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 No.1801696[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
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they are all right wing neolibs irl


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The president of the biggest union in Chile said during the May 1st event that the most pressing issue right now is "improving the living conditions of cops". This country is a fucking joke, holy shit.



¿Los comunistas de sus países también son inútiles?
Acá en memexico tenemos al zapatismo pero ha pasado de ser una insurrección armada e imponente con un fuerte enfoque marxista en la emancipación femenina e indígena a ser un grupúsculo de indígenas pacifistas larpeando de militares y estudiantes suburbanos de la capital que no les gusta el marxismo porque no es muh heckin decolonial con conocimiento ancestral maya (idealismo)


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>card-carrying party member since the 1905 revolution
>kept the moscow bureau alive during the reaction
>wrote the first marxist analysis of imperialism (supplementing hilferding and making the basis for lenin's popular analysis)
>wrote the theory of the imperialist state and proletarian dictatorship (who lenin accepted in 1917 as wholly correct)
>wrote to this day unsurpassed critique of utilitarianism (theory of leisure classes)
>was chief editor of pravda and set the soviet state on a revolutionary course
>president of the third international and staunch internationalist
>wrote popular books explaining the bolshevik party programme
>popular and loved, educated and broad in his understanding of history and the worker's movement
>was with stalin against trotsky and the left opposition
>main party theoretician for some 20 years and saw through industrialization and collectivization
<discredited in a show trail, shot like a dog, and not even rehabilitated during the glasnost
what went wrong?
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Brave post. So many people pretend he was like some kind of 1920s Deng Xiaoping based on one out of context from the era in between NEP and rapid industrialization.


the WR speedrun for USSR in HOI4 was trotskyist

(not that this has any bearing whatsoever on reality)


I hope every HOI4 player is executed by having their testicles cut off. What a boring way to spend your time.


Anti materialist and revisionist. Guards, seize him.


Watching the video, i can see why Trotsky is so good in this speed run. Karl Radek and Maksim Litvinov are essential to this strategy, so that he can get military access to democrati governments to then conquer then by exploits.
Also the focus of the permanent revolutiong gives the time to create a war goal to 10 day, which is incredible, to say the least. He basically declares war on everyone, literally everyone (at least the communist, democratic and nonaligned ones), only leaving the fascist countries to live(ironic).
Finally, the fucus "reigniting the revolutionary spirit", gives you a strong 15% attack bonus.
But, opening HOI4 rn, probably the best part of Bukharin is that at the end of his focus tree you get an additional research slot, with "Socialist humanism". The problem with that is you gain a -3% recruitable population. If you are not going to a exploit run, that might be useful. Unfortunately, his economic focus are not amazing at all, quite a disappointment. -20% consumer goods is ok.
The NEP gives you -10% to all construction and 0 bonus to military and dockyard construction, but what is interesting about this law is that you receive less expected consumer goods then if you were gone with a "war economy" law, without the -3,00% recruitable population modifier of "total mobilization".
Don't know if you can remove the NEP at will just by having enough PP.
Mikhail Tomsky gets promoted to "Chair of the Trade unions".
Depending of how many countries you have as subjects, you also get additional bonuses with the "Planned economy" focus, which increases the factory output and dockyard proudction.
Overall, it is OK. Not that much different from Trotsky tbh, except for that exploit of doing lots of war goals simultaneously.
Is fun

 No.1809963[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why were Nazis obsessed with indian history and more specifically the Aryan caste?
I started reading Hitler's esoteric beliefs and it seems he rejected catholicism for vague dharmic Hindu beliefs and was fascinated with the Hindu caste system. I also noticed this being a trend amongst German academics of that era.
Schopenhauer being the most prominent scholar of Hinduism at his time and also Nietzsche to some extent. Who praised Hinduism for it's life affirming and warrior asthetics. He even claimed he wished he was born a brahmin.
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If Persians weren't so racists towards Arabs back then they would've all converted to Zoroastrism and actually helped Sassanids to destroy Christian Byzantium, possibly ending Christianity


It's been a while since I read that book
Must be in another section - my mistake
Search and you WILL find my uygher


If Persians had had any sense they wouldve kept the jewish leaders in permanent bondage thereby nipping all 3 schizo abrahamic creeds in the bud


So to amend
Knowing How to Know: A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition – 1998 - Idries Shah
Somewhere in one of the many sections
Enjoy the read seeker


>Born in India, the descendant of a family of Afghan nobles, Shah grew up mainly in England. His early writings centred on magic and witchcraft.
>In his writings, Shah presented Sufism as a universal form of wisdom that predated Islam.
>His works have played a significant part in presenting Sufism as a secular, individualistic form of spiritual wisdom.
Remind me again how this uyghur is supposed to be an authority on anything, let alone on Isma'ilism?

 No.416549[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Letzter Pfaden wurde dank der /Pol/acken vom Brett gepusht. Deshalb ein neues Deutschland General.
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Dude, it's just some stupid religious conflict somewhere in africa. Who cares?


Hat jemand einen Tipp wieso ausgerechnet jetzt die Russen für einen Hack verantwortlich gemacht werden, der vor über 'nem Jahr geschah?

