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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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You should call yourself a communist, not a "leftist" or a "socialist".
Source? Literally from the manifesto.
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The worker dont want bull and a lot of talk that gives no bread and meat. If possible, keep it as simple as it can be.


>The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions
Communist is for big dick chads afraid of nothing
Marxist is for big brained philosophers
Marxian is for economists
Leftist/socialist is for starbucks-drinking westernoids scared of Russian man bad and probably closet reformists



I'm not in the closet. I get out the closet, then I get back in, then I jump out again. Wee, the room's spinning.



i wish there was a way to instantly understand the context when someone speaks and not have to give a name for everything. There are not two people on earth that think of the same thing when they mention something more complex than an object.
>To the average worker
Not average and not worker. Not everyone is a burger.

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One of the last intelligent conversations I had with my grandma, was about electric self driving cars.
She scoffed and told me they had that shit when she was a kid.
At the time rail powered street cars were synonymous with the electric grid. So were electric cars. Cars could even connect to the rails.
But GE and Standard oil tore up the infrastructure over night, just like Judge Doom. Yes, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is based on a true story, lol.

But I’m curious why the Soviets chose to go with the commie clown cars, like the Lada, when they could have built a more efficient EV infrastructure, with the profit motive out of the equation.
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I don't think an autopia infrastructure makes sense. I think you need public trabsit or personal vehicle. A hybrid doesn't make sense. As for rail vs cars, obviously rail is a lot harder to make then roads so obviously you will use roads where you can't rail and you will need non-hooked up cars for those.


Lithium-ion batteries didn't exist in USSR days, lead-acid batteries are have shit energy density. /thread


>But I’m curious why the Soviets chose to go with the commie clown cars, like the Lada, when they could have built a more efficient EV infrastructure
They had trains and trams you dumb fuck. That was far more efficient than making a bunch of 1-4 person clown trams.


Path dependency and opportunity cost, the world had already developed more expertise in gasoline cars by the time the USSR ventured seriously into civilian automotives. The cost of developing a "lost" technology from nothing again is greater than adopting an already working solution. Further more, developing a new technology means the initial products are typically inferior and it takes even more investment and time before new tech becomes superior to old tech. The USSR had limited resources so it went with the low-risk known solution.


electric cars have their uses, but batteries will never be able to compete with hydrocarbons on energy density or specific energy. electric motors being more efficient helps a bit but it's not enough

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>what about Sudan?
>what about West Papua?
>what about the DRC?

Question: why am I only hearing about these genocides now, while the evidence of the war crimes of the United States and Israel is in abundance for all to see? Why do I keep seeing the same accounts, the same few videos, the same shiny, clean websites?
>But there's a "communication blackout" in Sudan!! That's why there's no evidence!
Really! The government just zapped everybody's phone? Just like that?
Whatever. Maybe I'm totally wrong. I'm just saying, if any of you remember a year ago someone made a thread about how they worked for these "Uyghur genocide" campaign groups in DC and we basically all knew it was bullshit, that was me. I remember. It was absolutely crazy to watch that shit evaporate.
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How's the weather in tel aviv moshe?


>Basijfag pedo tries to insert himself into the struggle for liberation


Genocide is not just a single act.
Fuck am I drunk


(Not the Anon)
>i don't understand why zionists keep bringing up the holocaust like the average person who isn't a 70 year old evangelical american gives a single fuck about it
??? The holocaust is something that plenty of people care about besides deranged zionists and evangelicals. Belarussians care deeply about the holocaust for example since they were huge victims of it. Caring about the holocaust is not the same as using it as a bludgeon to silence anti-zionism, which is what Israel does.
>this shit happened like 90 years ago, there's a genocide of the palestinians TODAY
yes that is true, the genocide of Palestinians does have higher priority because it is happening now.
> i don't understand how anyone is supposed to feel anything but annoyed every time you bring up this little sob story over a group of people you're not even related to
the holocaust is not a "sob story" and it happened to more people than just Jewish people. It was targeted at Slavs, Communists, Homosexuals, the disabled, the mentally ill, Poles, Belarussians, Russians, etc. etc. etc.

