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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1842286[Last 50 Posts]

Down with imperialism, down with capitalism, down with zionism. The protests are spreading beyond the US. Don't let up the pressure, make sure to strike when the iron is hot.


hopefully this thread will only analyze the protests themselves whether positively or negatively instead of wildly offtopic shit


Are we winning, pa?


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I have extreme hope that this will turn into something much bigger. We're in the armory—we just need someone to strike a match.


>memri tv
something tells me this is a mistranslation
also average burger kek


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>and it wasn't israel!


>Who attacked us on 9/11
On that point surely these noble Burgers can present us with all those weapons of mass destruction they killed over a million people for


A fresh wave of pro-Palestinian student demonstrations and encampments have taken place at UK universities over the war in Gaza.
It comes after violent scenes on campuses in the US, where over a thousand people were arrested in police crackdowns.

Demonstrations were due to take place in at least six UK universities on Wednesday, including Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds and Newcastle, with others expected to also join.

Student activists have also held marches and one-off protests around the country.

The groups have called on their universities to divest from Israel in response to its military operation in Gaza.

This would mean selling off stock in Israeli companies or otherwise dropping financial ties.

The students have asked for supporters to donate food, drinks and hygiene products.

Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt, speaking in Parliament, warned that protesters should be met with “an extremely strict response” if they tried to replicate what she called the “disgusting” scenes happening in the US, where 1,000 students have been arrested.


An encampment at Warwick University began last week with students calling on the institution to divest with military firms who provide funding for the university.

One Warwick University student said: "We set up on the in the early hours of the 26th April and we're here because, we have, for the past over six months been campaigning, against the Warwick management.

"We have done sit ins, we've done protests, we've done open letters, we've passed some motion and the university has continued to ignore us."

Students at Warwick spoke to ITV News anonymously, worrying that they could be disciplined by the university.

However, the university has since confirmed that students participating in protests won't face disciplinary action.

A spokesperson for Warwick University said: "This demonstration is being managed in line with our legal duty and commitment to allow freedom of speech on campus.

"The University of Warwick will not initiate any disciplinary action against any protesters, organisers or students involved in the ongoing demonstration unless the University receives complaints that would have to be reviewed under the Duty of Care owed to all students."


Students in Leeds have announced their intention to camp "indefinitely" outside of the student union.

Protesting under the name Leeds Students Against Apartheid Coalition, they began a walkout for Palestine on May Day.


Protesters have said that 50 students had set up camp, demanding that the university end its partnership with BAE systems and other arms companies.

They have also demanded that the university cut ties with Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

University of Manchester registrar, secretary and chief operating officer, Patrick Hackett, said: "We fully recognise the right of students and staff to protest within the law, however, setting up camp in a city campus raises potential health and safety concerns, risks disruption to staff, students and our wider community and ultimately is an unauthorised and unlawful use of the University’s campus."


Apartheid Off Campus Newcastle said its demonstration was to “highlight the institution’s investment strategy and its complicity in the Israeli military’s war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank”.


Students in Bristol are staging action "in protest of the university's complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians".


University of Sheffield receives funding from a number of defence contractors, some of which make and supply components used by the Israeli military.

This has formed the main point of contention for students at the university.

Students have begun organised campouts in a bid to push the university to divest in the defence industry.

A spokesperson for advocacy group Universities UK said: “Universities are monitoring the latest news on campus protests in the US and Canada.

"As with any high-profile issue, universities work hard to strike the right balance between ensuring the safety of all students and staff, including preventing harassment, and supporting lawful free speech on campus.

"We continue to meet regularly to discuss the latest position with university leaders.”


no doubt I just saw it and thought it was a good insight into the propaganda the other side is getting fed


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Stop being counterproductive, sweeties


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>and it wasn't Israel!


Have you guys ever walked into a room and just immediately sensed that a r*pe has happened there?


yeah it's called a wework


the smell of blood and sex and burned tires?


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pls include link if youre gonna copypaste an article


College students have the right to defend themselves. :^)


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No but one time I met some politician/bureaucrat guy and I could smell rape and death on him (meaning cum and blood that he failed to disguise with bleach and cologne).


Memri TV is literally founded by Yigal Carmon, a former Israeli intelligence officer. He served in the IOF from 1968 to 1988.
Memri is known for having """accurate""" translations the same way Russian was """accurately""" translated to English during the coldwar: intentionally exaggerated or misconstrued statements to make the USSR appear more aggressive or irrational.

For example, during the coldwar, Khrushchev made a statement in Russian that was famously translated into English as "We will bury you", which made Khrushchev and the Soviet government be perceived as threatening and malevolent, suggesting they had genocidal intentions toward the West. However, a more contextually accurate translation might have been "We will be present at your funeral," which Khrushchev clarified was not a threat of war, but rather a prediction that communism would ultimately outlast capitalism. The original phrase was intended more as a boast about the presumed economic superiority of the Soviet system rather than a direct threat of aggression.





Holy fucking shit


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What's old is new again.


Liberals are having a meltdown trying to explain away their genocidal rampage, literally all they have "Okay you think this is bad… but Drumpf!"


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But have you considered Trump will end our democracy and remove our right to choose between 100% Hitler (pedo) and 100% Hitler (rapist)?


All the people who say these protests don't matter or they are distracting Gaza will never recover from this video.


Not that black flag but Meds






These protests will unfortunately inevitably fizzle such as the Anti-Vietnam and Iraq protests in prior decades they follow in the footsteps of, Not due to the cause not being ‘just’ or the revolutionary will of the participants being misplaced, but due to the fact that their class-position itself makes them incapable of doing the only thing we know from historical experience can immediately force a state to cease participation in an armed conflict - A general downing of tools on the production and supply-line side of the economy.


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I'm so glad young burgers figured out that supporting Palestine is the right thing to do. I'm waiting for them to support the separatist people's republics of Donbass and Luhask against the Banderite coup regime of Kyiv (for some reason they still believe the lies about that conflict). Once they figure that conflict out they will realize none of US/NATO foreign policy is remotely justifiable.






Dude chill the fuck out, please. You won't make the world any better that way.


ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
Wahabbism = A british imperial tool to destabilize the Ottoman empire
9/11 = joint false flag attack carried out by NATO with help from Israel and the gulf states
Israel = a tool of US foreign policy and the most antisemitic entity of all time


oh wow the hasbarat larping as an angry ML is back


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this shit is what ruined the last thread. derailing faggots


I bet you are a anarchist false flagging as an ML to make MLs look like deranged schizophrenics.


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everyone posting and giving a (You) to bait is doing Mossad's work


Welp, this thread is already derailed. Occupy College 4 now, please.


only serious well-intended posts from here on out, please :)


Can someone link somewhere to buy flags etc. where the money goes to Palestine?


Protests against the Vietnam War and Iraq War didn't fizzle out until the US started withdrawing troops. The protests ended because the protestors won. If you stage a protest with a demand, you get your demmand and then you stop protesting that is a W not a L.



>Giving a (You) to people because they gave a (You) to someone they should not have given a (You) to


Thank you.


I love this video.


They'll say it's North Korean style propaganda and that brainwashing kids is bad. Meanwhile Israeli school kids are bullying their own teachers for not being fascist enough


Kind of wonder who he thinks he’s fooling? Who falls for asinine concern trolling anymore?


why is scientific american talking about palestine anyway lol?


Israel has been pushing the "Pallywood" meme for a long time. Literally Alex Jones style "crisis actors" conspiracy theories.


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Good sirs, we do not approve! We do NOT approve! Do you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME? WE. DO. NOT. APPROVE.


this poll is meaningless anyway because people (correctly) have completely different standards based on whether they agree or disagree with the cause


Well to an extent, yes, but I think there's a sizable mass of people in this country who will oppose you doing stuff at the bottom whether they agree with your cause or not..


well yes, true. most people are rulecucks, what can you do.


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Throwback to this arc, I'm sure I had a sillier example where they said Palestinians took Hollywood but I can't remember where I saved it


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Did this particular memetic strike a vein at the heart of contemporary (ir)reality?
Has the burger bush era 9/11 retardation and its unironic fear of a wholly imagined islamig gommunism necessarily pendulated a real and true islamic communism into being??
These college kids are getting more communist, and these college kids are converting to islam (!!)


few know this but karl marx was actually an arab man named كارلوس هاليفي


>NYPD Officer Opened Fire During Columbia Raid
burgers will really see nothing wrong with this



Marx wasn't called Moor for nothing.


Fucking Protocols tier, you can't make this shit up


Marx's parents pretended to be Jewish as a cover story. They were actually Moors, and the "joke" was an acknowledgement of Marx's secret heritage and commitment to Islam. It all makes sense.


It’s actually one of those bitter ironies that American liberals have such strong dislike for civil disobedience, and even seem to not understand what political activism, protest, and people’s power are when they are staring them in their face.


>All the people who say these protests don't matter or they are distracting Gaza will never recover from this video.
All the people who say they do matter now, next year when the gulf monarchies and Egypt get their bribes/spanks and some bullshit "accord" or "process" reverts the timeline to after the second intifada. And when the ruling class stops favoring the protests and they peter out, having obtained, not even concessions. Not even a slight divestment from the big colleges or raised any awareness beyond the "current thing", that is no more.

Will pretend to have known better and to have achieved invisible things.


Is this a joke because Britain at multiple times were the ones proping up the empire.


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When are people stop slapping dumb labels like left, right, trump, republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, republican, etc. on this shit? It's just America's America. If voting could stop the machine it'd be illegal.


wow you have achieved enlightenment


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who could have seen this coming


not trying to be profound or both sides here. I'm asking if there's a point where the mainstream discourse acknowledges that neocolonialism and state repression is bipartisan policy. When I look at liberal commentators like seder and kulinski they whiplash hard between "biden has committed crimes against humanity" to "what does this mean for the mid terms?". goes from 100 to zero fast enough to pop your head clean off, but they fundamentally can't move beyond the liberal capitalist system. if you press them hard enough they might volunteer concessions like ranked preferential voting, or some nordic socdem shit, but while that would be great it hasn't made europe or australia much better at following international law or protecting personal freedoms.

I appreciate the irony, but I'd also like people to start talking about how to get rid of roadblocks like the political class and their thugs.


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we have to destroy the burgers before H5N1 spreads


>I have extreme hope that this will turn into something much bigger.
It will. Israel is on its last legs and Zionists know it, that's why they're lashing out so hysterically this time around. Party's over.


Hey guys, it's that one newbie-organizer Mao-head. I have been assigned to the newly-formed Operations Committee at a well-known and esteemed east-coast college. I rolled up with a trunk full of supplies, pitched some ideas to them, and got to talking and formed this new committee to better help manage things.

These kids are in desperate need of guidance. There are apparently no experienced student organizers around here, everyone in the orgs is older and has jobs, and there is some drama with a chapter of a well-known local org. I am in a unique position to devote a large portion of my time to this effort, and I have limited organizing experience, but still some, and have some years on them.

Wish me luck


give me money


they will not if this petite bourgeois spontaneous protest shows itself to be a true vanguard. tbf i see no real left wing party ready to direct this and use it to form a mass front
fuck yeah
break a leg comrade
links with the working class


Shut the fuck up Kraut. You are in no position to speak about millions of dead people.


is there any way to donate to the protestors safely?


>bitter ironies that American liberals have such strong dislike for civil disobedience
What are you talking about? Liberals only talk about civil disobedience with "illegitimate" government. When they are in charge then they consider the government as legitimate and to illegally protest means you are dangerous radical who needs to be put down.

You would think radlibs would learn from this protest but I guess they need to be put in perfectly legal, 13th Amendment empowered slave camps by fellow liberals before they wake up.


>dialectical thinking
<how not to do it


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Ah, the good old 'our shelves are empty under capitalism, this reminds me of socialism' routine!


Eat the salad.


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I know about how 1% of every poll is insane trash or trolls, but seriously:
10% said they weren't sure if a consumer boycott is acceptable
10% said it was unacceptable.

What the fuck does that even mean? You are not allowed to not buy a product. In capitalist America.

I guess the only dumber one is 7% saying you can't call your representative, that's unacceptable. Next time you see a hundred people, remember that a whole group of them are fucking braindead.


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>What the fuck does that even mean? You are not allowed to not buy a product. In capitalist America.

Not buying Israeli products is literally banned in most states.


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I can't hear another liberal lecture me about the lesser evil.

I fully get why chinlet freaks use soyjaks now. Holy hell I don't want another one of these moralizing fuckheads getting my space going VOOT VOOT VOOT PUSH HIM LEFT PUSH HIM LEFT VOOOOOOT


TURKEY HALTS ALL TRADE WITH ISRAEL https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945380


Wrong Paley thread, comrade.



Who suggested this police? Did erdogan turned to the good side of the force?


His part got their ass kicked in during Turkey’s municipal elections. He is afraid.





Unironically punch them in the face lol



Cant believe the commies and politicians are doing stuff to gain more members. This has never been tried before, is a major new discovery.


Empty gestures like what? You can show us what you're doing to help the people


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can you spot the mistake?


Why aren't you answering my question?



Latest Chapo has Felix mention Zionists released poisoned mice on protesters. Combine this with that one Rabbi that tried to dress as an antisemitic stereotype to insult Candance Owens and it seems like Jewish Zionists are just openly becoming a /pol/ meme.


>poisoned mice

wat? did they think they would eat them or something


>US state of Georgia
why didn't they just say Georgia and remove the chance of being wrong by specifying the state or the country


they probably don't know there's a country called georgia lol


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It's spreading to Germany



why can't they just be honest? Even among themselves?


whatch as anti-deutsch zionists shit it up


Nooo jews just want to kill heckin' brown children in peace in the free market place of ideas!


