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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1745177[Last 50 Posts]

Hop aboard the datamining-victim train and post your results, retards





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Give it to me straight doc


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am i a nazbol


>political psychology test
>political personality test
>political compass


Political phrenology test




CG on being well adjusted person, unlike other posters.

Its fun, nobody takes it too seriously.


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le epic


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I feel like I'm basically a confucian that respects women.


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There were some questions where my answer is dependent on whether we're talking about a specifically socialist society or society in general.


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I shape my morality according to Chinese Communist moral education.


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>getting that much in-group, purity, or authority

guys that's fucked


decent results but learn to screenshot jesus christ


The test is basically to see who is a drug addled lumpen.
China includes an analysis of the legalization of marijuana among the crimes listed in the Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022, under Section IV: Worsening Subsistence Crisis among U.S. Underclass.
<The U.S. government actively promotes the legalization of marijuana regardless of people's health. Marijuana is a controlled narcotic drug by the UN International Drug Control Conventions. In the 1970s, the United States promulgated the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which classified marijuana as a federally controlled substance. The federal and state governments of the United States have failed to regulate drugs and substance abuse and even pushed for the legalization of marijuana under the influence of lobbyists groups, resulting in more and more young people becoming victims. In their book Can Legal Weed Win? The Blunt Realities of Cannabis Economics published in 2022, Robin Goldstein and Daniel Sumner, researchers with the University of California, Davis, underlined that one of the pipe dreams behind the legalization push is the intention to make legal cannabis a new cash cow for the government through tax. Marijuana sales in the United States have exceeded 30 billion dollars so far, and the U.S. marijuana market is expected to reach 65 billion dollars by 2030. According to the data released by Open Secrets, from 2018 to 2021, some marijuana and products-related enterprises and trade associations in the United States spent more than 16.6 million dollars on political lobbying, with an average annual expenditure of about 10 times that of 2016; In the first three quarters of 2022, more than 5.6 million dollars were spent on marijuana lobbying. Enterprises and organizations profiting from marijuana trade money for power, and form interest groups with politicians, thereby letting drugs and substance abuse going unchecked, a striking demonstration of Washington's failure in social governance.
<Drugs and substance abuse endanger life and health. According to a survey released by U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 59.3 million Americans over 12 years of age abused drugs in 2020, of which 49.6 million smoked marijuana. According to public information on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 40 percent of American high school students use marijuana for a long time. According to a report released by the U.S. National Institutes of Health in August 2022, 43 percent of young Americans have smoked marijuana in a year, 8 percent have used hallucinogens, and 11 percent have smoked marijuana every day, the highest level in record. According to a study released by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Studies on August 4, 2022, the number of Americans dying from drugs and drug abuse has increased dramatically in recent years, by more than 100,000 per year. More than 107,000 cases involving deaths from drug overdose occurred in the 12-month period ending in August 2022, according to data from the U.S. CDC. Marta Sokolowska, the Deputy Center Director for Substance Use and Behavioral Health in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, pointed out that drug abuse has become one of the most devastating public health crises in the United States.


Pro war on drugs 'communist'? You right wingers just get more and more clown tier.







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Well, that was a waste of time.


Starting to think a lot of people here aren't really leftoes


you're mentally deficient if you think that test means anything at all


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Drugs = left wing 👍


i dont want people fucking in the middle of the streets sowwy


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I have fetishes, so




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<China includes an analysis of the legalization of marijuana among the crimes listed in the Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022, under Section IV: Worsening Subsistence Crisis among U.S. Underclass.
Well China needs to get over here with a crane to lift my Multiple Sclerosis,Epileptic,Rheumatoid Arthritis, & Osteoporosis(to name a few) laden ass out of my wheelchair to kiss it, because the Cannabis I'm prescribed is the one of the only things going… I'll say it again the only thing cannabis kills is porky & cancer cells(in lab environment yes I know…)


>one of the only things (keeping me)* going…


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Anyone remember that one left-wing quiz that didn't use axes but instead sorted you into progressively narrower ideologies based on your answers? The questions functioned more like a flowchart than the usual +/- score that a lot of these use. Can't remember the name.



