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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.941093[Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbywfzu-jI

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert


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I'm not gonna torrent it because I'm not watching that shit


>going in debt for this shit


What if True Detective but instead of a grimy detective story in Louisiana with two middle age white men (urgh), it focused on two young white witches trying to solve the disappearance of her neighbor's cat in small village the Alps.


imagine typing this on xitter where all the chvddies can see


is there a video of this?


Their wrecking behavior is nothing more than desperately fudging the algorithm for more views for $$.


I would never have paid for it anyways, chill homie


Tactics flow from a superior position.


imagine the scene clout


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I'd like to see a video of this


Iirc the woman who allegedly runs that page is married to a registered sex offender


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haz on that carlgon of applebee's type beat



>Frank face on the cops


>Jamrock Hobo
My uygha. His videos collecting streamers' reactions to DE are a hoot:


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Thank you Porky, you are truly gamers' greatest ally.


Assholes like this are a far greater threat to Socialism than any fascist retard could ever dream of being. Total grifting wrecker death!


What if True Detective but it’s about an Ancient Athenian philosopher and his trysts with his adolescent male student as they uncover the mysteries of the growing rebellion among the slaves?


vgh, retvrn to catamites


>it’s not cozy-wozy comfy-womfy enough 🥺
Absolute out-to-brunch ultra liberal ass opinion.


are they both the same size? lel


Cool, but only if you can side with the slaves


>As one might guess from Michael's name and that acronym, the film pokes fun at both "SNL" and the Upright Citizens Brigade – a comedy institution and training center co-founded by Amy Poehler that many of today's biggest comics have been affiliated with at one time or another. This is a world dominated by the "yes, and" male-dominated sketch comedy scene, wherein women are often seen as less than, resigned to dance sexy, have boobs and laugh at guy’s jokes.

Improvisation is sexist.


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I hate squeecore libs so fucking much.


Should have started a kickstarter campaign instead of blaming people for pirating a shitpost movie.


>harry dubouis
>generic white man


tbh i thought squeecore was kind of dead


It's still going, it's just not as "in" as it used to be. You still see a lot of that kind of attitude in fandom spaces


he is right though, watch the video, instead of posting out of context quotes


I do not engage in media fandom.


as someone who occasionally does, you're better off


The fuck is squeecore?


Then again that post did get ratio'd as they call it on xitter. So maybe the left is healing


Caleb is Southern Baptist I believe.


He’s Catholic


don't engage with these people
also NYPA


Most pigskins in Europe adhered to a Middle Eastern religion, doesn’t make them indigenous to West Asia

Just because you identify with an ethnic group’s religion doesn’t mean you’re a native. And beside, every Jew from the Middle East doesn’t deserve Palestine anyway, no more than every Kraut in Europe somehow deserved Poland to Russia, which were also in Europe.


No. He specifically wants to follow a denomination that’s entirely “American” in order to further his image as a small town America boy.



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Why would the online handlers of the right ever create a situation where this is possible? This utterly fucks with the cringe/based dialectic as it's not just some soy rightiods, but even a lot of them


what is the claim? that jews are indigenous to palestine? this is true, but muslims and christians are jus as indigenous. doesn't mean the jews hve a right to trample over the palestinians and create an apartheid state.


The damage is already done though. There are 7 million Jews between the river and the sea. Trying to deport them would be impossible.


Nothing he said in that video indicates he’s joining the magic underwear religion. You’re either retarded or unfamiliar with Maupin. His form of promoting socialism is akin to a Catholic missionary trying to win converts in the Americas. He takes literally w/e he finds people doing (Islam, Mormonism, libertarianism, etc.) and then tells the people who follow that believe system “hey you know that thing you really like? Well that’s actually socialism because of [obscure historical event or willful misrepresentation of core tenet of beliefs].” He does this with everything. You are genuinely as dumb as his followers if that video strikes you as sincere and you are even dumber than his followers if you think that video shows he intends to convert to Mormonism.
As for his Catholicism he has talked about it on stream before. It’s part of the reason why Keaton Transfield, who wears his Catholicism much more on his sleeve than Maupin, was such a devoted follower of Maupin.


No its not true. The understanding of Indigenous as it pertains to geopolitics (ie, whats meant in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) has a particular definition.
A group is indigenous if it directly descends from a colonized population and is still undergoing said colonial relations. Its not about descending from guys who lived there 2000 years ago.


there's also the problem that you can't keep any line of descendance going for 2000 years. eventually everyone becomes related to everyone else


That #influencer is apparently Jewish of Moroccan descent but she grew up and lives in Canada so, well, eh whatever.

This kind of thing screws with people's conception of identity. "Jewishness" here is a collective identity, and "we" were attacked, even if she was on the other side of the world when the whole thing happened. Collective agency expresses solidarity, but is also at the heart of some of the worst things human beings have ever done to each other. It’s how "we" survive – the Palestinians attacked "us" so "we" kill them. All two million people in Gaza, or all Palestinians, are responsible, as far as this "thinking" goes. There are many pro-Israel commentators who also say that "fellow Arabs" should "step up" and offer them "safe haven." But I don't think "you share an ethnicity" is a very convincing reason to expend resources or compromise your "nation's" security while Israel does ethnic cleansing. No one seems to feel any obligation if you don't share an ethnicity – no one is asking Norway to take in two million Palestinian refugees.

But she emphasizes this as a way to flip ideology around. You say she's a settler-colonizer, but she lives in Canada, well maybe that makes her one, but that would go for most Canadians including Muslim Canadians. It seems quite difficult to make anti-colonialist preoccupations map onto real-world correlates in a world where more and more people are just mixed up. You inevitably have to mystify things a bit. Israel does have settlements and there is an occupation though, but a majority of the Jewish population are not Europeans and have experiences of prejudice and discrimination in Arab countries in recent history, which makes their position pretty unusual. Anyways, this whole thing is a mess.


I wonder what their narrative is going to be when the game commercially fails/succeeds.


>stellar blade gets censored
>most people agree it was a bad decision
>/v/ is now for the censorship
fucking lol


>BAFTA judge
of course lmao


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Pretty sure they are against race mixing, unless if an asian woman is involved.


The most heavily projecting and honest video from that fucktard that I’ve seen so far


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Material explanation for the seemingly large number of schizo reactionary Sleepycabin/Oneyplays fans? Because in terms of politics, the guys themselves are centrists. Is it really just that they've been on the internet for a long time?


Newgrounds nostalgia


i never understood this, they're all pretty much just apolitical nerds with some vague lib tier beliefs except lyle who hangs out with breadtubers and lefty youtubers for some reason.


Centrism in 2024 is essentially just proto-fascism, maybe that’s why


a lot of those guys are loser millennials which shocked the shit out of me.


This is the result of having too much time on your hands.


when you know politics


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>actually about nothing
Actually politics is inherently exclusionary and caters to the domination fantasies of hwite' males.

Cal-arts(and it's derivatives), as the product of PR driven art, streamlined to the blandest, inoffensive, neuron activating,message carrying, cost effective, visual input is the optimal vehicle for representation and inclusiveness, and therefore liberation.
By comparison every other artistic medium is just degrees of lacking from hundreds to tens of thousands of hours in consultation with experts on the field of communication(marketing). And just as much scientific refinement (focus groups and marketing research)


What would be the “center” between neocons (Democrats) and fascists (Republicans) other than proto-fascism?


The guy they used to have doing the best-of compilations comes to mind (he started off making fan-compilations, and they later brought him on officially because of that). He's a Sam Hyde dickrider and schizo blogger.


i have too much time on my hands and i'm studying up on the 6502 programming language. idk what their problem is


Why don't you like his content?


The infuriating thing about the "Cal-Arts" look, and the irony of using a Ren and Stimpy image to represent it, is that a lot of the people who work on those shows are talented cartoonists. Vid related is by the creator of Steven Universe. They're simply not _allowed_ to draw well.


>Second Thought is an opportunist
Don't know about that. He explains socialism in very digestable ways to a large audience and normalizes it. What have you done to help the socialist movement, anon?


They're not allowed to draw well because i imagine it's due to the fact that it's cheap korean animators that do most of the actual drawing and they have no incentive to try hard when they are paid like utter shit.


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The crystal.cafe meetup went as expected


>politics is inherently exclusionary and caters to the domination fantasies of hwite' males.
Are you saying POC woman are less than human and don't have domination fantasies? Or are you saying they are too mentally retarded to see themselves in another person's shoes? Either way, that's pretty racist and sexist of you.


