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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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How big of a problem is the Milton Friedman/Jack Welch philosophy of business management for capitalism? Was it an inevitable development of the crisis of profitability of the 1970s? The whole mentality of fire the engineers and put the cost cutting beancounters doing stock buybacks to make the line go up, is it simply a bad practice which can be undone or is it an inevitable result of attempts to create a counterveiling trend to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall?


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>or is it an inevitable result of attempts to create a counterveiling trend to the tendency of the rate of profit to fall?
It's this. So is outsourcing/undocumented labor/automation. Those are the main 4 counterveiling tendencies to TRPF. But they can only make line go up locally and short term. Globally and long term, line goes down.


the primary guy at Boeing who greenlit the 737 max was jim mcnerny. Mcnerny is almost hilariously the poster child of the 1980s rapacious neoliberal CEO. Harvard MBA, Mckinsey analyst, trained under notorious cost cutter Jack Welch at General Electric and then parachuted into an exec position at boeing. No undergraduate engineering or any kind of technical/science background. His undergrad was in American studies.


>American studies

I bet this is one of the people who complains about 'bullshit degrees' and so on lol


>how is finance capitalism a problem for capitalism
<Another reactionary trying to make the pre-capitalist workshop political economy great again
<In my leftypol


OP is asking fair questions, and the answer is that capitalism will always tend towards financialization like this. However, there is always a fundamental tension between high finance capital and actually productive capital. Finance can pump productive capital for wealth, but only up to a point. If you go too far you undermine the productive base. That's why the tendency (if they're being smart) is to put the squeeze on what are basically worker concessions like benefits and workplace safety. However, that is even more limited, so the incentive for finance is to keep squeezing and actually affect production. Depending on the balance of political power, that tendency will get corrected sooner or later. You might have a relatively stable balance or an oscillation like a pendulum swinging back and forth. This is one of the causes of recurrent crises in capitalism.

One of the most noticeable material differences in AES countries is that the "finance sector" equivalent is usually managed by the state, making them largely immune to these sorts of crises, since they operate according to managing production rather than maximizing profit for the finance sector.


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I'm actually really glad that this thread got created because I just started playing Portal 2 and I've always wanted a more in depth explanation or some kind of analysis of the economic decline of Aperture labs. I was 15 when the game came out so I didn't really understand what was going on other than Mr Johnson being a crazy bastard and blowing all his money away on everything.


also Cave specifically complains about bean counters which was the entire point of my post that I forgot to add.

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