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Is Marxist Paul a good substitute for reading socialist books? I like reading fiction, but some socialist books are just so thick and dense and difficult to understand that having videos to break it down sounds easier to me.






No, you absolute twat




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Is Haz a good substitute for reading socialist books? I like reading fiction, but some socialist books are just so thick and dense and difficult to understand that having videos to break it down sounds easier to me.




OP, never get into a parasocial relationship. Don't learn theory from online personalities, because this is the way how you end up in a parasocial relationship. I speak from my own experience, don't do it.


>is x a good substitute for reading
However, you might find videos like this useful to point you towards subjects to read about.


there is no substitute for reading you lazy fuck


read ze books
live in ze commune
more seriously, if you don't read them yourself then you automatically receive the other guy's biased take on them


please just read


the only one is Dr. Paul William J.Cockshott.


If you have difficulty understanding theory books, then sometimes certain YouTubers can help simplify concepts and give you an introduction to the actual reading material.

Key word: introduction, not substitute.


OP, go through the effort and learn it yourself. I'd advice you to join some community (not this shithole) where people are educated about Marxism and can explain things to you when you need them.


>join some community (not this shithole) where people are educated about Marxism

Problem is, every community has a different understanding of marxist education.


Give audiobooks a try then. I'm not quite the reader and that helped me.


There are no substitutes to engaging with the original material, either by reading it alone or with an org. That is not to say that podcasts and videos are not beneficial, but they're not a replacement. The creators of such media would concur.


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Yeah this. Companion material can help explain things you struggle with. It's better to consume it after you read a section though, so you are using it to help fill in the parts that confused you.


> a good substitute for reading socialist books
there is no good substitute for reading, but getting help analyzing and understanding them is good and isnt shameful.
Dont hesitate to put them down, think about it, write down shit, search explanations of specific points, ask questions, even going to ask ismail on /marx/


Courses and video essays can be good companion pieces to the text but can never replace them.


>is some clown on youtube a good substitute to reading
lol of course if ur a libertarian


Hot take but learning about Marxism, from a Marxist, is fine. Yes, it's biased, but the books you want to know more about are also biased. You don't need to "do your own research" on every fucking topic alive. I don't learn how to make a nuclear reactor to learn about nuclear energy, I learn it from a nuclear expert. Just keep note if something they say rubs you the wrong way. I initially learned about leftism through anarchists and some of the stuff they were saying seemed idealistic to me or even simplistic, so I branched out from there.

You think some factory worker is going to read Capital? Are they still important? Yes, moreso than the terminally online theorists. This is why the movement is getting more and more terminally online. That said, that tuber in particular always came off as overglamourizing everything.

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