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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.805130[Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism


Somehow that's worse


who cares about braindead literal boomers with a lot of free time from their cushy class position


I told him specifically why he was wrong. MAGA is not conservative. MAGA fights imperialism, which is the final stage of capitalism. Overall, MAGA is most uncontent with the existing social relations that bind us.
<For months, while MAGA Republicans were blocking aid, Ukraine has been running out of artillery shells and ammunition.
At the end of the day, most of us — whether we’re Democrats, Republicans, or independents — believe that America must stand up for what is right.
<We don’t walk away from our allies; we stand with them. We don’t let tyrants win; we oppose them. We don’t merely watch global events unfold; we shape them.
<That’s what it means to be the ins- — the indispensable nation. That’s what it means to be the world’s superpower and the world’s leading democracy.
<Some of our MAGA Republican friends reject that vision, but this vote makes it clear: There is a bipartisan consensus for that kind of American leadership. That’s exactly what we’ll continue to deliver.
Take note of how independents, democrats, and cuckpublicans are identified as the conservatives. This is due to the fact that they support capitalism by supporting imperialism by supporting Joe Biden by not supporting MAGA. Joe Biden promises to deliver nothing but the status quo which MAGA acts to upend.
The MAGA struggle, hindered by conservative forces and the inertia of the masses, is still in its infancy, ever-evolving.
MAGA is not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. MAGA is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.


>my argument is copypasting "MAGA" where "communism" would be in that paragraph

<MAGA is against imperialism

>the same people who are pro-Israel


You're a fucking retard and you need to log off twitter and fucking go outside


Lol, I find a new kind of black conservative besides Thomas sowell type, and uncle tom type LMAO
>Be Panafrican conservative
>Hate LGBTQ People
>Will vote for Trump
>Love Putin
>Support anti-immigrant bill
>Support capitalism(Some of them even hate asian for no good reason) Doesn't even realize they are also victim of it very very much
>Half of them hates religion from western colonist(aka chistianity) half of them is a dedicate chistian, but say what they're doing spiritualism because god gave spiritualism man gave religion
>tribalism for no good reason



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Rings a bell with Kemi Seba.


These people are just special snowflakes aren't they. Tis be why I sympathize with the liberals sometimes. Imagine having to deal with a world of schizos, utterly unwittingly contributing to the insanification of the world due to their degenerate economic system.


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Idk whats funnier, your bit or the people taking it seriously


Candace Owen showed black grifters how easy it is to make money and an audience out of conservatives.


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liberals have all the black people, if you are black conservative you are a special snowflake who probably gets invited to all the conferences and gets on fox news because you are defacto "the guy".

the black community has streaks of conservatism, even in hip hop its all about making money, which is capitalism.

Black people did vote republican, the party of lincoln, until nixon did the southern strategy


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The world of Black Fascists can get even wackier. It's what makes the "Settlers" argument funnier because amidst Sakai purposely misquoting and misrepresenting White Communists to portray them as vicious racists, he also makes the case that Black Fascists are the way to go (ala Marcus "Friends in the Klan/We were the first Fascists" Garvey).


tbh, the last one is a pretty good focus. finance/rentier capitalism is largely the reason why homes have become so unaffordable and along with it the costt of living increasing to unsustainable levels


<By redefining "MAGA" to mean "communism", he became the smartest man in the universe.

The MAGA guys, as a whole, aren't as anti-establishment as you think. That's just spectacle. But even if they were, being anti-establishment is not automatically good unless it's pointed in the right direction, and I don't think the MAGA movement is. They do good things on occasion, but it's for the wrong reasons. Any non-critical support of them is moronic.


you should end your life


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So apparent place likes Springfield MA and Providence RI are like 40-50% latino. I understand that migration because of capitalism is a thing but this is insane. How the fuck are there that many Mexicans/Central-Americans this far north of Texas and California? The fuck?


it's the tradcath latinx chin haver genes propelling them towards victory in the breeding contest of civilizations. hyperborea belongs to the fertile


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and where there are no latinos, there are pinoys


MAGA blocked aid to Israel for months. DSA members voted for it.


You should go back to reddit and play with your glowie friends.


KKKracKKKas don't pick their own lettuce nor shingle their own roofs.

I mean, it's only to be expected that a privileged group is paranoid, and Americans are as privileged as it gets. Reminds me of the old Spartans permanently paranoid of a helot revolt and more abusive of them because of it.


liberals and progressives screaming, shitting and pissing themselves in total because a bunch of hinterlanders threw the biggest wrench into the war machine and broke the bipartisan foreign policy consensus since the end of WW2.


Name five MAGAs who did, fed


>How the fuck are there that many Mexicans/Central-Americans this far north of Texas and California? The fuck?
I think it's more Puerto Rican up there in the northeast like homegirl



>contrarian anon is back fishing for validation

Just ignore them


How about you stop being a KHiver karen that shits her pants the moment someone criticizes your Blue Team?


I’m not voting, contrarian. Seethe


Fetterman's sole claim to same is his Senate campaign. His social media team will never worry about their next meal. But everything else about him is pretty forgettable, unsurprising party committee of bourgeois reproduction stuff.

0% disagreement. You've made the case for the alternate universe, no doubt.
>we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic
I noticed that in your post >>1841506 you wrote "America isn't…". The totally-not-royal "we," as the typical conservative would use it, reverses the intent of the statement from exposition to constitution. One invites action, the other invites only contemplation and conformance.
Do you know anyone who has written on American political cosmology as a cosmology? I am reminded of the Kwakiutl political world being not so different from that of ours, right down to the skimpy bread and circuses.

What kind of cuck gets excited about having a master?


Then you only serve biden


>if you don’t voot you serve drumpf


Imagine thinking that contests are any more truth finders than tarot cards


kys now zionazi


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>It's been shown in practice time and again that MAGA communism is a fringe position actively rejected by the MAGA crowd every time they get a whiff of it in favor of conservative positions.
It is dashing up against the rocks. I saw this from Anya and I'm, like, lady the people you're talking about are rooting for a Jewish arditi who just busted up a Palestine encampment. But I can smell her enervation.


IIRC the shift in Black people’s voting habits predated the southern strategy. Mostly because the Republicans were still ideologically business focused/liberal while Democrats were more open to welfare measures. So even though a lot of those benefits were locked out for black Americans, there was still an incentive to support Dems in hopes that at least some of those benefits would trickle down to them—things like Huey Long building new hospitals and schools in Louisiana. The Republicans courting racist whites may, in that context, be a matter of survival for their party rather than just something they did just because.

Plus it’s not like Nixon’s campaign came up with the “southern strategy” on its own. William F. Buckley advocated bringing racist whites into the party really early on with his ideas of “fusionism” and his article “The South Must Prevail”


Republicans are leading the charge against real estate corporations in order to protect slumlords and middle class karens' housing valuation against real estate monopolies. Obviously this is reactionary but does it indicate an act of extreme desperation on behalf of the republican party to salvage the financial stability of their petty bourgeois fiefdom model? If every republican karen is broke because the middle class disappeared, how are they gonna pay for political campaigning am i right?


Hey now, the Arditi at least showed some personal courage and tenacity. IDF troops shit themselves when they fight anyone other than a 7 year old with a slingshot.


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>Black people did vote republican, the party of lincoln, until nixon did the southern strategy
You are off by over a 100 years. Black people have been voting democrat in mass since FDR and the last remnants of black Republicans died with Rockefeller Republicans.


>GOP base is petty-bourgeois reactionaries
>surprised when GOP rejects communism
"maga" "communism" is the most retarded shit to ever come out of the left.


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What's wrong having sex during an occupation during mass protests? If they manage to hold out for long enough they can produce more protesters after about 9 months.


>"maga" "communism" is the most retarded shit to ever come out of the left.
That shit doesn't exist. It's just one autist here desperately trying to make it a thing


New York is completely irrelevant when it comes to the presidential election.


He accidentally tweeted in the first person using one of his alts. I wonder how many of those accounts are just his sockpuppets (probably some) while coping about failing to grift off the encampments.


It "exists" but near-entirely as an online phenomenon. I'd have more respect for them, personally, if they just called themselves "National Socialists" as it'd at least be more intellectually honest than trying to pretend Trump's movement is coherent with Communism.


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Hell I will say this too, even if Trump gets 20% of the black vote(the highest number I saw in a poll) it still doesn't dent the black vote for democrats. Black people are not going to swap the democratic plantation towards the Republicans that despise them. Black voters simply will be alienated and not vote.I remember in 2020 Biden said that the Hispanic vote is replacing black voters so as a constituency they won't matter in the long run. The DNC is already planning the transition but the GOP wont take advantage of it. Thats what Conservative blacks dont get. They are disliked and always act like they are "woke" from the plantation while we see who they are. If any revolutionary movement appears and seems like it is winning just expect movement to have an overrepresentation of black people.
>Black people did vote republican, the party of lincoln, until nixon did the southern strategy
The Republicans were liberal and gave lip service about civil rights. William McKinley advocated civil rights in Ohio in the 1880s and 1890s while the dems were demonizing him as a "uyghur lover". Remember that democrats were running a one party state in the south and made sure to not let those scalawag Republicans and their negros rule anything. Theodore Roosevelt(a racist but still)met with Booker T Washington and got flack for that and never did it again. Again lip service like the democrats but at least they are doing something. It wasn't until the great migration and black people started going into democrat ran political machines that they started becoming a part of the democrat coalition. The political machines gave some benefits for black people while the GOP only cared about the business class in many northern cities. FDR was just the final nail in the coffin of a decades long trend from several betrayals of the party of Lincoln


>Chicago boys.jpg

I can't believe those two lads were responsible for vid related


You guys do realize that was a democrat district right?


For fuck sake. When will gringos stop talking for me. Im just gonna vote Stein…again


Another Stein lover! I can't believe it!
Stalin = Stalin
Long live !


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From the guidelines the bigger issue would be the 'no substances' part since it directly interferes with the optics and logistics necessary for resistance and potential guerilla warfare.
If they are to obide by it when the time comes they will not have access to anesthesia, because their fellow liberal '☪☮𝔼✡⚧☯✝' religious lumpen types did not find it 'moral' to take painkillers or snort cocaine before going on a revolutionary rampage.
It is a bigger issue for the reason that drugs are more practical for socialization than sex, since sex itself requires socialization to be met as a condition. Not everyone can have a partner, but nearly everyone can obtain drugs if they try hard enough.
The entire premise of the guidelines is to push for religious fundamentalism and abrahamic reactionary and counter-revolutionary values into what is to become a proletarian revolution.
It is part of basic materialist analysis and is essential to combatting revisionism and false-consciousness given by religious moralities that no one must be left sober and most individuals should be socialized by cum or blood.
It is no more apparent than in this quote from chairman Mao which reads:
>We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things. In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results and a good thing to bad results.
-On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People, (February 27, 1957)
The fact that people are still opposed to sex and drugs on this very board alone shows how far liberalism has tainted our revolutionary spirit and thought. It is necessary to self-criticize.


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>the movement to retvrn america to its (perceived) former imperial glory (making it great again) by building the walrus, gasing the frijoleros in the ICE camps, hanging all the bluehaireds by their noserings, running the government like a business, gutting public spending, privatizing everything not nailed to the ground, and electing a private sector billionaire to the highest public office … is not conservative… because the literal porky in charge of the movement sometimes pretends to be a dove in between bouts of sucking israel's toes and screeching about bombing all muslim countries simultaneously

trvmp is trvly all things to all retards


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smoking 5 dippers before kettling the LAPD with my barehands


So, I think this was at the University of Mississippi, which is one of the rare campuses where pro-Israel demonstrators outnumbered the pro-Palestine ones. There's a question in an article about it that sums up one MAGA point of view:

>It’s pointless to protest in the U.S., said a 21-year-old student who only gave his name as Dillon. The student protesters could better support Palestine by going “over there,” he said, adding he thought it was a “stupid war” that he doesn’t support. But he still decided to join the counter-protesters, Dillon said. “I just wanted to see it for myself,” he said. “I wanted to be a part of something. I love my country. I love them, too. I just don’t think what they’re supporting is right, in my opinion.”

So he doesn't support the war, but he just doesn't like people protesting.


