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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1791196[Last 50 Posts]

I spent several years as a member of the American DSA, and have heard accounts from several other people on their time in more radical ML or Maoist organizations. From these I'd like to make two general observations:

1. For rank-and-file members, left-wing organizations are extremely sex-negative. Their social events are the most awkward, un-romantic things imaginable, and a lot of the time orgs will actively instruct their members not to form intimate relationships with each other.

2. In contrast, the leadership of these organizations are fucking constantly. Whether it's DSA polycules, Trot rape cults or Maoist sex gurus, org leaders always end up having far more sex than regular members. Often they end up fucking rank-and-file members, creating imbalanced relationships that end in scandal and abuse.

So why is this the case? Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex? Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?


>Maoist sex guru
I did not know that was an option.
Maybe I should take another look at Maotism.


Banning pornography and unproductive sexual activity as they do outside of the west would solve these issues. Of course this will never happen because Americans especially their left wing are hedonistic freaks who have no concept of self discipline or control and have somehow convinced themselves that communism is about validating their vices. Hell even on this board if you say anything to imply that maybe people should stop gooning you get hounded by a dozen or so porn addicts(bait)


why stop there? just donate your sperm without any form of sexual interaction with anyone.


Sperm donations are great if you want your child to be an autistic cambion. If you want an actual viable baby physical intercourse is a must, it just needs to be properly regulated


>physical intercourse is a must
gross and also wrong you won't just get some abomination by donating your sperm.


>unproductive sexual activity
You're doing idpol


Kill yourself




>material conditions are idpol
I can tell you’ve never had the misfortune of running into a test tube baby. I’ve met a few, had one in class with me in high school. There is nothing going on in their heads, their eyes are always glassy and dull and seem to live their lives on a sluggish autopilot, like an AI approximation of what average human activity is. You can tell that while there’s brain activity it’s all done without conscious thought. That’s not even getting into whatever weird quirks they happen to develop


You're a homophobic coward, just say it




you have no idea what you're talking about, you never even mentioned a surrogate.


The point lies in the word "sect".

Once you establish a culture that protects its own long term members at the expense of newer members at all times, deifies them as some sort of inherently better person to be followed, then you end up with a structure in which sex pests and manipulators are attracted to the top of the party and are never removed from it due to the protective structures. Then, this combines with social control and makes it easy for leaders to abuse their position. Power abuse is enabled by the social norms being placed in an org.


Sex addict thread


Nobody likes prudish sex averse weirdos except for evangelicals


>dae think the left is weird because
anons what the fuck are these threads?


I have no idea man. Since when did imageboard posters become a bunch of prudish little piss babies? Like this is the sort of shit I expect to hear out of evangelical christian freaks, why are supposed socialists talking this shit? What the fuck happened?


holy based


It's not fucking based, it's literally the same position matt walsh has. You're being a reactionary retard.


Interesting you claim that makes you “reactionary”, since the Soviet Union and other communist countries have always had far stricter laws against sexual vice than anything Matt Walsh has proposed. Are you claiming Lenin and Stalin were reactionary?


In some ways, absolutely, they lived 100 fucking years ago you idiot. Stalin literally persecuted gay people.


Yes they were. Besides Lenin never criminalised homosexuality.

Also AES like Cuba have now fully normalised homosexuality so how do you explain that? Socialist countries were correct but only in the 50s?


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>its reactionary to be outwardly against sexual exploitation in a milieu where everyone should be focused on organizing rather than getting laid


Why can't you organise and get laid?


>For rank-and-file members, left-wing organizations are extremely sex-negative
based. uphold the volcel vanguard


And homosexuals were welcomed with open arms into the Nazi Party, indeed being some of their founding members. What’s your point?
Reason number twenty thousand Americans will never have a revolution, they will crawl through hell and back before giving up their porn habits. NOTHING is more important to these guys than sustaining their dopamine addiction at the expense of everyone else, as the replies in this thread can testify(glows)


No one is forcing people to not watch porn and be moralists, everyone can do it freely, is innovensife, like playing games or having hobies or whatever. Is just that:
1- there is no justification to post porn in here, you can watch porn alone or with your friends or whatever.
2- Man should change nature, not be controlled by it. We should not be enslaved by our own animal instincts, or at least try and understand then better, study them, so that we can addapt, not be conformist and just ignore that we have literal addiction to certain stuff


The nazis fucking gassed and sterilized gay people you fucking revisionist piece of shit. Go fucking be a nazi then you shitstain, or better yet just go hang yourself


why is it socially acceptable for adults to be so obsessed with sex in political settings?
And yet people get pissy at teens for seeking sex in recreational settings?

This is what Im talking about the perpetual immaturity going on this postmodern ea.


Because it's probably exclusively the only place where you can actually meet other socialists anymore, like no shit.


Absolutely fucking yes


I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)

They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”


There never were witchhunts of gay people in USSR, you dolts, stop spouting anticommunist propaganda.


>They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”
Unironically correct. Boycott Just Eating, Uber and All this shit.


Unlike ordering a delivery directly from the restaurant itself, which is awesome and proletarian


>And homosexuals were welcomed with open arms into the Nazi Party, indeed being some of their founding members.
Oh cool, what happened next?


At least store delivery people get paid minimum wage


How did this thread end up being about le gay buttsex when most sex scandals in leftist orgs involve heterosexual relationships?


This happens in any and every large organization, of they don't have the right policies that is. Progressive principles do not necessarily have any bearing on this


Also does anyone know what the PSL is like when it comes to this?


>a lot of the time orgs will actively instruct their members not to form intimate relationships with each other.
Easy solution: Join an org and then hit on people in different orgs. Trots hooking up with Maoists. Stalinist power bottoms hooking up with anarchists.


