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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1791196[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I spent several years as a member of the American DSA, and have heard accounts from several other people on their time in more radical ML or Maoist organizations. From these I'd like to make two general observations:

1. For rank-and-file members, left-wing organizations are extremely sex-negative. Their social events are the most awkward, un-romantic things imaginable, and a lot of the time orgs will actively instruct their members not to form intimate relationships with each other.

2. In contrast, the leadership of these organizations are fucking constantly. Whether it's DSA polycules, Trot rape cults or Maoist sex gurus, org leaders always end up having far more sex than regular members. Often they end up fucking rank-and-file members, creating imbalanced relationships that end in scandal and abuse.

So why is this the case? Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex? Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?
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NTA. I get that, but it‘s truly pointless in this case. There is no concrete relation between what happened back then and now and doing that serves therefore no purpose. It‘s purely symbolic, therefore idealist.


I'm gonna be honest lads, I don't fuck.


Twink death is real.


>"well akshually sexual degeneracy has a strong worldwide historical basis because a random tribe in the jungles of papua makes children eat semen, modern societies should accept and embrace degeneracy because a papuan hunter gatherer tribe forces 7-10 year old kids to perform fellatio"


why stop there? just donate your sperm without any form of sexual interaction with anyone.

 No.1793453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
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Debt, not death, sorry


Rentier Economy for Dummies


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os eventos climáticos só vão piorar daqui pra frente

a chuva no RS agora foi o primeiro evento qualitativamente danoso em nível estadual que vai servir de exemplo a todos os desastres subsequentes no brasil, e o governo não tem plano estrutural pra isso.


Aquecimento global é fake news da esquerda comunista, é tudo cíclico, vai passar :^)


ufa, quase esqueci de matar alguém, agradeço por lembrar!

 No.1732849[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
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Why is the discussion on copyright and royalties solely limited to music? Why no discussion on literature or movies? How would actors or film directors be paid?


Well how do they do it in China?


It brings a smile to my face every time I see artists who are critical of IP. Usually artists flip their shit over “art theft” or whatever.


bruh if private property is abolished how the fuck is intellectual property not going to be abolished? lol

cultural appropriation would simply be a cultural faux pass like it is now (at least among the "woke"), no law against it needed.


Easy, copyright is a form of property and will be nationalized along with other key industries. IPs or whatever they’ll be called will belong to the party-state to use as they see fit

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 No.1842286[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Down with imperialism, down with capitalism, down with zionism. The protests are spreading beyond the US. Don't let up the pressure, make sure to strike when the iron is hot.
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Ah, classic rabbithole


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>“I don’t worry about ‘the world,’ I worry about the US,” Foxman said of the future. “The US is Israel’s most important ally, whether it’s politically, economically, militarily — there is no one else. What worries me is that we’re losing it.”
Even the goodest goy has her limits Israel.



i think this woman is a republican but your point stands


republicans are liberals

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>card-carrying party member since the 1905 revolution
>kept the moscow bureau alive during the reaction
>wrote the first marxist analysis of imperialism (supplementing hilferding and making the basis for lenin's popular analysis)
>wrote the theory of the imperialist state and proletarian dictatorship (who lenin accepted in 1917 as wholly correct)
>wrote to this day unsurpassed critique of utilitarianism (theory of leisure classes)
>was chief editor of pravda and set the soviet state on a revolutionary course
>president of the third international and staunch internationalist
>wrote popular books explaining the bolshevik party programme
>popular and loved, educated and broad in his understanding of history and the worker's movement
>was with stalin against trotsky and the left opposition
>main party theoretician for some 20 years and saw through industrialization and collectivization
<discredited in a show trail, shot like a dog, and not even rehabilitated during the glasnost
what went wrong?
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the WR speedrun for USSR in HOI4 was trotskyist

(not that this has any bearing whatsoever on reality)


I hope every HOI4 player is executed by having their testicles cut off. What a boring way to spend your time.


Anti materialist and revisionist. Guards, seize him.


Watching the video, i can see why Trotsky is so good in this speed run. Karl Radek and Maksim Litvinov are essential to this strategy, so that he can get military access to democrati governments to then conquer then by exploits.
Also the focus of the permanent revolutiong gives the time to create a war goal to 10 day, which is incredible, to say the least. He basically declares war on everyone, literally everyone (at least the communist, democratic and nonaligned ones), only leaving the fascist countries to live(ironic).
Finally, the fucus "reigniting the revolutionary spirit", gives you a strong 15% attack bonus.
But, opening HOI4 rn, probably the best part of Bukharin is that at the end of his focus tree you get an additional research slot, with "Socialist humanism". The problem with that is you gain a -3% recruitable population. If you are not going to a exploit run, that might be useful. Unfortunately, his economic focus are not amazing at all, quite a disappointment. -20% consumer goods is ok.
The NEP gives you -10% to all construction and 0 bonus to military and dockyard construction, but what is interesting about this law is that you receive less expected consumer goods then if you were gone with a "war economy" law, without the -3,00% recruitable population modifier of "total mobilization".
Don't know if you can remove the NEP at will just by having enough PP.
Mikhail Tomsky gets promoted to "Chair of the Trade unions".
Depending of how many countries you have as subjects, you also get additional bonuses with the "Planned economy" focus, which increases the factory output and dockyard proudction.
Overall, it is OK. Not that much different from Trotsky tbh, except for that exploit of doing lots of war goals simultaneously.
Is fun


Of the tiny number of mistakes that Stalin did allowing Bukharin to be executed was one of them.

