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I was a dipshit teenager when ISIS first popped up, and I just went with what the news said about them - which, come to think of it, wasn't much. Since then I've heard that they were funded by the US State Department or CIA, and that they have links to Israel.
What's the Deal with Daesh, anons? I need a potted history of these assholes.


they are splinter group of al qeada who split because al qaeda believes in jihad but not in an end times caliphate restoration war


So they're ultimately an offshoot of Operation Cyclone as well?


they have never attacked Israel


Virtually all of modern Islamism (apart from those iterations that spawned from the Muslim Brotherhood or Iranian Islamic Republicanism) can trace itself to Operation Cyclone.


They are irrellevant, stop shilling them, CIA raider!


Their first real leader was Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, a Jordanian jihadist who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight in the anti-Soviet jihad and then went to Iraq after the U.S. invasion where he led the Organization of Jihad's Base in Mesopotamia (which the U.S. referred to as AQIM or "Al Qaeda in Iraq). I think there was a split between Zarqawi's organization and Bin Laden/Zawahiri in Pakistan over strategy.

Basically, Bin Laden and Zawahiri wanted to focus on uniting Muslims in attacking the U.S., and while Zarqawi was mounting a broad insurgency against the U.S. (and for several years controlled some of the Sunni-populated parts of Iraq), he emphasized sectarian war against other Muslims, which alienated him from Bin Laden. That's the civil war in Iraq during the 2000s. Zarqawi and many of his fighters were killed by U.S., Iraqi and Shia paramilitary troops. Then the Syrian civil war started and the new leadership sent their guys there and that grew into Daesh.


Daesh is an outgrowth of a group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi who fought the Americans in Iraq. If you were around during the Iraq war years you might remember the jihadi forums that were filled with Zarqawi supporters and the beheading videos. Zarqawi claimed allegiance to Bin Laden but there was always friction between them. Zarqawi was a fanatic anti-shia and went on a bombing spree of Shia holy shrines (Bin Laden's mother is a Shia Alawi so he was pretty pissed about this). Osama wrote him a letter telling him to stop. Zarqawi ignored him. Anyway, the US took him out in 2006 and all the other insurgent groups turned on them. This led to a brief period of calm which led to Obomber pulling out all US forces in 2011 and handing the country over to Nouri El Maliki whose sectarian policies alienated Sunnis and created an opportunity for a re-branded Daesh to re-emerge. The initial ISIS assault on Mosul was spectacularly successful, the incompetent Iraqi army routed, and ISIS were able to establish a territorial state and you know the rest.

Okay, so what do ISIS actually believe? Al-Qaeda doesn't have an ideology or a political program. They are pretty anarchic and are mostly a coalition of the willing. ISIS believes in building an authoritarian and totalitarian state with absolute fealty to their Caliph. Anybody who fails to recognize this is an unbeliever and they should be killed. This includes women and children. ISIS sees Muslims as a nation similar to Zionism and wants to build a government that controls Islam. They are generally anti-imperialist and anti-ethnonationalist but turn Islam into a kind of nationalism. They believe that the Caliph and the state can determine correct Islam and impose it on everyone. Anybody who disagrees is committing an act of disobedience/treason and therefore can be killed. Aside from this, their views on economics are pretty soc dem. They're big on the welfare state, free healthcare, free education etc.

Why do people join ISIS?
1. Feeling persecuted because of their identity. The right aren't friendly to Muslims and leftists can be assholes too.
2. Failure of the Arab Spring convinced everyone the Muslim Brotherhood's soc dem flavor of Islamism was a failure and AQ were retarded for backing the elections in Egypt
3. Its an alternative to ethnonationalist politics and ISIS is legit not racist although their sectarianism makes up for that.
4. Practical reasons. e.g. I've seen a few instances where people were harassed by the authorities and joined ISIS for protection's sake
5. They are the Muslim equivalent of /pol/chinlets
6. Money. ISIS fighters used to get a solid salary in a region where unemployment was chronic
7. They are reformed street thugs who find ISIS message appealing
8. ISIS holding territory and running a state made them seem more credible than no plan Al-Qaeda that just wants to topple regional governments


There's no need to get lost in the details, anon.
>US: Al Qaeda did 9/11!
>US starts 20 year War on Terror against Al Qaeda
>2012: US fights with Al Qaeda in Syria
The US (or it's client states like Israel) fund, fight against and fight with terrorists. The US needs chaos in the rest of the world to make stealing oil and other resources easier. It's that simple. If there was no chaos the global majority would demand a better deal for it's resources, like what's finally happening now.
Do you need a picrel to internalize this?


