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 No.1779433[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The King was really just in a ceremonial position and just rubber-stamped whatever his Prime Minister and parliament favored.
George III was rarely even mentioned by the colonists either,, Lord North was the one who actually made policy, and as such, pushed the maintenance and enforcement of the Acts of Parliament which the Patriots opposed, and also the measures of the British Government to suppress the Patriot movement, including the order (technically on the part of George III, but pushed by Lord North, again) to capture John Hancock, which initiated the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and started the war.
And as PM, he pretty much de-facto led Great Britain during the war. He was even forced to resign after Yorktown because of the humiliating defeat on the part of the British (the British electorate, at the time land-owning men, blamed him for the loss).
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>What is? state precisely what you think is a performative game?
One-upmanship in regards to any progressive belief.
>The government should stop abusing the indigenous tribes and honor their treaties with them
<Oh yeah? Well I think the indigenous tribes won't have justice until all white Americans are deported back to Europe
>Oh yeah? Well I think white Americans deserve nothing less than genocide!
<Oh yeah? Well all of Europe should just be nuked!
A little bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. You take a generally good idea and turn it into a game where you prove you're the most moral person in the audience by showing you have the most extreme belief.

>claiming that criticism of america is "whinging about things from 300 years ago"

Complaining about shit from the American Revolution as is, in fact, "whinging about things from 300 years ago" especially if that thing is saying that the Patriots weren't fair towards George III

Especially if you take that so far as to start portraying the British Empire as a champion for African slaves and indigenous rights


Well if we're being honest, constitutional monarchy is objectively a superior form of government to whatever petty-bourgeois republicanism the Americans cooked up.


Whatever form of governement Americans will adopt will automatically become ultra shit.


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>>1779433 (OP)
Same goes for the Haitian Revolution for black nationalists, and just like the American revolution, it was a matter of geophagy and circumstances.
For starters the revolution was not started by slaves rising up, but by the condition of the French Revolution. The French revolutionary government granted citizenship and freedom to free people of color in May 1791, but white planters in Saint-Domingue refused to comply with this decision. So a force was sent to free the slaves and arm them to fight the local nobility. It was basically taken over by a few local generals who then trained the former slaves into a decent enough fighting force to defeat whatever little resistance they encountered.
Four decades later the few Haitian officers had been trained in French and American armies who then trained the former slaves into a fighting force were dead or very old, and the army's only experience was to suppress rebellions. Foreign observers noted the army that had too many officers, "generals" who were actually civilians with no military training, like General Damien Delva (a wealthy tribunal clerk). The troops were gives guns and uniforms but ignored discipline and tactics. It was an army that could stop a small rebellion, but had more trouble battling a resolute enemy: its men would rather be at home growing food for their families than fighting the Panyols. The constant infighting, backstabbing, and general distrust between high-ranking Haitian politicians and officers did not help.


The Dominican Haitian war is genuinely interesting to read up about because on one side, you find zerg rushing while the other side employs basic Sun Tzu tier tactics. and focus on training their soldiers to shoot rifles and march for hours without looting every village they come across. they also utilized defensive positions and ensure that cavalry serves a purpose beyond being a fancy ride for the officers and elites

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Okay, so I believe that Capitalism is a fundamentally flawed system that will destroy the world and the human soul. However, one of the reasons why I cannot fully "get" with Communist ideology is due to their unwavering belief that once Capitalism will collapse their political system will eventually triumph globally. and I don't get the assurance,
Like Marx had some valid ideas, he was a human with limited knowledge like everyone else. In the field of psychology, Freud laid the foundation for modern psychoanalysis, but many of his theories are now considered invalid. why can't the same apply towards Marx, Additionally, many of Marx's predictions were incorrect, as Communist revolutions occurred in unindustrialized nations first, and his theory that worker militias could defeat professional armies has been proven false in every situation
It's the same thing with the Palestinian activism I'm seeing, so I'm 100% supportive of the Palestinians but I don't get the assurance that Israel will fall, cause it's moorally wrong, the Mongolswere morally wrong didn't stop them,
It's the same thing with the current Palestinian activism I'm seeing, so I'm 100% supportive of the Palestinian cause, but I don't get the assurance that Israel will fall, because it's morally wrong. The Mongols were in the wrong, yet that didn't stop them, because they had a stronger strength of arms.
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>Unlike oligarch
How the fuck is a Junta not an oligarchy

That aside, there are two main objections: as long as there exists capital, it doesn't matter who's in power, they will be inherently corrupted by it. Be it explicitly through (for example) military suppression of unions and strikes, be it hidden through any kind of involvement of business in government.
And second, a free civilian life is incompatible with military discipline. Give them all the meme sensitivity training you want, where there's a "peacekeeping" army there are horrible crimes.