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I’m not trying to be demoralizing but if these protests just stay what they currently are, then there wouldn’t be a change. If even something like Kent State happens, sure there’ll be apologies, a whole process will happen. But in the end the system will continue.
These protests need to go beyond what they are. There should be actual action taking place. Things will not change otherwise.
But on the other hand even if you have friendly conversations with the billionaire financiers, politicians and etc, like even if 3 have a friendly conversation, then I don’t see actually system change. Things will also still stay the same. Any ideas?


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If you cum during sex you wil lose sight of Gaza


>no meth
How will you fight cops without an army of methheads?


Point. Also, given coke's class character, meth is the more proletarian of the two in North America at least.


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This is what true anti-imperialism looks like


I need a reason to believe this is real and not a joke


jesus man the terribly written paint.exe text didnt tip you off?


Did I reclaim Cocaine for the proletariat when I snorted lines to play Bloody Palace as Vergil on DMC5? It was fun.


Lol I am the true retard


>"no drugs" means no anesthesia or painkillers
did you actually think you were smart for typing all this shit out


It vooted for trump in 2020 i believe, i kind of got some facts wrong.


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First edit >>1842575 is more real, since cumming can produce more protesters >>1842521 therefore more manpower.
Think about it - a cop can cum in his bourgeoisie middle class worker hating wife and produce another cop or reactionary, while the protester is not allowed to cum in his protester comrade girlfriend or wife and create a proletarian because of the guidelines.
The same applies to gay sex albeit instead as a morale booster. The cop can have intercourse with a gay nazi twink after work while the protester must remain a demoralized virgin just so it may not offend his liberal muslim peers. Think about it - the protesters are getting cucked by cops.


I admire the effort but I did already realize my first post was retarded


didnt read kys


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RFK Jr. getting a lot or airtime on Newsmax and Fox News is not sitting well in Mara Lago:

>Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s increasingly frequent appearances on conservative media platforms are beginning to raise alarms at Mar-a-Lago. It’s another sign of the rising threat that Kennedy, the independent presidential candidate, poses to Trump.

>In recent months, Kennedy has become a regular on Fox News and Newsmax, and he is now a staple on the conservative podcast circuit — being interviewed by the likes of Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly. While railing against President Joe Biden, Kennedy is actively courting an audience with the young listeners of bro podcasters and conservative-coded YouTubers that skew anti-“woke.” That’s squarely on Trump’s turf, not Biden’s.

>“It is concerning and beyond logic,” said Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign manager, “that there are some conservative platforms that continue to give a voice to someone that has called the NRA a terrorist group, who believes in eliminating gas powered engines, believes in a 70% tax bracket and generally subscribes to the same school of thought as Karl Marx.”

>Two other senior Republicans close to Trump’s campaign and granted anonymity to speak freely similarly expressed frustration about Kennedy’s appearances on conservative airwaves.

>Though Kennedy has been popular with conservative media since he initially launched his candidacy as a Democrat, his frequent appearances on Trump-aligned platforms now come as he runs as an independent candidate who could cut into Trump’s support. The former president this past weekend went on multiple tirades about Kennedy on his Truth Social site, declaring him a “Democrat ‘Plant’” and “far more LIBERAL than anyone running as a Democrat.” And he said “A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE.”



>did you actually


tbh the writers are cooking with having a random kennedy come in as wild card spoiler candidate this season, burger politics got to be my favorite reality show


Well, okay, but what about mandatory consensual edging handjobs from RFKJr. campaigners to keep the comrades keen and ready?


“Dissent must never lead to disorder” is a very peculiar thing to come out of an American president’s mouth. People say mask off a lot but you know what, the mask is off. Liberals don’t believe in liberalism anymore. They believe in primacy.


>not REAL liberalism
leftoids are liberalism's strongest soldiers it seems


What are you talking about. There really is a thing called liberalism. And while the U.S. an abandoned it long ago in practice, it still perceives itself as inheriting this tradition. The government was quite careful about how it handled BLM in terms of rhetoric, for example, and symbolic action. And Biden has undertaken a huge race war, dividing the world between “authoritarians” and “democracies”, with the U.S. being the putitive standard bearer of liberalism. But now he goes out and address the nations and saying protests must be crushed in the name of Order. That is not the rhetoric of liberalism.


>And while the U.S. an abandoned it long ago in practice,
oh my god lol


Leftypol is not forum of leftists, it's a forum of people talking about leftism.
this is just you doing a "do your own research"


>the U.S. an abandoned it long ago
actual "real liberalism has never been tried" moment
the US has always been liberal and it still is


Seems like he’s just being schizo. The Democratic president using stridently illiberal rhetoric is indeed a change and let’s say interesting in the larger context of the New Cold War he has undertaken, which casts the entire world as either categorically liberal/illiberal along sharp lines that clearly delinineate good and evil. Biden and his Congress are also banning extremely popular social media apps in addition to overtly repressing dissent. This is actually important to note and would have been considered pretty far down on the slippery slope when I was a young man.


>the U.S. an abandoned it long ago in practice
the country was founded by and for slaveowners lmao


this is not a thing, that's just a buzzword liberals cooked up
for example russia isn't "illiberal" like americans like to say, russia IS liberal
being against "free speech" and cracking down on students is common with liberalism, do you think these are the first student protests in american history?


I think you're just basically denying that liberalism is a real, coherent ideology and a fanatical fighting force from its inception. It was backed with intellectual power and force of arms and fanatical soldiers who would die for the cause. Accusations of hypocrisy are as about as interesting as claiming communism isn't real because communists didn't do communism.


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>And Biden has undertaken a huge race war, dividing the world between “authoritarians” and “democracies”,

Are you asserting that Western society has evolved beyond "white" and "black" and now the "races" are "authoritarian" and "democratic."


nice false equivalency, liberalism has no real goals or any way to measure results scientifically
socialist states have existed and still exist


Worse, it's a Hollywood-tier sobbing in "real liberalism was tried, and we lost it" moment. It's the ideological equivalent of a mid-life crisis.

Orientalism has never hidden far beneath the surface of Western society. They just never got over losing the survivorship contest to Constantinople, and the butthurt reproduces in classical culture departments to this day.


Americans think in only state-approved, corporate-manufactured memes and call it "free thought"
>the anti-semitism, the hatred of faith and flag
One hell of a juxtaposition that's for sure


Aight if this is really what some burgers think I am now officially no longer embarrassed about ML Soviet LARP


Why the fuck dont you faggits ever listen to me? I called it like two days ago RFKJ gonna win. Biden is hot dog shit and he's just a younger Trump is all he is


Bidler is the greatest zionazi of our time. You do nothing to overthrow Bidler. You are the zionazi.
The "contest" is the life and death struggle between classes.
MAGA is still developing into what will be the basis of the communist revolution.
Everything you whine about Trump supposedly doing, Bidler has done a thousand times worse. You're letting Bidler win by not realizing any of this.
You are wrong.
The Bidler regime seems too strong. They might've had more support if Trump were in office. Everyone thinks Bidler is the good guy for some deranged reason.


RFK is just too fuckin weird, and the circumstances of his ex wife's suicide is honestly more ghastly than Trumps own perversions. At least when Trump says weird shit it's funny.



Biden is gonna fumble this election so fucking hard and it's going to be the funniest thing that has ever happened.


Honestly I think it's a coinflip. He's doing everything possible to lose against a widely loathed candidate. It's literally just a contest to see whether Biden's obvious failings and atrocious stance on Palestine courts more loathing than the liberals fear and hatred of Trump.


>muh left-wing antisemitism!
It's crazy because American Zionists and the Israeli terror regime are doing far more to promote dangerous antisemitism. Like the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the USA was because of the ridiculous Soros and Great Replacement conspiracy theories not only peddled by the right but also pretty much outright approved by the Israeli government.
There's also the fact that much of the concern about "antisemitism" is really more a disguised panic about "anti-white" "reverse racism" rather than any real concern about the Jewish people. So we're essentially seeing an extreme normalization of white nationalism by the establishment under the banner of remembrance of the Holocaust! It's absolutely insane.


I wouldn’t say it’s concern about anti white racism. Jews exist in a liminal space where they aren’t “wholly” considered White. It’s why people will try to distinguish that Israel isn’t representative of the Jewish people even if they won’t extend the same courtesy to others.

I’ll say undoubtedly Israel and America’s cock gobbling of it has done tons to normalize antisemitism. I don’t think invoking the Holocaust has as much oomph since Israelis do it every time they stub their toe.


You're forgetting that the elections are rigged. Biden will get away with everything


So they didn't block. Just some were against it. Should have said so from the start, shitlib


im just going to start verbally abusing liberals that tell me i need to save democracy in 2024.


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You're the shitlib here. You have no fucking idea. The aid was blocked for seven months, largely thanks to MAGA. MAGA voted against it even in the end. Now, stop being so negative when you have no clue.
Isn't it crazy how MAGA, Bernie, and 2 democrats were the only ones who voted against it in the end?


spoiler vote has never won. i'll believe it when i see it. He'll wreck trump and make sure biden wins reelection vis a vis the nader effect


You are talking to people who haven't followed the news in 4 months but instead watched YouTube essays about video games.


I really hate to admit this, but it is becoming completely undeniable that Biden is completely controlled by the Zionist Huate Bourgeoisie and the MAGAtard Republican Evangelical Christian Zionist Fascist Petit Bourgeoisie, with him (and the Establishment/“Moderate”/“Centrist” wing of the Democrats more broadly) essentially being a puppet of Trump who is purposely trying to lose the election by shitting on his voter base, as seen by him giving 26 Billion dollars to the Zionist Genocide of Gaza and banning TiKTok, both of which are MAGAtard Republican Evangelical Christian Zionist Fascist policies that only please people who will never vote for Biden, while making large sections of his base sit out or vote third party, which will result in Trump winning the 2024 election and proceeding to create a Christian Zionist Nationalist Fascist Theocratic dictatorship under the 1000 year Burgereich of the Trump dynasty which will purge (ie. Throw in Concentration camps) everyone who isn’t a MAGAtard Republican Evangelical Christian Zionist, and wage World War III with China, Iran, and Mexico (and possible Russia as well, as Trump seems to be turning Pro-Ukraine, though I could easily see him making a Neutrality deal with Putin in order to devote resources to destroying China, Iran, and Mexico), with this being the secret goal of the Biden administration, to pave the way (by purposefully losing the election) for the Darkest reaction of the Trump Dictatorship, 🤢🤮🤣😂! With all of these disturbing facts in consideration, I am actually strongly considering voting for Jill Stein (the Green Party nominee), due to the combined fact that I am absolutely disgusted by Biden’s complicity in both the Zionist genocide of Gaza and the essentially inevitable (due to Biden support for both the Zionist Genocide of Gaza and the Sinophobic TikTok ban) establishment of the Fascist Theocratic Trump Dynastic Dictatorship, followed by the violent purge of all Non-Republicans/Zionists/Evangelicals in the U$ and World War III with China, Iran, and Mexico, along with the fact that I live in California and my vote doesn’t mean jack shit anyway because of the “Electoral College”, 🤢🤮😂🤣! However, the only reason that I am still ironically “rooting” for Biden to win the election (and would definitely hold my nose and vote for him if I lived in a Swing State, and advise those who live in these states to still vote for him), is because I know BIDEN DOSENT WANT TO WIN DUE TO FOLLOWING ZIONIST ORDERS TO LOSE THE ELECTION BY SUPPORTING THE GENOCIDE OF GAZA AND BANNING TIKTOK, MEANING THE ONLY WAY TO THROW A MONKEY-WRENCH INTO THE PLAN IS FOR BIDEN TO SHOCKINGLY BEAT TRUMP, WHICH WILL AT LEAST PREVENT TOTAL FASCIST THEOCRACY AND WORLD WAR III FOR FOUR MORE YEARS, ✊😜!


king lear has kneeled

i repeat

king lear has kneeled


Why are university/college students so left wing?


>Biden is a puppet of Trump
big if true


>elections are rigged
Then why did Hillary lose?



I would go "this, but unironically", except it's a bit too anti-Semitic. Jews yes, Zionists no.