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>These guys are an op, this wrecker bs is so fucking blatant.
It sounds like Grayson Walker, one of the Infrared guys, is a law student at Emory and set up the event, and they invited Norm and the Georgia chapter of CAIR, then tried to pull a fast one and Norm left and threatened to "crush" Walker's skull along the way (or something). The Infrareds are saying that Norm was not upset at them, but a different speaker named Ahmed, who is not affiliated with Infrared… but I kind of doubt they're telling the truth about that. Just going out a limb a little bit.


anti-woke youtuber doxxes a story time youtuber for being fat and forces her to move out of state.


>politics is inherently exclusionary
And that's a good thing. "Class struggle" didn't tip you off?


ofc the sharty was behind the doxx


quelle surprise

I fucking hate anti wokers so much, they're such crybullies


Imagine hitting your diapie and calling in an air raid because someone posted cringe. It's such autistic fucking behavior. I'll never in a million years even begin to be able to relate to these faggots.


I mean they aren't sincere, they do it for money. But as for their fans, yeah, losers


>best friend
They kicked jt out their shared video platform lol


Damn I feel way too old for video games.


Nebula? So self-identified communists are off the table, but JJ McCollough can bounce his conservative ass all around there because he's nice?




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You've probably heard of Judeo-Bolshevism, and maybe, if you've read the Overman Committee senate hearings, you might have heard of Germano-Bolschevism, but have you ever heard of Anglo-Bolschevism?
Truly the soviets were backed by everyone, how lucky they were


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well leftypol anything to say for your selves??


Not really, he has found his audience but to everyone else he is looking less and less intelligent with every post.


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wasn't he saying a few weeks ago jewish people were anti white?


Andrew Tate was also talking about how life is about bitches and money but now talks about having sex without procreation is cringe and gay. Grifters are forever optimising their image to appeal to what group has the most money and how easily they let go of it for a "cause", that happens to be alt-right boomers who support ethnonationalism.



We need a bingo card for russian nationalist cope post-USSR





nostalgia critic chads>onlyplay fans


i still remember when they defended the man of shad and how two of wanted to fuck the green m&m


the really only dropped shad after he became a meth addict who attacked someone with a machete


>"you hurting the queer community"
>it's "queer community" just because i made the movie in regards to the "queer community" twitter's "queer community", based on twitter joke
>when everyone else most likely is already paid at this point
No there not.
This just means you went overbudget with borrowing too much debit instead of having the money on hand, with is another problem entirely.
Stop trying to guilt tripping other.

A shitpost need made out a labor of love, not even Freddy Got Fingered was a box office hit (even though it was 1:1 and eventually turn a profit from DVD sales), Hellavision Television Network does similar things but on a budget of zero.


The fuck. The film itself doesn't even look that much.


Anon, you don’t know about RevCel and Incel Maosim


Didn't this shithead have to make an apology tour licking Netanyahu's zionist feet for being anti semitic?


I can't help but notice most of these guys seem to be pushing 40
>hi my name is Jonathan [and] I would wish that video games go back to what they used to [be] back when I was a kid
this says it all really
oh how I wish this were true


I miss shad
Incestibles still a classic


I reject the entire notion of race though, it's pseudoscience


Cory's still part of the main cast. He's actually a lot more prominent now than he used to be.

Again, I can't for the life of me understand why a reactionary would glom on to a show that has had at least two guys that draw porn for a living as part of the main cast for extended periods.


Ken Klippenstein has left The Intercept.
tl;dr The Intercept has been taken over by corporate bureaucrats and they're killing/slowrolling every story that's actually adversarial to the powers that be.


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it's over




Yes, I also do that.


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Reminds me of a kind of cool VR game. fisherman’s tale


yeah, textbook OCD behavior.


Could tourettes work like that? All i know is that tourettes compels involuntary speech


What the fug is this trip and where did it come from


what did Twitter mean by this?


Really gives a new context to Black and Tans


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The bourgoisie is getting more and more mask off by the week I feel


So I got served this tier-list by this low view count catholic and I felt obligated to share.

I am not convinced this is a real person but a convoluted bit

[Types of Conservatism Tierlist by The Redneck Catholic]


David Frum’s always been a fuckwit


I dunno. I think it’s very common for people to be suddenly overwhelmed by embarrassing memories and react to it by saying some phrase, and doing something physical odd (cringing). And for some reason this happens much more frequently when you are alone but not always. I don’t think this requires a diagnosis. This person seems normal, to me.


It’s pretty common


Mod prank


That PFP gave me schizophrenia


Just ssaw some Taiwan-US gusana do the whole "Red Guards beat my poor grandfather to death" song and dance while completely neglecting to mention what accussations they levied against him. ome other Xwitter cretin respectfully nodded at her and aid that that's what things like the Evergreen student protests would lead to. Later on, the gusana shared this Shakesperean sonnet.


What were the accusations?


>Material explanation for the seemingly large number of schizo reactionary Sleepycabin/Oneyplays fans?
I have no idea about fans of whatever e-celeb because I avoid all of those like the plague, but I do think I see a growwing undercurrent of schizophrenia in the zeitgeist. I presume it's only to be expected what with liberal capitalism decaying while there being no alternative whatsoever at hand. Another factor which synergizes with that is the infocalypse, and also the weaponization of the latter by particularly malignant reactoids hellbent on deliberately degrading the social fabric via "cultural fascism".

Well that's part of what that anon said anyway. The porkies who drive the demand for those sweatshop animation studios are the ssame who curb actual innovation and craft, after all.

please be real

>Russianss With Autism playing the "muh kill-death ratio" card like butthurt Americans regarding Vietnam
wew lad
>Russian army was wildly victorious in WW1


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Normies are finally waking up to the Hibernian puppetmasters.

Not random words, more like whatever other trains of thought are running in my mind at the moment.

I envy that guy's resolution tbh. I wish I could trust something to the point of dedicating my life to it, because it's not like I have any reason to live as is.


The fact that she didn't mention any iss what makes it suspicious, anon.


Meaningless threat, loan forgiveness was never going to be given.

Just say she's full of shit, call her a gusano and post Yeonmi Park memes. They always make up stuff or mindlessly repeat with their gusano parent told them as fact.


>>1839399 this is what we're up against? lol


they can be pretty edgy at times and rightwingers are attracted to that, like flies to shit


>Israel and mossad did 9/11
is this based or not?


Critical support for comrade Israel in their struggle against Burgerstan.


Ken Klippenstein has resigned from the Intercept in a lengthy substack post where he has outlined the continued corporate bureaucratization of the 'company' where more and more manager roles were hired at the expense of various editor roles that were eliminated.



>Enter the Intercept’s general counsel David Bralow, who said he had problems with the article. He didn’t have legal concerns. Bralow instead thought it inopportune, saying that attacking Bezos might not sit well with the Intercept’s own billionaire donor, Pierre Omidyar, especially at a time when he was keeping the organization afloat.

>“I confess on a first read that it gives me pause, particularly because the article waits until the back half to say that McRaven actually donated this money to other charities,” Bralow emailed Bill. “And how is that a racket?”

>Bralow called the story “naive,” questioning our questioning of Bezos’ commitment to journalism. “A business, just like ours, has the obligation to remain sustainable,” he continued. “That it [the Washington Post] has net operating loss and its owner wants to make charitable contributions seems very different. Even more to the point, that Bezos does not want to subsidize the media anymore seems like we are ignoring our own story.”

>Bill updated the draft — which already said in the subheadline that it was a charity grant — to further stress that Bezos’ $100 million gift was for charity. Bill then sent it back to Bralow.

>During the call, Bill told me immediately after, Bralow said that Annie Chabel, the CEO, had concerns about how the story might come off to the Intercept’s donors. Bill said that that might be unfortunate but wouldn’t influence his decision to publish, and that if Bralow had any legal concerns — as opposed to editorial — he would be happy to address them.

>After a heated back and forth, Bralow declared: “I’m killing the story.”

>Bill replied that he would resign, prompting Bralow to back off (I had said I would leave if Bill didn’t edit me, the reason Bralow retreated.)

