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whats your smoke of choice?




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I used to smoke these the most, then I moved to rolling tobacco.
some fond memories. the ritual of rolling up a joint at the end of the day with a beer.


I used to smoke weed, mostly out of pipes/bongs, and occasionally smoked blunts and joints (2007-2014), then I vaped weed only (2014-2019), never vaped tobacco. Then I quit smoking and drinking 2019.


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I smoke that backyard faggot. This shit is literally a weed. They make pesticides from this shit.


I'm smoking that purple dragon indica pack laced with crushed up crystal THCA


ciggies are taxed into oblivion in aus so its common to find tobacconists shamelessly selling black market cigs under the counter for relatively cheap. pic related is cheapest u can get usually.


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oops forgot pic


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I smoke uyghas



If I wasn't so lazy I'd buy cartons from the reserves, usually Canadian Goose or Canadian Classics, but since that involves a 1.5 hour round trip I usually pick up Next Original from the nearest convenience store.
Best darts I've ever had were the Malboro's I was smoking the one time I went down to the States, wish they sold them up here
thinking of switching to pipe tobacco so that I can smoke less at a time




no homo we smokin penises!!!!


no homo we smokin penises!!!!


Citronella candles are nice in the summer / fall.




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Tea goes in the ass.

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