A Germ camp already got evicted earlier in the week, iirc.


thank you former nazi german state for fighting anti-semitism :')


>It's probably not a protest against what's happening in Gaza.
>It's the country, not the state.


>All the people who say these protests don't matter or they are distracting Gaza will never recover from this video.
There are dosens of these videos and the Palestinians and Gazans have always shown extreme support for our protest and solidarity actions.
The point being that the doom-doom-doomer posters know the stance of Palestinian civil society as it's always been made very clear, they just don't care.


Power struggle over the university. The Zio/cons have made taking over the university their big project and this is where the resistance will be met. There is more to this than some performative demonstrations and slogans. The liberal order knows that if they don't clamp down now, they're going to concede a lot more in the war - the war they instigated with their strident attacks against the people of the world for their narrow agenda. This is perfectly fine with the Zionists. They know the conservatives have nothing of substance, have always been useful idiots to shit up a country. Everyone who matters already thinks of reconciliation, with the losers being those outside of the structure altogether.

By now the masses are beleaguered. Outside of the echo chamber, no one in America likes Israel. If you ask the typical American at this point, it won't be "Israel is bad because Israel is mean." It would be "welp, time for anuddah shoah!", and they're not too picky about how it's done. It kind of happens when the Zios bare their fangs and steal everyone's shit. But, the people know they have no leverage, no standing, no path to anything. Their fate was sealed back in the 1990s. If the people want to resist, the only path to them is to exit the institutions. Exit society. All that would remain is whatever grim existence they can claw back. This powers of the world did not want most of humanity in their society, and there is no "other system" or "other idea" with any serious currency. It may be different in the future, but by the time that happens, the masses will be depopulated, locked down, and so detached that they'd have to wait out the institutions' decay.

Any world where this is significantly different is beyond the capabilities of humans in any foreseeable future. Sure, we can stop any time. None of this was ever necessary. But, if that happened, humanity ends. There wouldn't be a future and there wouldn't be any expectation of what is to be done. If such a state of affairs were established, then the people would talk to each other, compare notes, and see just what was done to them. They would then see that the only course of action is to abandon society and humanity forever, looking to each other and disallowing any such project to ever exist again. It would be the end of any historical progress, and very likely, the survivors would elect to fade from the world, seeing no way for humanity to have any long-term trajectory that isn't the same thing they escaped. The alternative would be that the current ruling ideas reassert themselves and we're back to the same idea.

It is possible to break this condition without anything like this, but humanity did not want that answer, and probably can't understand such a thing at this point. It was vaguely comprehensible 100 years ago, and gradually anything that would have allowed a peaceful transition was eliminated. The enormity of the task would mean that for a better solution to exist, the present order would have to go against its dominant ideas and permit a general peace without exorbitant exploitation. That concept is no longer permitted in the ruling ideas at all. Anyone suggesting that such a thing would be desirable for some objective is just told they're stupid and "utopian" for wanting something very basic, because opportunistic struggle will always be more rewarding for the interested parties. They either want to claw their way up the ranks, or they see instigating the struggle as a way to keep humans fighting each other over nonsense. The remnants of the proprietors will be liquidated in the near future, leaving behind a managed property regime held by a few holding companies. They will dictate your life to you, if they get their way - and that's what the interested parties in humanity wanted. They'd rather serve that than allow us to live, because they hate the dispossessed more than they hate the cruelty of the entire setup.


>Can someone link somewhere to buy flags etc. where the money goes to Palestine?
https://shop.palestinecampaign.org/ is legit but might not have exactly what you want.
It's one of the few places to buy an keffiyeh that is made in Palestine:
<The traditional Palestinian scarf is known as Keffiyeh or Hatta. Local manufacturing of this symbol of the Palestinian struggle for freedom is sadly vanishing, with most keffiyehs sold around the world – and even in Palestine – being made in China or India. Today, only one factory remains in Palestine: The Hirbawi family in Hebron continues to weave the only original keffiyeh made in Palestine. They've been selling a lot since 7oct though so out of stock often.


Going back to the thread's topic though - Israel as it is presently constituted is pretty much fucked. US has shown limitations to what it will enter or can enter, and the empire has no interest in losing what it built with its Iranian proxy. The empire's chief target is the US itself, "prophecy" setting that in motion in 2008. US is in no condition to fight anything, and this has been an open secret for some time. The leaders of the US stripped the country bare. They don't want "America" and they hate Americans more than anything in the world. Anyone sane in America has been telling the leadership to piss on Israel and make a deal with Iran, like the times saner heads in the country did that. Israel used its leverage to instigate everything that transpired from 2015 on, in a bid to stay relevant as an imperial vassal and annoy the world with their bullshit.


This fate awaits anyone who thinks they have some clever plan to outsmart and cajole the empire and history in their super adventure club. History and the true state of affairs does not work that way. The empire feeds only its impulses and cares not for the ambitions of anyone who thinks this is a good thing. The people who will rule it in the end - and many times this has already happened - rule not by any will, but because they are contagions or agents of the imperial disease itself. There's nothing in them but the pressing of a nerve and kicking down. Anyone who encouraged and glorified any part of that is an asshole. I wish they would hang themselves, but that's not what they do. Never. We're stuck with their world.

Anyway, I am all for ending Israel's bullshit, for the sake of anything good in this world. I'm cautiously optimistic the ruling powers do not a general war to defend the shittiest country in human history.


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>Hey guys, it's that one newbie-organizer Mao-head. I have been assigned to the newly-formed Operations Committee at a well-known and esteemed east-coast college. I rolled up with a trunk full of supplies, pitched some ideas to them, and got to talking and formed this new committee to better help manage things.
Start tor-posting.
That is, ake your OPSEC more seriously and build it in to your habits. I'm not saying to be mad paranoid but you will be surveilled, by some combination of: the state locally or centrally, Israeli agencies in your country, the hostile press. So understand your threat and act accordingly in this regard and make it habitual.

Don't push your org and signups, remember why you are there at the end of the day, to force divestment and etc, not 'build the party' with a bunch of low-retention members in the form of students you pick up on protests/campaigns.

Good luck!


I have my own setup and security protocol, but thank you.


Globalize the intifaa

Let (((them))) and their boomer crossroach golems tremble




The small hats will cry about antisemitism but never there you why is there antisemitism

From China all the way to Guatemala I'm sure it's all a cohencidence and we're all antisemen bigots


*tell you


>Zionists released poisoned mice on protesters
what the eff. fyi anyone going to protests do not bring any fucking devices like phone tablet laptop smartwatch and wear covid mask and shades. I was supportive but kind of skeptical about the timing of the protests at first but I'm 100% on board now.


red margin on "creating a petition" are true regime-heads


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baboon poster is back


This is why it pisses me off when people ask for creds at the slightest sign of critique. I try to organize with workers but I'm not going to get any less vague than that when asked, if I even bother to respond.

>Don't push your org and signups, remember why you are there at the end of the day, to force divestment and etc, not 'build the party' with a bunch of low-retention members in the form of students you pick up on protests/campaigns.

This is good advice if your only goal is divestment. Then again the intention to participate in parliament sucks up the entire activity of many leftist groups.


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>This is good advice if your only goal is divestment. Then again the intention to participate in parliament sucks up the entire activity of many leftist groups.
Yep, before someone knows it they will be absorbed in the minutea of party processes and so on that they can forget it has absolutely nothing to do with the campaign they were convinced to join the party around. This kind of stuff happened a lot around the Iraq and Afghanistan wars often.
The clear, concise and achievable demands are a massive plus for this campaign and I think it's important for the students to not loose sight of it to some imagined wider domestic or party political gains.
Apparently police cars have been burned, some counter-protestors counter-attacked.


From other thread:
Portland State University students in Oregon repelled the large police presence, forcing them to retreat into a university building, following the massive invasion earlier today. Students successfully took down the fencing erected around Refaat Al-Areer Memorial Library.
The police prevented press and legal observers from accessing the library after their invasion of it, and students in it managed to avoid arrest. Supporting crowds mobilized to block police vans with a number of arrested students, which police violently responded to with pepper spray and rubber bullets.
The individual who maced protestors and drove their car through the crowd has been identified, and their car was destroyed.

The Columbia University chapter of the American Administration of University Professors calls for a vote of no confidence in Columbia president "Minouche Shafik" and all university administration, citing the unauthorized summoning of the NYPD to campus on the night of April 30th.
The decision to summon the police was carried out without permission by the University Senate or faculty, and resulted in the arrest of hundreds of students and use of force by the NYPD. Yesterday, it was revealed that an NYPD officer fired his gun inside of Hind's Hall, which had been occupied by student protestors.
The faculty condemned the "militarized lockdown" of the university, which has "irrevocably undermined" their trust in the administration. They cite the "culmination of shocking failures in decision-making" over the last seven months for the erosion of trust, noting the failure to respect student and faculty rights to free speech.
They called for the reopening of the university and withdrawal of the NYPD, which Shafik asked to remain on campus until May 17th.

Yesterday at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire, police violently arrested chair of Jewish Studies at the university, Annelise Orleck (65 years old) and banned her from campus for 6 months.
Two days ago, Southern Illinois University professor Steve Tamari was assaulted by police at Washington University in St. Louis for filming students, leaving him with 9 fractured ribs and a broken hand under the weight of several police officers.
Dr. Tamari wrote: "My ordeal, however, is a small price to pay for Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza, aided and abetted by the U.S. government, the military, the political elite of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and, most outrageously, institutions of higher education like Washington University which give lip service to the principles of freedom of speech while they trample anything that might rattle the military industrial complex to which they are so beholden.
Meanwhile, all twelve of Gaza's universities have been destroyed. Ninety-four academics, scientists, and intellectuals have been targeted and killed in air strikes. Thousands of students have had their lives and careers cut short. Keep your eyes on Gaza."

French police have invaded Sciences Po University in Paris, to attempt to disperse the Gaza solidarity encampment on campus and have assaulted several students.
The French government decided to close and evacuate the university at this moment.
Six students at the university began a hunger strike yesterday in solidarity with Gaza.
Simultaneously, the NYPD carried out a surprise raid on the Gaza solidarity encampment at the NYU campus, arresting a number of people.

From France to Japan and Mexico, sit-ins and encampments continue in support of Palestine.
Camps were established at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, as well as the International Christian University and Hiroshima University, in addition to demonstrations at other Japanese universities.
In at least 17 countries, over 160 actions and 125 encampments in solidarity with Palestine have been reported in the last two weeks.


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Correct! Although it was a lot funnier when I saw it because it's a video and you slowly realize they're speaking a different language and then see an EU flag, in fact I remember seeing the guy with the EU flag tipping off leftypol that it was a glowie NGO operation


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Just when I think shit can't get any more cartoonishly evil


I have no idea, they spent less time discussing the details of what they were attempting and more speculating if Zionists doing this comically evil stuff is so pointing it out can make you look anti-Semitic.


wtf are zionazis trying to make the protocols real or something


>What the fuck does that even mean? You are not allowed to not buy a product. In capitalist America.
There's some number of people who just don't like protesting at all. Of any kind. Matt Christman kind of talked about this, but there are people whose demand is that you must be happy and eat your burger.


Are you that retard from yesterday?



It's truly sad that no one drowned you as an infant.


How are you still not banned? Meds


What happened with your posts? They all disapeared for some reason, weird.


>the ruling class stops favoring the protests

where do you see the ruling class anywhere favoring these protests lmao


This type of shit happened in 2020 there, too. How can portlandians be so based?


The bandits got crushed and accomplished nothing, actually. It's not "based" unless you are a literal infant or an anarchist worm who exists to hamstring the left for the benefit of your rich parents.


Fuck off banditposter, I can see your redditspacing


Mods ban this tryhard already


leftypol try not to respond to bait challenge


Glad to see rightypol keeping up it's grand traditions.


Portlandians are radlibs who radlibbed so hard they actually became based retards


you have counter-productive spectacle brain

log off


mods can you just ban this faggot already


>bandit-baiter posting day of the rope


Counterargument: You are a stupid little uyghur who should be rangebanned for being the biggest faggot on planet earth, and also for being 14


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I hate how every thread about any ongoing geopolitical event has to inevitably devolve into incessant /b/-tier shitposting (see also the Ukraine and Israel threads). We're on the main board and these threads have lower quality then your average /siberia/ thread.


>I hate how every thread about any ongoing geopolitical event has to inevitably devolve into incessant /b/-tier shitposting
smashies parasitizing on movements is IRL shitposting


I don't have any qualms with violence or illegal acts per say but I do dislike disorganized smashies, yes.


>I hate how every thread about any ongoing geopolitical event has to inevitably devolve into incessant /b/-tier shitposting (see also the Ukraine and Israel threads). We're on the main board and these threads have lower quality then your average /siberia/ thread.
It's a couple of jilted weirdos who were once posters here who have it their mission to shit up any thread about serious topics. .net people
You notice they never pull such things in /ISG/ or /USAgeneral/, or the daily deluge of squirrel-shit threads and only threads about things such as the genocide in Gaza, organizing around said genocide.
It tells you a lot, all you need to know, about how these people relate to their supposed 'politics'.


Sorry sweatie but this is acceptable posting, we'll wait for something antisemitic to be posted like the implication that Jewish Zionists are in control of America before showing our steady guiding hand


>Sorry sweatie but this is acceptable posting
How is this acceptable posting? Would you allow some retard spam your threads about wanting to kill marxista? I dont think só.


