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Paraguayan Indigenous Peoples & Farmers Start March in Asuncion
On Thursday, the National Farmers' Federation (FNC) kicked off its 30th "Farmer, Indigenous, and Popular March" in Asuncion, the capital city of Paraguay, under the motto "For land and production, and against All Injustices."

Indian Steel Company Set to Take Over Venezuelan State-Owned Iron Ore Complex
Headquartered in New Delhi, Jindal Steel & Power is India’s third largest private steel producer. It is part of the OP Jindal Group, a conglomerate of several metalworks companies. Bloomberg had originally broken news of an agreement in September 2023, but the reports were denied at the time.

FARC dissidents claim guerrillas supported Petro in Colombia’s 2022 elections
In a post on social media platform X, EMC chief “Ivan Mordisco” responded to an derogatory remark by the president, who accused the EMC of being gangsters. "Petro accuses me of being a gangster… When we supported him during the campaign we weren’t gangsters. On top of betraying us, he betrayed the people who supported him for his progressive and peace discourse."

U.S. Officially Bars UNRWA Funding Through March 2025 After Biden Signs Gov't Funding Bill Into Law
The bipartisan bill, which Biden signed into law, also cuts funding to the United Nations Human Rights Council unless the administration can certify that it is taking 'significant steps to remove Israel as Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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i like news anon, it's like a newspaper i read at the end of the day.
thanks news anon



>The bipartisan bill, which Biden signed into law, also cuts funding to the United Nations Human Rights Council unless the administration can certify that it is taking 'significant steps to remove Israel as a permanent agenda item,' and banning funding for the UN Commission of Inquiry on Israel
so much for Biden growing "increasingly frustrated"


>Not even one (1) good news
We're so fucked


>"No Pasaran!": KKE-KNE members in Alexandroupolis blocked train carrying US-NATO tanks
Based real activism


This guy and the Spanish one who wanted to send the mailbomb to the uke diplomatic mission would be part of a boomer superhero team in another Europe.

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World War Three is a universal conflict between tested truth – and convenient lies. Between reality and manufactured fantasy. It is a fight for the human soul. It will determine whether our civilisation survives, or goes down in darkness. At stake may even be the survival of our species.

Humanity is presently facing the greatest existential emergency in our million-year history. This comprises ten man-made catastrophic risks: 1. Extinction and ecocide, 2. Resource depletion, 3. Global poisoning, 4. Global overheating, 5. Nuclear arms race, 6. Food insecurity, 7. Overpopulation, 8. Pandemic disease, 9. Dangerous new technologies and 10. Mass delusion.

No Government on Earth has a policy for solving these. There is no plan for human survival.

Potentially, the most deadly of these threats is mass delusion. The uncontrolled spread of lies, misinformation and disinformation in all societies renders it almost impossible for humanity to take concerted action to arrest and roll back the other nine catastrophic risks.

Misinformation paralyses governments and destabilises world politics, it leads to war, rots out the heart of democracy, spreads mistrust, causes widespread death and suffering, destroys public faith in science and nullifies rational decision-making by governments, businesses and individuals.
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yeah that line is retarded, but don't just dismiss it all based entirely on that come on ._.


no, every time I read slander of Stalin I have to leave my house and cool off for 3 hours


How is scientific knowledge and information protected from the greatest of habbenings?


>claiming something is war
>its not war



>No Government on Earth has a policy for solving these. There is no plan for human survival.

Geoengineering is a big thing that you will see as the 4th industrial revolution begins to take full shape. We're going to get to a point in the system where it does not need humans to fix and maintain it. It will be able to do itself as a self-sufficient organism. All the complex systems upon systems will be dedicated only to the survival of the organism. It will leave either AI or a large group of technocratic elites ruling at the top.
We are getting to the point that even human behavior can be so overstimulated and modified by the system that rebellion against it will be impossible for modern man.

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 No.1790978[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's very strange how self-proclaimed 'Marxists' on social media are hostile to emerging AI technologies.

This is because one of the most important details which set Marx apart from his socialist contemporaries was both his INSISTENCE on the irreversibility of advances in the productive forces, and the view that they, without exception, hastened transition into socialism.

All Marxists should be familiar with the famous passage:

"At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or – this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms – with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto." (Preface to the Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy)

Is this not exactly what is happening with AI? AI is disturbing relations based on 'intellectual property,' which are the main source of income for 'professional artists.' The facts are irrefutable: These parasites who are attacking AI are reactionaries in the most literal and inarguably traditional sense of the word.

