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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>what about Sudan?
>what about West Papua?
>what about the DRC?

Question: why am I only hearing about these genocides now, while the evidence of the war crimes of the United States and Israel is in abundance for all to see? Why do I keep seeing the same accounts, the same few videos, the same shiny, clean websites?
>But there's a "communication blackout" in Sudan!! That's why there's no evidence!
Really! The government just zapped everybody's phone? Just like that?
Whatever. Maybe I'm totally wrong. I'm just saying, if any of you remember a year ago someone made a thread about how they worked for these "Uyghur genocide" campaign groups in DC and we basically all knew it was bullshit, that was me. I remember. It was absolutely crazy to watch that shit evaporate.


You're right and it's especially weird because in the case of both West Papua and the DRC, the US is also on the side of the perpetrators, it supports Indonesia and Rwanda in the destruction and exploitation of it's neighbors. They're going HEY WHAT ABOUT THESE OTHER US BACKED GENOCIDES? The truth is that West papuans and people in the eastern congo don't have as many cell phones and aren't as active on social media as Palestinians are.


>what about Sudan?
>what about West Papua?
When an zionist asks you these you respond, 'well what about them?'. They tend to not have a lit to say, with no knowledge of the issues past this talking point.


Tell them Indonesia and the Rapid Support Forces are Zionist


zionists want to say this because as a gotcha
because since you only care about Palestine, not Sudan, Rwanda, and Papua, focusing on the only jewish state, that must mean pro Palestine is anti semitic!


I mean, maybe not if you know nothing about them but generally you will be more knowledgeable on the issues than the random hasbra 'earn sheckels without leaving your home!' Saboteurs.


OP, I am kind of disappointed that you needed to ask that question. Those conflicts are the result of the same imperialism. What's going on in occupied Palestine right now is worse in intensity, especially compared to population, but we should oppose all Injustice at the hands of imperialists.


My response to genocide whataboutism is just that I can decide what issues, including what genocides, I focus on and I'm choosing to focus on the Palestinian one. The only people asking you to stop talking about one genocide and start talking about others are just people that want you to stop talking about genocide.


>what about Sudan?
>what about West Papua?
>what about the DRC?
US government isnt giving them tons of weapons for free for starter, and then the western media and politics arent actively defending their right to slaughter civilians and propagating their narratives all over our press.


>Israel actively relocating Palestinians from WB to Gaza
btw this is the same style of argument used by a lot of holocaust deniers


i don't understand why zionists keep bringing up the holocaust like the average person who isn't a 70 year old evangelical american gives a single fuck about it
this shit happened like 90 years ago, there's a genocide of the palestinians TODAY, i don't understand how anyone is supposed to feel anything but annoyed every time you bring up this little sob story over a group of people you're not even related to


I don't get it. In what context are these being used?

"Whataboutism" is used to underline selective application of ""principles"".


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Why would they even bring up Sudan, US is literally responsible for that, too.


Why not? They're predicating that their opponent is too uneducated in global affairs (especially African ones) and basically use that as a "gotcha," because then they'll look smarter than everyone else for knowing about genocide trivia in a continent the media loves to ignore about.


Your post is just "please stop talking about Palestine"


Yes they have no response to this unlike the other shittier replies



How's the weather in tel aviv moshe?


>Basijfag pedo tries to insert himself into the struggle for liberation


Genocide is not just a single act.
Fuck am I drunk


(Not the Anon)
>i don't understand why zionists keep bringing up the holocaust like the average person who isn't a 70 year old evangelical american gives a single fuck about it
??? The holocaust is something that plenty of people care about besides deranged zionists and evangelicals. Belarussians care deeply about the holocaust for example since they were huge victims of it. Caring about the holocaust is not the same as using it as a bludgeon to silence anti-zionism, which is what Israel does.
>this shit happened like 90 years ago, there's a genocide of the palestinians TODAY
yes that is true, the genocide of Palestinians does have higher priority because it is happening now.
> i don't understand how anyone is supposed to feel anything but annoyed every time you bring up this little sob story over a group of people you're not even related to
the holocaust is not a "sob story" and it happened to more people than just Jewish people. It was targeted at Slavs, Communists, Homosexuals, the disabled, the mentally ill, Poles, Belarussians, Russians, etc. etc. etc.

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