>How is this acceptable posting?
I am obviously not a mod kek I am just mocking them, I'm stating this because they get really upset at people "impersonating" them with satirical anonymous posts mocking them


I've posted my fair share of "controversial" opinions (many got promptly deleted for shitting on "third-worldists", lol) in these threads but this is shameless genuine spam.


This is a complete word salad. Replying seriously to bait, yadda yadda. I don't like anarchism but internationalist anarchists have more in common with marxists than most MLs.


God shut up, you're the sort of retard that gives us tankies a bad reputation.


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You know it's a legit happening when the thread gets bombarded with glowbait.


hasbara got an ML-edgeposter parody bot in here


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Related post: >>1843489


WTF Gazians are actually OPPRESSED by Hamas?!?!


This and the fratboy spectacle are giving me summer of 2020 vibes. Are we heading towards that again, with people shooting each other in the streets? God don't let me get my hopes up for nothing




>It's pretty funny how the bandits are allowed to just openly post racial and sexual slurs, belying their reactionary nature, and nothing happens, but I am instantly banned for posting Marxist-Leninist theory.
Death to the Zionist Occupation Government of the New World Order
Long live the global proletariat and the internationalist revolution


I don't think so and hope not.
The attempt will/should be of the demonstrators to keep the spectacle focused on Gaza and off of themselves per-se.


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disturbing….ly based


Help… I feel disturbed! Save me, feds…


just wait til the economy shits itself again (this summer most likely)


I think they are holding it off to blame Trump


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love how they felt the need to not just zoom in but also highlight it. all it needed was extra second zoom, underline and arrows


Unironically based

I remember when CA and NY threatened to secede after Trump's victory


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This is now #226 in my bait advisory collection. Danke, comrade. Share in my wealth pic1

That's fine for the demonstrators. What about the other 8 billion of us? I guess we'll just voot

What were they really thinking?


let the universities burn. Porky ass corrupt moneygrubbers


Im living off the seethium that smashies invoke from the libs


all the based ones are in the bottom


meanwhile, in reality, smashies are the libs


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yankies hate protests in general


>ban pro-Israeli protestors
>Rep +45%



opinion was similar during vietnam protests etc
It's always the same shit. Everybody pearl clutches about this shit in the moment and then 50 years later everyone says that the protesters were in the right.


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I'm so fuckin' tired, man.


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Evergreen State University in Olympia, Washington has become the first University to divest from Israel. Zionist forces murdered Evergreen alumna Rachel Corrie in 2003 while she protected Palestinians with her life.


many americans believe protestors shouldn't even block traffic and don't care when they get attacked, so I'm not surprised. burgers in general have no balls when it comes to it.


it always amuses me that americans are such servile faggots yet they also have a founding revolutionary war mythos, 'freedom isn't free, blood of patriots and tyrants', and so on, but if you block traffic you deserve to be fucking executed



American politics is so fucking stupid. Why even have different parties anyway?


I'm going to be blunt: The average person is a slop loving hylic.
They should be ignored completely, they're imbeciles, in the era of mass media and communication all they're good for is sucking elite cock. They're functionally retarded. Only an idiot expects success by getting these morons on side, because it's never going to happen.
You can't just expect people to be behind you nowadays, you need to continuously undermine and discredit their propaganda apparatus to get even 50% of their support. Thank god the world is not a democracy and their opinion is largely irrelevant.



Massive W lets try to keep it up


>You can't just expect people to be behind you nowadays, you need to continuously undermine and discredit their propaganda apparatus to get even 50% of their support. Thank god the world is not a democracy and their opinion is largely irrelevant.

ok and how do you propose to win without the support of a mass base then?


A mass base does not require the majority, the modern world is full of spectators. A million fanatics would overwhelm a hundred million regime supporters. Most people just want to eat food, fuck, consume media and go to work and not be bothered. Not a scorn worthy position, but you can at least disregard them from combat.


you can't exactly get a million people beside you without mass appeal, but I get your point


Well we loop back round to the poll, we're sitting comfortably in the safe zone. Regime supporters mostly support the regime because they don't want conflict, you shouldn't worry about sitting at polarity approval. The Bolsheviks had what, 10%, 20%? It's about winning over the sympathizers.


He imagines killing the useless eaters, 1/3 to 90% of the population. Basically, everything that reminds people to hate "revolutions" of that sort. Who wants to burn their country to the ground for the same people who insulted them and made the country into this? The intellectual superiors have dictated policy unilaterally for 100 years by explicit grants given to them. They control the PR apparatus, effectively control anyone who enters political office, and that's still not enough for them. The vice of the intellectual is that they are extremely and profoundly selfish and given over to their conceits like no other aristocracy has been.

The people don't want you.
But, the people don't need you. They've always hated Israel. Lord knows how many people have waited to say "Fuck the Jews" after 50 years of this shit. But, if you say it like that, the intellectuals say you're an evil anti-semite and have bad optics. See, the intellectuals keep thinking they can steer every event immaculately and ensure that they don't face consequences ever. That's how the grifters always think.

The masses don't go in for performance and self-abasement. Israel leaves a disgusting taste in their mouth, because Israel is known for porn and stealing your wealth for more crack binges. They don't need the intellectuals substituting that with some preferred struggle. The problem is the intellectuals are too busy trying to game every scenario to work in this perfect way that doesn't require the intellectual to suffer at all, because the "great struggle" is all abstract to them. It's the masses who lose their homes, and are told to stand and die while the intellectuals piss away the country. Why wouldn't the intellectuals do this? They hate the country and hate the people more than anything else and never shut up about it. Always have, always will. Then those intellectuals create a vanguard so that more chaos is sown, and tell the masses to suffer more and shout loudly for it, and expect us to remain beaten like dogs. It's amazing how intellectuals always feed the beast - the same beast that will give them cushy jobs, sinecures, and all of these goodies just handed to them. It's a joke. Then the people can be given the smallest scraps and it feels like bliss simply to be left alone from the cajoling and attacking.

But no, we down here are not allowed to ever say what this is, because we're too stupid and no one wants us. It wasn't enough for us to go on with our lives, what little is left, and it certainly was too much to expect us to have the things we wanted before this madness was imposed on us. But, it has gone on for far too long. Humans don't know anything else. They were never meant to be anything else, and every human who tries to break the cycle is mocked and destroyed.

Most people hate the students who (a) mocked them and bragged about killing off the stupids and poors, and (b) don't actually know or care what's at stake, so much that they have trouble remembering the party line on why they support Palestine. Fortunately, there are people associated with the resistance who have always understood what the Israeli war was about and have made it clear, in spite of dumbass students and cajolers who want their special movement of true believers only. A lot of the Pals are fucking sick of opportunists trying to shoehorn their theories into the struggle. They want to hold their land against illegal seizure, not uphold some ideology about what they're supposed to be. That sort of thinking is how the Pals are used as props by everyone else and they learned that game a long time ago. Intellectuals never change - they don't need any other game, because they just push a reward button that has always paid off for their interest and approach to life.


The people the US regime really have to think about are rank and file soldiers, if they are asked to put boots on the ground for Israel. Right now, if that order is given, it won't be followed. No one has any reason to throw away what's left of the country and start a general war in the process. No one needs to encourage Israel's democidal aims. I'm perfectly fine with letting the neocon-Nazis do their planned backstab of Israel if that will shut them up at last.


I'm not reading all that but here is my vibe based analysis
1) You are a schizo
2) Nobody can write a wall of text that is interesting in 10 minutes
3) You're a retard with liberal brains who thinks you need 51% approval to establish socialism




Can you really say you’re shocked? I can’t.


This board is full of the dumbest fags imaginable.


My ban was only temporal. Not gonna respond to bait anymore. Long live mother anarchy, and death to anyone that disobeys the rules, bye, my battery is almost ending.



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>100% Hitler (pedo) and 100% Hitler (rapist)?
Wait I'm not sure which one is supposed to be Biden and which one is supposed to be Trump


They're both way beyond Hitler. When you look at Hitler the man, there isn't that much there. It was the Nazi Party base that were the engine of Germanic evil more than the guy giving speeches, most of which weren't the super crazy shit the Nazis actually believed in. Hitler was just the first to work out the modern echo chamber and use of PR and novel media. The early efforts at liberal PR were clumsier but effective because they actually did something halfway substantial, while Nazism was a pure plunder operation from day one.


The good news - both of them will probably lose. You're finally going to get "None of the Above"… or "Giant Meteor".


Both are pedos and rapists.


Mister Types-An-Essay been real quiet since this reply dropped


So that people learn to identify with and internalize competition and subordination as the two key values of liberal society, even if they don't necessarily identify them both as such.


>bitching about materialism on a Marxist imageboard


blanquibros rising. marxists btfo


can you guys please get back on topic of gaza


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Ben Garrison is such a stupid snowuygha


This to both but unironically


>tfw when you accidently oppress someone


poll answerers are old retards confirmed


Burgers are cucks. Ignore that "rebellious" attitude.


Broken clock


the group of the right are wearing kafiias in the shape of a hood, its slander of the pro-Palestine movement


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StAbBeD iN tHe EyE
<EXACT QUOTE: "I was stabbed in the eye last night on Yale University's campus because I am a Jew." - Sahar Tartak


I'm talking about the two pedophile rapist Amerikkkan zionist presidents who are backing Israeli slaughter of Gazans to the hilt and are currently in a fight over which one of them loves Israel more. It is absolutely on topic.


borderline polface


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Universities in the US have been first and foremost finance institutions for decades, so while the absolute knee jerk reaction of their directions and the police state against the protesting students can be explained by the strategical interest the US has in Israel, it's also the consequence of direct and immediate capital relations.
Indeed, doing a strike or a protest in a US ivy league college is not just annoying people and blocking access to students, it's targeting the wallets of very wealthy shareholders and their fund managers who want this business to function as usual and in this case it's even contesting their right to do what they want with the money by asking those institutions to divest incredible amounts of capital currently invested in Israel.
I find it's something a lot of people involved in this discussion missed, and that it's a big factor that decided the "unusually" violent and viscous reaction those protests encountered.


good and important post
>I find it's something a lot of people involved in this discussion missed
Remiss to not have mentioned it, but given this is a communist website I think some of us were just taking this for granted as a thing people here understood.


What percent of these investments are in Israel? It can't be more than a few percent.


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Okay. Which of you woke commies is responsible for this?


If you examine closely the picture I posted, you will see the values are in thousands of dollars. Columbia, which is a smaller business than Harvard, has an endowment worth $13.6 billion, so a few percent of that would be tens of millions. I did a quick search to see the economics of divestment but the interesting articles are behind paywalls and archive.org is currently down, maybe I'll try again tomorrow and post my findings here.


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Pol is really at an impasse. they dont know what side to support


>materialism is when you uh… it's when you rely on a majority and uh there's awesome cool mobs and shit
Many people are saying this!


The south has more in common with palestine than with israel. Both are colonies of foreign predominantly white settler-colonial governments who are occupied because they both lost wars recently and are extremely religiously backward.


Ignoring the class position is kinda cringe ngl… The reason people seem "stupid" is because, at least in America, the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois make up the majority. Marx and Engels were cooking when describing the proletariat as the "desperate reserveless wage worker". It only makes sense that "first-world" nations where there's a growing cushy middle-class most people have stupid liberal reactionary views then.


>the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois make up the majority
Oh and of course I forgot the lumpenproletariat who due to their unique situation they most probably will not organize along with the proletariat. They don't even have an effect on production!


They have lots in common, like how it's a shame they're both not getting the shit bombed out of them.


>Marx and Engels were cooking when describing the proletariat as the "desperate reserveless wage worker"
But the reason they're "stupid" (they aren't, it just makes sense for them to be stupid, uncritical and unthinking) is that they're ultimately well fed and entertained. This isn't the 1800s or 1900s anymore, the average worker is well beyond the abysmal conditions of the old proletarian wageslave.
>It only makes sense that "first-world" nations where there's a growing cushy middle-class most people have stupid liberal reactionary views then.
This "class" has been crushed in the last decade or so, although often the delineation of said class is "guy who makes good money"


>This "class" has been crushed in the last decade or so, although often the delineation of said class is "guy who makes good money"
Doesn't it make the most sense then, that the communist movement is almost dead in countries with a high GDP, especially America? I say almost because as long as there's a proletariat class struggle will be a thing, but if most people are financially secure enough that they have reserve money if they lost their job, thus making them not proletarian, it follows that they have liberal reactionary views to protect and increase their reserves.


To follow up, it also makes sense that the petit-bourgeois getting crushed means an even higher increase in reactionary values, as every time it happens they desperately struggle against being proletarianized instead of turning to communism. The biggest example of this is Nazi Germany.


>turning to communism
Stop running a religion that thinks it's a political party, then


By turning to communism I mean join the class struggle, not a fucking political party.


The communist movement is practically dead everywhere, it's irrelevant.
inb4 muh china


It's not irrelevant to the global proletariat.


What part of my post makes you say that?


who are these high vis jacket peace police? they let this guy go back into his car and leave after he tried to run over protestors and start a brawl. annoying fucking pricks


>It's not irrelevant to the global proletariat.
It is, I'm afraid



Why does it surprise you that they protected the murderous fascist from left wingers? This is literally their entire ideology.


marxs immiseration thesis only states that wage growth decreases RELATIVE to the total output of the economy, which any lib screeching about stagnant wages should agree with? the living standard of the working class may rise but since productivity tends to increase all the more, the workers from the point of view of their situation as a class, in relation to total wealth, are actually becoming worse off

engels and he described absolute immiseration in the manifesto but the relative immiseration thesis was part of capital and im gonna hold that one over the other as it was written later

relative immiseration makes complete sense to me and is what has been happening these centuries

remember when cops shamelessly protected maga clowns?


