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>Listen to sabashit song about the failed siege of Gallipoli where the Turks pushed out the Allied invaders
>song be like: "boohoo there's no victory, no goal, only sadness from westoids who lost their sons"

In comparison songs about the siege of Vienna and the six day war fully glorifies the Poles and zionists and portrait the other side as subhuman filth

Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?


Music Board.


Moved to >>>/music/11647.

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 No.1798029[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Under a popular front for issues such as drug decriminalization / legalization, opposing corporate interests, opposing bad government policies, antifascist demonstrations and many other single-issue politics - is marching alongside liberals viable?

A prime example of such a case would be the 1999 Seattle WTO protests. And the point of it is often not to endorse liberal reformism or even more pointless voting - but to be used as a means of spreading propaganda and solidarity among the working class. More recent examples would be the 2023 French pension reform protests, the Framers' protests in all of Europe, the 2021 Brazilian protests and thousands upon thousands more.

A leftcom Bordigist for example would oppose such activities as antifascism in general, because of these features of influencing the broader masses (including liberals) which are dubbed as class-collaboration and denounced.

It ultimately also becomes a debate of big-tent organizing and secular puritanism.

I also made this thread to mention the upcoming protest in Bulgaria - Sofia called 'Use is not Under the influence of' (Протест - "Употреба" не е "въздействие") which seeks to protest against the unjust laws that have come through the infamous american so called War on Drugs. The bulgarian people have been getting arrested and facing prison time for up to 8 years for possesing one joint. The protest against such laws however is mostly driven by liberals. Although I have heard that some Anarchists from the organizations of FAB (Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria) & The Bulgarian Prisoners' Association will also likely be attending. The anarchist faction does not attend hoping to change things through voting or reforms, but rather seeks to spread awareness about the sort of police brutality that is enacted onto victimless crimes.

Is all of it worth it? Has it yielded any results, historically speaking?
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Marching with liberals is more than viable, it's a radicalizing opportunity. Get them into situations which expose them to police oppression. Get them to talk with socialists in a crowd,talk with unionists flying flags, and to see fliers for more intense talks and actions.
A protest is a platform, not a strategy in and of itself like a liberal may think. Use it or don't bother.


The bulgarian anarchists (in peculiar the Federation of Anarcho-Communists in Bulgaria) have announced on their communiques that they will not be attending the demonstration.

This is a translated version of their message:
We are an anarcho-communist group. Our focus is class struggle first, authoritarianism second. The reasons for the protest can only answer to the second point. But we do not consider the demands for reform in the current repressive system to be adequate. If the cause is worth it, we would support a protest that is reformist, if for no other reason than to draw public attention to the problem.
But we cannot support this protest!
Liberals are our class enemy. We consider it inappropriate to legitimize our enemy in the eyes of the people or to present ourselves to him.
Unless the numbers of your groups are significantly larger than ours, it seems to us that we do not have the resources to take over the protest and replace liberal demands and rhetoric with anti-capitalist and anti-system ones.
Taking into account the low chance of a positive change in the situation and the unpreparedness of the participating organizations. Either through negative PR from the mainstream media or the subsequent "untying" of the hands of repressive authorities for official prosecutions.
We consider the event to be high risk with a low degree of importance and unfortunately we will decline your proposal.
We are ready to cooperate on other topics. Especially problems affecting the struggles of working people and large groups of people. Unfortunately, our forces are few and we cannot waste them on petty causes. -FACB (Federation of Anarcho-Communists in Bulgaria)




>Personally I disagree.
its not a matter of personal preferences
>Drugs are a cope
we dont want a society of cope. the use and abuse of drugs speaks about something else and is not just a matter of leisure
if anything, leisure under socialism shouldnt consist of drug usage


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>its not a matter of personal preferences
>Drugs are a cope
>we dont want a society of cope
>leisure under socialism shouldnt consist of drug usage
WRONG. Drugs are the only way to reach true dialectical enlightenment and class consciousness, anyone not using drugs should be punished by DEATH BY BEATINGS.
Do not forget, Lenin was a mushroom.

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Is Marxist Paul a good substitute for reading socialist books? I like reading fiction, but some socialist books are just so thick and dense and difficult to understand that having videos to break it down sounds easier to me.
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Yeah this. Companion material can help explain things you struggle with. It's better to consume it after you read a section though, so you are using it to help fill in the parts that confused you.


> a good substitute for reading socialist books
there is no good substitute for reading, but getting help analyzing and understanding them is good and isnt shameful.
Dont hesitate to put them down, think about it, write down shit, search explanations of specific points, ask questions, even going to ask ismail on /marx/


Courses and video essays can be good companion pieces to the text but can never replace them.


