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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Currently there's presidential debates in Mexico.

>In 2018 the left won the presidency

>The results it has had are great, a blooming economy, from the 15th biggest economy in terms of GDP to the 11th currently surpassing that of Russia
>Crime levels reduced by 20%
>Record foreign investment in the country

Sheinbaum represents continuity to this project, and even right wing media news admit, she's winning by a landslide, 63% electoral preference on average against 27% or so of the right wing candidate.

The future is shining brightly for us, I hope Mexican policies can be mimicked in other countries.


Yeh ok.


Any plans for SMO against Ecuador?


What about a smo against the cartels?



The policy regarding the Cartels is to attack the sources of the problem. Sadly cannot be solved with raw violence. The president's plan is to reduce the poverty by implementing social welfare programs. There's also programs to keep children and teenagers in school as well as programs to support the families of the poorer regions in the country.

The goal is to demotivate people from joining the Cartels. So far it seems to be working, because there's far less crime in some areas.


There is no plans of anything to happen with Ecuador as far as we know, there won't be any more diplomatic relations until the government in Ecuador apologizes or something, but an armed conflict is very unlikely, to be honest.


if bernie had been a Christian i think he would have been more popular. or maybe he would have been a jimmy carter. i read articles comparing AMLO to FDR.
Mexico got lucky, they got a soc dem president, a booming economy, and america is scared of china so they are moving manufacturing to mexico. If they got rid of the cartels it would be paradise.


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>Social Democrat
Eeeeh. Are they at least willing to say fuck you to the US, rightoids and their empiralist agendas? Some Lulags would be nice at least.



His mentality and policies resemble Bernie Sanders' a lot from what I have seen. I would wanna read articles about comparing him to FDR.

He's had a few arguments with Milei who is a right wing liberal from Argentina, and yes, before this president there were a bunch of yes men.

These are a few things the current president has refused to do, when the US requested it:

>Sending weapons to Ukraine and imposing trading sanctions on Rusia

>Agreeing to give away the nation's resources such as lithium (Elon Musk wanted to own a lithium mine, AMLO told him to fuck off, we can sell em batteries, but not the concession).
>Oil reserves; previous president was a right wing liberal he gave away the oil to foreign businesses, none of them were obliged to invest much, they basically kept all the profits. Current president basically kicked them out and the ownership of the oil has gradually returned to the national state owned oil company.
>The US wanted us to keep immigrants from other countries, while they were doing paperwork to live in the US, current president refused to do that

Those are the ones I can think of without looking it up.

We are willing to Join BRICS, if the US attempts to do something that would harm the country.


That’s nice and all but is AMLO increasing worker or state ownership of the means of production?


Bourgeois property relations are most likely staying


AMLO is like a watered down Lula. He's good compared to the options, and to the past, but not as good as could be.

Even if he were "perfect", the government apparatus wouldn't let him do much, and Mexico doesn't really have an organized working class movement to support him or his reforms. Anything he does could be easily revertible.

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