This is going to happen with other schools. More evidence that these protest tactics the students are using WORK and anyone who tries to convince you they are useless or counterproductive is effectively a police propagandist, even if they don't realize it.


I'm gonna delete that because I was having a rerarded moment and I meant… oh what's the word for those reactionary regressives…


imo marx's best explanation of relative immiseration comes from wage labor and capital:

>To say that the interests of capital and the interests of the workers are identical, signifies only this: that capital and wage-labour are two sides of one and the same relation. The one conditions the other in the same way that the usurer and the borrower condition each other. As long as the wage-labourer remains a wage-labourer, his lot is dependent upon capital. That is what the boasted community of interests between worker and capitalists amounts to. If capital grows, the mass of wage-labour grows, the number of wage-workers increases; in a word, the sway of capital extends over a greater mass of individuals. Let us suppose the most favorable case: if productive capital grows, the demand for labour grows. It therefore increases the price of labour-power, wages. A house may be large or small; as long as the neighboring houses are likewise small, it satisfies all social requirement for a residence. But let there arise next to the little house a palace, and the little house shrinks to a hut. The little house now makes it clear that its inmate has no social position at all to maintain, or but a very insignificant one; and however high it may shoot up in the course of civilization, if the neighboring palace rises in equal or even in greater measure, the occupant of the relatively little house will always find himself more uncomfortable, more dissatisfied, more cramped within his four walls. An appreciable rise in wages presupposes a rapid growth of productive capital. Rapid growth of productive capital calls forth just as rapid a growth of wealth, of luxury, of social needs and social pleasures. Therefore, although the pleasures of the labourer have increased, the social gratification which they afford has fallen in comparison with the increased pleasures of the capitalist, which are inaccessible to the worker, in comparison with the stage of development of society in general. Our wants and pleasures have their origin in society; we therefore measure them in relation to society; we do not measure them in relation to the objects which serve for their gratification. Since they are of a social nature, they are of a relative nature.


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based and underrated post


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I've always seen polls as a form of bourgeois propaganda to lower leftist morale and raise porky morale. Polling agencies target old retired people who answer the phone in the middle of a work day. They aren't accurate. They're just a form of manufacturing consent.


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>inb4 muh china


yet more proof that zionism is the most antisemitic thing of all because it means embodying all the worst stereotypes about you


thank you for actually reading marx anon, i think about this passage all the time while reading dumbass posts on here but never bothered to wheel it out


>you will see the values are in thousands of dollars
oh, I'm retarded


Shay, idk what you’re doing, but whenever you talk like this I just regret that the Union army didn’t execute every single mayoid in the South


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The Union was a White imperialist nation waging a war of aggression against a multiethnic, majority BiPoc nation, the CSA (55% Black.)


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NYC congresswomen calls for mass exicutions of anti-genocide protestors


Yass qween slay.


These libs really want another Weather Underground or similar.


>let's slay students!


>outjewing the Jew
They're Protestants?

We should really just quietly lobotomize people who talk in that stupid bloviating drama voice


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I thought I had hit my peak when it comes to hatred for libs but this post just broke new ground for me. All libs are crypto fash


i wonder if there's something to be said about how reactoids tend to use their phone cameras as weapons
it's like /r/publicfreakdown surveillance mentality but more openly politicized, i think


American Hezbollah when?


First time drinking glow sticks, Agent?


is this supposed to mean something to me, or did you reply to the wrong post


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Tactics dump


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The crossbow formation


>don't record the fash
Definitely meant for you.


Stop Cop City tactics thread https://nitter.poast.org/defendATLforest/status/1724871475931288064
Communizer(?) take on campus occupations https://illwill.com/columbia


NTA but you shouldn't be taking phones to actions.
Just bludgeon them until leave or unconscious if they become a problem.


Dumbass, I was clearly talking about the Zionists sticking their phone cameras in the reporter's face as some kind of aggressive tactic


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>it's now our job to slay protesting students
Don't think I've ever seen public psychosis like this. What kind of prompts is she getting that results in posts like this? vid somewhat rel


Unorganized zoomer here, why you shouldnt take phones to any kind of protest


cops and/or feds can and will check phone location records and make arrests off of it


yeah you gotta take offline video cams instead so you can still record zionazis pretending to be assaulted like this bozo >>1844295


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trvth nvke


Still, what is the mental reason of pigs to disrupt protests and answer zionazi calls???


>Unorganized zoomer here, why you shouldnt take phones to any kind of protest
Not any kind of protest but certainly contentious, illegal or potentially violent one's.
Think of your phone as an potentially extremely sophisticated surveillance device.


Emma Goldman was right about the average American


Good point. I won't begrudge bystanders though.


>Still, what is the mental reason of pigs to disrupt protests and answer zionazi calls???
Western child rearing is essentially a process of brainwashing, imprisonment, and abuse. Kids grow up thinking that's normal.


>he cries out in pain as he strikes you


this just turn off location and put it on airplane mode
Shay's great-grandparents weren't slavers, they were slaver buttboys.


If they get physical access to your phone, it's joever


It is not enough to not bring your phone. The feds will find you, regardless. The fed is inevitable, do anything at your own risk.


>This, just turn off location and put it on airplane mode, or better yet just brink a simple camera instead.
No, location/airplane mode doesn't block police data gathering. if you're an unorganized zoomer just don't bring your phone. Just don't bring your phone If you think you absolutely must have a camera with you buy a $20 android phone from a pawnshop or something and do not bring it home, hide it somewhere away from home.
If you are an unorganized zoomer and don't understand tech just don't bring your phone, learn about the why later.


>>1844339 (samefag)
Don't let this stop you going to a protest in any way. Go to the protest. Just don't bring your phone.


>The feds will find you, regardless. The fed is inevitable The fed is inevitable, do anything at your own risk.
If you are a zoomer protesting on campus and you wear a covid mask and you do not bring your phone there is effectively no risk. Go to the protest.


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>there is effectively no risk


If it's electronic, it's can be exploited by your federal security agencies (e.g. signature reading and copying). I don't think these protests are high profile enough for that yet, but for future reference.


They also have world class locksmiths. Following your logic: why lock your door?


Also, hundreds of students and protesters and politicians pro-palestine were already arrested.
You should go protesting, don't be desmotivated, but you guys literally live in BurguerReich.
It is not safe, not even the smallest sign of discontent.
Just not bringing your phone is not enough. Do more. Actually read about how to organize and how to avoid being tracked down. That was the intention.


>why lock your door?

I don't Duh.


Actually post this, instead of hysteria.
Also practice what your preach and learn about threat models.


>Actually post this, instead of hysteria.

Nah, there are better anons to do it then me.
Don't live your door locked, no one tries to open it. Kept my door open for 5 years, never had a problem with it.


Thanks for the responses but unfortunately i do not live in a country with that immediate danger by police even if i live in the equivalent of the chvd state of my country, still needed to know why phones are dangerous, talked that with father.
I am brazillian faggot, all universities are on strike and there is no protest organizing here.


But also thanks for the optimism.


>posts the most predictable vid
This flagposter is literally trying to demoralize people ITT. In the context of the protests this thread is about
>do not bring your phone
>wear a covid mask
and there is effectively no risk from police data gathering. Don't let this retard put anyone off going to a protest right now.


how do i join an encampment without being seen as a fed or chvd infiltrator? im just a loner on my own


just go up, be polite and ask if theres someone you can talk to for a way for you to help out. bring a case of water and/or some cigarretes. most likely youll just be put on a line saying chants with a sign, or you can pull a night watch where you and other volunteers sit there for a few hours to watch out for cops/provocateurs while residents sleep in the middle of the night.


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They're not gonna think you're either of those by default unless you roll up rocking the undercover FBI uniform.


>the feds are literally fucking omniscient guys dont do anything
literally just cover your face and dont bring a phone with a battery

>inb4 gait recognition yadda yadda

unless you fucking kill a cop or something they arent going to put that much effort on you


oh you should be okay in brazil as far as phone tracking goes, but i'd still absolutely leave my phone at home at an action. i didnt mention it initially but if you get arrested or the cops just take your phone, if they get in theyll go through your messages and pick up anyone they can that could possibly be tied to the protest


this. basic opsec scales pretty simply with what youre going out to do, but still probably safer to wear nondescript clothes and cover tattoos. gait recognition is a meme unless they have other shit to back it up and like this anon is saying unless you go crazy they wont work that hard. i still strongly advise nondescript clothes, including shoes, and covering tats


You guys literally said that, and i quote you, verbatim:
>and there is effectively no risk from police data gathering.
>there is effectively no risk.
Which are false statements.


>All libs are crypto fash
wow almost like liberalism isnt a good thing for communists


If you really are paranoid, on top of wearing a mask you can always crossdress. They're probably not going to account for that.


Nobody cares about Palestine in Brazil tho, Uni protests there have nothing to do with Gaza but funding cuts

In fact I think I'd more probable for Brazilian to organize for the Zionists, Brazil is an extremely evangelical country and probably more racist towards Arabs and SWANA folk in general than even the US


>Nobody cares about Palestine in Brazil tho,

That is why they should be organizing and protesting more, to raise awareness


In fact, even though this document is from 2011, it shows how much the Brazilian government has helped the Israel armament industry:



Brazilians would probably support and cheer for what's happening in Gaza if they knew more

This is a country fillen with sociopaths, it's genetical, this was a penal colony of Portugal once and later during WW2 we got the worst scum of Europe here.


idk anon ive spent a few months in brazil and have family there, and compared to the US people seemed much less reactionary. I was in the northeast however so more of a PT stronghold and less reactionary whites


Yes Northeast is the most left leaning region

But the Southeast is the most populous one and is highly reactionary, losing only to the South


The evangelical schizos of universal would but i am pretty sure our left doesnt support israel.
Surprisingly the neolib succdem party supporters, some of them praise china and stand with palestine.


Brazilian left are all bunch of pink dem tier libs, they actually usually support zionism more bcuz muh pallies homophobic of something, they unironically believe palestinians throw gays off rooftops


Brazilian left are all bunch of pink dem tier libs, they actually usually support zionism more bcuz muh pallies homophobic of something, they unironically believe palestinians throw gays off rooftops


And yet American feds get fucking obliterated all over the world by revolutionary and natlib movements, curious. Even inside America, there are curiously many factories bursting in fire and trains getting derailed in these last three years.
This is demoralization. Practice doesn't line up with delusions of the CIA having so much power.


also if Trump gets re-elected he will just give Putin the list of all the agents and get a bunch of them killed (again lol)


Wrong, most of pink tide leftists, mainly on youtube are pro palestine, in reality they just follow the word of lula.
In reality it doesnt matter internally.
Now if you want to talk about israel supporters, none of them are left wing, they are just the utter scum (US liberal gusanos, pro-privatization fags)
In facto outside of those gusanos and shitlibs, everyone in latam left support palestine.


You're delusional


yeah some friends there were casually talking about how marighella was a hero of theirs and they werent even especially political, it was good to see


do you have any proofs of "left wing" israel supporters


Still, brazilian relations with Israel are minimal and even hostile. Trade between Israel and Brazil is just 0,6%. Even though the "Media" has done everything to go against president Lula and hist attempts to show to the world the genocide in gaza, Lula and the left movement has not backed down. Just in this 1 of may, every protest had at least one palestine flag. People chanted free Palestine, and even though i can not say if any action was taken in the past years to further the Palestinian cause, more then words at least, i can safely say that the left wing in general in Brasil are not pro-zionist. Much of the Brazilian people don't care or know much about the world.
>everyone in latam left support palestine.
Well, that is a great generalization. A hyperbole even.


Empirical ones, mostly on the internet


Even boriKKK of chile, the cuckdem denounced israel to court, they also expelled israel from the aerospace exposition


In reality most of pink tide leftists foreign policy ends up in some vague reformism or multipolarity.


This flagposter is literally trying to demoralize people ITT. In the context of the protests this thread is about
>do not bring your phone
>wear a covid mask
and there is effectively no risk from police data gathering. Don't let this retard put anyone off going to a protest right now.


This. Unless you personally do some big dramatic thing that gets the cops' attention while being identifiable they are not going to bother following up on some random person at the protest. It's just not worth their time.


Chill out.


Working class must join the protests to turn this into a massive revolution


What do working class people have in common with college students? College students dont do proletarian labor. Youre gonna have to overcome decades of anti-intellectual workerism if you want the workers to unite with college students.


Most working class people in the US are brainwashed and would rather have another reactionary at the top than power of their own. Not to mention it hasn't gotten bad enough for them yet.


no shit sherlock
but they wont unless theres a clear policy of a party willing to build that development
what a dumb post. college protests were almost always the spark of deep social change
>bad enough
when will retarded western marxists abandon the notion that class consciousness is born out of bad material conditions? this is why the western working class sees leftists as alien


>when will retarded western marxists abandon the notion that class consciousness is born out of bad material conditions?
How about you show the working class how to wake up instead of sperging out about this simple fact? I told you they are too brainwashed. The only thing that can make them get their asses on the street is by having everything go from bad to worse. They literally don't give a shit about a blatant genocide that is happening every 5-10 years in their country and you expect them to suddenly grow a concious and turn left. Fucking braindead moron


You deny that working class people wont want to work with college students, but the majority of the proletariat despises blue haired liberal college students. How are you going to overcome the cringe/based dialectic? The proletariat isnt the revolutionary subject in america btw - it's military personnel who are most instrumental in keeping the system alive, not service industry workers.