>3. Its an alternative to ethnonationalist politics and ISIS is legit not racist
They had a race ("tribe") based slave system.


And Wahhabism comes from the 1700s equivalent of operation cyclone


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It was put together by Israel to funnel Salafi retards into their interests rather than Muahadeen (US interests). These two interests are usually fairly similar, but distinct enough to warrant warring factions. BTW that utter retard gaynaziflag already posted here (and I know you are reading this, kill yourself), but he is a western chauvinist cumsock with a negative autism score


Gaynazi also loves Israel for some reason, really weird


At this point, according to an opinion I've heard today, they are more like a loose network of various mercenary groups, which have this extreme wahhabi-salafi-schizo nightmare of ideology as a unifying trait. They seem to like outrageous and gratuitous violence perhaps even more and to a more grotesque degree than many ideologically similar groups and at the same time they seem to have always advertised themselves as a group where you can join to unleash any sort of unhinged and bloodthirsty sadism. More traditional groups like Bin Laden's one tended to be more serious about their ideology and sermons and tried to paint themselves in a righteous light, plus they have a very modest public image, while this bunch have always worked hard to behave and look like the most cartoonish of cannibalistic serial killers. Also, I clearly remember that when they were at their strongest around 2014 and 2015 and they held large swathes of Syria under their thumb, they have this very modern and "cool" propaganda, with very flashy videos, online magazines with basically professional graphics and editing in plenty of different languages and they appealed to a young audience, while the old Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri and people like that always looked very amateurish and quite stale in terms of "visual identity", for lack of better words.
Ah, obviously they seem to have never even tried an attack against a certain state - some say "the only democratic one in their region" - and apparently they are not hostile to them even at the time when they are openly trying to genocide an almost entire Muslim population. If I remember correctly, that state even provided them with air support against Syria and at least one of their fighters even had a photo opportunity with the prime minister while lying in a hospital bed, but that may have been a different group, albeit with a very similar ideology.
Soviet nostalgic music video completely unrelated.


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>It was put together by Israel to funnel Salafi retards into their interests rather than Muahadeen (US interests).
This is just /pol/-tier mental gymnastics that is making my slow Saturday a lot of fun. I've seen all the oldies being talked about. Mossad is ISIS, no you can't see the evidence trust me bro. Ukraine delta team SAS team 6. Nazi nazi nazi nazi. NAFO totally doesn't trigger me FUCK YOU.

>and I know you are reading this, kill yourself

It's not hard to understand. Cranky, disaffected intellectuals who get tossed out of their home countries with connections to wealthy patrons in the Gulf and areas of the Islamic diaspora in London and Istanbul etc. funnel money into small, greatly theatrical units who fail more than they succeed. These groups have a sense of fighting back in a quasi-biblical catfight against a united group they call crusaders and leaders of Islamic countries they call apostates. They specialize in isolated attacks against high-profile targets to satisfy their patrons and to drum up support among young, poor people who live under shitty leaders – a swirling mass and lethal recruiting ground who find Islam as a socialist-ish movement that provides equality and eliminates privilege based strictly on wealth (which overlaps with the very orthodox Wahhabists found in the Gulf and sprinkled throughout Algeria, Egypt, Central Asia, and South Asia, and in the official belief of the Sauds).


>they have this very modern and "cool" propaganda, with very flashy videos


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Everybody knows that the Anglosphere, which includes Israel, created and funded ISIS.
>The question is why did this attack happen right now, at this critical moment in the Ukraine conflict?


I was unfortunately one of the few posters here saying Israel was preparing to conduct a massacre of Gazans. There were a few posters who called me a Zionist for saying that, because presumably Israel wouldn't do it. I don't know how people come up with these ideas.