I did a Dialectical Materialist analysis of the current conditions which has led me to the conclusion that I don’t need to vote for Biden because I live in the Safe Blue state of California (if I lived in a Swing State I would be forced to vote for Biden, because I couldn’t with indirectly complicit in the creation of a Fascist Theocracy, even though Biden is complicit in this himself, because he is trying to lose the election) and I’m disgusted by his complicity in the Zionist Genocide of Gaza and the fact that he is letting his Zionist handlers force him to lose the election and allow Trump to win and establish a Fascist theocracy, so I may as well vote for someone who actually holds policy positions I 100% agree with (Jill Stein), 😂🤣🤢🤮✊😜!

As crazy as it sounds, this is the only rational Material analysis that can be made of why Biden is choosing to enact multiple Republican policy goals (the Zionist Genocide of Gaza and the Sinophobic TikTok ban) that are guaranteed to cause large sections of his voters to sit out or vote third party, thus costing him the election. I always suspects that the Democrats were controlled opposition to the Republicans based on the Rightward trajectory of U$ politics since 1980 (this is most clearly seen in Neoliberal economics and Neoconservative/Zionist Foreign policy, but it’s now starting to include Social Conservatism as well, due to the fact that though Cultural/Social issues were the one area that still seemed to be trending Left, the overturn of Roe v. wade and resurrection of Homophobia/Transphobia suggest that the Right will win this too), but it took Gaza and TikTok to confirm that this was the case, and the theory I always feared is starting to look like reality, that the Zionist Haute Bourgeois institutions (ie Wall Street, the MIC, the Theil-Musk PayPall Mafia, etc.) let Trump lose to Biden (Trump basically threw that election similar to the same way Biden is throwing this one), because if Trump was re-elected in 2020, he most likely would have been a Lame Duck who would have got nothing done (he would not have had a House majority), thus leading to a massive Blue Wave in 2022, and the election of a Leftist Democrat (probably AOC) in 2024, which would have been an existential crisis for the Zionist Haute Bourgeois plans to create a Fascist Theocracy, so they let Biden win knowing he would destroy his own chance of beating Trump in 2024 by getting nothing done and pissing off his voters, while the MAGAtards would be more mobilized then ever due to the stolen election conspiracy and the phony Trump trials (the Democrats used this to secure him the nomination and to turn out Trumps base in the general election), thus allowing Trump to win in 2024 with a full Trifecta willing to implement Project 2025 with full support from half of the U$ electorate (he will win both the Popular Vote and Electoral College this time, due to his gains with assimilated and/or social conservative Hispanics/Asians/Middle Easterners/Jews along with an increase in Third Party voting among disenfranchised Young Progressives/Leftists and low Black turnout, combined with record high turnout among Evangelicals) and all the Zionist Haute Bourgeois institutions that are ready to rip off the tattered makes of Bourgeois Liberal Democracy in order to reveal a Fascist Theocracy, the combination of a Classical Liberal/Laissez Faire Capitalist Base combined with an Evangelical Protestant/“Judeo-Christian”/Semitic/Abrahamic/Zionist Superstructure enforced by a One-Party Police State at War with all Leftists and Anti-Zionists at home and abroad, with the only solution to this being a Nuclear World War III that collapses the entire Global Capitalist-Imperialist System in order to allow for a World Maoist PPW to place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism, 🤢🤮😂🤣✊😜!


>if I redefine MAGA to mean some vague amorphous supposed anti-imperialism that means I never actually have to account for how most politicians on MAGA's side vote for this sort of aid

Do yourself a favor on the chart and sort by party on the table, you'll see most Rs voted "Yes" along with the Dems.

You're just re-defining MAGA to mean what you want it do, and then using that to back up some cherry-picked narrative.


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How are we feeling today, comrades


i had a huge headache today, i think i smoked too much weed yesterday. i am going to do it again


Why are you Blue Teamers so salty of the fact that a bunch of Magatards served the biggest obstacle to the Empire's war effort in 70 years, something no succdem org or book club managed to do.


>everyone who thinks I'm wrong is a blue teamer for flimsy reasons identical to those held by a blue teamer screaming "BUT DRUMPF"

ok teamer


hel yeah borther


>MAGA = Trump
>MAGA = The Republicans

Believing this makes you a blue teamer, yes.


>If I redefine MAGA to mean what I want it to then I'm right and if you disagree you're a blue teamer

MAGA's voting record on foreign policy has been so inconsistent and divided that acting like they have a consistent anti-status-quo position is deeply silly and basically rests on cherry-picking. They may be against our policy on Ukraine, but when it comes to Zionism, they've shown themselves to consistently have at minimum a slim majority that is pro-Israel due to the fact that a lot of them have a base that consists of Christian zionists. That implies that no, they're not a consistent anti-imperialist force, they're flakes and schizos that will vote "yes" or "no" for a given foreign policy issue for reasons totally unrelated to any principled position against imperialism.

Noting this doesn't make you a fucking blue teamer, it's looking at their actual voting record. They're inconsistent and are fine with imperialism when it comes to countries they like, and against it when it comes to countries they don't. That makes them not principled anti-imperialists, at the most charitable that makes them fair-weather friends.


two things,
1) it's obvious The Powers That Be are in full counterrevolution swing, and you'd be to fool to think there is not active, purposeful sabotage occurring in all public forums including this one
2) the marijuana rescheduling may as well be ZOG throwing a bunch of coins on the floor to distract the weaker minded. I've personally become very skeptical of whether cannabis is helpful or counterproductive to revolution, and have decided to abstain until we are truly in "peace time" if that ever comes. I encourage you to reflect similarly and make sure you are not being hampered by the Strange Spinach.


Call me again, when another political movement manages to stifle and frustrate the Empire's war effor for the length 7 months.

>That makes them not principled anti-imperialists, at the most charitable that makes them fair-weather friends.

Completely irrelevant. 'Having principles' is Idealist bullshit, lmao.


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>How are we feeling today, comrades


So you are saying that Joe Biden who raised more money from AIPAC than any other senator in history, who told the last Labor-zionist prime minister to drop more bombs and that he doesn't care about the children and women and who calls himself a conviced ziomist turns out to have pro-Israel views when elected to the presidency? Damn I am shocked.


>the existence of beliefs is idealism
fucking meds now, good lord

>Call me again, when another political movement manages to stifle and frustrate the Empire's war effor for the length 7 months.

The majority voted in favor for aid to Israel you schizo


What if I told you that Biden and Trump are both zionists who have done documented zionist shit and therefore both of them are bad?

Fuckin' mindblowing I know



After 7 months and the democrats, the so-called blue team being forced to go mask-off. and promise they are backing the right-wing schizo Christo-fascist speaker if the Maga tards challenged his seat.

So the US isn't just being ruled by a covert uniparty right now but an explicit coalition of Republicans and Democrats are backing the current speaker. This is an unprecedent development in American politics.


>this makes them consistently in favor of what I want because I said so


Sorry I prefer being inconsistent and actually having a real word impact over your liberal mastubartory purity grandstanding and no ever having any impact whatsoever.


Let's see why he voted that way
>First of all, it provides something I have strongly supported, which is $26 billion to the state of Israel to defeat Hamas, to defend itself against its enemies. This is something we actually tried to pass on its own, and could have passed on its own, months ago. It was blocked. It was held hostage for Ukraine funding. But it’s something we should have done months ago.
>[…][To vote for Israel aid], I have to drop my demand that the president enforce our immigration laws? I have to vote for billions of dollars to be spent on all kinds of programs around the world, including for people that are illegally entering this country? This is moral extortion.
>[…]Last week, there was a coordinated effort to cause the most economic impact possible on the United States until our leaders abandon Israel. That’s their demand. We had pro-terrorist mobs—these are not protesters, these are pro-terrorist mobs—shut down traffic on an interstate highway in Oregon. They blocked passengers from getting to the airport in Chicago and Seattle. They closed down the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
Why don't we ask if he will also be in favour of dropping the blockade of Cuba and Venezuela? I'm sure he'll be completely onboard with that.


I feel like this guy >>1842709 should kill himself(his family will not miss him)


Ted Cruz is even worst somehow
>This is one of the toughest votes I’ve cast during my years in the Senate. It was a close call, because there are good elements in the bill that I strongly support. First, as always, I strongly support military aid to Israel, particularly in a time of war. That’s why several Republican senators and I went to the floor last November to force a stand-alone vote on military aid, only to be blocked by every single Senate Democrat.
>[…]Second, the bill forces the Chinese Communist Party to give up control of TikTok in the U.S. This is incredibly important for our national security, and helps safeguard our young people from CCP propaganda.
>[…]Third, the bill includes $8 billion in funding for our Taiwanese allies to defend themselves against the aggression of the CCP. I have long emphasized that China represents the most significant long-term threat to the national security of the United States. Taiwan is on the front lines of China’s global aggression, and it is critical that the U.S. continue standing with the people and government of Taiwan.
The faggot is even pro-taiwan
>[…]That being said, the other elements of the bill were too problematic for me to support the entire package. First, the bill spends over $9 billion in so-called humanitarian aid, much of which will go to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and is sure to be diverted to fund yet more terrorism.
Bases Cruz anti-imperialism by not wanting to give humanitarian aid to palestian currently being genocided by the state he wants to support.


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over 9000 hours in paint

>100 landlords
>not 420 landlords
The joke was right there, bro.


smh don't let the ziorats see this or they'll use it as their latest hot meme


Local radlib jason unruhe calls the idea the US is banning tiktok to prevent criticism of israel
<"Anti-Semetic Conspiracy Theory"


believing tiktok is getting banned because of israel is pretty retarded yeah



the us gov has been trying to do that long before. also the main reason is they actually want to buy it and hold control over it. even if israel is part of the reason it only started figuring now



>just a big coincidence
stop talking like a retard


>this passive-agressive shit list written by an unelected anarcho-liberal tyrant
The American "left" learned NOTHING from OWS, CHAZ.


how else am i supposed to talk when someone tells me the tiktok ban isn't because people are making anti-zionist and anti-imperialist content on the platform popular?


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jason, wtf


Then why isn't Twitter getting banned too?


Then why isn't Twitter getting banned too?


bruh he's got the reverse Trump tan

gotta stack them sahdes for crit chance


The U.S. government doesn’t want to buy it.
I don’t think tiktok plays ball in handing over data to the U.S. the way other companies do and its a competitor to other social media platforms whose algorithm kind of sucks comparatively.


because twitter is way more in the pocket of the glowies and owned by a boomer american


I’m uncomfortable with how much he looks like doctor robotnik these days


They haven't been happy about it for a while but the latent ""chinese influence"" over the app didn't drive them to take it down before.
What did was the protests in Gaza.
I dont think its anti-semetic to notice this and accept that israel is an imperial project the US has invested a metric fuck ton of capital into and as such sees a need to surpess dissent against it.
Its the same shit as the government did with operation mocking bird back in the 60s to mute criticism of the vietnam war.


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Every day feels like it's getting worse and reactionaries gain more power


It is about banning criticism of Israel.
It is also about a lot of other things. Having a non-neoliberal state do capitalism better than it is what some might call an unfortunate vibe check and overly sensitive big boys don't like that


I mean it's not that it's 'only' because of Israel, it's also due to general anti-China hysteria but yeah


who owns twitter?


Yet the same kind of content that TikTok is accused of fostering is regularly posted on Twitter too. Almost like that isn't why they want to take over TikTok.

>The U.S. government doesn’t want to buy it.
<The House passed a bill Wednesday that could ban TikTok if the app isn’t sold to an American company.


>Having a non-neoliberal state do capitalism better than it is what some might call an unfortunate vibe check and overly sensitive big boys don't like that
You're telling me all nations under capitalism fight each other over a larger share of the global market? Wow.


ok and did you choose not to read the rest of the post?


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A lot of people believe that all these elitist people just get along with one another without drama so it might not be a shock to anyone here but it would shock a normie.


It got banned due to China and sinophobia. "Anti semitism" provides a nice smokescreen for liberals like Nimarata Randhawa so they can courts jews and boomers who love Isntreal.


>glowanon being a retarded contrarian again


>its a competitor to other social media platforms whose algorithm kind of sucks comparatively
tbh i think they all suck. watch something for longer than a couple of seconds and you will get similar stuff recommended forever


This might come as a shock to you Blue Teamers but MAGAtards hate establishment cuckservatives more than you do.


