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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1541067[View All]

471 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>immediate production for personal use is immoral! YOU SELFISH


that's not the point. please look around yourself and ask "how many levels deep is the supply chain for this thing?" for every thing in the room. then ask yourself how would you coordinate that production without the market. how would you ensure there's enough production capacity for make X number of some thing? how do you ensure people's needs are met, within environmental bounds, without forcing people to overwork themselves?


nta u tagged. while this is true for sum things, its a fact that across the world, not jus burgerland, we produce more commodities than we'll eva use and espcially in burgerland that shit is just burnt and wasted away. what items in particular r u considerin? bc in my mind, most things can be procuded locally by local ppl and not b an overwhelmin burden. take t-shirts for instance; ignoring the microplastic, we could literally weave t-shirts from discarded plastic bottles. same for other clothes or producin foods. due to da forces of international trade and cheaper wages across da pond and bad workin conditions, local trades and crafts, such as artisans or clothin makers r so on, r replaced by international labour efforts.



cynic cunt


1984 what happened to the free marketplace of ideas.
But seriously though, lets have a nice decent argument where both parties hold mutual respect now, shall we?


real, w gud sportsmanship.


this is an appeal for simpler supply chains, lower complexity products and, most importantly, squandering labour power. why should anyone want le locally produced artisanal t-shirts when we can have mass produced high quality cheap t-shirts? there's no contradiction between cheap high quality products and decent working conditions



Is it possible to be a conservative anarchist? I don't mean like American style GOPoid conservative more like Leo Strauss.


JRR tokien


was he a legit anarchist?


>was he a legit anarchist?
Not really, he considered himself one but also denounced what we would understand as anarchists he had what americans would call a 'ANcap', minarchist who believed in a kind of small 'nightwatchman state'.
]You can find the letter online, it is to Christopher Tolkien his son, iirc.


How do anarchists feel about a purely symbolic monarchy? One where there is no real state or power but it just exists as a symbolic institution. e.g. the Japanese emperor had little to no power for most of history and was relegated to performing rituals and prayers and the Caliph during the Mamluk era was about as symbolic so could the emperor still exist in an anarchist Japan?


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>so could the emperor still exist in an anarchist Japan?

Why should it? What would be the point? I can not see how an anarchist society would still be okay with monarchs and emperors existing, symbolic or not. Besides, nobilities are fucked in the head and need urgent care and re-education.


It would be important in Shintoism and there are dozens of other cultural reasons for some sort of monarchy. You don't need a nobility to have some kind of king or monarch either.


There are many reasons but to raise your children in that is obvious child abuse.


all anarchists know how to do is burn police car, drink instant coffee, do fent and make zine



>do fent
All opiates and drug addiction have ever done is destroy generations even our most vibrant communities.
Fuck off.


He is right


i think he was joking mate.


Secular fundie brain rot

And all Marxoids know how to do is to larp, Soviet textbook circlejerk and get involved in worthless edrama


>t.puts "dad" in his xitter profile


I am going to be homeless in 2 weeks. Job didn't pan out, landlord is a cocksucka, rent money will be owed.

What do I do bros? I've sold everything I own with value. I've borrowed from friends. I've started the gofundme. I've called about and applied to so many fucking jobs.

I need to come up with $700 in 2 weeks or I'm toast.


Doesn't eviction take 30 days?



3 days in Texas


I should probably mention that I was fired after my job stole my last paycheck in January and have been unemployed since, but since I was a 1099 contractor I get no unemployment.


much freedom, very cool.

maybe you can try doing ubereats or similar to make up the money? if not then it might be worth ringing around homeless shelters to see if there's anywhere you can stay for a while if you are evicted.

flood detected


can't you call the department of labour if you didn't get a paycheck you are entitled to? maybe try do that.



i did that 3 months ago they told me to kick rocks bro its texas shit is fucked



goddamn what a shithole, I wish I could offer you a place to stay and pay for the trip so you could GTFO there.


