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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1713302079105.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 957.05 KB, 2480x3508, 76a90de3ca0a317aa5a33a741….jpeg)


me on the right


m to the e to the d to the s


girl is cute but why draw on boy


it's Evangelion


that doesnt answer my question im afraid


why not?


he's the main character and you're supposed to self-insert like OP


this guy gets it


This guy is a guro artist btw


even tho his pixiv and shitter are mostly sfw


>draws a little bit of meat, as a treat
<flying "guro artist" stamp thumps onto their forehead
Artists gotta be free to have range without being expected to have a niche.


File: 1715120660422.jpg (358.59 KB, 1440x1018, 9c1247ed0f5be1f8.jpg)

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