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Just applied for 25 entry-level positions that have fuck all to do with degree I spend 5 years studying. Chances are I wont get any of them. Thinking about removing university from CV just because it might make me seem too overeducated in the eyes of the recruiter.


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>Thinking about removing university from CV just because it might make me seem too overeducated in the eyes of the recruiter.
You mean you weren't already doing this? Fuck yes, it does make you look overeducated. If they know you were aiming "higher" they will know that you are someone who will leave the job given the opportunity. They don't want that. They want people who need this job.


My degree is in social science, would that make me look better or worse when applying for administrative office jobs?


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My go to is to show up in a tuxedo, and before the interviewer says anything I ask "does this job pay six figures?" If they say no I leave immediately.


If the job listing doesn't say it requires the degree or something equivalent, then putting it on the CV will make you look overqualified (which is true).


i'll do you one even better. I didn't even go to school because i knew it was just a usury trap


Why didn't you study real science?


based and NEET pilled


i print my favorite jaks to mansplain to the interviewer


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I would say it makes you look better for such office jobs, because it means you were studious enough to go to class for several years after mandatory schooling, you are literate enough to understand methodology in social sciences, you probably won't create misunderstandings by sending stupid stuff in your emails, etc.
Educated coworkers are better to work with in general.

But you have to keep in mind that it depends of your country.
For example, Americans tend to think like >>489877, where education that isn't in the trendy field of the day is seen as bad, and if you had the misfortune of not working 90 hours a week since you were 10 years old, you are seen as a useless do-nothing.
If you live in a normal country it shouldn't be a problem.

That said, if you apply for flipping burgers with a PhD, it will raise eyebrows anywhere, and you will be rejected.
If you have an average degree and apply to be an agricultural worker or a part-time store clerk for example, you can justify yourself by saying intellectual activity was burning you out, and you need a more manual job to be "closer to your senses" or some bullshit like that.

The whole point is to bullshit really.
Once you are hired, you will realize your coworkers are average Joes and Janes, they will make the same mistakes as you, it's no rocket science if you apply for basic stuff.

The reason why it's hell to apply for a job is because bosses and managers know very well an employee who had trouble getting a job through an unfavorable job market will keep the job and endure shitty conditions and low pay to avoid going back to hell.
Capitalists like to have a reserve army of labor because it's keep the work force disciplined. Thatcher understood this very well when she had to deal with the last serious miner strike in the UK.
So don't feel too bad about yourself, the game is rigged against you from the start.
Good luck anon, you will need it, but if I could make it, you probably can too.


You have to be as exploitable as possible. You must appear desperate. Wear unbranded clothes. Wear no jewelry. Ask about their rules, mispronounce words, and always make black-and-white statements. Ensure your listed education is the minimum.


I think you forget that bosses and recruiters tend to drink their own Kool-Aid. Their ideal employee is "dynamic, unafraid of new challenges, growth orientated", all that corporate bullshit speak, even if the job is punching numbers into excel spreadsheet.


And on second reading of your comment I realized you are joking. Im retarded.


>Educated coworkers are better to work with in general.

Doubt. jpg


I mean I agree with that, have you ever tried to really talk to most people who don't have a college degree? All they're interested in usually is sports, fashion, their kids, celebrities, TV, and so on.


I wasn't joking. They want the minimum because the job demands the minimum.

Any more capability makes you a liability to the employer, as you can just leave any moment.


IDK, it took my stepdad like 6 months to find a job after his old one went bust and he is a hard worker and sociable but he's very dumb and unprofessional, I think if he would have been more 'interview friendly' he would have easily found one sooner.

though to be fair he only wanted to work m-f so I guess that had an impact too


You know whats funny? I graduated bachelors degree with honors, was on my way for masters as well, until the last semester, when I hit a depression spiral and barely managed to finish. Now in my country there is this program that lets you intern at government dime, meaning its actually quite easy to find internship after graduation (as it costs employer nothing), but you have to apply for it before you graduate. Due to my mental health at the time, I didnt even have energy to read through the requirements, and afterwards found out I am no longer eligible. 9 semesters at the top of my class, all fucking meaningless because I slipped in the 10th one.


Sorry anon, I'm sure you can still find a job once you get better


That's not very funny, I hope you manage to sort it out.


Tommorow I have two interviews (one is only for part time though) and one more in two days. At this point I applied for roughly 60 positions, and this is in a region with like 3% unemploynment, so its not like it can get any better.
The part time job offer is actually closest to what I studied, but the pay is pretty bad. Enough to get by though, so if I pass interview I will most likely still take that as it will leave me enough free time to get my shit together + search for something better.