You're wasting your time OP, this site is full of virgins, cosmopolitan degenerates, porn addicts and coomers with weird sex hobbies and fantasies. Of course we know what you described regarding DSA and maotist polycules applies not just to this site but to imageboards in general. There is a reason why 99% of imageboard users are all weirdos with no social skills, one of the main reasons they "joined the left/right" is because they have no friends or soft skills, and see this as an easy ticket to a relationship. Case in point the freaks get very upset when you point out their degeneracy


Oh and people that engage in weird shit like BDSM should be institutionalized and medicated


Caring that much about the sex lives of other people should get you institutionalized and medicated


It's the essence of communism.
The elites don't want to live under communism.
They want YOU to live under communism.
Where they get to have all the fun and you are a miserable loser.
Tbh, capitalism also became this, but this is because of communist elements like the stock market.
Sex should be a good thing where no moralist retards will get in your way.


I think people who do BDSM *want* to be locked up my charlie. That's the whole point. Your punishment for them is their reward.


>nooo don't send me to the CCP cum farms haha


>We need more sexual discipline and punishment with straps and sedatives
<Oh, tell me more…




except they're not the vanguard. They are the resentful mutant underlings. Most often possessing dogshit tier physiognomy


Womp womp firstoid. Yet from a materialist point of view the primary function of human relationships and sex is procreation, not degeneracy or sodomy. The concept of "born this way" at least in its modern form was always more of a identity politics stance than anything else. Many of the people pushing it didn’t actually beleive it themselfs, but it was beleived that by presenting degenerate, lumpen behaviour as an inherent characteristic, rather than as a freely made choice, people would be more likely to soften up towards it.
A reflection of this is sometimes seen today with the category of "BDSM" or "queer" in which sexual fluidity (the idea that sexuality isn’t set in stone) is taken for granted most of the time, and its only when people criticise the parts of this ideology that haven’t been fully normalised yet that they retreat to "born this way" as a safer position which it is harder to attack.
BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>Yet from a materialist point of view the primary function of human relationships and sex is procreation
Higher Primates do not follow this


This thread is stupid.

The problem is SA and Rape in orgs, you get that right, this needs to be solved, best bet is permanent exclusions and some safeguarding staff or system.

Relationships and Sex generally, I would say, treat it professionally, meaning treat it the same way in the workplace, there's no reason to encourage or disencourage sex or Relationships as they happen, the best attitude is neutral with some rules in place to prevent harm and drama.

Any other ideas or things in this thread is stupid and useless, there was no reason for this to be made, apart from awareness, we could use more professionally minded people in the movement ffs.


>Materialist point of view is that sexuality is set in stone and doesn't change


>degenerate, lumpen behaviour
Wait, I thought Homosexuals were the elite? Wouldn't it be Bourgeois behaviour?


You're a bad faith homophobe trying to disguise your abrahamism in Marxist language


cuz people r homophobes lol


>BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west
Meanwhile among hunter-gatherers in New Guinea
<Additionally, the act of performing fellatio and the act of ingesting semen is seen as an integral part of manhood because boys are unable to mature into men unless they ingest semen and they adhere to the notion that all men have, “eaten the penis”. According to Sambia belief, the semen of a man possesses the “masculine spirit,” which young boys will be able to attain through his ingestion of semen.


I think this is just the case with hierarchical organization, regardless of whether it is left wing or right wing. I've seen lots of orgs and groups that fell apart because the nominal leaders/senior members got involved in freak sex scandals


Heil Hi… I mean Hail Anarchy
and punk rock :DD


Careful, abrahamist like that clown anon will just invoke white mans burden under a socialist guise to "civilize the savage nig…uhhh…less historically developed creeds :^)))"


You either go very decentralized, so that the stupidity of some senior members won't affect the group as a whole; or you go very centralized, with a strong cadre management system that can punish or at least hide the personal mistakes of the leadership. Anything else is a recipe for diaster


Very cool, not lets see the statistics for men.


Porn bans do nothing to stop degeneracy.

In fact, in Middle Eastern countries, sexual assault is very common against women.

Also, porn doesnt equate to sex. Its better to have porn but ban sexual intercourse.


Demolition Man called, they want their ideology back


I didnt want to comment on this thread but I have no choice for my NAP was violated by reading this trash.

I kinda agree with you but I love sex so I will have to disagree somewhat
I'm almost done with this board.
I rather be friends with Nazis on 4chan than share a universe with you retards.
>Also, my degeneracy is better than yours.
>Also, Abrahamism is the best thing that happened to humanity. Shame Abraham didn't shank Isaak.
>Also, for the papua thing, they should just flip the gender and then it will be kosher.
>Also, you are all degenerates and Russia is going to win
>Also, anal sex with your wife is the most catholic birth control there is, shame islam bans it.
>Also, I ran out of schizo pills, please send halp


Seeking sex and romance ≠ meeting other socialists.

Its not really that. Its more ENTITLEMENT for sex amd romance.
Sex and romamce are oversold as automatic soveriegn rights of adulthood rather than privileges to be earned.

Its not even hust sexual frustration. They feel like the world should burn for their own lack of childhood adventures.

Imageboards always wanna attack Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Dis cord, etc for roxicity but they themselves take the cake.

Imageboards were notorious for spamming cheese pizza and guro.
They have endless posts ceebrating genocide and war.
They have porn threads comparing favorite porn actresses.
They whine about normies but have he same impulses/dispositions as them.


Thats fucked up. I wouldnt be surprised if that Gambian rite of passage is just non-consensual pederasty.


>saying that porn is better than unnecessaey sexual intercourse is blasphemous

>anal sex with the wife as birth control is le bad

>I love sex so I disgree with sexual intercourse being limiyed only for procreation.


we need to ban sex. yes even for procreation


political or religious organisations can never reform the society they criticise. They have the same deeply ingrained vices.


This. Sex should be limited only for sex dolls. Eggs and semen will be collected in test tubes and babies will be grown in test tubes.

Heterosexual romamce is just an incentive God put in man to breed. Theres nothing profound about it.


