a destitute dipshit help to wake up the liberal masses?



Not gay Nazi glowie friend here, but Hamas provoked the entire Gaza genocide thing with slaughter of Israeli civilians, and their refusal to capitulate is partially responsible for the entire Gaza mess.

Hamas seemed to have been engaged in demographic warfare where a Palestinian child population was deliberately developed so that there'd be martyrs and human shields for their activities.

It is, in my opinion, the only workable strategy for Palestinian liberation (inflict sufficient economic pain on the Israelis to force them to the table by inflicting violence and then hiding behind human shields to absorb Israeli bombs and bullets and make them look bad), but it's goddamn atrocious.

Re: Gay Nazi glowie friend, there may be better ways to do this, but no one wants to take the risk and letting the protesters fight on their own is enough.


>Bitter man





Work. Volunteer to help the even more needy (you still have an internet connection). Splatter Free Palestine stickers in bathroom stalls where you blow people for money.

But yeah, if you want to influence opinion, as someone who is destitute and thus has nothing to lose, Free Palestine stickers to show that support exists is useful to help let others who are, like me, very risk-averse, know that the coast is clear to stand up for what we believe in.


>The colony appears to have more importance than the core
master-slave dialectic


The only ones of those that are actually about anti-zionism are the one about saying the existence of Israel is racist and the one about comparing it to nazi germany. The rest are almost all actual antisemitism. The only exception is the "double standard" one which is just vague nonsense.


>How can I as a destitute dipshit help to wake up the liberal masses?
Join the solidarity movement.


Name checks out.


Convert to Orthodoxy and join ROCOR, they’re unironically by far the most revolutionary group that exists in America currently



Heh you got me fucker


What do you mean? :^) Authentic news article with actual news


Yeah we need to crack down on these totally unfounded conspiracy theories that Jews are running the US. So glad both parties came together to pass this bill within days of these antisemitic college occupations.


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@markamesexiled has some good insights on on the protests and the security state responses, picrel is rel
>Convert to Orthodoxy


> Hamas provoked the entire Gaza genocide thing with slaughter of Israeli civilians, and their refusal to capitulate is partially responsible for the entire Gaza mess.
why tf do we allow hasabra talking points on here?


mods aren't omniscient
report it if you see it



>report it if you see it
I always do and nothing happens


Of course it is. Why else would they be doing this?


Reversed weeaboos are a cancer


>Why else would they be doing this?
The spook of ethnoreligious supremacism
It's the basis of Abrahamic creeds - all of which precede your "material conditions" in the Marxist sense of the term


>let's stop the genocide of palestinians by genociding jews

hurr durr


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>he fell for the zionism = judaism meme


GOTTEM epic for the win


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>unsourced internet opinion
<inb4 all jews are american boomer jews


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Ok but in actual news…


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you don't say


lmao you stole his heart
It's true, but in my experience posting the polls just results in coping about them being fake or going full retard and announcing polls of 1000 are unreliable


they better hold that vote promptly and the protestors better come back if it goes the other way. good progress though.


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More generally, the spook of the epic hero, the main character of life, is the core of their social cosmology.

>folding for a "vote"
Just begging to be rolled


Judaism is based on the spook of the Abrahamic covenant which forms the ontological foundation of zionism
Trying to separate them is like trying to separate Christianity and messianism(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


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>burger polls of a tiny slice of the global jewish population just like the last 100 times people tried pushing this point on here


>the average person forms their opinions on being an autist over ontology


I can't wait for Biden to lose the election and be absolutely flabbergasted as to why young people abandoned him. And instead of the dems learning that they need to lean further left they'll take the exact opposite lesson. It's great.


>instead of the dems learning that they need to lean further left they'll take the exact opposite lesson. It's great.

This happens every time with 'centre-left' parties. But to be honest, it is kind of a good thing, because it leads to electoral politics being increasingly discredited to growing numbers of young people and the contradictions to heighten (and so on)


Brandon going 100% Hitler on the protests it seems.


Literally yes
Zionists are not the "average person"


>noooo stop greentexting take me seriously (I will continue greentexting to my heart's content)


You mean Lutherans? Oh, no, the whole idea of post-Catholicism was to make peace with Mammon, not to conquer him.


Engels told you to lurk more
<I have interpreted your first main phrase in the following way: According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation. We ourselves make our history, but, primarily, under pre-suppositions and conditions which are very well determined. But even the political tradition, nay, even the tradition that man creates in his head, plays an important part even if not the decisive one. The Prussian State has itself been born and developed because of certain historical reasons, and, in the last instance, economic reasons. But it is very difficult to determine without pedantry that, among the many small States of northern Germany, precisely Brandenburg has been destined by economic necessity and not also by other factors (above all its complications with Poland after the Prussian conquest and hence, also, with international politics-which, besides has also been decisive in the formation of the power of the Austrian ruling family), to become that great power in which are personified the economic, linguistic, and-after the Reformation-also the religious difference between the North and South. It would be mighty difficult for one who does not want to make himself ridiculous to explain from the economic point of view the existence of each small German State of the past and present, or even the phonetic differentiation of High German which extended the geographic division formed already by the Sudetti mountains as far as the Faunus.