That's it! Thanks anon.


Boo, boring


e621 tabs noticed


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god I fucking love webshit


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ah a fellow man of culture


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progressivebro… I kneel


Rand is that you?


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leftypol sisters, I'm feeling good…


pretty rainbow

we need to get your conservative value scores down though, those are rookie numbers


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who /pure/ here?


Zam Zaniel!


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Weird tree.


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purechads stay winning


Wait, where's Trotsky on this thing?


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The questions presuppose capitalism as a horizon, therefore it is not possible to answer them from a communist standpoint.


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>people with low equality score ITT
What are we even doing here?


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Kinda hilarious the closest post in this thread to mine is OP lol



Better a liberal than a fascist


Get on my level


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this analysis is dogshit


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Ayyyy ideology bros


why? it is dialectical marxist analysis.


>it is diawecticaw mawxist anyawysis




>and Reddit, to boot
>stretching indefinitely on either side of this thread and the test
I gotta say, comrade, these tabs paint a grim picture of your browsing habits.


Fair, I'm bad at keeping my tabs organised and low number


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you busted a fat nut & immediately dropped in on this thread and started to take the test, but got sidetracked by plebbit.


I know it's just a silly online test, but any "leftists" in this thread who score low on fairness are definitely lying, especially when you consider the nature of what the fairness questions are asking.


nah they're not in chronological order, I have some comics and pics and stuff on e6 that I wanna go back to, and I try to use leftypol on any tabs I don't need anymore then close them so the reddit tabs are older

There's nobody on this thread who scored under like 80 fairness though except for this person who is clearly a right-libertarian spy >>1746195



>Not making shit up in datamining threads.


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everyone who scores 20 or above in liberty is either a literal an-cap or a drug addict


Did you know you can support legalisation without even using drugs? Ask your doctor about how!


You can support slavery without owning slaves as well. This is not an analogy.


>>1751697 me
>This is not an analogy.
What I mean by this is that I am not being metaphorical when I say this; I am speaking literally.

Supporting the legalization of drugs = supporting the bourgeoisie's efforts to retard the intellectual capabilities of the proletariat = supporting wage slavery

You do not have to own wage slaves to support wage slavery, nor do you have to be a drug addict to support drug addiction, as proven above.


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I would consider myself a left-wing natsoc fwiw


If drugs are so bad for the leftist movement then why has the bourg fought to keep them illegal for 100+ years?


So they can sell them in the ghettos to fund regime change in Latin America


That didn't happen until like the 80s


Still one of the reasons why there's not gonna be total legalization of drugs under capitalism, though. CIA black budget has to get funded somehow. Otherwise, there's just the usual reasons why the capitalists wouldn't do it. It would cut into worker productivity, promote instability, etc


>Liberty is a bourgeois value.
Never met a prole.


>It would cut into worker productivity, promote instability, etc

Yeah which is based and why we should support it, it would also make the police and justice system lose money as well as any feds involved in it


Arguementum ad populum. Most proles are liberals. Most people are drones, etc.


possession and use of "hard drugs" should be decriminalized and treated as a public health issue, while manufacture and distribution should continue to be prosecuted


What about?


<centrist marxism gangganggang


First question:
>1. It is morally wrong


>centrist marxism
Oh, you mean like Stalin? Sounds like you are talking about being a Stalinist.


am i a radlib?


no you're not lib enough, compare to my superior results >>1745369


Stereotypical so.


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If you have to ask




Yes and? That's not the point, I'm not talking about who's right, I'm talking about labeling shit as bourgeois just because you don't like it. Proles have loads of shitty values. I know, I am one.


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Rate my stats


too much purity, not enough care


Ultra high purity, otherwise oki


I was surprised by my 'purity' results. But some questions are hard because my answers depend on the mode of production we're in. The test reeks of capitalist realism.
Anyway, I'm bothered by some people's low authority results. Do they not want to execute fascists, because of the freezepeach meme? I'm against punitive justice for petty and victimless crimes, but if it comes to political crimes, there shall be no excuses for the terror! Dirty radlibs.


