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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Just a reminder, especially if you are an American, if you've ever spoken to Biden shilling liberals as a communist, maybe on somewhere like Reddit or TikTok or X or even in person, it should be evident to you that liberals need to die.
Liberals are more dangerous enemies of socialists and anarchists than even fascists are, as liberals uphold the veneer of civil genocide and non-violent colonialism. Liberals seemingly fulfill the cowardly need for "peace" and inaction that suburbanite pigs crave.

Every single ideological liberal, not an apolitical liberal, but, say, a redditor, needs to be shot or stabbed or hanged or stoned or burnt alive or blown up or poisoned ot beaten to a pulp, all need to die


oh no impotent anger


Are you talking about proglibs or neolibs? Not everyone is a burger with fucked up political vocabulary.




<losing your shit over some glowanon calling you out
hard fail


>retard calling people newfags
Read CPUSAnon.


yes liberals are the scum of man. last paragraph is edgelord++ though anon. jus as liberalism is learned, it can be unlearned. go do praxis
u really got him there Anon
anyway as >>1838447 mentions, Fascists are liberals, Fascism is the end-game of all Liberals, but i know what u mean OP. these neo-liberals can be quite frustrating! i know the kind.


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I guarantee everyone in this thread was a liberal at one point in their existence, but OP you are still a liberal. How so? Because only a liberal can be that senselessly bloodthirsty.



Do you think that was the intention of the post? There are so many low-value targets here and I am in a bit of a mood. I write this by way of an explanation. It means someone is gonna get uncomfortable and I'd prefer it be one of yous and not someone that it is actually worth giving a shit about.
Most of you don't know the first thing about politics. That's one thing.
The other is "they don't know this and yet they do it".
Friend-enemy distinction, that's what politics boils down to. Or it's the first premise.


r u OP? ill presume u r
>Do you think that was the intention of the post?
2 b an edgelord? yes i do think that was the intention of this post, the second paragraph is completely unnecessary, and the fuckin Bersek panel only reinforces this LOL.
>There are so many low-value targets here and I am in a bit of a mood.
oooo scary. u actually typed this out and hit new reply. anyway, my advice to u is to jerkoff and get that anger out. then realize that ur idpol "Biden shilling liberals vs me based commie!!" is contributing to the evaporation of productive conversation. its evident here that both parties consider the other to b subhuman. my solution: introduce urself as a liberal-masking individual, and highlight the inadequacies of Biden from a communsit perspective, without usin the word "communist", or "Marx", or any other words which Biden shillin liberals have been preconditioned by burgerpropganda to resist. i think you'll find much more productive conversation, i kno i hve.


>r u OP
I'm not but I have much the same opinion of him
I didn't read your post too closely


i would strongly advise u to if u actually believe the solution to liberals is mass-murder


i would strongly advise u to if u actually believe the solution to liberals is mass-murder, that is a comical take


Of him, not as him
You illiterate


Of him, not as him
You illiterate


You are a liberal.


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>Every single ideological liberal, not an apolitical liberal, but, say, a redditor, needs to be shot or stabbed or hanged or stoned or burnt alive or blown up or poisoned ot beaten to a pulp


>we need executions not out of necessity but because im an angry incel
read lenin fag


If you think Genocide Joe voters deserve life I don’t know what to say
Would you stare a Palestinian mother in the eyes while she wails holding her mangled child’s body and tell her Genocide Joe voters deserve mercy and happiness?

Because personally I think his voters merely dying is more mercy than they deserve.


That is why vote for Stein, the only anti war candidate


>If you think Genocide Joe voters deserve life I don’t know what to say
why? u act like these libs are somehow worse than genocidal settler-freaks in gaza. do u pay taxes? ur funding an imperialist agenda, and are next on the choppin block
>Would you stare a Palestinian mother in the eyes while she wails holding her mangled child’s body and tell her Genocide Joe voters deserve mercy and happiness?
real tear jerker this one, but emotional impulse don't make u any more right, unfortunately. lets say genocide joe voters vanish into the void. it won't save her kid, the israeli agenda will operate with or without sum old white guy.
>Because personally I think his voters merely dying is more mercy than they deserve.
edgy, but unproductive sadly


Moralism has no place here.


If all Genocide Joe libs were slaughtered the only opposition to Republicans would be socialists
Why do you want to save liberals?
Are you saying you want to be in a massive grave with them?
Are liberals your comrades?


>individuals are at fault and resources should be punishing adults for making the wrong choice rather than making infrastructural / educational changes to make these ideologies materially impossible.
>facists (somehow not liberals) more in common with leftists
thinktank thread


>Children's book-like alliterations
>republicans (conservatives) somehow not liberals
definitely a thinktank thread


When did I say fascists have anything in common with leftists?
Leftists kill or are killed by fascists, liberals kneel to fascists, that’s the difference
I don’t know what alliteration means


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Anon: real question.
What do you hope that venting on an Albanian bunker building forum will achieve?


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>Every single ideological liberal, not an apolitical liberal
Based understanding.
Liberals are the encapsulation of the Robert Howard quote "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
Fascists are open about being barbaric, it makes it easy to fight against them because they're obvious. Liberals, as I've said many times, are a 5th Column, the sort of treacherous bastards that use platitudes and pretend to be for the greater good, but will stab the people in the back without even a thought, should it fit their needs.


>senselessly bloodthirsty.
This coming from Ancom Flag animal-reaction anon is fucking hilarious.


No such thing.


>Liberals, as I've said many times, are a 5th Column, the sort of treacherous bastards that use platitudes and pretend to be for the greater good, but will stab the people in the back without even a thought, should it fit their needs.
Literally what the liberal INC and Sarkari leftist cucks of CPI-M have been doing in my country.


>>If all Genocide Joe libs were slaughtered the only opposition to Republicans would be socialists
implyin republicans and democrats r blue vs red when they're dark red vs slightly lighter dark red. this is also wrong lol, y r their only three notions of political thought? that's not the case in burgerland
>Why do you want to save liberals?
bc im not an edgelord and actually want progress in [insert my country], and this can be acomplished more efficently and productively without unnesecary violence. they're better off my allies than dead, who's gonna plow the fields? kek
>Are you saying you want to be in a massive grave with them?
ooo scary threat, i'd legitimately kill u in a fight btw
>Are liberals your comrades?
nah wish they were then we'd be gettin more shit done


mb forgot 2 tag


>as liberals uphold the veneer of civil genocide and non-violent colonialism.
I disagree with this, they clearly don't.

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