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startin with a classic



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Is this burgerpunk? This guy changed his name to Literally Anybody Else to run for president in protest of Trump and Biden.


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Barbie announces that she endorses TRUMP for President in 2024.


>he will go down in history as the best president ever - and the last president ever

what did she mean by this


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Suffered a lot so wants to make eveyone suffer too.
Many such cases.




I’m uncomfortable with the fact I’ve had this same thought before.
The U.S. is basically an open air mental asylum.


>The U.S. is basically an open air mental asylum.
I almost said these exact words to my wife the other week because I had a mental breakdown after two days of 12 hour shifts and sleep deprivation when I needed sleep the most. I started spiraling and thinking about how fucked this place is, in all the different ways at once, from the genocides that our government commits in our name, without our consent, to the insane mass shootings, to the privatization, deregulation, austerity, labor crackdowns, bigotry, superstition, etc. It's all too much for me to take sometimes.


Eat the burger…


Well they definitely learned from MKULTRA. Just because it turns out you can't literally do Manchurian Candidate shit doesn't mean you can't manipulate people, especially in aggregate, where you can take advantage of the fact that even if only 20% of your targets are affected how you want, that could still be millions of people. And of course since the intelligence agencies are so tight with the mainstream media, they are able to put any techniques they understand to use against the general populace.

>an American must imagine prison as a burger


>state dept of corrections ain't my boss
Love private prisions


It's not because it's private, just a jurisdictional thing. If it was a private prison it would be directly contracted by the state dept of corrections.


Sheriffs are a separate system from state and local police. The burgertown police situations is as byzantine as it is retarded.


It’s funny the guy who invented it looks like colon cancer waiting to happen


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>You wanna know how I got these scars?


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>The Ivy League nude posture photos were taken in the 1940s through the 1970s of all incoming freshmen at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn (which are members of the Ivy League) and Seven Sisters colleges (as well as Swarthmore), ostensibly to gauge the rate and severity of rickets, scoliosis, and lordosis in the population. The photos are simple black-and-white images of each individual standing upright from front, back and side perspectives.[1][2] Harvard previously had its own such program from the 1880s to the 1940s.[2] The larger project was run by William Herbert Sheldon and Earnest Albert Hooton, who may have been using the data to support their theory on body types and social hierarchy.[1][3]


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>quantum healing


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Why the Q phones got Chinese text?


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Party in the CIA…


anon these are shitty boomer conservative photoshops from like 2009.


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now THIS is burger punk, Azov battalion freedom fighter put in a cascket with a happymeal box and an oreo


needs lube, mayo, and fresh dildos


some retro burgerpunk from 2012


the ukrainian far right nationalists have to be the most gigacucked "nationalists" I've ever seen. Everything they do is against their national interests, and for burger imperialism. They are some of the most brainwashed glowtards I've ever seen. They must have radioactive green jizz where their brains used to be from all the CIA agents ejaculating into their ears. These fuckers literally want to ban the 2nd most spoken language in Ukraine while making it mandatory to learn English in their schools.


>Archaeologists find an old gravesite
>It dates to the Maidan Ukraine era
>They open the coffin and find a skeleton and the offerings left with it
>The Oreos and Happy Meal are look like they could have left yesterday


that's a right-nationalist classic, they're famous for being retards


gem, saved


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the vkrainian king tvt


Are YOU going to the dance performances at the Twin Towers? I'm looking forward to the Israeli dancers…


cant u get surgery to fix the worst of the effects?


I like how the Jesus icon is literally next to the hapy meal box.
Also just noticed the Coca Cola.


Self-aware villains…

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