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I should specify 'extremely' low authority results.

No surprises on the anarchists. The ones that preach the loudest about supposed anti-fascism have historically the lowest fascist kill count, compared to more "authoritarian" communist ideologies. Keep this in mind, whenever some radlib anarchist calls you a "redfash" or tankie.


>my answers depend on the mode of production we're in
Yeah that's a major issue. I did it pretty random
>radlib anarchist calls you a "redfash" or tankie.
using "redfash" is a sure sign of galloping liberalism


The dialectical materialist understands that all things are relative and answers accordingly. We must have mass retesting by thus maxim to more accurately gauge leftypol values.

Example: drug legalization makes sense in prehistorical society, but no sense under capitalism.


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just because killing fascists in self defence is justified doesn't mean we should go all murderhobo after socialism is actually established


It says right here in the good book
"We shall make no excuses for the terror"
Seems pretty straight-forward


nice thought terminating cliche but I doubt Marx would approve of the death cult that tankie-ism has become


Libcuck. You will be on the pile like the rest.
Pacifism is idealism!


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>death cult tankie-ism
Actual fascist death cults have murdered hundreds in the imperial in the past years. Not even counting the periphery or Cuckraine.
"Tankies" have killed zero people.
If anything, we need to step up our game immediately.
For example, the only mistake by the German RAF is that they didn't assassinate enough people.


You worship atrocities though. The other poster already said I should be killed just for not agreeing with you, you would have to kill like 90% of people


You cannot be a serious leftist and disagree with this statement.


oh please bruv


I will kill people who pose a threat to me before they do and you cannot stop me.


Cybernetic Socialism with Paternalism and Anti-Degenerate-Action


You'll never be in charge of anything so I'm not real worried


>drug legalization makes sense in prehistorical society
How can legalizing stuff makes sense in a time when there is no law?


*free consumption* then.
legalized: the state of not being illegal. There is no law, so drugs are legalized


>high in-group score
Hello, /pol/yp


You can't be leftwing and value purity just FYI.


>You can't be leftist if you have this fetish
This is how you sound


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Guess my ideology bitches


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Wait I know this one. It's something really stupid, can't remember the name now.


are you a fascist?


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here here!


If you define "in group" as proletariat then it's fine.


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>doesn't mean we should go all murderhobo after socialism is actually established
Study the Commune. If you don't, the former power structure reorganize and come for you.
Every revolution have to be followed by a period of political medicine like after the French revolution.


Here's mine.


Zam zaniel! your last two scores are too low!


Say no to data mining!


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Why do you cocksuckahs have such high authority