Yeah, private entity.


Why do you dickride MAGAfags so much? A lot of them aren't even hot unless you're into milfs


i see tons of pro palestinian content on instagram and youtube shorts with millions of views. while that may be the stated reason for banning tik tok in america, the biggest desire is tik toks market share. look what happened when india banned it in 2020, big western tech filled that void


Crashing the US empire without survivors is based.


>the biggest desire is tik toks market share
For some reason alleged communists here can't wrap their minds around such an obvious reason.


You can be an accelerationist without being a pick me man.


Wasting everyone's time with your support for electoralism is anything but "le based".


-Pro-Palestine content is shared on other media
-There is no evidence that pro-Palestine content is disproportinately being boosted on TikTok, if anything there are hints that it's even supressed to a certain degree disproportinately to its popularity.
-It's mainly because of Technosovereignty, the push isn't new


>MAGAtards hate establishment cuckservatives
Is that why cruz and rubio take israeli dollars?


>Crashing the US empire
>by voting
good one, you almost had me there


Freezing the American war machine, and even if it's just for a week, let alone 7 months is certainly less of a waste of time than masturbating on an imageboard or joining a larping book club.


>i see tons of pro palestinian content on instagram and youtube shorts with millions of views
and almost all of them are demonetized
plus there's way more zionist content on youtube, they even run zionist propaganda ads on videos that are completely unrelated to palestine/israel
those channels on youtube and instagram also don't even come close to the views people get on tiktok


>Republicans = MAGA

Congratulations Rachel Maddow, you did it again.


>I'm less retarded than this other group that has nothing to do with the conversation
Okay, you're still actively supporting electoralism and pushing for others to join you.


So now that the libs have given up on the whole
>Fascism vs Democracy!
line via backing a genocide, violently surpressing peaceful protests and voting to ban all criticism of the state of israel what's the new election strategy?
Basically just America as a 4th Reich fascist state but WITH abortion???
I was listening to the Pod Save guys the other day and the said that 90% of Joe's add money has gone to adds on abortion.
I feel like thats probably the best bet left to them as the genocidal zionist suburbanites who will be the only ones to vote in this election MAY be convinced with the dems basically adopting every republican border measure that it might be nice to still be able to do away with a rapist's fetus in the totaliterian white ethno state to come.
what are your thoughts though guys??


Like some funny twitter man said,
<(while beating you with a hammer) imagine if it was the other guy. he has a bigger hammer


The pod save guys are the former Obama campaign advisors, so as blue team as one can possibly get. If these people are vocalizing their pessimism then it's joever.


Anon if you want to become a muscular man you just have to lift weights. You don't have to recite "Based" lines and do "Based" things.
I have no idea why you zoomers are so spectacle brained


>Jews exist in a liminal space where they aren’t “wholly” considered White
I hesitate to call it liminal. Liminality implies a transition in process, and that's not apparent here. There is no apparent intention to pass "through" Jewishness "into" whiteness. Unless we are talking about permanent liminality, which is more of a disorder of desire.

I think you're romanticizing the bourgeois soap opera. Both parties are moments of a dialectic and they maintain one another accordingly. Bourgeois government isn't a free-for-all; it is a ritual celebrating subordination and submission. They only tell you otherwise in grade school to make you want to hand over more of your labor power that you will never, ever get back.

>he doesn't know that all that self-contained discipline shit he's internalized for good boy points is pure Christian sheep ideology and nobody but his parents are impressed with his pious mockery
Have you considered kys for being reactionary?


>he thinks zoomers know who the fuck Rachel Maddow is or any of those cable news pundits

lmao, talk about being out of touch


>>he doesn't know that all that self-contained discipline shit he's internalized for good boy points is pure Christian sheep ideology and nobody but his parents are impressed with his pious mockery
>Have you considered kys for being reactionary?


Sissy-ass bitches actually want people to tell them what to watch and think?
How about: Reverse chronological order. String filters. API access. And get the fuck out of my way. A lot of useless labor for sentiment creation can be redeployed to boring logistics systems instead.


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>>he doesn't know that all that self-contained discipline shit he's internalized for good boy points is pure Christian sheep ideology and nobody but his parents are impressed with his pious mockery
>Have you considered kys for being reactionary?


You posted a list of supposed magafags being le based anti-imperialist, yet they said they're only against the bill because it forces them to do the most milquetoast gesture of supposed care to the people getting genocided by it.
They even admitted to trying to pass the bill but only with the conditions they like to israel (none). How will a government formed entirely by this cunts would not be any more imperialist that the already in place?


>communism is when you internalize bourgeois capitalism
Market share is a fucking spook. It's a game that doesn't matter. The reproduction of the order is all that matters; the games they play on top of it aren't important.


I've talked to actual republican zoomers who said shit about rachel maddow to me. I unironically almost called myself a tankie (Even if I would not even say I'm one 100%) in front of my whole ass family but i caught myself there.
I am what you would call an unwise person.


>>communism is when you internalize bourgeois capitalism
Analyzing capitalism as it is is "internalizing bourgeois capitalism"? Holy fuck philosophy students did it again!!


>ideology matters more than material reality
youre so fucking stupid lol



>market share is a material reality
Your head is so far up your ass you think economics is materialism. Go back to r/neoliberal


Is this a troll or are you actually this retarded? Are you going to say surplus-value as the driving aim of production or accumulation for the sake of accumulation are "spooks" too and not critical parts of capitalism?


If you want your protest to be effective you're actually a puritanical reactionary. You should post the funny Goldman quote while you're at it. Fucking anarchists dude.


>You are wrong.
Your entire post history summed up in three words and a punctuation mark. Neck yourself.

I honest to god thought you were being ironic at first. Part of me still thinks you are.


I'm not sure, but I think you're projecting the personal affinities of the idealized entrepreneur onto the haute bourgeoisie who sit on multiple boards of directors and have no particular affine attachment for any particular capital, nor any particular commitment to any particular realization of that capital. At the end of the day, it's just a website. Any capitalist can write a check for a few million dollars and get one of his own.


real "the rich dont steal because theyre rich" vibes


it's one thing to be nodding out and another to get an edible


My favorite part is how they conveniently forget “Red Emma” was a racist Zionist who supported the Boers in their great proletarian struggle to subjugate Africa. Isn’t it funny how the greatest anarchist “thinkers” just so happen to have the same racial viewpoints as the Nazis?


I agree, but it's hard to get into particulars in the middle of a semi-spontaneous protest. There's also the matter of if anyone is even going to bother enforcing those rules and how hard if so: probably not very unless you're shitfaced and being a detriment to everyone else.


>>1843238 meant for >>1843233.


the abortion thing fits the fascism tbh, with the whole "they Other is gonna come rape our women" being mutated into "somebody is gonna rape your daughter and she won't be able to get an abortion"


fascism invented otherizing


>Isn’t it funny how the greatest anarchist "thinkers” just so happen to have the same racial viewpoints as the Nazis?



Who said anything about invented? Fascism didn't invent violence, but it's hard to call something fascist if it doesn't use violence.


Archdiocese of New Orleans Suspected of Child Sex Trafficking, Warrant Shows
>A criminal investigation into the Archdiocese of New Orleans is based on a suspicion that it may be linked to child sex trafficking, according to allegations presented in a search warrant granted to Louisiana State Police.
>The affidavit requesting the search warrant, first obtained by the New Orleans-based WWL Radio, alleges that multiple sex abuse victims provided statements that claim they were transported to other parishes and outside of Louisiana, where they were sexually abused. It further alleges a scheme within the archdiocese in which abused children were instructed to provide “gifts” to certain priests, which were meant to signal that the children were targets for sexual abuse.
>According to the allegations in the affidavit, multiple victims reported that they were brought to the New Orleans Seminary, where they were instructed to “swim naked in the pool and would be sexually assaulted or abused.” It also alleges that investigators found that this was “a common occurrence” and that other members of the archdiocese were present.
>Judge Juana Lombard granted police the search warrant last week, but the allegations in the warrant were not made public until Tuesday, April 30. It allows police to search personnel files, financial records, communications, and other documents related to allegations of sexual abuse.
>The warrant acknowledges that the police have probable cause to suspect felony violations of the law that prohibits the “trafficking of children for a sexual purpose.”
>Although the allegations contained in the warrant do not indicate when the alleged trafficking occurred, the information that led to a suspicion of sex trafficking was obtained by police during an earlier investigation into a retired priest named Lawrence Hecker, who is accused of raping an underage teenage boy in the 1970s. Father Hecker was indicted for the alleged crime but has not yet been tried.
>The affidavit alleges that documents obtained during the Father Hecker investigation show that “previous archbishops … not only knew of the [widespread] sexual abuse and failed to report all the claims to law enforcement, but [also] spent archdiocese funding to support the accused.”
>One document cited in the affidavit states that one specific archbishop “was aware of rampant sexual abuse throughout the archdiocese,” but the affidavit leaves out the archbishop’s name.
>The affidavit alleges, without stating the exact time frame, that the archdiocese “disregarded” or “covered up” claims of widespread sexual abuse. It alleges that in many cases, abuse claims “were not reported to law enforcement.” In some instances, the archdiocese provided “monetary payments” to victims or their families “to dismiss the allegations,” according to the affidavit.
>Investigators conducted “a large number of interviews” of individuals who allege widespread sexual abuse against children in the archdiocese, according to the affidavit. Interviews are still being conducted.
>The Archdiocese of New Orleans filed for bankruptcy in May 2020 amid financial problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the costs of litigation and settlements related to alleged sexual abuse.
>CNA reached out to the archdiocese for comment but did not receive a response by the time of publication.


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>if you want your protest to be effective
That's not what the "ex-" altar boy upthread posted. It was clearly a signal of their own sexual anxieties.

I'm going to say that what was true for industrial capitalism should be reconsidered carefully in the context of finance capitalism.
>surplus-value as the driving aim of production
No, that's still good.
>accumulation for the sake of accumulation
Aside from being idealist on its face — ownership is partial and affective, at best — that's essentially Augustinian hamartiology. Actual historical records of artisans and craftsmen, the occupations which had the most control over their own working time, strongly preferred leisure time to more production when business was good. Transient workers coming to the city from their country residences as late as the early 19th century USA would only work to meet their own financial needs, and instead self-produced immediate use values in the home.
Greed is not a moral condition, nor a mere disorder, but a device for reproduction of the economic and social order. The owners accumulate and sequester not to use immediately, but as a medium through which to reproduce the dispossessed class. They weaponize greed to make us timid and self-minimizing.
Marx's proletarians were not good sheep.

Piety is bourgeois.


It should just be assumed that the head of any organized religion (esp christian/catholic) is sex trafficking children. It's not even profiling, that's basically what the organization exists to do.


The attorney general garland nixon has recommended rescheduling marijuana from schedule I, which is the same as heroin and LSD, to schedule III, which is the same as steroids, testosterone and ketamine.
Recommendations like this mean that the liberal bureaucracy of the united snakes must review its legitimacy and purpose, which probably means it wont be legalized until trump wins the election next year and takes credit for rescheduling cannabis, much like joe biden took credit for pulling out of afghanistan after trump did most of the work renegotiating with the taliban and paving the way for a peace process.


Not even just religion. All bourgeois are pederasts


glowanon needs to be smacked IRL. He has the terminal imageboard disorder where lack of socialization makes you think that being an abrasive opinion shouter makes you cool


>real world impact
<money and arms are still going to israel
<the ukraine war still rages and they're still getting aid packages


Bourgeois social reproduction can only be accomplished by means of the normalization of child abuse.


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>Republicans = MAGA
No, it's the other way around.
MAGA = republicans
If maga means deepthroating israel then maga is cringe and retarded. Putting "communism" next to maga doesn't change a damn thing, sorry. No different than some libshit trying to convince me how based aoc is, get the fuck outta here lmao.



MAGA cut off aid to Israel for seven months, zionist


I dont disagree. Legalization is worthless because im not gonna buy weed from pfizer or moderna or any other pharmaporky corporate cult. But weed is one of those issues that makes you realize the two-party system is useless, worse than useless, to americans, same as abortion and gun rights, which everybody wants and nobody gets to have if theyre forced into little political sportsball boxes.


