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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Modern day Rosie the Riveter
>be critical thinker
>apply for job(s)
>subsequently served ads starring this character
>realization occurs
What do you think? Will this campaign work as intended?


he's a larper


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everything the media says about north korean "guided tours" is true of the tv show "Dirty Jobs"
t. used to be autistically obsessed with manufacturing processes


mike rowe is a waifufag


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My my, Ms. Anime Oppai
Used my wi-fi to browse waifus
till my balls were both dry
the good old boys
were jackin off to hentai
singin "I'll be doing this till I die"
"I'll be doing this till I die"


this is why conservative men over thirty whom preach about morals and have families are a red flag.

If they advocate for organizations with the F word (Family), theyre a traffic light


Literally who


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