for the reddit by the reddit


Don't be a drug addict. 75 authority is optimal. Understand the necessity of law


>21 care

What in the goddamn…


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Opinion based questionnaires are garbage. Nonetheless, enjoy this wall of text. (sorry for crap formatting)
1. It is morally wrong to mistreat one's own body or live unhealthily. >[Strongly Agree] Your body is sacred, Treat it well. It's also a matter of state security if unhealthy lifestyles prevail.
2. Men and women should have equal access to the same opportunities. >[Strongly Agree] Women complement men and vice versa.
3. It is not acceptable to negotiate with terrorists, even when hundreds of lives are at stake. >[Slightly Disagree] One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter + what if I'm guilty + I'm strong if I can take a hit.
4. It is important for societies to preserve pride in their traditions and heritage. >[Strongly Agree] Sakaism is a mental disorder (and CIA spook)
5. It is wrong to treat someone differently based on their race, ethnicity, or caste.>[Strongly Agree] /myguy/ is one who has my mentality, not immutable physical traits.
6. All people should have a right to reproduce, even those with serious inheritable diseases.>[Strongly Agree] Even retards should have a chance at happiness + Incentive for scientific research to fix retardation.
7. It is important for professional environments to uphold formality and diplomatic etiquette.>[Agree] You need discipline but you shouldn't be robots.
8. People should always strive to reciprocate any favor done for them later on, even when doing so is not expected. >[Strongly Agree] You need this for communism.
9. It is shameful to purchase something purely based on its luxury status or trendiness.>[Slightly Agree] I hate posers but there is nothing wrong with having good things.
10. Groups of people need hierarchy and established leaders to function cohesively. >[Slightly Agree] Not hierarchies, but you need good leaders and visionaries to give social direction and optimism.
11. Sexual activity outside of monogamous romantic relationships should be heavily discouraged. >[Strongly Agree] Heterosexual Monogamous Marriage is objectively good and should be promoted. (if you disagree with me, I will feed you to Stalin)
12. It is important for families to stick together and uphold unity, even when its members do not get along.
>[Strongly Agree] Divorce is objectively bad and if you disagree with me I will feed you to Stalin (although I make exceptions for violent/addict/degen/disloyal spouse but these are social ills that can be fixed)
13. A society rife with divinity (belief in religion and/or spirituality) is preferable to an atheistic one.
>[Agree] You do not need to be a Theist to be moral, but eventually people become spiritually needy and you need some kind of belief in "the beyond of material" to have social optimism. (I'm a materialist btw)
14. When raising a child, it would be preferable for them to end up kind and lowly, than successful but cold-hearted.
>[Strongly Agree] I rather have a good person than a psychopath (speaking as a ruler of said country)
15. It is never justifiable to invade and militarily occupy another country that has not harmed or threatened another.
>[Slightly Disagree] Generally yes, but I'm a tankie so I have to make some exceptions. Cough 1956, 1968, 1979 Cough
16. Providing negative feedback to peers should typically be done sparingly and politely, to not offend with bluntness.
>[Strongly Agree] You should be interested in helping people that make mistakes.
17. Certain punishments are so cruel and violent, that even the most evil and dangerous individuals do not deserve them.
>[Agree] Im against torture, but swift and painless death penalty (bullet to the head) is necessary for a lot of crimes.
18. Society should encourage children to be fully obedient to their parents and defer to their decisions until they reach maturity.
>[Slightly Agree] There should be a healthy dynamic between parents and children (no respekt mah authoritah nonsense because parents can be wrong too)
19. There is no end goal noble enough, and no circumstance desperate enough to ever justify directly sacrificing the lives of unwilling innocents.
>[Agree] Inaction can lead to more deaths but in general yes, don't hurt people you are trying to help.
20. Responsible citizens who are not members of the military or police force should have legal access to basic firearms for self-defense.
21. Those who have earned large amounts of wealth should be obligated to provide some of it towards public welfare and/or less fortunate members of their society.
>[Strongly Agree] Unrealistic in capitalism but they can provide it by voluntarily nationalizing their businesses and managing them.
22. Pursuing the goal of raising a family, and a career that helps achieve this goal is more noble than pursuing a child-free life path.
>[Strongly Agree] Voluntary submission to child-free ideology is WEF Satanism
23. Citizens should never be denied the right to nonviolently assemble and protest in public spaces, even when it is likely to progress into rioting.
>[Slightly Agree] People have rights but most protests get hijacked by feds or the worst of dissidents
24. Ensuring wrongdoers experience discipline through retributive punishment is an essential component of justice and ensuring the proper functioning of society
>[Agree] But I also believe in rehabilitative justice for reversible crimes.
25. Protecting the public’s right to privacy from surveillance and espionage should be a greater priority than using said tools to catch terrorists or criminals.
>[Strongly Agree] It doesn't even work. Mass surveillance's whole point is to spy on the public not stop terrorists. If govt was serious about stopping bad guys they would never abuse their spy powers.
26. Although taste in art, architecture, and style is technically subjective: it is important that a society tries to uphold certain standards of beauty and sophistication.
>[Strongly Agree] Objective Beauty is real and something to promote.
27. It is preferable for society to promote that people work through their mental health problems by talking about them openly, rather than by trying to hide and ignore them.
>[Strongly Agree] Repressing mental issues leads to more schizos and psychos.
28. It is important for countries to pursue a level of economic and military self-sufficiency to avoid dependency on others, even if it results in a lower standard of living.
