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Why do reactionaries denounce marx for being loose with money, but then mock him for living in squalor? What exactly do they allege he spent his money on?
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He didn't have a lot of money though. His parents were bourgeois but they disowned him for being a radical. He relied on charity from Engels his whole life, but Engels was politically active and had a lot of people he helped out so he couldn't always give Karl the exact amount he needed. Things only got worse once he was exiled from Prussia and lived in London. He wanted to move to America and live on a homestead in Texas but was never able to pull it off. Texan Marx continues to be the source of funny speculation.
>Wasn't he just a slob?
Maybe but he also had several children and lived in a fairly small apartment. The building he lived in is still an apartment complex to this day and people still rent there. It's more like a combination of factors, his writing huge manuscripts, his living in a small cramped apartment, his having several children, his reliance on Engels for money, etc. led to him having a chaotic life and led to him having a reputation for being a slob.


>anti-regime person can't get no money from regime
News at 10


>he had like 7 kids and 4 died.
Probably pretty normal for the 19th century.



Because it's character assassination. The hypocrisy is the point. This "information" is meant to intimidate and scare away people that might be interested in actually reading Marx.

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Why is green part so much richer and racially whiter than red region? Is it because they were once part of Austria while the other was part of Spain? Also fuck the stupid one hundred filter, I'm writing this to bypass it
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> whiter
Questo l'ha scritto un padano


Dixiebol and now padanoleaguebol
When will our right-wing stop copying the yanks?


>When will our right-wing stop copying the yanks?
Probably when US hegemony colapses
, the US is after all responsible for propping up right wingers that are the the closest to them


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Fa ridere perché Torino pare Marrakech e Milano pare Medellin.

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I'm going to read "Kill Anything That Moves" to see the American perspective but I'm interested in a leftist and anarchist perspective on the history of the left in Vietnam, the war and the vietcong itself.



About the Americans watch Sir No Sir, good soundtrack too.


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"Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of Acts of Aggression and Annexation by Vietnam Against Kampuchea”, by the Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea, September 1978



The first two articles are a good overall broad view of the various "left" and proletarian elements and developments in Vietnam, a historical materialist analysis. There's some outline of the main factions-the Stalinist natlib Viet Minh, actual "Trots" that split from or opposed early the Indochinese communist party and were killed early, and proletarian and communist elements that were eliminated more slowly later.

The last two, read critically. Ngo Van is a good primary source but has Trotskyist and anti-party erroneous positions.


Vietnamese practical criticism of franz fanon and the position of the lumpen prole in anti colonial struggles. Nguyen Khac Vien is a good view of french diaspora leftism.

Vietnamese perspectives on anti revisionism is mostly contained within being against the “humanity and masterpiece” movement of “socialism with a human face” and peaceful coexistence that became the dominant force in soviet politics in the 60s and Chinese politics in the 70s.

 No.1776023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you make of ecosocialism? I personally don't like that it drives to the forefront the ecological crisis rather than the class struggle and rather often tends to liberal solutions but in a roundabout Žižekian way, using completely nonserious Marxist terminology and justifying it with thousands of academic references. I also don't like that they're implicitly Trotskyite, but unconsciously so, making them Stalinist in practice. (that last part could just be my personal experience).
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Well the Soviet Union defeated eco socialists once, I’m pretty sure they can do it again


>This implies that humans are not natural and aren't part of nature and placing "nature" above humanity.
this is the dumbest shit. the alternative is putting capital and industry above the biosphere we need to live. curious how all the extractive industries only displace indigenous populations and are tightly controlled by state security apparatus and western mining companies to keep images of the destruction out of sight from the population and the impossibility of proposed environmental rehabillitation out of their minds.


Cuba is the only ecologically sustainable economy on earth, no need for ecosocialism


Kaczynski reactionaries/an-prim mystics and hyper-industrializer techno-aesthetic fetishists constitute two ends of the only horseshoe theory that truly matters.


>can do it again
where is the soviet union currently?

 No.1797040[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon: We targeted the "Yarden" Barracks in the occupied Golan, “the main command headquarters in times of war,” with more than 50 Katyusha rockets


>the American state and the American public has little to gain from Israel
what a load of BS, the public dont profit, but the state state certainly does
Israel is the crucial element to maintain some western and US direct control in the middle east, its positioned as a knife separating the arab land routes, it gives a powerful actor in the region with all the weight that comes with it in international relations, center of trade, information gathering, launchpad for threatening the area etc


>what a load of BS
IKR, but what if, listen. What if, we could have a big libleft moment and *tail* the consequences of the decay of US hegemony about the more repulsive aspects of Israel?

