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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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When you understand the primacy and importance of the development of the productive forces, and the role that capital in itself has in revolutionizing society, you're able to adopt the proficiency of the Capitalist while shedding his narrow limits.

When a Capitalist employs capital he does so with primary concern for his individual being or interests. The advancement of the productive forces is an incidental byproduct of his activity. He uncovers all of these new ways of managing his businesses for the sake of efficiency.

But his limit is reached in the monopolistic stage, when there's no drive to improve or update, and there's more of a reason to hold back the development of others or employ regressive means of production and management because it saves on costs and there's no competition to spurn you forward.

The principle contradiction of capitalism is thus achieved. The overwhelming majority of society's labor is operated socially yet the fruits of labor is held in private hands, directed in private hands, and owned by private hands - society's elite minority acting as private citizens with 0 social obligations.

Thus the capitalist and the system of capital became a retarding, retrogressive force, a fetter on the world.

The Communist on the other hand recognizes two truths: the potency of the proper management of capital to advance the productive forces, and the necessary resonance between social relations and the productive forces.

Whereas the Capitalist wishes to halt the wheel of progress for fear of losing his social position, the Communist not only wishes for the wheel to move forwards regardless of the sacrifice, but to accelerate that wheel.

Instead of capital and scientific management of the workplace being employed for capital's own sake - profits for profit's own sake, the Communist will employ capital and scientific management for social need, for the common good, for society's sake.

This isn't done out of "moralism" or the goodness of the heart of the Communist, but out of a sober, objective recognition that society as such can not sustain the primacy of the logic of capital any longer - capital must be contained and controlled by social need, for social need, and from that containment capital, or rather the productive fruits of capital, will be freed.

When capital is freed from the Capitalist, a new golden era of humanity can finally flourish, and it can only be freed via the socialization of the means of production and the fruits of its labor.

In the mean time, the working class already feels the pressure of the contradictions of capitalism. He sees his country rotting and crumbling. He knows that a crisis is on the horizon and is unsure if his home will survive the next few storms. And yet he *wants* control and ownership of capital, of the means of production, and the means to secure his livelihood. But he is denied, surrounded by walls.

Once the storm comes and the walls begin to crumble and crack, he *will* attempt a breakout.

This is where the Communist comes into play. He is scarier than the Capitalist because he is willing to topplllee every single wall in the name of human progress, all while scientifically learning *how* the Capitalist operates and using those lessons as a starting point to break down the next wall and the one after it.

The Communist is outdoes the Capitalist in being a capitalist. He understands capitalism better than the Capitalist. He manages people and employs capital more effectively than the Capitalist.

The Communist learns from the Capitalist, then out-competes him and compels the titan of industry to become pillars of society.



Its literally a Lenin quote.




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>The Communist learns from the Capitalist, then out-competes him and compels the titan of industry to become pillars of society
So Now Deng is Based?


The west will have to eventually copy china to survive lmao


OP better provide a source because this actually comes from a 1 day old Xweet


Once they secure their position as a global leader they will go to shit and the world will stabilize with a new, deteriorating, balance. That's how all gaberments operate; rinse and repeat until we liberate ourselves from these parasites.


Always was. USA has let China into it's market, and China stole all the eggs from it through outcompeting the porky with the superiority of socialist economy


Damn ancaps understand historical dialectics better than multipolarists


You are going to speak Chinese, watch their movies and read their books, and Chinese New Year will replace Christmas, and you WILL like it


Oh, and your companies will cater to Chinese consumers most and foremost, despite all the social media crusading against them, and CPC will censor whatever it wants and this censorship will get globalized because your porkies will never spare an extra cent on the product they've made.


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While some take 'multi-polarity' to imply the coexistence of large powers and therefore identify the late 19th century as 'multipolar,' multi-polarity refers to a new particularization and regionalization of global hegemony.

Drawing from Alexandre Kojève's notion of the 'universal and homogeneous state,' multi-polarity is in the Hegelian sense the rise of 'determinate universalism,' as opposed to the 'abstract universalism' characteristic of American super-imperialism. Newly emergent regional poles give globalization a concrete and civilizational character, thus corresponding to the rise of states that are simultaneously universal and particular, global, and regional.

Multi-polarity represents the sublation of the global American system into regional forms, that render it superfluous. Hence in the age of multi-polarity, American hegemony begins to assume the form of naked and brute political domination, characterized by the extraordinary use of military force to preserve a state of affairs outmoded by history. This is in contrast to the nascent American super-imperialism (Hudson) of the postwar Bretton-Woods period, which was characterized by the emergence of a unique global economic system based on strategic application of economic developmentalism to select regions in order mitigate the effects of capitalist crisis.


Didn't you read the Grundrisse? You're following the Proudhonist confusion that abolishing capital means universalizing the experience of the petty bourgeois instead of proletarian.


Pretty sure Lenin wasn't a reddit-spacing dengoid twitterer who wrote in retarded cliches like "compels the titan of industry to become pillars of society"


Genshin is higher quality than braindead Western media with an implicit anti-imperialist/pro-humanist message.

CNY involves people sending each other cash gifts, which orthodox economists consider more economically efficient than fruitcake.