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So good news, the job is actually full time, not part-time as I was led to believe. Bad news, I fucking blew the interview. I chocked up, gave some dumb thoughtless responses.


Did you do practice interviews before?


No. In retrospect I should. The thing is they deleted the offer from website, so I had no way to re-check what exactly the job description was.
Just give me job you dipshits!


Interviewing is a skill unfortunately. You have to practice a lot. You either do it with real interviews or with real and mock interviews.


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im going to lose it


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>bought new shirt and jeans because dress code demanded for interview
>after showing up turns out I missunderstood job description and interview was cut short
5 months NEET at this point.


>missed an online interview because cocksucking google meet doesnt work on Waterfox and by the time I figured out the fault is in the browser it was over


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Got a job. Its customer service/tech support bullshit. On the bright side, stress about job hunting and paying bills is gone. On the other, I really hope its not gonna drive me to suicide, I already know will be fucking soul-crushing.
Now that thats done, I guess Ill have to still keep searching for something more relevant to my degree, and self-learning more marketable skills.


to the call centers/retail i go


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>got covid
>most likely from my job
>decide I'm finally fucking fed up with this place
>spam resumes, about 30 applications over 2-3 days
>the ones that get back to me are obvious MLMs
>I will be 36 in 5 months


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Try actually being that last part


I got fired. I got fucking fired. Couldnt last two weeks on the job. Not fitting in with a team, and being rude, something like that was the reason given. Just for the record, I have always been very cordial with everyone, got nothing but positive feedback on the job performance itself, but doesnt matter, it all boils down to boss lady not wanting to share the office space with autistic weirdo. This is the second time I got fired from a job for basically the same reason, not being able to fit in with normies.
So yeah, I guess Im destined to be stuck at unskilled manual labour till I finally break.


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>to the call centers/retail i go
<large scale employers like this use databases to endure that they hire only candidates that are mathematically unlikely to buck in any scenario
<lexisnexis x1000
nothing personnel anon


I just had a realisation that in my life I only held 3 "real" jobs (i.e. not seasonal labour or through temp agency), and got fired from all of them. Longest I was employed at one place was little over half a year. Jesus Im fucked.


I've never done temp or seasonal work, but this was the first year I only had one job to report on my tax return. And I got fired from there on New years eve. Probably won't have this job for very long either, lol.


You'd benefit from reintegrating into "normie" social life. Once you feel more comfortable being around normies and you nail down the social cues, this will happen less and less.


I was never unintegrated, but I cant mask for longer periods of time, or when under stress. So I looked OK during interview, but when I am with someone 8 hours a day, they will inevitably notice something off about me. Hopefully I can find something where my boss is a man, women seem to be more sensitive towards these kind of things.


Hmmm or with more alone time.


In positions where no experience/skills are required there is more competition. This is because more potential applicants can apply for the job.


It makes you look better. Apply to HR jobs, we need more leftists in HR, not greedy fat fuckers.


I am looking for HR jobs (among others), even have experience working HR part time while in school. The problem I also made this post >>506304.


Hey wojak, what's the deal with the number eight(8)?


Idk how you do it man.
I could never do HR work. Id have a meltdown after the first fortnight.

>Hopefully I can find something where my boss is a man, women seem to be more sensitive towards these kind of things.

This. Workplaces with female majority tend to be more obsessed with socialisation than technical skills. And yes, women can be just as vulgar as men are.

Bruh. Please keep your political idealism to yourself. HR jobs are liberal. If youre overtly non-liberal, your ass is grass.


who is that cutie?


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>american detected
also half of this is common with retarded college grad fags i noticed minus the kids


>Apply to retail job at Popular Store Chain since I haven't gotten even a call back for anything else in months
>Few minutes later get email from them saying I'm "highly encouraged" to do a video interview within 2-3 days while I'm being considered for an in person one
Is this common place now? Never had a job before so I don't even know how I'd answer questions like "What did you do to boost productivity at a previous job?" or whatever beyond "I never worked before but I would simply do X"


Most people talk about their dogs or partners.

Idk why talking about kids gets ire but people talk endlessly about their dogs and partners. Like whats the difference?


Have to wake up at 4:45AM to make it to the interview tomorrow.


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Thanks. Its a part-time night job at the warehouse though, so the interview was probably just a formality to see whether I am visibly drug addicted or something.
I have another interview today, for a real job, have to prepare for that one because I completely bullshited my CV.


I hate when I apply for a job I am perfectly qualified for, get no response, and then see it being reposted on a job site again. Like why, what the fuck is the problem?

