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 No.1801696[View All]

Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
164 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>el unico momento en que el proletariado hace paros generales es para detener al fantasma del "fascismo" y "devolver la democracia"
se acabo


Bro come on, not saying all feminism is good but raging over women not just putting up with having no power and no protection from men is freak shit.


>I went to Cuba and ended up as a Hoxhaist
En fin la vida


You should kill yourself. Antifeminist reactionaries get the bullet. Your "traditional" lifestyle must die.


Historia de la vida real o historia no real.
Cormac Mcarthy, autor gringo, tiene un libro donde los personajes pasan por el norte de México. También está el crimen en la casa arramberri.

Sobre Nuevo León, creo que hay un libro que se llama Grupo Monterrey, sobre un grupo de burgueses llamado así.

I could investigate better books but perhaps you could be a bit more precise in what you're looking for.


Fuera de broma, suicidate lo más rápido que puedas.


>they have their hair cut short like men's and don't dress feminine.
This is my preference, for comrades and loverzz. Really like the Spanish mullet kind of thing too. Fuck off with your pol baitpost.


People should stop breeding. At least not so much.


I guess I want to focus on the status of miners and agricultural workers-whether tenants, people who own their own land and can sell a small surplus, people with a tiny subsistence plot and those closer to the "ideal" wage laborer within Nuevo León. Like I said, I would like a study that goes from the porfiriato to the 60s but even a smaller time span would be fine. I'll add Grupo Monterrey to my reading list though


Take your meds. The doctor prescribed you 200mg of potassium cyanide.


That's very niche. Unfortunately I lost contact with the only person I know who could possibly know a good book on the subject.

However, I will try to find something online.
And per my curiosity, why are you interested in this topic specifically? Like why Nuevo Leon? It's never been a state with a huge mine industry or agricultural for that matter. Compared to other states like Coahuila, San Luis, etc.

The biggest extraction companies in Nuevo Leon are limestone extraction for cement, among other ceramics, of which CEMEX is the most important one and has a large international reach.

Anyways, here's some stuff

Warning I received an ominous warning about this PDF despite being distributed by the state. It states that Nuevo Leon in the year 2020 contributed to 0.24% of Mexico's of mining production. http://www.sgm.gob.mx/pdfs/NUEVOLEON.pdf

This one is actually interesting and seems to fit all but one of your search criteria, it's from the state of Hidalgo, which is more in central Mexico. It has a very interesting observation:
Apparently in academic literature, miners of the 18th century in Mexico were considered labor aristocracy by academic literature.
This is from year 1766 to 1900.

This is from the north west, from 1850-1910, Baja California, Hermosillo, Sonora.

The origins of the industrialization of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon's Capital, from 1867 to the end of the revolution, 1920
This was published by the state.

Sorry for the terrible links, please consider opening them on a private tab with VPN to avoid ad trackers.


Keep crying gringo. I hope feminists radicalize so no woman gives birth to scum like you.


for the mining part, basically just because my grandmother was from a mining town lol she claims that there was a decent amount of metal extracted there


>the American dilemma of "I matched with a girl, but she is so obese that I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with her"

The struggle is real. Because of work my only real recourse for dating atm is apps and they're full of fat women, and all the good looking ones are fake profiles made from scraped Instagram profiles or they're someone's onlyfans bot.


Aww that's sweet.

Yes, there is some metallurgic extraction. It's just that there's a bunch more elsewhere, like neighboring Coahuila. There might have also been a shift in mining practices throughout the centuries.

Here's some stats on mining in the state. Apparently it made 1.23% of value produced nationwide in 2020.


stop spamming retard


Reading history and everything that has happened in the continent. I abhor and am disgusted by anything Spanish. I hate the fact that my last name is Spanish, my family speaks Spanish and food and other cultural things derive from them. I’m hoping to change my last name into something indigenous and become more closer to the heritage I truly belong. I know a lot of people are going to say “u can’t disregard ur half of your heritage!1!1” uh yes I can that side doesn’t mean shit to me. I hope more mestizos take note and throw that part of them away as well. Those people are racist and I want nothing to do with them.


Shut up idiot


I am Mexican so I can asnwer this question for you. Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe. When I used to live in the US, people often thought I was a gay man because of the way I dress (I dress like European men, especially Southern Europeans) which is fashionable unlike the average American man. My mum also stuck like a sore thumb as she dresses chic, sophisticated, slender, and looks young for her age (her features are average woman from Guadalajara which is olive skin, big dark eyes, and dark hair)

As for the stereotypes of Mexicans looking mostly indigenous, it depends on the region though a large part of the population does look like that. Though I am not a white Mexican (I do have some relatives who are white Mexicans of the Mediterranean type), I am a light mestizo like most of my relatives are (I am not sure if you heard the term light mestizo). Light mestizos are the majority in Bajio region and Guadalajara or in the middle class areas of Mexico City.

