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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Funding wars, that is money taken out of the pockets of social programs to fund a military complex. Just a bit of rewording for a just cause and it makes it okay. While the average citizen can barely live on minimum wage and or government assisted welfare, the average tanks and equipment costs up to millions, helicoptors ect. Not to mention how prisons scrape the bare minimum and how lower their quality of life is. Not to mention supporting a country that drafting of thier own citizens. Every "leftist" that believes in funding ukraine for a just cause is no comrade of mine. There are more issues in OUR country than two fascist fronts fighting each other. If we want change this is how we do it.


I agree that supporting Ukraine is cringe but I wouldn't refuse to be a comrade with someone just because they're naive about foreign policy


Hey burgerfag, no one cares.
You're funding the death of children and the proletariat abroad.


That's why you give it to artists* and such trying to leave, not the military.
*so you know they're like an actual person and not just a glowie sockpuppet
>just don't pay taxes sweaty, the IRS doesn't exist
Liberals cannot distinguish people from countries.


You're crying about muh healthcare while there is a genocide in Gaza being funded by your dollars. Can't you see how self-centered you are? What if the US was a welfare state? Would its imperialism be any better?


how much is too much, a lot of them deny the information given. Maybe once they come to their senses.
a country under nato what difference of Europeans and Americans, the people that have an underdeveloped frontal lobe.
how do you think you will fix it, fund a military body fighting against it? You are European I guess? So you are still under the nato pact.


caring about what people believe is stupid. orthodoxy is meaningless - i could believe it's good to support ukraine financially, i could believe it's good to support russia, i could believe it's good to pour a gigantic chemical mixture onto ukraine so that the whole landscape is transmuted into an abomination of somehow-live perpetually-bleeding flesh with orifices that emit and proto-indo-european death-wails, the net result would be the same: the status quo would endure, my wishes would go unfulfilled, my beliefs would have no impact on the material world.

getting very very worked up about what people believe has been the death of the left. the people who no longer have the organisational skill or competency to run a lemonade stand will deride you because you've got the incorrect stance on what colour stop-signs should be under the communism that will never be built so long as they focus on correct-beliefs and not correct-practices, what you think and not what you do. every discussion from a left-perspective is mere entertainment until the left comes to a real, material understanding of agency. of course, then it will have to confront the fact that it can do nothing much about the horrors of the age in the short term, withered corpse as it is: with every possible exhertion it might manage a lemonade stand at a protest organised by grandads with a speaker-list stocked with socdems. still, the working class would be up one lemonade stand, and maybe you can build from there…


propose forcing hohol refugees to pay an arms tax. if they refuse then offer to deport them back to the trenches. if political opponents criticize you accuse them of being putler shills


Thats rich, especially when you think that lemonade stand is only slightly different. Let's try maybe, that one lemonade stand is doing unethical practices just to boost the power of its cause. But that is the thing isnt it, only about action not about the consequences our actions could result in. That right there is the death of the left. Too much reactionaries and not enough thought going into it.


>You're crying about muh healthcare
>while there is a genocide in Gaza being funded by your dollars.
<just don't pay taxes sweaty, the IRS doesn't exist
>Can't you see how self-centered you are?
>What if the US was a welfare state?
It is one already tho
>Would its imperialism be any better?
>implying "good imperialism" exists


I accept your concession.
Now back to >>>r/TheDeporgram


Oh you're a redditor, no worder you're like this.


>What if the US was a welfare state? Would its imperialism be any better?
A country that hates everyone vs a country that hates everyone but their own. The latter being objectively better



ok sectarian /pol/s, go back to your menshevickeist splitter party, you will never be chad trotsky maoist syndicalists you cringe sus medis grass


What does that have to do with imperialism, retard?


So does /leftypol/ simply REEEEE against Ukraine for the sole reason that it gets support from the US?


Ukraine is a neocolonial state. A once industrialized land reduced to cheap agriculture to feed the Garden. The industry was sold of for pennies, and the US financed and exported a nationalsocialistic revolution (Maidan). It is a neocolonial comprador bourgeois state. The imperialists have stolen the wealth of Soviet Ukraine and turned worker contra worker.


Who asked?


I hate both the OP and you. Zigger infighting.


>that is money taken out of the pockets of social programs to fund a military complex
Nonsense, the funding of Ukraine is not the reason why social programs aren't getting more funded - small government politicians winning elections is why


yes, that's the only reason to be against neo-nazism
in your sick head maybe


haha, what did u add to the conversation with this comment? and and Anon, it's good to be charitable. i m more then certain that even if u don't live in a NATO-stan, that ur taxes are contributing to an Imperialist-implanted country under which indigenous are continually squashed and proles derailed.


File: 1714349336782.png (583.54 KB, 885x792, 1714349332946.png)

all leftist parties: banned
It is also ruled by a more moderate version of Milei and have a literal battalion of zionist nazis (no not kidding). Even worse, they shill for authoritarian neoliberalism:


Newsflash, taxation as a means of funding at a federal level has not existed for like a century. All the money they tax is just burned, or it would be if it wasn't digital in the first place. Taxation is barely more than a symbolic formality. The funds are just money the federal government itself prints and then spends. The essential belief of western monetary theory is that spending precedes taxation.




The US is not the user of its currency, it is the issuer. The way dollars get from the mint to the economy is through the federal spending of dollars it has issued.
This was more or less discovered through the funding of WWII and members of the monetary government immediately began ruminating on these observations which disproved previous monetary theories.


>Funding wars, that is money taken out of the pockets of social programs to fund a military complex.
Libertarian moar-treatism and "it hurts veterans to fight wars" shit is so played out. I'm not actively hostile to people who espouse it, but this undermines the foundation of understanding the geopolitical cost of these wars. Reinforcing the imperial system indirectly fucks workers in many other ways, it's not a muh tax dollars thing. That's not even how government spending and money creation work.


Well I mean for starters it's the only country I know of that officially nationalized a neo-nazi militia with a history of deadly hate crimes. In case I have to put the dots together for your tard ass, that means the Ukraine state officially recognizes neo-nazis as a representation of their nation. If you're "yeah, so what?" to arming and enabling the actions of a militant neo-nazi group, your question isn't in good faith and you're just one of them. Even liberal thinktanks like the ECRI agree with me.


No fucking shit.

Why are people taking this thread seriously?


I donated to MSF and had it earmarked for Ukrainian causes. That's a way to be conscientious of what both NATO and the Russians are doing; i.e, NATO wants to fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian, and the Russians have to break Ukrainian society.

This is surgery; if the Russians do not win, the world will suffer, but the Ukrainians do not need to suffer so much.

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