>“I don’t see the point of the story,” Bralow then complained before Bill told him to fuck off (literally, lol). We published

>Bralow, who resembles a Catholic priest caricatured in one of Martin Luther’s tracts, living well off the generosity of his modest parishioners, is the personification of what The Intercept has become. With his bloated salary (over $300,000, per the most recent nonprofit filing), bureaucrats like him who prevent journalism is what your money is paying for if you contribute to The Intercept these days.


Apropos of nothing, a really long post explaining in extremely accessible language, with lots of interactive figures, how airplane wings work: https://ciechanow.ski/airfoil/


I just found out this image is fake.


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get ready for the next phase of stupid discourse about wokeness in childrens' media


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3… 2… 1…
Gotta post!

From here to the stars
Fueled by candy bars
Rides a chvd with a knack
For invention

With a super-powered mind
A mechanical keyboard
He rescues the West from sure destruction




I really have to wonder how these guys get so invested in this shit


spectacle brain + low autism score + peak alienation


Jesus fucking Christ everything is a remake, sequel, or prequel. That's my issue.


fairly oddparents kind of makes sense to do this with at least. when one kid grows up they get reassigned to a new kid. it's slightly different from just redoing the same exact thing.


Akshually the show was ruined when they added the baby.


the show was ruined when the green guy became a drooling retard


PAAU put out a May Day message.


I will agree. I remember watching the pilot episode when it first aired on tv. I thought I had made it up in a dream until I found it on youtube. Cosmo could have been a good role model for kids but instead they turned him into a literal man child.


>>1840577 (me)
I'd leave a comment asking them who this is supposed to appeal to given that 99% of anti-abortion advocates are right-wing and hate unions and socialism:


Also, the birth control movement in America began with radical anarcho-syndicalists like the IWW who published neo-Malthusian articles in their affiliated publications.


new ESOTERICA dropped


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Honestly it's wack that they split Vicky into Vicky and Crocker. The pilot has Vicky aware something is sus and saying she's going to figure it out. Also it was funnier when Mom and Dad were faceless and just kind of aloof instead of acting like they have brain damage.

I'm surprised it took him this long considering his dissertation was on Marx.


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i implore everyone (who is bored) to look into the astrology of communism, its pretty interdasting

>It’s pretty well-established in the astrological lore that the Saturn/Neptune cycle is relevant to the history of communism, and to major turning points in Russian history.

>The Communist Manifesto was published in the wake of the 1846 conjunctions (with Saturn still in orb of Neptune). Actually, that year, 1848, was the last time Saturn and Neptune were copresent in Pisces.

>There were subsequent Saturn/Neptune conjunctions in 1917, the year of the Russian Revolution; in 1952 and 1953, the year Stalin died and also the year the Korean War ended and cemented the division between North and South Korea; in 1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell and also the year of the Tiananmen Square protests. We know it didn’t take long for the Soviet Union to fall apart from there, in 1991.

>We can tell, based on this, that the upcoming Saturn/Neptune conjunction will coincide with another turning point in those histories, and on a similar, if not greater, level of magnitude.


shhhh don't let the archons know our plans comrade


>july 2025
Okay but where wilo this great event take place


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uh actually both sides are bad sweaty so the immortal science of zodiac-liberalism holds true another day


Is that you shay?


She was harassing him though. She kept posting propaganda from the food industry and got called out.


Fuck off, you didn't even watch her videos


who tf is Norm?


I saw the whole thing.


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The Man
The Legend


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>Bright Anonymist


Is this guy a parody page or is just off the deep, deep end? https://twitter.com/RichardStrocher/status/1785731946565325201


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Nothing I could make up to mock rightoids would be as funny as this image


it's not real. it's just groyper shit.
the name is literally "Dick Stroker"


i fucking love jesus!
i feel like this guy might be a bot or shitposter


Trying to revive this corpse with good old DEI shit LMFAO


This just makes me think Tate and his ilk are primarily targeting/affecting neurodivergent young men.


I love him then


his face is like 4 inches too long front-to-back


the account follows nothing but groypers and america first accounts
it's just some groyper being le random


>Dick Stroker
Smells like reactionary satire combined with unironic grifting. Giving me Sam Hyde vibes.


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>who tf is Norm?


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according to conservatards the keffiyeh is now the official "palestine logo" so if you wear it youre actually making a political statement


I mean most people in the west wearing it are trying to make a statement TBH


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Guy looks like a New Vegas npc.


That's exactly it. All these weird fuckers look like PS3-era Fallout PMCs


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Yep the cool people look like Interplay Fallout's floating heads instead.


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Unbelievably based.


>Ring-a-ding, baby!


nta, but the point is that all these movies/tv/games sticking to the same IP/universe limits creativity. We should be encouraging writers to make new worlds and characters instead forcing them into the straitjacket of the same ones over and over again.
Also audiences need to accept the idea that stories have endings. No fictional story can last forever without a huge decrease in quality.
Simpsons is a perfect example. It should have ended decades ago but it's still going because of name recognition and fox/disney draining it's IP of all value.


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I miss when ms paint comics were anything other than copypasted soyjaks.


the author of fairly oddparents is a christian dumbshit funnily enough


The best entertainment franchises never last more than ten years.

Especially in the realm of contemporary music.
If the Beatles didmt break up in 1970, they would become self-parodies that would be haunted by their dorky phase.
Look what happened to the Beach Boys.

Movies and TV shows you have more leeway. Thats we they use generational set of characters for the same fictional universe.


The best satire is self-parody.


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Andrew Tate praises JK Rowling for unclear reasons


Didnt he defend trans people multiple timea. This little repressed faggot needs to go hang himself.


You know what, I'm siding with the chinlets. The fact timmy is a dweeby little pasty white kid is what makes the first few seasons actually pretty good.


I dont care what ethnicity hes in but I kinda got tired of the social abuse he has to go through even if its comical. This is the one thing I hate about shows like these where they normalise mediocrity and ostracisation of the main characters for plot.
They make any sort of happiness and collective support as anamolous.

Danny Phantom amd Jimmy Neutron suffer from this as well


Yeah probably most known was the time he was like "what's gayer - fucking megan fox with a dick or hulk hogan with a pussy?"


i remember a pic from the early 2000s with a pre-op bald muscular trans man about this lol


>I dont care what ethnicity hes in but I kinda got tired of the social abuse he has to go through even if its comical.
I dunno, I guess white people are just more fun to bully>>1841306

>This is the one thing I hate about shows like these where they normalise mediocrity and ostracisation of the main characters for plot.

>They make any sort of happiness and collective support as anamolous.

I agree, but think its just reflecting the mediocrity and intense alienation of american suburban life


I mean it's not strictly pro-trans to say essentially "traps aren't gay" really is it?


Design idea: Imagine a shirt with long sleeves and the sleeves have text on them and when you do a T-pose you look like this:
🔻I'm with 😎 I'm with🔻




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Both Mr Vikkernes and Mr Tate support brave & beautiful Ms Rowling. What a time 2b alive
Saying he would sexually trafficate Megan Fox-with-a-dick because that's hot isnt exactly a defense of anything.
I had sex with women but i'm not a feminist.


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My man looks like he has slept on a granite pillow.


bothered. unmoisturised. out of my lane. decaying.


My man is looking like Tommy Lee Jones


The Ozempic hitting so hard it turns you into Waluigi


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>sermon on the mound
Jesus famously gave his sermon and then threw the first pitch at the 30AD Jerusalem League playoffs


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<… shake hands with the apostle Paul before Christ took the stage…
lol, confirmed for having never read the New Testament
>… at the sermon on the mound
lmao even, okay I'm done kindly face the wall now.


The day’s astrological meaning would be disclosed through taking rittenhouse as a negation of Greta


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Maga Communism… is real?


>harassing him though
>I saw the whole thing.
it sounds like you didn't


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>Maga Communism
No such a thing. You guys are just reactionary retards.


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i think we need to ask every baby in the gaza strip if they condemn hamas and october 7th and like freedom and burger. only then we shall know if they are worthy of not being exterminated


>Maga Communism
This is like culture war "nationalism" with socialist lingo tacked on. The culture war is so far detached from the actual levers of power and so deep into idealism that it can be anything. It can be infinitely radical in it's schizo twists and turns and still never be a threat to power. At most requiring a bit extra investment into narrative correctives and realigning the incentives of grift to keep on track.

So it doesn't matter what this guys purport to believe or what Trump-tards do, or where it may intersect.


>MAGA = Trump

Peak liberal view of history


That reminds me, did anything ever come of the sharty's war on TADC? It feels like, as far as the rest of the internet is concerned, it never happened.