>[Strongly Agree] I rather be North Korea than be under the boot of NATO.
29. It is a sign of a deeply flawed society when someone can inherit a large sum of wealth or power without having to work for it themselves, while others inherit little to nothing.
>[Strongly Agree] Not against average person inheritance. Very against inheritance of porkies and elites.
30. All citizens charged with a crime, no matter how obviously guilty or problematic they are, should have the right to an impartial trial, fair representation, and due process.
>[Agree] But sometimes you just wanna purge the bastard.
31. When a friend instigates a conflict with someone else, it is more important to support whoever is morally in the right than it is to support whoever you are personally closer to.
>[Strongly Agree] Unless the other party is ontological evil, get better friends.
32. The primary goal of governments should be to prioritize the interests of their nation and those who currently live in it, rather than pursue the wellbeing of humanity at large.
>[Agree] Dialectic Relationship. But You need strong people to help weak people to become strong.
33. A society works best when most of its members share similar values, beliefs, social norms, and mannerisms, with newcomers being expected to assimilate/adopt these values before joining.
>[Strongly Agree] You kinda want this in communism.
34. If an external threat ever attempts to exploit one's homeland and its people, every citizen should be willing to stay behind and sacrifice their life to defend it if called upon.
>[Agree] You should do all in your power to protect others, but I make exceptions for conscientious objectors etc. since I don't want to force people to break their conscience.
35. Some people, on the basis of their talent, risk-taking, hard work, and/or contributions, are more deserving of wealth than others.
>[Slightly Disagree] From each according to his ability, to each according to his work. But sometimes people get lucky.
36. If one enjoys the quality of life and culture provided by their nation in its current state, they should feel obliged to celebrate and advocate for actions that increase its external influence on the regional and/or world stage.
>[Slightly Agree] If it works, why not? But don't be pushy.
37. Certain inanimate objects should be treated as sacred: immoral to disrespect them even when no property damage is done and nobody is around to witness it (Ex: Doing comedic poses in front of a war memorial).
>[Agree] There is nothing sacred in inanimate objects (they are just objects), but it reveals the inner thoughts of the person if they desecrate them.
38. An individual who is well-intended but could be considered a social misfit, weak/timid, and dull-witted, should be given the same courtesy and respect as their peers rather than treated as a burden by society.
>[Strongly Agree] Be nice to the gray cloud. But wear protection just in case.
39. Mentally sound adults should have the absolute right to do what they want to their own bodies, even when it may be detrimental to public health. (This includes both using hard drugs recreationally, as well as refusing vaccination).
>[Slightly Agree] Against drugs, but people should have a right to reject forced medical procedures.
40. During peacetime, the government should be prohibited from seizing the personal property of a law-abiding citizen (such as a family home) for state planning (such as trying to construct a public railway) without their consent, even if dues are paid in compensation.
>[Slightly Disagree] I am against eminent domain on personal property (even under socialism). Build the railway with people's houses in mind.
41. Democracy, where leadership is determined by public election in which every citizen has a right to vote, is universally preferable to any method of state governance where leadership is appointed from the top down instead
>[Slightly Disagree] Sometimes you need a good Caesar to fix things.
42. It is distasteful for a citizen to publicly question the technical knowledge of scientists, the bravery of veterans, or the work ethic of manual laborers without themselves having achieved similar feats.
>[Slightly Disagree] I do not like elitism in academia. Raise the education level of the population and this stops being a problem.
43. If the current governing system has proven itself to be competent at ensuring the wellbeing of its citizens: all of its laws should be followed to preserve social stability, including ones that seem arbitrary or that one might disagree with.
>[Slightly Disagree] Stupid rules should not be followed.
44. Certain activities are so disgusting that they are deeply immoral even if completely consensual, physically harmless, and done privately
(Ex: Incest between two consenting adult twin siblings, both of whom are using proper protection)
>[Slightly Agree] I don't care about incest (literally doesn't happen because of Westermarck Effect), but I don't want too much promiscuity in society. I also do not want to punish homos, immoral yes, illegal no)
45. Society is at its most admirable when businesses, schools, and public institutions follow a culture of perfectionism: prioritizing the enforcement of deadlines, punctuality, quality control, and commitment to long-term planning over more flexible or lax systems.
>[Agree] Again, you need discipline but don't be robots.
46. It is unethical for the government to place restrictions on what ideologies, beliefs, and opinions can and cannot be expressed within social media and academia, no matter how dangerous they might be considered.
(Think of the worst, most destructive ideology you can imagine, then decide if you would have it censored).
>[Slighty Agree] I see the danger if your population is stupid, but the answer to bad speech is more good speech.
47. It should be considered socially unacceptable for respected, high-status authority figures (such as a publicly renown general, or great scientist) to demand preferential treatment from civil society (such as skipping queues at a hotel).
>[Agree] Some privileges are good, but they should not come at the expense of everyone else.
48. It is preferable for the public to be aware of a hard truth concerning them and have it result in outrage/instability than it is for them to be kept under blissful ignorance.
>[Slightly Disagree] I would ease them in, sometimes too much guilt-tripping will make you look like Gorbachev.



