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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1765114[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

An intriguing thread which explores why the general public often fails to grasp the true essence of a 'bad' character and how often leftists unintentionally undermine themselves by portraying said characters with qualities that appeal to the average person
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I also think, only somewhat related, that when it comes to 'gamer radicalization', people are a bit- just a bit, but definitely that bit -too harsh on young/teenage dorks who fall down the slide of an ideology that is engineered entirely around seeming really, really fun to be part of. Calling them stupid works excellently, in favor of the people telling them that nobody else will ever accept them.
I can't comment on the specifics of Helldivers II as I haven't played it (just not my type of game), but in terms of the appeal of managed democracy to people, I think it comes down to, I'd say, the growing perception that liberal democracies face that they are ultimately timid, seemingly too slow, too partisan, divorced from the common good. The idea of a democracy but it's just that much more authoritarian I can see at least having more appeal in the immediate term, compared to that perception of liberal democracy.


Yes and no. You have to understand that these people literally go to die for the bourgeois in Ukraine already and will enthusiastically enlist to wage a genocide against the Chinese people tomorrow. People really enjoy separating "fascism" when in truth these tendencies are always there in all bourgeois states, we are all impacted by them. This doesn't mean that these guys are actually very bad personally, but more that "fascists" are all "normal" for a bourgeois society people.


How many people who were radicalised by call of duty went to Ukraine?


Stupid thread. Masses, Élites, and Rebels shit from the guy that wrote Masses, Élites, and Rebels.



I hope they all went to Ukraine. Russian artillery and fighter bombers are good.

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Why do Marxists use the term "civilization" when the term is rooted in Hobbes' belief that human beings are naturally barbaric and are kept in check through "civilization"? Meanwhile, Marx seems to believe that human beings' default is rather altruistic and that capitalism alienated human beings into barbarism, therefore taking on Locke's belief.
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Because a black atheist would give credit to original sin?


Yes because those two disciplines in particular are (a) well-known for being filled with people who are fucking idiots; and (b) disciplines for whom terms like "cringe" and "racist" are the most complex expressions of several decades of their "intellectual" endeavour.


>for whom terms like "cringe" and "racist" are the most complex expressions of several decades of their "intellectual" endeavour.
lol I wonder why you might be mad about history and anthropology using the term "racist"?


The fact that that's the single thing you picked up on in your little snipe, while your discourse is filled with lol and cringe and Twitteresque "oh I wonder why…?" speaks volumes, cmde.


You are getting butthurt over accurate characterizations being summarized in a couple sentences on a post. There's other posts ITT talking about the history of the term "civilization." Notice how you're not complaining about the other posts talking in greater detail, just the one that simply points out that this concept is now widely dismissed and looked down on for being inherently racist.

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i wonder if the left wing of capital even considers thought like this to be a problem. personally boycotting a company because you take moral issue with their actions is fine, but this idea that any revolutionary change will be achieved through just one more boycott bro, just one more election, one more piece of activism, is so delusional to me. i think that’s why these people come across as so disconnected from real life and why the left (mostly liberals) has an image of people being disconnected from how people interact with the world around them
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Maybe reformism is better than waiting 200 years for a revolution to happen and fix all your problems.


yeah yeah and profit comes from consumption
stupid menshevik


update: i'm still not buying any zio infected products


Rather reform then revolution, as Lenin so intelligent said


Maybe reform vs revolution is a false dichotomy cause reform is impossible and leads to radicalization.


Funding wars, that is money taken out of the pockets of social programs to fund a military complex. Just a bit of rewording for a just cause and it makes it okay. While the average citizen can barely live on minimum wage and or government assisted welfare, the average tanks and equipment costs up to millions, helicoptors ect. Not to mention how prisons scrape the bare minimum and how lower their quality of life is. Not to mention supporting a country that drafting of thier own citizens. Every "leftist" that believes in funding ukraine for a just cause is no comrade of mine. There are more issues in OUR country than two fascist fronts fighting each other. If we want change this is how we do it.
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The US is not the user of its currency, it is the issuer. The way dollars get from the mint to the economy is through the federal spending of dollars it has issued.
This was more or less discovered through the funding of WWII and members of the monetary government immediately began ruminating on these observations which disproved previous monetary theories.


>Funding wars, that is money taken out of the pockets of social programs to fund a military complex.
Libertarian moar-treatism and "it hurts veterans to fight wars" shit is so played out. I'm not actively hostile to people who espouse it, but this undermines the foundation of understanding the geopolitical cost of these wars. Reinforcing the imperial system indirectly fucks workers in many other ways, it's not a muh tax dollars thing. That's not even how government spending and money creation work.