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Online Canadian chvd rag The Post Millenial got hacked and its data leaked, including a bunch of FBI e-mails in its user data
Archived here https://web.archive.org/web/20240503041720/https://thepostmillennial.com/
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let me guess, you also don't like what it symbolises?
it's objectively a fairly inoffensive set of colours that go together reasonably well. if it represented something boring like the standards council of canada i would be very surprised if your reaction was so strong.


Why does this literally who organization getting hacked not belong in /isg/? Anyways archive.org is down thepostmillennial.com is down(I guess because of the hack?) I found their twitter feed and they get like 5k views per tweet and 10-20 comments and all they do is repost conservative rage bait videos.

Why the fuck should I care?


The thread wasn't about anything in the first place.


The thread wasn't about anything in the first place.


they should just annex canadia into america already.


>why doesn't Cockshott fix the NHS if his theories work
Well why doesn't he?
There's his opportunity right there since the UK health system apparently is not as good as it could be?
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>the UK health system apparently is not as good as it could be?
That's the funniest understatement i ever read.
Reminder of that anon who got his internal organs privatised: >>1834636


>There's a town called Marinaleda in Spain that's run by a communist mayor. They'll build you a house at cost and a job in the town cannery to pay for it.
??? link?


nta, just put "marinaleda communist" and you will find sources, like this one:



Nevermind, this article is better:


Marinaleda, Spain – At first sight, Marinaleda appears to be a typical Andalusian village with white-washed houses and streets that do not come alive until after the sun goes down.

But if you look closely enough, there are signs that things are different in this small town of 2,700 inhabitants: there is the portrait of Che Guevara that adorns its sports centre and the notable absence of commercial billboards.

Marinaleda has been governed by Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, its self-declared communist mayor, for more than 35 years. And while the unemployment rate in the rest of Andalusia is 29 percent, it barely touches five percent here.

The majority of Marinaleda’s inhabitants work for the village’s agricultural cooperative and earn the same salary – 47 euros (about $54) for a six-and-a-half hour working day. This equates to a monthly salary of 1,200 euros (about $1,370), which might seem low, but it is significantly more than the Spanish minimum wage of 764 euros a month (about $870).

Life in the village is also much cheaper than in the rest of the region. For 15 euros a month, inhabitants can pay off their mortgage. The same price gets them membership of the sports centre, or a kindergarten place for their child. The local government provides three free school meals a day. As a result, even the small number of unemployed inhabitants are able to make ends meet with the 400 euro jobseeker’s allowance provided by the Andalusian government.



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I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
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I suspect the EU/NATO would try and stop everyone from just leaving. You can't run a proxy war without the human shields.


>why are you incapable of seeing the solution?
The solution to a problem statement that you made up loosely based on my post? Why would I do that?


>I'm Georgian and will probably get drafted and die when Russia most likely invades us in a few years
why do you think that is?
why did the russo-georgian war in 2008 happen? something something NATO expansion?


The simple fact that the US is making statements about the laws in ramen-speak Georgia makes me believe theyre doing color revolution shit. Why else would they give a shit about a place like Georgia.


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<After independence in 1991, the Estonian government granted Estonian citizenship to the persons who resided in the country before its annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940, as well as to their descendants. Those who could not prove that or arrived after 1940 and their children born in Estonia or elsewhere could acquire Estonian citizenship on condition that they be proficient in the Estonian language and know the country's history. But about 125,000 people (most but not all of whom were Russian speakers) who failed the tests or refused to take them have become stateless, or “non-citizens”, who hold a grey passport.
You are all liberals now, the USSR is long gone. Maybe the problem with the butthurt belt is the butthurt.

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I find it ironic that 4chin rightoids invented the midwit meme when evidence shows left wingers have both lower and higher I Q than right wingers. Rightoids like Chris Rufo try to spin this as le "middle class versus lumpenproletariat+academic "low-high coalition"".

But the truth is rightoids if we go by statistics are literally midwits.
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Believing everything on cnn would still make you better informed than 90% of poltards


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But /pol/ for all their faults is better at shitting on the GOP than CNN


>low-high coalition
lmao righttards always make up new copes for why no one fucking likes them

neat terminology anon, if I was french I'd prolly abuse the fuck out of it


Believing everything on cnn would still make you better informed than 90% of poltards


I am new to LeftyPol but I've seen too many tender hugboxes in the DSA (everybody knows that mega cringe DSA meeting footage) if the Left wants to become an effective political action block in the United States and bring about the Socialist and progressive change we wish to see in this country we must abandon these granular "points of privilege" and oppression Olympics along with the curse of idpol the wonderful silver lining of living in the US is that we are in fact a blank slate we don't have bullshit cultural ties for people to cling to like they do in the rest of the world Even Marx saw the potential in this nation He said himself that socialism and eventually communism is achievable on the US without Violence and I agree with him. I honestly belive that the US has the potential to be a beacon of progressiveism in a world that has shifted to the right at an alarming rate. We are the richest country in the world why are there homeless people, why do people have to pay for thier own medical care? We have rights in this nation that revolutionaries could only dream of in other countries (The 2nd Amendment being the most overlooked one in lefty circles) but instead we argue and heckle like some kind of fucked up elderly polycule when we could be winning elections and making positive change in our communities. I beg the greater Left to unify and centralize so we can finally excise the fascist ans neo nazi threat that looms over our country and the world


>the left
Not a real thing. Who should unite?


this is been already debated so many times…
effective, popular action its not a related to a messianic, all-fixing "unity" of leftist parties. its about which of those parties is tactically willing (and able) to plan and undertake the revolutionary process


>without Violence
absolutely unaware of your own countries history


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>I honestly belive that the US has the potential to be a beacon of progressiveism in a world

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