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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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From personal experience, the Chinese cops are quite lenient especially if you don't give them attitude. They're generally unarmed, except for SWAT equivalent, and will be courteous if you're courteous.

From hearsay, they're very by the book these days because they're afraid of Roboute Guilliman (Maoist name for Xi) trying to fully enforce all laws and regulations concerning the police.


Curious, what are your guys' takes on the military balance? How worried should we be that the Americans pull the trigger and Zerg-rush China before it's ready? If they do so, what are the odds that the US will have its teeth punched in?


>Zerg-rush China
Burgerland don't have the manpower for that. Maybe you got confused with another tactic?


Photon Cannon Rush?


The US navy got bodied by a bunch of Yemenis with rocket launchers. Why do you think they haven't invaded China yet?


They're currently spending all their ressources on their proxy wars and genocides somewhere else. Most they can do is pointlessly sanction China as if they weren't countering against this by building connections to countries don't lick America's soles constantly.


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America and its allied asian countries could probably ruin China if they went about it the right way, but it gets harder for them to do that every year. China can absolutely win in a direct open war but it wont be easy.
>Roboute Guilliman (Maoist name for Xi)
Lmao what?


It’s gonna be a repeat of the Eastern Front but the outcome will be even worse for the Axis of Burger.

Small strategic gains and hundreds of thousand of Chinese civies dead will be repaid a thousandfold after Communism shows it’s industrial muscles yet again.


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White editor of Chuang.

It should go without saying that if the demonstrations on US campus started beating *sympathetic members of their encampments for speaking Hebrew* they would both lose all credibility and deserve to be destroyed because that would be evidence that they in fact truly were anti-semitic in nature.

I don't think the anti-Sinitic left has even pretended that they thought violence and racism against the Chinese was a problem worth talking about. And they received so much credibility and still clearly feel their oats so much that they now go out and say they personally witnessed racist mobs brutalizing innocent people for speaking Chinese and it doesn't bother them and shouldn't bother you. These people need to be held to the fire honestly.


>America and its allied asian countries could probably ruin China if they went about it the right way
There is absolutely no scenario where this happens.


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Yeah then they get nuked in retaliation. Deterrence renders this scenario impossible.


Geopolitically speaking nukes are outdated


Able Archer '83 has shown that they are quite willing to fight a Nuclear war against Communism if they think they can win, nothing is impossible.


Question for any Chinese anons or anyone else who knows, what is the origin and importance to Chinese people of the use of phrases like the 'three favorables' the 'two whatevers' 'three noes' etc? Why do they use these type of number phrases commonly?


Logographic Aestetics and two/three are considered to be lucky numbers. It's also a reference to classical Chinese literature.


Wtf? Nobody told me that socialism with Chinese characteristics had such sick flows.


You are right. They would if they thought they could win but I doubt they could for now. As it stands, America doesn't even know how much of its nuclear stockpile would work. They are already planning to spend a trillion dollars trying to make sure they are fixed and ready to launch. This plan would take place over a period of decades and knowing American cost overruns it will end up several trillion if they actually do it at all.





Chinese has very limited plurality (们 is added to specify a generic group of people, but that has an informal tone), so to make plurality explicit you'd need to add a number and a measureword.

三个代表 (Three Represents) would be more idiomatic in English as "The Representations" or "Representationality", but it cuts out the specific number indicated in Chinese.



The Americans have enough cannon fodder in the vicinity, but yeah, Photon Cannon rush is more accurate given that most of China's neighbors are maritime and it's more a state of island siege.


Nukes, China has multiple nuking sites; i.e, road-mobile bases, silo farms in Xinjiang, Underground Great Wall in the Taihang mountains, South China Sea and Bay of Bohai nuke sub pens.

Only problem is whether China can have enough nukes to do the job properly, and the DoD estimates Chinese stockpiles currently at 500, with a ramp up to 1k or more by 2030.

Cobalt self-nuking is also a possible option if the Americans insist on trying to do nuclear first strike; i.e, the radioactive cobalt will spread through the atmosphere and sterilize the planet, but it's not a useful "announced" capability due to being horrifically destabilizing (everyone has cobalt nukes, any use of cobalt nukes means that everyone dies, maybe someone will have an accident?), although afaik the West believes the Chinese have done research in that direction.


This is only slightly answering his or her question. This is not a translation issue, the Chinese bureaucracy has been using numbered goals for hundreds of years now and it feels strange to the rest of the world. I'm not sure why they do that but if I had guess it's tied to Confucius and political tradition, and from what I see the more China is aligning itself with the west the less they use this kind of nomenclature.



I think it's the West's problem that they're averse to numbered goals / numbered concepts. It is more precise and memorable than more nebulous policy objectives, even if numbered goals / numbered concepts are still a minimum level of numeracy.