>Additionally, many of Marx's predictions were incorrect, as Communist revolutions occurred in unindustrialized nations first, and his theory that worker militias could defeat professional armies has been proven false in every situation
Why THE FUCK do you think theorists post-Marx were compelled to write theory? Yes, it was fucking because Marx was fucking WRONG, because history is not a static process. Would you say,
>ah yes mendel was fucking wrong with whole inheritance thing shame no one else took it up and expanded it to be more correct
Because this is what you are doing you fucking retard.


>Newton didn't invent gravity
No shit.


I believe that Nazism won't be coming back(at least for now) but Fascism(and I mean actual Fascism) will be a threat many nations the world will have to deal with, I believe liberal democracies won't be able to overcome them, that's why communism is necessary .


only relevant not completely pointless and bullshit version of communism is marxism

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India’s main opposition party accuses the government of freezing its bank accounts ahead of election
Congress party treasurer Ajay Maken said in a statement that the party had received 1.9 billion rupees ($24 million) in donations in 2017-18. He said income tax authorities imposed a 2.1 billion rupee ($25 million) lien on Feb. 13, “virtually sealed” its bank accounts, and then confiscated 1.1 billion rupees ($14 million).

Pakistan PM Sharif says another IMF bailout is inevitable
With a long-term, two-to-three year IMF programme, he said, the $350 billion economy that has long been under extreme stress with a yawning balance of payment crisis would need deep-rooted structural reforms. The IMF mission that visited Islamabad for five days on the last review of the stand-by programme said Pakistani authorities expressed interest in yet another bailout.

Taiwan poll reveals ‘big gap’ between defence chief, public over military threats
The latest survey released by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation showed that 50 per cent of the island’s public did not agree with an assessment by their defence minister Chiu Kuo-cheng over a potential cross-strait conflict.

Vietnam’s vice president becomes interim president
On Wednesday, President Vo Van Thuong resigned due to unspecified violations that hurt the perception and reputation of the party and the state, the Communist Party said. Thuong’s predecessor NgPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Americans support humanitarian aid for Gaza over military aid for Israel: Poll
50% favor providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, Pew found. 19% oppose providing aid, and about 30% have no clear preference or aren't sure. Meanwhile, 36% of Americans favor providing U.S. military aid to support Israel, while 34% oppose it. Pew also found that 20% of Americans want the U.S. to play a role in diplomatically resolving the war.

US accuses Apple of ‘broad, sustained, and illegal’ smartphone monopoly
The US government on Thursday filed a sprawling antitrust case against Apple, alleging that the tech giant has illegally prevented competition by restricting access to its software and hardware. The case is a direct challenge to the company’s core products and practices, including its iMessage service and how devices such as the iPhone and Apple Watch connect with one another.

New Hampshire Senate passes bill to expand scope of youth detention center victim settlements
Under the current system, former center residents can make claims based on sexual assault or first- and second-degree physical assault. The bill proposes allowing claims based on a slew of other crimes, including reckless conduct, criminal threatening, child endangerment, solitary confinement, unlawful strip search and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Iowa's drought conditions have farmers budgeting water use
Iowa had enough sub-soil moisture that farmers were able to produce a bountiful yield last fall with timely rains, said Don Roose, president of Iowa-based U.S. Commodities. "This year, we're running on empty, moisture-wise," Roose said.bout 23% of Iowa's corn acres and 19% of its soybean acres are in an extreme drought, accordiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Abandon Biden: We owe it to humanity to stop voting for evil
It was almost eight years ago that I penned an op-ed about why I wouldn't be voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. I had grave concerns over her enthusiastic warmongering and wanton disregard for Palestinian sovereignty. I certainly wasn't going to vote for Donald Trump and his promised "Muslim ban", either. Rejecting the "lesser of two evils" fallacy, I instead voted for a third-party candidate. Unsurprisingly, there was backlash and accusations that my vote helped secure a Trump victory. Four years later, it was with tremendous reluctance that I voted for Joe Biden simply because he was not Trump. Now, as primary elections are underway across the country and with the presidential election fast approaching, America is once again faced with a no-win situation: elect the cartoonishly villainous bad guy or the insidiously malfeasant bad guy. But Trump isn't the one brazenly orchestrating the merciless slaughter and starvation of over two million Palestinians in Gaza.