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Only because they were forced by the dems to at least give some breadcrumbs to the palestinias. If it wasn't for that the fags would have approved it immediately.


What happened to Gen. Soleimani?


Mods do your fucking job and ban this retarded shitlib magaturd already


May I remind you that your own link from earlier showed them cowing to Israel and approving the spending package


>MAGA cut off aid to Israel for seven months, zionist
How am I a zionist if my biggest criticism of maga is that they deepthroat israel? Your spectacle brained thoughts make ZERO fucking sense, as does maga communism.


I'm half convinced he just wants to told he's right and doesn't actually care about making any sense. Nobody with half a brain would pull the kind of libshit bad-faith arguments he does


>LeDongNoticer vanishes
<all is well in /usapol/
>suddenly this schizo shows up finding increasingly new and retarded pickme opinions to screech over endlessly for validation
<suddenly I miss JimmyFucker3000


why is pick mes and contrarianism so common anyways?


For two generations in a row young people have been left alone in a hot car with the internet


ngl playing doodlejump in the walmart parking lot was p heat


>surgically separating industrial capitalism from finance capitalism
Come on man.

If surplus-value as the driving aim of production is true then accumulation for the sake of accumulation logically follows. I haven't brought morality to the convo so no idea what you're getting at there, though I don't disagree.


Why do you idiots keep saying "maga communism?" I'm just pointing out that aid to israel was blocked for 7 months. MAGA may deepthroat Israel, but the democrats deep throat them harder.

You are a zionist because you discredit anti-zionism.
It is no opinion that aid to israel was blocked for seven months by MAGA.


<Biden has truly surpassed Trump in the fascist dehumanisation of Palestinians.
Arabs recognize that Biden is worse than Trump.
Pathetic. The whataboutisms are on my side. What is one general in relation to what Biden has done? What about what happened to every hospital, university, etc. in Gaza under the Biden regime? What happened to 35 thousand Palestinians over seven months thanks to Biden?


they're crypto-zionists. report them




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>-It's mainly because of Technosovereignty, the push isn't new
Yeah the idea that the U.S. wants to ban TikTok (or really, force Chinese owners to divest in it or risk a ban) is to suppress criticism of Israel doesn't make sense to me. For one, Israel doesn't even ban TikTok. That seems like a justification to certain constituencies but the real underlying reason is to block competition from undermining the monopolistic position of American tech companies which are lobbying the government to take aim. It's about e-commerce and just money. There's a lot going on behind the scenes at the corporate level.

There's some argument that they're banning it because it's a threat to their gatekeeping, and well okay. But it's not like there isn't pro-Israel content on TikTok, or anti-China, anti-Russia (pro-Ukraine) and pro-USA stuff on there. You can find everything about China's evils on TikTok like Tiananmen Square or Uyghur Muslims. You might see more pro-Palestine stuff on Instagram in a day than you do on TikTok in a month. It depends on your feed.



Trump would've direct sent burguer marines to aid the zios on their genocide of Palestinians. He would've been objectively 100% worse


>blocking aid to Israel in any way that matters

You have the rock-bottom standards of a liberal


>stop separating Vol. 1 from Vol. 3


First of all, kys for thinking this is a game.
Second, kys twice more for being a submissive shoe-polish-eating cuckold and for needing a master.
Third, if you are invested in parliament your concerns are bourgeois and you should definitely kys one more time to be sure.


>But it's not like there isn't pro-Israel content on TikTok, or anti-China, anti-Russia (pro-Ukraine) and pro-USA stuff on there. You can find everything about China's evils on TikTok like Tiananmen Square or Uyghur Muslims
Stop being a media consoomer and think about actually USING social media for protest coordination, you reactionary idiot.


>You are a zionist because you discredit anti-zionism.
By… pointing out that the individuals that voted Nay on your chart for the spending bill (that passed anyway) receive money from israel?
Zionist has an actual definition. Zionist does not mean someone who discredits anti-Zionism, you're very silly. Like I said, your thoughts don't make any sense.


He is a reactionary magaturd trying to bait people. Don't bother responding to him in good faith.


Where is evidence that they recieved money from Israel during the 7 month blockage of aid? Which MAGA peep on the list—who voted to block aid to israel—specifically? I'm genuinely interested



All those economic factors are a big part but popular Anti-Israel content is what pushed them over the edge and actually motivated them to ban it. Why deny that?


my favorite schizo was Eugenics kun


schizoposting is honestly just old


>but popular Anti-Israel content is what pushed them over the edge and actually motivated them to ban it. Why deny that?
Because that content is also popular on other platforms and you don't see calls to ban them. If anything it's just an excuse.


>Because that content is also popular on other platforms and you don't see calls to ban them. If anything it's just an excuse.
It's more than an excuse, it's a boon. The adversarial relationships of the cold war need to be eased into the culture war because the ruling class can't just let the materialist explanation take root, and following, class consciousness about where the worker stands in there. So building up a case for the cold war on idealist grounds is necessary.

It doesn't actually matter if people believe "russiagate" and "chinagate" or even the looming red scare, all it matters is that they participate of the cold war through the lens of the culture war alone. It doesn't matter if the rube believes in any of it, if they see it as a grift and a hustle, or if they participate of it as a means to some end. All it matters is that the culture war and false consciousness keeps politics (and class) at bay.


The democrats get more from the zionists, so the democrats are the greater zionists. I don't think Rubio is truly MAGA. We all agree he is just a spineless opportunist.
This Thomas Massie guy is real MAGA, not Rubio. He gets nothing from the zionists. He led the blockade of aid. He's the only house member, out of hundreds, who voted against the recognition of Israel's "right to exist." No surprise to me that he's hardcore MAGA.


>The democrats get more from the zionists, so the democrats are the greater zionists.
Okay. But just to be clear they're both zionists?

>I don't think Rubio is truly MAGA

>Isn't it crazy how MAGA, Bernie, and 2 democrats were the only ones who voted against it in the end?





Obviously. I contend that MAGA are the lesser zionist between the DNC and GOP. Rubio is merely MAGA aligned.

People said that MAGA rejected the aid bill due to the palestinian aid, but it seems to me that they were mostly butthurt over the border and being stipulated to send more to ukraine.

That was true in Rubio's case, but not broadly. A sort of horseshoe zionism where he's so zionist that he ended up helping block aid to israel for seven months.


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student protesters. bourgeois or not?


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ah fuck


You can be petite-bourgeois and still protest genocide


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Mark pls


Thank goodness I don't give a single shit about anything Star Wars anymore


Between the bias in favor of zionism and pedophilia, I wouldn't mind one bit if Hollywood was glassed tomorrow


Between the bias in favor of zionism and long list of lolita express riders, I wouldn't mind one bit if Hollywood was glassed tomorrow


Ok guys, so some anarkiddie radlibs occupied a university library and trashed it and radlibs are seething. So should we give a shit if university libraries are destroyed? Ultimately theyre just private property for the university, they dont even let the general public borrow books half the time, so why should anyone give a shit if their libraries are destroyed?



Biden is Obi One Kenobi and Trump is darth vader and he was a good friend


It's senseless destruction, you tard.


its not senseless if it costs bourgois universities thousands to repair


Aren't universities usually part of library networks that share books with city libraries?


those bourgie universities are going to be future property of the common man.


cope. theyre not common property for now, theyre just basically financial ponzi schemes designed to force middle class students into indentured servitude




Go blow up a Raytheon factory or something, you stupid cunt.


i dont think so, public libraries are always trash whereas uni libraries are massive. They dont even let members of the public borrow the books even if theyre from the same city


and you somehow think thats a bad thing? glowuyghur


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Police respond to mental breakdown


kid had stamina, god damn


This shit makes my skin crawl. Total piggy death. No exceptions.


were they trained by the IDF?


<'don't shoot him'
>'i'm not going to-'
>shoots him 25 seconds later


problem solved. Cant have mental health problems if you're dead :/


reminder that calling the cops is always attempted murder


A lot of american cops are trained by israel.


<Rey did i ever tell you the story of Darth Karine the Bisexual?
>She was the best diversity hire from Columbia
>and a cunning zionist,
>and a good friend..



why the fuck do people ever call the cops in situations like this?


And who tf called the cops


Seemed like the brother/other teen called them. He most likely didn't know something this terrible would happen since he's young and naive.


Posts like this make me think Bourgeois and Proletarian don’t exist as meaningful categories anymore in the western world. At least in 7 out of 10 cases.


cpusanon with another absolutely braindead take


I mean if someone is beating on you or your family what else can you do?


I don't think that's the case. I'd be more inclined towards something like what Erik Olin Wright says, that now, in many advanced capitalist societies, there are strata that occupy contradictory class positions that impose conflicting incentives


Settle the fight yourself or settle it with other family members helping you?
Its coaded as reactionary but the truth children do need a father figure and its not all for learning to tuck in your shirt or eat your greens or what have you.
Its to prevent shit like this.
Calling the cops is basically death sentence in this country if your non-white or poor enough to seen as non-white by cops.


its not the real one. he normally makes longer posts. a lot of imitations and fakes around these days


The confusion comes from students who are not part of the work force or economy because of loans and/or help from parents. The confusion also comes from students who are part of the work force as proles but will be given Businesses by their parents after a few years and there after be part of the Bourgeoisie. So they have the potential to become bourgeois or prole depending on bunch of factors, in particular what class their parents are or if they have ingratiated themselves with other already bourgeois students or soon to be bourgeois students. These factors often obscure their eventual class character even from themselves causing schizo like behavior.


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>tbh the writers are cooking with having a random kennedy come in as wild card spoiler candidate this season, burger politics got to be my favorite reality show
I just learned Adriana from The Sopranos is an RFK fundraiser. But these celebrity proxy supporters seem confused because they clearly want Trump to win, which means that RFK Jr. should try to appeal to Biden supporters, but they can't keep that straight. But most likely they just like RFK Jr. because he says things they like, and that takes a backseat to everything else.


>need a father figure
No, that's Roman culture, and kids got along just fine without them. Read Origin of the Family.


>Posts like this make me think Bourgeois and Proletarian don’t exist as meaningful categories anymore in the western world. At least in 7 out of 10 cases.
You're correct in a way, CPUSA anon. The differentiation is of no matter in this context because the lower classes have no stake in imperialism because they aren't the ones setting up firms in Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan. The lower classes lose value to inflation whenever Congress prints trillions to the haute-bourgeoisie or their neo-colonies. 
I think it's real. CPUSA anon doesn't need to type pages to be correct.
<The net total of students who are currently running businesses, or definitely or potentially starting businesses post-graduation is 53% for the class of 2024, 50% for the class of 2025, 61% for students graduating in 2026 or later, and 54% for students who don’t plan on completing their degrees.
The petite-bourgeois class character cannot be ignored. Nor should it be demonized.


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Reject ecology embrace burger


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>While the former revolutions were uprisings of the populace against the government, the coming revolution with the exception perhaps of Russia will have more of the character of the struggle of one portion of the people against another, and therein, and only therein, resemble more the struggles of the Reformation than the type of the French Revolution. I might almost say that it will be much less of a sudden uprising against the authorities than a long drawn out civil war, if one does not necessarily join to these last words the idea of actual slaughter and battles. We have no ground to think that barricade battles and similar warlike accompaniments will play a decisive role to-day. The reasons for this have been given so often that I have no need of dallying longer concerning them. Militarism can only be overthrown by rendering the military itself faithless to the rulers, not through its being conquered by popular uprisings.


>voted Nay on your chart for the spending bill (that passed anyway)
They pass the status of face and heel around depending on who can tolerate the heat from the voters best.

Between the bias in favor of zionism and intellectual property, I wouldn't mind one bit if Hollywood was glassed tomorrow

Marx and Engels noted that the bourgeois-proletariat reduction was a tendency and not an iron law. The PMC theory at least affords a Marxian explanation, accounting for the bidirectional communication between base and superstructure to explain the failure of the petit-bourgeoisie to go away, instead making a new, functional niche for themselves that largely maintained their old social relations while net growing these occupations' numbers and facilitating capitalists' further digestion of all that is organic into something billable.
Maybe that's a sign that the capitalist mode of production has been or may be, if not ending, in transition to a new phase.