>It can be infinitely radical in it's schizo twists and turns and still never be a threat to power.

Incredibly bold and already outdated statement considering the Urkainian front is currently collapsing due to maga reps holding up the Ukrainian aid package for months.


I never even heard of it. Why would they think they have the influence to affect anything other than just doxxing vulnerable people?


Ukraine is collapsing because of a host of other issues. Muh aid holdup is just pap for the rubes.


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Elon recommits himself to free speech by unbanning Nick Fuentes who advocates ethnic cleansing and abolishing the age of consent due to being a "radical feminist" construct


Something I've noticed about trolling groups, especially younger ones like the 'arty, is that they're very much echo chambers. You have these teenage shutins going back and forth telling eachother how badass and dangerous they are, and because the bulk of their interaction is with eachother, they start to believe it. This is compounded by the large body-count of easy targets these communities tend to accumulate; people with poor mental health and no support systems.

In this particular case, we have the soyjak wiki, which acts as a living testament to this phenomenon. There, the soyteens have documented an entire alternate reality where they basically own the internet.


he has to be crashing xitter this hard for tax reasons


By this point, the damn thing might be entirely financed by Atlas Foundation and other hitlerite porkies. I said it early in his mismanagement that covertly selling off to the more reactoid porkies might be a viable business model these days, they're gagging for a big venue to shit public discourse up directly.


yeah but they still need to make money somehow, and advertisers have been fleeing in droves


>yeah but they still need to make money somehow
Why? These porkies would keep it financially afloat, and in return, they get to spew their hitlerite psychopathy unfiltered. The latter is already happening, so it makes sense that Musk is charging them for it.


hm. good point. still, running the site ain't cheap


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Remember this vintage lolcow? He's into Palworld too.


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Do you think he's aware that this bill was spearheaded by a Republican, that 46 out of 61 (~75%) of its cosponsors are Republicans, and that 187 out of 217 Republicans (~86%) versus 133 out of 212 (~63%) Democrats voted for it?



to be totally fair pals were MADE FOR SEX.


Why would a member of the bourgeois throw away his entire fortune for Trump? Is crack that powerful?

Of course he knows. He's trying to do a 5d chess move where republicans who voted for this we be seen as RINO "liberals." But only 21 republicans voted against this. Win or lose, all the details will be forgotten by dementia addled boomers or swept under the rug as just part of the culture war against bluehaired libs.


post some good videos :V


Let the man fucking goon.


Bourgeoisie are still just people, they can lose their capital for any number of reasons
If you prove to be an unworthy avatar capital will leave you to chase profit elsewhere


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lol i love boomers


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We all understand he‘s controlled opposition, right? Does anyone have that article where Zizek was thoroughly shown to be an anti-socialist grifter? There was a quote in it how Zizek said he would say anything for the people who approached him to give interviews


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I'd say yes, just so people can travel out of your hellhole.
Fuck, if they can negotiate visas I'll fly to the US, slam dunk that shitrag and raise a Chinese banner.



I mean it's Elon Musk, he plays 4D Chess quite well. Really setting himself up to become Technology Minister of the Union of the Socialist Soviets of America.


What would happen in this scenario if your raised the flag of Hyperborea?


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<He was a member of the Communist Party of Slovenia until October 1988
<In the first free elections in 1990, he ran as the Liberal Democratic Party's candidate for the former four-person collective presidency of Slovenia.[22]
He was only given any credence because he was still publicly a "communist" after of the vacuum left by the dissolution of the USSR. That's the only thing he had going for him unless you like psychoanalysis.


Call for you from Mr. Rockhill

His proposal saves each emigrant $2000 on the renunciation fee. Neat


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<*raises 1924 flag of the soviets*


Premier Anonymous.


>everyone for whom you have even the slightest amount of appreciation will eventually disappoint you


> Jerry Seinfeld’s “Unfrosted” is "an astonishingly unfunny, deeply weird, live-action cartoon that is so clear-the-room dreadful it almost plays like a horror movie."
This review makes it sound like The Room and kinda makes me want to watch it.


>check trailer
>"I believe we have split the atom of breakfast!"
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. Larry David really was the talented one all along, huh?


My favorite part of Seinfeld was Jason Alexander anyway.


>Zach going on autistic tangents about whatever fad fourchan is going through, like shaving with safety razors or cast iron.
>Oney beefing with SuperMega and Gamegrumps because those two re more vocally "woke" even though the whole beef was mostly office politics and some business disputes
>saying slurs ironically, which is just because they're old internet
It doesn't matter they're left-libs you just need to say something they like once and the rightoids will desperately try to claim you for their own.


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so sick of hearing about this guy, can't he go fuck off back to WoW? what part of playing the same game for 20 years makes people think you're a cogent political theorist


Mong toes a very gamer-gate friendly radical centrist anti-woke anti-intellectual line (he admits he hasn't read a book since high school and can't write in script) fags like Critical Drinker do so he pulls from those same audiences.


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You should see what they write on Xitter. The amount of nazis is through the roof. They now deny nazi war crimes and make up soviet crimes. Picrel. They are trying to gather sympathy for hitler and the nsdap. Everything about the bolsheviks. They are trying to steer the conversation from hatred of israel (thank you bibi for being a dumbass after oct 7) to hatred of communism to hatred of russia and china.
The whole "free speech" thing was a ploy. There was always an ulterior motive. Im more inclined to think they are planning for war against china and russia which is why there are so many nazis around on xitter. That was the goal of the MIC through Elon, spread nazis to manufacture support to fight russia and china.
>China is communist, Must fight them!
>Russia is supporting its communist past, Must fight them!
Capitalists always play this game, when they are losing the narrative, they censor, when they think they have a chance of gaming the 'free market' they promote deregulation.
More and more people are becoming nazis because
>its simple (no thinking required)
>they are angry at the establishment because they cannot eat the crumbs of imperialism anymore
>breaking taboos is fashionable (plus nazis were mysticized by hollywood while soviets were dehumanized)


I liked the line from that song Frieden, like 'some of us are Nazis, but spare us your crying, because every toolbox needs a hammer'


Milo Yiannopoulos is still banned from Twitter because he called a Ghostbusters' actress fat.


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>We are doomed
>Nazis are going to win


I wonder if this has the potential to backfire. Nazis were at the very least soldiers who fought in wars and could actually pull off the hyper-masculine persona that they wore themselves, but these guys are twinks who don't even fight that much. I think the modern right simply has too many degenerates to really do much. If there was not chvd meme out there they might've stood a chance, but there is simply no way they will beat the cringe allegations and the only reason why they do on youtube is because so many of them are carbon copy plagiarist clones of one another.


perception is reality. if nazis can get the media to go along with portraying them as hyper machismo (they happily do so) then they are to 99% of people.


>that flag
Anarchists don't care about getting anything actually done but I'll try to explain how this isn't off brand. The working class do not like a bunch of perma-student and NEET drug addicts burning flags, attacking people, throwing shit on art, blocking highways ect. They do not like a bunch of angry teens throwing temper tantrums in public about how America is evil and it needs to be demolished and given back to natives again or some shit. You guys are a poison to any common ground we're seeking with the working class when it comes to Palestine. Most people do not care about the going ons with foreign policy so you have to approach it in a different way than just throwing a shitfit.

Caleb has consistently been about making a united movement while Anarchists just come up with reasons to try and cancel everyone. Your message and tactics are a complete failure, we can even prove it's a failure historically. He has a track record of engaging in protests so don't do the "you're the glowy!" bullshit. He's written books on the Houthis.

And no, understanding that the working class don't like seeing the flag stomped on doesn't make me a "trumpist" or whatever. Take notes from MLK jr. You can't even argue with me. These protests were used as fuel to accelerate an "antisemitism" bill. You're caught red handed.


>the "working class" in my head doesn't like thing ergo it's bad
That's not how marxist analysis works.


Yeah but then they see it's Asmongold saying this shit, the spectacle is powerful but it's not a fucking god. If you see a skinnyfat mexican ranting about sjws and the bad outfits of stellar blade being censored, no amount of spectacle is going to make them think they are cool
The best they can get going for them is the hyper romanticized noble savage view that redscarepod has of people who work in trades, where they are these super trad people who go to church and don't engage in any cringe activities such as playing madden or watching marvel slop.


