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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Can we have a thread about socialist and related football firms?
Of course we can.

>Inb4: 357 posts about St. Pauli

Anything goes but the less obvious would be great.
Some background info very welcome too.

Pic related: Resistência Coral, Ultras from Fortaleza, supporters of Ferroviário Atlético Clube. The club was founded by railway workers in the early 1930's and has been, ever since, tightly connected to the working class.
The banner in the first image translates to "No war among firms, no peace between classes"
Trivia: one of the club's nicknames is "the proletarian".



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Not sure whether it is connected to any group in particular but DDR references are quite common among Dynamo Dresden fans. I have been to their stadium and seen it myself.


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Does anyone have that photo of a massive Celtic crowd with an antifa banner over a few hundred of them? I always have trouble finding it.

I don't know much about European firms, just some niche socialist football tidbits.
Unfortunately the current /hobby/ football thread is pretty lame, but I did find post attached. There's also the three-sided football thread over on /social/, 3SF is not widely-known but was founded by Situationist Marxists and has some pretty interesting sides to it. PDF taken from the OP.


Haha sportsball do the thing score the goal kick the sportsball


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>Does anyone have that photo of a massive Celtic crowd with an antifa banner over a few hundred of them? I always have trouble finding it.


ball is round and it gets kicked and it rolls and sometimes it rolls (or flies!) into the rectangle with net and then we cheer or boo and we blame the man with the whistle and it is very good


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Cosenza ultras.
25th April Forever and Aldo says 26x1, which was the codeword that started the general insurrection against nazifascists in Northern Italy.


the ball rolls
it gets kicked
it flies and lands – big time
i cheer utilizing the full capacity of my lungs
a whistle sounds disqualifying our goal
i am destitute, forever broken
"fascist," I say


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Not the exact image but similar. Good find, comrade.


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Not exactly what this thread is about but here it goes.


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Livorno, of course.


lol their former owner just got arrested for corruption together with the right-wing governor of Liguria.
I can't believe they ended up in fucking Serie D.


What is a firm? Is that a club owned by fans?


Hah, if only.
More like a group of fans who go to a game as an excuse to fight people on the other team. Some go to the game just to look at the crowd.


Oh its embarassing I didn't know that.


your still one of the best read posters on this site


Aw thanks. I've read a decent amount of like the classics but I'm worried I don't understand it all. Especially Capital, which I'm really struggling to get through volume 2 of.


>I'm worried I don't understand it all
You should not worry. It is normal.


You guys should check out the eternal rivalry of Red Star and Partizan


St. Pauli back in the Bundesliga

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