For a moment. A beautiful moment we could claim "left unity" at the same time that we agree fully with the official narrative and enjoy their boosting. Oh my god. Imagine all those fellow leftlibs CRAVING the catharsis and validation, finding an outlet in our idealist denunciation limited to the culture war and the domestic political theater. The fervor, the faith renewed in the power of being a good person and letting others know.


They will be expelled from the United Nations.


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Port's Closed


Brazilian police arrest suspected masterminds behind the killing of councilwoman-turned-icon
Police investigators said federal legislator Chiquinho Brazão and his brother Domingos Brazão, a member of Rio state’s accounts watchdog, were detained on suspicion of ordering the killing of Franco. Both are allegedly connected to criminal groups, known as militias, which illegally charge residents for various services, including protection.

Argentinians marked the anniversary of 1976 military coup as political leaders attempt to rewrite history
As tens of thousands of protesters marched through central Buenos Aires and raised banners vowing “Nunca Mas,” or never again, the country’s far-right president posted an astonishing video on social media demanding justice for those killed by left-wing guerillas before the coup took place.

Jair Bolsonaro reportedly ‘hid’ in Hungarian embassy after allies arrested
Security footage obtained by the US newspaper appeared to show that in early February – four days after two Bolsonaro aides were arrested on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the Brazilian government – the rightwing populist took shelter in the embassy, a short drive from the presidential palace Bolsonaro once occupied.

Serbians are petitioning against a planned luxury project backed by Trump son-in-law’s firm
Pro-Trump government officials in Serbia have welcomed the project, but the opposition and many in the general public have spoken out against it. For many, the site of the bombed-out army command building is a potent symbol of Serbia’s resistance against what they called NATO aggression 25 yearPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


another brazilian win


Chrysler-Parent Stellantis Laying Off About 400 Salaried Employees in U.S.
Meetings were held throughout Friday morning where affected white-collar workers were informed they were being let go, according to people familiar with the matter. Stellantis confirmed in a statement Friday it plans to reduce its engineering, technology and software organizations by about 2% in the U.S.

Biden's border nuclear option is still on the table
The orders being considered would ban people from entering the U.S. if they illegally crossed the border and make it harder for people to pass the first interview in the asylum-seeking process, as has been reported.

Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments
Some of the capabilities the pilot project is pursuing – such as identifying potholes and cars parked in bus lanes – are already in place in other cities. But San Jose’s foray into automated surveillance of homelessness is the first of its kind in the country, according to city officials and national housing advocates. Local outreach workers, who were previously not aware of the experiment, worry the technology will be used to punish and push out San Jose’s unhoused residents.

Thousands of undocumented Latinos lose health coverage amid Medi-Cal eligibility review
The redetermination process, as it is known, has disproportionately affected Latinos, who make up a majority of Medi-Cal beneficiaries. According to the California Department of Health Care Services, more than 653,000 of the more than 1.3 miPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


ELN: Let the People Speak, Command and Be a Constituent Power
In response to President Gustavo Petro’s announcement to convene a National Constituent Assembly, the National Directorate of the National Liberation Army (ELN) expresses to the country: Popular power is the essence of our new nation project. The people, with their history, experience, creativity and wisdom, have been on the path of changes that allow them to overcome the exclusion, misery, dispossession and repression imposed by the Colombian oligarchy for almost two hundred years; the armed uprising of the ELN is part of these struggles. The ELN through the process of dialog and participation of society in the construction of Peace, we have committed ourselves to the changes announced by the government of the Historical Pact, with the demands and just demands of the Colombian people in strikes and social outbreaks. We understand the announcement of a National Constituent Assembly as an effort aimed at democratizing and building good living for all.

Under the thunder of cannonade. Fuel environmental disaster in East Ukraine
For the first time, Ukraine went through the winter entirely on its own gas, says the CEO at the state gas company Oleksiy Chernyshov. “We did this and plan to maintain the trend of Ukraine’s energy independence in the future,” he states on his Facebook. But without specifying that the reason for this was a full-scale Russian invasion, as a result of which gas consumption sharply decreased due to the occupation of many territories and the reduction of energy-intensive production in the rest. At the same time, Ukraine retained control over almost all gas fields, the largest of which are located in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions. Despite the complete satisfaction of the need with domestically produced gas, exploration and launch of new wells in the Poltava region are proceeding at an accelerated pace. The residents regularly complain about strange explosions, the cause of which the authorities do not explain, as well as about tremors. Rinat Akhmetov – the owner of the DTEK holding (the largest Ukrainian producer of thermal electricitPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>the biggest war in history erupts
>all countries have to implement state communist policies to have a chance of survival
Why did it work so well in the middle of the 20th century, but now is a big taboo?
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People do not like to live under such policies where there is an atmosphere of rationing.
>crony-capitalism already became this and people don't like it.