I infiltrated enough nazi groups to know this is not true. Nazis are highly organized and a lot of their muscle is actual muscle. There is a gov push for nazism and this is fact. They have a vision of a techno-feudal-antebellum warlord fantasy and are working overtime to make it happen.


I mean yeah ok, reality does matter to some extent, but just saying don't ever underestimate propaganda and how retarded the average person is (especially the average rightoid)


I believe that Nazis are kind of like tolkein orcs in that you have the muscular and warrior-like uruk hai and then you have the rest of 'em who would probably fold to your average breadtube tier soyboy
I don't underestimate propaganda at all. It's just that if you see a fag like critical drinker ranting about woke and then he writes a shit movie, it kind of puts a damper on any criticism he writes. If propaganda and brainwashing was that powerful, how come MKultra was ultimately unfunded? Because people see the reality of things, propaganda is used to pry consent from people who don't know anything about anything, but it fails when it meets the sheer force of reality. It keeps people in the dark but if you can tie benefits to truth, they will want the beneficial truth.
I imagine the reason why anti-communist propaganda works is because communism is seen more as a foreign thing than it is seen as evil in the west. I mean it is seen as evil, but foreign is equal to most people. If it was say an anglo thing then people would be gommies.


Are they even aware of the online rightoids?


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>Fuck, if they can negotiate visas I'll fly to the US, slam dunk that shitrag and raise a Chinese banner


Yes but they use them as "smoke grenades". One guy from a nazi group said its like the movie edge of tomorrow where there are different classes of aliens that have different roles and oversight. The online retards are the smoke, but they are coordinated through a network of brigadiers that was formed off-site post-elon takeover. They also love when celebrities endorse their views. The moment they find one, they begin to curate them like this is some religious cult. Sending them nazi watching and reading lists, EVROPA bullshit etc. They thought hinkle was one of them until he was commie posting and now they hate him kek


>You will soon have to because the economy will tank.


>perception is reality
meaningless, idealist slogan


Local radlib jason unruhe calls the idea the US is banning tiktok to prevent criticism of israel
<"Anti-Semetic Conspiracy Theory"


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>anti-woke anti-intellectual line (he admits he hasn't read a book since high school and can't write in script)
If you don't learn to read, you can still have epic poetry, dispense bullshit without recourse, and enjoy whatever predation you can get away with.
<I didn't choose barbarian life. Barbarian life chose me

>Nazis are highly organized and a lot of their muscle is actual muscle
I imagine seeing them next to a professional army has made us a bit complacent. But we shouldn't make excuses for any misfortune that happens to befall them nor their collaborators or families, nor should we lift a finger to prevent it.

<According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation.
When Engels and bourgeois sociology agree, take the L and gb2r


>Jerry Seinfeld’s “Unfrosted”
Reminds me of the Mr. Show sketch about "Coupon: The Movie," which is a movie about a coupon that makes zero money, so the studio execs sue the American people and win a judgement that forces everyone in the country to see the movie under threat of penalties.


Why is it so crazy? Trump was pushing for the same thing before the recent escalation. Sure criticism of Israel is exacerbating what was already a trend in the American bourgeoisie but it isn't the root cause. The root cause is American terror at competition with China.


>Why is it so crazy?
Because Trump scare mongering about China it isn't what actually got it done, opposition to the state of israel was.
And running defence for the actions of our government to prop up a colonial possession we've invested billions of dollars in the name of "fighting anti-semitism" is literally what the imperialists WANT us to do.


Yet it seems to ring true.
How else are the capitalists so successful?
Some even believe their own delusions.


>How else are the capitalists so successful?


Alot of those "teenagers" are ironically twice the age you expect them to be.

People always assume that the worst faux pas is only kids.

But the common factor in all of them is that they never had a socially active prime


Anon, please don't self-immolate.


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larry david literally made seinfeld without seinfeld and it was way fucking better than seinfeld


You overestimate propaganda.
People are impressionable yes, but they also have self-delusions.
Propaganda doesnt influemce people whom dont have a slight taste for whatever worldview theyre forming.


I know that Larry David helped write Seinfeld but did he do all of the heavy-lifting?


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I can see banning TikTok to crush pro-Palestinian videos as more of a rationale to convince pro-Israel people to support it. But I don't think that's the underlying reason anymore than saying TikTok is actually a vehicle for Chinese propaganda to turn American teens into Xi Jinping fans. That's ideology, or that is, a retroactive justification for what they wanted to do anyways.

Like, if you want to ban TikTok to keep out competition that threatens the bottom line of your own tech giants, well that's not a very good reason if you believe in the "free market" – the irony is that it is kind of like a "Chinese" policy (the Chinese government does, in fact, ban American social media companies from operating there like Instagram). Part of that is probably for political reasons and not wanting American propaganda to turn citizens against the government, but it's also because they want to develop their own social media companies for economic reasons and they have a protectionist policy to enable that. The U.S. is shifting towards more protectionism in part because of Chinese competition, and because you want to do it, you'll come up with something else that sounds like a very good reason, like TikTok is brainwashing people to stomp on American flags or support turrrrists like Hamas. People who support the ban might even convince themselves of this, but it is a mystification of what's going on too.


writers do most of the heavy lifting on running sitcoms


He had a bunch of staffers help script the show?
As in he jotted down rough drafts and told staffers to come up with refinements which he self-credited?


< People who support the ban might even convince themselves of this, but it is a mystification of what's going on too.
Yeah but i mean at what stage does this filter UP to the political class itself though?
Like on the meta level sure, this is all capital defending its interests and spinning bourgiosie naratives to justify what it wants to do anyway but past a point I think there is a case to be made even the politicians themselves are doing these things in part because they BELIEVE the propaganda line that is put out their.
I think there are alot of Zionist baby boomers in college who genuinely in their heart believe tiktok is turning the kids anti-semetic, and considering what they believe about the college campus protests i think this only gets stacked.


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>I wonder if this has the potential to backfire. Nazis were at the very least soldiers who fought in wars and could actually pull off the hyper-masculine persona that they wore themselves, but these guys are twinks who don't even fight that much. I think the modern right simply has too many degenerates to really do much.

It's more than just not having any fight in them (lots of OG Nazis were Drunks and "degenerates" of various stripes) but, before all else, not having a unifying message on which to grow. That's what ultimately has doomed 99% of Neo-Fascist/Nazi movements. It's something I've realized after studying enough Fascist stuff.

You might be wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, but the original premise of Fascism was the State being a unifying entity. Nationalism wasn't just chosen because it was simply trendy, but because it could act as a source of unity akin to: "Hey, Left, Right, we're all Italian!" Of course, they'd still crack down on the radical Left, but the idea was they're cracking down on them because they're upending the unity of the Nation and not merely for being Left-Wing. Sure, the original Fascist movement could still be violent and exclusionary (as ᴉuᴉlossnW was to the Slavs) but that was the context of those outside the State, it was the Nazis that focused more on exclusion within the state from a basis of Biological determinism.

Nationalism at the time could genuinely act as a unifying premise to sap support from the Left and the Right. In Lawrence Dennis' book "The Coming American Fascism" he thought Nationalism would be the basis of a Fascist movement that transcends things like Race and Religion! But the thing is, modern Fascists don't have that unifying principle. Namely 'cause they're psychotic misanthropes with a sadistic streak. So the old methods of Fascist organization don't work because their ideas are outwardly incompatible with building a mass movement. Not even Conservatives like to openly admit they're racist most of the time. For as much as they might try to appeal to "America" it's an America that's alienated from most Americans. To them a "real" American is socially conservative, White, and Christian. At minimum half the nation doesn't meet their criteria.

Again, that's the thing. To have a successful Fascist movement you need the broadest possible base. In Islamic countries Islamism can succeed because the vast majority of the population is raised in an Islamic environment and you can appeal to a broad swath of people by juxtaposing that unifying whole with the "small" politics of "left" and "right". You need to frame your appeal to a reality that the vast majority of society live within. But the modern Fascists can't and don't want to do that. They genuinely despise their society but disguise it behind appeals to a mythic, White version of it.


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>Larry David, Julia and Jason are the talented ones without unhinged views
>Richards's "height" was yelling the n-word at the Laugh Factory and immediately retired after that
>Jerry Seinfeld has only produced slop while complaining that his failures are due to le "woke"


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>Kid reading Mao
That's one more book than the average reactionary will ever read in their lifetime


>Richards's "height" was yelling the n-word at the Laugh Factory and immediately retired after that
He probably could have kept going if it wasn't for that Letterman interview.