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>Why are […] sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex?
Because they are sects, same thing happened in the Raelist movement and countless others.

>Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?

Stop joining orgs that act like sects.
If there is absolutely no room for debate regarding ideology or praxis, it's a sign that there is something wrong.
If working for the org takes all your time despite having 15 members at most, it's also a sign that there is something wrong, the leadership might want to burn you out so they can better manipulate you later.
If there are silly rituals about showing your allegiance to the eternal science of Maoism-Gonzaloism, especially if it involves physical violence between members, it's also a sign you need to get the fuck out.

The main point of an org is to work in common toward the achievement of realistic goals, not replacing religion with ideology, always keep this in mind.


>anal sex with the wife as birth control is le bad
No, it's le good.
I was upset islam bans it. God put that hole there for a(nother) reason wink wink


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>Womp womp firstoid. Yet from a materialist point of view the primary function of human relationships and sex is procreation, not degeneracy or sodomy. The concept of "born this way" at least in its modern form was always more of a identity politics stance than anything else. Many of the people pushing it didn’t actually beleive it themselfs, but it was beleived that by presenting degenerate, lumpen behaviour as an inherent characteristic, rather than as a freely made choice, people would be more likely to soften up towards it.
>A reflection of this is sometimes seen today with the category of "BDSM" or "queer" in which sexual fluidity (the idea that sexuality isn’t set in stone) is taken for granted most of the time, and its only when people criticise the parts of this ideology that haven’t been fully normalised yet that they retreat to "born this way" as a safer position which it is harder to attack.
>BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west


unfortunate looking uygha


Is Raelism that religion based on UFO aliens?

And it uses a logo that uses the gamma cross and hexagram star?

It goes to show that UFOs are not extraterrestial beings bit rather spiritual beings native to earth.


I wanna breed with a sexy alien queen


You oresented it as if though it was a bad thing.


Extraterrestial sentience may not resemble humans. They may look too weird for humans to wanna breed with them.


Not if we came from them. As in they are our creators. In other words.


UWU im a retard. But anal is God's birth control.


Ban all procreation though any means but massively encourage sex.


Brave New World called. They want their malthusian ideology back.


Ban proceeation amd sex.
Issue out sex dolls and VR porn instead.


No thanks, I am going to have my girlfriend whip me repeatedly with a cat-o-nine-tails while I'm tied down to an altar and my semen involuntarily harvested and you WILL know about it and you WILL be okay with it


>I rather be friends with Nazis on 4chan than share a universe with you retards.
Unfortunately we're all trapped on the same spinning rock hurling through the void so we're going to have to make the best of it.


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>Its better to have porn but ban sexual intercourse


>I rather be friends with Nazis on 4chan than share a universe with you retards
>ancap flag
makes sense


If we replace real porn with drawn/CG then it will reduce the harm towards women in the industry.


Harm reduction, yes. But for whom and to what end?


in the future there will only be smutty undertale fanfics


completely unhinged to lean on weird marcyite campism to defend your own conservative pathologies, "if you dont want to put bdsm in camps youre le firstie!!" what the fuck are you talking about, this shit is deranged


This thread is exactly why idpol ruins everything and needs fucking containment.


Nazis are fags
Communists are fags
It's a fucking pandemic out here


materialist explanation for why lesbians don't take their socks off for sex.


What the hell happened here lmao
>Stop joining orgs that act like sects
Except I encountered this same attitude in DSA as well. It's a common thread among IRL orgs, they want unproblematic cadres who sell newspapers or do grunt work for unions and don't do messy things like debate theory or date their fellow members.

But orgs should be more open and healthy about relationship-forming, so much of the old left was held together by 'red diaper babies' raised by radical parents.


uygha how the fuck are sex cults real hahahaha like uygha just don't fuck leaderships


>I rather be friends with Nazis on 4chan than share a universe with you retards.
thats literally what ancaps are lmaoooo now drop your registry info or gtfo


Fucking your way to the top is how most orgs run.


I think the real question is why do sex cults have to pretend they're about some third subject. Just be a sex cult FFS.


This has to be the 15th worst thread I have ever seen in my life on any imageboard ever.


its not any different to any other organizations. just people abusing their positions of authority and power as usual


Terrible thread, frens.
You didn't even make it 10 posts.


curious what the other 14 are


>There is nothing going on in their heads, their eyes are always glassy and dull and seem to live their lives on a sluggish autopilot
I regret to inform you that this is just all zoomers in general.


They're still smarter than all previous generations combined


>Millennials trying not to blame their juniors for all societys problems: IMPOSSIBLE


Millennials just brag about themselves as being "le first OG internet generation"

But all they do is whine about adulting at 35, waste time and money on video games and childrens entertainment, and whine about "feeling old" despite not having their first heart attack.

Millennials didnt even invent anything. All they did was rehash Gen X aesthetics.


Friendly reminder generational politics are for fascist idealist reddit addicts and the sincerely mentally handicapped.


as a zoomer myself, i can safely say, i am extremely dumb


I see you Newgene


>They're still smarter than all previous generations combined
Well there is a zoomer playing the Kwisatz Haderach now


>Sour grapes over completely missing the non-corporate early internet. A world now entirely erased by the sands of time.
>Obsessed with aesthetics. Everything is an aesthetic or a vibe.
>Zero innate instinct to resist corporate power over the internet, because its all they've ever known.
>Accepts algorithmic recommendations. Unironically follows trends, fads, and viral marketing.
>Supports intellectual property. Enjoyed hbummerguys latest video.
>Thinks subscription software and DLC is totally normally
>Doesn't know how to torrent
>Probably doesn't even block ads.

The cuck Paul vs the chad Leto II


everybody knows how a torrent works and how stop ads what are ya talking about


> Nobody likes prudish sex averse weirdos
Quit being acephobic


>They feel like the world should burn for their own lack of childhood adventures
I feel attacked, but once I got over hating the world I just accepted my place as a Dengist sexpat in China.


