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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1799130[View All]

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
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you're so normal for screaming about porn on the internet


See, you're doing it again. You're not actually making a point, you're just hurling insults. You don't accomplish anything with that kind of attitude.


because there are exactly two types of people who care about the JCP outside japan
1. weebs
2. election autists.
weeb leftists see someone wants to ban weeb-smut and rally to the defence of weebs, their position as weebs is much more important in this instance than their position as leftists - particularly because (a) leftists usually hate every other type of communist anyway (b) the JCP doesn't offer much by way of aesthetic or achievements for you to cling to and most of their theory doesn't come with subtitles, making it a boring party to pick if you want a meme ideology.
as always on the internet, it all has very little to do with politics and much more to do with identity. even people who don't like the particuar pornography in question will still rally to defend a sub-set of what they feel to be their community and their hobby. people will argue from a liberal philosophy mainly because it's easiest and plays to current background assumptions in western society - in short because it's easy. it's not because of any deep thought, it's because arguments are weapons and when you feel like someone's attacking your hobby, you grab whatever weapon you can find and hurl it back at them.

t. weeb election autist.


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yoinked from the anime thread, the party is just deeply flawed if you would be asked to leave the party for taking a selfie with some manga. though not entirely sure about the contents of the manga being posed with.


dude, just let them first world communists go. nothing revolutionary will come from the 1st world


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awww what the fuckkk


He's a troll who just gets off on baiting people. He shows up all the time in /usapol/. Ignore him, he'll just pull you in with bullshit


I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good. Those freaks think they have had a safe space for too long.


Hang all pedo subhumans.


Retards thinking this is about loli porn when it mentions young jump which serializes Berserk, Captain Tsubasa, Tokyo Ghoul and dozens of more popular manga


There is no "moderation" for porn, it's inherently made to be addictive.


>addictive media


>I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good.
retard moment


This guy seems doing what the Dutch guy doing before. What kind of autism is this? Schizos who obsessed with natality?


Any resemblance? Or what the le weebs soy did are rookie numbers?


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The only legitimate communist party of Japan was the United Red Army.
If you consider supporting the JCP or outright support those revisionist liberal shits you should self-criticize immediately!


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Coomers are imperialist? Reminder, most socialist countries heavily restrict the distribution of pornography. The Left has always had that Cromwellian ancestry latent.


Right wingers trying to co-op the fight for Palestine cause nobody likes Israel anymore.



Sex indrustry is really predatory, and exploitative, it got no place in socialistic society.


they killed people for going to bathhouses and masturbating


No, people who tax sex are imperialist.


Never thought a Japanese communist group of all things could be so based


isnt it a succdem party though? you cant really expect nothing good from them


puritanism is for degenerates


wasnt lenin in a poly relationship though


party electoralism is dumb democracy must be direct and in the soviets wich actually constitute the body of the communist society


Lenin had both a wife and a lover, so while each one believed him to be in the company of the other, he used his time to learn! learn! learn! instead


It does not matter what Lenin did or did not with his personal life, nor do Engels' drawings. Pornography, specifically the porn industry are about explotation of bodies. Beyond moralfagging, real people are being exploited by these corporations.
I don't know about shonen jump stake on being part of this industry, but they're a multibillionare company anyways, they're exploiting their workers too, no manga you like reading should matter more than the accountability of the directors.
Is the solution to the problem reporting the magazines to the UN? No, that is stupid.
Is pornography addictive? Of course it can be an additive behavior to consume it, then it becomes a health problem and moreover a social problem, the industry exploits the "addictive" behavior, but before that (and more importantly) it exploits the bodies that produce it.
Any point made beyond or disregading these material facts are moralist and idealist at best, and reactionary at worse.


tbh when i read about the soviet system and assume it was working as it would "ideally", i wind up thinking it's fairly banal. like for all the revolutionary rhetoric it's about as exciting as a country using single transferrable vote instead of first past the post, or being unitary versus federal.


Having access to large amounts of information has sucked all the magic from the world.


yes they did a whole revolution just to end up with parlamentarism 2.0 but even more indirect and bureocratic despite this being literally what lenin criticized about the capitalists state in state and revolution


What about hobbyist drawn cartoon porn? It seems to me to be atleast more "ethical" than IRL porn. And allows for more creativity and kinks.


How about instead of parliaments you just randomly pick one proletarian every decade and they have total executive, judicial, and legislative authority, if it's truly random then it'll accurately reflect the will of the proletariat and there's no getting bogged down in debates.


The exploitation isn't there but the misogyny is




How so? I mean there are things like trans-affirming porn out there. Not all porn is misogynistic. Hell, I look at porn and I don't hate women at all. I treat them like I would anyone else.


In the final instance, that's a good thing.
<A man cannot become a child again, or he becomes childish. But does he not find joy in the child’s naïvité, and must he himself not strive to reproduce its truth at a higher stage? Does not the true character of each epoch come alive in the nature of its children? Why should not the historic childhood of humanity, its most beautiful unfolding, as a stage never to return, exercise an eternal charm? There are unruly children and precocious children. Many of the old peoples belong in this category. The Greeks were normal children. The charm of their art for us is not in contradiction to the undeveloped stage of society on which it grew. [It] is its result, rather, and is inextricably bound up, rather, with the fact that the unripe social conditions under which it arose, and could alone arise, can never return.


That only leads to lame hero cults and potlatch shit. Put down the Nietzsche and step away slowly


How can it be a hero cult if it's just a random prole who had as much chance of landing the leadership lottery as anyone else? There's no social climbing or party politicking going on. And what do you mean by potlatch? Do you have problems with Native Americans or something?


Because the position of dictator will condition the person holding it as well. There is no pure representative of the people as of about 1 millisecond after they are seated.
The individualism is what makes it heroic instead of bureaucratic.
I have problems with class societies as a principle.


>I have problems with class societies as a principle
A potlach is a shared meal though, there's nothing class related about it. Perhaps instead of one randomly selected prole being given all power it's seven or nine that way there's no chance of a tie in voting on decisions, they can be completely anonymous too with no one knowing who they are.


>position of dictator
bruh no one is talking about making random ppl dictator for any ammount of time


I am, it's a solution to the issue of parliamentary gridlock


your retarded


Enjoy never getting anything done


>A potlach is a shared meal though, there's nothing class related about it
No sir, the word for that is "feast", and a potlatch was everything but the meal. It was the central institution of noble class formation in Kwakiutl society, in which titles were "fastened on" to nobility and property was distributed to establish their right to the title.
IMO public drama ought to be suppressed fiercely.


parliamentary gridlock is a meme outside a few european freakshows. a normal parliamentary system has a built in mechanism for resolving gridlock: the issue of confidence and the snap election. if, on an issue of great importance, the government cannot get parliament to agree, it says: a vote against this bill will be taken as a vote of no confidence in the government. if parliament then votes down the bill, there is an election and the issue reverts to the electors. if parliament votes for the bill, there is no gridlock.

gridlock is more a function of a US-style system of separation of powers, because that does generate gridlock which is impossible to resolve. (the executive won't do what the legislature says, the legislature won't legislate what the executive wants, the judiciary is useless, and there's no real mechanism for one side to make the other budge…), which is when you start seeing coups and dictatorships as the military takes advantage, or one branch calls on the military where it cannot call on any constitutional mechanism of deciding the issue. indeed, the only US-style system not to have had at least one coup is the US itself.


>indeed, the only US-style system not to have had at least one coup is the US itself.
Well there was no US embassy in Washington DC to organize it silly


Are femdom doujinshi ok?

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