Can i just say on the whole ultra-left anti-family thing i genuinely find the entire subject anti-dialectical and frankly reactionary???
Like the entire premise of the concept is that there was this pre-capitalist structure of relations that we must
to and that this will be somehow superior to familial relations under capitalism and return humanity to its
>>>"""""""natural state"""""""""
Thats not how dialectics work.
The Bourgeoisie family structure didn't outcompete the Feudal family structure because it was LESS productive but rather because it was more so (same with the feudal family structure and the pre-agricultural family structure) and the same with all structures under capitalism, feudalism in comparison to how societies were previously organized.
Now this doesn't mean that when Socialism arives there wont be a Socialist family structure which is more productive then what came before but the idea of returning to a previous more
family structure is bullshit and frankly the same shit reactionaries preach only with different aesthetics. Its note for note the same shit the tech billionaires talk about in silicoln valley to justify sleeping around on their wives.


Can i just say on the whole ultra-left anti-family thing i genuinely find the entire subject anti-dialectical and frankly reactionary???
Like the entire premise of the concept is that there was this pre-capitalist structure of relations that we must
to and that this will be somehow superior to familial relations under capitalism and return humanity to its
>>>"""""""natural state"""""""""
Thats not how dialectics work.
The Bourgeoisie family structure didn't outcompete the Feudal family structure because it was LESS productive but rather because it was more so (same with the feudal family structure and the pre-agricultural family structure) and the same with all structures under capitalism, feudalism in comparison to how societies were previously organized.
Now this doesn't mean that when Socialism arives there wont be a Socialist family structure which is more productive then what came before but the idea of returning to a previous more
family structure is bullshit and frankly the same shit reactionaries preach only with different aesthetics. Its note for note the same shit the tech billionaires talk about in silicoln valley to justify sleeping around on their wives.


Eh in this case it really is me. And I was being half-facetious.

It seems to me that and old flaw of Marxists is missing the forest for the trees. Regardless of whether the students getting their skulls cracked by the cops are proles or bouge or petite bouge or labor aristocrats or whatever categorical variation we use when faced with the increasingly confusing battle lines of modern politics, they’re doing good work. On the issue of Palestine, they’re good and they’ve got my support.

It might just be that my own experiences in life has placed me in some odd positions where a pure class analysis doesn’t do much. I’ve worked with a dude who owned a small business, while working in our store for the benefits, and also acting as a connect for my coworkers to by coke—so he’s got elements of petite bouge, lumpen prole, and proletariat traits. I’ve gone to rural towns that, in some cases, have third world living conditions, that are as right wing as it gets—one of the few black people living there was a huge Trump supporter who’d complain about “urban n***ers” migrating up to Oregon and mugging people. I’ve got black friends, one of which had to navigate a fairly racist environment where he was “too black” for the white kids and “too white” (he’s from Montana) for the black kids. My extended family is a pretty diverse mix of different groups and beliefs. The other I shared the Parenti lecture with (he wants to get a philosophy degree) and he responds that Parenti has a lot of passion but his revolutionary rhetoric can be “dangerous.” I’ve had schoolmates that were supporters of the Pre-Arab Spring Egyptian government, and an African kid who wants to follow in his dads footsteps of opening factories to develop his country.

I think I said elsewhere that I’m trying to move to a new kind of politics. I still am. Whether that makes me a kind of “Post-Marxist” I dunno. I’m seeing things in terms of contradictions among people that, contrary to assumptions, just remain unresolved. There’s no final battle of all these contradictions where a person has to settle for one or the other, they just kind of live with them.

So my politics as they stand are sort of becoming more pragmatic. I don’t want to see Palestinians get genocided, and so I don’t care if the kids protesting are from Ivy leagues while I’m from a CSU—I’m wishing them success.


American explaining why they need to kill an endangered species: Imagine a burger


this is such a confusing post, what the fuck is she talking about? why grey wolves? why do i have to choose between wolves and burger? can't she pass whatever deregulation a small business tyrant bribed her to without posting?


The point is that under socialism/communism you won't have a ruling class dictating how you must structure your social relationships and people will be free to follow their inclinations and interests.


>Can i just say on the whole ultra-left anti-family thing i genuinely find the entire subject anti-dialectical and frankly reactionary???
<I had a reaction, therefore it's reactionary
Take meds. Antihistamines


>The petite-bourgeois class character cannot be ignored
True. But most those potential businesses will never be started as the reality of the market hits the graduates and they have to start paying their student loan debt on top of making a living. Of the ones who actually manage to make a "business" that isn't just self employment, over 90% of of them fail with in a few years. Some might have big plans of joining the Bourgeoisie but the actual chances are low. Many realize that as students.


Yes you should definitely take some antihistamines. You appear to be breaking out in a rash. Been rolling in the hay with straw men lately?
Of course, if you read Engels, you would understand that nobody's calling for a return to wives in common. He was, if anything, observing that material conditions would change the value of the bourgeois dyad and its roles. Gender roles are a mystification of a legal tradition of hierarchy and property. If you want that, confine it to your own private bunk please.


Before Palestine protests, Fox News and co were talking like RFK was a silver bullet against Biden because he was seen as a "lefty" who would take votes away from "the establishment."
This whole thing is just a stupid miscalculation on their part because they don't understand how Democrat collations work and though he would be a new Bernie.


Gruesome newsome is accidentally or perhaps unintentionally improving the lives of business employees by no longer allowing businesses to use "not answering calls to come in on days off" as an excuse to fire people


Yeah, it’s why I think he might be the future of the Democratic establishment. He’s young and from what I’ve seen he’ll do some minor progressive handouts (IIRC he signed some bill allowing the state to make Insulin for cheap, no idea what happened after though) that he can give them some much needed stability without caving to progressives.

Republicans broadly have trouble understanding that Dems are actually good at rallying around the establishment pick.


why can't we just take her land and give it to the wolves


if anything RFK is pulling a Nader on Trump by pulling in some of the antivax schizos and other tinfoil rightoids


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if there are no grey wolves to thin the herds of deer, deer will steal all the grass from cows. checkmate boebert

would hatefuck btw


>would hatefuck
would not, given the evidence of how bad she is at handjobs



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Trump supporters have begun wearing diapers at his rallies
It's all due to social media posts from key witness and former attorney Michael Cohen which were shown in court. Trump’s criminal trial began last month, where he is facing 34 felony charges related to claims he falsified business records to hide “hush money” payments made to the former adult star Stormy Daniels.

One of the strangest moments of the trial so far saw Trump’s lawyer Todd Blanche read out posts from Cohen to the court. Speaking to Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, Blanche complained that while Trump was forced to keep silent about witnesses and jurors, his opponents could as “anything they want”.

He referenced the moment President Joe Biden mocked Trump at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner – which saw Biden allude to Stormy Daniels by saying: "Donald has had a few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather.” He then read out posts from Cohen. “This one says, oh my, S**tzInPantz," Blanche said, entering a screenshot of the post into the court record.

As a result, the official court stenographer typed the phrase "s**** in pants” into the court record. Since this bizarre turn of events, Trump’s supporters seem to have embraced the nickname in an unexpected way, turning up to rallies wearing diapers and shirts with the slogan “real men wear diapers” written upon them. Since then, "real men wear diapers" has been trending on Twitter/X, and it's sparked a big reaction.


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yep this one's going in my burgerpunk compilation


👏 normalize 👏 pooping 👏 your pants 👏


Jesus Christ.


I was waiting for some kind of reveal that this wasn't real


How cooked does your brain have to be to think this makes the cops look good? This is clearly somebody with a limited awareness of what's going on around them, and probably a limited ability to communicate given they're clearly dubbing a voice over since this individual doesn't have lips and can't make most of the sounds needed to say those words.


you can talk without lips. Try to talk with your mouth open by just flapping your tongue around and not articulating your lips. This person has been blind and heavily disabled since 2.5 years old. The fact that they "want to be a police officer" is probably based on their own highly sanitized perception of what cops are and what they do. They've never so much as seen a police brutality video. A good deal of their waking life is probably spent on medical care. This is probably some kind of standard "make a wish" foundation bullshit.


there's no such thing as good handjob to be fair.


Thanks for the link, I think I’ve got to read more Kautsky in general, break out of just ML literature and expand my horizons.

Something I’ll say is that his comment on the revolution pitting one portion of the people against the other seems in line with what I’m kind of thinking. I have this hypothesis I need to work out, but my hunch is that the various developments within capitalism (shortened work day, commuter culture, diversified wages, expansion of the franchise etc) has eroded the revolutionary collectivity of the working class. Like the proletarians of yesteryear, their entire life was defined by labor. You’d have people working 14 hours in the factory 6 days a week, then likely going to the same pubs or the same tenement house together. It created a social reality that was distinctly proletarian. And now? Well people have more time. Their social reality has expanded to previously unknown liberties. And so a “working class” identity begins to diminish in importance. There was something similar in this article about Protestant preachers trying to get their parish to escape Q anon psychosis. One of them mentioned it’s hard: he only sees these people for 45 minutes once a week. They go home, they listen to Fox News for hours on end. The social reality of being a conservative outweighs the “Christian” reality.

Now personally I reject this vulgar economic determinism argued by some, that change is impossible until Capitalism regresses to a state akin to what it was in Marx’s day. Rather I think we need knew tools and methodologies to compete with present circumstances.


That's pure ideology, son. Handjobs are an art form, a delight to be savored over an hour or more. It's 10x better when you have a partner who isn't just thinking in terms of getting off, but wants to go on a scenic ride as their passenger, so to speak, but doesn't want to do cardio.
As for women, teasing and edging your partner is an important sex skill. Learn it, practice it. You're welcome.

>that change is impossible until Capitalism regresses to a state akin to what it was in Marx’s day
That's just an excuse for them to be reactionary. They have no intention of taking that exit. They're shitposters working for reactionaries. For what it's worth, neoliberalism has its own heckin socdems that would have us contemplatively wait for capitalism to recognize the vanguard and hand over the keys to political economy on a thoughtful, festive keychain. At a time when the bourgeoisie and the managerial class develop further technological and biological controls to maintain capitalist relations where we like them or not, and as they continue to recuperate, slander, and ban Marxian thought on multiple, sometimes indirect fronts, either attitude leads us to arrest or retard historical motion for the sake of the ruling classes and those who aspire to them.


Instead of giving him a uniform they should give him a new robocop body. Whatever happened to true heroism?


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It was always a lie.


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>Police respond to mental breakdown


>why do i have to choose between wolves and burger
Cause this is America. Everything comes down thing or a burger


Because they don't and haven't since the early 20th century. It was very particular to Europe and Britain in particular, and didn't even map on to how everyone else saw social class and the institutions. There was never really an American "bourgeoisie" just as there wasn't an American "proletariat". Cheap land and slavery made a very different environment and incentives for the people here.

The ruling power today isn't rooted in the cities or industry, and in many ways it never was. Finance, corporate government, imperial intrigues, occultism, all figured into the British construct. The bourgeoisie was the overt "base" that was detected - or placed atop an understanding many already had about what ruled over them, in which many things would be conflated and conveniently omitted. The proletariat was politically outside of the system, and all throughout capitalism, the bourgeoisie and rulers were openly democidal towards the workers. The proletarian never had any leverage of their own - their labor could be sorted and segregated, and the dim hope of a proletarian was to "make it" by the social mobility that did exist, which wasn't about working hard or earning anything. So far as it had relevance, it explained the thing the worker was trying to join - the societies of the city attached with empire - and how to fuck with institutions.

I don't see it as a failing of Marx so much as it's a failing of people who really don't have political sense, and got so used to lying that they don't know anything else.


The idea that revolution would happen at all had fallen on hard times. Republics don't leave an opening where there is a vacancy to be filled, and this is why the socialists gave up on the idea that there would ever be a revolution in the capitalist world. The people who would be pissed off about their taxes are already ruling and would vote themselves unlimited money if they had to, and that's exactly what they did in the 1930s.

Besides, are you going to wage a revolution against something that will exterminate 90% of humanity simply because they find poor people unsightly? Revolution was closed off for good when the world wars were allowed to happen without ending in a decisive victory against this beast.