>is some clown on youtube a good substitute to reading
lol of course if ur a libertarian


Hot take but learning about Marxism, from a Marxist, is fine. Yes, it's biased, but the books you want to know more about are also biased. You don't need to "do your own research" on every fucking topic alive. I don't learn how to make a nuclear reactor to learn about nuclear energy, I learn it from a nuclear expert. Just keep note if something they say rubs you the wrong way. I initially learned about leftism through anarchists and some of the stuff they were saying seemed idealistic to me or even simplistic, so I branched out from there.

You think some factory worker is going to read Capital? Are they still important? Yes, moreso than the terminally online theorists. This is why the movement is getting more and more terminally online. That said, that tuber in particular always came off as overglamourizing everything.


listened to this very interesting interview of comrade Vijay Prashad and thought I would share it here and request similar vids. What other interesting modern marxist intellectuals can be listened to ?


Yanis Varoufakis


Dr Aaron Good. He's a Marxist academic illuminating the machinations and obscured history of the American empire. I listen to his podcast American Exception a lot because he brings the critical context that most marxists scholars don't seem to talk about - the influence of western intelligence apparatus on global events after WW2. He tweets, answers questions on a monthly Q&A, appears on other pods and isn't afraid to call out grifters on the left sometimes.


I hate intellectuals.


Thanks for posting that btw, ripping it to mp3 now

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Jewish people are not the majority in Israel/Palestine. No government can long stand without the consent of the majority of the governed. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jews-now-a-minority-in-israel-and-the-territories-demographer-says/
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Where's daddy?


Thats just the old strategy.
I think thry wised up to the fact that having soldiers hang around with no clear objectives just leads to them getting killed and unintended international news stories.


The last hope is the jewish population overthrowing the zionist estabilishment and ending apartheid but that will take the government discrediting itself at least several more times, during wich many will die


Also checkem


is this a real image or more zioslop

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so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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le marxist reading of shitty pop culture thread


is the show good tho


LOL, no.


What if tyranny is freedom and nuclear war means world peace *sniff*


Moved to >>>/hobby/41241.

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Some Eastern Europeans who lived through state capitalist dictatorships do not know what communism is.

Despite being a center-left liberal, I have a measure of respect for non authoritarian socialists such as libertarian socialists and anarchists even if I think their outlook is a little utopian, I'd rather prefer that than being realistic in the way Marxist-Leninists are. But that's not the point.

The point it is, that some people who lived through that environment and had suffered through that system thinks that there's advantages and disadvantages to both capitalism and socialism, while others suffered through it so badly they've completely been soured on the idea of socialism in general and don't want to entertain that thought of the system at all. For the latter group, how can we at least get them to agree that there's different types of socialism that are not authoritarian and repressive like the USSR was.
For the former group, I've seen some of them online sing the praises of the positives and the negatives the economic system had on their lives. I have a theory that the wildly differing responses come from the fact that life in the Eastern Bloc was not equal in terms of quality and that things varied from state to state.

I'll be honest that the other big problem that the USSR had besides that was corruption. Anyways hope to open a good faith discussion here, and hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes besides tankies here. I think the people with USSR sympathies aren't so bad except for the literal Stalinists.
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link these texts, as much as i've seen, i always thought the Soviet Union was a bureaucratic state, willing to change my mind however


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>state capitalist dictatorships


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>state capitalist dictatorships
Absolutely, that's absolutely correct and the perfect descriptor of all these fake 'leninist' regimes which were closer to being closeted liberal democracies than communists in the first place. It's the reason revisionism could manifest itself and transition them back into pure liberal democracies and market economies after just a few decades, they had no auto-immune response to that.


yeah nah


>I think the people with USSR sympathies aren't so bad except for the literal Stalinists.
The way I've come to look at it, the October Revolution was like the French Revolution. (Or the Müntzer Rebellion and its armed revolt against the Catholic Church and feudal authority.) It's less common for people to have strong opinions about Napoleon today but some of Stalin's fans can seem like real Napoleon freaks in the late 19th century while his memory among other people was just completely villainous. It's really fascinating though. When I read about the Bolsheviks, I'll see something some ruthlessly disciplined thing they did given the exigencies of civil war and think, oh, that makes sense, there were totally valid reasons for that. You can't help but be impressed with that. But there are a lot of things like that which also contained the cells which would eventually be its undoing. Like the essence of the thing is in the contradictions.

Stalin seemed to place an utmost importance on survival and I think now a lot of things he did can be justified only to that extent. But, like, one of the problems with the socialist regimes in Eastern Europe is that they were installed by the Soviet military after World War II, and the new governments were taken over by people who had been living in the USSR in exile and were "naturally selected" during the purges to have certain qualities adapted to a Stalinist system in survival mode. But basically a lot of people felt like they were living under occupation.

