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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1825868[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

51% of young zoomer men 18-29 are single, have zero prospects for home or car ownership, have zero prospects for a stable career, zero prospects for retiring, zero prospects for anything besides abject poverty, and are becoming increasingly violent and politically radicalized towards the right.

Given historical precedent, it appears we're very close to a violent right-wing revolution led by this demographic. What is to be done? How can we turn this around in the left's favor and prevent this upcoming tragedy?

This is not meant to be an incel thread, but rather this is discussing the material conditions of young men in the west who have intentionally been funneled into extremist far-right movements by capital and think-tanks(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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Op hasn’t explained why this shit will result in revolution and not merely a conservative government being voted in. One example of this is South Korea


it's amazing how many people dogpiled you using their (relatively rare) neurodivergence as an example of how most people supposedly are. Most people wanna fuck and have kids. It wouldn't keep happening otherwise. Sure porky encourages it but it's one of the few things they don't completely have control over.


>cope is when you bring up other things that also contribute to the point you're making
what? If you think those other things don't also matter, on top of the money, you're delusional.


Fuck yes, have kids no. Most of human history kids were just the inadvertent side effect of fucking which is why as soon as birth control was invented people immediately started having fewer children.


You fundamentally don't get it.


Some of the nations that are most likely to be reestablished as de facto a second Israel because:
A. The og Israel (thankfully) cannot survive without genociding millions of people and potentially starting WW3 and as leftists we should ponder realistic solutions instead of just posting Billions Must Die;
B. There is no way Israelis and Palestinians can live peacefully in the same country. This isn't just idealistic demands about the Right to Return; the harsh facts is if the Zionists do not move to another country there would be endless civil wars in the Levant
Some of the top candidate nations
1. Austria
Tbh giving citizenship to some 6 million Israelis is probably the least they can do considering they started this whole mess in the first place.
2. Rwanda
They're already establishing themselves as the go-to destination for immigrants anyway, and with all these militant settlers Kagame can conquer all of Congo in just two weeks
3. Japan
Japan lost like half a million people every year so having all these people would revitalize their economy. Besides lots of Japanese esoteric nationalists love Judaism
4. America
There are so, so many empty arable lands in the US that are hoarded for the sole purpose of property speculation. The US can relocate the entirety of Israel AND Palestine to these lands and literally nobidy would fucking notice. Also the least they can do for making this conflict 100x more brutal than it should've been
5. That one Jewish oblast in Russia.
Self evident
Feel free to contribute if you have a better candidate in mind
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No it isn't. Zionist bourgeoisie deliberately created a Jewish working class in Israel. "Conquest of Labor" and "Conquest of Land." Try reading a fucking book.

Removal to where? There's a difference between people who just got there from Brooklyn last week an people whose families have been there for decades. They have every much as right to live there.

Israel has some of the worst working conditions and living standards in the "developed" world. The Israeli capitalists aren't oppressed: they oppress the Palestinians and this oppression is the source of the exploitation and oppression of Israeli workers. You're drawing a false line. Palestine won't be free unless the Zionist state is split. Shit like what you're saying just tells Jewish workers they had better support Netanyahu forever


Now tell about the oppressed Rhodesian and South African Boer working class

Even better, tell me about the poor oppressed German settlers in Eastern Europe during WW2


>Palestine won't be free unless the Zionist state is destroyed and every single settler forced to swin back to Poland across the mediterranean

Fify ziocuck


This sounds really r-r-radical but it's not. It's just bourgeois nationalism.


Eastern Germany, even if it's not necessary. Germany may just give them a province to be extra servile to the USA. And then force it on the east for extra butthurt, to further conflate rightoids and communists. Gawd that would be funny.

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 No.1799130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
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>addictive media


>I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good.
retard moment


This guy seems doing what the Dutch guy doing before. What kind of autism is this? Schizos who obsessed with natality?


Any resemblance? Or what the le weebs soy did are rookie numbers?


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The only legitimate communist party of Japan was the United Red Army.
If you consider supporting the JCP or outright support those revisionist liberal shits you should self-criticize immediately!

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>in 20th century there was a huge number of "socialist" movements that ended up being anti Soviet and secretly working for capitalists
>after 1991 a worrying portion of communist party officials went to become capitalist oligarchs
How would (You) separate genuine socialists from plants and opportunists?
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Based explanation thanks



>Two fucking hour youtube video


>Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism was published in 1992. It is a major document of the Second Rectification Movement and a counter to all the attacks on the socialist cause churned out by the imperialists and the petty bourgeois anti-communists in the aftermath of the rapid full restoration of capitalism in the revisionist-ruled countries.
It's called an audiobook


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 No.268992[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
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Is the DPRK currently open to international travel?