Zoomers are the future old man.


absolutely not true, there are many younger people who dont know how & even more who dont see why you would bother. the latter for the same reason boomers & gen x dont mind watching tv commercials, they dont know anything else and for some it becomes even comfortable, a reassuring temporary lobotomy


I’d say people in general are forgetting how to have healthy sexual relationships, terrified of the consequences of social faux-pas, and that leadership positions attract megalomaniacal types who of course would use it for getting their dick wet.


No they aren't, Gen Alpha is.
Zoomers are getting flushed down the skibidi toilet.


>Typical "at least" ism about having some virtue based on "le classic" cultural products that no longer exist

>Assume everyone younger than them is a self lobotomiser and lacks technical skills


why arent you saying that to these "anti zoomer" posts?



Ultimately annon charasmatic people rise to the top of most orgs and because of their rizz are just going to find it easier to fuck people


People should get married optimally, and have children, so that in the orgs they have less of perverse motivation to have sexual degenerate behavior.


Once again we have a someone who fetishizes the non-west and acts exactly like a anti-sex puritananical killjoy.

Why are people such prudes nowadays?


I never thought i would say this but you all act like a bunch of


>Maoist sex guru



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Regenerative Rape is part of communist culture since the march on Berlin.
Being Great & Authentic is part of left-communist kultur since Amadeo Bordiga praised the butcher Hitler.
Murdering homosexuals is part of Nazi culture since He/Himmler ACKed Ernst Rohm for being gay and fat.
All you have to do is learn to be tolerant of other people's differences.



>Doesnt know the depravity of married men


You can do all that and not try to fuck your party members? Relationships should at worst be an exception and never encouraged.


>crypto femcel thread


So happy I'm in a normal communist party. I just go out on the town when I want some


Marriage never stopped anyone from being a sex pest, it just add a level of hypocrisy to the mess.


when you've been around a while you slowly realize a lot of leftist orgs exist for the sole reason of getting their leadership laid. They create these meaningless orgs purely to fuck bitches and use the rank and file as fluffers. Rabindranath Tagore complained about this all the way back in the 20s and its still a problem now. The worst is when personal drama between the leadership instigates splits that have nothing to do with strategy or ideology just personal beefs between the chiefs. Its fucking insufferable.

Correct. All Americans want are cheap luxury products, fast food, and pr0n. They'll go ape shit if you banned porn or told them anal sex is now illegal, but they won't say shit about child labor that powers their smartphones.

Porn is the ultimate extension of the ideological state apparatus, except its also corporate and not statist. Just make them jerk off all the time. It'll anesthetize them. Look they're now trying to normalize porn addiction. The average American will walk around in a comatose state working in between edging sessions like a drooling zombie. One dimensional man. Adorno was 100% right about Americans.


>people care more about things that directly affect them

waaaooww, amazing deduction mr fatsoc


Yeah that's the fucking problem. The total lack of any solidarity besides idpol that isn't based on narrow self-interests. People just don't give a fuck. Revolutions happen when people start looking out for each other and going out of their way to help. Average yank is too busy peacoking in his democratic socialist get up and fapping to cam girls than actually care about the horrible working conditions. Americans are just too damn atomized. They're so meek and never intervene. The only thing that gets them out on the street is the Superbowl and the next media political event. They just don't give a fuck. They're sedated people fattened up on cheap commodities and credit. The "I'm gettin mine" attitude is there even on the left.


How is that different from any other country? You think if porn was banned that would magically make Americans socialist? You can say that any kind of pleasure is a distraction, I guess we need to ban videogames, good food, walks in nature, reading, music, basically everything.


I'm not saying ban porn. Its just that all this sex positive liberation stuff has played into the corporate sex industry and convinced people that promiscuous sexual behavior and pleasure seeking is radical. Its a distraction and its ruining people. Stop jerking off all the time and using positivity as an excuse.


Literally everything gets commodified, including socialism, that doesn't make that thing bad. Of course sex positivity isn't enough on its own to break capitalism but at least it does help to break the nuclear family bullshit and the white picket fence fascist Amerikan dream. I think that does help to get people to see the bullshit of the system.


Do you ever think that some people might actually like living in a nuclear family? You do know that a nuclear family was a dream for most working people right? I don't see why getting rid of family is an objective for the left. What does that have to even do with workers rights or capitalism? We've left Bohemian avant-garde lunatics infiltrate our movement and turn it from a struggle for social and economic justice to pseudo-intellectual bullshit, family abolition garbage, deranged sex fiends so deep in their addiction they think living out their corporate fed porn fantasies is gonna smash cooperate America. The yanks and the French are the only people on earth who think lazing around and fapping is revolutionary.


Letting Anglos twist the term aufheben to mean “abolish” has done wonders for turning the western “communist” movement into a bacchanalia of hedonistic freaks. Unfortunately short of generations of cultural conversion and JDPON occupation nothing is going to change that, never mind the utter lack of potential for a communist revolution


Rather be a Bacchanite than a sober idiot.


>The yanks and the French are the only people on earth who think lazing around and fapping is revolutionary.
the problem is that we're not nearly lazy enough.


>been in an org for months now
>no-one's had sex with me
what the fuck


Look it's not like the nuclear family should be banned but it's an artificial construct created by industrial capitalism especially late 19th and early 20th century capitalism, which makes you 'traditionalist' uyghas look goofy. The nuclear family is far more 'corporate' than free sex ever could be, the whole concept is entirely wrapped up in commodity fetishism.

Sorry Maobro but I'm not gonna let you kill me for having sex.


good. keep taking the revcel pill


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Good thing then that law enforcement doesn’t require your permission to do its job!