Some argue that AI 'steals the labor' of artists. Aside from the fact that this is a ridiculous use of the word 'labor,' it attempts to hijack quasi-Marxist terminology in a way completely antithetical to everything Marxism is about.

Marxism regards challenging the property question as fundamental to Communism. To quote the Communist Manifesto:
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bourgeois-controlled AI cannot bring communism. If AI is truly a means of production, it has to be seized by the proletariat through revolutionary action.


I agree with that, I was just saying it can actually be a means of production depending on how it's applied.


yeah, fair
in this post >>1805002, I put "AI" in scare quotes to distinguish it from actual AI as a means of production, and to refer specifically to what people usually mean when they say AI over these last 4 years, which is dogshit neural networks that poop out statistical approximations of human made artwork.


Fair enough, I just tend to get slightly annoyed when the entire field of machine learning is reduced to generative AI. That said I be see LLMs being a (sort of) MoP with regard to software development were they to be *significantly* improved. They're terrible at the moment though.


>That said I be see LLMs
Should be:
>That said, I can see LLMs

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Historian Stephen Rabe has a book about US actions in Guyana in the 1950s. It's a hard to believe, but he says the destruction of democracy in Guyana was the ugliest action by the US during the cold war. He lays out how The CIA and Kennedy destroyed the country. This is relevant now because countries around the world are going to take their piece of justice from the US and Venezuela has had a historical claim on Guyana for more than 200 years. How do you bring down an overwhelming hegemon? United, simultaneous action on multiple fronts. It looks like Guyana will be one of those fronts.
I'm rooting for multipolarismo and chavismo.
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>Apparently the discovery of oil in Guyana meant a boom for the national economy, but I may be wrong, and I don't know if the benefits of this are widespread or if it's only for a few oligarchs and multinational oil companies.
It's mostly multinational oil companies and PPP oligarchs who also have connections in New York and Washington. The 2020 election was controversial with Granger refusing to recognize the election. The US came and reportedly made a deal with Jagdeo to push Granger out.The people of Guyana are getting some trickle cents from the oil money and mostly will not benefit. The American businessmen are already building up massive mansions and are segregated from the Guyanese population. The Guyanese government don't care because they are recieving a good check with the oil money. They are also starting to make Guyana have American military bases. Guyana is about to be ran like pre-revolution Cuba with wealthy Americans and their vassels. Right now its like British Guiana is returning with American Guiana:The return of the Anglo. There are even some shills that want Guyana to be the 51st state. Burnham and Jagan would be rolling in their graves to see the state of Guyana.Truth be told It would be better for Venezuela to annex the Esequibo just to give a domino effect to the Guyanese people. A good majority of Guyanese sympathetize with socialism but as the book will most likely mentioned Britain and the US dialed up racialism to divide Guyanese society. The CIA director also just did a recent visit and is trying to solidify a network their. The sooner Venezuela does something the better.
>Also, last time I checked, the government in power seemed to be "on the left".
The PPP is a left party and was originally a ML party under Cheddi Jagan. There was people like Donald Ramotar who tried to bring back ML principles but failed due to how bankrupted the PPP has become post-Jagan. Jagdeo ran the PPP as a mafia money machine since 1999 and corruption had poison the ML faction completely. The PPP is also the "Indian" party and sometimes ramps up racialism for election victories. The PNC does this for black people as well but both parties are considered left but really fell from grace since the 90s. I'm going to read the book and see what they say about Burnham but thatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


damn does /leftypol/ deliver, and quick.
>t. OP, just started the book.


Good to see we still have it in us.


>he says the destruction of democracy in Guyana was the ugliest action by the US during the cold war

yeah i listened to the RWN interview with him and found this claim to be way over the top, Korea and Vietnam were both easily far uglier. seems like its just a case of a scholar who is (unintentionally and understandably) overstating the significance of his research. no offense to him, it is good work, and good thread btw


It might be the ugliest instance of sidelining a clearly popular politician and his party without outright killing them


