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File: 1714857556148.jpg (816.6 KB, 2050x3072, mammoth-cloning.jpg)


Should mammoths be resurrected?


Sure, why not? I guess it will appeal to the vanity of people which will make them easier to protect than actually existing elephants on the brink on extinction.


It's irresponsible to bring more wild animals into existence without guaranteeing a better quality of life for them than they would currently enjoy. When we've expanded the welfare state to assure the well-being of existing pachyderms, then we can talk about resurrecting new ones. Take transhumanism one step at a time.


some russian dudes argument is that if we briung back the mammoth they will go around scratching themselves on trees in siberia and knocking the trees down. Thus, creating large areas of bare tundra that reflects the suns rays better than the trees do, thus cooling down our earth.





Yes me wanna hunt mammoth


File: 1714892392630.mp4 (13.84 MB, 720x682, gnome hyperborea.mp4)

no, but gnomes should


If we can eat them, yes


ok then just cut down the tundra trees. No need to resurrect mammoths just to do that.

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