>thinking that parties are minds that "learn" and can be morally persuaded
Imaginary friend liberalism the post


>people are as autistic about specific ontological interpretations of old religious texts as I am


>Ok but in actual news
I think nobody's really talking about it because nobody really believes anything will come of it and it's just placating and co-opting the student protests on that campus.


>You mean Lutherans?
No I mean all Christianity
The vatican made peace with mammon and usury a long time ago
The "great commission" can't be carried out without a universalist endeavour funded by capital


>Hamas seemed to have been engaged in demographic warfare where a Palestinian child population was deliberately developed so that there'd be martyrs and human shields for their activities.

do you know where you are you pathetic shill? seriously rolling out "human shield" talking points? off yourself


>All jews live in these specific countries and nowhere else
<noooooo if you don't buy my broken logic and cherry-picking you're trying to defend a pet minority

I'm of the opinion that everybody who holds prejudiced views towards any religion or ethnic group should be beaten with a pabst bottle and all /pol/yps should be doxxed


>>1841950 (me)
>also and I neglected to point this out IT'S JUST A POPULATION TAB WITH NO POLLING LMFAO


they were trying to demonstrate that the opinions of american and israeli jews, the majority of jews in the world, are not nearly as insignificant or arbitrarily chosen as you are suggesting. you are making a fool of yourself, if you want to actually challenge the significance of the polls you need to look at the methodology


Imagine carrying on posting after embarrassing yourself this much lmao


SJP at UVM is trying to block the commencement speech of Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who is a US ambassador to the UN that blocked Palestinian statehood.


We burn your last holy man upon a pyre of the last remnants of your sacred lies.
Cope. Seeth. Etc.


>Convert to Orthodoxy and join ROCOR
The Russian church is full of actual criminals, and everytime I talk truth about them someone says GOD is gonna smite me… but it never happens, proving not only that I'm correct but that GOD actually agrees…


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Burden of proof is on him, and he should be clearer in exactly what his reasoning is. His point is still very poorly argued. His logic is still flawed because he starts with a deliberately loaded and provocative claim like "/pol/ was right about jews" and then tries to make it about specific attitudes which can be fitted into contexts, with several steps missing inbetween. So if we're gonna get into methodology and argumentation, we should start with the deliberately slippery manner in which he's trying to make his case.


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this thread has been steering off topic


i didnt see the original post, anyone saying "/pol/ was right about jews" should be mocked or ignored. point still stands you were doing a bad job of arguing



It's how he started. Mods deleted it.
>you were doing a bad job of arguing
I'm not interested in putting a whole lot of effort into arguing with a guy who starts with that. I prefer to just take potshots and mock him.

I deleted and re-worded so as to be clearer in what I mean.


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Here’s what happened today
Here’s a recap of the latest as protests continue at university campuses across the US:

>US President Joe Biden has finally broken his silence on the nationwide protests, saying the US does not “squash dissent” but authorities will also enforce the rule of law.

<Biden says the surge in campus unrest, which may spell trouble for him in November’s presidential election, will not affect his policy stance.
>Hours earlier, police had cleared an encampment at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) that had come under attack by pro-Israeli counterprotesters a day earlier. At least 132 people were arrested, but more protesters have already started to gather.
<Police crackdowns have also been reported at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire as well as at two public universities in upstate New York.


I'm a different poster, thought that was apparent with me replying to another post from an hour before the other guy
He's using the same deduction skills for which poster is which that he uses to judge what tables mean



That's my bad, I misunderstood and thought you were the same guy.


Doesn't Brown have kind of the reputation to be the most easy-going ivy?


Yeah but that would only buy them time. If they flop on that, it's going to make people a lot madder and poison the well for Brown and probably any other campus doing less than actually conceding. It's a dialectical process.


Most any worker that works for the MIC is ideologically on the same level as volunteer soldiers. The workers that it depends on, such as steel, chemical, and silicon, are a better bet to align with.


Have you seriously not seen Israelis specifically citing their religion as justification for what they're doing? Literally saying things like "Palestine will get what the Amalekites got." Idk how much you know about Judaism, but regardless of political leanings, but it's a pretty big trend in (religious) Jewish culture to be super argumentative over details of the religion and how it applies to real life…


My problem with this is that it sort of handwaves away the significance of the fact that basically every religion is going to have a bunch of warring interpretations that lead to different practical conclusions. To say "Zionism is the inevitable result of abrahamic ontology" isn't totally wrong but it papers over internal strife in a way that cedes ground to zionists


Fuck you and your religions, you're probably just a butthurt christian.