Anon, all social relations are artificial constructs. The nuclear family is new but that doesn't change the fact that most working people want one and dream of wanting one. But ohh no Comrade Anon knows best! Free sex is literally neoliberal market fundamentalism applied to sexuality. You've been brainwashed by Playboy and PornHub. Also it doesn't even work. We pretty much live as close to a free sex world you lefto-hedonists fantasize about and guess what, for most people it doesn't work. Female orgasms are at their all time lowest in human history, most young people are now single and stay that way for years, people loose their virginity late in life, relationships are unstable, people are chronically unhappy, resentment induced misogyny is all over the place. But no we can't let that stop the coomerist revolution because family is commodity fetish whatever garbage you read in your sex positive pamphlet. Most hard working people want a family and they want stability. They don't want your coomer paradise of free sex free love and no rules bullshit that hasn't worked anywhere and has never naturally developed in human history.


>Female orgasms are at their all time lowest in human history, most young people are now single and stay that way for years, people loose their virginity late in life, relationships are unstable, people are chronically unhappy, resentment induced misogyny is all over the place.
Yes yes this is all because of those evil corpo leftists


I mean to be fair “female orgasms” aren’t a thing so that’s an irrelevant statistic, but otherwise I agree


The circus is here


It is not as if wives infamously get orgasms in nuclear families.


Nobody said it was paradise but its better than your dumb HIV magnet free love village.


Havent heard of many women in free love communes being physically abused for years while their near feral children beg the neighbors for food


If that were true it would stem from the cultural notion of relationships with coworkers is somehow bad.


the most fucked up shit I have ever personally witnessed in my entire life was the coverup and reprisals that followed after a nationally-endorsed DSA candidate raped someone and his chapter refused to take him back. if you've ever wondered why so many of the weird DSA twitter assholes have such a massive hate-boner for pittsburgh, now you know.


Actually gooning is a time honored tradition anon. Porn is the main issue


WTF I never heard that


the full story will probably never be told for the sake of privacy but that's the kind of shit that they've blown over a million bucks on "consultant fees" for


yeah i am agreeing generational politics are stupid and unhelpful


i think what is missed here is that it is often the fucking constantly that leads members towards leadership in organizations because:
1. intra-organizational sex-having individuals (IOSHI) spend more time around organization members and have access to a broader degree of member experiences which make them more suitable for leadership
2. IOSHI generally start from a place of having better social skills than the average far-left web form user-turned-activist
3. IOSHI have a greater stake in the organization because it is entangled with their romantic or sexual life.

When you examine ISOHI leaders in real life, they usually don't use their position to get sex until they have used sex to get their position. I personally think it is a healthy and unavoidable thing except when leaders sexually exploit prospects.

I think the problem of sexual exploitation of prospects mostly arises from unnecessarily centralized organizational structures. Obviously democratic centralism works, but there is no need to have it when the stakes are as low as they are for a western leftist organization, which is unwilling and unable to wage an actual protracted war. In this case the centralized form is vestigial and can be easily abused. In cases of actual revolutionary organizations, the problem of IOSHI exploitation is very very low, because the stakes are actually high and incompetent or self-serving leadership will lead to failure and rectification.

Fucking your comrades is usually based and good for the mental health of the parties. It reduces turnover and improves organizational cohesion and continuity. In the orgs I have been in the members with the most seniority and experience had a spouse/lover/polycule in the organization.


This is someone's master's thesis on sexual relationships and especially sexual abuse in movement and communist subcultures. It is an interesting read.


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>Porn is the ultimate extension of the ideological state apparatus
Then I've got good news


Finally, a dialectical take on this issue. Will look into your linked study, comrade, thank you


Wow, a thoughtful response and a written study. Impressive!


Here you can see the epitome of conservative leftism. It is afraid to imagine a new future, it is bankrupt in imagination and bereft in any semblance of bravery. The conservative "leftist" twisted the revolutionary of heroism of 20th century epochs, both communism and fascism, robbing these movements of their fundamentally utopian and radically anti-traditional energy and assigned to them sclerotic normative concepts like family values or strong men. Anything new is alien to these people; their limit of socialism is merely restoration of welfare so they can afford to ape the lifestyle of their parents.


There was a time when the left dared to dream! Now what is the left? The left consists of telling middle class people that their parasitical lifestyle build upon the slavery of cheap outsourced labour is actually good on one hand and that the lifestyle promised to them by their parents is achievable on the other hand. Yes, you can keep snorting coke with your polycule. And when you're 30 we'll give you enough loans so you can buy a house in the suburbia and marry a washed up whore so you can larp as defender of traditional morality. Environment, Capitalism, Imperialism, sho cares about all this shit? After all, we know that the highest form of Leftist praxis is to coddle up small minded middle class parvenus and isolate their lifestyle from the ravages of Capitalism. Social Democracy forever!


Currently writing an article/paper on communism and porno as I have a some friends who do things like onlyfans, burlesque and pinup modeling (think Suicide Girls from back in the day), so here's stuff on pornography, feminism, censorship, etc

I know it's reddit, but there's an actual good reply with cited sources here, seems each eastern bloc country had different standards, with USSR being the most censored, Yugoslavia being the least and East Germany being somewhere in the middle with a state-sponsored nude mag. Calls into the question the unifying idea that communism is anti-porn in a historical sense.


>Here is one topical example of how this might happen. Some feminists object to pornography on the grounds that it harms women. Others claim that pornography may not always be harmful to women and may even sometimes be liberating and beneficial. It seems that there is genuine disagreement here. But is there? Not necessarily. For the two sides might mean different things by “pornography.” Suppose that feminists who object to pornography are defining “pornography” as sexually explicit material that subordinates women. So, pornography, for them, is that subset of sexually explicit material that in fact harms women. This definition makes it definitionally true that pornography, wherever it exists, is bad for women. Those who defend pornography, however, may be using “pornography” to mean simply sexually explicit material aimed or used primarily for sexual arousal (regardless of whether it is harmful to women). There may thus be no genuine disagreement here, for both sides might agree that sexually explicit material that harms women is objectionable. They might also agree that there is nothing objectionable about sexually explicit material that does not harm women (or anyone else). If different parties are using “pornography” in different senses they may be talking past each other, perhaps without realizing it.