What's leftypol views on Comrade Lu Shaye's statement that post-Soviet states "have no effective status in international law"?

I think it's based and is shows that deep down the CPC has the correct view about the dissolution of the Soviet Union: it was an illegal, illegitimate act



Also, Chinese has its own Latin / Sanskrit, Classical Chinese, which is seen as a prestige language. Here, 4 character set idioms are normative and present an extremely concise way to express a complex concept.

Going from this direction, Two Whatevers ends up being a 4 character idiom, as does Three Represents.


Another important thing is that Chinese doesn't use an alphabet, and acronymization in Chinese works by using short forms of digraphs and multi-character words.

Consider, say, SOLID:

If it were, say, Chinese coming up with the term, given 5 elements, it'd be impossible to acronymize and would likely be translated as 5 principles of OOP.


Consequently, the idiomatic translation of Two Whatevers would probably be APAI, "any policy any instruction" or APAIM "any policy any instruction of Mao's".

Three Represents would be APACOM, advanced production, advanced culture, overwhelming masses.

One Belt, One Road gets acronymized as OBOR, but that essentially represents what the numbered policies in Chinese are.



There are claims that Roboute Guilliman is the Maoist pet name for Xi Jinping. We really, really need Roboute Guilliman - Xi Jinping memes to spam around, because it's a perfect Maoist dogwhistle in the West.


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>, but at what cost?



The burgers wont do shit because they can't do shit. It will be a slow decline from now on. They will plunder what they can at home and call it a day.


American nukes don't work.


Your brain doesnt work.


Works better than your average Pentagon geriatric.


last time this got posted I said it was grandpa rap and I stand by that. It's dorky. Why crib an Amerikkkan genre (even if it is globally popular and comes from a colonized minority)? Just do your own thing.


Maybe it works like in the US and the han lack flow. How is uyghur rap?


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holy fuck haha


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Who makes these? Is there a youtube channel?


20 fucking thousand euros more.
And I would STILL buy it over euro trash.


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I wanna escape this reactionary hell hole


fucking lol. It's a radicalizing moment, get that everywhere.


Yeah but it doesn't matter. The sinophobic left did its job and linked arms to empower all of the people on the image and institutionalize their racist beliefs.


Chaung editor (glossy anti-China publication) just opportunistically attempting to re-write history on HK protests using the Palestine encampments. There's not really any context beyond that. It's just truly galling that he defends and dismisses racist violence because he puts primacy on ACAB. Typical white anarchist chauvinism. It really goes without saying they absolutely wouldn't tolerate American protests beating the fuck out of black or trans protestors no matter much tear gas was used, but hospitalizing a Chinese guy? Sure. Gotta break a few eggs. Implicitly accepting the premise of the protests that "mainland" Chinese were invaders/locusts that had to be swept out of Hong Kong by the local people and that was part and parcel with achieving their goals.

Now that I've written that I want to elaborate and give further context. Chuang, MIC, Lauson etc and other members of the "China critical left" are invested in promoting a revisionist view of HK 2019 protests that they weren't motivated by nativist/localist sentiment, which is the euphemism they have applied to racism in Hong Kong (for some reason, it's not racism but a less serious "sentiment" if you are just prejudiced and hateful based on place of origin using language, accent and dialect instead of skin color). Instead, the public outrage was over "???", and the protests were completely unmoored from the underlying demographic tensions. They happened for no reason other than abstractly being against police on a non-ideological plane.

What it comes to do is that it just breaks these guys' brains that there was a popular, student-led, liberal mass movement that was at its core reactionary and profoundly racist AND that the police were on the opposite side of this. One of these things would not be a problem, historically, happens in many places. But usually, the police are not defending the system that supports more immigration/outmigration and integration. They choose to erase and minimize the organized, targeted violence against mainlanders– the very heart and engine of the movement– because they reason from first principles that rallying against the police is always Just. Organized, mass violence against Chinese guys, even after witnessing this klan-like terrorism first hand– is not that important to the white leftist. It just really shows where they stand.

>But so what anon, who cares what these guys think?

Good question anon. It also prevents us from correctly understanding and learning from the strategic mistakes of the protests. For example, when racist violence first started appearing within the demonstrations, protestors made the collective choice to never condemn, internally or externally, either the individuals OR actions, to preserve unity and momentum. Similarly, hate speech was allowed to propagate and be propagandized to an unlimited degree. In the end, the most "nativist" and violent forces took control over the protests, and perpetuating violence against individual mainland residents and businesses within the city of Hong Kong, became the priority and purpose. They lost nearly all support from sympathetic persons in China, the group they needed support from, and eventually thier movement collapsed after failing to overthrow the state and expel the locusts, and new laws were enacted that made the original extradition law look like a Saturday morning cartoon.


What’s leftypols opinion on the prc admitting ZOG is real


Is their statement wrong? It is interesting how much control Israel has over US politics just at a first glance.