Who is the original source for the myth that Lenin was a German agent? I was watching this mainstream youtube video from a channel I normally like called "Voices of the Past." He mostly reads out primary sources from history. It is ordinarily """unbiased"" and understood simply to be historical primary sources read out loud. But when it comes to soviet/communist stuff he becomes a turbolib and starts editorializing. Look at the ad read on the video, for example. 3:55 "Just like privacy and freedom of speech was constrained in the USSR…" It starts with those words. The ad read starts with those words. He has exited the first person of the primary source and has entered into his own editorializing. But of course which primary sources he chooses to read also constitutes a form of editorializing too. There is no escaping politics. Later on in the video, the primary source he has chosen to read, one Pitirim Sorokin, says that when Lenin returned to Petrograd, he was very rich, and so was Trotsky, and that they made a speech that "even embarrassed the extreme left." and that they were basically sent there by the Germans to destabilize Russian society. This is presented without comment by the uploader but you can tell that the comment section is eating it up and really like this idea. If you bring up OPERATION AJAX etc. in a Youtube comment section, you get called a conspiracy theorist, but if you bring up this shit about Lenin, people reinforce it.
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Amazing effortpost. You da real MVP.


Thanks anon, hope it was useful.


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Thanks. An answer like this was what I was hoping this thread would get. Much appreciated!


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screenshot for posterity


IIRC the train was not sealed though as their were issues around Lenin and co agitating workers on the trains stops.
Maybe I'm wrong but I distinctly remember reading this.

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I was a dipshit teenager when ISIS first popped up, and I just went with what the news said about them - which, come to think of it, wasn't much. Since then I've heard that they were funded by the US State Department or CIA, and that they have links to Israel.
What's the Deal with Daesh, anons? I need a potted history of these assholes.
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I'm not talking about Muslims in general. I'm speaking about jihadis who are probably the least racist people I've met online and in person. I don't mean that they're these woke warriors. They're just not racist. That's one of the things that made jihadism appealing for a whole generation of people who grew up in the West as ethnic minorities. A lot of latinos, blacks, algerian immigrants, and even some redneck whites went down the jihadi rabbit hole and a big draw is their lack of racism. They managed to stamp it out of their ranks somehow.


ISIS also reappeared in Iran during the anti-hijab protests that happened side-by-side with ethnic separatist violence and they have also committed a terror attack earlier this year. This latest terror attack was performed after the protests turned out to be a clear failure and Saudi Arabia promised to stop interfering in Iran's internal affairs under Saudi-Iran deal. Whatever regime change assets the house of Saud has possessed were left without funding. We know for a fact that a Saudi-owned liberal (!) TV-channel was transfered under Israeli control. Obviously supporting feminism can only ever be a side-gig for Saudis as their area of expertise is Islamism. Being the main supporter of its US-friendly iterations, their retreat means that from now on all forms of Salafist terrorism are directly maintained by the West and consequently heavily isolated in the Middle East. It will become ever more obvious who they are really working for. See ISIS-K for example whose main aim in recent times has been sowing disc0rd between the Taliban government and Iran. Whoever was responsible for creating ISIS, they are now under direct Western control and it's pointless to ask whether anti-Russia/anti-Iran terrorists are Western agents or ISIS because they are one and the same. See their ridicoulus statements about not supporting Hamas because they "participate in Iran's regional project". I imagine people who talk like this as, for example, John Bolton or John McCain and not a bearded guy with an AK.


>A lot of latinos, blacks, algerian immigrants, and even some redneck whites went down the jihadi rabbit hole and a big draw is their lack of racism
Hilariously ignorant


>I was unfortunately one of the few posters here saying Israel was preparing to conduct a massacre of Gazans
You're a liar with some kind of 'thry hated him because he told the truth' persecution complex.



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good afternoon or morning or whatever it is

somewhat simple good faith question: do you think capitalists generally have a concept or understanding of capitalism's eventual self-imposed collapse? i feel like the people who essentially run everything have to have some kind of understanding / awareness of the unsustainable nature of the system they dominate, right? what ends up being the endgame for these people? 'dying before it ever effects them' is a valid answer but that's the only concrete thing i can come up with
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What's "puts"?


>talk about Nazis
<hmmm… how can I make this about Katyn?


>do you think capitalists generally have a concept or understanding of capitalism's eventual self-imposed collapse?
It is clear fact. See the most recent annual WEF meeting. The bourgeoisie themselves argue for higher taxation and social spending.
>i feel like the people who essentially run everything have to have some kind of understanding / awareness of the unsustainable nature of the system they dominate, right?
The democrats who actually run bourgeois states know this completely so they keep the system stable by continuously subsidizing the bourgeoisie.
>what ends up being the endgame for these people?
The continuation of existing conditions.