<the proles must suffer for progress
sucks that i cant sic the nkvd on your ass
>blue haired liberal college students
you mean liberals are actually NOT revolutionary? no way…… unbelievable
>The proletariat isnt the revolutionary subject in america btw - it's military personnel
>The proletariat isnt the revolutionary subject
<The proletariat isnt the revolutionary subject
i cant even pretend to be surprised
>military personnel
you mean armed proles? oh wait i guess theyre not proles, theyre uhhhhh something else, magical and mysterious


>the proles must suffer for progress
Nice strawman you get there you idiot but you still haven't bothered to give a solution or really an answer to anything I've said. I don't want them to suffer. I was just stating a fact that they won't do shit until they personally suffer which is true.


>The proletariat isnt the revolutionary subject
the absolute state


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I view proles the same way they look at baristas - they are limp wristed pansies that dont do any actual work. Who is it that porky calls upon to do their bidding? The military. Who controls and protects global shipping routes? The navy. Who invades foreign countries for profit? The army and marines. Who gets deployed to american cities during times of civil conflict or natural disasters or social unrest? The national guard. Who built the internet? The army. Why did highways originally get built in america? Because eisenhower wanted the military to be able to land planes anywhere in the country using them as airstrips. Why were railroads developed here? To help conquer the western parts of the country. It was always the military who put america in charge of the world. Since deindustrialization, the proletariat is no longer even necessary to keep it going. Porky knows that reindustrualizing is going to put power back into proles' hands, into the hands of organized labor… but it hasnt happened yet!


>give a solution
im not american i cant preach you the truth. i dont know about american history, economy, the composition of its social classes, its culture, etc.
>they won't do shit until they personally suffer
thats likely but not necessarily desirable nor a germ for the revolution. spontaneous risings and protests are fickle and usually respond to reformist consciousness, the highest the proletariat can achieve on its own, without a vanguard party. and, without a vanguard party to guide its actions, they wont achieve much
this is why constant political agitation and education are important. the bourgeois learn from the cyclical crises of capital and some of them acknowledge class struggle exists, thus have the ability to create failsafes and contingency measures


> they look at baristas - they are limp wristed pansies that dont do any actual work


president of UAW has expressed support but it would have to go to a vote. not clear on other unions positions on this but i imagine despite sympathy from newer organizer elements, it would still be extremely difficult to get US proles to get in on it. you gotta understand that the reason colleges are the base for this is because thats where younger left and liberal (and every combination) are invested in broader historical issues, reading about it on social media, talking about it with eachother, etc., often catalyzed by the presence of immigrant students with personal investment against zionism, as well as young jews who personally feel the need to differentiate themselves from the unquestioning zionism they grew up around, so both of those together you get immigrant students (and/or faculty) from MENA who provide a tangible link to the reality of genocide, and jewish students (and/or faculty) who themselves at least disillusioned with zionism (and often active in organizing anti-genocide protesrs), putting lie to the fact that anti-zionism is anti-jewish. shot & chaser for a crowd of passionate young people riding in on anger about the state of the world

this is NOT saying american proles are hopelessly ignorant or reactionary. theres some truth to that but theres also truth to american college students hopelessly narcissistic & sheltered, but right now the potential is on display in spite of that. the issue is that american unions have been effectively depoliticized for at least half a century, and the recent wins for unionization are just the bare minimum of workers realizing the union is good for them personally. american proles are incredibly insulated from international politics, for the most part we dont even know what the fuck is happening in this country and its an uphill battle to fight through the DNC/GOP culture war sedatives. the hope is that as the US declines further, the new generation of union organizers/politicized rank & file are able to hold the line on the labor struggle instead of compromising, and holding the line on labor will inevitably require recognizing the broader struggle, failing to do so will mean compromise, the compromise starts with ideologically siding with the US but it always ends with gutting the unions themselves, thats how it went in the 60s and 70s with the AFL-CIO.


what do you do for work, shay?


Oh, nothing right now… soon hopefully ill become a DJ and play music on a podcast/radio station from the safety of a communist country


My sides my aching sides



well even though youre an idiot i hope you are able to find health & happiness making your podcast in exile. and please keep the word proletariat out of your mouth until you at the very least stop the dixie LARP


>Muh blue haired college kids
Imagine spewing this shit when you’re trans yourself
Like, Shay, the reactoids you desperately want to appeal to, that you pretend represent all 350 million Americans, would absolutely lynch you as quickly as they’d lynch muh blue haired strawman


>I view proles the way they view baristas (proles with the wrong cultural signifiers)
Wow what a shock that what followed was extremely retarded


>the UVA protesters were arrested by the police
>the police then try to arrest the witnesses
>there's now like ten times more regular people protesting in the streets now
Nothing ever happens bros are real quiet…


Hahaha… i criticize workerism but i do it better than most workerists. Quite frankly i have stratocratic ideals for socialism, especially because real socialism will deputize and conscript all americans to force them to undergo basic military training and develop self-discipline. I dont fetishize civilian workers because why would i? America is a warrior culture, not a civilian culture…


Fizzlebros, what's (not) happening????


I genuinely don’t know why the mods permit you to promote your aggressively retarded version of fascism


Charlottesville is getting hot, more as this story develops


I honestly dont know why they put up with me either. I couldnt talk about anything but the south or the military and our political strategy even if i wanted to, which i don't, because those things are extremely important things to talk about. But the amount of people here who do not like me vastly outnumber the amount of people who actually wrestle with the ideas i frequently talk about.


I wrestled with them until I started to think you’re a white chauvinist troll


Your loss. Im gonna be the president some day. What kind of chauvinist do you think i am btw?


Surprised the zionists haven't "found" any Hamas "terrorists" in there yet


Nah i am gonna be the president yalll punk


guys stop shitposting I'm high as fuck and I wanna admire student protesters dunking on Zionist cops


What a coincidence. I'M high as fuck too.


Well anyways it looks like the pigs cleared out the witnesses, arrested some and sent the rest running. In the long run this will radicalize everyone and I realize that's a good thing, but it's hard not to feel anger seeing one's fellow man brutalized for the crime of wanting an end to this genocide.



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>The students have asked for supporters to donate food, drinks and hygiene products.
how? where/how can we do this?




Do you live near one?
You can, you know, have a human interaction if they're nearby.


Go look at a legal volunteer's page instead of getting random hearsay.
Police surveillance can include Stingray tech which pretends to be a phone tower and your phone will try to connect to it, or otherwise like comrade said, ISP phone location records. These can prove you were at a protest, and in the unlikely but possible case things turn illegal, that's bad. I take my phone and turn it on aeroplane mode (wifi and blootooth a shit), also don't use facial recognition unlock because it's easy for pigs to unlock by pointing it at your face.


Another one bites the dust. Piggies broke up the protest at University of Virginia with riot police. This is a good propaganda point for left leaning libs because 8 years ago the pigs did fuck all there as fascists brawled with locals and students.
>white supremacists
<stand back and stand by
>student protestors
<go hog wild


is there a list of colleges that decided to give in to the protestors and divest? i heard brown university did but only one university isnt a whole lot


I would still put your phone in a faraday bag. Never trust software kill switches


Were you on the ground, anon?


Rachel Corries uni, I forgot which it's called.
Rutgers too. Best university!


Has a protest ever accomplished something in the modern political landscape? There was far more popular disagreement with like the war in Vietnam, for example, not to mention every major artist and culture producer in the country backing the protests, but nothing ever happened. In fact the US government was itself directly committing far worse atrocities in that time than even Israel is currently, but still nothing ever happened. Sorry to be like a doomer whatever but I'm legit jw how people reason around this fact. Every instance of 'effective protest' according to the state's authorized history seems to just be a front used to avoid attributing progress to terrorism.


>Has a protest ever accomplished something in the modern political landscape?
literally scroll up dingus
the post above you names two colleges who divested

brown is going to vote on it, nothing in stone yet


Protests have collapsed entire governments in living memory, in the last 20 years even


Just like 2020 I fantasize about being on the barricades and just like 2020 I'm a long way away from any.


>There was far more popular disagreement with like the war in Vietnam, for example, not to mention every major artist and culture producer in the country backing the protests, but nothing ever happened.
Why do you fucktards keep repeating this lie?

The US under Nixon stepped up the atrocities to get a better negotiating position as they were planning to pull out of Vietnam before Nixon even won the election.

A generation earlier there was almost no resistance to the US involvement in Korea with the result the country is still partitioned to this day.


I'm talking about in America, where this is going down.
I don't fully understand what the whole divesting thing is supposed to do; won't the US government just send Israel money directly, instead?


Universities are primarily instruments of finance capital, one of the ways the bourgeoisie manages money to be able to throw it around on things like funding Israel. And Israel isn't just a big hole to shove money into, they're a country with an economy producing, and the relationships to universities tends to involve more than just exchanging money, but also things like cooperation on research and intelligence gathering. See >>1843393


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Guys stop! You're really worrying me with this anti Israel stuff it's not good for Israel. Just stop!!!


any readings on the berkeley protests that you can recommend and is this phenomenon related to them?


>Just stop!!!
The US government decided when to make the Ukraine proxy war a culture war issue and give themselves an out (Republicans love Russia! Trump collusion! Republicans holding aid!..). They threw Zelenskyy's faction under the bus, sold the public on the divide between the politicos and the army and gave themselves consent to scapegoat the current government and replace whomever they wanted.

And they are doing the similarly with Israel and Netanyahu. The USA govt are even now pretending that their toady ICC prosecutor could lift a finger against Israel without the USA's consent, perhaps to distract form the ICJ where their soft power is faltering. But hey, when everything goes the way of the hegemon, you can claim it was the student protest that made them "lose" because they didn't achieve some deranged maximalist goal straight out of Protocols.


shit's boring who cares
NSAcucks are too busy spying on their wives getting railed by chad thundercock (they literally call it "love int" in the biz) to go through the mountains and mountains of "person of interest" data they collect and pick which ones to prioritize. Every day old NSA employees leave and new ones join and find out they are already persons of interest and become disillusioned with the entire rotten structure of the NSA, and can barely consent with doing their own job despite being insiders. they spend half the day jacking off at their desk because they know it's the one place they won't be spied on while jacking off.


Are we winning, pa?


Motherfucker that's my line


Ah, classic rabbithole


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>“I don’t worry about ‘the world,’ I worry about the US,” Foxman said of the future. “The US is Israel’s most important ally, whether it’s politically, economically, militarily — there is no one else. What worries me is that we’re losing it.”
Even the goodest goy has her limits Israel.



i think this woman is a republican but your point stands


republicans are liberals


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Hello fellow youngun protestors! Why don't you invest in some Raytheon stock if you really want to stick it to the Zionists and make some change from whitin?


this is beautiful


to me this feels more like an investor who wants to sell his stock and not be left holding the bag of a declining stock than a concerted psyop effort. i think this demonstrates market uneasiness about raytheon which is a sign of shareholder fear. sell sell sell


>just vote with the dollars you don't have, indebted stude-ACK!


Wow they really said they want the superstonk retards to turn Raytheon into a meme stock.


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>Help transnational capital cash out, it's patriotic


I hate people like this.


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oh nononono no nonono demoralizersisters… whats this?



very based


wow look at all these cringe white leftists making the genocide in gaza all about themselves between sipping lattes at starbucks and tweeting on their iphones made of cobalt mined by slave labor




same. Not a single college in my state is protesting :(


i hope this thing shows the "lesser evil" liberals how absolutely fucking retarded they were.
<still putting kids in cages
<still building that retarded wall
<brutalizing protestors
<supports hitlerite immigration bills
never again will i interact with an electoralist


>i hope this thing shows the "lesser evil" liberals how absolutely fucking retarded they were.
How has nobody pointed out yet that if you're supposed to vote for 99% hitler to stop 100% hitler, then by the same logic you would have to vote for 100% hitler to stop 101% hitler.


Well unless Hitler somehow managed to reach the absolute zero of evil, logically Hitler would be the progressive candidate vs. I dunno, Dahmer or someone.

So maybe would could say that some people maybe 200% Hitler, more Hitler than Hitler himself.


Actually that doesn't make sense. Of course you can reach 100% Hitler, so rather, people that are more or less evil than Hitler would diverge so the evilest and the best person ever would both be approaching 0% Hitler.


*can't reach or rather can't surpass 100% Hitler


Man I love Cuba. This country really deserves better.


This guy is objectively wrong. These protests and the crackdown in reaction have supercharged the topic even if Zionists want to redirect the entire thing at the protesters only.

Also, If you go around the Israeli controlled "charities" and donate money directly the USA can prosecute you for giving "material support to a foreign terrorist organization."
Assuming this guy is actually lawyer, I feel sorry for any clients who take him seriously.


The real question is how long will the protests last?


It will be joever after graduation…


It needs to go to the streets this summer


They can always come back next summer and restart the whole thing.


the sooner you realize that fascism and liberalism merged together after WW2, the sooner everything will make more sense
the last time liberals had any smidge of progressive energy left in them was the new deal


B-B-But gay marriage! That means killing children is totally progressive now! If we don't let them they might take away the gay paper!


Shame that lolberterians destroyed the reputation of crypto. More dissidents need to start looking at Visa and Mastercard as unsafe


Shame that lolberterians destroyed the reputation of crypto. Trusting Visa and MasterCard are gonna get a lot of activists vanned in the coming years


it is of course impossible to van someone if their transactions are all recorded on a public blockchain


The thing is, was that the protests themselves or the things that these protests evolved into (civil wars, coups, riots etc.)?