Remember folx, Never apologize and admit wrongdoing, especially on TV.


I am apparently the thread grim reaper. every time I post, the thread dies. Maybe I should stick to lurking


Shame on you! With a power like yours, you could kill shit/bait threads on the userbase behalf!


i do this


tiktok was banned because normies were being radicalized against Israel by seeing the shit Israelis were posting on there.


I mean how do you think he could have recovered from it if he didn't even apologise?


Curb Your Enthusiasm is such a great show


2006 was a little late to make a full recovery but his apology on TV did help him at all. He could have keep doing small shows for a few years and try to sweep it under the rug as part of his edgy comedy he did years ago but has moved on from. Comedians can get away with a lot of shit and are harder to cancel than "serious" celebrities if they stick to their guns. Especially when they are already rich.

If you absolutely need to apologize form some reason then you do so through a PR firm curated written statement that carefully dodges specific wrongdoings. At least it won't become a viral video.


File: 1714770273906.png (738.27 KB, 589x641, ClipboardImage.png)

what would possess a man to tweet something like this


File: 1714771004558.png (289.29 KB, 522x475, CrissCross.PNG)

Unfathomable levels of based.
You should learn from Jackson. He and Alex Jones might go to Old Miss and diffuse the protests and get more support for palestine.


based af


Really most countries that go up against the US nowadays come out on top for the simple fact they don't use banned chemical weaponry and atomic bombs on citizens.


i'm glad alex jones is on a based retard arc. he's always had an anti-imperialist switch in his brain and the current political moment is enabling that


What's in Copenhagen?


Who's in Paris?


What's in Beijing?


a new traditionalist movement is overtaking social media - retvrning to old meme formats as a reaction against soyjak and chad culture. should we denounce them as reactionaries?


Soyjak is reactionary by default, RETVRN to glory


4chan is down


File: 1714777452639.mp4 (5.42 MB, 640x360, idiots.mp4)

>He and Alex Jones might go to Old Miss and diffuse the protests and get more support for palestine.
Well, good luck to them. I wish them good luck, really… because here's the crowd they're working with.


4chan is what now?


Holly shit 4chan is down mfs


Yeah, this board will suffice for now, and at least you commies are mostly redpilled on the small hats


Holy shit nazism is over


>Holy shit nazism is over


/lgbt/ still works


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What the hell is squeecore?


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Squeeing is the act of making a high pitched noise upon seeing an adorable animal, like a piglet or a ermine or a birb. Squeecore is the aesthetic based around cuteness akin to gothic kawaii.


File: 1714779250569.jpg (91.63 KB, 951x822, 1714776120756350.jpg)

For those keeping track, the coomerbait game Stellar Blade got a day 1 censorship patch. Nothing major, just adding a bit more clothing over cleavage, shit like that, but it was enough for panderingfags to get up in arms. The devs are pretending nothing is amiss and the publisher, Sony, doesn't give a singular shit.


>the coomerbait game Stellar Blade got a day 1 censorship patch.
What was the purpose of that? Seems antithetical to what they were doing.


the gooners getting triggered is funny. but like, if you're unashamedly making a gooner gamer, why not go all in?


Literally what Chairman Gonzalo was doing about having children, look how war he got with it.


File: 1714780277073.jpg (81.63 KB, 1024x671, 1714427677498.jpg)

Apparently the team deleted their retweet. Imagine being the poor PR guy having to explain to his overworked coworkers that their gooner action game is getting shitpilled by these folks.


i almost feel kinda bad about making fun of them


How exactly is this my problem?


Pure and simple porkery.


File: 1714783238437.png (108.37 KB, 596x541, 1714780888025773.png)

A more serious issue is that with Helldivers. The PC version, after a couple of months of success, now started demanding a Playstation account as well, which in turn requires a face or ID picture.


Might be jst the UK tho.


I mean the age check might be UK-only, the PSN account thing is for everyone. They just wiped and closed down the discussions on their Steam Community.


File: 1714783913366.png (162.99 KB, 667x297, ClipboardImage.png)

more info


Haha, glad I didn't fall for peer pressure to buy this piece of shit.


it did come across as a shittier starship troopers with reddit as its target audience


>buy game on steam
>game requires to sign up on separate platform
this shit is so funny


what does this even mean lol


people who like games with fanservice i guess


Late stage rentierism
Early stage comedy


oh i get it now when its thing the other guy doesnt like its "pandering" lmao


Let me guess, it also comes with Denuvo or some other antipiracy measure?


File: 1714785881873.png (30.2 KB, 483x339, ClipboardImage.png)

>game requires to sign up on separate platform
With a face photo! And Google is asking for a literal photo of your government issued IDs or a credit card for "age verification" as well.


>buy game on steam
>game requires PSN account
>creating PSN account requires you to use "trusted" email domains like gmail/outlook
>creating a gmail/outlook account requires phone verification
>to buy a sim card you need to show ID


File: 1714788575948.png (Spoiler Image, 180.02 KB, 1212x313, roblox communism petition.png)

Petitions online be like:


File: 1714790215388.jpg (46.52 KB, 720x508, 1714787188087888.jpg)

I hate rightoids so much.


watch all the breatubers and streamers who have been decrying the decline of twitter for years still stay on the site


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some fashoid eceleb is posting like he's literally about to kill himself




Why won’t burgers do this?



oh its our old pal styxhexen. poor fuckin mentally challenged retard.


why id he going?



File: 1714813544868.png (235.48 KB, 574x536, gay agenda.png)

Holy shit a fucking dragon!!!


Sick, I want that pic in good quality.


The jobless Law school drop out trying to convince people with actual academic credentials in the future is hilarious.


No to sound too offensive and i don't care much about this first-wold debate but the demographic that comprise most christian child rapist, spawn a new sexual dizease every 10 years and the most obese most wife beating demographic trying to dunk of the transsexuals for anything always was deeply funny to me.
They have to be fucked in the head from all the PrEP payed by big gov for free i guess.


Y'see, I'm not even trans and I'd wear a shirt with the Gender Ideology Hydra™ on it. That shit looks fucking cool


I think we can consider, video games, like other entertainment or mediums, much as they are art, but also are bread and circuses.

Its horrible, anything nice, used against us.


File: 1714819895794.png (558.78 KB, 894x642, 1714815473780384.png)

US army begins deploying big booba black women to recruit on video game livestreams


What an idiot, dropped out his law studies, an academic failson, and lectures against the students fighting for Palestine? disgusting piece of shit, sounds like an impotent child


Started with white women first, relative to the US army, and more so in recent times jewish women in the IDF prior to any US cases.

Either way, horrible these women are active participants, at the same time they are being used and abused; overall the US Army and US intelligence is to blame for this stupidly horny policy.

Anyone who falls for this shit, has to be an idiot, post nut clarity over army propagandists should solve the problem lmao, rip to the ones who got thirst trapped, but tbh these are very attractive women.





to clarify, the 'solution', is a joke, disgustingly sexist policy by the US army, and also an insult to the general public relative to propaganda tactics; mint press have written and talked about the issue really well and much more in-depth.


Shit's fucked up and dystopian and outright preposterous.

It is hillariously retarded to assume you could build a proper military based on the demographic you advertise to.


>ellie the empress
so they are admitting to being an empire


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I wish I could go 1000 years into the future and share these images in some sort of future forum and ask people what they think like was like 1000 years ago, what made people say these things, what people believed, how an average person behaved, what they think of this song.


IDF and burger cops are trained to go home at the end of the day, and not be ashamed to sacrifice a few civilians in the process.


We need a new Lenin
We have Lenin at home
Lenin at home:


>I didn't know those guys were communists I just thought it made me look cool…
masterful move by dick strocher


>shartoid is a pedophile
Every single time.


It is pandering, and the fags who like it don't pretend that it isn't. It's cancer, it's one of the factors which drives the quality of games down, not because the presence of fanservice somehow diminishes an otherwise good game, but because it's focused in fanservice to the detriment of everything else.

Some of them are dependent on the checkmark bucks or self-promotion, the rest are just plain addicted.


The guy who said this looked like someone doing a character was right on the money. Whether he's actually doing it is another matter, but still.


suddenly dying for imperialism doesn't sound so bad


File: 1714834012798.png (537.68 KB, 692x677, 1607054279961.png)

You gotta love how everything, everything, in her "bedroom" is either sex coded or meant to prey upon the desires of low income young men (the giant 100 dollar bill rug for instance).