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Can we have an economics education thread on the topic of "no one is a billionarie"? They generally get shat-on ,but I've seen many commenters on forums ,etc, say that jeff bezos ,elon musk etc are NOT able to spend all their billions overnight (is that even possible tho?) if they so wanted. They'd need to sell all stock, but if they sell all stock every other stock-holder gets suspicious or terrified and they do stock-market stuff which destroys the remaining value of the billionarie's assets.
Is this true? And also regarding the romantic "elon musk could solve world hunger!' idea: COULD elon musk, if he so wanted, indeed put his 200+ billion dollars on a hunger-relief program? Is that even economically possible in the current society and model we live in?
I dont deny the hyper-rich have luxuries, lots of very very expensive houses, cars, items and services…but can they just on billions-dollar spending sprees whenever they feel like it?
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>Scott announced that she had donated $1.7 billion to 116 non-profit organizations, with a focus on racial equality, LGBTQ+ equality, democracy, and climate change
so basically entities that further porky's interests? she isn't giving away money just investing in securing further exploitation, racial equality = impossible under capitalism, LGBT = severing of family ties and further reification but also an impossibility under capitalism women will always end up oppressed, bourgeois "democracy" and climate change the last one is probably the only good cause but as many other problems cannot be solved under capitalism due to the rigid competition laws


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Would it be possible to PSYCHICALLY donate a billion dollars? Like, personally handing out rolls of 100 dollar bills to soup kitchens, beggars, street children, food banks etc
Would it even be humanly possible time-wise or are there enough beggars so that, even giving 10K to each one, you can burn off a billion?


I've thought about this before. Like what's the most money you could reasonably get for free from a billionaire? Like if you asked a billionaire for $50 they'd get all snarky and start lecturing you. But I think if you asked for $5, they'd be so amused by the small request that they might give it to you as a joke.


There is not a single proven case of a billionaire donating money to charity. They simply move money into "donor-advised funds" which are tax exempt yet not required to actually payout a single cent to charity. Essentially they just make a 'charity' for themselves and donate money to themselves to avoid taxes. Every dollar "donated" by a billionaire increases the tax burden of all non-billionaires. Just using common sense, does someone who steals billions of dollars sound like someone who would actually donate to charity? I don't really buy it.


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> Just using common sense, does someone who steals billions of dollars sound like someone who would actually donate to charity?

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 No.1812773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This TV series is absolutely a master piece and should be seen by all the comrades.

In the books, humans only had one way to defend themselves against the advanced trisolarans: the idea of deterrence. This is like how in real life, China keeps its nuclear weapons in case more powerful countries, like the USA, ever threaten them. China wants to protect its land and people, and having these weapons makes other countries think twice before attacking.

The story also shows how the trisolarans manipulate humans through the Sophons. They want to control who holds the power, favoring those who won't use it. This is like the author's belief that China would face problems if it became more democratic or had softer leaders. It's like saying that if China had a leader that other countries liked more, they might try to take advantage of China. So, the story suggests that China is better off being cautious and sticking with its strong leadership.

The way Sophons force humans into reservations in the story is similar to how the USA dealt with native populations long ago. It's a reminder of the dangers of being weak in the face of stronger forces.
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>philosophical zombie
The entire field of contemporary western philosophy is a joke and probably deliberately dumbed down and neutered.


>muh western
All philosophy is a joke.


I know that's why I keep posting Lukács quotes and articles about how Heidegger was not only a Nazi but also shit at philosophy


We learn plenty of things unconsciously.

For example, even an illiterate could point out an incorrect sentence structure despite never spending a conscious thought on how grammar works, nor even knowing the terminology to explain it. They never consciously learned their language. The question: can there be creatures that learn everything that way? If yes, is it better somehow? If yes, does that mean that we'd edit that part out of ourselves if competition demanded it? The book assumes all three answers are "yes", and then tells a spooky story.

Watts isn't seriously asserting that his depictions are true, he's riffing. Blindsight includes theorycrafting for goddamn space vampires. Don't look too hard into the actual story, it's not trying to be prescient (though I will note, it included an interaction with an instinctively bullshitting entity that a modern reader would instantly recognize as an LLM - it was written in 2006).

Although, the questions are posed in the context of a fantastical first-contact story. Getting the 'triple yes' outcome described above would be catastrophic in the real world (I say this as a conscious creature that enjoys being conscious).