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>>1809795 (me)
The answers


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so sick. thanks


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>it is taken seriously and will be handled according to the principal of "One for all and all for one" (which is actually included in their constitution).
"Mom can we get social services?"
"We have social service at home."
social services at home:

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Tell me about the Kim family. What are the defining characteristics of Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung? Is there anything noteworthy about them? Any noteworthy contributions to socialism? Any interesting quirks that you know about? Do you prefer one over the other?
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He was a bit of a narcissist. You can see videos of him grinning widely at his own statues that his son build and presented to him. Would anyone in this thread actually like having a statue of themselves in a central square?


Me, yes


of Might and Magic


ffs I quoted it
ah whatever


When you understand the primacy and importance of the development of the productive forces, and the role that capital in itself has in revolutionizing society, you're able to adopt the proficiency of the Capitalist while shedding his narrow limits.

When a Capitalist employs capital he does so with primary concern for his individual being or interests. The advancement of the productive forces is an incidental byproduct of his activity. He uncovers all of these new ways of managing his businesses for the sake of efficiency.

But his limit is reached in the monopolistic stage, when there's no drive to improve or update, and there's more of a reason to hold back the development of others or employ regressive means of production and management because it saves on costs and there's no competition to spurn you forward.

The principle contradiction of capitalism is thus achieved. The overwhelming majority of society's labor is operated socially yet the fruits of labor is held in private hands, directed in private hands, and owned by private hands - society's elite minority acting as private citizens with 0 social obligations.

Thus the capitalist and the system of capital became a retarding, retrogressive force, a fetter on the world.

The Communist on the other hand recognizes two truths: the potency of the proper management of capital to advance the productive forces, and the necessary resonance between social relations and the productive forces.

Whereas the Capitalist wishes to halt the wheel of progress for fear of losing his social position, the Communist not only wishes for the wheel to move forwards regardless of the sacrifice, but to accelerate that wheel.

Instead of capital and scientific management of the workplace being employed for capital's own sake - profits for profit's own sake, the Communist will employ capital and scientific management for social need, for the common good, for society's sake.
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Has Albania cleaved to the socialist superstructure?


Stop watching Chinese cartoons and read theory.


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Yes. It is no surprise that the most useful and universalized method for technological innovation (TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) was thought up by a soviet scientist in the 20th century, and has since been adopted by capitalists worldwide. Communists have always been the true dynamic innovators since profit-driven innovation outlived its usefulness. Even when Socialist societies become revisionist and capitalist, like Russia and China, they are better at doing Capitalism than their more ideologically pure capitalist counterparts.


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it seems to come from some twitter user


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it's some haztard


what do u think about him?

what do u think about the prohibition of incest

what do u think of what hes become
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Heroin = /dead/
Mushrooms = monke
SSRIs+Cigarettes = incest
Vodka = Tankies
Moonshine = Shay
Fentanyl = ancaps
LSD = space dolphins


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>muh big computer
I fucking hate you pseuds.


Beer and whisky




”The proletariat, on the contrary, is compelled as proletariat to abolish itself and thereby its opposite, private property, which determines its existence, and which makes it proletariat. It is the negative side of the antithesis, its restlessness within its very self, dissolved and self-dissolving private property. Within this antithesis the private property-owner is therefore the conservative side, the proletarian the destructive side. From the former arises the action of preserving the antithesis, from the latter the action of annihilating it.” - Marx, The Holy Family.

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It seems like online leftist discourse is overly hostile to military personnel, despite most soldiers coming from rather poor/minority backgrounds why do they always seem to overly fascistic? Is there anyway to recruit them?
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The students are putting PR pressure on the genocidal states, media narratives do matter


>well-off uni kids lounging and dancing on campus "for Palestine" at a time when proletarians around the world have taken practical steps to block arms shipments to Israel.
these are not mutually exclusive, shlomo


The question basically comes down to what side the soldiers stand on in the partisan struggle; the veterans in the PSL who oppose the American empire's militarism are good, while the ones that do the ZOG and NATO bot patrols and similar warmongerism are counterrevolutionary, but in any case make the distinction of politics very obvious so that there isn't confusion. This isn't even just about government people. The purported conservativist rightist that supports reduction of American military operation internationally is more productive than the democratic socialist that declares that the PoC people of the world must have Western LGBTQ ideology forced at gunpoint by the Americans' military.


