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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives


Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it


Well that's the puzzle: how to break these cycles?
How do we cure news addiction? Should news at least be it's own board to declutter a space for meaningful discussions?
How do we streamline getting people with questions to the relevant books?


File: 1714767712408.webm (853.03 KB, 376x302, cheka_twist_his_nuts.webm)

post something interesting then


File: 1714767776569.jpg (5.09 KB, 261x193, hola.jpg)

start a 420chan on leftypol for drugs, ban all religious fags, ban all primitivists and tedposters and their sympathizers


I was just touched inappropriately by an elderly man.


File: 1714771685380.png (163.81 KB, 449x273, huh.PNG)

That sounds really boring.


Pray to Allah 🙏🕋





File: 1714901507401.png (24.34 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

>Sun outside
holy shit boring someone help what the fuck


File: 1714901717367.png (32.06 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Forgot to draw ciggy


File: 1714903148825.png (23.6 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

The sun is a cunt
everything is fucking boring
leftypol is so fucking dead during europe time
fucking americans


Moved to >>>/meta/33005.

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