I'm an atheist lol


Then why are you going out of your way to defend religion


>Have you seriously not seen Israelis specifically citing their religion as justification for what they're doing?
Further evidence supporting my post
Why are you posting at me? Learn to read.


>it papers over internal strife in a way that cedes ground to zionists


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I'm not. I get annoyed at sweeping ideological generalizations regarding demographics, because that way lies schizo bullshit.

Explain how, then. Show receipts.


>Explain how
Explain how my assertion regarding judaism and zionism being inseparable is somehow a mechanism to paper over intra-jewish fbi.gov which serves zionism?
You're not even wrong. You're completely incoherent.


intra-jewish disagreement*


>To say "Zionism is the inevitable result of abrahamic ontology" isn't totally wrong but it papers over internal strife in a way that cedes ground to zionists
Sure but the truth is that zionism and anti-zionism are both predictable products of the religious ideology. Like some of the most anti-zionist Jews are also the super religious orthodox ones who find the basis for opposing Israel not so much in humanitarian interest but in the idea that God doesn't want Jews to return to Israel (yet). It's a complex topic, and the religion is a factor (both ways), so merely dismissing any concerns about that is incorrect.

It's also counterproductive when it comes to opposing antisemitism because anybody can just look at the situation and see that there are lots of zionists explicitly using the religion as justification for what Israel does. To some degree, there is an argument being had within the religion as a whole over the zionism question. While religion in general is not a great thing and communists should not openly support religion, how this conflict plays out is of interest to the situation at large, since even outside of the religious context the ideological basis for Israel revolves around the modern version of "the Jewish question." Which is to say, the argument within Judaism tilting against Israel is a win for the anti-zionist side since it undermines the ideological foundation of zionism.

>Why are you posting at me?
To include more context for people reading.


The rub in trying to assign them as religious or ethnic group is that Jews are an ethnoreligious group spanning several ethnicities, even a bunch of Zionist Jews are atheist which reminds me of a funny quote I saw before:
>A bunch of people who don't believe in god but do believe god gave them some land
Like you could have an atheist Druze, but they're still Druze.


Oh for fuck's sake. Zionism is a specific historical phenomenon that is younger than judaism per se. Within the jewish population there's other ideologies like diasporism or people who just are straight-up apolitical and don't give a fuck.

To say "Zionism is innately connected to judaism" (which is common sense because they fucking say it) is not the same as saying "judaism MUST always lead to zionism"


>To include more context for people reading.
Well ok then. Carry on


>It's also counterproductive
Specifically, it's counterproductive because merely dismissing the connection to religion makes it look like people are just trying to "cover up" for something nefarious and obvious. The zionists openly using the religion as a political tool is something that has to be addressed, partly because the point of this is to conflate zionism with Judaism and Jews.


>Sure but the truth is that zionism and anti-zionism are both predictable products of […]

Can't argue with any of this tbh


>Zionism is a specific historical phenomenon that is younger than judaism per se
The entire religion is based on a divine covenant for a territorial claim and a national construct centered around a physical temple located there
>other ideologies like diasporism
Not such ideology exists. The diaspora is a historical reality - not an ideology.
> is not the same as saying "judaism MUST always lead to zionism"
Agreed but the contention is idiotic and analogous to saying that Christianity leading to the formation of a church is not an inevitability


>it is so broad it actually would outlaw parts of the New Testament


>This legislation not only attacks pro-Palestine positions, it is so broad it actually would outlaw parts of the New Testament. We should bring that up to every pro-Israel Conservative we come across.
Call your senator and say this lol. Say that the law discriminates against Christians and ask if they hate Christians and God.


>Not such ideology exists
Anon, you can literally google it.


Max Blumenthal Interview about the wider implications of the student protests.


>google is the source of truth and authority
Jewish hand wringing about their post national status after the Roman conflicts and how their religious cult can be maintained absent the temple does not constitute political ideology


Anon, it's a simple statement of fact. It's a position that exists and has adherents.

>Jewish hand wringing about their post national status after the Roman conflicts and how their religious cult can be maintained absent the temple does not constitute political ideolog

That's not what it refers to.


>It's a position that exists and has adherents.
A theological one. Not a coherent political ideology of any significance.
>That's not what it refers to.
It refers to intra-jewish fixations on their ethnoreligious identity
Again - not a political ideology


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>A theological one
Fair enough. Point being, the idea that judaism as a faith is teleologically driven towards zionism or something equally fascistic strikes me as absurd.


oh look it's actual Neonazi Tom Cotton.