Well I mean for starters it's the only country I know of that officially nationalized a neo-nazi militia with a history of deadly hate crimes. In case I have to put the dots together for your tard ass, that means the Ukraine state officially recognizes neo-nazis as a representation of their nation. If you're "yeah, so what?" to arming and enabling the actions of a militant neo-nazi group, your question isn't in good faith and you're just one of them. Even liberal thinktanks like the ECRI agree with me.


No fucking shit.

Why are people taking this thread seriously?


I donated to MSF and had it earmarked for Ukrainian causes. That's a way to be conscientious of what both NATO and the Russians are doing; i.e, NATO wants to fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian, and the Russians have to break Ukrainian society.

This is surgery; if the Russians do not win, the world will suffer, but the Ukrainians do not need to suffer so much.

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If materialism is true how do we explain why we ought to believe it, given that 'you ought to believe it' is a normative prescriptive statement and cannot be proven or derived merely from the facts that materialist insists are the whole story?
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Cause → Effect → Cause → Effect, there was never a beginning only a infinitley looping chain of causality recurring back upon itself that motivaties the logic of the universe. Nothing can exist outside of causality and any thoughts you create are bound by prior causes independent of your nonexistent personal control. The idea of a self conception independent of the collective godhead of the universe is a narssicistic and egotistical construct resulting from the material desire to explain ones own conscious existence, a delusion basically. Throughout human history all humans have understood this to some degree its only in the modern day of hypercapitalism that attempts to push individualism to the extreme that the idea of an independent "self" with no concept of God is taken even remotely seriously.


>the brain is material, so is the mind
>the more accurately your understanding of the world reflects reality, the more effectively you can make decisions
>the enemy in the class struggle consistently uses propaganda to fight for a false consciousness in the workers
>false consciousness prevents many workers from organizing and actively engaging in class struggle, instead simply suffering and allowing the historical process to unfold more slowly, while the bourgeoisie have more time to gather resources and strength
>the natural trajectory of the class struggle is the victory of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie
>therefore, the dialectics of class struggle can be expedited and historical progress hastened by raising the class consciousness of the workers


it's a useful model for understanding the world, like quantum mechanics.




Materialism is epistemology, choice in believing it is ethics. Trying to prove why you should do something is outside the direct scope.

That said, we can take ethics materialistically, so, "why, given my specific existence as a human (i.e. being a material being, whose entire experience is mediated materially, and who currently holds certain values, embodied in various axes, circuits, systems, and so on, given to us both by our biology, our socialization, and their interaction…), should I believe in materialism?"

The answer is because humans have needs to meet and values to fulfill that require making specific interventions in reality, and materialism is the only philosophy that is not either against or neutral on the claim that we can produce knowledge.of the world (because we live in it and are ourselves material, and learn via interacting - idealism can't fully accept science even though some eclectics want irrationality on one side (for special cases or to fill gaps in knowledge), and science on the other) because it posits either an irrational world governed solely by gods whims, or that our experience of the world is not direct, because our consciousness is otherworldly and not material). Because of that it is the philosophy behind the practice of producing knowledge. The knowledge that you need in order to make accurate interventions in reality to meet your needs etc.

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Protesters chase EU diplomats from Palestinian Museum over support for Israel's war on Gaza
"The student's movement refused those visitors to come to the museum because of their position on the genocide in Gaza. For that we asked them to leave," student representative Omar Kayed told AFP. A source present at the scene said the crowd had been looking for a diplomat from Germany, which is among European states that have come under fire recently for supporting Israel in its war on Gaza.

ICJ rejects emergency measures over German arms exports to Israel
The ICJ ruled against the request in a 15-1 vote. “The circumstances are not such as to require the exercise of its power under article 41 of the statute to indicate provisional measures,” presiding Judge Nawaf Salam said on Tuesday. However, the judges did not grant the German request to throw out the case altogether. The court will still hear arguments from both sides on the merits of Nicaragua’s case, which will likely take months.

Israeli police attack Communist Party’s Nazareth HQ on eve of May Day
Determined to derail a planned May Day rally centered on ceasefire and anti-occupation demands, heavily-armed police forces raided the office of the Nazareth branches of the Hadash coalition (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) on Friday evening. April 26.