Ngl it is actually fun to watch someone respond to each question individually and see their justifcation rather than just upload their results. Appreciate you taking the time to do that


My pleasure, friend


Who cares. They know everything about you already anyway and you aren't important to begin with


Your authority is way too low. Also, you should only ever strongly disagree, strongly agree, or be neutral. You should have unshakable conviction in the validity of your opinions


Liberals would score low on top two. Top two indicate if you are leftist or not. Third row is indicator for anarkiddies/tankies. Bottom three are something only reactionaries care about.


Why are bottom three reactionary monopoly? North Korea would score pretty high on them.


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Just like any other liberal political test, it's retarded. But the results are nice.


Anti-weed people are so cringe.




i am the perfect communist, according to this test, and my own opinion


stoners are cringe, worth banning it to get rid of the smug asswipes


>socialism with drug war characteristics


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This thread just shows most people on this forum aren't even leftists and are just conservatives who happen to think poor people shouldn't starve to death


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Correct. Now if you embrace the free market, even fewer people will starve to death.


Are you just some ant, or a stone tumbling down a hill? Do you not make any judgements in your life? Do you just breathe in and out and go with the flow? Are you really so passive and braindead?


He probably grew up religious and is going through his daddy issues stage


That's the Buddha you're talking to, o prisoner of samsara.


This was the dumbest political test I've ever taken. Most of the questions were just vague liberal bullshit.

LOL how did you manage to get that result?


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So my buddy took that IDRlabs "Murderous Villain Test" and got Hitler.


I decided to take it, and…


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>Closest Match: Centrist Marxism
>Centrist Marxism is a form of Marxism that adopts Marxist views on society and the economy while also refraining from taking a definitive position on revolution and reformism. Many Centrist Marxists may also be more nationalistic than other Marxists.
Lol lmao even. They only put this fake position on there because the anarkiddies don't want people becoming MLs. What's with all the weird vegan stuff? What does funding research for bourgie fake meat have to do with socialism?


Scientific anarchism, as in oposition with "utopian" anarchism of the past, will lead the 2525 International. We need to kick out the utopian anarchists before is too late bros…


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Because todays popular anarchism, as idpolism, is purely idealistic virtue-consoomerism ideology?


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Same, so true bestie.


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I took psychic damage to self respect for doing this.
At least I got the big man, not sure who exactly he was supposed to have murdered though


>no one gets lenin except for me


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oops forgot to attach




I can't help if I'm a goody good-boy.


Well damn, three Middle Eastern dictators. Nice.


Mr. Hussein was not a dictator.


i like you guys

don't come to the twin towers tomorrow


Man I can understand that our intervention was shit, but I saw the video of him purging the Ba'athists. My dude was a dictator. Should America have gotten involved? No, of course not. But if we were to overthrow Pinochet after propping him up, that doesn't make Pinochet any less a dictator.