Did they realise that calling them commies and socialists would only embolden them further


> the idea that judaism as a faith is teleologically driven towards zionism or something equally fascistic strikes me as absurd.
It strikes me as self evident
Indeed all monotheist abrahamic creeds suffer from this inherent fascist impulse
A false consciousness insisting on adherence to it's concepts or subservience to adherents of those concepts


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Well, I'm not an idealist, and in my opinion, most religious and cultural stances are largely post-hoc rationalizations for preexisting behavior and incentives. So the idea that ideas in and of themselves gather enough autonomous momentum to create an fascist death-drive totally independent of historical context strikes me as vague poetics at best and absurd nonsense at worst. I don't find the basis compelling.



Biden is so fucking cooked lmao


Liberals will cheer when Trump wins


>Well, I'm not an idealist
Neither am I. That doesn't mean that spooks don't exist or that they do not hold great power over the minds of barely evolved primates.
>totally independent of historical context
No one added that contingent subclause apart from you


I'm legitimately done with this country. I've been staring at the black, cold void at the heart of this place for basically most of my life since as a young teen I saw every so-called respectable adult in my life cheer on shelling civilian targets in Iraq with depleted uranium because hurr durr 9/11.

This is why I roll my eyes at jungle gang posters - you think you hate Americans Nobody hates Americans more than Americans hate each other deep down. And you know what? Fine. Fuckin' bet. Fuck this place and the avaricious fuckers that live in it.


The sooner Abrahamism is wiped off the Earth the better. Good thing is all 3 believe what's happening in Palestine is part of the end times prophecy. When nothing comes of it Abrahamism will be thoroughly delegitimized. My sincere hope is that is for the most part dead by 2100. Abrahamism is reactionary and can't coexist with the communist movement.


Cringe new Atheist-style idealism.


Based and correct


>Neither am I. That doesn't mean that spooks don't exist or that they do not hold great power over the minds of barely evolved primates.

Okay, but then that just reduces the argument to basically vibes. If you're going to treat these ideas as a teleological force with their own autonomous internal momentum, and you're not an idealist, you're going to have to address what specific kind of socio-historical contingent factors such a thing supervenes upon and explain exactly how - otherwise, you're essentially treating it like it's basically spooky demons possessing people


The "new atheist" are a neocon plot to secure reaction within secularism. How is what I'm saying related to them at all? Any time secularism shows any teeth this shit is brought up as some kinda gotcha.


>When nothing comes of it Abrahamism will be thoroughly delegitimized.

Thinking 'facts and logic' can help you debate religion into non-existence.

>The sooner Abrahamism is wiped off the Earth the bette

For Abrahamism to disappear the base has to be changed.


unfortunately its like drugs. Russel brand even converted to catholicism recently. just when you think it's fading away, it comes back.


>with their own autonomous internal momentum
You keep adding these strawmen clauses
>You're going to have to address what specific kind of socio-historical contingent factors such a thing supervenes upon and explain exactly how
You sound like a presuppositional Christfag asserting that I must accept the existence of his retarded thunder god in order to accept logic and have a conversation.
The reality of false consciousness and it's effects are directly observable and I don't need to provide a comprehensive "account" for it's ontological basis in order to assert that simple fact of current reality


I think all religions should be understood as sociological phenomena. And the thing about sociological phenomena and sociology in general is that it is a pseudo science in the sense that the scientific method and specifically experiment design cannot be applied to it in the same way it is applied to natural sciences. In other words, we cannot carry out controlled experiments to determine the "natural tendency" of any religions. This does not mean it's not useful or valuable. Religions have always existed alongside and in an inextricable relation other socio-economic factors. Religion is a variable dependent of and depended on by many other socio-economic variables. Modern observation of religious tendencies seem to show that populations with relatively high standards of living and education either naturally drift away from religion or reinterpret their religious beliefs and texts to fit their new values. The holy texts of all 3 religions are full of horrible shit, and yet all 3 have sects ranging from ultra conservative (luddites, monarchists, patriarchal, etc) to radical leftists (feminist, sex-positive, egalitarian). Violent repression of religion backfires in most cases. Public education and improvements of peoples socio-economic conditions naturally chip away at the influence of religious institutions. idk


The superstructure will be destroyed by the failed prophecy, and the base by capitalism's destruction of itself a destruction it will not recover from I with add. That doesn't mean reaction will be defeated but devolve and disintegrate beyond capitalism


>You keep adding these strawmen clauses
Then explain the specific material reasons as to why this "inherent fascist impulse" keeps winning out. If this a strawman, then you've done a poor job of clarifying your meaning.

>The reality of false consciousness and it's effects are directly observable and I don't need to provide a comprehensive "account" for it's ontological basis in order to assert that simple fact of current reality

There's a big jump from observing false consciousness in action to "I know the internal characteristics of these things, and it's an innate fascist drive since the beginning that constantly wins out"


I don't know whether you know anything about Christianity or Abrahamic religions but those prophecies have been falling for millennia and those religions keep existing.