These are just things I'm thinking about lately. I've come to believe many Stalinists on the internet are more like anti-anti-communists who develop their positions and takes on history mainly by arguing with anti-communists (who usually have ill-informed views on it themselves). Whatever is the easiest way to win the argument. They're not really getting into the history as much as mining it for ammunition and which confirms what they already wanted to believe, and that can turn into a intellectual prison house or like Plato's cave with these arguments being a kind of shadowplay.

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a lot of talk about death squads, you know, the shit like Operation Gladio, the contras, etc lately in my circles

Here’s my take:

These types of death squads simply won’t be needed here in the States. The feds don’t need to train groups of people to do that, because there are already a large number of people who are absolutely primed to murder. The idea that you can murder a protestor with your car is already considered acceptable, in fact there’s laws in several states that allow it.

So we’re seeing more and more of these large mobilized protests, blocking highways, etc. We need to ask this deathly serious question: “Are we prepared for the eventual right winger who decides to be a hero (in their mind) and let everyone go to work? Who decides to grab the strap and start spraying us?”

I would say no, we absolutely aren’t prepared for that. In fact I would say that most people even on the “left” don’t see this as an actual threat. I think there is a certain level of complacency that we will need to rapidly drop. I’m just as guilty of it as anyone.

Once this event happens, and it’s more of an eventuality than an IF, the act will become normalized within the discourse. It benefits the state for that to happen, and it is exactly what happened after Charlottesville. We saw these laws passed after the dude with the challenger rammed into those protestors at full speed.

Our enemy has deemed the murder of 75 children a day an acceptable thing in order to preserve neoliberal capitalism. We’ve seen right wingers do multiple mass shootings ie Buffalo.

What do you think will happen when the same is done to an interstate blockade? The right will support it, either subtly or explicitly, the liberals will be calling for gun control while supporting the status quo.
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people who are doomers about the future must live very sheltered lives if they dont realize things have always been "bad"


I'm Australian, so none of what you've written applies to me, but based effortpost genosse. I'm surprised the yanks haven't formed some kind of red guard militia yet. Or maybe you have and you're hiding it from the three letter orgs.

you didn't read the post and it shows


based af op, bump. community defense worshops should be prompted in more and more spaces. the whole anti-gun agenda that some members of the American left push is pretty unacceptable in a world with Americans willing to mow you down and you're just defenseless. save these conversation for post revolution, in the meantime, learn to train and arm yourself.


>if you dont explicitly agree with me youre disagreeing
channer brain

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South Korea’s prime minister and top presidential officials offer to resign after election defeat
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo and all senior presidential advisers to Yoon, except those in charge of security issues, expressed their intentions to resign, according to Yoon’s office. It didn’t immediately say whether Yoon accepted their resignations. Executive power in South Korea is heavily concentrated in the president, but the prime minister is the No. 2 official and leads the country if the president becomes incapacitated.

Vietnamese property tycoon sentenced to death in country’s largest financial fraud, state media reports
The loans were reportedly worth a total of $44 billion and accounted for more than 90% of SCB’s lending between 2012 and 2022. An estimated $12.3 billion was allegedly funneled to Van Thinh Phat while other funds were used privately. Some of the over 1,000 loans had been settled by Lan, judges found, but the court said she would have to compensate the bank fully.

Ordinary people suffered most during this year’s Eid, says Fakhrul
The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party secretary general, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, on Thursday said that this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr, one of the biggest religious festivals of Muslims, has brought no joy for the country’s ordinary people due to exorbitant prices of all products.

Indonesia Commits to Establishing Diplomatic Ties With Israel for First Time in History
Indonesia is willing to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development SecretaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Portland’s largest outdoor homeless shelter brings uncertainty for people seeking permanent housing
As the city moves to expand shelters like Clinton Triangle that reach people who may be turned away from more traditional shelters, addiction experts believe it’s important that they’re matched with the housing and support needed to truly leave homelessness behind.

Man arrested in Alabama bombing outside state attorney general’s office
A detention memo reviewed by NBC said that “the device had the characteristics of an IED [improvised explosive device] and Calvert added a substantial number of nails and other shrapnel to increase its destructive capability”. It added that authorities found that Calvert had allegedly put stickers on state buildings that advocated “for various political ideologies” on the night of the explosion. Those stickers allegedly involved references to antifa, anti-police and anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement sentiments, NBC reports

Off-duty SC police officer charged with murder in Chick-fil-A parking lot shooting
On March 20, Anthony DeLustro, 64, was an off-duty police officer employed by the Summerville Police Department, according to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division. DeLustro engaged in a confrontation with a man identified as Michael O'Neal, 39, in the parking lot of a Chick-fil-A in Summerville, South Carolina.