>the democratic socialist that declares that the PoC people of the world must have Western LGBTQ ideology forced at gunpoint by the Americans' military
lmao in what world does these people exist? DSA is against American Imperialism


>lmao in what world does these people exist? DSA is against American Imperialism
Same way the SPD was against the NSDAP.

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Yemen’s Houthis damage oil tanker, shoot down US drone
Yemen’s Houthis have damaged an oil tanker and downed another MQ-9 Reaper drone of the United States as they promise more attacks in opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza. The Iran-aligned group’s military spokesman, Yahya Saree, said in his latest televised video address early on Saturday that “British oil ship Andromeda Star” was targeted in the Red Sea with naval missiles and was directly hit.

Ships from Turkey planning to deliver aid to Gaza were denied right to sail
Just before the flotilla was set to sail from Turkey to Gaza on Friday with 5,000 tons of aid, a surprise inspection by the Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry resulted in the removal of the flags from two of the Freedom Flotilla ships.

Iraqi parliament passes amendment criminalising LGBTQ activity
Raed al-Maliki, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, said at a press conference that the amendment to the anti-prostitution law would incorporate provisions to penalise "practices imitating women", transgenderism and "promoting sexual acts", and banning organisations "promoting" prostitution and sexual deviancy, according to Shafaq News.

Iraqi TikTok star Om Fahad shot dead in Baghdad night attack
Om Fahad, whose real name is Ghufran Sawadi, was popular on TikTok with nearly half a million followers for sharing videos of herself dancing to pop music. In February 2023, she had been sentenced to six months in prison by a court that determined her videos contained “indecent speech that uPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Daimler Truck reaches deal with United Auto Workers, averts U.S. strike
Under Friday’s deal, Daimler Truck workers will receive a minimum 25% general wage increase over the four-year contract, Fain said. That would match what workers at the Detroit Three received. When the deal is ratified, Fain said members will receive an immediate 10% pay raise, followed by 3% increases six months and 12 months later. They also will receive cost-of-living adjustments to offset inflation and profit-sharing, both for the first time at Daimler Truck, as well as the end of wage tiers that paid those building buses less than those building heavy trucks, he said.

FTC says Amazon executives destroyed potential evidence by using apps like Signal
The Washington Post (which is owned by Amazon founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos) reports that Amazon is just one of several companies recently accused of turning to encrypted messaging apps like Signal that can permanently erase messages automatically.

Biden to speak at White House Correspondents' Dinner, protests planned
Grassroots movement CODEPINK is expected to march to the prestigious venue from a nearby park, as "the United States media perpetuates anti-Palestinian narratives and ignores Israeli war crimes," it wrote on its website.

California Residents Issued Dire Warning About Insurance Rate Rises
Several major insurers have pulled out of the state or refused to renew policies in recent months, forcing many CalifPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Interview with TKP-ML Central Committee Political Bureau Member: “Our Party Will Continue Its War Against Fascism With Determination In Its 53rd Year Of Struggle”
– Founded on April 24, 1972, your party is leaving behind its 52nd year of struggle. On this occasion, we would like to interview you on behalf of your party. Before moving on to my questions, what would you like to say about this first? – Yes, it is easy to say that we have left behind half a century of struggle. Although this is a short period of time in terms of the struggle of societies and classes, it is also a very long period of time. We respectfully bow to the lives and memories of all our comrades, especially İbrahim Kaypakkaya, the founding leader of our party, Ali Haydar Yıldız, the first immortal of our people’s army, and Meral Yakar, the first immortal of our communist women’s organization, who became stars in these 52 years. I would also like to express our feelings of gratitude for the efforts of hundreds and thousands of our comrades who have been veterans, imprisoned and tortured in this costly struggle of more than half a century. We salute the militants of our party, our people’s army, our communist women’s organization and our komsomol who are currently in struggle, especially in the geography of Turkey, who are imprisoned in prisons and resist against the torture of isolation and torture, and who are in all areas of struggle in the Middle East and Western Europe, and we celebrate their 53rd year of struggle. And we thank you for giving us this opportunity.

Why the US and UK are facing a military recruitment crisis
We are in a “prewar era”. That was the message from Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in a recent speech. It was not an original thought; in fact, Tusk was late to the choir. In January, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps delivered a watershed Lancaster House speech, in which he announcedPost too long. Click here to view the full text.






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Thanks News Anon

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