>Russel brand even converted to catholicism recently
at the same time that he got sponsored by a catholic meditation prayer app and around the same time that he was mentioned in the diddy reporting. idk, it's real cool zone shit for brand to take this turn.


Freedom is one of those abstractions, alongside equality, that Marx says is already realized in commodity exchange, and one of the things he chastises Proudhon fot wanting to see the "real" realisation of.


>Violent repression of religion backfires in most cases.
Agreed and I don't endorse that. Neither do I accept special carve outs, exceptions and privileges for religious groups who assert that normal rules don't apply to them
>Then explain the specific material reasons as to why this "inherent fascist impulse" keeps winning out.
I don't have to in order to point to it and identify it via basic observation
>I know the internal characteristics of these things
I never claimed such knowledge. I merely point to those innate fascist results which occur consistently and across time in all 3 creeds


Well this is we're Mao and the cultural revolution is so important. Religion is as you say a natural occurrence of sociology. I'm not saying that we can defeat the spiritual outlook. I personally believe Communism needs it. Personally a animistic pantheism that's constructive is desirable. The major religions have within them the ability to function with communism example liberation theology. Problem is that is an exception not the rule, and rule will always be at odds with Communism. Abrahamism is an extinctionist death cult it has to be actively quelled within the next few centuries. It needs to be suppressed just enough to squash it and not enough to get to much push back.


>I don't have to explain why I believe what I do, it's just self-evident that this is a reasonable conclusion to draw


>I don't have to explain why I believe what I do
I didnt say that
I said that I don't need to provide a comprehensive ontological account for the existence of a phenomena in order to identify that such a phenomena exists - and that it exists consistently across time
Again you sound like a pseud christfag who thinks presuppositional argumentation is the ultimate gotcha and proof of the existence of their psychotic bronze age sky daddy


>Asking me to make sense is being a christfag

ok dude, you do you


Well the conditions have changed most of those failed end time prophecies came before the advent of the secularism of the enlightenment. With the state of Israel being made it also I believe adds more weight to this periods notions then before. In the past when they failed nothing was there to head to a new direction and everything was there to keep it's hegemony. The material conditions state this is a unique time that has me believe it's different this time as at odds with the past that might feel.


Again with the low autism score strawmen and mischaracterisations


>Well this is we're Mao and the cultural revolution is so important. Religion is as you say a natural occurrence of sociology. I'm not saying that we can defeat the spiritual outlook. I personally believe Communism needs it. Personally a animistic pantheism that's constructive is desirable. The major religions have within them the ability to function with communism example liberation theology. Problem is that is an exception not the rule, and rule will always be at odds with Communism. Abrahamism is an extinctionist death cult it has to be actively quelled within the next few centuries. It needs to be suppressed just enough to squash it and not enough to get to much push back.
Wicca should be made the state religion. You can be an atheist or a Wiccan. Wicca is a very progressive religion which unlike Abrahamism has no ethnonationalist foundation.


Im okay with any religion that leaves me in peace to goon until my balls start to shrivel up like prunes.


What part of "I don't buy your reasoning" is this hard to understand. Holy hell.


>Wicca should be made the state religion
Agreed but only if party members are provided with at least 3 state mandated Wiccan gfs


wicca being cracker larp with no historical base


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Learn to read and comprehend.


Is Brandon trying to lose to Drumpf?


>if you don't agree with my reasoning you actually don't understand
<if you criticize me it's a strawman


I don't care anymore. Let this place burn



he is 100% gonna lose and it'll be so funny




^ here I detailed the thread


To continue the discussion.



Infinite regress ad nauseam


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Finally people are using crypto for something useful, evading sanctions.


Trump could have at least done what Nixon did and gone to a university campus and tried to shake the students hands and do like a ‘can we find common ground?’ Debate, So even if one of them spit on him or he got punched, he could go like ‘Welp I tried’
It actually would have been logical from a cynical political perspective since Trump has spent the better part of a decade pretending to be a dove.
But no, He dosent even want to pretend to be a dove now, he’s just a bomb bomb bomb Iran Cheneyite who thinks America should invade Iran if sacred Israel is threatened and his followers and other rightoids will eat up the slop anyway because of uh…’The left’ is Anti-white or smth


Who asked tho?



He's a grifter who wants more money and power and that is already constantly given by him. Not to mention the state specifically protects him from consequences that would have put you or me in prison forever. Biden also helps him definitely win this election


I'm really excited to see the lowest turn out of all time for the "most important election of all time"


Nah, I think it’s 50/50 that Biden/Trump wins.


<Talking about anything but what's been going on in uni campus across the world
This website..
>He dosent even want to pretend to be a dove now
During his presidency they called him Zion Don.
He has a settlement named after him.
You should not be surprised.