>Two really substantive issues at stake in the feminist debate over pornography are 1) whether any sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it?; and 2) whether all sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it? (We can thus phrase two of the important issues, if we like, without mentioning “pornography” at all.)


>Since 2015, expanding research on the Moral Incongruence Model has demonstrated that self-identified addiction to pornography is highly predicted by moral and religious conflicts. Further, these internal conflicts of shame over one’s sexual desires not only predict self-identification as addicted but appear to greatly increase the degree of distress and struggles that people feel about themselves.

>Hating yourself for wanting a kind of sexuality that you were taught makes you a "bad" person understandably increases negative emotions, such as depression, stress, and anxiety, but also increases the degree to which individuals feel that their sexual desires and behaviors are out of their control.


>I think the overrepresentation of homosexual men in sex addiction centers is strong evidence that the diagnosis is primarily used for social control of sexuality, rather than treating any actual disease that should affect all men equally,”


Can't get access to these two but I skimmed them a bit, need a sci-hub key to dive further
>The Effects of Pornography on Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Body Image: An Experimental Study


>Third person effect and Internet pornography in China
Also, just a quick search of "porn made me gay no fap" gives dozens upon dozens of posts like this, which I think do echo a some of the things discussed in the articles referenced above, the last study mentions that 30% of pornography created is explicitly gay in nature, but the majority of other sources discussing ethics, censorship, etc don't talk about those things within a queer context

From a Marxist viewpoint, the idea that pornography is the main reason for the oppression of women and a driving force for the patriarchy seems a bit simplistic at best. Pornography is a relatively recent invention as a medium, really becoming a thing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with erotic photography, yet the patriarchy is not nearly as recent. Marxists would say that capitalism is the driving force of the patriarchy.

That said, I haven't reached a conclusion as of yet.

It's also worth noting that major anti-pornography sites like Fight the New Drug and No Fap were started by Mormons
I'm just saying man, Mormons and Christian conservatives are some of the biggest benefactors and pushers of the patriarchy.
>Empirical research has failed to provide a clear understanding of the relationship between pornography use and sexism. Study 1 showed an inverse correlation between modern sexism and pornography use, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed less sexist attitudes. Study 2 found a positive correlation between pornography use and benevolent sexism, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed more benevolent sexism. Our studies provide insight into the largely inconclusive findings of previous research on pornography use and sexist attitudes toward women.

>Much contemporary debate about pornography centers on its role in portraying and perpetuating gender inequality. This article compares traditional gendered attitudes between cisgender men attending the Adult Entertainment Expo (n = 294) and a random sample of male respondents from the 2016 General Social Survey (GSS), a U.S. representative survey of general attitudes and beliefs collected every two years (n = 863). Our survey borrowed questions from the GSS to measure attitudes about gender equality across four dimensions: (1) working mothers, (2) women in politics, (3) traditional gender roles in the family, and (4) affirmative action for women in the workplace. Through bivariate analyses, we found that “porn superfans” are no more sexist or misogynistic than the general U.S. public on two of the four measures (women in politics and women in the general workplace) and held more progressive gender-role attitudes than the general public on the other two measures. We conducted binary logistic regressions for those two measures to determine if the relationship remained significant when controlling for other factors. For one dimension, working mothers, it did (p < .001). Our results call into question some of the claims that porn consumption fosters de facto negative and hostile attitudes toward women.

Really need to get me a sci-hub reference so I can actually read these beyond the abstracts


Some actual leftist discussion on the topic


>Sex Workers Describe the Instability—and Necessity—of OnlyFans

One thing that sparked this deep dive into the relationship between communism and sex work, particularly pornography, was a very rigid response on r/communism101, that basically said these workers are petit bourgeois and thus aren't people we as communists should be worried about organizing with, yet the workers in this article mention things like having mental illness, physical disabilities, living paycheck paycheck, finding themselves in precarious situations in order to survive

A mass line approach calls for organizing the most disenfranchised members of the class society first.


I don't even know what you're talking about


That means you are a typical leftoid


bro you are all over the place
is whoring good or bad?


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>Really need to get me a sci-hub reference so I can actually read these beyond the abstracts
It's on libgen. The questions are bad imo, but they're probably better than nothing (I also linked another paper on the subject)…
>1. A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work
Rich women who don't have to work are more secure almost by definition… I get what they're going for but the third question asks more or less the same thing in a much better way.
>2. Most men are better suited emotionally for politics than are most women
Better suited as "can deal with it better" or "makes for a better politician"? These aren't exactly the same… They're both still sexist I suppose, but they're sexist in very different ways.
>3. It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family
>4. “Because of past discrimination, employers should make special efforts to hire and promote qualified women.”
I believe you actually don't need to make special efforts for women, you just have to stop making special efforts for men (nepotism, getting smooth talked etc). IIRC women actually tend to do better on a lot of professional examinations then men, but when they're implemented in hiring it paradoxically tends to make hiring more male, since hirers conveniently wave the requirements for people they like while aggressively screening against people they aren't buddy-buddy with (inc women). Arguably it would require "special efforts" to stop discrimination against women, but that wouldn't necessarily require "affirmative action" as such.

In any case the effect size is very small, its only a correlational survey, and imo shows """benevolent sexism""" more than they show lower rates of misogyny.

In general I'm suspicious of any narrative that doesn't disaggregate types of pornography. Very little would say something as silly as "music is sexist", or "fantasy is racist" or "strategy games are reactionary" without some qualifications. There are some things you can say about pornography as a whole e.g. "dopamine addiction" or health effects relating to nutting, but I can't see how sexism (or anti-sexism) could possibly be a common outcome of all different genres of pornography (or all porn genres for straight men).