File: 1714836051990.gif (1.49 MB, 365x182, vinny vinesauce.gif)

>ellie the empress
>Military Q&A
>Showing off her cleavage
>Wearing a shirt that says 'Army'
>Camgirl bedroom with half naked drawings and a dollar sign carpet
>1,079 viewers
Me in the gif rn


File: 1714836147311.jpeg (119.66 KB, 656x591, IMG_2747.jpeg)

The past month has junglepilled me. I hate it here in the west so fucking much. The dumbest fucking people alive ruled and scammed by some of the most loathsome people on Earth


I love the logical conlcusion:
>Ubermenschen Gundam Cyberwarriors
>Degenerates doped out on caffeine watching hentai on their AR-HUD


Actuallly, its not a rightist sub. Pretty socdem.


Still cringe


so rightoid, but with healthcare ?.


Goddamn MAGA communism is pathetic. It’s just constant mewling to get the Left to validate/imitate shitty politics.


>so rightoid, but with healthcare ?.


aka most rightoids in Europe. America is the exception, again


the more i actually learn about le vvest and its history the more i understand self-hating third worldists in amerikkka who want to nuke the united states. western europe has for hundreds of years been the center of a spiral of violence that colonial powers ended up expanding and enforcing on the entire planet. at the same time, the collective west carries itself with an air of smug moral superiority while championing new genocides and dispossessing people at home and abroad. it's really easy to think that there's no hope for the first world and the first bastion of the revolution will be the third world (this is also the most likely scenario)


kill and behead revisionists
dropkick social fascists
execute and guillotine social chauvnists
Death to every single reformist liberal


File: 1714844327305.jpg (203.07 KB, 1079x1151, 1656532546581.jpg)

I legit feel really bad for women who just happen to be built like hentai characters. Almost nobody takes them seriously as people inherently, made worse by having a hard time finding clothing that's not overtly sexual.
And they end up under a lot of pressure to enter the sex industry in some form or another.

Whatever shape someone's body is, they are going to use it to do all of the things that a person does. Not just the things stereotypically associated with that body. All these body positive movements should also be about de-sexualizing certain body types as much as complaining that people think being fat isn't sexy etc.



I didn't even notice that. What the fuck lol


he was always mentally ill and reactionary but it's tragic that he went from putting out bangers in the '00s to being a washed up fat metal mouth dumbass


>banderite flag
opinion discarded


File: 1714848253589.png (787.6 KB, 1200x799, full-metal-jacket-3.png)

>So why's you join the Army, shitface!?!?
<Because of a big booba'd streamer, sir!!!


>Kill some children in the east and you might be able to look at big booba!
I'm more convinced of our super empire than ever, libsisters. Vote blue no matter who!


Everytime conservative, and rightoid tells me to kill myself for liking what I like.


>haha privacy schizos why would I need to know about all that shit


File: 1714850960037.png (2.19 MB, 1279x2799, ClipboardImage.png)

>Actuallly, its not a rightist sub. Pretty socdem.


>Dr Jordon Peterson


File: 1714853410534.png (181.07 KB, 1178x1283, ClipboardImage.png)

uh oh lol


Did more advertisers jump off or what lmao


Elon is there is a whole wide world of Murdoch media outrage bait content to repost JK, broaden your horizons. The birth rate, immigration, squatters, communists…


Its kind of funny but the trans-exclusionary arguments like this made me finally get it and become very supportive of transgenderism. What the fuck does the size of your gametes have to do with– say– wearing a g*d dmn dress? Fuck off. Great point: the ONLY REAL THING that finally separates men from women is totally invisible shit you have to shove a microscope inside to them to see. You are 100% right. Everything else is a socially constructed identity and people can express gender entirely socially and in whatever way they what.


why'd he write a chatgpt response lol


>TERFing so hard the muskrat begs you to stop
Rowling has like olympic gold in transphobia holy shit.


maybe he's browsing twitter while being too high and asked chatgpt to make a response for him


>The USSR never invaded a single country
Come on, man.

It's been months since I have seen an ad on the trending sidebar. Before he took over, it always had an ad.


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Capitalism breeds innovation, libsisters


Renounce Helldivers
Uphold Battletoads


Sony has an ABOMINABLE record with data safety, including MULTIPLE TIMES when they had a major data breach that resulting in the leaking of customers' personal data. Including one incident where TENS OF MILLIONS of people's data was stolen.
<October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach
<August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts
<December 2014: PlayStation Network Taken Down by Christmas DDoS Attack
<November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures
<June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts
<May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen
<April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
<July 2008: PlayStation Site Targeted with SQL-Injection Attack, Prompting Visitors to Download Fake “Antivirus Scanner”


Welp, looks like it's back to Hoxxes IV for me.



><April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
I remember that shitshow


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Why is Elon Musk censoring conservatives??


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>me to myself


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You think the melons were part of the deal for her to do this?


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In case any of you got it, Steam is now refunding even if you have hundreds of hours played.


Sucks. I like playing Helldivers with friends.


Well now you can get a free refund, sorted.


>he doesn't know different clothes can show off or hide tits


bro come on, look at the size, she clearly didn't have them in the first pic (if that is indeed her)


you're being weird.


File: 1714870514032.jpg (503.65 KB, 1460x1369, 1714866460645859.jpg)

Now for reasons unknown, they banned the sale for half the damn world. People in these countries who bought it now can't even launch it anymore.


I'm assuming PSN isn't supported in those countries.


I am sorry sweet summer child but pimps using cosmetic surgery to upgrade their 'product' and coerce women into another debt-trap this way is an extremely common practice. I am not being weird, I know what I am talking about. I don't care that talking about prostitution makes you uncomfortable because you have some psycho-sexual or puritan hang-ups.


There are some French territories that are formally EU territory on this list. I hope someone from their sues sony so they can 2 billion dollar fine or something.


1. Obsessing over this woman is letting the terrorists (US army) win.
2. Immediately thinking "boob job" when you see big tits is incel shit.
3. Bodies change naturally due to hormone changes and weight gain, including as an adult.
4. Again, the clothing difference is as stark as you can possibly get. Military fatigues for women intentionally try to hide feminine traits especially larger breasts, and they still fail to do that with hers.

Stop playing transvestigator with this woman's tits.


"Saint Martin is the only overseas collectivity of France with the status of being an Outermost Region of the EU."

apparently no

I can't believe Palestine is on the list though, we need to Occupy Sony

I mean I don't give a shit either way but she clearly has implants.


I am talking about Martinique, Guadeloupe and Réunion.


Oh yeah my bad. Apparently it's an 'outermost region' I'm not sure if that technically counts but eh.


You are an apologist for pimps, 'modeling' and 'creator' agencies that are coercing women into plastic surgery to debt-trap. Take your misguided liberal body 'positivity' and McFuckingkys.


Those three territories are as much of a French and EU territory as the city of Paris.


de jure =/= de facto, but I see your point


They are de jure and de facto part of the EU and France, as much as Hawaii is a state of the US.


sure but whatever is on paper, you never really stop being a colonial posession.


Well true, however Réunion was completely uninhabitated before discovery.


Pimps also scout for women who have certain appearances and body types. Not everything is plastic surgery. People who are on the extreme end of the bell curve are going to be overrepresented anywhere that is actively seeking them out, and those extremes extend pretty far. Not everything is plastic surgery.


It's kind of ironic that the person who has never seen or felt a fake and a real tit in his life, thus doesn't even know how to anatomically distinguish the two, goes around and calls other incels.


dude you are the one looking up reference images of this woman when she was still wearing braces to try to sus out whether the tits are real


Everytime I want to get a refund Steam tells me it's been over two weeks since I got the game and I can't ask for one.


File: 1714877232296.png (464.46 KB, 640x568, ClipboardImage.png)

Steam is probably trying to figure out how to handle this internally as well right now. This is new territory for them AFAIK because the situation is essentially that Sony revised the TOS after the fact. There have been other cases of companies rescinding people "licenses" to play a game, but actively trying to force people to sign up to a third party app months after release is still pretty out there. Microsoft did something similar with Minecraft and forcing people to link a Microsoft account, but that can be pirated easily and it's not already being sold to people through another vendor's launcher and storefront and kicking people out of using the multiplayer infrastructure.