He snapped back yo pretending to be a dove with the Ukraine shit, But according to Lindsey Graham Trump has ‘changed his mind’, Which probably means he’s cucked on that as well.


wow ur so cool anon


Stop larping, go plant a tree or something


>if you think my opinion is cringe then Lenin would fucking kill you for me

NTA but this, this right here, this is the cancer killing the site


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I'm so fucking tired, lads.


>The romans carried out the murder of Jesus by command of the jews
That's like saying the US government torturing prisoners in Abu Ghraib by command of the Iraqis.

And no. Jesus was not killed by "The Jews." Jesus was a Jew, as were his followers. Jesus was killed by the Romans. The New Testament is a story written from the perspective of Jesus's followers several decades later, after Jerusalem had fallen and there were Early Christian diasporas throughout the Roman empire. Early Christians were just one sect of political messianic Judaism. There were Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots as well. Possibly other sects not known to us today. Most Jews were peasants living throughout Judea. The religious pharisee leadership in Jerusalem, in the 2nd temple, were the sect particularly interested in executing Jesus, and even among them there were dissenters like Nicodemus. These were the people who petitioned the Roman governor to execute Jesus and free Barrabas, and intimidated some of the locals into joining them for that purpose. The idea that Jesus was uniquely hated by all Jews is ridiculous, otherwise he wouldn't have gained a following prior to coming to Jerusalem. It was a particular sect in Jerusalem who had beef with him. And that is if you take the New Testament at face value, despite the fact that it is a nonhistorical religious narrative decades removed from the events, at best.


>since Trump has spent the better part of a decade pretending to be a dove.
depends on who is in the room.
baghdadi died like a dog, soleimani died like a dog, they're rapists and some i assume are good people, we need to get tough, like in the old days, bing bong bing


>go plant a tree or something
wow just like jimmy beast


Being an edgy tryhard is just as alienating as being an UwU softlib

consider being fucking normal


Iran university promises free education, stay to expelled Western students
Multiple universities in Iran are taunting their Western counterparts by promising to accept students who are expelled for participating in pro-Palestine protests.

The Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) in Tehran, one of Iran’s top universities, announced on Thursday that it will welcome students turned away from universities in the US and across Europe.

“We have considered scholarships for these students and will fully pay for their education, dormitory and stay,” said SBU President Mahmoud Aghamiri, according to state-linked media.

“We will also especially support Palestinian students who are facing challenges,” he said without elaborating.

Dozens of universities across Iran were the scenes of widespread student demonstrations – and clashes with armed security and arrests – during nationwide protests that rocked Iran in 2022 and 2023.


What the fuck? That's really cool. Is this a trap


>To pick fights and seek revenge instead of entering into an argument against incorrect views.
>To regard oneself as having rendered greater service to the revolution. To think highly of oneself
>I'm sure you would have said the same to Lenin when he called for the creation of the Cheka, and you would have been one of the first against the wall when it happened.


extremely based, sauce?


Shut the fuck up and stay on topic, you damned LARPer. You're not radical or revolutionary just because you know how to post memes and tough-guy rhetoric in response to being criticized on the internet. Grow up.


>Iran university promises free education, stay to expelled Western students
I can't wait for this to hit the Fox/Newsmax circuit.


"It is altogether different with Marxism and anarchism: both are at the present time recognised as socialist trends, they are waging a fierce struggle against each other, both are trying to present themselves to the proletariat as genuinely socialist doctrines, and, of course, a study and comparison of the two will be far more interesting for the reader.

We are not the kind of people who, when the word "anarchism" is mentioned, turn away contemptuously and say with a supercilious wave of the hand: "Why waste time on that, it's not worth talking about!" We think that such cheap "criticism" is undignified and useless.

Nor are we the kind of people who console themselves with the thought that the Anarchists "have no masses behind them and, therefore, are not so dangerous." It is not who has a larger or smaller "mass" following today, but the essence of the doctrine that matters. If the "doctrine" of the Anarchists expresses the truth, then it goes without saying that it will certainly hew a path for itself and will rally the masses around itself. If, however, it is unsound and built up on a false foundation, it will not last long and will remain suspended in mid-air. But the unsoundness of anarchism must be proved." – Stalin, 1906


If Lenin told me to do it I would do it, if you told me to do it I would give you a wedgie


The real enemy of marxim is liberals/imperialists. Anarchists are few and far between and so are marxists because they've been crushed under them both in propaganda and literally. There is a debate to be had about anarchists but only when the bourgeoisie has been defeated.


Just mock him, he's a schizo LARPer who picks a new contrarian position every week


Stop derailing the thread.

You're not Lenin or Mao, you're a guy on an imageboard. Put your ego back in your pants.


What out lads. We've got a real hard man here. This guy means business.


succdem false flagging as an ML hating anarchists


Shut the fuck up you derailing faggots.
>extremely based, sauce?
Al-Jazeera live-blog.


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>Iron Felix finally did what was necessary and exterminated the rats.
This better not be a reference to Felix the Cat


People are annoyed with you because you're derailing the thread with posturing.