No one is in charge of a system. Marx's translation of hegel's Spirit to capitalism is to see how we are all actively engaging in the capital relation, and so are all capitalist actors (this is also why all anti-capitalism is "ideological" and reaffirms the system; just look at the punks and anarchists) - thats why agency is given to the system itself as a conglomeration of internal class contradictions that will resolve themselves. Marx suggests a "negation of the negation" but i dont agree.
>what ends up being the endgame for these people?
To make money. What else?
Yeah exactly, the transition from liberalism to corporatism (what mussolini describes as the "trust" enterprise of private and state power) has already been completed, and the abolishment of the gold standard furthers the keynesian insights that like marx, undo the foundations of previous economic thought, with insights like chartalism and the role of force in the foundations of society (as opposed to smith's uncritical eternalising of capitalist relations, where the barter myth has even been overturned by developments like "the gift economy" of early history). I would add also an analysis of "the managerial revolution" theoretically forwarded by people such as james burnham for relevance in the way capitalism has changed.
History is always in process.


>The continuation of existing conditions.
Yes, but the battle is not just capital vs labour, its also an intra-capitalist civil war (that marx and engels describe in the 3 volumes of capital, and that someone like michael hudson also describes). Big business vs small business, MSM vs alternative media, mainstream vs indie, etc.
Existing conditions are propping up a decaying ruling class that will soon be replaced by a newer and fresher one.

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Americanons, what do you think of the S.C movements and its applications for leftist militants? They are often "associated" with (either in fact or in imagination) the far-right, but I have evidence and proof that the "rising of the moors" movement is based off sovereign city ideas, talking points and books. They are a more militant re-branding of the Moorish Science Temple.
I have literal autism so all the juridical and historical-minutae arguments they give really please me. However to be fair and neutral:
the IRS debunks their talking points one by one. the kinda shoot themselves in the foot and everywhere else tho

>none of it is voluntary (pay up ,slave)

>ALL is income, we own your arse
>you are a citizen and can't escape, basically you're a chattel slave everywhere you go
>you have to pay for the child crushing machine that'll kill your children, you can't do anything 'bout it
>cry harder, its all constitutional
huge bunch of hyper-bullies, if you ask me, these IRS Statist thugs.
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>but I have evidence and proof that the "rising of the moors" movement is based off sovereign city ideas

Ok? Yes one group of reactionary cranks was inspired by another group of reactionary cranks. Sovereign citizens are an amusing brand of delusional but thats it, dime a dozen nothing special ultimately


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Sovcit logic makes a lot more sense when placed back into its original context of hardcore anti-Semitism. The idea is that there's a separate legal system that ignores all the commonplace laws and holds millions of dollars in your name works a lot better when you have "Jewish bankers secretly rule the world" as the how and why. The father of modern sovcit/free man woo in the U.S. is also Roger Elvick, who turned white nationalist libertarian ideas into an actual tax evasion plan that he sold in the 80s, although some of the ideas come from other fringe groups like LaRouchites.

Like it is true that it's literal crazy people/extremely gullible people believing bizarre things and overlaps with conspiracy theory wackiness, right-wing nonsense, and extreme libertarianism, but there's an underlying logic to it though in that they believe that there are magic words you can say to make the government do your bidding. The believe that they have obtained Forbidden Knowledge that allows them to bind the genie to their will, as it were. If you say the right things than the judge, police officer, government, authority, or whoever has no choice but to let you do whatever you please.


>Americanons, what do you think of the S.C movements
They're pretty funny to watch in court. Not sure why they think it's totally going to work this time in court when it didn't work last time they were arrested.
>and its applications for leftist militants
lol nothing


Like what some other anons said earlier, SovCits take the law-centric view of society and the state seriously instead of correctly seeing that it's a just thin ideological & rhetorical justification. Their mythology also includes a "pure" and absolute version of the "real law" that's still in effect (somehow?) centuries later and which is being hidden from the public because widespread knowledge of it would cause the state to just bend the knee or it will suddenly lose its authority, which is just pure idealist and almost platonic drivel.

So they try to counter the state using the dumb rhetoric they think it takes seriously and the "existence" of that "pure and eternal" "law" that the state still has to abide by. So how does this praxis look like? Well they just use magic words and sequences of these words as legal arguments in the framework of that eternal law as some sort of IRL cheat codes that supposedly would cause the actually-existing courts to release and acquit them.