Libya demands improvements after leaked photos show tiny cell of Muammar Gaddafi's son in Beirut
Gaddafi has been held in Lebanon since 2015Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Mercedes unionization vote in Alabama will likely get a boost from UAW deal with Daimler Truck
Union officials at the North Carolina rally pointed to Mercedes as the next organizing target, as well as other automakers with plants in the South, including Nissan (7201.T), BMW (BMWG.DE) , . "We set an example for the entire South. I hope Mercedes in Tuscaloosa (Alabama) was paying attention to what we're doing," said Corey Hill, president of UAW Local 3520, which represents Daimler Truck workers in Cleveland, North Carolina.

Columbia Students Occupy Historic Campus Building, Renaming It After Child Killed by IDF
Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), a student-led advocacy group, said in a statement following the takeover that Columbia's leadership "forced protesters to escalate by contributing to a genocide while refusing to follow baseline standards of conduct that make negotiation possible."

Laid-off: Former Tyson Foods chicken farmers face high costs switching to eggs
Some U.S. farmers who once raised chickens for Tyson Foods to slaughter are shifting to sell eggs instead after the meatpacker closed six plants, a move that left local suppliers with limited options for work. In one example, former Tyson suppliers in central Virginia formed a cooperative that will produce cage-free eggs for Indiana-based Dutch Country Organics on a dozen farms, after Tyson closed its nearby Glen Allen plant last year.

Revealed: Tyson Foods dumps millions of pounds of toxic pollutants into US rivers and lakes
Nitrogen, phosphorus, chloride, oil and cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Argentina: confront capitalist reaction by fighting for a workers’ government!
The government of Javier Milei is once more accelerating the deterioration of workers’ living and working conditions. Adding to the list of government subsidies which have been eliminated over the past few months, today he is attacking subsidies for long-distance train fares as well as those that serve the suburbs of Buenos Aires, which many poor workers depend on for their daily commute. Ticket prices will rise an average of 54 percent, although they will rise by 2,000 percent for long-distance trains. The first water, electricity and gas bills of the month are arriving with astronomical increases after subsidies for these utilities were also cut. Inflation has exceeded 100 percent in the 155 days of Milei’s presidency, which throws into glaring relief the contract negotiations for below-inflation raises and the ceiling on wage increases applied by the government, accepted by the CGT trade union confederation. Argentina is experiencing conditions of extreme ‘stagflation’ – i.e. simultaneous high inflation and economic contraction – despite the fact that the collapse in consumption of ordinary workers is applying a downward pressure on inflation. This policy of wage restraint is being combined with state austerity to reduce the fiscal deficit by more than 5 percent of GDP. The result for the government is a nice accumulation of funds, at the expense of the blood and sweat of the working class. These funds will then be disposed of by paying off the enormous illegitimate debt owed to the International Monetary Fund, among others.

Congress Is Trying to Stop Automatic Flight Refunds
The Biden administration last week announced a new rule promising that when airlines cancel or significantly delay flights, passengers will automatically be given their money back without having to “navigate a patchwork of cumbersome processes to request and receive a refund, searching through airline websites to figure out how make the request, filling out extra ‘digital paperwork,’ or at times waiting for hours on the phone.” But just days after that announcement generated Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>Poolish Kulaks cucking out


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Thanks News Anon



 No.1836786[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Right now the biggest mass movement since BLM is happening in the US. This deserves its own thread because its a massive IRL protest. Next week their will be many more colleges joining. This is a massive movement.
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>rightoids launching explosives at a protest
wow sure hope the police do something about it.


That shit can easily inflict lifelong tinnitus and other hearing damage. If protestors were throwing firecrackers at cops they'd probably get locked up for life




>trying to hold a position without guns
If they know you're armed, they will wait you out. Otherwise, piggies will have fun cracking skulls


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Just a reminder, especially if you are an American, if you've ever spoken to Biden shilling liberals as a communist, maybe on somewhere like Reddit or TikTok or X or even in person, it should be evident to you that liberals need to die.
Liberals are more dangerous enemies of socialists and anarchists than even fascists are, as liberals uphold the veneer of civil genocide and non-violent colonialism. Liberals seemingly fulfill the cowardly need for "peace" and inaction that suburbanite pigs crave.

Every single ideological liberal, not an apolitical liberal, but, say, a redditor, needs to be shot or stabbed or hanged or stoned or burnt alive or blown up or poisoned ot beaten to a pulp, all need to die
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No such thing.