Shut the fuck up, tryhard.


Blame the mods. Motherfucker's been going off for 20 minutes and I've been reporting his shit


>target practice for our cadres
Fellas this guy has command of armed cadres. I told you. He means business.
Angry comrade? No no not me. Pls no gulag


been watching a few of the Japanese protestor twitter accounts and it's already showing signs of being subverted by anti-nuclear rhetoric. Same shit happened to SEALDs student protests 10 years back and it burnt out


Mods, seriously.


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Comrades, does it ever make you sick how confusing things are and how fast things are moving? Just 6 years ago I assumed anyone who said "Zogbot" was the type of loser who had a username like kekistan1488 and now i have to assume in good faith it's probably a pro-palestine comrade using cringe language. Just 6 years ago the debate was whether Amerikkka could be made better through electing reformist succdems, now the whole empire seems to be unraveling at marvelous speed. The old world is dying, and the new world is struggling to be born. Now is the time of monsters. There are so many new comrades, but they are so bright eyed and bushy tailed, enthusiastic and zealous, but undisciplined in both theory and practice. The media slanders and lies and mixes us up with rightoid neo nazis on purpose. I don't know how I'll even begin to explain these tumultous years to my daughter when she is old enough. I'll never trust a textbook to cover this period of history.


>Ebin Rab Babbles
are you 12


>Mods should ban the anti-communist bandits who infest this site.
If you want your own little playpen website then kindly go and make it.
Absolutely nobody or nothing is stopping you.


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welcome to interesting times, friend


Been reporting this goddamn weird fucker's tantrum for about 30 mins now, mods do jack


Serious question, why did you come to a site named /leftypol/ in the first place? Go to the hundred gentrified forums if you don't want to bully nazis.


That's not 'Arfican News Network', its Al-J, don't be disingenuous wrt these things.
Marc Lamont Hill is a good commentator though, has some decent positions.




>Why did a bandit like you show up?
I ( >>1842255 ) have been here since 2019, I am a Marxist. I am an active member of a major communist org and supply insider information to help my union. In fact, I'm visible in televised footage of Palestine rallies, including unlawful rallies, in my country. The only way one could consider me 'not a leftist' is to claim the concept of 'left' is nonsense in itself.

>To talk with other leftists.

But why here, and not the other safe spaces? I put forth you're only hurting yourself by having false expectations of what this place is and its history. Did you even read the rules?


I'd agree if I didn't get my posts regularly deleted for spousing basic marxism here.


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reported for off-topic flooding.


isnt it really hard for westerners to get into iran


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If only the old head communists had spent the last several decades preparing to be the educators that would be needed instead of having pointless arguments and fracturing into ever tinier micro-sects.


>having pointless arguments
Such as? Most philosophical questions are useless, but determining whether something helps the proletarian movement or not is not a "pointless argument".

>and fracturing into ever tinier micro-sects

I agree that this is stupid.


My throwing range is less than your firing range and we don't have rifles yet. They all lived.


One of the funnier obscure things about this situation is that the French have been shitting and farting about what appears to be a non-existent red-green-brown alliance for decades. So the west in its blundering pigheaded incompetence basically forces them all together like they did with Russia, China and Iran.
>In 2010, Del Valle published an essay in Italy titled "Verdi, Rossi, Neri. La convergenza degli estremismi antioccidentali: islamismo, comunismo, neonazismo" ("Red, Black, Green: The Meeting of Extreme Anti-Westernisms"
What we're seeing domestically is now like what we're seeing internationally, where western governments have made themselves the prime antagonist of a bunch of ideologically, ethnically and religiously disparate groups to the point that they have been given a unifying common enemy that sees these Zionist governments as the highest priority.


are """communists""" actually allying with literal nazis and religious fanatics lol


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china please liberate my university too


How many "AnarKKKists" have you killed comrade?


No. Perhaps for burger but not sure. Lots of people travel between euro and Iran and even if it is not possible from US then you'd only have to fly to Turkey perhaps first.
These are top unis by burger standards though so lots of international, including regional, students.




even lenin said the next revolutions would be "relatively peaceful" compared to russia's


Unarmed? I literally have two.


Guess lenin was wrong then


>Such as? Most philosophical questions are useless, but determining whether something helps the proletarian movement or not is not a "pointless argument".
Mostly campist shoulda-woulda-coulda arguments about historical movements and which side to uphold or else campist arguments about every fucking political struggle regardless of whether there is a right side to pick.


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I wonder if this will turn into anything bigger.
May '68 started out as simple student protests


It's what inevitably happens when your politics revolves around abstract leftoid nonsense like anti-imperialism, self-determination, anti-Western campism and so on rather than communism, the international proletarian movement.