Move to Canada which has better social security.



i'm drinking tonight so imma just spill it all

>be me

>December 2023
>wow San Antonio is a fucking shithole I gotta get out of here, I got $800 saved, let's double it and split to Florida (got hella homies there, good scene)
>Get my ID renewed via the mail bc its about to expire
>Jan 2024
>"So I haven't been paid in 3 weeks, wondering what's up with that"
>Labor Department "You knew the risk being a contractor"
>oh shit
>March 2024, job offer comes in to sell health insurance (kinda fucky morals tbh but a mf gotta pay rent)
>job falls thru because *drum roll* my ID is expired
>they never sent my renewed DL in the mail
>oh shit
>set up appointment at DMV (no walk ins for Texas)
>July 14th
>this was in March
>live off savings, selling possessions and borrowing from friends
>April 2024
>get another job offer, starts beginning of may
>interviewed with 4 people, took a 2 hour assessment for this job (help deck tech)
>get told instead of starting May 13th, it won't be until July-August
>$300 dollars behind on rent, borrow money from friends to get enough to avoid eviction in May
>told land lord I started a new job on the 13th so I'd be good for my rent
>job didn't pan out
>parents have effectively told me to fuck off, I mean they did kick me out when I was 18 so idk what I expected at 27

I am like a couple of days away from being street level homeless man, no car, no family support, no job and of course I have a dog which I'm considering rehoming so I could at least take a bus but bro…

If I gotta give up my dog

I don't know


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Sorry about it all. Genuine advice is hop on a freighter (maybe put your dog in your backpack, Idk, what breed's the thing?) and come to the East Coast, much more support for homeless here, we give a shit about our people here, you wont be cucked like you were in Texas. I volunteer as an IT specialist for a nearby homeless shelter. If you make it out here, I can 100% get you a bed. I'll post my Tox if you reply, I can give you specifics there.


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Going to be panhandling for the first time tomorrow. Wish me luck. Any tips? is it better to look presentable or disshoveled? should I shave?

Texas is the mf 4th Reich bro I don't even wanna live here


Have a sign that makes people relate to you as a human being, maybe a joke or something.


>Going to be panhandling for the first time tomorrow. Wish me luck. Any tips? is it better to look presentable or disshoveled?
Depends on where you are. Above all be safe. You don't want to attract the attention of any psycho rightoids looking to have fun at your expense.


"Surviving Biden's Economy" or "Bet you a dollar you read this sign?"


San Antonio (in case there are comrades around here)


I guess those are both pretty good but some libs would probably be offended by the former sign. But since you're in Texas it's probably a safe bet I guess.


If you don't wanna live in Texas anymore you could just hop on a greyhound to somewhere else. You could look up what places have the best support for homeless people. There was a big article a saw on here a week ago that a city had almost eliminated homelessness through giving people apartments, I think it was Houston maybe? Maybe someone else remembers it.

Yeah here it is


Also I know Houston is in Texas but at least it's close.



I'm honestly debating rehoming my dog bc its basically impossible to travel with him and my DL is expired.


>>"So I haven't been paid in 3 weeks, wondering what's up with that"
Friendly reminder to all anons to be prompt about payment issues.


Real talk im never complaining about wage theft again, if I had just shut the fuck up I wouldn't be in this situation. Better they steal one check than I get laid off and become homeless.


"Biden put me out of a job" would probably get something.


It's more likely they will keep trying to steal from you if you let them do it once. Also in some cases you're not going to get more money out of them regardless. A lot of businesses put this kind of squeeze on employees and contractors to try to stay net positive until they figure it out. You are better off ripping off the bandaid earlier so you can handle it without wasting more of your time and labor for nothing. You gotta be proactive about this stuff because there's a lot of people who are actively trying to screw you over.


Which company was it? Big one?


>>Labor Department "You knew the risk being a contractor"
It's still wage theft if you did work under contract that you weren't paid for. Labor lawyers exist for cases like that. Not that it's something you're currently in a position to pursue, but depending on your local laws you can get a payout from an employer for things like this at no cost (the lawyers get paid by the employer if they win). Texas is probably shitty for these cases, but it's good to know as a general thing. If you want to rebel against the government and capitalism, it helps to know the law so you can use it to your advantage where possible.

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