Thank you for all the effortposts, everyone. What I've learned is that:
>They used to be friendly with Al Qaeda but split after Bin Laden got angry with them for being sectarian
>They've never attacked Israel (on purpose)
>They were heavily involved in Syria, where they were armed in part by the West (I remember that as it was happening; I was still an idiot teenager, but I definitely remember the moment where the BBC said "oops, it looks like we were accidentally funding Islamic Extremists :O")
>They probably weren't behind the attack in Moscow (sorry I haven't been fucking glued to the news 24/7 Red Flag anon you NEET cretin, but I have a job)
>They definitely have links to the CIA and US State Department
I've noticed that not much has been written about them since 2016. I guess that's because they were all but wiped out, but ISIS-K, the ones who were behind that Kabul airport bombing, still exist.


You are pathetic. Why do you love Israel so much? Really embarrassing. It makes sense that you spend so much time on /k/ because you are just one of those subhumans. That's what you are. You know that right? You're not even a human being. Just a fat fascist faggot


It was sectarian. Yazidis and Alawites aren't a race. ISIS killed and enslaved them because they considered them heretics. So instead of racist they are extremely sectarian and hate people because of their religion.

But that said, I do think the left can learn from the kind of no bullshit anti-racism of jihadis.


I really cannot understand why someone would spend their Saturday running cover for Israel. Jesus Christ. Why don't mods do anything about us having a dedicated NATO-youtuber-tier retard bouncing around in every thread


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Blehh, Muslims are still racists as hell despite a lot of their anti-racism preaching. Like calling Christians anti-racist.


>The US needs chaos in the rest of the world to make stealing oil and other resources easier.
It's even simpler than that. Sometimes Al-Queda inspired Islamists do things that align with US interests and sometimes they don't. E.g. Sunni extremists in Iraq during the occupation were opposed to US interests there so they fought them. Sunni extremists in Syria were fighting in line with US interests so they supported them.


>Sometimes Al-Queda inspired Islamists do things that align with US interests and sometimes they don't.
These "things" would not occur without the upstream funding and control of the anglosphere intelligence apparatus.


I'm not talking about Muslims in general. I'm speaking about jihadis who are probably the least racist people I've met online and in person. I don't mean that they're these woke warriors. They're just not racist. That's one of the things that made jihadism appealing for a whole generation of people who grew up in the West as ethnic minorities. A lot of latinos, blacks, algerian immigrants, and even some redneck whites went down the jihadi rabbit hole and a big draw is their lack of racism. They managed to stamp it out of their ranks somehow.


ISIS also reappeared in Iran during the anti-hijab protests that happened side-by-side with ethnic separatist violence and they have also committed a terror attack earlier this year. This latest terror attack was performed after the protests turned out to be a clear failure and Saudi Arabia promised to stop interfering in Iran's internal affairs under Saudi-Iran deal. Whatever regime change assets the house of Saud has possessed were left without funding. We know for a fact that a Saudi-owned liberal (!) TV-channel was transfered under Israeli control. Obviously supporting feminism can only ever be a side-gig for Saudis as their area of expertise is Islamism. Being the main supporter of its US-friendly iterations, their retreat means that from now on all forms of Salafist terrorism are directly maintained by the West and consequently heavily isolated in the Middle East. It will become ever more obvious who they are really working for. See ISIS-K for example whose main aim in recent times has been sowing disc0rd between the Taliban government and Iran. Whoever was responsible for creating ISIS, they are now under direct Western control and it's pointless to ask whether anti-Russia/anti-Iran terrorists are Western agents or ISIS because they are one and the same. See their ridicoulus statements about not supporting Hamas because they "participate in Iran's regional project". I imagine people who talk like this as, for example, John Bolton or John McCain and not a bearded guy with an AK.


>A lot of latinos, blacks, algerian immigrants, and even some redneck whites went down the jihadi rabbit hole and a big draw is their lack of racism
Hilariously ignorant


>I was unfortunately one of the few posters here saying Israel was preparing to conduct a massacre of Gazans
You're a liar with some kind of 'thry hated him because he told the truth' persecution complex.



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