Maybe some day humanity will say what this was. There are people saying exactly what it is now, but the dominant ideas are to keep lying until they get the world they want. They're not going to like the result, but they don't listen to us.


>only 1.2 Million
thats like a house and 8 years of living expenses in burgerland


>Cheap land and slavery made a very different environment and incentives for the people here.
Cheap land has been gone for decades and slavery has been gone for over 150 years. Has nothing to do with conditions today.
>occultism, all figured into the British construct.
Bro, what are you doing? Get a real analysis.
>The idea that revolution would happen at all had fallen on hard times.
Western capitalist hegemony is failing and they are panicking over Russia, China and Israel. They are working overtime to install a police state because of the threat of revolution right now. Soon even using websites like this will be illegal because of "disinformation."
>Republics don't leave an opening where there is a vacancy to be filled
France is on it's 5th republic right now. What make you think capitalist republics are invincible? Never mind the Chinese Communist Revolution came out of a failed republic.
>are you going to wage a revolution against something that will exterminate 90% of humanity simply because they find poor people unsightly?
Obviously that makes it even more imperative. But really they can't even defeat Russia. Not sure how they will be able to kill off 90% of humanity.


Comrade, what do you mean by saying you think that I am “ironic”, 🤔?

What do my fellow Comrades think of my In-depth Dialectical Materialist Analysis that Biden is Essentially a Puppet of Trump who takes orders from the same Zionist Haute Bourgeois handlers who want Trump to win the election and implement Project 2025 in order to create a Fascist Theocracy that will throw anyone who isn’t a Republican, Evangelical, or Zionist into a concentration camp and wage World War III against China, Iran, and Mexico (along with completing the Genocide of Palestine and demolishing the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to rebuild the “Temple of Solomon” with Jewish “magic” red “holy” cow sacrifice), thus explains why Biden is complicit in the Genocide of Gaza and the Sinophobic TikTok Ban in order to lose the election to Trump, 🤔?


i think its more likely that biden considers himself to be close personal friends with bibi, and is also a moron.
Also if there is one thing that unites the ruling class is its fright at a rising china, trump always talked shit about china, biden and democrats are on board to be anti china because xi wont bow down to american hegemony and liberalize, and of course never trumper neocons dont like china. So the one issue that unifies our polarized country is : fuck china


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it seems the center right cuckservtitves/neocons are trying to fight back by labeling the dissident right/america first right "the woke right"


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It's funny how libs and cons always try to out-patriot each other. Con shit like picrel obviously but all the lib inssurrection and putin cock holster and Cheeto Benito Maosolini stuff.

>Born in the USA

a song by a liberal about how much America sucks.

Schizo ass country. Reminds me of Christianity. None of these so-called Christians are actually into it, it's just something you can appeal to authority to whenever opportune.


these twatter posts are nonsensical gibberish


Politics is a contest to find the best liar who can manipulate the people against their will. Everything is working exactly as it was meant to work. Civic religion is the idea that this is good actually.


Pattern-matching, keywords, etc. The medussy is the message.


exactly, its weird word games, but its a new development as the neocon right associates the alt right with "wokeness". they are trying to force meme "woke right" into being a thing


I think the main reason reform and revolution are both impossible in america is that proletarian disunity is far too powerful and will probably remain that way for a while. Sure the student protests are cool but it isn't exactly going to overthrow the two-party system. Coups, destabilization and balkanization are the only path forward for this country because the chances of the "99%" uniting with the aim of waging violent revolt are much less likely than the chances of americans choosing to hate eachother and not wanting to share a country. I think privileged urbanites are the main proponents of reform vs revolution because they don't know that nothing ever happens


Bruce Springsteen still trolling shallow as shit nationalists 40 years later


ion man do they own capital?


>support from random washed up celebrities
he really is rightwing lol


I told my /pol/tard brother that we should strive to be more like our southern role models in media, like the "lost city of atlanta" in futurama. He said "actually thats just a northern stereotype against us to accuse us of being sexually licentious" and i said "we ARE sexually licentious, thats all poor people can do for fun, it's the progressive modern age and everybody is accepting of it". He said teenage pregnancy and fatherlessness are bad for us and i said "we are more oppressed by the institution of marriage than we are by sexual liberation". I said we should replace patriarchy with a matriarchy and he said that he'd mercy-kill me if i kept saying such liberal stuff. I may be a southern patriot but we're in dire need of social progressivism here.


>Coups, destabilization and balkanization are the only path forward for this country because the chances of the "99%" uniting with the aim of waging violent revolt are much less likely than the chances of americans choosing to hate eachother and not wanting to share a country.
these are not mutually exclusive options. If you look at Tsarist Russia, the privileged educated urbanites were the proletariat (both in the class sense of the term, and in the self-conscious radicalization sense of the term), while most of the country was peasants who at best supported Agrarian Socialists like the SRs over the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The key to Bolshevik success was using soldiers who were sick of WW1. In the US, the radicalized left hates the people with military training who support the empire and participate in the wars of imperialist plunder. So it would take something like WW3 to radicalize those soldiers enough to unconditionally join an internationalist proletariat movement that is fundamentally revolutionary defeatist when it comes to the home country and the imperial core more broadly. Anti-NATO sentiment, and American sentiment, and anti-military sentiment are just too radical for most people who are nationalist, which is why you have revisionists like Haz and Hinkle trying to do national socialism with american characteristics (however much they try to pretend it's bolshevism). Losing WW3 (which America will lose WW3 unless they nuke the whole planet, in which case everyone loses), balkanization + coups at home, plus finally being occupied by foreign powers for the first time since 1812, will put America in a place where a Bolshevik style revolution and subsequent civil war will be possible. And the maimed and injured gen Z and gen Alpha soldiers of WW3 will be in the cadres and the vanguard of an American neo-bolshevism. It is possible here because even though America is a rotting and reactionary empire where nobody would suspect a revolution could happen, so was tsarist Russia.


the world is healing 🤗


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America.gif. Going by this poll, we might have to soon lock everybody up.


Trump's platform
>prevent WW3
>split NATO, stagger European development
>steel dome
>renovate american cities; build new ones
>reduce gas prices by increasing domestic oil production
>cut federal funding to bourgeois education
>more covid acceleration
>labor market reform; raise wages by reducing immigration
>natalist accelerationism
>solve the housing crisis https://www.newsweek.com/how-donald-trump-plans-fix-housing-market-1811663
Biden's platform
>utter commitment to imperialism's greatest interests
>climate agenda smokescreen that only subsidizes capitalists and raises gas prices higher, as clean energy is unaffordable for most in america.
>fight "shrinkflation", i.e., make massive portion sizes even bigger for lardmericans.
>push the cost of each individual bourgeois' education onto the proletariat
>fund law enforcement more and de-arm the lower classes


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So now that the antisemitism bill has redefined antisemitism to include criticism of israel, including historical israelites and hebrews, the crucifixion of jesus christ is considered antisemitic ideology since it criticizes the jews for voting for jesus in the roman vote to determine who got the death penalty after pontius pilate asked the Sanhedrin to choose who lived or died.
Any time you see a street preacher on college campuses preaching about jesus, call the cops and tell them he is being antisemitic.


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>we must slay the protesting students
>we must slay our zoomer children protesting a genocide
Posting again about this tweet from a public rep because what the fuck. Where does something like this come from? I think it's a combination of things
<dedollarization realization
<Chynna won globalization
<Russia won Ukraine
<The zoomers that her and Bill Maher have been shitting on for years for supposedly being weak and ignorant are, through Palestine, proving that everything that she believes is built on bullshit


Tons of land out there if you don't want to live next to others. Not sure what people see in pic related that would make them want to defend this lifestyle tooth-and-nail


>and it's now our job to slay them


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>teenage pregnancy
Well, yes, that's bad. Teach them how to avoid that, not only what not to do, but of safe/sane/consensual ways to interact erotically. Benis-in-bagina's halo is 90% constructed.
Sure, someone committed to the reproduction of pre-capitalist social formations would prefer to preserve the means of their reproduction, and what petty joys and entitlements that the status of paterfamilias brings. Tough nuts, pops, it was stolen and you can't keep it.
>I said we should replace patriarchy with a matriarchy and he said that he'd mercy-kill me if i kept saying such liberal stuff.
New Femdom might anticipate the real movement he's fearing. Relevant because the culture of femdom has thus far been defined overwhelmingly by commercial dominants (pic), and there has been a movement quietly brewing for some years by just regular women, from nurses to GameStop managers, to realize a less spectacular, more practical, less commodified, and sexier vision of the dynamic that became available as women's compulsory gender obligations to a household, whether her father's or her husband's, have been loosened.
The means of a society's reproduction are produced; anyone with a means and understanding of ideological production could potentially create forms now that will influence material human action in the future. So consider the following: Young women's sex ed classes for 18-25, with an emphasis on those not college bound and their needs as sexual-social participants… rate the pipeline potential out of 10?
(Hard mode: avoid turning into RGA)


People look at this picture and think "wow, no uyghurs and no public transit to allow unemployed people to bang my wife while im at work… paradise!" and that's their entire ideology.


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>As if metros aren't way more ghastly from the air



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>The sad reality is that our school are producing monsters
>and it's now our job to slay them
Can Bourgoise Burgers even go one day in their life without wanting to kill or help kill children and teenagers?


No they'll be harvesting the young for their blood and organs to be prevent aging.


I believe we should plaster skyscraper walls with vines and cover the rooftops and balconies with gardens. Sure it might be terrible for the concrete but it'll look greener and provide shade, decreasing the sweltering heat and providing oxygen to people living in the city. We should also establish telepathic communication with all forms of flora and fauna on earth using hivemind technology to ensure the sustainability of our industries and ensure compliance with environmentalist construction standards. This will also drastically decrease the likelihood of viral, bacterial or fungal diseases spreading from the wildlife in cities to humans through zoonosis.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine Saturn Devouring His Son — forever.


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Now that we're all legally anti-semitic, does that mean the Strasser brothers, Goebbels, ᴉuᴉlossnW, and Mosley are part of the Socialist camp now?


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stop trying to make new femdom a thing


Sunbelt cities have all the annoyances of living in the city with few of the benefits


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Fetch is gonna happen, baby


Whenever you read this bullshit just think the Karen meme multiplied by 100. Anyone who has to deal with these types of women at work knows it's a nightmare. Equality or nothing.


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>its our job to slay them


I just looked at her account, she's posting on. I couldn't find much outrage about slaying students. Wild.




What the fuck good is a DL without insurance or a car? How rich are these guys that they're really want to drop $6.3k+ on their 15 year old kid per year for no reason? Or do they think that their kid can afford like $1000 a month?

>California parents adding a 16-year-old driver to their full coverage auto insurance policy can expect an average premium of $6,325 per year.

Not to mention when you get your license as a teen they have all these restrictions about driving with other teens in the car and curfews and shit.


And also when you're the one guy with a car in a group of friends, you're the guy everyone is always going to be pestering for rides. Gotta drop off like 5 people to their homes like an airport shuttle or something.


I'm not a teenager but I don't like driving because I have agoraphobia


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Driving is the only way to cope with agoraphobia. I had a freak out when I was on foot once and didn't want to get back in the car with the people who drove me to the location. Never again would I want to be anywhere without my car.


The weird thing is that I don't feel very safe walking alone and I don't feel safe driving, but driving in a vehicle that isn't entirely enclosed like an ATV or Jeep Wrangler I feel completely safe.


If I actually had the choice I would sell my car in a heartbeat. Without it right now I have to wait an hour for the bus to drive to the next city where I can take a train and then walk a long bit upwards to send my kids to kindergarten after which I have to ride to my work which takes about an half an hour like this as well.


Well you can get a jeep or a convertible or a trike or a bike. Enclosure is nice. A car is also a home.


That's a lot of moving around. My Dad always told me that work and home should be within walking distance and I agree with him. There's so much time wasted getting to different places that could be used for something more productive.


I'm considering getting a motor scooter for ~30 minute drives and maybe a convertible in the future.


Get a minivan. They're fuel-efficient and spacious affordable housing.
If you're in the market for a secondary vehicke, get a 2 seat truck. They're typically not gas guzzlers and you can still sleep on the bed of the truck, and they are helpful for doing manual labor.