My take on the consequences of non-conscious intelligence turning out to be better* than conscious intelligence is this: given the currently dominant mode of production, as workers vie for higher wages, the logic of competition would drive them to eventually "optimize" consciousness out of either their own cognition or their kids' (perhaps through neural prosthetics, genetic engineering, whatever). You already see something resembling this; many software engineers can't shut the fuck up about chasing the 'Flow State', which is apparently some deep mode of concentration where you forget yourself and get completely immersed in a task (i.e. making your boss more money than other workers). Regardless of whether this 'flow state' shit is a grift or not, it's certainly an indication that the demand would be there.

*: (as in, better at being a good little wagie)


Moved to >>>/hobby/41044.


Would Wilson Fisk be a better president than Trump?

Referring to the MCU version.

I think so.


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for me its president luthor

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Thread for news, discussions and study of the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic.

Pridnestrovie, officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, is a partially recognized state in Europe, it is bordered by Moldova and Ukraine. Its capital and largest city is Tiraspol.

Despite its Soviet-era aesthetics including the usage of the flag of the Moldavian SSR, it is not a socialist state, however, it does have a communist party - the Pridnestrovian Communist Party ( https://kp-pmr.ru/ ).
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>legalize selected drugs and strictly regulate potency
>anyone caught in possession outside official state social clubs gets +-week in a work camp
t. enjoyer


the "news" on their front page is 4 years old..


from the wikipedia page on the current president:

>He considers the October Socialist Revolution of 1917 as a "catastrophe" and refers to the Bolsheviks as "traitors" and "usurpers."[30] He also was one of the main supporters for the establishment of the first museum in Transnistria dedicated to the victims of political repression,[31] and he has stated he views the policy of decossackization as "genocide based on class criteria."[32] He adheres to the opinion that in Transnistria, the Holodomor was organized by the communists in power at the time in the region,[33] and supported and instructed to explore the installation of a monument in Bender dedicated to the victims of Soviet repression.[34] He also spoke positively about one of the leaders of the White Movement, Mikhail Drozdovsky,[35] the Monarchist general who led the Iași–Don March.

<Krasnoselsky has proposed raising statues of notable Imperial Russian leaders such as Emperor Alexander III, Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov and Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin.[36] He actively involves himself in changing the tourist image of Transnistria. He believes that Transnistria should be associated not as a "fragment of the USSR" and Soviet monuments but with positive images. For example, a monument of Vladimir Lenin was dismantled in the of Bender Fortress as part of this initiative.[37]
>He has stated that he is a constitutional monarchist,[38] going as far as to say the following during a presidential campaign:
< I am a monarchist by nature. From my youth I had strictly built monarchical views. I am a supporter of monarchism, limited constitutional monarchism, and take the experience of the Russian Empire as a basis.[39]
>While still being the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vadim Krasnoselsky initiated the installation of banners featuring the image of the imperial family with the words: "Forgive us, sovereign, for our lost children."[40] He initiated the construction of a chapel in honor of the imperial family of Nicholas II[41] in Bender and a chapel on the site of the former Intercession Church in Tiraspol which was demolished in the Soviet era.[42] He also sharply criticized the religious policy of the USSR.[43]
<On February 13, 2021, at the Cossack Circle, the president Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


what the fuck are you yapping about no one in moldova is scaling a mountain




Look at how workers in different parts of the world are paid. How can anyone argue that imperialism doesn't exist? If you break the data down by skill level its even worse. Low skilled workers in the North get paid less than their high skilled counterparts in the South
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That is still just putting debts off onto the rest of society and obscuring that fact behind bloodline magic mumbo jumbo


communism is when whining about 'wage disparity' and 'imperialism'





You're making an irrefutable claim here. We either have to agree with your proposition or if we dispute it we're supposedly demonstrating it. This is kafkatrap bullshit


Mexico is breaking diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police stormed the embassy in Quito
Ecuadorian police broke through the external doors of the embassy in the capital, Quito, to arrest Jorge Glas, who had been residing there since December. Glas sought political asylum at the embassy after being indicted on corruption charges. The raid prompted Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to announce the breaking of diplomatic relations with Ecuador Friday evening, while his government’s foreign relations secretary said the move will be challenged at the World Court in The Hague.

Guerrillas attack military base in Cali, Colombia’s 3rd largest city
The attacks took place amid a resumption of fighting between the military and the EMC’s Western Coordinating Command (CCO), a guerrilla division that operates in southwest Colombia. Following the killing of an indigenous community leader in the Cauca province, President Gustavo Petro suspended a ceasefire with the EMC in the area where the CCO operates.

