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Jewish people are not the majority in Israel/Palestine. No government can long stand without the consent of the majority of the governed. https://www.timesofisrael.com/jews-now-a-minority-in-israel-and-the-territories-demographer-says/


SÈX will bring the Zionist project to an end


That government is dependent on American aid to function and is rapidly alienating itself from the United States.


we need to have moar sex with jewish girls to ruin the zionist ethnostate. breed the jewish girls for palestine.


That's wishful thinking. Israel will exist as long as america allows it to exist.


"jewishness" passes down matrilinearly


>Zionist Government will be gone by the end of the decae
Maybe, who knows.
A decadre or a decade² it's over for the entity. Ilan Pappé seemsto think so at least..
We have a general for this stuff though.



You mean a hundred years?


As a US military colony in another hemisphere, it follows that Israel is more vulnerable (and clearly more internally and regionally unstable) than the US itself.


Pure hopium. Israel won’t just “dissolve” unless something extreme happens. How did the USSR dissolve by comparison?


jewish girls will renounce their ethnicity and religion when confronted with BAC (big arab cock)


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If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the state of affairs in Palestine 10 years from now looks about the same as it does now, except with more Israeli settlement and fewer Palestinians. If one of the two nations between the river and the sea ceased to exist within the next 10 years, I would bet that it would be Palestine much more likely than Israel.
The demographics mean nothing. It's an apartheid state. Zionism won't be voted out of power.


Hamas has said they committed Oct 7th because Jews brought red heifers to Israel to ritually slaughter the animals at the Dome of the Rock. They think Jews will destroy Dome of the Rock to replace it with the third temple.


The cows are due to be slaughtered on April 24th and if that goes ahead, Hamas and Hezbollah will do a fuckload of terrorist attacks that will kill lots of Jews in Israel.


aren't these people considered fringe even in Israel?


They're getting attacked both internally by an oppressed people's struggle with an army and circularly bombed and economically sabotaged by a region that hates them, additionally sanctioned and condemned by a big chunk of the world that isn't submissive to the G12's political hegemony. It's not like we're talking about Portugal here. It's very safe to say that the Zionist regime is a rather unstable one when we're talking states within "the western world".


>>1810505 How much longer do think American will be willing to fund Israel?



>You mean a hundred years?


does Israel have the guts to demolish the Dome and al-Aqsa?


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>>1810609 You have to admit it would be fun to watch…


no, it wouldn't, agent langley


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>The Zionist Government will be gone by the end of the decade
<But NATO will inherit the "mandate of Palestine" from the UN
<Keeping it in permanent "peacekeeping" occupation with the complacency of Arab comprador sates
<Resistance to such will launch another War on Terror


>permanent "peacekeeping" occupation with the complacency of Arab comprador sates
In your meek, nihilistic stupor, you forgot where the peacekeepers would could from in that case. They're the ones protesting the occupation. Sure, bring in a peace force of Jordanians. They went harder than Hamas on October 7.


NATO is going to commit suicide by fighting the entire non-comprador global south some time in the next decade



Doesn't Netanyahu know what happens to American Client States that get out of hand? Do you the names Saddam, Marcos, or Noreiga ring any bells?


>you forgot where the peacekeepers would could from in that case
<KFOR was initially composed of 40,000 troops from NATO countries. Troop levels were reduced to 26,000 by June 2003, then to 17,500 by the end that year. Combat troops were reduced more than support troops. KFOR tried to deal with this by transferring tasks to UNMIK and the Kosovo Police Service (KPS), but UNMIK was also reducing its number of international police, and KPS were not numerous enough or competent enough to take over from KFOR.

Once the campaign against "Iranian proxies" gets going, there is little difference between the provisional force, the UN mission and the NATO force that happens to be there for the "anti-terrorism".


as long as we're gonna do this stupid Big [insert ethnicity/race] Cock shenannegins, I will make y'all uncomfortable by letting y'all know how much I need said BAC rn and how much I need to be in an Arab man (specifically Levantine) and I need to wake up next to him, kiss him softly on his long eyelashes and make him a pan of Shakshuka with a side of toast and tea with toum and zaatar as condiments.


Imo that is more delusional than getting the Arabs to do it at this point. There's a reason we're using the criminally insane (Zionists) as meat. Their meat doesn't have to be shipped back home


Unlikely, but the religious fundies will still slaughter their cows there and that will trigger other religious fundies. That's why the end of this month will be a time to watch.


Wishful thinking.The population of Gaza will be ethnically cleansed and transferred to Egypt, and we must already subtract around 42000 people to its numbers.
Sadly enough due to Jordan and Egypt being 100% compliant with Zionist plans there's really no future in which arabs are more than 25% of Isntreal population


poor cows :(


How is the entity supposed to survive the regional war that continues to escalate as the genocide worsens? The only think stopping Hezbollah from obliterating the entire country is Hamas. They have enough ballistic missiles to reach parity with imperialist nuclear weapons. It would just be mutually assured destruction, so it hasn't come to that yet.


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It's not going to disappear as long as Daddy America controls this zionist project


>a government needs a majority to exist
dumb fucking liberal lol


Hezbollah will not escalate but will limit itself to harassing the northern flank of the Idf front, as it is currently doing.
This of course unless Israel decides to straight up invde Lebanon, which would be complete suicide fro them




None of those guys you mentioned had anything like AIPAC


>Lebanon is bluffing about what will happen when Hamas says they have been defeated
I would prefer if you voiced your doubts about the resistance more fully rather than waiting for me to point out you are ignorant and showing condescension to people who are more devoted to each other than you are to your own life. Who asked you very politely to observe their successes rather than speculating based off imperialist press.



Till the US decides to go all in against China, so 5-10 years max for Israel.


It's more the REASON that porky sees no option but to go to war with China by 2025 which threatens NATO bloc's (including SK, Aus, Israel, Japan etc) stability. Once the development level of poor countries rises, the infinite money cheats are gone. Making it impossible to fund enforcement and sabotage competition. China is already out of range of being picked off. Best we can do is complain they make us compete. Reactionaries see this as China usurping the US role in global affairs, simply because it permanently destabilizes financial imperialism, which relies on a tiered colonial system


I've never commented on Hezbollah and Hamas commitment to each other. I just said that Hezb will not invade Israel so the current level of confrontation is what we're going to get unless the Idf attempt a direct invasion of Lebanon (which as i said would be suicide for them).
Also btw I read Resistance News Netowrk everyday, so miss me what the imperialist press shit.


But my friend has told me that it will happen in two weeks.


Arabs are the new Ziggers for you, no surprise there. There's got to be some kind of fitting pejorative.
Sand-iggers, perhaps?


What are you talking about?


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Does it get any more evil than this?


This is moderately american evil. Nothing out of left field for a colonial empire.


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>This just in…

Zionism is Kosher Fascism


With its most glorious thinker, Abba Ahimeir.


A week after Idf withdrawal from most of Gaza it appears clear their new strategy: striking from a distance the civilian population.
The genocide continues, and nothing seems to stop it.


Where's daddy?


Thats just the old strategy.
I think thry wised up to the fact that having soldiers hang around with no clear objectives just leads to them getting killed and unintended international news stories.


The last hope is the jewish population overthrowing the zionist estabilishment and ending apartheid but that will take the government discrediting itself at least several more times, during wich many will die


Also checkem


is this a real image or more zioslop

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