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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Thread for news, discussions and study of the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic.

Pridnestrovie, officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, is a partially recognized state in Europe, it is bordered by Moldova and Ukraine. Its capital and largest city is Tiraspol.

Despite its Soviet-era aesthetics including the usage of the flag of the Moldavian SSR, it is not a socialist state, however, it does have a communist party - the Pridnestrovian Communist Party ( https://kp-pmr.ru/ ).


Over the last few years, Pridnestrovie has been gaining popularity among YouTube travel channels who have taken a liking towards its Soviet-era aesthetic.


>psuedoromanian shithole realized soviet power in the 21st century
frunze approves


May they soon gain independence from their moldovan oppressors.


To add: a lot of these retarded youtubers try to paint it as being isolated and unaffected by liberalism (liberal democracy) and as living in the past when ironically it is no different from Ukraine or Russia. Just 23 seconds into this video you can see an advertisement for credit from a bank (on the bus stop), 50 seconds in - a Mercedes van, 2 minutes and 13 seconds in - а pawnshop (Золото means Gold) and so on…
Its very easy to lie and make gaping facial expressions for thumbnails and to only film selective parts of the country.

In the country's Supreme Council, the largest party - Republican Party "Renewal" has openly regarded itself as liberal as seen from their website on the "ideology" page:
<Formation of a market system with a high degree of self-regulation, combined with an effective mechanism of state management, ensuring sustainable economic growth and increasing the well-being of each individual.


Careful. You might be called a fed doing the bothsidesism


>Formation of a market system with a high degree of self-regulation, combined with an effective mechanism of state management, ensuring sustainable economic growth and increasing the well-being of each individual.
Why can't anons here admit that Dengism is the highest stage of actual Marxism-Leninism (Bukharinism)?


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I'm showing it from the horse's mouth (the party website itself), because wikipedia cannot be trusted. The fucking links on the wikipedia page for the Surpreme Council don't even work anymore (won't load on archive either) and more than half the accounts who make the edits look like this (picrel).


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was curious if they by some miracle had lax drug laws, turns out they're party poopers like the rest of the 'democratic' world
maybe shouldin't have been so surprised when they're mostly orthodox christcucks and the nations that tend to decriminalize, legalize or punish less for stuff like weed tend to be mostly irreligious


This hits the final nail on the coffin for Transnistria's revisionism.


>aesthetics equals ideology

Literally 13 year old tier analysis


sir this is leftypol, you can't post here if you're above 13


Whom are you quoting?


Drugs are bad.


Depending on the context they can save your life, mountaineers NEED meth if they're scaling something like K2 or Everest


ok Regan


>legalize selected drugs and strictly regulate potency
>anyone caught in possession outside official state social clubs gets +-week in a work camp
t. enjoyer


the "news" on their front page is 4 years old..


from the wikipedia page on the current president:

>He considers the October Socialist Revolution of 1917 as a "catastrophe" and refers to the Bolsheviks as "traitors" and "usurpers."[30] He also was one of the main supporters for the establishment of the first museum in Transnistria dedicated to the victims of political repression,[31] and he has stated he views the policy of decossackization as "genocide based on class criteria."[32] He adheres to the opinion that in Transnistria, the Holodomor was organized by the communists in power at the time in the region,[33] and supported and instructed to explore the installation of a monument in Bender dedicated to the victims of Soviet repression.[34] He also spoke positively about one of the leaders of the White Movement, Mikhail Drozdovsky,[35] the Monarchist general who led the Iași–Don March.

<Krasnoselsky has proposed raising statues of notable Imperial Russian leaders such as Emperor Alexander III, Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov and Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin.[36] He actively involves himself in changing the tourist image of Transnistria. He believes that Transnistria should be associated not as a "fragment of the USSR" and Soviet monuments but with positive images. For example, a monument of Vladimir Lenin was dismantled in the of Bender Fortress as part of this initiative.[37]
>He has stated that he is a constitutional monarchist,[38] going as far as to say the following during a presidential campaign:
< I am a monarchist by nature. From my youth I had strictly built monarchical views. I am a supporter of monarchism, limited constitutional monarchism, and take the experience of the Russian Empire as a basis.[39]
>While still being the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vadim Krasnoselsky initiated the installation of banners featuring the image of the imperial family with the words: "Forgive us, sovereign, for our lost children."[40] He initiated the construction of a chapel in honor of the imperial family of Nicholas II[41] in Bender and a chapel on the site of the former Intercession Church in Tiraspol which was demolished in the Soviet era.[42] He also sharply criticized the religious policy of the USSR.[43]
<On February 13, 2021, at the Cossack Circle, the president confirmed that even now he continues to commemorate important Imperial historical events and personalities in this way.[44] More generally, Krasnoselsky is implementing a policy of returning the pre-revolutionary flags and emblems to Transnistrian cities. He stated that he considers Soviet symbolism to be "Irrelevant".[45]
>In 2017, at the initiative of Vadim Krasnoselsky, the annual celebration of the regimental holiday of the 55th Podolsky Infantry Regiment of the Russian Imperial Army was revived in Bender on August 29. Traditionally, the events begin at the military memorial complex near the Church of the Unfading Savior, with the laying of flowers at the reverential cross and the rendition of the anthem "God Save the Tsar!" Following this, the participants proceeded in a procession to the monument of Russian glory, where a military parade took place. Subsequent thematic events occurred within the territory of Bender Fortress and at the Alexander Nevsky Church.[46]


what the fuck are you yapping about no one in moldova is scaling a mountain



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