Top Israeli spy chief exposes his true identity in online security lapse
The Guardian can reveal how the controversial spy chief – whose name is Yossi Sariel – has left his identity exposed online.The embarrassing security lapse is linked to a book he published on Amazon, which left a digital trail to a private Google account created in his name, along with his unique ID and links to the account’s maps and calendar profiles.

Jordan failed to stop pro-Palestine protests. Now it's accusing Hamas of leading them
Jordanian authorities have been caught off gPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon


'You Are an Inspiration,' Sanders Tells LA Hotel Workers Fighting for Just Contracts
"You are an inspiration, because of your courage, to millions of working people throughout this country," Sanders (I-Vt.) told the crowd of workers gathered outside Hotel Figueroa. "You are working hard, you are what keeps these hotels going. You deserve decent wages, you deserve decent benefits, you deserve decent healthcare, you deserve decent schedules, you deserve decent pensions."

Progressive Candidate Could Upend the San Francisco Mayor’s Race
Mr. Peskin said this week that he agrees with the other candidates that the San Francisco Police Department needs more officers, and he would try to create a program to seek recruits from local colleges. He said he also agrees that fentanyl dealers must be arrested and jailed.
Mr. Peskin sees that goal as unrealistic and believes San Francisco should retain local control over its housing development rather than have the state intervene.

US court rejects transfer of credit card fees rule case amid focus on 'judge shopping'
The ruling was a jurisdictional victory for business groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Bankers Association amid a broader debate over how and whether to rein in "judge shopping" by litigants who sue over government policies in courts with one or two sympathetic judges.

Arrests Expose Rift Between N.Y.P.D. and ‘Violence Interrupters
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Is the Golden Age of American Jews Ending? No, but Liberal Zionism Is Breaking Down.
Foer’s pained attempts at “both-sidesism” rest on a simple premise: He identifies with a version of “liberal” Zionism that supports U.S. imperialist hegemony, including its Zionist proxy that helps it to control the Middle East. This ideology, which was once very popular, claimed to defend human rights and democracy, while at the same time cheering for imperialist wars and ethnic cleansing. Foer incorrectly assumes that all Jews feel the same way, or at least they really should. So any criticism of U.S. imperialism is, in his view, anti-Jewish. The author recounts numerous anecdotes of Jewish students feeling threatened by pro-Palestine protests at their school. He does not delve into any of these stories — it is not clear why a protest against an ongoing genocide would be threatening to any individual not committing said genocide. Many young Jewish people in the U.S. are raised to identify with the Israeli state. But they don’t have to — and increasingly, this identity is breaking down. Many of the pro-Palestine protesters, who are supposedly threatening Jews, are themselves Jewish.

Sahra Wagenknecht Keeps Punching Down
Without a doubt, Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party fills a gap in Germany’s party-political spectrum. Her credo: yes, the rich should pay more taxes and working people should earn more, but socially everything should remain more or less the same, or return to the way it used to be. Her Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht party (literally, Sahra Wagenknecht Union, BSW) is a mixture of the traditional left and the working-class wing of Christian democracy. Does it have a raison d’être? Yes. You could even argue that the BSW strengthens democracy, if nonvoters or frustrated voters feel represented by it. However, the current political landscape means that Wagenknecht not only has to try to win over frustrated former social democrats, but also potential voters for the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). After all, she wants her BSW to usurp AfD as a protest party — and from there go on to establish itself as a mainstream party Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>does socdem policies
>harasses reporters
>pisses off Americans
>becomes one of the most popular leaders in the world and in Mexico’s history
How the fuck does he do it? It’s like bad American press strengthens him.
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Leave the socdems alone, discuss with articles and logic, history and data. Not this

You are not even a anarchist, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ending


>waaaah why doesn't a country literally on the border of the empire have a communist revolution
I thought was a scientific materialist board


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>He's still a capitalist
>He is one of the best leaders of the left
>Leave the socdems alone
Who are you quoting?


Not realistic until China becomes the strongest superpower. Thanks to BRICS, they can't bully us though. If they try and harass us we just casually suggest we might consider joining BRICS.

Both Biden and Trump were trash talking about our country. The next day president did this:


Forgot the pic.

He's talking with China's ambassador

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