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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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You should call yourself a communist, not a "leftist" or a "socialist".
Source? Literally from the manifesto.


Say to the workers that you are a communist, marxist, leninist instead of just "left".
Lets see how much respect you will gain from the people around you.


actually, i have a meme prepared EXACTLY to this situation of nomenclature drama and sectarism cope. Capitalism is the political instance that fights for the interests of capital. Socialism is the political instance that fights for the interests of the people.



>the people
contrary to aristocrats and citizens when slavery was the norm, the bourgeois and petit-bourgeois have included themselves into this ambiguous "the people" in the name of "democracy"


Can't believe you're still harping on this and still haven't realized that getting mad every time people call themselves leftist is a problem between you and your autism, nobody elses.
Grow up.


Who are you talking to?


>Baby leftists and needing to be told what to say and think
Name a more iconic duo


I'm just saying; If you don't like it why come here here, to leftypol to whine about it?
Maybe twitter will be more responsive to your nonsense, idk.


>people need to be educated before they can be agitated and organized
no shit


I concur with staying on xitter being more appropriate for OP


>You should use some superfluous word that was used as a brand in the 1880 because marx said they (in the 1800) should do so for clarity
Maybe you should take the core idea of that text, apply it to your specific current situation, consider the other tactical considerations, and then make an argument.
Hard mode: Conditions the world over are not universal, you cannot call yourself a communist in much of eastern europe without being arrested, it might be tactical not to use that label, but i am not polish, ukrainian, estonian, etc, and neither are you.


>my term as a brand > your term as a brand


Maybe substance is more important than the label.


>my term as a brand > your term as a brand
The core of marxism is applying the lessons of the past to your specific local situation.

But more importantly, its literally a label used to market and differentiate yourself positively.

Not getting arrested needlessly and not turning away the proletariat before they even speak with you is also important.


>Not getting arrested needlessly and not turning away the proletariat before they even speak with you is also important.
Uhh i speak with them because i am one and speaking is neccesary for our operations….


>Uhh i speak with them because i am one and speaking is neccesary for our operations….
Its much easer to speak to people if you don't explicitly label yourself in advance, or use (in my culture) more neutral, academic sounding lables like "marxist", which all comes down to the same thing.

The largest substantive marxist party in my necks of the woods is the PVDA in belgium, which internally is hardline ML with a two-tier cadre membership, but to the outside it does not call itself communist. Your local conditions may be different. A label is just a tactical consideration that plays into the local connotations. Russian communists obviously would call themselves communist, polish obviously wont, even if they follow the same general programme.

This board is a fucking joke of unread unorganised people and retards replying to things that were never said, such as you, you think i said you don't speak to people. I never said that. I said that when you call yourself communist 30% of the working class, if not more, where I live, will automatically dismiss you, call you evil, and get into screaming matches with you. With a label such as marxist-socialist or something like that, much less. This makes organising on the ground much easier.


I will call myself whatever is useful in any specific situation


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But I prefer to call myself a Racially-Cosmic-Nationalist-Left-Stirnerian-Anarcho-Marxist-Lenninist-Communist and confuse everyone


To the average worker, communism means when gulags and trans people exist. I just call myself 'pro-freedom' when I talk about abolishing wage labor and commodity production and it gets the point across.


The worker dont want bull and a lot of talk that gives no bread and meat. If possible, keep it as simple as it can be.


>The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions
Communist is for big dick chads afraid of nothing
Marxist is for big brained philosophers
Marxian is for economists
Leftist/socialist is for starbucks-drinking westernoids scared of Russian man bad and probably closet reformists



I'm not in the closet. I get out the closet, then I get back in, then I jump out again. Wee, the room's spinning.



i wish there was a way to instantly understand the context when someone speaks and not have to give a name for everything. There are not two people on earth that think of the same thing when they mention something more complex than an object.
>To the average worker
Not average and not worker. Not everyone is a burger.

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