Also may I just remind you that the real law they take seriously and abide by is the Magna Carta and the US Constitution (without the amendments)? Obviously not very socialist or even anti-state, really.
They're honestly the biggest proof that no matter how "anti-establishment" and "anti-system" lolberts and rightoids say they are, they will always be spooked one way or another.


lumpen consciousness

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 No.1795109[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jimmy Dore's video on the Boeing whistleblower that got Seth Rich'd has a bunch of rightoids malding over Jimmy attacking capitalism as the cause for Boeing being retarded with their safety regulations.
Comments are filled with
>not real capitalism
>it's crony capitalism
>it's fascism
>it would work if it was capitalism
<more rightoid bullshit

But this comment in one of the threads stood out: picrel

How would I answer this?
I don't comment on youtube anymore since my comments get deleted/shadowbanned and I don't find any use having debates there. But should I have a debate on Rumble, where there is actual free speech, how would I answer this?
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>anarchists reject "government"
shut up idiot


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>corporate communism


remind me to post a picture of the local anarchists having a sticker which literally says "abolish all governments" on here later


You're overthinking it, its entire point is deconverting Ancraps and getting them to question their retarded dogma on what they think capitalism is.
>these people didn't read Capital, I can already tell
>C4SS are glowies
If they are, then they're doing a terrible job at spreading anticommunism, since most of their essays critique ancraps and lolberts.
>why don't these people just come out as ancaps?
Majority are ancraps going through deconversion therapy. They still haven't let go of market fantasies. But they're beggining to realise that capitalism is causing all their issues.
>these clowns reject "government" while proposing that the regulating force of the market should control society, which is a form of government!
They don't think of markets from a Marxist perspective, they see it mostly as commodity exchanges between people.
>how can someone believe this when all evidence points to the opposite? the fact that wealth thermalizes is a key finding of econophysics
As written they are still infected by radlib shit. They write shit like 'let the free market eat the rich' and it's usually through the lenses of countereconomic action in order to compromise the big players. They don't see the long term issues of such a model.
>this is just ancap shit. who enforces these contracts?
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And another thing to note about these proclaimed left market anarchists, is that a lot of them I've come to realise aren't even hard on Proudhonians, They still cling onto the idea of property through rebranding it as 'personal property' while most proclaimed mutualists use the term possesion through usufruct.

I'm not endorsing this shit. Just showing the way they process information. They haven't got a clue about what dialectics is at that stage yet.

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Can any one of you explain why Poles should entertain communism as a serious solution to the evils of capitalism, after all the suffering we have suffered under the red yoke?
The two invasions launched against us by the Soviets. All the arrests, deportations and murders of intellectuals, artists, journalists, political figures, clergymen, military personnel, et cetera. The undemocratic imposition of socialism on Poland, the shutting down of dissidents, and so on.
What reason is there for us to even consider a return to this system, when we've been burned by it so badly?
This is a serious question. You can reply with "poolish subhuman bourgies deserved it, xoxo. death to poland" if you like, but I think you'd find it a rather ineffective argument when appealing to the Polish proletariat. Not to mention the hypocrisy behind claiming to be "for the people", and violently sperging out against a nation, its culture and identity, and therefore its proletariat.
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>Can any one of you explain why Poles should entertain communism as a serious solution to the evils of capitalism

The production of worldviews is not a linear topic as if we propose your 'morality' as our eternal mediator to take place in and resolve things. Perhaps there is no objective 'evil' to talk about, but dialectical unities and disunities in the history.

>All the arrests, deportations and murders of intellectuals, artists, journalists, political figures, clergymen, military personnel, et cetera. The undemocratic imposition of socialism on Poland, the shutting down of dissidents, and so on.

Democracy is a hollow phrase that the libs glorify as an end of the state form while the state and its mechanisms itself is an authority, an imposed will in its own.


>violently sperging out against a nation, its culture and identity, and therefore its proletariat.

The culture and identity will be erased, no exceptions, itz kill or be killed mein friend and we were distressed bolsheviki surrounded by polish philistines.


communism is when a single bourgeois nation-state invades another, duh


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Excellent work, comrades. Another victory against the eternal Poolack!


I don't think that's quite true, and Gursztyn is precisely the sort I mean when I talk about the generation who lived through only the end of the PRL and have been in charge since.


>wahwah muh evil soviets
you need to go back
and kill yourself while you're at it, we have 0 interest in entertaining reactionary fucks like you that just look for an excuse to suck their porkies cock

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