Rein zufällig wurd' dieses Jahr auch 'ne "Doku" von Funk/Simplicissimus zu 'APT 28' rausgehauen.
Habe da kurz durchgeskippt, es ist erwartungsgemäß eine Cybergruselmär die Emotionen wecken soll und keinerlei Beweise für die getroffenen Behauptungen gibt.


-SPD unterdruck setzen und entblößen, damit die Ihre Widerstände gegenüber Waffenlieferungen aufgibt.

-Diskussion in der Öffentlichkeit ein bisschen von Israel/Gaza und dem internationalen Gerichtshof ablenken

-Generelle Kriegshysterie schüren und uns für den neuen kalten Krieg vorbereiten

-Vor dem Hintergrund des Tiktok-Verbots in den USA Paranoia im IT-Bereich zu verstärken um weitere Zensurmaßnahmen zu verabschieden, eventuell auch auf EU ebene.


Also business as usual.

Das ist alles ein hundserbärmliches Schmierentheater…


Die KPD gibts noch, aber wenn dein Youtubekanal mit einer für eine Kleinpartei doch beachtlichen Zahl Abos komplett abdriftet ist das doch nicht so geil.

Die KO hat sich auch gespalten und das meistens Supporter der KPD-Ost

Wikipedia nutzt immer den Verfassungsschutzbericht als Quelle. Vor ein paar Jahren wurden noch 500 angegeben. Ich glaube du bist der BSW Shill, dass der BSW auch noch eine reine Kaderpartei ist mit nicht vielen Mitgliedern ist dir bekannt?

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Online Canadian chvd rag The Post Millenial got hacked and its data leaked, including a bunch of FBI e-mails in its user data
Archived here https://web.archive.org/web/20240503041720/https://thepostmillennial.com/
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>2deep4me conversation about the nature of canadian nationhood
>generic transhumanist hater
holy hell the response to this thread is not only derailing, but makes me want to take a nap


Extremely based. transhumanist hackers for the people's republic.


The thread wasn't about anything in the first place.


let me guess, you also don't like what it symbolises?
it's objectively a fairly inoffensive set of colours that go together reasonably well. if it represented something boring like the standards council of canada i would be very surprised if your reaction was so strong.


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Why does this literally who organization getting hacked not belong in /isg/? Anyways archive.org is down thepostmillennial.com is down(I guess because of the hack?) I found their twitter feed and they get like 5k views per tweet and 10-20 comments and all they do is repost conservative rage bait videos.

Why the fuck should I care?

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>Be me, Spanish speaking South American
>Opens youtube news video regarding the zionists and Iran/Palestine
>Almost every comment is a batshit crazy evangelical cocksucking the jews

Does this happen in your country too?
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>I walked past a small Spanish-speaking strip-mall church with an immigrant congregation near my old place when they were having evening services and there was a big Star of David up on the altar. No, this was not a synagogue. I was, like, is this a cult? What is going on here
Pic related is in what is supposed to be a Christian evangelical temple in Brazil.
Freestyle theology at its best.
That said, OP is has clearly spent too much time in certain /pol/ emulating IBs and he knows exactly what i am talking about.


>confusing christians with evangelicals
just like OP is confusing jews with zionists


What are you talking about? Most Evangelicals are never genocided because they're explicitly pro-Hegemony. In fact Evangelicalism is on the ascendance everywhere right now thanks to US funding at the expense of every other school of Christianity, especially in Africa where even in countries with thousand years-old Churches like in Ethiopia they're monopolizing the political service. This very alarmingly mirrors how Wahabbism spread through Gulf funding through the Islamic world in the 70's.


bluepilled cuck


Christians and evangelicals aren't the same thing though


>why doesn't Cockshott fix the NHS if his theories work
Well why doesn't he?
There's his opportunity right there since the UK health system apparently is not as good as it could be?
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>petit-bourg academic
please explain what you think petit-bourg means


>the UK health system apparently is not as good as it could be?
That's the funniest understatement i ever read.
Reminder of that anon who got his internal organs privatised: >>1834636


>There's a town called Marinaleda in Spain that's run by a communist mayor. They'll build you a house at cost and a job in the town cannery to pay for it.
??? link?


nta, just put "marinaleda communist" and you will find sources, like this one:



Nevermind, this article is better:


Marinaleda, Spain – At first sight, Marinaleda appears to be a typical Andalusian village with white-washed houses and streets that do not come alive until after the sun goes down.

But if you look closely enough, there are signs that things are different in this small town of 2,700 inhabitants: there is the portrait of Che Guevara that adorns its sports centre and the notable absence of commercial billboards.

Marinaleda has been governed by Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, its self-declared communist mayor, for more than 35 years. And while the unemployment rate in the rest of Andalusia is 29 percent, it barely touches five percent here.

The majority of Marinaleda’s inhabitants work for the village’s agricultural cooperative and earn the same salary – 47 euros (about $54) for a six-and-a-half hour working day. This equates to a monthly salary of 1,200 euros (about $1,370), which might seem low, but it is significantly more than the Spanish minimum wage of 764 euros a month (about $870).