And not all whites in Mexico are upper class. The relatives I have who are pure white are mostly middle class people, though one relative lives in Condesa, and my maternal grandfather is upper class.

I also have seen a few white Mexicans who are lower class, especially public taxi drivers for some reason or the ocassional taco vendor. I also have met a few dark mestizo or indigenous looking Mexicans who are middle class or upper class though they are minority.


roberto vaquero fucking based


Vaquero is a patsuck reactionary incel


>I am Mexican so I can asnwer this question for you.
¿A quien le respondes?
>Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe.
Los gringos son dueños de más negocios en México que los europeos y por lo tanto pueden imponer su cultura con mayor fácilidad, claro que los valores sociales más antiguos tratan de imitar el modelo europeo pero se han estado remplazando con los gringos cada vez más.
>When I used to live in the US, people often thought I was a gay man because of the way I dress
Esto ocurre en todas partes, es pura homofobia sin más y estás perdiendo tu tiempo al tratar de darle otra justificación.

No es gratuito que la gente más blanca sea mayoritariamente más rica, tiene que ver con la forma en la que se ha heredado el capital.


Argentine cuck status?


More indigenous but rich white Mexicans are perceived as whiter than whiter lower-middle class or working class Mexicans.
Cierto pero también estamos más cerca de EUA. En países pobres en Europa, hay más influencia de los países colonialistas, aunque la cultura americana en las últimas décadas es hegemónica.


based puncher of 3 year olds


>Economically, Mexico looks upon the United States, but fashion and culture, we look upon Europe


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siempre que los extranjeros preguntan algo de mexico sale un wey de la basura a contarnos porque todo el pais es exactamente igual que su rancho y obviamente no hay niguna diferencia en las formas de ser y de pensar de todos los millones de personas que viven en el pais


Las proximas elecciones del Peru tendran 26 partidos y se buscan inscribir un trio mas de izquierda para que lleguen a la mas o menos media docena.
A ver que diran cada uno


I visited Colombia for a week and one thing that stood out to me is that there were no fat chicks there. None. All of them were slim, meaning that the American dilemma of "I matched with a girl, but she is so obese that I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with her" does not exist in Colombia.

That's Colombia, but what confuses me is that my impression of Mexicans is that they are fat (at least the Mexican women I see in the USA are fat), but I thought Latin America is more or less homogeneous and that Colombians would be similar to Mexicans, just like Americans are similar to Canadians. So what is the reality of Mexican women? Are they fat like American women, or are they slim like all Colombian women are?


Your writing style is very obvious. When will you stop spamming



se vienen bombardeos a chile y argentina?


Se les viene su freedom a los pingüinos


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I wonder why the natality rate in Latin America is so low.
My Country has been stuck in 3 Million people since the 80's.



The Mexicans and the Hispanics that are Americanized are complete trash and very violent. I would say the phenomena is very similar to African Americans and Blacks from Africa; Those two groups are completely different from each other, even though they are both Black in skin color. The Blacks coming from Africa tend to be calm, polite, and well cultured, while most African Americans embrace the thug hip-hop culture and crime. Why the difference? I'm not sure, but I'm willing to guess its due to the shitty environment of the U.S. that drives people crazy.


>due to the shitty environment of the U.S. that drives people crazy.
probably. its a profoundly antisocial culture


Don't worry. Milei is gonna save Argentina by selling it to the US bourgoisie. That will spice up its economy and make people feel save in getting children



Learning Chinese in Mexico: Children prepare for the future

As China swiftly expands its reach across Latin America, a pilot program in Aguascalientes aims to introduce students to the Mandarin language and make them more competitive in the job market.

By Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times
June 7, 2010

Reporting from Aguascalientes, Mexico

Wo jiao Alberto.

Wo jiao Maribel. Ni ji sui?

Alberto and Maribel, sixth-graders at the Pedro Garcia Rojas elementary school here in central Mexico, introduce themselves to each other in Mandarin Chinese.

Their class also recites numbers, clothing items and weather conditions in a language that, to them, is about as foreign as it gets.

Some, like Damaris De Luna Sanchez, 11, move their hands the way a conductor directs an orchestra, slicing through the air to help them reach the proper intonations, the staccato flats and singsong vowelish sounds.