Your Car Is Spying on You for Insurance Companies
Just in case you thought the capitalist surveillance network foisted on us by bandit corporations and complicit governments wasn’t dystopian enough, your car may now be spying on you — and selling the data it collects to insurance companies via LexisNexis. Last week, the New York Times and others reported that certain General Motors (GM) vehicles were collecting driver data — in some cases unbeknownst to the owner — that insurance companies could, and did, use to adjust (that is, raise) premiums. GM’s Smart Driver program isn’t the only one of its kind. Other automakers have similar services, which may seem innocuous (in-car Wi-Fi, amazing!), but is in fact insidious, since you end up “consenting” to being spied on for automaker profit. In 2023, the Mozilla Foundation released research in which they said cars were a “privacy nightmare on wheels” and “the official worst category of products for privacy.” Writing in The Conversation, law professor Katharine Kemp detailed the extensive data collection mechanisms in vehicles, including “cameras, microphones, sensors aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon




Thanks News Anon! ^^

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A translation of a book on the Shining Path being a CIA op just released. The book was apparently released in 1988 in Spanish, but this is the first time an English translation was made of the work.

From the translation foreward:
>Originally published in 1988, The CIA’s Shining Path (CIA Sendero Luminoso: Guerra Politica) was such an important work to Peruvian politics in its time that it even made its way into the National Library of Peru.
>ProleWiki was able to track down a copy of the book in the original Spanish and we are proud to be able to offer, for the first time ever, an English translation of this important work.
>Much like the author, we also hope this book sparks debate about the role of the Shining Path in Peruvian politics – continuing even to this day after the death of Abimael Guzman. But the richness of this text is not contained solely in the debates it might spark. Military doctrine, Peruvian politics, South American geopolitics, and of course a complete exposé on the inner workings and methods of the Shining Path: this is where the true value of this book lies. All of these topics are appropriately expanded upon, making The CIA’s Shining Path a vast repository of knowledge for all students of Marxism.

The book can be found here: https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Library:The_CIA%27s_Shining_Path:_Political_Warfare. I want to see the gonzaloids cope with this one.
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I doubt it


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>this might sound like we are doing an anti-communism by making it seem like the shining path were cia
<does an anti-communism by doing just that
The crux of this tripe is that the Shining Path were not cia (even though everything from the title to the way the prose is worded paints that bad faith picture) but conducted itself the same way cia outfits did at the time even though all the tactics in creating fake fronts (which were usually always rightwing) the cia used they literally got from them spying on rebel/guerilla movements which include communist movements and using those same tactics in their schemes ala Gladio. This shit wasn't even written by communists and has been used to delegitimize a real fucking revolution that happened in Peru where many died and struggled for liberation. Shame on all the bastards who paint themselves red yet push this blatant anti-communist work.


Damn, someone translated it.


Huge pull thank you OP. Machine translation doesn't do it for anything above a certain reading level ❤️❤️❤️


So… is there any particular piece of evidence you want to point to that would be what can be called a smoking gun? Or is it all just conjecture? Otherwise, I will remain unconvinced

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As socialists, how do we effectively utilize modern media methods to organize and to influence the working class to meet our aims? The popularity of Bolshevik newspapers amongst soldiers and workers was instrumental in the 1917 revolution but it's obvious that shitty Trotskyist print newspapers written in larpy, off-putting prose are less than useless at this task today. Given the fact that a huge amount of political organizing simply revolves around trying to find an effective way to attract attention to influence people's activities (all protests? most terrorism, even?) this question seems incredibly pertinent if we want to have any hope of attracting mass support and recruiting in the areas where it counts. The reason most people hold the false consciousness that they do is because of the opinions they repeat from bourgeois media and people under its influence. While there are a few somewhat-decent leftist media outlets I don't see why every single leftist political organization isn't laser focused on efforts to solve this question given that it's foundational to any kind of political organizing at any level. Obviously this especially includes social media and the manipulation of algorithms for online content. How do we resolve the media question?
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also this tbh


What do you think of this concept?
>Each article in people's world comes in 3 tiers
>Serious, academic, sober minded original tier
>Mid level normie tier with chapo humor or whatever
>Memed tier
>All tiers are collaboratively constructed at the same time, published in the same paper, and approved by the original authors so that messaging is consistent across tiers
>maybe more tiers or remixes, but all approved and consistent and linked to the original
>intergenerational consistency and solidarity (hopefully) results


every single union needs its own podcast


Unironically make memes and art. Memes and art are ways to transmit ideas. If you want your ideas to spread then you create memes and art.
Also keep everything short and simple.