Stockton to pay $6m to settle lawsuit over man who died during arrest
The city of StockPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Episode 368: High Weirding (Part 2)TrueAnon
Erik Davis, scholar of the weird and esoteric, joins us for part two of a long conversation about the legacy of Philip K. Dick, Silicon Valley technopolypse, the future of California, and more from his forthcoming book Blotter: The Untold Story of an Acid medium.

Criminalising homelessness is cruel victim-blaming by a government that has caused it to soar
CHARITIES rightly identify the extreme threat to women’s safety posed by the government’s plans to criminalise homelessness.But so shocking is the legislation — which has already passed two readings in the House of Commons — that it should provoke uproar for its impact on all homeless people. Ministers say they want to deter “aggressive begging.” The reality is that they want to hide the consequences of the deprivation their policies have inflicted on ever larger numbers. Back in the 1980s, another decade of Tory-administered social destruction that fuelled soaring homelessness and saw the withdrawal of essential services (such as by proffering often non-existent “care in the community” in place of inpatient psychiatric care), Tory minister George Young reportedly described the homeless as “the people you step over when you come out of the opera.” But now the homeless are highly visible, everywhere. Fourteen years of “austerity” have blighted lives.

News from Tesla and a Second Communique from the Volcano Group: Germany
A week after a high-voltage power line tower in Berlin caught fire at dawn on March 5, deliberately bringing Tesla’s European electric vehicle production plant to a standstill, the plant was only reconnected to the power grid on March 11. And two days later, on Wednesday March 13, it was finally able to start up again in the presence of its CEO Elon Musk, who came to Berlin-Grünheide to be cheered by his brave workers, before meeting local politicians. However, “it will still be somePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


bump and thanks

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 No.1531900[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post instances of Wikipedia glowing, that is WP displaying blatant US/NATO propaganda or disinformation as facts
discuss ways of making WP glow less, including sharing sources that counter the glow. meta studies by reliable institutions are best
what to do if you discover radioactive material on WP:
>do NOT edit without logging in. otherwise your IP will be displayed. IP edits are viewed with more suspicion by editors. VPN or Tor IPs even more so
>DO register an account
>do NOT register more than one account per IP. sockpuppetry is not difficult to detect
>DO edit more articles than just those that glow. this helps build good reputation
>DO complain loudly on Talk pages. some articles are restricted, but Talk pages generally are not
>DO familiarize yourself with WP's bureaucracy. lib editors love referring to WP:OR, WP:SYNTH and similar to try and shut down discussion
WP editors are autistic, but not as autistic as the average poster here is. dedicated comrades can de-glow pages given sufficient numbers and patience
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>The Harvest of Sorrow had a clear moral intent, namely that if the older Soviet leaders were direct accomplices in an artificially contrived famine and the younger leaders today still justify such procedure, then it followed that they might be willing to kill tens of millions of foreigners or suffer a loss of millions of their own subjects in a war. Conquest stated: "I don't think they want to blow Western populations to pieces. But if they came to America and imposed the collective farm system, then they might well organize a famine."
Conquest just making shit up
>a variety of sources
>Soviet fiction
>Conquest had 'adopted the Ukraine exile view [on the origins of the famine of 1932–33], and he has persuaded this reviewer.
conveniently ignoring that Ukrainian exiles were largely fascists
his WP page even admits his estimate for the number of dead in the purges are greatly exaggerated:
>By [Conquest's] estimates, Stalinist purges had led to the deaths of some 20 million people. He later stated that the total number of deaths could "hardly be lower than some thirteen to fifteen million."
of course J. CHAD Getty disagrees with this nonsense


>In 1986 Conquest affirmed that "a science-fiction attitude is a great help in understanding the Soviet Union. It isn't so much whether they're good or bad, exactly; they're not bad or good as we'd be bad or good. It's far better to look at them as Martians than as people like us."


idea: users cleaning up radioactive material (glowie lies) on WP could adopt the moniker of liquidators. thoughts?


>God of War, Mars


To continue the trend of Wikipedia admitting open-secrets, here's a screenshot from the Angolan civil war page ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angolan_Civil_War ) basically admitting that they used Hollywood as propaganda. Here's the link to that Jack Abramoff guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abramoff

Also, I don't know if this counts, but it seems that on the history page of The People's Republic of Mozambique ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Republic_of_Mozambique ), they keep using a source by João Cabrita, which was published by these guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palgrave_Macmillan
Is João Cabrita the Robert Conquest of Mozambique?

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