Sony may be a 32 trillion dollar company, but Valve holds an effective monopoly on PC game distribution and is owned by Gabe Newell personally. It's not the kind of bureaucratic maze a conglomerate like Sony is. Unless they're planning something bigger here, stepping on Valve's toes seems like a bad idea for their business in the PC market. Most likely this is major shortsightedness chasing quarterly returns from harvesting people's data.


File: 1714877290728.png (1.15 MB, 2048x1094, 1714873891695235.png)

So it seems.

The standard is to deny refunds if you played more than 2 hours, but Helldivers 2 is a pecial case. Mention this PN shitshow in your request.


No PSN in Russia or China is pretty crazy, have they just totally given up on those markets or what?


I think China's government simply won't allow it.


>"T-This can't be real this is a psyop to make the right look cringe"
Is KYM confirmed hitler website?


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File: 1714880290412-1.png (566.86 KB, 735x659, gun crotch.png)

>this is too cringe and stupid
>rightoids would never




clear glowie d&c attempt


< ‘Only trans people and Palestinians are seen as oppressed, and never women or Jews.’ It’s an especially strange time to be a Jewish woman on the Left, writes @HadleyFreeman

To nobody's surprise TERFs are going zionist (back to their roots?).


Do they have boothbabes at recruitment booths in the USA? If not, I bet they would help lel


File: 1714885677243.png (1.06 MB, 855x1144, RMWD.png)


We need unity during a time of imminent crisis.


Ok fascist.


I don't like PSL but that post glows.


Now, this is something


Get rekt, turds


Starship Troopers simps & Vietnam larpers are btfo by Sony, lmao


Chat, is this real? Hahaha


If someone could make a coherent language out of that brainrot gen-Alpha terminology and translate the entirety of the communist manifesto into that language, it'd be amazing


>Muh antisemitism!!!
>Muh sexism!!
I fucking hate idpol-liberal rats. Marx was right when he said that behind every tyrant is a Jew, they simply can't accept the truth(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


File: 1714905559022.png (20.65 KB, 773x729, 1714904135582424.png)

Ok so apparently Steam realized that there were legal ramifications concerning what I was talking about here >>1844853 so they just put all of France on the restricted country list to cover their ass.


>Is KYM confirmed hitler website
Do you really need to ask, just look at their jannies.


LMFAO Musk is so unintentionally funny honestly i can't hate him. 2Retard2Care.


File: 1714913536402-0.png (25.2 KB, 593x322, GMx-zukaEAAFj5C.png)

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Total Musk Victory


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>pic 1
Holy shit, terfs are actually funny


tds is so strange to watch from the outside. a lot of these people have never even met or seen a trans person. we're slowly becoming the new jew in the universal language of reactionary harassment


>we're slowly becoming the new jew in the universal language of reactionary harassment
Nick Land called it lmfao.



but how is no one else talking about him using chatgpt to make that post, i mentioned it earlier and i still can't get over it


File: 1714923420633.jpg (6.38 KB, 441x287, 33fbhn8oaduz.jpg)

I wonder if the source of this pic is one of his books.


Unbelievably based. Socialism is when no consoles.

Unbelievably based. Socialism is when no French.


That seems too anodyne a message to be able to tell if it's ChatGPT or not.


The telltale sign of a ketamine trip.


the fact that it's anodyne is exactly why it's chatgpt, musk doesn't write like that and chatgpt takes pains not to call you retarded even if you say outrageously stupid shit


That's a tailism I can get behind


I get your point, but any person would write a similarly anodyne message. It's just a simple "could you please post more" message, any favor requests like that will sound the same way.


File: 1714926585934.jpeg (45.89 KB, 968x446, helldivers-ceo.jpeg)

It's not just Sony that fucked over Helldivers buyers lol.


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I can't wait for him and Hinkle to be forgotten.


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Can socialism be fashionable?


He should have told the crowd that he was a proud Mongol, then they would have listened.


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Iraqi's demonstrating against the coming the burgerpunk nightmare.


>jews need a show that inextricably ties Jewish identity to oppressive police violence and a terrorist colonial state
I hope this guy gets beaten to death with hammers.


This kinda shit is why I'll stick with smaller indie titles and emulation on PC.


>Jewish identity
Honestly what even is Jewish identity? You can be considered "Jewish" even if you don't speak Hebrew, don't believe in or practice Judaism, don't live in Israel, don't practice any Jewish ceremonies and have no connections to other Jews other than your mother. If there is a perfect example of Ethnic Identities being non-essential to your individual humanity it's the Jewish Identity.


israel is currently leveraging a lot of capital to try and define it a certain way


A massive anti communist protest has erupted in a children's video game. They beleive taxes are communism. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23BloxburgProtest&src=trend_click&vertical=trends


Stop fucking linking twitter. We should ban twitter posts honestly.


File: 1714937100664.webm (2.3 MB, 640x360, 1707670883296904.webm)

Is it even real money or is it just fake game money? I wonder if the tax system they implemented is just to create money pits to destroy inflation of the in-game economy or something.


How can you even respond to this inter ethnic fighting if you take the liberal approach of just accepting the premises? Some thing is wrong with ethnic/national identity at a fundamental level. It ignores the reality of materialism and class relations. It ignores the universality of the human and pretends superficial cultural practices is THE defining trait of random groups of people. We should be deemphasizing these identities all together.


Good news: journalism is alive.

Bad news: braindead technically counts as alive.


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What created the autistic chvddie ""gamer"" community that just only react to shit like some charcter ass/le wokeism or racial minorities at a TV show like asmongold or mutahar and how to excise that cancer from youtube? I know gamergate but it has been legit one decade.


Here's what the real ChatGPT said.

<Thank you for sharing your perspective so openly and thoroughly. It's clear you've put a lot of thought into your beliefs, and I appreciate your willingness to engage in a respectful discussion.

<Your views on womanhood emphasize the biological aspect while acknowledging the diversity of experiences and identities that women possess. Your empathy towards individuals experiencing gender dysphoria is evident, as is your concern for the rights and safety of women and girls.

<Discussions surrounding gender identity can be complex and emotionally charged, and it's commendable that you approach them with a commitment to understanding and dialogue. It's important to have these conversations in a respectful and inclusive manner, even when there are differing viewpoints.

<If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss further or if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


ask it to compose a brief twitter reply encouraging them to post something else. i'm not schizo, i'll die on this hill


We desperately need a go outside initiative. I don't know how, but we need to get people to go touch grass, by force.


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GG was the trojan horse of letting /pol/tards shit up every online video game community that has lax moderation.


the problem is the outside sucks and there's nothing to do


Go fucking sit on a stump and play with a stick for all i care just OUT, OUT ,OUT! :C


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>adult human chicken


Why are you on the nazi site, do you like palling around with nazis bro? Twitter is infested.


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Proud mongoloid


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Gamergate was started by thinktanks. Those thinktanks aren't just going to stop and call it a day. We have to get people out of debate mode and get them to learn to form their own worldview that isn't comprised entirely of whedonisms and shadenfreud.


Someone posted the screencap on fedi, talking about it like it's an image that floats around, meaning they might have saved it from somewhere else too.


>Gamergate was started by thinktanks


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>"woke up, mxster freethem… woke up and… smell the pronouns"
This one's so dumb it wraps around and becomes funny again. If HL2 came out today these people would complain about Alyx being too feminist and Eli Vance DEI.


I still remember when Wolfenstein 2 was released and every fucking video game reviewer on youtube besides the mainstream gaming websites whined about "killing nazis" and being "too racially diverse". Instead of being an obvious rushed and dumbed down mediocre game that removed tons of features from the first game.


Well one of the most malignant asspects of late stage capitalism is that outside seems to only become more and more inhospitable. What was that Marx quote about turning living nature into lifeless capital? This was bad enough by itself, and it synergizes with the incressingly individual levels of entertainment and consumerism. Mankind seems doomed to retreat into a cocoon-like area of their own diminishing home in a world going to hell at precisely the moment they should go out and seize it before it does go to hell.


>nazi site
Anglos once again caught between projecting WW2 on everything and masturbating over their lesser role in it. And offending the fascists (and Nazis) that do their dirty work. It's so fucking weird.


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The initiative need to be to build more parks and shit and 3rd places to actually draw people outside.


bro elon just made a big spectacle of publicly unbanning a neonazi.

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