Life in the village is also much cheaper than in the rest of the region. For 15 euros a month, inhabitants can pay off their mortgage. The same price gets them membership of the sports centre, or a kindergarten place for their child. The local government provides three free school meals a day. As a result, even the small number of unemployed inhabitants are able to make ends meet with the 400 euro jobseeker’s allowance provided by the Andalusian government.

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To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
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To try to find issues with connecting struggles and exposing the clear lines of co-operation of international class war and imperialist projects is just absurd and transparent.
Obviously OP is baiting.
Why must we give it oxygen?


Look at this, the Chinese have established a journalism department at Columbia University.

【Columbia Journalism School | We Set Up an Editorial Department in 8 Hours - Bilibili】https://b23.tv/1XasFcZ

【We Found Chinese in Support of Gaza Camp at Columbia University - Bilibili】https://b23.tv/kcjQMVg

【Columbia Journalism | Jewish Freshman Across from the Palestinian Camp - Bilibili】https://b23.tv/64Um0qH

【Frontline! NYPD Enters Occupied Columbia Building, All Protesters Arrested - Bilibili】https://b23.tv/wxepgZC

【哥大新闻学院|我们在8小时内成立了编辑部-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/1XasFcZ

【我们找到了哥大声援加沙营地里的中国人-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/kcjQMVg

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Brilliant, thanks for sharing anon


>Fatties 4 Palestine


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 No.1650427[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for the discussion of cybersocialism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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>the center
where does this idea that we want to reconstitute the Soviet system come from? not that this is even remotely how that system worked either
>Suppose some ministry gets tasked with something that requires not much labor, but is very important. So the center allocates to that ministry a low budget of DCPs and a high budget of QPs
this sounds like khozraschet and the retarded system of planning in the late USSR in general
>two-dimensional system
>not advocating for billions of dimensions
you might as well be advocating for the single-dimensional system of exchange


>>1839420 (me)
Forgot to mention: DCPs are in electronic accounts and cannot be transferred between citizens. They are used up in consumption and do not circulate. For foreign trade however, the government issues a type of DCPs that can be traded between foreign entities. (So far, this is like the LVs in TaNS.)

QPs are also like that, with one more restriction: The QPs issued to foreign entities cannot be traded between them.


Entertainingly naive (non-socialist) reading of the history of work with concepts such as "social contract" and "regular vs. psychopathic capitalists".


Absolutely. Marxist dialectics is sort of a systems theory and process philosophy streamlined for revolutionary action.

Nostalgia, romance, online Marxism being taken over by bourgeois econ students looking for an esoteric advantage


>where does this idea that we want to reconstitute the Soviet system come from? not that this is even remotely how that system worked either
If this is not "even remotely" like the Soviet system how could one read into this an intention to be like it.
>you might as well be advocating for the single-dimensional system
Might as well? Consider two people at the same time and place in a society with two types of consumption vouchers. (It does not matter for the argument I will make here whether the prices of one thing can be combined of the two types like in >>1838317 or things are grouped in two separate spheres for voucher type like basics and luxuries as Takis Fotopoulos proposed.)

Is it that these vouchers are a mere formality and that exactly the same pattern of who has access to which combinations of things "might as well" be done by having consumer budgets in one voucher type only? Is it that we only have to find some conversion rate to get into the one-dimensional system with the same pattern of access possibilities? Or would conversion need a more complicated formula?

It is possible that simultaneously person A has a higher budget than person B in voucher type X and a lower budget in voucher type Y. That means A has access to things B does not have access to and vice versa. If there is only one voucher type this vice versa between two people and what their budgets can access does not arise. That means 2D-1D conversion is not just complicated, it is mathematically impossible. So much for your "might as well".

>Nostalgia, romance, online Marxism being taken over by bourgeois econ students
You would have to explain to me how you see any of that in >>1838317 because I'm not seeing that.

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Can we have a thread about socialist and related football firms?
Of course we can.

>Inb4: 357 posts about St. Pauli

Anything goes but the less obvious would be great.
Some background info very welcome too.

Pic related: Resistência Coral, Ultras from Fortaleza, supporters of Ferroviário Atlético Clube. The club was founded by railway workers in the early 1930's and has been, ever since, tightly connected to the working class.
The banner in the first image translates to "No war among firms, no peace between classes"
Trivia: one of the club's nicknames is "the proletarian".



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Not sure whether it is connected to any group in particular but DDR references are quite common among Dynamo Dresden fans. I have been to their stadium and seen it myself.


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Does anyone have that photo of a massive Celtic crowd with an antifa banner over a few hundred of them? I always have trouble finding it.

I don't know much about European firms, just some niche socialist football tidbits.
Unfortunately the current /hobby/ football thread is pretty lame, but I did find post attached. There's also the three-sided football thread over on /social/, 3SF is not widely-known but was founded by Situationist Marxists and has some pretty interesting sides to it. PDF taken from the OP.


Haha sportsball do the thing score the goal kick the sportsball

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