>In general I'm suspicious of any narrative that doesn't disaggregate types of pornography. Very little would say something as silly as "music is sexist", or "fantasy is racist" or "strategy games are reactionary" without some qualifications. There are some things you can say about pornography as a whole e.g. "dopamine addiction" or health effects relating to nutting, but I can't see how sexism (or anti-sexism) could possibly be a common outcome of all different genres of pornography (or all porn genres for straight men).

I would agree with this. I for example mostly enjoy softcore stuff, I really cannot see an argument for banning say, pin up style modeling in a socialist society post-sexual revolution. Shit like Facial Abuse tho? Straight to the gulag. It's a balancing act. But then again, I've fucked bottoms that are into that type of rough, domination, would it not be denying women's agency if we said "well there's no woman who enjoys X thing".

I dunno, I know that a cultural revolution must happen in Amerika, but I also know the last attempt at a culture revolution failed in far too many ways for us to not learn from it.


I think FARC took that last point and ran with it.
>Multigenerational breeding of insuregent forces


I remember coming across this one time, where basically its saying that the real incels are leftists, and the reason why the left so vehemently hates incels is because it's trying its hardest to not be seen as that. Which I do find odd, since you have openly proclaimed incels, and most of the time, they are unabashedly right wing. Is it more like, actual incels, like how the name is implied, "involuntarily celibate" are left wing, and the self-proclaimed ones, who take on the more political nature of incels, are the right-wing ones. Or is this just cope from this guy, and trying to be like "Actually, the right is the cool ones, and the left is gay and has no sex."


idk who scott greer is but this is very strange. anecdotally from involvement in organizing i dont think "the left" has a very different ratio than any other demographic in terms of sexless people/people who have lots of casual sex/people who are just normal people somewhere in between. and for all the nonsense that undeniably goes on in "left spaces", people are generally more gentle and permissing of difference, very much including "nerds" of all kinds. whatever this guy is talking about really sounds like some online brained bullshit


excellent response, i completely agree on all counts


I do agree that he is exaggerating the level of I guess partisanship when it comes to "inceldom" or just the loneliness epidemic. I think the safer reasoning is that all ideologies, all parties, all facets of life, there is a sizable portion that is what can be considered to be incels. Lonely people. Which I think says a lot more about the current state of the world rather than certain politics.


I was in a Maoist third worldist org in college and the only rule was no White male-WOC couples. We decided that it was sexual colonialism and didn't tolerate it. I understand that this would probably rib a lot fo people the wrong way, but if you read some more history you'll understand why we thought this way even if makes you feel icky.


that is fucking retarded and everyone involved should feel ashamed


Men of color had to sit on their hands at gunpoint watch white men use their women like toys for centuries. Again, I understand if this makes you feel icky, but there's solid hiustorical materialsm behind this reasoning

>"B-but socialism is all about absolute personal freedom. Fuck who you want"

We're collectivists, not indivualists.


ok im assuming this is bait but either way you should stop

yeah i absolutely agree with that


>History is bait

I think you're baiting me.


please get to the back of the progressive stack line, listen & learn


>Another incel stalinist
Wow what a shock that people that fap to reviled historical figures hate sex


It's because if you're a stalinist in the West odds are you're socially isolated and have been for long enough to wind up in extremely fringe radical politics that would make most people see you as a weirdo
Odds are you won't be normie enough to get a woman to want to sleep with you whether or not you worship Stalin, guys like that are often already incels. At least white guys. Non-white dudes can be relatively normie-ish and go full stalinist just from living in the West as a non-white person and being conscious.


Except the actual sexual exploitation is usually conducted by the freaks that lead the parties and orgs that ban the rank and file from forming intimate relationships (that don't involve them that is)


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Cringe e-celeb video. The reason you don't see as many self identified incels on the left is because it's already been inoculated with feminism as a progressive force. Loneliness is a universal problem, but Incel Identity is an ideology of ressentiment. I think the label by its association with "women bad" ideology has done immeasurable damage to actual progress dealing with atomization in society. Tell any lib: "maybe young people not having romantic partners is bad and we should examine the structural causes," and more often than not you'll get back a litany of vitriol almost matching that put out by the self proclaimed incels.


He's furious that most people want a decent life and not abstractions or even worse being some factory serf living in nearly identical conditions to life in burgerstan just with more welfare, cheaper products, and different consumer products.


>Tell any lib: "maybe young people not having romantic partners is bad and we should examine the structural causes," and more often than not you'll get back a litany of vitriol almost matching that put out by the self proclaimed incels.

idk, i feel like any normie liberal would be plenty open to this idea if you framed it in that way. its really only internet poisoned left-liberal ideologues that would read that much into saying "having romantic relationships is healthy and good and its alarming that so many people who would otherwise be pursuing that are lonely and isolated"


Healthcare pls


Where is the evidence for this? Does the CPC have this phenomenon? Is Xi a slut?


Based Bloodgasm at it again.


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You're right, but if you try to pivot off of them fuming about incels to the actual issue, then it's very difficult.

Checks out.


But he’s fat now


That was the most retarded bullshit I have read today. And I had a spat with an ancap, that's saying something.


Came here to say this, this is a westoid problem. My workplace was also rife with insane sex scandals involving the upper brass. You'd think only imageboarders would be the only ones festering insane psychosexual pathologies inside their little heads. This is wrong and also cope. It's everyone lol.


They’re liberals and they’re promoting segregation


OP is some fed shit, speaking abstractly about "SA polycules, Trot rape cults or Maoist sex gurus"
What orgs are in question?
>Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex?
Don't join a political group for sex, you fucking retard. Root out the sex pest in yourself, you assclown

you are a fed. kys


>Lenin and Stalin were reactionary
Are you guys unfamiliar with the concept of anachronism or just need to be introduced to the definition of reactionary?


Protective segregation done be oppressed people isn't the same as Jim Crow. Only someone who's arguing in bad faith, or just doesn't know therory would conflate the two.


NTA. I get that, but it‘s truly pointless in this case. There is no concrete relation between what happened back then and now and doing that serves therefore no purpose. It‘s purely symbolic, therefore idealist.