They're just quoting John Meisenheimer. Which is a trendy thing to do since October of last year.



I really need a source to read that Jewish people (I refuse to say the word Jew) own 70% of America's wealth. Of the American rich list on Wikipedia, the total net wealth of Jewish billionaires is about 1.105 trililon, or 55% of the list's total wealth (2.045 trillion). The total wealth of the United States is about 140 trillion.


I was in HK during the Color Revolution.

Fuck Hong Kong and fuck Hong Kongers.

Right wing pieces of shit. Xi should have sent in the tanks but he was too merciful. Hong Kong should be nuked but the mainland is far too kind and lenient.

I know a guy working in the tech sector who was throwing molotov cocktails at the police years ago but was never caught. Now from the pictures he sends me (I left because I was genuinely scared the protestors would seize full control) he's happy working from home and even has a fillipino maid helping his family with childcare. These people are un-salvageable.

Also I'm pretty sure Carrie Lam and her predecessor were fifth columnists planted by the Americans. You had the highest authority in HK going on night time television a few years before everything kicked off saying that the government was doing "too much" for poor people and that they were improving housing affordability. Bitch was pouring gasoline on the fire and deliberately associating the Communists with the capitalist system to generate ideological confusion. HK needs to undergo a cultural revolution where all bourgeois influences are lined up against a wall and shot and property is redistributed when the mainland takes back control in 2049 or whenever since finance capital is far too happy raping HK workers and then blaming the mainland as a scapegoat.

Also Chaung is a glowie organization run by white people fuck em too.


Kinda jelly ngl. Serbs can go full Sinaboo.


>Color Revolution
Is that what it was? I only remember that LA Mulan actress getting shitblasted by US libs during these protests because she was on the side of the chinese government. Need some sources on what the HK protests were about


Thank you for the answers.
>It's also a reference to classical Chinese literature.
In what way?


Likely bureaucratese
You reminded me of japanese companies doing this
I thought it was called localist
Some have their rights into mainland had been revoked, consider it is the no expedition to china we got, borat.webp
Jannies do something


Has wipe nuked 950 posts? Oof


Glowing bot spammed green text and killed basically every post in the thread.


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Our guy turned on zionism yesterday after shit of Palestinian supporters in uni, and condemn China on suporting Hamas.


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give it to me straight lads. was my great grammas little brother fighting communists? ignore the red text edited in by my boomer aunt


Any Chinese anon here knows the progress on the China Space Program?


China currently has the most sophisticated space station in orbit and in 3 years it will be the only space station in orbit.


>in 3 years it will be the only space station in orbit.
<Since its first modules launched at the end of 1998, the International Space Station has been orbiting 250 miles above Earth. But at the end of 2030, NASA plans to crash the ISS into the ocean after it is replaced with a new space station, a reminder that nothing within Earth's orbit can stay in space forever.
What are you basing this on?



Any way the archives can restore lost posts? This can easily turn into a way for glowies / pollacks to go after our key threads.


Glowie suicide. It'll destroy his credibility.



bro there's literally a rocket launch to the dark side of the moon right now


nevermind I faintly remember that the eos date was 2028 a long time ago


A common theme in Chinese poetry and mythology is that many elements combine into one entity as a balance. This inspired Confucian and Taoist texts to emphasize enumerations in their doctrines. 5 Prescripts, 5 Constants, 4 virtues, etc.


>quoting a report by Le Monde
we're gonna have to cancel the liberal frogs damn


Why can't they just restore them?
archive org is unreliable for long term storage as they can unilaterally delete anything they want. Leftypol can be targeted by them easily as they often get rid of "extremist" content when pressured.

<Controversial Antisemitism Bill Explained Away
He's trying to say the bill does nothing cause it's already was an executive order by Trump, there needs to be an "investigation" before it's considered hate speech and the bill pinky promises it wont violate the First Amendment.


Why can't they just restore them?


Is Xi Jimping a strong leader? Is he a good orator, popular, pragmatic, etc. Is he more of a figurehead if comparing to, lets say, "western leaders", or does he play a more important role in the Chinese peoples republic?
Does Xi jimping has "control" of the party, or the party holds more party then Xi?

And, for people who like to predict the future, what will happen when Xi is gone, will it matter in any way?


He quite literally is the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao.


>turned on Zionism
What? Source?


Do you know anyone who has written on American political cosmology as a cosmology? I am reminded of the Kwakiutl political world being not so different from that of ours, right down to the skimpy bread and circuses.




If he stayed in Shanghai no, probably a trainer.


it strikes again jannies do your thing


Who the hell knows? It's true that the current Chinese government is quite efficient and single-minded, however. Without any inside knowledge, judging off the vibes alone, I want to compare him to Stalin and/or Mao but without the die-hard opposition which wants to kill him at any cost

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