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Maybe if you're retarded enough not to push your coins through a mixer first, provided that they don't accept Monero for whatever reason. If the glowies are complaining about mixers, they must have some positive effect for anonymity


>Hello fellow youngun protestors! Why don't you invest in some Raytheon stock
You know they'd just call it woke capital if leftists did that.


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>Has a protest ever accomplished something in the modern political landscape? […] Sorry to be like a doomer whatever
I think the anti-Apartheid movement had a lot of effect. The campus protests focusing their demands on divesting is clearly modeled on that. Whether it will succeed or not is unknowable, but it definitely freaks out the Israelis.


Not only Israelis, but Westoids in general. The Gaza war has shown how fucking decayed the western propaganda machine is. In a similar fashion, the Ukraine war has shown how decayed and utterly devastated by private parasites the western military machine is.


>realize that fascism and liberalism merged in WW1


the anon who said they merged after ww1 is right. the new deal was fascist. it was literally done to stop communism by buying off just the white people while leaving everyone else out of the social programs.


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The University of Virginian encampment was broken up and dismantled by police.


Something I keep noticing with all these videos is it seems like the people you see getting arrested are vastly disproportionately women. Now I know that women are somewhat more likely to be enrolled in college, and I know that women tend to be more involved in activism like this, but it still seems really disproportionately women getting taken to the ground and dragged around by cops.


amerikkkan cops like to grope women when "searching" or "arresting" it's not rocket science


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>when you forget which genocide you are supposed to be defending


>victims and survivors of residential schools
What happened exactly?


native Americans children forced to go to boarding schools in Canada where they where abused made to stop speaking their languages, hair forcefully cut etc. Loads ended up dying from horrible conditions and mass graves have been found underneath these "Schools" and the last one closed in 1996


<What happened exactly?
>They came with a Bible and their religion, stole our land, crushed our spirit, and now they tell us we should be thankful to the Lord for being saved.
t. Pontiac


what's the legal basis for these actions anyway? trespassing? is freedom of assembly no longer a thing if you're a student? I mean I know it's burgerreich but still


No hate like christian jewish love


good chance it was put up by christian zionists


Hmm… Ok. But those handprints were put there before or after oct 7? 'cause if it's the first one, why are they (zionist) even doing this?
Are they so petty (probably) to do it just because natives are supporting the palestinias?


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Burgers didn't have residential schools?


They are basically weaponizing the civil rights act and arguing that peaceful camps are the same as white segregationists attacking black students lol


They did. Canada just has a more active indigenous rights movement at the moment.


oh and unlike canada which has closed the last one decades ago
>Circa 2020, the Bureau of Indian Education operates approximately 183[59] schools, primarily non-boarding, and primarily located on reservations. The schools have 46,000 students.[60]


I had a friend from the res.
Her kid was taken away and given to some white family.


that's quite an amazing stretch


that's why I said it was the last little smidge of progressive energy the liberals had, while racist it was still an attempt to somewhat raise the living conditions of the (white) working class
afterwards, liberals only worsened the exploitation of te working class, increasing in intensity as time went on and then going overdrive when the USSR was dissolved


>raise living conditions of the (white) working class
Communism has nothing to do with living conditions.
As ᴉuᴉlossnW himself said: "You want to know what fascism is like? It is like your New Deal."
The New Deal, like the fascist reforms in Italy and Germany, was far from progressive and only worked to limit the socialist movement.
It is also worth noting that the comfort experienced by those in America and Europe was only possible through the exploitation of African/Asian/LAM labour power through colonialism and imperialism.


From what I've seen in videos, a lot of arrests are people who passively resist by linking their arms together and blocking a door or sitting in a circle. Basically make the police drag you out, and go limp like a sack of potatoes to make it harder for them.


I'd say they STARTED merging in WW1, or specifically at least when the October revolution started, and then FINISHED merging after WW2, when the West absorbed Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and various collaborators and other fascist groups into their fold.


Yeah, going limp makes it harder for them to move you. Should also note that it makes it more likely that they will brutalize you as well, but you're taking that risk already by being in the vicinity of cops…


Break Through News is reporting that the first high school students from the Boston area have joined the MIT students in solidarity.



In general, "generations" are generally like the previous one in that time frame. Don't think about generational politics too seriously or you'll easily fool yourself into wrong ideas.


Once graduation happens, I hope this spills out into the streets. I haven't been this excited since 2020-2021.


Holy fucking based


honorary zoomer
not sure if this helps you understand.


when did they start using these terms?


IDF entering Rafah
Revenge for the babies.
Sorry gluten-allergic college protesters, you wanted your time.


New bingo square unlocked: pre-teen gets peppersprayed or assaulted by a cop


uygha you're technically not lying but that's not the reason either.
>amerikkkan cops like to
American exceptionalism on /leftypol/, folks


I'd rather join the army and frag my commanding officer. Same idea, really.


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Voluntary American Extinction


maybe you should stop thinking in terms of generations


How would you respond to this guy if he showed up on your campus?


I don't have a campus because I'm poor and of the wrong class.
Theoretically though I'd burn him on a pyre of books to warn the university pointyheads it could be them next if zionists and posh nerds get to above their station.
The world belongs to those who build it, not those who sit in ivory towers or those who occupy the land of those who built.


Mask up, boys and girls


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Dutch protestors attacked with flares by zionists.


>spins around and throws it away
is the fucking guy on meth or something?


I am very annoyed that you're probably right


Inshallah, I will retain my yank juices inside myself so that I may absorb its precious nutrients into my brain and become more powerful


four seconds in its already unbearably cringy, i'd personally not react like this at all


University of Virginia on full damage control. Claiming they called the state troopers because there were people who were there in 2017. Probably counter-protestors or totally fabricated.

>the people you see getting arrested are vastly disproportionately women
Pigs are cowards and find men more physically intimidating.


one of the protest i was at, a flash bang went off, they only flashbang of the night
we speculated that it was an accident


Anti-abortion priest calls campus protests a "cult of death".


I'm old enough to remember when Frank Pavone was outright shilling for GWB back in the 2000s.

He also tried to get clout off of Terri Schiavo.


Do you really think that US capitalism is still strong enough to placate a generation of petit-bourgeois radicals?


They're already fizzling out. UCLA encampment has been completely dismantled. McGill encampment is literally just a hippie party.


Most Christian Zionists are boomers and within churches it's been declining rapidly. Jerry Falwell was the one who gave them shot in the arm in the 1980 and he's been dead over 15 years. They will still be around and influential in protestant Christianity but its shrinking rapidly as a real force.


imagine being a Christcuck and calling others death cultists


Everyone go post "FREE PALESTINE" in the comments section.


>CUAD and independent reporter Talia Jane said the driver is a relative of the late Meir Kahane,
I think ive seen at least 2, maybe 3 attempted ISIS style car attacks from zios in USA. How long until protestors are killed, anons?


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Down with USA and Israel. Your burgers society are lose cause. Your retarded country should've collapse in a civil war.


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Some say their gloves cost 500 pounds each, and that they secretly have both left hands. All we know is, all coppers are bastards!


>yelling at random leftypol users, of all burgers


<2 words 4 numbers
<mostly a random first and last name but not exclusively
<numbers certainly random, not in the orders people usually choose numbers
You're almost certainly getting mad at bots designedto mimic engagementfor algorithm reasons, anon.


>Almost all users with with 4 numbers behind their name
Israel propaganda is so fucking lazy holy shit


ugh I really wish there was some rich person who was invested enough to make a leftist botnet.


*Bible verse number*
*Israel flag* *Israel flag* *Israel flag* *Israel flag* *Israel flag*



I forgot his name but there is that dengist millionaire who funds vijay parishad


there's already plenty of good leftist content, what we need is a bot army to push it on the masses and make it seem popular


Hello officer


Almost everyone in the U.S.A. is a precariat/post-proletarian/lumpenproletarian anyway ['The money is fake the jobs are fake the stonks are fake' etc etc etc]. So making sure 'the silent majority' of FOXbrained boomers is on the protests side arguably achieves as much as having 1% of the population on their side. Making life hell for the individual universities they attend is basically the best they can hope for in this scenario.
The only thing that could cripple the U.S. economically and trigger some sort of 'anti-war revolution' ala Russia 1917 would have be a theoretical coalition of all workers of the few non-service and I.T. Industries still left in America like Auto-Manufacturing, Petite-Bougie farmers and people in the supply-chain sector like truckers, seamen, warehouse workers and so forth marching off the job in such numbers that the economy shatters.


Support from lecturers and no arrests as Spanish students rally for Gaza
Huge Palestinian flags are hanging on campuses across Spain as thousands of students protest against Israel’s war in Gaza.

Some classes have stopped this week as students demonstrate in Barcelona, Valencia, the Basque Country and Madrid.

Across Europe, similar sit-ins have taken place at universities in the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark and Germany, as young people join their United States peers who are facing a violent police response.

In Amsterdam, police arrested about 125 activists as they broke up a pro-Palestinian camp at the University of Amsterdam on Tuesday.

But in Spain, a country that historically supports the Palestinian cause, police have so far not been involved in trying to break up the protests.


Spain supporting Palestine? Lmfao, Spain entire identity and foundation is about expelling, killing and torturing Arabs to create a pure ethnostate, it's kinda funny and ironical and one would expect they would be the biggest supporters of Israel


They are not protestants or jews.


No, they mostly atheist with a considerable catholic minority, but still


Spain has a history about doing every shitty thing to BOTH Jews and Muslims. Spain still has villages literally named Killdajews and the like. For real.


Yeah, and moor/arab killer is a literal common surname in Spain lmfao

I'd expect them to be rabid supporters of Israel now since the Jews now are fully accepted as le white evropeans



There was an Australian man that planted a bomb outside the house of an anti-genocide protestor. He got sentenced to only 12 months.


Yes, it can commoditize practice and behavior, and create new management opportunities for them. Imagine a War on Farting in Public


Normalize feeding people who cause political drama to pigs


You probs shouldn't go around assuming or expecting. Obviously you do not have great political instincts.


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New US bill aims to deport international students arrested at Gaza protests
The measure was introduced by Republican Congressman Andy Ogles amid a bipartisan US push to punish student protesters and accuse them of anti-Semitism.

The proposed legislation calls for revoking the visas of international students who have been arrested “while establishing, participating in, or promoting an encampment on the campus of an institution of higher education on or since October 7, 2023”, according to a copy of the bill published by The Daily Caller right-wing publication.


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University of Amsterdam protest has turned into a full-blown siege.


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Still consider these protests to be largely bourgeois adventurism.
But it was nice hearing the kids tell our piggies to fuck off.
https://youtu.be/NQbypTCkF_0(another superfluous glownonymous post)


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updated map of European encampments


Eastern Europeans are zionists, cruel and inheerently fascist




He's such a grotesque ghoul


>bourgeois adventurism


Are there encampments in Russia?


>not dragging the cop into the water
>not having some molotovs to throw at the tractor


>public protesting is bourgeois adventurism
you're a fucking retard


Actually true; "protests" are performances of adherence to the master's values, a big dance show begging him for something he has no real need to give. The only material factor is one's time being spent within an ideological apparatus against capital in some way, and potentially not being spent in an ideological apparatus to the benefit of capital.


>vid 2


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It's funny how they don't realize they are basically saying they want to send more people to fight for Hamas.


its true you are a retard
a protest is a show of force against the ruling class as well as a way to make people realize their collective strength and determination, its not begging its demanding, and it can escalate toward sabotage and open revolt.
just because lib "democracy" tried to neuter it as a performative ritual that should stop there doesnt mean its not anything more


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Savor his pain.


Their gonna try to railroad and impeach Jamaal Bowman because he liked videos on YouTube of Norman Finklestein, Ukraine being a U.S. puppet, Yanis/DiEM25 talking bad about Israel and Louis Farrakhan talking about America bombing Libya lmao.


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The Ws are rolling in now


Bowman is such a dumbass, post-election he softened his stance on Israel after getting spooked by AIPAC which caused DSA and other progressive groups that helped him get elected to abandon him and now no one left-of-center is going to support him for being a weasel despite the fact that he is about to get hammered by AIPAC anyway.


This was supposed to fiddle out, Fiddlesisters…


Baseeeed. Honestly disagree with the statement, but power to the people!
>stop the fucking genocide what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
<If you hate genocides so much, why don't you go get genocides then 😏


Over 100 professors from various Berlin universities have signed an open letter in defense of the right of students to protest in favor of Palestina as well as critizing the university administration of the FU Berlin for the deployment of police on campus against them, triggering a total meltdown in the German press and political establishment.



><If you hate genocides so much, why don't you go get genocides then 😏
from the makers of "if you like communism so much, starve to death"


>deploy any army in the West
Guys??? I thought the army was only here to keep the browns and the mongoloids at bay????


This very much made me smile thank you.


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Imperial Boomerang, I think it's confirmed now to me personally, that the concept is a fact, I was doing some reading on Palantir, Israel using Gaza as a technological lab, the specific Imperial Boomerang in terms of tech like drones from war being used by the police as seen during BLM 2020 Protest, is a scary comparison.

The artificial intelligence software or hardware, being used against the Palestinian people will be used against us in the west, as Rania Khalek of BreakThrough News said, "What Happens In Palestine Won't Stay In Palestine".


This is kind of amazing that this guy of all people would break cover like this. The authority of people like him is foundationally based on the assumption that working class zoomers will join the military to protect his class's social position during war or during any social disorder at home. He's realizing that it's over and he's in a position to know - he's someone who literally reads everything on our phones, he uniquely knows us better than we know ourselves. Left and right have had it with the idea of the military, for different reasons. Like a Senator recently said, the US needs illegal immigrants for the military, they got nobody else.


reposting it in this thread cause its fire


wow actual banger


Not that into it personally. It's important though, movements/campaigns always need a strong cultural, especially musical, side to propagate effectively.
Bet he'll do a song with Eddie Mack.