Also I got the job I interviewed for mentioned here, >>513181, except its really dogshit and I asked if I can give final answer whether I take it on Monday in desperate hope of getting some other positive response. Well I didnt, and now I doubt they will even bother calling me and didnt just immediately pick another candidate.


This shit makes my blood fucking boil


Here's some help for ya, anon.


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I took an awful soulsucking job with poor pay and long commute that trains me in nothing useful for future career prospects.
How the hell am I supposes to find another job while working this crap entire week? Like how to find time for interviews?
Im fucking loosing it, if I get stuck there I am as good as dead.


Easy, doctors appointments


>>514416 TBH just give up on life. There's no point to any of this shit. You're obviously not strong enough to compete in this society.


which is weird because almost everyone in say amazon never lasts more than a couple of months


What is your job? Is your commute by train?


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Customer support. I am borderline autistic, that is not a sustainable job for me. And yeah, mostly train. I know I can read books during commute or something, but add going to gym, cooking, hygiene and all of those things, and I have nothing left of the day. I desperately need some time to study for certification as a last ditch effort before cutting my losses and ending this.


If it's a long train ride, you could study during it?


Can you maybe take sick days or vacations for interviews?
Sorry to hear, anon. I wish I could help you.

Maybe I could give CV advice. Would anyone be interested?


I wish to get data analyst certification, so there isnt much to study without computer, and even theoretical books I own only as PDF.

There are only handful sick day, I cant exactly take one every week and vacations need to be scheduled in advance. I start next week so I am going to spend this one still looking for something else, and if I fail to secure anything, Ill just have to suck it up go full grindset for 6 months until I get certified. Although considering my track record, they will just fire me lot sooner.
My CV is based on this template, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QcZgLCcauW2k1cIC9JcGQFAIfrszyIE2/edit, found it on reddit years ago.


Nice. My CV looks similar.


Do you have more luck with it than I do?


Yes, but my circumstances are favorable. I studied computer science.


Cute anime bois being sad activates my inner R&B singer. I just wanna sing doo-wop/soul serenades until they cheer up.


What the fuck? People always say you should avoid having a boring plain CV like this but it works?


the industry's fucked
mcjobs here i come




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The only reason i'm damaging my soul to finish school is so i can maybe go to another country to get a masters in order to immigrate, if i need to
And also because it makes it exceedingly easier to get a work visa in basically every country if you have bachelors


>morning routine (breakfast, hygiene, skincare, stretching, dressing up): 0,75 hour
>commute: 1 hour
>work: 8,5 hours
>commute: 1 hour
>food: 0,25 hour
>physical exercise: 1,5 hour
>nigh routine (dinner hygiene, skincare): 1 hour
>sleep: 8,5 hours
<together: 22,5 hour
>free time assuming all the house chores and cooking for an entire week is done during the weekend: 1,5 hour
I spend that 1,5 hour studying in the hope of getting a better job in the future.

Total Bourgeois Death


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>wasn't learning frameworks/other languages popular in the market,data structures+algos (in depth) building projects to put on my CV, grinding leetcode, fine tuning resume, and reading coding interview books while in uni
>months after graduating not a single interview
And now I'm playing catch up because I was a dumbass who thought the coursework I was given would be enough for a career. I only have one dogshit web app I did in my final year for a group project to show, and the more I learn now the more I realize how awfully put together it was. Thankfully the job market being shit gave me an easy cope to my family, but the clock is still ticking. I'm planning on getting a job at a grocery store, call center, or wherever in the meantime, but my fear is I'll be too sapped from it all to come home and spend time reading and making stuff. As they say, "I wish that I could turn back time."



What kind of companies have you been applying to, and to what positions? That seems hugely overkill for a fresh graduate. Maybe it works for Google but for normal companies I doubt they can hire anyone with requirements like that.

> data structures+algos (in depth)

> grinding leetcode
> reading coding interview books
How do they know you are lacking these if they don't interview you?


Typically they only hire people who had good internships and internships are only open to college students.


Sorry but that's not true. Maybe you're lacking elsewhere. Maybe your CV is shit.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I can check it for you if you want.


>purposely high un-employment for reserve workers

if you were into fed monetary policy it's because higher employment increases inflation and wage-growth.


The more I try to learn the less I feel like I know. I can't fathom how anyone works in the field. Studying one thing in detail feels like a waste, studying several things at once feels like a waste, if I were some savant I still feel like I'd get fucked in an interview because i'm blind in one area compared to candidate B,C,D,etc. Not like I'm getting callbacks to begin with, nearly an entire year and nothing but a handful of rejections. ~4 years down the drain, hold the debt. Surely retail or a fast food kitchen will be easier to get into.


Most of this shit is fundamentally the same with only surface differences.

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