>Liberals, as I've said many times, are a 5th Column, the sort of treacherous bastards that use platitudes and pretend to be for the greater good, but will stab the people in the back without even a thought, should it fit their needs.
Literally what the liberal INC and Sarkari leftist cucks of CPI-M have been doing in my country.


>>If all Genocide Joe libs were slaughtered the only opposition to Republicans would be socialists
implyin republicans and democrats r blue vs red when they're dark red vs slightly lighter dark red. this is also wrong lol, y r their only three notions of political thought? that's not the case in burgerland
>Why do you want to save liberals?
bc im not an edgelord and actually want progress in [insert my country], and this can be acomplished more efficently and productively without unnesecary violence. they're better off my allies than dead, who's gonna plow the fields? kek
>Are you saying you want to be in a massive grave with them?
ooo scary threat, i'd legitimately kill u in a fight btw
>Are liberals your comrades?
nah wish they were then we'd be gettin more shit done


mb forgot 2 tag


>as liberals uphold the veneer of civil genocide and non-violent colonialism.
I disagree with this, they clearly don't.

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>According to Lee, for a few years in the early 1950s the SRP received Soviet funds while the Communist Party of Germany did not, due to being purportedly viewed as "ineffectual".

>The archives contain documents that show that the Stasi, the East German secret police, had frequent meetings with SRP officials and provided them with financial and logistical support.


We are living in a time, where we have the ability to access all kinds of information. And the more I read, the more I see how opportunist the so called communist states were. The CPC supported UNITA, the mujahideen, Pinochet… Recently I discovered, that the soviet union supported the SRP. Guys, how can you still be a communist in these days?
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Otto Strasser was also offered a position in the GDR's government which Otto refused because he wanted to live in his old home in Bavaria


Nice whataboutism, but I hate NATO and I will not defend them.


Damn, this is the ugly bastard from Hentai.


Just why


>the more I see how opportunist
welcome to the real world

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you've just been magically teleported into the body of dr mohammad najibullah in 1989, with the power of hindsight on your side how would you fix the afghan conflict?
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By 1989 it was far too late 2bh. Karmal should have been in the head seat since the beginning, I think the Khalq faction has been proven to have been too far to the Left. Amin is a scumbag who was uniquely appalling for sure but even under Taraki a lot of resistance was generated that should have been expected considering their stage of development and could have been avoided had the government pursued a different policy towards the beginning.


i go back to 1979 instead and stop a certain peanut farmer from agreeing to operation cyclone


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The conditions are not great, even with hindsight, without Soviet support, the Democratic republic of Afghanistan will fall or have a weak grasp over the country. At best, with hindsight, Najibullah can avoid his death.

Also remember, Gorbachev totally sold Najibullah out for western headpats, with no geopolitical gain whatsoever.


kill gorby and yeltsin and prevent ussr fall. Najibullah was based and effective, but he could not do miracles.

<In 1989, a little Afghan Stalingrad

>On February 15, 1989, the last Red Army soldier left Afghanistan, punctually honoring Mikhail Gorbachev's February 8, 1988 announcement of withdrawal to the United Nations General Assembly[1]. A perfectly organized withdrawal (in stark contrast to that of the United States, in August of that year) which resulted from the failure of negotiations in which the Soviets sought to negotiate their departure in exchange for a halt to American and Pakistani interventions, and which could only augur the imminent, almost automatic fall of the progressive Afghan government[2].

>This is exactly how the intelligence services and political administrations of the USA and Pakistan understood it, and decided to act without delay to "finish the job". In its February 11, 1989 edition, the New York Times revealed the existence of a secret meeting of the U.S. Security Council that had taken place on the 9th, concluding that, according to intelligence information, Mohammad Najibullah's government would only hold out for another three to six months, and recommending that President George H. W. Bush continue to arm the Mujahideen for this new and "final fighting season". The New York daily commented: "The Bush administration's decision confirms that the political objective of the United States is to accelerate the collapse of the Kabul government, now that the withdrawal of Soviet troops is virtually complete[3]." The participants in the meeting were thus following the advice and predictions of Mujahideen leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who had just declared that "the fall of Kabul will not be counted in months, but in a couple of weeks, and will take place without too many clashes in the city[4]." So they decided to precipitate it. Significant detail: at the meeting to which Pakistani officials were invited, no representative of the Afghan insurgents was present. This absence was explained by the same New York daily, which quoted a senior P
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I've never really liked questions like this, mostly because of >>1839293. Individual actors can steer the specifics of history, but the big picture is a result of material conditions that exist beyond any one man.

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