Their enthusiastic teacher, Gerardo Saucedo, is not Chinese nor has he ever traveled to China, but he has long been fascinated by its language and use of stylized characters as an alphabet.

"Zai dong tian ni chuan shen me?" he asks his uniformed students, dancing down the aisle among girls in plaid skirts and knee socks, and boys in blue sweaters. "What do you wear in winter?"

The sight of youngsters speaking Chinese in the Mexican heartland is unusual, to say the least. Parents told that pupils as young as 9 would be taught Mandarin had been skeptical. Wouldn't French or Italian (Romance languages closer to Spanish) make more sense? some wondered.

Savvy Mexican politicians have other ideas. State authorities launched the pilot language program in Aguascalientes, a working-class city, in hopes of jumping on the Chinese bandwagon. As China swiftly expands its reach across Latin America, Mexico is experiencing a flurry of new Chinese investments in traditional targets like nickel mines and in newer areas like car-part factories and electronics.

For many years, Mexico had lagged behind other big Latin economies, like Brazil and Chile, which saw China displace the United States as their principal trading partner. China spent an estimated $100 billion in Latin America in 2008, but Mexico had only a small piece of it.

Attitudes of xenophobia dating to the early 20th century, when Chinese workers came to the country to build the railroads, continue to inform Mexico's restrictive immigration policies for Asians, said Sergio Martinez of the Mexican-Chinese Studies Institute at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. On top of that, Mexico's notorious bureaucracy and the reluctance of many Mexican companies to compete with cheap Chinese products have slowed the expansion of trade relations.

Mexico was the last of the major Latin countries to sign free-trade agreements with Beijing. Until now, the economic relationship between Mexico and China concentrated mostly on the sale of Chinese products in Mexican markets rather than serious investment.

"The absence of a bilateral economic, political, academic, cultural strategy allowed the relationship to become tense and rudderless," Enrique Dussel Peters, head of the institute, said by e-mail from Shanghai, where Latin American delegations are featured at the 2010 World Expo.

But, he added, "the potential and interest of both countries, especially in mining, agro-business, electronics, textiles and automobile production, is enormous."

The city fathers of Aguascalientes are among those who want to take advantage as a model for all of Mexico.

"It's like what happened with English," teacher Saucedo said. "Years ago we didn't study English, but eventually we realized we had to. Now it's Chinese."

Saucedo spoke outside the classroom as children scampered off to lunch. "Hola, lao shi," ("Hello, teacher") one boy called out as he ran by, then giggled, perhaps realizing he had mixed his languages.

Saucedo, 28, studied Chinese for four years in a university program. The first year, he recalled, the class started out with about a dozen students, but all except for him dropped out by the end of the term. "It is a very, very difficult language," he said.

Last year, the state government picked him and nine other teachers to take a six-month immersion course to prepare them to teach Mandarin.

Chinese was introduced this school year for fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders, a total of 126 students, and will be continued every year.

Remarkably, this is not the endeavor of an elite academy, nor the work of a Chinese-government cultural institute. Pedro Garcia caters primarily to low-income families. Most students are the sons and daughters of factory workers or come from single-mom homes. Pedro Garcia is a public school, meaning there's no tuition; workbooks, with names like Mandarin Hip-Hop, are subsidized by the Mexican government.

"My parents say it's really good to learn more than one language because maybe then I will get a scholarship," said Damaris, the 11-year-old hand-waver. She is already practicing her new linguistic skills on a little girl, the daughter of a Mexican father and Chinese mother, in her church communion class.

Since 2001, students at Pedro Garcia have been immersed in English from first grade. In hopes of maintaining the English, the students are taught Mandarin in English. In other words, the translation goes from English to Chinese, not Spanish to Chinese.

They take five hours a week of Mandarin, four hours a week of English.

"It makes these students more competitive," Saucedo said. "Sooner or later, there will be more Chinese companies here, and that means more jobs. If the Chinese see we have Chinese speakers, it will be a big advantage for them, and for us."


>Subcomandante Marcos era Maoísta.
Xóchitl Gálvez era Maoísta


the irish used to be seen in the same manner


the irish are complete trash


I thought they were lively when I lived there.


the irish use White knight culture


and the problem is?


Honestamente, que piensan los argenanons de RyR/VS? Más allá de la editorial. A mi me parecen una agrupación un poco sectaria pero bastante sólida - en especial comparado con el resto de la izquierda


yo soy militante
pq sectaria? hasta donde yo se hizo lo posible para armar mesas de debates con gente de toda la izquierda y hasta incluso apoyo al fit hasta el 2015


expiration date


White knight


You could have a cute irish american gf right now but you prefer being an incel shitposter

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