I really don't understand why this is such rocket science to most leftists. Rightoids have managed to spread their ideas not only because they're super backed up by the establishment but also because of fucks like Stonetoss or the endless meme-making hordes of /pol/. If you want to make a difference then make a funny wojak picture that explains class consciousness in a short one liner or some shit and then post it in funnyjunk or something like that. /leftypol/ needs some sort of propaganda committee at this point.


Honestly it’s why the DSA might be useful as a big tent coalition of all the different kinds of Socialists. I think they should pursue some kind of “continental congress of the working class” approach and invite as many socialist orgs as possible to a meeting to discuss closer collaboration.

I once proposed to the folks at People’s World that we could do satire for April Fool’s day, and they had some minor interest but it didn’t really go anywhere. Probably dodged a bullet because my sense of humor can easily get me cancelled—think the idea I came up with was Pence being part of the Yellow King Cult.

There could be an audience for some lowbrow left stuff, The Onion could be considered ancillary to it. But if the goal is to still maintain some relationship to the actual news, I think we’d be better off looking at The Daily Show and Chapo for inspiration. The goal being to give people news as well as some entertainment.

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a thread focused on recent escalations between the US backed government formerly led by Ariel Henry and the G9 revolutionary movement led by Jimmy "Babekyou" Chérizier
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Haiti in Crisis ft. Dr. Paul Mocombe
This Is Revolution Podcast is co-presented by Pascal Robert, a Haitian Marxist who also wrote for Black Agenda Report. Search the channel for other episodes on Haiti. Listening to anyone without his connections to Haiti is a larp. Vidrel is from 3 days ago.


I posted this and I'm bumping this. It got a second listen here today. Essential analysis, right now insight and global context from Marxist Haitians.


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The region is too important to be allowed independence, intervention and subjugation is the policy. The US wants as much chaos as possible to justify action.


Thanks I'll give it a listen.
Any books on contemporary Haiti?


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More Marxist commentary on Haiti. Based and funny ranter Nick Cruse covers Maduro exposing western attempts to intervene in Haiti, and how le cannibalism is a western rw smear on Haitians and another attempted excuse for strategic intervention. Listen to these people.


Turkish warplanes strike Kurdish militant positions in Iraq after attack kills soldier, wounds 4
The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is expected to visit Iraq next month, has said that his country is determined to end PKK’s presence in Iraq this summer, suggesting a possible large-scale military offensive into the region.

Yemen's Houthis penetrate Israel's missile defences in Eilat for first time
The Israeli military admitted on Tuesday that Yemen’s Houthis penetrated their missile defence system for the first time, with a missile landing north of Eilat on Sunday night. Although the Israeli military did not specifically name the Houthis, the missile was confirmed as coming from the direction of the Red Sea.

Community leaders detained in Central Darfur as they refuse to cooperate with RSF
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) detained six people, including tribal leaders and administrators, in Um Dukhun, Central Darfur, in the past two days. The paramilitaries insist on a 50 per cent share of the locality’s revenues.

Investigators search the home of South Africa's Parliament Speaker over bribery allegations
A special investigations unit in South Africa has searched the home of the Speaker of Parliament and seized evidence as part of a probe into accusations that she accepted bribes of at least $120,000 in her previous role as defense minister
https://abcnews.go.com/InPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Despite WSJ Reporting, Julian Assange Lawyer Says 'No Indication' of Plea Deal
Assange attorney Barry Pollack said in a statement Wednesday that "it is inappropriate for Mr. Assange's lawyers to comment while his case is before the U.K. High Court other than to say we have been given no indication that the Department of Justice intends to resolve the case and the United States is continuing with as much determination as ever to seek his extradition on all 18 charges, exposing him to 175 years in prison."

Chevron agrees to pay more than $13 million in fines for California oil spills
The California-based energy giant agreed to pay a $5.6 million fine associated with a 2019 oil spill in Kern County. The company has already paid to clean up that spill. This money will instead go toward the state Department of Conservation’s work of plugging old and orphaned wells.

California tribe becomes the first to manage land with National Park Service
The Yurok will be the first Native people to manage tribal land with the National Park Service under a historic memorandum of understanding signed on Tuesday by the tribe, Redwood national and state parks and the non-profit Save the Redwoods League.