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My bad.
Here visiting a camp of an irrelevant western country (Spain). There is people dancing and stuff. Kind of an ominous vibe in the air, knowing that the Rafah assault seems inminent.


Tens of thousands protest against war on Gaza, Israel’s participation in Eurovision
On the streets of Malmo, there are tens of thousands of people, protesting not only Israel’s war on Gaza but the fact that Israel has been allowed to enter the Eurovision Song Contest this year, and contrasting that with the fact that Russia was barred after their invasion of Ukraine.

There’s a huge Muslim population in Malmo – a lot of people from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine – and they see it in a way as rubber-stamping Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Alongside those demonstrations, there is also a pro-Israeli manifestation – as they’re calling it – of the Jewish community in Malmo. They’re saying it’s not a demonstration, they just want to show solidarity with the Jewish community. They say they’ve come under a lot of threats in the past seven months and they want to show their presence.

If not the top one, it’s definitely among the top three events the police here have had to deal with. They’ve brought in reinforcements from Norway and Denmark, and there are special police forces, and there are snipers on the roof around Malmo Arena.

>My bad.
No probs. Just something to be mindful of when taking or uploading photos.


>(another superfluous glownonymous post)
Been here longer than you (or any of the current batch of retards moderating).
Just post in the thread next time, you pusillanimous cunt.

Students aren't proles and none of what is going on is structural or militant. The best that come out of this is (further) insensing workers to organize.
Wild thought: you can agree with the thesis of the protests and that they are happening, and still recognize them for what they are. Communists have the luxury of nuance.


>The authority of people like him is foundationally based on the assumption that working class zoomers will join the military to protect his class's social position during war or during any social disorder at home
Well, they will, if nobody gets in the way. They have for thousands of years. It's just what states do, and a good argument toward subverting the conditions of the existence of the state sooner than later.

>they aren't doing my revolution so I am going to look down on them like a bourgeois manager
>muh revolution business will grow and I will have more employees
When are you going to get your mouth off of porky's dick and start stabbing



Some of the students protesting are literal labor organizers. if you wannabe 4chinlets could go for 5 minutes without chimping out over some culture war bullshit you would be able to touch grass for once and talk to them.


Eastern Euroshit Zoomers are generally fascists


Cool insight.
Useful comment.


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The University of Barcelona divested today as well as Trinity Collage, Dublin.

Also today, one of Australia’s largest super funds, Cbus, will review its investment policy after the construction union urged it to divest from companies supplying Israel with weapons and military technology.


>I was doing some reading on Palantir, Israel using Gaza as a technological lab, the specific Imperial Boomerang in terms of tech like drones from war being used by the police
Palantir uses A.I. for a lot of things. I read the Israelis apparently had a list of names (hundreds, thousands?) and addresses they put into a system and would have A.I. assign the job of "kill this person" to different weapons and the computer assigns which weapon based on what's available. Like a drone or a helicopter would get automatic assignments to fire at X. So these Israeli soldiers, pilots, etc. were seeing a computer and just getting targets fed to them. Or if you're in the system and they have your phone #, the moment that signal pings on their network and they identify your location, that feeds into the kill chain.


It doesn't have to be a banger. It just has to be memorable and convey the message effectively.


Hey all,

I am involved deeply with the Hopkins encampment. If you have questions, I can answer with discretion.


How's morale?


What's the presence of socialism like?

I can confirm in my local encampment (not US) that the Islam Society were excluded until this week because they weren't willing to join while rainbow flags were visible.


Why did they eventually join then?


if you need an outlet to publish anything, let me know bro. Huge support for what you're doing.


I'm not close enough to know the details. I'll leave the guessing to you, you know about as much as I do.


>if you need an outlet to publish anything, let me know bro.
NTC, do you want to drop a username or email address for them? (even a temp one to avoid doxxing yourself)


My site is erikhoudini.com
700ish daily visitors

Whatever you need, I'm down for. Get the message out in some form. You can email submissions to [email protected] or [email protected] (if time sensitive)


Pretty bad right now. One of the student organizers was doxxed/outed internally and externally. a few left, which was significant. Even I needed to take some space; I am going back tomorrow to reassess and talk to the ones I am on good terms with.

I am just a concerned citizen, so I have limited sway with the students, but the continuations I have made seem to be not insignificant.
It is there, but it is limited and not very advanced.

It is Hopkins students, so sheltered. I took some of them out to engage with the masses at a bar the other night, and we had some interesting experiences.
That would be great. Your critique of the PSL DEFINITELY checks out. damn sex cult. will be in contact o7


You're utterly clueless, Leave your residence.



Hehe the UK is such a cuck of a state. Imagine contracting a spook US company to manage the NHS data and then shushing your own citizens when they ask why the data handling part of the contract is actually redacted.

<UK Government Sued Over NHS’s Heavily Redacted Contract With US Spytech Firm Palantir


>[…] Both the government and Palantir have insisted that the privacy of NHS patients will be respected and protected, and that their health data will not be sold onto third parties. Yet almost three-quarters of the text of the contract, including, ironically, almost entire sections relating to data protection and privacy, has been redacted. In other words, there is no way for NHS patients or doctors to know what has been agreed to. In total, 417 of the contract’s 586 pages, including critical paragraphs on how patients’ personal data will be handled, have been blacked out, according to the not-for-profit Good Law Project:


>give all your citizen's medical data to glowies
what could go wrong?


>Hehe the UK is such a cuck of a state.
Yes. The UK has been completely captured by bourgeois politics.
Even in the Blair ascendant years there was more leftwing MPs and resistance.


Belgian university ends collaboration with Israeli institutions
> The Free University of Brussels has announced its withdrawal from a scientific project on artificial intelligence that involved two Israeli institutions, the Palestinian Information Centre has confirmed. The Belgian university has apparently taken the decision in light of Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza.
Another W


I do not understand how so many Universities are tied to Israel in some way. Why does it receive funds from other nations' unis


>I do not understand how so many Universities are tied to Israel in some way. Why does it receive funds from other nations' unis
Joint research projects.
Also, many Uni's in neoliberal societies are or are becoming investment vehicles, with the funds being in the 10's of billions of dollars:


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>Also, many Uni's in neoliberal societies are or are becoming investment vehicles, with the funds being in the 10's of billions of dollars
I hate this gay world


Yes, i didn't go to university and don't have many illusions about them but learning this stuff over the last week is pretty depressing. I did kind of aspire to go to university as an adult still but the knowledge that they're literally just a shell for an investment company really has finally killed off that desire in me.


>collaborating across national borders
academia do be like that
you also have things like DLR (dlr.de) that basically acts like a huge incubator. they fund research projects likely to result in German patents


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I thought Finkelstein was atheist why is he calling on God?


>why did this atheist say "bless you" when I sneezed?


The Fink is still buoyant.
Nothing else to say, he's right.




>damn sex cult. will be in contact o7
Go get 'em tiger
Seriously thanks for all you do

It's a figure of speech. https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/there-but-for-the-grace-of-god.html


So in other words, the “occupy campus movement” is confirmed to be a psyop to make anti-Zionism into something safe for liberals(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


We've always tried to create broad coalitions as possible around this issue you insufferable child.
If you want to larp as le real leftist hardXcore, then go to twitter which is more than amenable.
Worthless wrecker cunt.


All political activity is a psyop, and there's nothing ever wrong with normalizing opposition to identity politics.


No one buys into your garbage, zionazi


When the Bolsheviks tried that Trotsky was able to coordinate with SR assassins to murder Lenin. Nice try though(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


>muh bolshevik larp
Don't care. Didn't ask.
Go back to twitter.


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>communism is when you alienate normies


12 Arrested Outside NYC's New School as First Faculty-Led Gaza Solidarity Encampment Continues
The first faculty-led Gaza solidarity encampment in the United States was launched Wednesday at The New School in New York City, where nearly two dozen professors and lecturers pitched tents inside the lobby of the university's main building on Fifth Avenue. The encampment is named after the Palestinian writer, poet and professor Refaat Alareer, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza in December. The faculty protest began after the police raided a student encampment at The New School and arrested more than 40 students following a request by the university administration to clear the encampment. On Thursday, 12 more people were arrested outside The New School as the faculty encampment continued inside. Democracy Now! was on the scene and spoke with protesting faculty who denounced the school's ties to Israel and the militarized police response against student protesters. "For the state violence that our students were subjected to and traumatized because of, we could not stand on the sidelines any longer," part-time lecturer Suneil Sanzgiri said. "What we're doing here is calling for all faculty across the country to step up, to risk more and to escalate, because we have to get all war profiteers out of our universities."


Lol, isn't The New School supposed to be THE progressive economics college? lmao


As far I'm aware, this will really turn in to a deep tension with these more progressive/'progressive' campuses.
Especially as other campuses across the globe not in america, whom they hold deep ties with, have started the process of divestment and negotiating demands with relatively little struggle.


Was supposed to be, but bureaucrats ruin everything. 90% of administrators need to be enslaved.


AFAIK the whole point of this college was to offer a heterodox alternative to crusty Colombia, lmao


Is /ourguy/ Shaikh among them?


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Norman Finkelstein: Build a Majority for Palestine


I don’t want to claim any kind of expertise, and I have to always be careful of appearing to be condescending or patronizing, or [claiming to be] all-wise in these matters. I would simply say, based on my experience, the most important things are organization, leadership, and having clear objectives.

Clear objectives means basically two things. One is slogans that are going to unite and not divide. In my youth, when I was your age, I was what was called back in the day a Maoist — a follower of Chairman Mao in China. One of the slogans that was famously associated with him was “Unite the many to defeat the few.”

That means, at any juncture in the political struggle, you have to figure out how you can unite the many and isolate the few with a clear objective in mind. Obviously, you don’t want to unite the many with a goal or objective that is not your objective. You have to figure out, having your objective in mind, what is the slogan that will work the best to unite the many and defeat the few?

I was gratified that the movement as a whole, shortly after October 7, spontaneously and intuitively grasped, in my opinion, the right slogan: “Cease-fire now!” Some of you might think, in retrospect, what was so brilliant about that slogan? Wasn’t it obvious?

But in fact political slogans are never obvious. There are all sorts of routes and paths and byways that people can go down that are destructive to the movement. It wasn’t a leadership decision, I don’t think; it was a spontaneous, intuitive sense by the protesters that the right slogan at this moment is “Cease-fire now.”

I would also say, in my opinion, the slogans have to be as clear as possible, leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation, which can be exploited to discredit a movement. If you take the history of struggle, there was the famous slogan going back to the late 1800s, “The eight-hour working day.” It was a clear slogan.

More recent, in your own living memory — for all the disappointments, in my opinion, of the Bernie Sanders presidential candidacy — one of the geniuses of his candidacy, because he had forty or fifty years of experience on the Left, [was the slogan] “Medicare for all.” You might think, what’s so smart about that slogan? He knew that he could reach 80 percent of Americans with that slogan. He knew that “Abolish student debt” and “Free college tuition” would resonate with a large part of his potential constituency.

He didn’t go beyond what was possible at that particular moment. I do think he reached what we might call “the political limit.” The limit at that point in his candidacy was probably jobs for all, public works programs, a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, abolish student debt, and free college tuition. Those were the right slogans. It may seem trivial, but it really is not. It takes a lot of hard work and sensitivity to the constituency that you’re trying to reach to figure out the right slogans.


Free Gaza, Free Speech

My own view is that some of the slogans of the current movement don’t work. The future belongs to you guys and not to me, and I’m a strong believer in democracy. You have to decide for yourselves. But in my view, you have to pick the slogans which are not ambiguous, leaving no wiggle room for misinterpretation, and which have the biggest likelihood at a given political moment of reaching the largest number of people. That’s my political experience.

I believe the “Cease-fire now” slogan is most important. On a college campus, that slogan should be twinned with the slogan of “Free speech.” If I were in your situation, I would say “Free Gaza, free speech” — that should be the slogan. Because I think, on a college campus, people have a real problem defending the repression of speech.

In recent years, because of the emergence of the identity-politics, cancel-culture ambiance on college campuses, the whole issue of free speech and academic freedom has become severely clouded. I have opposed any restrictions on free speech, and I oppose the identity-politics cancel culture on the grounds of preserving free speech.

I’ll say — not as a point of pride or egotism or to say “I told you so,” but just as a factual matter — in the last book I wrote, I explicitly said that if you use the standard of hurt feelings as a ground to stifle or repress speech, when Palestinians protest this, that, or the other, Israeli students are going to use the claim of hurt feelings, pained emotions, and that whole language and vocabulary, which is so easily turned against those who have been using it in the name of their own cause.

That was a disaster waiting to happen. I wrote about it because I knew what would happen, though obviously I could not have predicted the scale after October 7. But it was perfectly obvious what was going to happen.

In my opinion, the most powerful weapon you have is the weapon of truth and justice. You should never create a situation where you can be silenced on the grounds of feelings and emotions. If you listened to [Columbia president Minouche Shafik’s] remarks, it was all about hurt feelings, feeling afraid. That whole language has completely corrupted the notion of free speech and academic freedom.

You now have that experience, and hopefully going forward that language and those concepts will be jettisoned from a movement that describes itself as belonging to a leftist tradition. It’s a complete catastrophe when that language infiltrates leftist discourse, as you are seeing now.