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A lot of the language suggests that people are at least cribbing notes from a bunch of them, but the actual organizations seem to be absent though their members may be present. The numbers of communists, Nazis and jihadists are pretty thin realistically, so it makes sense you get ideological soup as soon as a large bunch of apolitical people become activated.
The Houthis are a good example of this broad anti-western ideology that has matured since they absorbed everyone else in Yemen basically, including a lot of the communists so you will sometimes see stuff like Fanon quoted in their propaganda. It's also not unheard of to find communist Houthis.
Although I'm mostly just thinking out loud after the other poster's comments:
>how confusing things are and how fast things are moving? Just 6 years ago I assumed anyone who said "Zogbot" was the type of loser who had a username like kekistan1488 and now i have to assume in good faith it's probably a pro-palestine comrade using cringe language


>proper marxist analysis
Oh my fucking god this place is a fucking joke.


uyghas don't read shit and suffer from terminal larp syndrome.
In current reality, religion is dead or at best dying. The current material conditions simply don't push people towards mythological explanations of the world, which is why "evangelical conservatives" and "liberation theology" exist in the first place. People who already are religious clearly understand that religion doesn't do a good job of explaining the world. Back when religion made sense, there were no "Christian communists" - there were quakers, hussites, and others. The Pope is trying to save religion by pandering to socialists in Latin America, for god's sake.
Wicca is a funny larp, as are all religions like it. The role of religion was taken over by naked liberal idealism (which grew directly out of Christianity) during the Enlightenment. You personally are liberal idealists, by the way. This is the correct description of people who say shit like "abrahamism is a death cult".


>not possessing an additional 2 cybernetic implants


>You personally are liberal idealists
I'm not


Scientific materialism is not simply a set of propositions. It's a unitary doctrine, the critique of religion as a socially ordained structure is included within it.


My posting is augmented.


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Let's goooooo


ngl selling althusser in a protest is fucking retarded LOL


On one had it takes brass balls to give fucking althusser to rando normies

on the other hand who the fuck is going to understand fucking althusser without at least doing a bunch of homework


oh pls hes not that hard to understand lmao


Point stands
I'm not a liberal idealist
This was my post


Does the book have any info that would be beneficial in strangling Drew Pavlou?


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>On one had it takes brass balls to give fucking althusser to rando normies
You know what they say in the Revolutionary Communist Organization of Brisbane, it takes brass balls to give Althusser to random normies. You can't take to the streets? THESE STRUCTURES TAKE TO THE STREETS.


>There is a 3 p.m. Thursday deadline from the administration for the protesters, but it is unclear what will happen after 3 p.m. if the two sides do not reach an agreement, said Todd Wolfson, president of the Rutgers AAUP-AFT faculty union, and Bryan Sacks, president of the Rutgers adjuncts union.

>A university spokeswoman declined to comment on whether Rutgers officials gave protesters a 3 p.m. deadline to reach an agreement.

>At least 100 faculty members signed up to stand between the protesters and the police to keep the students from being arrested, Wolfson said.

>The faculty members willing to stand with the protesters are called “faculty defenders,” Wolfson said. They were seen walking into into Murray Hall near the encampment Thursday for a meeting



youre right, the essay is mostly psychological mumbo jumbo and focuses too much on ideology. but im guessing thats not all the books they were offering, right? i hope so


It's much more likely to be misplaced limitless youthful optimism
A characteristic rarely possessed by those who have read and understood Althusser


if da gommies supporting Palestine makes you support israel, you were only virtue-signaling.


What is the dominant ISA of the current USA?


Or an op?

>explanations of the world
Apples and oranges. Natural gods should not be conflated with world gods nor with natural science. Their roles in society are totally different.
Other societies' cosmologies do not necessarily say much about the origins of material objects or with the sort of explanatory rigor that positivists would like history to have. In fact, early religion-bureaucracies were not concerned very much with useful knowledge relative to things on Earth, so much as with metaphysical names, relations, and successions. So with the Kwakiutl cosmology, a collection of episodic encounters with the spirit world by which the tribe historically gained access to natural or (mostly) cultural properties, almost all well in the past, or the Christian cosmology which doesn't explain any natural forces, and well before positivist science existed to displace it.
Even then, world-religions don't purport to explain what is when there's world-history for that, so much as they propose to create what isn't. They place the adherent into a half-finished story (or dance, or dream) and oblige the believer to extend it, through commitment to the religion's defined relations to action (value). People's relation with natural gods, on the other hand, was performative and transactional, not normative and moral. Nature gods did not presume general command of human affairs, which was the sole business of the king (which total command only really extended about 100-200m from his person, and dropped off rapidly thereafter). Those not looking to enhance their love or riches, or had not recently come into a bounty thereof, weren't bound to render service unto Venus, but good luck being seen by her when she comes around to Earth to distribute her blessings.


i love this movie but damn why that UYGHA HAVE BRASS BALLS IN HIS SUITCASE LMAO

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