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I take back what I said earlier in the thread; *this* is the dumbest political test.


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rate my stats


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What an idealistic and sensitive man! Look at him he is definitly not a nazi sociopath that is burning in hell right now! So warm hearted! So

"The prosecution's case against Hess was presented by Mervyn Griffith-Jones beginning on 7 February 1946. By quoting from Hess's speeches, he attempted to demonstrate that Hess had been aware of and agreed with Hitler's plans to conduct a war of aggression in violation of international law. He declared that as Hess had signed important governmental decrees, including the decree requiring mandatory military service, the Nuremberg racial laws, and a decree incorporating the conquered Polish territories into the Reich, he must share responsibility for the acts of the regime. He pointed out that the timing of Hess's trip to Scotland, only six weeks before the German invasion of the Soviet Union, could only be viewed as an attempt by Hess to keep the British out of the war. Hess resumed showing symptoms of amnesia at the end of February, partway through the prosecution's case.[140]

The court deliberated for nearly two months before passing judgement on 30 September, with the defendants being individually sentenced on 1 October. Hess was found guilty on two counts: crimes against peace (planning and preparing a war of aggression), and conspiracy with other German leaders to commit crimes. He was found not guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. He was given a life sentence, one of seven Nazis to receive prison sentences at the trial.


not bad, I'm happy with this result


>Full warm hearted, goody boy
>I get literally mussolini
this website is a joke, or is literally made by a nazi


I mean I'm pretty sure everyone getting an 'evil dictator' is the joke. Plus ᴉuᴉlossnW was pretty high energy and spontaneous.


yea, it is probably just a joke, but is cursed as hell


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Am anarchist for some context
Still very satisfied with this when compared to seeing the results of other anons


based, this test is based. I regret every acusation i made


Also coincidentally have had this song on my mind for weeks at like 0.75 the speed
Not sure if it had a subconscious effect or so


Dunno why people are shocked that a test literally called “Murderous Villains” lists a ton of Nazis as highlighted profiles. To be honest I’m more surprised Che is on there as a “murderous villain.”


i was surprised that the website chose ᴉuᴉlossnW and Rudolf Hess when people scored "Warm hearted". But then again, is inofensive, it doesn't live rent free in my head anymore


To be fair, I think there can be cast disconnects between a persons’ politics and their personality. Like Saddam’s love of writing romance novels, Hitler having almost universally positive relationships with Jews (I mean literal interpersonal relationships) and Stalin loving John Wayne movies apparently. In fact I’d go so far to say that “politics as personality” is something of a modern invention.

Now as for how you can say a murderous dictator is “warm hearted”, I guess we got to look at how they acted when not playing dictator. From what I understand ᴉuᴉlossnW was genuinely well liked by his former comrades in the Socialist Party. In an interview I read with him, he briefly paused the interview because some electricians came over, and the reporter said ᴉuᴉlossnW was extremely polite, just inviting the electricians in, paying them generously, chatting them up while they work.

Again, it sounds absurd when comparing the consequences of what some of these men did, but evil is weird like that. A guy could be a great father, an honest broker, he could give the shirt off his back to those in need, yet paradoxically also run a concentration camp. I believe it was Ezra Pound who bizarrely said Hitler was like a Saint.


Seems about right. There's good things about capitalism, but they need to be kept at arms length.


This one was kinda boring ima be real, like 5 questions only


read a book


omg we are twin(tower)s!! <33


>Scientific anarchism



This thread just proves everywhere on here is just a fascist who claims to be leftwing


Is there any rightoid/fascist version of this ideology store thing?


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>Mfw high fairness, purity and ingroup


>Everything is a dropdown and not radio buttons
I'd rather kms


Ideal candidate to lead Maoist self-criticism sessions that turn into baby boiling sessions and/or peer-pressure suicide cults.


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>>political psychology


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I'm the buddy in question


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Many questions had me half-agree, half-disagree, where it seemed pretty obvious that if I disagree, the test thinks I agree with the exact opposite.
Otherwise, it was a nice experience.

Unique IPs: 107

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