California voters pass proposition requiring counties to spend on programs to tackle homelessness
The measure gives the state greater control over a voter-approved tax enacted in 2004 on millionaires for mental health services that gave counties wide latitude in how to spend it. Counties will now be required to spend about two-thirds of the money on housing and programs for homeless people with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse problems.
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The Lie Banks Use To Protect Their Late-Fee Profits
Much of modern economics borrows from physics. Some of these appropriations, like how the scientific concept of maximum energy has influenced the study of consumer behavior, proved immensely valuable. But somewhere along the way, neoliberals and economic pundits misappropriated a physics concept — the conservation of energy — to fend off any attack on hidden fees or ill-gotten profits. Physics holds that energy is neither created nor destroyed but merely changes form. When interpreted through economics, this new conservation theory implies that any attempt to tamp down on profits from one illicit activity will automatically lead to a newfound source of profits elsewhere. Under this highly convenient theory for monopolists and their hangers-on, profits are like the air in a balloon; squeeze one side and the balloon expands on the other. I have named this theory the “Conservation of Ill-Gotten Profits” fallacy, admittedly a mouthful. Duncan Bowen Black, an economist who blogs under the pseudonym Atrios, has named it the “Lump of Profits” fallacy, inspired by the more common “Lump of Labor” fallacy in economics.

Readers recommend: ‘Dune, part 2’
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part 2 is a cinematic masterpiece, showing the brutal reality of imperialism, and offering insight into the struggles that can take place within liberation movements. The film is an adaptation of Frank Herbert’s 1965 epic sci-fi novel. The plot follows Paul Atreides on the desert planet Arrakis, the source of the valuable commodity ‘spice’. Control of this resource is used by various galactic ruling factions to maintain power, including the capacity for interplanetary travel. At the end of part one, we saw Paul ally with the colonised Arrakis natives, the Fremen, to wage war against their brutal, spice-hungry oppressors, the Harkonnens. The Harkonnens refer to Fremen as ‘rats’. Their aim is to exterminate this entire race from the planet, in order to secure spice supplies and crush their competitors. Dune: Part 2 does not hold back from setting the scene with its depiction of Harkonnen brutality towards the Fremen. One harrowing scene, for example, shows the devPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon



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>Makes community made tactical shooter

>Nazis and greedy people attack him

Opinions on this matter?
Should we(or I) organize and help this poor fella?
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>not going to watch a 30 minutes video. you made a thread in the main board, at least have the decency of writing a tldr

I skipped through it so anons dont have to:
Mentally ill American fbi.gov user mad at Mentally ill nazi fbi.gov user because of their shared interest in some autistic video game stuff.
<t. OP


I'm not op I just wanna be a part of something


join the ranks of the recently deceased



>I'm not op I just wanna be a part of something
You will never find that on the Internet, only an empty facsimile.

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I was thinking, if extraterrestrials were aligned with Marxism, wouldn't they be actively working to bring revolution to the entire cosmos? You know, to free fellow living beings in this Universe from the common struggle and barbarism of capitalistic serfdom?

Yet when I look up at the night sky filled with stars, all I see is an endless giant tomb in which we are imprisoned. A tomb where the means of production are being increasingly concentrated in the hands of Type III, IV and V civilizations. My greatest fear is that beyond the shadows cast by our sun there is nothing but an unrelenting, infinite abyss of techno-capital. It's beyond horrifying.
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Wittgensteinian pseud.


carcinization is absolutely a real phenomena


There's really not much reason to think that the conditions that allowed humans to evolve intelligence must have taken as long to arise as they did. Those conditions (as far as we understand them) seem to be pretty arbitrary. They just as well could have arisen 100 million years ago or 100 million years from now, and some other species could have evolved intelligence like us. It may even have happened already, but for whatever reason we haven't seen evidence for it (maybe they never got past the stone age equivalent or maybe anything they would have left behind couldn't survive tens of millions of years).


>Carcinisation (American English: carcinization) is a form of convergent evolution in which non-crab crustaceans evolve a crab-like body plan.
>>>crabs, for example, have independently evolved multiple times
Literal lie. "X-like" evolution does not = X.


>There's really not much reason to think that the conditions that allowed humans to evolve intelligence must have taken as long to arise as they did.
I think that if you take into consideration the Marxiat law of quantity turning into quality then it's a reasonable assumption.


The Roman empire never died. It just moved to America. The imperial slave republic is still very much alive and rational liberal secularism is just a state religion that allows it to add conquered ethnicities and beliefs into it's ideological core the same way Romans added pagan gods to their pantheon. This is the final redpill pkd warned us about.
We need a new gnostic sect and messiah bros
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>The Roman empire never died. It just moved to America.
<just glossing over centuries of British colonialism
anglo spotted


>The empire never fell. You were lied to

Unironically this https://libking.ru/books/religion-/religion-rel/68734-nikolay-morozov-hristos.html

Judeo-christian-roman-greco-egypto-eastern theocratic empire never fell and continues to this day


Well ackshually those were the Etruscans 🤓


>le hecking roman empire but in 21th century


Do you know how many states claimed to be the "spiritual successor" of Rome?

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