>So basically it's strictly friendly/enemy propaganda issue, right?
>Then why the hell would any leftist object to measures such as censorship and propaganda?
Communists were being repressed.
>Doesn't seem like freedom of expression is compatible with fair society until bourgeoisie exists.


It worked so well because there was an enemy to rally against that was seemingly an existential threat. When Hitler talked about a “New World Order” he meant, in part, the end of Anglosphere dominance and the emergence of Germany as a major power in global politics. Germany was fighting a total war, and so the Anglo ruling class had to as well. Hitler had one insightful view, which was that to defeat totalitarianism, all these liberal countries had to borrow some of its tactics. Though I’d say the libs managed to perfect them (as well as possibly taking more from Fascism than the Soviets ever did)

If I recall correctly, HUAC originally started to, among other things, prosecute Nazi sympathizers. Even the name sounds fairly Fascist “House Un-American Activities Commission” almost like how Spanish right wingers called Leftists “Anti-Spain”. Mosley was similarly imprisoned without trial in Britain for his political beliefs.

Yknow there was this old propaganda poster I saw ages ago. It was from the Disney company of all things. It was a big picture of FDR captioned “Hats off for The Leader!” And something about the phrasing seemed a little brown in my opinion. “The Leader” doesn’t sound like a title any single politician today can carry. But against the backdrop of total war, it’s important to have this singular figure that can kind of stand “above” the contradictions of society and direct it towards victory. Stalin, arguably, was the equivalent for the USSR.


>communism is when bourgeois nations have high taxes, rationing, and steel drives during war time


Not only did the economy run under war communism under extreme conditions but more importantly significant innovations were accomplished. Did they lie to me in econ101?

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Has there ever been a successful socialist revolution in a developed capitalist nation?

Is it fair to claim Marx asserted that a society must first advance to a capitalist mode of production in order to progress to a socialist MoP, and that contrary to their predictions, the trend of developing-world revolutions has required capitalist industrialization to be performed under socialist government? And, do you agree with this strategy?

(short direct answers, as usual, will not be read - go back to twitter)
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Russia was fully capitalist then. Silly menshevik


thats literally what the post says?


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>socialist government

you can elect a socialist individual. you cannot elect a socialist government.


OP is the menshevik


>the spinny thing isn't labeled revolution but the not-spinny thing is
this image will always be funny to me, considering where the world "revolutionary" comes from

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In theory it doesnt sound bad. Threat the elite with possible death at any moment to further the revolutionary cause. Make them pay a price for their evil actions. Yet it seems to have failed, or it was not done properly.

Take for example the recent Palestine protests. Protesters even went to the home of politicians and weapon manufacturers. Yet nothing changed. The missing ingredient was bullets through their windows. Surely there will be a reaction. Police dissolves protest? Take 1 police with you. Let them understand that a price must be paid everytime we retreat.

What you think?
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>Why did [obviously retarded concept doomed to fail] failed?
Never change, /leftypol/


Oh look it's the nazi butthurt belter
Dobryj den, now go electrocute yourself


The strategic goal of guerilla doctrine is to elevate the guerilla army into a conventional army.


> belittles the role of the masses in their own consciousness, reconciles them to their powerlessness, and turns their eyes and hopes towards a great avenger and liberator who some day will come and accomplish his mission
incidentally this is also why superheroes are such a convenient form of liberal propaganda.


porky doesn't need the excuse, but it is convenient

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I hate religion and believe it should be prohibited, although it should still be preserved for historical purposes. However, we have encountered what is termed as "Reddit atheism," a type of atheism that is so off-putting that it makes you hesitant to even identify as an atheist. It embodies a sort of delusion of the South Park fan, where individuals with objectively mediocre intelligence believe they are superior to large segments of the population simply because they do not believe in God (or anything else, for that matter). Many on the political left are also coming to this realization. It has become increasingly difficult to disagree with a religious person without receiving a condescending "you dropped your fedora" remark and having others rally behind them. Even Stalin recognized the significance of faith and religion, and what it meant for the people
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Neither, Mad Max


Not reading this because its retarded pseud drivel, but the image is funny
>Comparing statements made by towering intellectual giants of their field with TV entertainers


every right wing tradcath and pagan are just delusional atheists who cling onto religion because they either want to feel like their a part of something and/or think wh*Toids need religion to survive

I cannot be convinced otherwise

oh and uh atheism is "cringe" these days too so I guess that adds to it


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>People are starting to realize the damage the cringe/based dialectic is doing to people's minds.

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