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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I am new to LeftyPol but I've seen too many tender hugboxes in the DSA (everybody knows that mega cringe DSA meeting footage) if the Left wants to become an effective political action block in the United States and bring about the Socialist and progressive change we wish to see in this country we must abandon these granular "points of privilege" and oppression Olympics along with the curse of idpol the wonderful silver lining of living in the US is that we are in fact a blank slate we don't have bullshit cultural ties for people to cling to like they do in the rest of the world Even Marx saw the potential in this nation He said himself that socialism and eventually communism is achievable on the US without Violence and I agree with him. I honestly belive that the US has the potential to be a beacon of progressiveism in a world that has shifted to the right at an alarming rate. We are the richest country in the world why are there homeless people, why do people have to pay for thier own medical care? We have rights in this nation that revolutionaries could only dream of in other countries (The 2nd Amendment being the most overlooked one in lefty circles) but instead we argue and heckle like some kind of fucked up elderly polycule when we could be winning elections and making positive change in our communities. I beg the greater Left to unify and centralize so we can finally excise the fascist ans neo nazi threat that looms over our country and the world


>the left
Not a real thing. Who should unite?


this is been already debated so many times…
effective, popular action its not a related to a messianic, all-fixing "unity" of leftist parties. its about which of those parties is tactically willing (and able) to plan and undertake the revolutionary process


>without Violence
absolutely unaware of your own countries history


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>I honestly belive that the US has the potential to be a beacon of progressiveism in a world


read lenin


The only left unity i tolerate is the unity in thought of stalin and lenin.
No revisionists allowed


Forgot where is the link other anon posted about the "financial crises" in the DSA in recent years, found this though:


Read settlers by j sakai but only the first half
The south will rise again but communist


you are living in 2017, these are the talking points and concerns of someone living in 2017.


One of the most important things for the left in the US is actually organize into unions and direct action, support the Palestine protests, fight against sinophobic hate and prevent the US from going into WW3. Both the Democratic party and the republican party are the same thing, and both want to fund Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan in their genocides and wars, while aging trade war into the world.
Idpol and other "reforms" are of little importance if we are all dead in nuclear war or ecological colapse.



>the wonderful silver lining of living in the US is that we are in fact a blank slate we don't have bullshit cultural ties for people to cling to

Lol, lmao even


crazy how no one has ever thought of this


Socialists and Communists working together is probably the implication which makes sense given how many Communist and socialist parties there are out there that are more or less the same ideologically, the hoxha-mao split, the sino-soviet split and even the trotsky-stalin split and it's subsequent purges are all functionally irrelevant to being a Communist today and even less so if you're not even living/organizing in the country where the dispute originated from


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Thinktank thread


Settlers sucks read Samir Amin


For a syndicalist you don't really embody the best aspects of our ideology.
>The Left Needs to Unite
The Left cannot, will not, and should not 'unite'. Left unity is a meme and everyone knows it, the only ones who still perpetuate this idea are Marxists that wish to maintain their dominance over the harbingers of true Socialism (Syndicalism) and those libertarians that have been tricked into believing the Marxist lies.
>communism is achievable on the US without Violence and I agree with him.
Untrue and inherently anti-syndicalist rhetoric, proletarian violence is a cornerstone of the syndicalist movement. The old and despotic society of the bourgeois must be cleansed away by blood, there is NO other way.
>we could be winning elections
Syndicalists do not desire to win elections or to participate in any way in the current system, this only serves to dilute our cause, turn the world back into the scourge of the bourgeois-socialist parliamentarians.
>I beg the greater Left to unify
I think it is enough if only the libertarian socialists unify, and then we can get to work building our cause back from the disastrous Leninist mismanagement


Settlers is reactionary FBI shit


More liek think tankie thread amirite


>if the Left wants to become an effective political action block in the United States
Okay but I'm not American


Americans tend to think everyone online is American for some reason, not sure why.


True. And I'll keep challenging them on this every time I see it, even if it achieves nothing.


You will be much closer to adulthood when you realize that not everyone is talking for your benefit, and that your personal benefit isn't something that socialists are bound to obey.
Isn't it correct to kys for thinking that there aren't burgers who need to get something together?


shut up, fucking mexicunt


>the left
Malthusian libtards (anarchs) and socdems are a poison to the struggle. Because of them, the average worker believes Marxism is a degrowth philosophy where the goal is to steal everyone's money to give out 1:1 equally and we all live in dirt huts waiting for our bread ticket we earn from our 80 hour a week shifts in the factory. Nobody can own a car, we all live in cramped commie blocks and ect ect ect. These people are poison and have to be shut up. I don't even agree with the term "the left" because it tells you nothing.

M-Ls have a clear historical background and backbone of extensive theory. They need to be the ones leading the charge, not the dyed hair flag burners who's only goal is to make as many people hate them as possible.


>Nobody can own a car
There should not be any private property if its possible in the DotP. If is impossible to make the people give up on their cars though, maybe some concessions will need to be made. All depends on the material conditions.
>and we all live in dirt huts
There is no such things as a "dirt hut", better than nothing, in communist countries all over the world, homelessness was abolished, even though the pety bourgeoisie and middle class called those free apartment "dirt huts". Not that those adjectives matter anyway.
>waiting for our bread ticket we earn from our 80 hour a week shifts in the factory.
There is no such thing as a bread ticket. Just as there is no such thing as a "80 hour week" in the soviet union. That would mean people would need to work 13+ hours for six days a week. But, officially, in the soviet union the average was only half of 80 hours. It was 40 hours per weak, consisting of five 7-hour days and a 6-hour saturday. With union permission administration had rights to extend working day till 10 hours, but it were much limitation and strong control.
> we all live in cramped commie blocks
The same thing as in capitalism, instead we pay for extremely high rent and most people are in the streets. Complaining about the "commie blocks" is silly petit bourgeoisie behavior.


> if the Left wants to become an effective political action block in the United States and bring about the Socialist and progressive change we wish to see in this country we must abandon these granular "points of privilege" and oppression Olympics along with the curse of idpol
bud what fucking site do you think you're on? you're preaching to the choir here


The point that seems to have sailed over your head is that anarchists want Malthusianism neo-capitalism and are enemies to communism as a movement


The ""left"" achieved many things and will achieve many more in the future. The ""left"" is not "weak". Of course there were failures, and the left is its own most hard critique, but there is not so many "groups" that can be blamed for it, no scapegoats that will resolve what happened in the past. We just need to move on, keep the heads high, and keep on trying. The "left" doesn't need to prove itself again, and finding excuses or scapegoats for the errors of the past will not change anything.

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