CNY is also associated with a full 7 day holiday, as opposed to 2 days off, although CNY eats up the weekends of adjoining weeks.

If the Chinese offer a superior product, what’s not to like?


Divide et impera
Same as it ever was
Whether Putin actually "believes" multipolarity constitutes progress is of course immaterial. Whether the CPC actually "believes" in communism is immaterial. Playing a decade long prank on 1.4 billion and 8 billion people just seems an absurd notion to me. Strictly speaking I am agnostic.


sophist gobbledygook



Sorry, National Proudhonism is /leftypol/'s approved economic position. Cope, ultra!



>Playing a decade long prank on 1.4 billion and 8 billion people just seems an absurd notion to me.

Utilizing ideology (religion) as a tool of control by the ruling class is an idea, which was brought up by Marx himself. Using religion to opress the proles is the standard use of ideology. Using (fake?) marxism to opress the proles is metaironic use of ideology.


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Socialism has arrived.


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Ok here's the deal, my brother or sister:
I am more a humanities fag than a soyence autist. Means I like playing with language more than playing with numbers. I am what one may call a queer individual. I'll leave the finer details to some over-specialized eggheads [suffering from what is called Fachidiot(ismus) in German, déformation professionnelle in French]. But looking at the big picture it looks to me something like this, take a trip in my dream mobile:
There is no concrete capitalism or socialism out in the real world. They are concepts. The process to go from one [distinct category] to the other is long and arduous (an arduous march, if you will). So there are necessarily elements of different systems in a real existing system. "Some people will get disgustingly rich", as Deng said.
I'm just a sad European intellect. I can't explain to you every intricacy of a quite different "culture" and "system" and if someone claims they can, they are lying.
There are both capitalists and socialists of every façon (or fashion) in China (which means the fight is continuous and ongoing, strictly speaking). China is a big country containing many Chinese, that's the one thing we can say with certainty, with confidence.
To recap: We can't say with certainty whether China is authentic (100% organic, no additives) socialism™ and we are just gonna have to live with that. Buddhism says something about being comfortable with uncertainty and learning to exist in the not-knowing.
>Using religion to oppress the proles is the standard
For one, religion is more complicated than that. It's a tool for the oppressor, yes, it can also be turned against The Man. In a nice reversal or a dialectic or some shit.

You feel me?


Then why aren't you working?


>was it Lenin kind of embracing the future for his time? You know >what he mean? Like what you're doing is kind of
>paradoxical. Like if Lenin was alive today, he would be fully AI acceleratist. Of course he would.
> h e mean, look at what the Soviets were doing with… back then, the latest thing was Fordism.
>The latest technological paradigm, it was Fordism. They were hanging up photos of Henry Ford in their factories.
>They were trying to be at the avant-garde of the latest technologies.


It's true. From a metaphysical perspective, there are only TWO truly socialist countries in the world: China and Germany. But this is a thing, anglos will never understand. In Germany's case, it all started with Franz-Josef Strauß meeting with Mao Zedong. Through the power of dialectical materialism, Mao gave Strauß HYPERCOM-energy through a handshake. When Strauß came back to Gernany, he infused HYPERCOM into the CSU, later it mutated into a ultravirus and was transferred to the CDU and SPD. Deng Xiaoping and Helmut Schmidt created together transdimensional socialism beyond the left/right axis, which was later perfected through the grandmaster of dialectics: Gerhard Schröder. He initiated a meta-dialectical program called Hartz IV, which unleashed productive forces in Deng-style. But leftycucks and anglos simply don't understand this.


Some more infos about hyper-socialist Germany: For the development of the Hartz IV program, Gerhard Schröder rejected standard dialectical materialist thinking. What is the metaphysical root of 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想? For any non-anglo, this is easy to answer. It's ∞lectical anti-materialism, which is the consequent Aufhebung of dialectical materialism. The Hartz IV program transgressed the limits of the materialist cage, through ∞lectical phase compression and ultra anti-materialist propulsion. This is basically how you transcend regular materialist analysis beyond the realm of the physical world: Materialism is now dematerialized, it's the ∞lectical fusion of materialism and idealism, which is also called 实事求是. This is why you must study Deng's writings, otherwise you will never fully grasp Hartz IV.


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>∞lectical anti-materialism
It is just as Deng said "You have to cross the river by feeling the stones."


he would literally tear your ass to shreads for writing that revisionist bullshit


communists know that, wdyt china is doing it LOL


The socialist mode of production arises objectively from the capitalist mode's, quite the basics of Marxist theory this is, and even the ideologues of the bourgeoisie sometimes have to admit to this inherent truth.


Has Albania cleaved to the socialist superstructure?


Stop watching Chinese cartoons and read theory.


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Yes. It is no surprise that the most useful and universalized method for technological innovation (TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) was thought up by a soviet scientist in the 20th century, and has since been adopted by capitalists worldwide. Communists have always been the true dynamic innovators since profit-driven innovation outlived its usefulness. Even when Socialist societies become revisionist and capitalist, like Russia and China, they are better at doing Capitalism than their more ideologically pure capitalist counterparts.


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it seems to come from some twitter user


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it's some haztard

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