I’m going to be candid with you, and I don’t make any claim to infallibility — I’m simply stating based on my own experience in politics: I don’t agree with the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” It’s very easy to amend and just say, “From the river to the sea, Palestinians will be free.” That simple, little amendment drastically reduces the possibility of your being manipulatively misunderstood.

But when I was hearing that this slogan causes pain, anguish, fear, I have to ask myself a simple question. What does the slogan “We support the IDF” convey? The Israel Defense Forces, right now, is a genocidal army. Why are you allowed to have public support at this moment for a genocidal state and a genocidal army?

The language doesn’t seem as provocative — “We support the IDF.” But the content is ten thousand times more offensive and more outrageous to any, so to speak, civilized mind and civilized heart than the “From the river to the sea” slogan. The only reason there is an argument about that slogan — even though, as I said, I disagree with it, but that’s a separate matter whether I agree or disagree — is because we have legitimized this notion that hurt feelings are grounds for stifling speech. That to me is totally unacceptable; it’s wholly alien to the notion of academic freedom.

Some of you might say, that’s a bourgeois notion, it’s socially constructed, and all that other crap. I don’t believe that at all. You read the most eloquent defenses of unhindered, untrammeled freedom of speech by people like Rosa Luxemburg, who was, by any reckoning, an extraordinary individual and an extraordinary revolutionary. But being both did not mean she would accept any curbs on the principle of free speech, for two reasons.

Number one, no radical movement can make any kind of progress unless it has clarity about its goals and clarity about what it might be doing that’s wrong. You’re always engaging in course corrections. Everybody makes mistakes. Unless you have free speech, you don’t know what you’re doing that’s wrong.

Number two, the truth is not an enemy to oppressed peoples, and it’s certainly not an enemy to the people of Gaza. So we should maximize our commitment to free speech so as to maximize the dissemination of what’s true about what’s happening in Gaza — and not allow any excuse for repressing that truth.


What Are We Trying to Accomplish?

You’re doing ten thousand things right, and it’s deeply moving what you’ve achieved and accomplished, and the fact that many of you are putting your futures on the line is very impressive. I remember during the anti–Vietnam War movement, there were young people who wanted to go to medical school — and if you got arrested, you weren’t going to medical school. Many people struggled with the choice between getting arrested for the cause. It wasn’t an abstract cause — by the end of the war, the estimate was that between two and three million Vietnamese had been killed. It was an unfolding horror show every day.

People struggled with whether they would risk their entire futures. Many of you come from backgrounds where it was a real struggle to get to where you are today, to Columbia University. So I deeply respect your courage, your conviction, and every opportunity I have I acknowledge the incredible conviction and tenacity of your generation, which in many ways is more impressive than my own, for the reason that, in my generation, you can’t deny that an aspect of the antiwar movement was the fact that the draft lay on a lot of people. You could get the student deferment for the four years that you’re in college, but once the deferment passed, there was a good chance you were going over there and you were coming back in a body bag.

So there was an element of self-concern. Whereas you young people, you’re doing it for a tiny, stateless people halfway around the world. That’s deeply moving, deeply impressive, and deeply inspiring.

With that as an introduction, to return to my initial remarks: I said any movement has to ask itself: What is its goal? What is its objective? What is it trying to achieve? A few years ago, “From the river to the sea” was a slogan of the movement. I remember in the 1970s, one of the slogans was, “Everyone should know, we support the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization]” — which was not an easy slogan to shout on Fifth Avenue in the 1970s. I vividly recall looking at the rooftops and waiting for a sniper to dispatch me to eternity at an early age.

However, there’s a very big difference when you’re essentially a political cult and you can shout any slogan that you like, because it has no public repercussions or reverberations. You’re essentially talking to yourself. You’re setting up a table on campus, giving out literature for Palestine; you might get five people who are interested. There’s a big difference between that situation and the situation you’re in today, where you have a very large constituency that you could potentially and realistically reach.

You have to adjust to the new political reality that there are large numbers of people, probably a majority, who are potentially receptive to your message. I understand that sometimes a slogan is one that gives spirit to those who are involved in the movement. Then you have to figure out the right balance between the spirit that you want to inspire in your movement and the audience or the constituency out there that’s not part of the movement that you want to reach.

I believe one has to exercise — not in a conservative sense, but a radical sense — in a moment like this, maximum responsibility to get out of one’s navel, to crawl out of one’s ego, and to always keep in mind the question: What are we trying to accomplish at this particular moment?


Am I problematic for being pessimistic? It's all admirable, but the only possible outcome is violent repression and suspension of students, and then American academia becoming even more reactionary. Student movements have almost never been successful.


>Free Palestine, Free Speech
The unstated benefit of saying this is that it will (1) help to purge radlib elements who would otherwise wreck things in the longer term and (2) expose the contradictions of the "free speech" right wing, for whom the slogan simply means getting to say slurs without consequences. It seems the significance of free speech has been obscured by the lack of a real struggle over the issue.

>I’m going to be candid with you, and I don’t make any claim to infallibility — I’m simply stating based on my own experience in politics: I don’t agree with the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” It’s very easy to amend and just say, “From the river to the sea, Palestinians will be free.” That simple, little amendment drastically reduces the possibility of your being manipulatively misunderstood.

Strongly disagree. It's actually more prone to misinterpretation, because they will take it as a more explicit demand to remove everyone but the Palestinian people. A Free Palestine - Palestine as a country - is more inclusive, since many people who are currently "Israeli" would live there (not everyone in Israel is a settler ofc, many are native to the land).

It's also just terrible optics to concede to Israel the point about the slogan. It looks weak and it makes their fake concern seem more valid. Surprised Norm would have this opinion tbh.

>Whereas you young people, you’re doing it for a tiny, stateless people halfway around the world. That’s deeply moving, deeply impressive, and deeply inspiring.

I think this doesn't get pointed out enough. 2020 protests happened globally and sort of proved the concept that people could mobilize globally for a cause like that. These protests are putting that into more realistic practice with stronger organization. These developments, regardless of the degree to which they mitigate the suffering of Palestinians, bode extremely well for the prospects of the workers of the world uniting. Not least of which because for most of these people there is near-zero immediate tangible self-interest in supporting Palestine. While global solidarity has long-term self-interest involved, many of the struggles that constitute a global revolution would not yield immediate tangible benefits to workers outside those immediately affected. These protests demonstrate, if nothing else, the capacity for a global class consciousness to motivate an international proletarian revolution.


New map of European encampments


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Cracking down on the college campus encampments seems to be driving protesters to spill out to elsewhere. The opposite of containment.


>Surprised Norm would have this opinion tbh.
Norm didn't say in his speech that the slogan "from the river to the sea" was comparable to "we support the IDF" in terms of the content, even though he disagreed with the slogan, but whether rightly or wrongly, he doesn't seem like he supports any slogan that implies destroying Israel. I wonder if that's more for some strategic or political reasons (more on that in a second) than, say, opposition to a single democratic Palestinian state that includes Jews and Palestinians living in the same space (I somehow doubt Norm would disagree with that?). That would be the end of "Israel" but with a different outcome than someone who interprets "from the river the sea" as driving the Jews into the sea.

>It's also just terrible optics to concede to Israel the point about the slogan. It looks weak and it makes their fake concern seem more valid.

I think the bigger problem is that Israelis in the main don't think it's a fake concern and will react with such hostility to it that they'll fight you. They'll fight you harder. You think it's fake, they don't. Now, this belief might be "false" as ideology often is, but nevertheless I believe it has a real force. You can say, well, so what? They're crazy, irrational, or just way too deep in their own sauce. Maybe they are all of those things. But it's genuinely believed by Israelis of all classes that anyone who says "from the river to the sea" is a genocidaire in waiting, and when lots of people chant it together, pogroms are on the way. If you wander into the crowd of people chanting that while wearing your kippah, icy hands will clasp themselves around your neck as a thuggish face stares at you, his eyes burning with hate, before throwing you into the nearest body of water: "from the river to the sea!" Ayeeee!

Or actually not.

I might be wrong, but I think the problem is the flip side of "unite the many," which is to "divide the enemy," is being left out of the strategy. Norm didn't say that part and I'm not sure if he was trying to get at this, but it does follow from his Maoist logic. You unite as many people as you can on your side, but also do politics in such a way to split the enemy (so one divides into two). But there's no split in the Israeli camp on the fundamental question here, at least not at the moment, they feel like their backs are up against the wall and are reacting like an animal would.


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"Free Palestine, Free Speech" though does create an interesting contradiction since all the people who don't want to free Palestine have been saying they luuuuuv free speech for years. But NOT THIS KIND OF SPEECH NO WAY and here come the stormtroopers to bust up the students…. who must be stopped before they start converting to some militant martyrdom ideology and begin strapping suicide vests to themselves and blowing up their history classes! People believe that, can you imagine? It's a total delusion about who these people actually are: Columbia University students. "Don't you see how they're training in military-style tactics???" (Linking arms and de-arresting their friends.) But I think there are a lot of people who don't really care about Palestine that much or place it that high in their list of priorities who find the police repression to be galling, and those are people who can be united… I think.


People used to think the Soviet Union was going to do a secret coup and install Paul Robeson as the USA's Stalin.
People, Fascists, Americans, believe insane things and always have.


sometimes i wish that the stupid bullshit rightoids think was actually real like this would actually be so great and so would joe biden being a secret communist


Yea, comrade General-Secretary of the North American Socialist Republic Paul Robeson honestly would have been the best timeliness.


>I think the bigger problem is that Israelis in the main don't think it's a fake concern and will react with such hostility to it that they'll fight you. They'll fight you harder.
Yeah but that makes them look bad because it validates the claims about the irrationality and violence of zionism to onlookers. It's the kind of behavior that will make more people move from neutrality to siding with Palestine or from siding with Palestine to actually doing something.
>they actually believe it
No they don't lmao. Do you not know anybody with this kind of batshit nationalist ideology? White people don't actually believe the white genocide narrative either. They just know that they can use this sort of imagined threat as a justification for violence against people they don't like. Vid related. It's just about establishing pretext.


>but also do politics in such a way to split the enemy (so one divides into two). But there's no split in the Israeli camp on the fundamental question here, at least not at the moment, they feel like their backs are up against the wall and are reacting like an animal would.
That's not really true, there's the issue of the hostages and drafting the Hasidics. There are multiple points of fracture within Israel proper, although externally there's not really much to work with when dealing with Zionists.

The thing about fascists is that they can change their ideology whenever it's convenient, which makes it easier for them to cohere together. You only see them start to split when it starts being a matter of material interests diverging. Right now, the Christian Zionists vs the Jewish Zionists for instance might have major ideological schisms, but their material interests remain aligned (upholding western hegemony), so you aren't going to succeed at driving a wedge there.

If you want to succeed at splitting up the Zionists, you probably should start with the more liberal progressive ones. One of the talking points you see a lot about this is the "this is why Americans don't have healthcare" argument. That kind of argument at least, personal material interests, is where you could make progress at dividing the enemy.


It's amazing how much music does. Anons with editing skills should add it to an adorable cat and puppy video to point out the disjointed tone.


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Whatever you need, we're doing what we can. It's all hands on deck right now. We're spinning up things on all angles, trying to spread the word across the web and beyond.

We are living in those weeks lads.



>sensitive info


is big tech hiding the campus protests under the rug? I feel like there was large and sustained momentum regarding the movement but recently it's as if nothing is going on at all. the protests haven't seemed to die down significantly, so what's up? who's paying Elon to prevent anti-zionist hashtags from going viral?


lots of people are busy going outside instead of posting


>Yeah but that makes them look bad because it validates the claims about the irrationality and violence of zionism to onlookers.
That seems to be the case yes.

>No they don't lmao. Do you not know anybody with this kind of batshit nationalist ideology? White people don't actually believe the white genocide narrative either.

Well, I'm not sure… some of them probably do. But I don't think the white vs. non-white framework is easily transferred to this context.

>They just know that they can use this sort of imagined threat as a justification for violence against people they don't like.

Well this is an interesting discussion because it's about ideology, but I suspect it can be both a retroactive justification for violence against people they don't like, and genuinely believed in. The ideology has a force of its own. That is what is scary about it to me. To use an analogy, early on as the Syrian civil war developed, it didn't really seem like the rebels had been fully consumed by ISIS yet, but the government treated people as if they were already. Was this just an imaginary threat used as a justification for violence? Or maybe Assad and his senior people also really believed that everyone who was out protesting him were terrorists and therefore had to be met with maximum force.


has anyone else become really militant really fast? I have been dealing with bad faith actors and crazies the past few days because security sll quit, and I am kinda coming into my own. I dealt with a particularly weird dude who came and startled all of us late last night at the meeting. People are thanking me and shit. feels good.

it is great to see the chillens advancing, but I am not optimistic rn


its after finals. all the petit bourg in training have gone home


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She wore it better


The encampment movement is fizziling out because it is campus centric and most colleges are ending their semesters this week or in the coming weeks. People need to organize encampments outside of colleges,especially because most students are moving back to their parent's town over the summer.


yes, I am aware of all of those things because I saw them first hand


stop concern trolling, we are literally seeing their successes right now


So did I. We really need encampments at public parks in cities. I think that is the best step forward maoanon.


Oh yeah, undoubtedly! We are hoping to get something going on some other front and just keep the momentum. Total contiguity, we will be out there again tomorrow

cheers o7


an update: we ended up taking the most recent counter-proposal. I was disappointed and abstained from the vote, noting that the word "Palestinian" is not even used in it. I didn't wanna crush the chillens spirits too much though, and honestly, I think that even though there was a lot of demoralization, people see that we are just a small part of a much larger movement that is seeing success most of us never anticipated.

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