I'm gonna be honest lads, I don't fuck.


Twink death is real.


>"well akshually sexual degeneracy has a strong worldwide historical basis because a random tribe in the jungles of papua makes children eat semen, modern societies should accept and embrace degeneracy because a papuan hunter gatherer tribe forces 7-10 year old kids to perform fellatio"


why stop there? just donate your sperm without any form of sexual interaction with anyone.


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>So why is this the case? Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex? Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?

Hot take: but you should treat your comrades like your best friends and family. Work on building trust. I think its a good thing to do is to confide in your friends and keep communication open. Another thing to do is to ensure the power dynamics are kept even- and if there is some form of leadership, there ought to be greater responsibilities put on the leader and communicate whether or not someone is in a relationship or not.

If you commence dating someone in an org, i think it ought to be brought to everyone's intention, only in so far that there is little to no power imbalances, and that them being a couple won't affect the org as a whole.

Work on establishing boundries, communicate your insecurities with your significant other, and ensure you're not doing anything that may be an abuse of power.

I don't think it's a question of wether or not you SHOULD form romantic/sexual ties with comrades its a question of HOW.


Will be reading these. Seems interesting


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Anon, do you believe in Revolutionary Celibacy?


This thread reminds me why I hate current-day leftism so much.


>Marxists are sex-criminal degenerates who take advantage of their power over others to assault them


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>So why is this the case?
hierarchical organization unironically speaking


<Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge. Has not Christianity declaimed against private property, against marriage, against the State? Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church? Christian Socialism is but the holy water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat.


Why do we let racists call themselves communist?


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>Protective segregation


Yes and No.

For both answers, read Frantz Fanon, Black Skin White Masks, there is a good section on agreement of the problematic nature of White Man-Brown/Black Woman or vice versa and to be rejected, but also that it is not entirely problematic and can be completely fine or encouraged, Fanon himself was with a white woman I believe.


It's simply that Black women are racialist af and will not have their daughters marrying outside the tribe, as it were.


Reason number twenty thousand Americans will never have a revolution, they will crawl through hell and back before giving up their porn habits. NOTHING is more important to these guys than sustaining their dopamine addiction at the expense of everyone else, as the replies in this thread can testify


You pearl clutchers still can't explain what's so bad about porn


Sexual frustration makes people more willing to believe anything.


Racism is prejudice plus power. POC cannot under any circumstances be racist towards whites.


Finklestein proved that Gooning is the gateway to fascist ideology.


And that's why communists edge one another


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>1. For rank-and-file members, left-wing organizations are extremely sex-negative. Their social events are the most awkward, un-romantic things imaginable, and a lot of the time orgs will actively instruct their members not to form intimate relationships with each other.
>2. In contrast, the leadership of these organizations are fucking constantly. Whether it's DSA polycules, Trot rape cults or Maoist sex gurus, org leaders always end up having far more sex than regular members. Often they end up fucking rank-and-file members, creating imbalanced relationships that end in scandal and abuse.
>So why is this the case? Why are left-wing sects so imbalanced when it comes to having sex? Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?
Isn't that how all sex cults work? The dudes in charge always keep all the quality pussy for their private harem. They typically kick out most of the young men/sons then trade daughters and etc.


>Is there anything we can do to correct this imbalance and promote more healthy, productive relationships between our socialist cadres?
Every society on Earth figured this out for 1000s of years and then people said let's have a sexual revolution(a libertine flash in the pan that's happened repeatedly through history) the same predictable stupid shit happened as it always does. People remember why they had rules and mores in the first place.


>People remember why they had rules and mores in the first place.
The rules:


>Every society on Earth figured this out for 1000s of years and then people said let's have a sexual revolution(a libertine flash in the pan that's happened repeatedly through history) the same predictable stupid shit happened as it always does. People remember why they had rules and mores in the first place.
your black and white thinking is ahistorical and frankly stupid
you should be reading, not posting


in other words, you want to restrict WOC rights. you racist misogynist.


Took quite a long time to get to this answer, didn't it


Sorry, tradfag, fertility cultism isn't a solution to anything. Read Engels and kys


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>read some dog mommy's opinion on relationships


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This guy looks like a dog mom to you?


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You were told to kys. Do ut des


Based and J. D. Unwin pilled.

This is the only serious work that has attempted to study this matter across time and multiple civilizations and lies un-refuted by all:


>incels ITT arguing that previous cultures didn't fuck for pleasure or that people even took the rules seriously

my brother in christ do you seriously not realize that this "all cultures were prudes" shit was just the ruling classes getting to write the textbooks at the time


>>1847783 (me)
Like just as one example, holy hell do you people not know how much seminary students in medieval europe fucked? They got shithoused at taverned, fucked girls like jackrabbits, and bought an indulgence. This whole "urr durr sexual revolution was le social entropy" shit is ahistorical as fuck


Stop reifying your feelings as truths, fascist birtch. All of you are going to be the world's onaholes


Lmao, your idea of history is so childish. Literally just "all people always had morals". Yeah uygha, DIFFERENT morals. Men shot each other over any perceived insult 150 years ago. I won't tell you to read Engels because you're not even starting to think about the issue, but whining about evil women.


>Can't argue against social science research so devolves into screeching and impotent rage and strawmanning

Just want to ask a question to see if you can rub two brain cells together: if families can't trust or sacrifice for each other why would strangers in a workplace trust and sacrifice for each other? You can't have it both ways. Anarchy in the family leads to market anarchy in the economy. No existing or previously-existing socialist state has ever adopted the sexual revolution and its contingent laws.


>pious Angloid bullshit is "research"
Lel. You should kys for thinking that greatness is something that ought to exist.
You should kill yourself for trying to create imaginary friends.
>Anarchy in the family
You should kys for worshipping imaginary friends like "the economy".
>existing or previously-existing
You should kys for their "right to exist" bullshit.

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