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From r/Agent Kochinski. Discuss.


I don't really like driving trucks too much. Driving big vehicles give me anxiety.


i've always wanted to own and drive around in a tank or an APC or a mad max style vehicle myself. but unfortunately those are not street legal.
under socialism not only will those things be street legal, but also most people wont be forced to drive so roads will be generally emptier and street racing can be legalized as well. we could probably even legalize drinking and driving if the roads became safe enough.


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It should say
>99% Hitler
<100% Hitler
To more accurately describe where voting discourse is at right now


My dad watches too much CNN, man

>Dad: Israel needs to stop bombing Gaza

Me: Unfortunately Biden isn't doing anything to stop it
>Dad: Biden sent someone over to discuss a ceasefire
>Me: It won't do anything, the most Biden will do is a strongly worded letter of disapproval
>Dad: Well we can't stop giving them money because we have weapons there
>Me: We shouldn't have weapons there
>Dad: It's to protect us from Russia and China's nuclear attacks
>Me: They would attack from the west, not the east
>Dad: Well why do you think we have weapons there?
>Me: To steal oil from 3rd world countries
>Dad: No it's to protect us, without those weapons we'd be in World War 3
>Me: Well, Israel is getting close to starting World War 3


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One of the comments on that post.💀



>Netanyahu amasses troops for a soon to be invasion of the occupied West Bank
What did the teen mean by this?


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>Dad: Well we can't stop giving them money because we have weapons there
>Me: We shouldn't have weapons there
You should of told your dad that Israel is the one country in the Middle East without US bases.

>Dad: It's to protect us from Russia and China's nuclear attacks

The USA doesn't have an missile interceptors in Israel.


They drove me out to a rural area and did nasty things to my body.


the fuck, shouldnt you be telling somebody else this information? go see a doctor to check for injuries or "DNA" while it's still possible


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>You should vote 99% Hitler as your duty as a leftist
2016 Part 2: Radlib Implosion Boogaloo


Peak idiocy.
Don't you guys have a college* system?
Why does it matters that one person doesn't vote? If it isn't a key state it shouldn't matter at all.
* That was the term, right?


swing state


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I fuckin’ can’t with radlibs anymore man


If he lost by one vote and I didn't vote, that means if I voted for him, it would be a runoff? My vote really doesn't matter.


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Wow I sure love living in a Democracy™!


Real democracy has never been tried


soft disclosure. they dont want to admit they're doing it, but they want to normalize the idea of doing it for readers.


What's there to discuss? Biden's amerikkka is already fascist under a democratic leader. Free speech is a myth and you're losing your rights even if you vote for LE GOOD GUY in these elections.


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>You should vote for Hitler, as is you duty as a Humanist


>You should also protest, organize your workplace, do mutual aid, etc, etc again.
<Proceeds to vote for Biden and not do anything else


They always mean “someone else do it”


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Never understood the hate for humanism by people on the left.


>99% Hitler


what the fuck is even happening anymore, man


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from https://youtu.be/Bs9lmzI23hw

this quote stuck with me. You think of all the political slogans from the last decade and realize they're the same as advertising slogans. Short and meaningless. They probably come from the same corporations. Many of these will appear like vague statements to any outsiders which seems to be the point.

>BLM doesn't actually mean anything and doesn't name any of the issues facing the Black Community

>Defund the Police is better, but uses very passive language unlike older slogans (Destroy or Defeat the Police has far more bite to it.)
>MeToo is/was just a slogan tailor made for twitter trends
>Occupy Wall Street also uses very passive language, why would you "occupy" an area full of people and businesses you consider a threat
add more if you want, but once you start seeing it you don't stop.


>Liberals now openly admitting that Biden is 99% Hitler



I thought it was better when the Liberals were comparing Biden to Hindenburg, literally saying that voting for Biden would be like voting for Hindenburg instead of Hitler.


Humanism is simply secular religion.
It just replaces the divine with the abstract idea of "the human." This still functions as a higher essence, a supreme being, when compared to the individual homo-sapien.
It's spooked, liberal nonsense.


That’s because vague slogans work better than specific ones, it’s marketing 101. There’s a reason companies moved away from hyper-descriptive advertising explaining the fine points of their product to more abstract stuff not even about the product itself.
>t. I have a degree in this shit.


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I think its worth pointing out that most liberals who call themselves "humanists" aren't actually humanists at all. They actually mean something more like that they're humanitarians. When a secular liberal forsakes religion, but wants to assure everyone that they've kept their Christian morality, they call themselves "humanists."

Most of them aren't even aware that humanism is a philosophy centered around the divinity or sublime supremacy of humanity.


>I'm With Her
<told nothing about Hillary's policies.
Even Trump's "Make America Great Again" showed his nationalism, and "Not Me, Us" showed Bernie's populism (Bernie is still a lib but still).
Both are reasons for why lib slogans are what they are.


Well it's making a good case for why these elections are a sham. Advertisment is more important to them than actual policies.


Almost every single humanist marxist philosopher became an anti-communist. Roger Garaudy and Adam Schaff being the two biggest examples.


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Out of all those names of "marxists humanists", how many are real marxists, and did any of them wrote anything of substantial?


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>Most of them aren't even aware that humanism is a philosophy centered around the divinity or sublime supremacy of humanity.

That's not what humanism is at all.


Zionists are deeply unserious people


>give money to companies you dont like so theyre forced to listen to your opinions as a group
this just sounds like a pump and dump scheme waiting to happen


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To be honest the same applied to Communists against Fascists. Communists would come up with an in depth, detailed program, and ultimately lose to guys with self-contradicting beliefs and coasting on vibes.


This drawing is so unsettling.


Eli Valley is god tier


It is.

Hence "Antihumanism," which is a philosophy which holds that humans are just another type of animal, in contrast with humanism.


imagine not being a gaianist


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John Lewis is probably the best one he was the official philosopher of the British Communist Party during the 1940s-50s and one of the few who never turned against AES or left the party, he's best known these days for debating Althusser but his intro biography on Marx is excellent. Fromm was just reformist socdem, Ernst Bloch was a straight up idealist utopian who fled to west germany from the DDR, Sartre had completely parasitic relation to Marxism and declared it had failed and was completely dead in his last interview. Kolakowski was one of the main polish anti-communists, Wang Ruoshui became a neoliberal, Garaudy was at one point the best Marxist philosopher in france but later had one of the worst downfalls I know of, The Praxis school & Mihailo Marković called for limiting albanian birth rates because they claimed they were a threat to the Serb population, Lukacs was great pre '60s but later called for multi party elections in Hungary, every single member of the Budapest school other than just one became Liberals, Walter Benjamin and Gramsci dont belong on that list they were dead long before Humanism was a trend in Marxism, John Berger left the party of the hungary intervention in '56, Fanon was never a Marxist and directly collaborated with the CIA, Henri Lefebvre thought that Marxism was a unifiying of Idealism and Materialism and got expelled from the PCF in '58, Raya Dunayevskaya saw her 'Marxism' as tool with which to attack Communism with, Kosík was a major figure behind the Prague spring and later became a demsoc and a bunch of the others are just Trots or literal who american academics.

So yeah not a great record..


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pic rel is my favorite one he's done


>John Lewis
Gonna read about him
>Garaudy was at one point the best Marxist philosopher in france but later had one of the worst downfalls I know of
Damm, might try to read him though.
>he Praxis school & Mihailo Marković called for limiting albanian birth rates because they claimed they were a threat to the Serb population
Lol wtf


Why do tankies always act exactly like Soros wokeoids


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I've always been one of the "either of these presidents is gonna be the same guy" people but holy shit is this one on the nose.

Honestly this is worse. Trump was just a dumbass doing a dumbass "both sides" about unite the right, but this is a black woman as press secretary saying that these white racists who made monkey noises at another black woman are "admirable" because they also "defended" the US flag. And she just let this "journalist" advertise their godfundme to get people to pay for their "rager."


icing on the cake is the sign language interpreter on the right


>integrated multi-culture corporate liberal fascism

America is such a fucked up country, I don't even know how a leader or party or whatever would even begin to heal such an abused and confused people. I don't blame people not being able to parse this insanity. I feel insane trying to explain it.


Also IMO its best this happened under Biden. I think this really exposed how much of a shame the two parties are to the public.


Maybe going separate ways and not having border fights is the best we can ask for.


If the country balkanizes like that, you'd have RWDS doing raids against libtardistan literally day 1, and full blown crusades within the decade.


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Hazites go home


yes, let's only focus on the american proletariat and not the international proletariat.


Biden seeks to make us fund our own poverty. Of course, it is in the capitalists' interest to minimize our living conditions (costs) by forcing even more of us into privately-owned, state-subsidized ghettos. Endless billions in stimulus and bailouts.
<The Budget invests $28 billion in expanding this tax credit in order to boost the supply of housing that is affordable for low-income renters. Specifically, the Budget permanently increases the allocation of tax credit states receive. It also reduces the private activity bond financing requirement from 50 percent to 25 percent in order to leverage more private capital into LIHTC deals and build more units of affordable housing.
<The Budget includes $7.5 billion in funding for new Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) contracts, which are long-term contracts with private for-profit or non-profit owners to rent new affordable housing units.
Trump's solution to the housing crisis means to elevate the proletariat's living condition by increasing the supply of rationally built, high quality housing with reasonable, healthy space. He can do this by saving the American proletariat trillions by making peace and defunding NATO.


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glad to hear it


Defunding nato helps.the international proletariat. Biden will never do this. How will Biden help the international proletariat? His housing policies will only makes things worse, as they have


I copied it from an image search. I just like Kronk's face.


When did I say Biden would help the international proletariat?
Yeah I was just messing around :P


>humans are just another type of animal
this is objectively true


Then you're an antihumanist, not a humanist. You're a humanist if you believe there's something transcendent to humanity that lifts us above common animals. You're an antihumanist if you think we are just common animals.


Is there a word for someone who believes that humans have certain capacities unmatched (afawk) in the rest of the animal world, but that some other animals are not so far behind us in those capacities as we might like to think?


synthesis: animals are transcendent just like humans because what makes us transcendent is being alive, not being human.


I mean we do as a species excel in a few things just like other species excel in others. That's different from the humanist philosophical current that's more about feels > reels (as almost all philosophies).


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Almost all of that is low density 3 story bullshit. If all those building were skyscrapers it could be 90% forest.


Humans are obligate sapients, one of if not the rarest adaptation in nature due to how infrequent the conditions selecting for it are, since to adapt for obligate sapience rather than facultative sapience you need facultative sapience already, sociality, and an ecological crisis that requires a radical shift in lifestyle that would require biological evolution but isn’t so catastrophic as to wipe out the species entirely before they can invent meaningful novel behaviors that improve their odds of survival
For hominids it was the Ice Age


this thread has been sabotaged and derailed so hard, revolution never




>Taiwan is actually based, guys. Wait! I'm not a democra-ACK
That's a puny island neocolony. We live in america. We have the space unlike Taiwan, but, like Taiwan, the lands remain undeveloped by speculators because building houses to live in is too expensive under Bidenomics. The democrats WANT to put us into these minum cost (quality), publicly-funded, privately owned pod ghettos.
I agree. This is inevitable because the democrats always ramp up their efforts whenever people start waking up or something happens. We can only keep fighting


As a society we need airships that act as drone or personal vehicle loading docks and "gas stations" in the air. Battery replacement and recharging would be the job of the dock workers. The reason this is such a good idea is because it returns profitability to airships being afloat, even in the event of any "hindenberg incidents". We can LITERALLY bring blimps back in 2024 while barely even changing the technology RIGHT NOW.
We should also consider the usage of earth's magnetosphere to eject magnetic platforms into the sky and float because of polarity. Electromagnetic platforms powered by nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, whichever requires a smaller reactor, could probably be powerful enough to float on the earth's magnetic field. We should also utilize ley line magic siphoning for free energy to power our industrial capacity in my opinion.
This is clearly a massive concern for socialism's future.


If you cant create this thing with the materials in your home or in your garden, then how does this affect the socialist movement right now? Nuclear energy blimps with the need to have dockyard infraestructure to sustain It? If is not part of the homebrew revolution, then it is just a project for future socialist states and generations.


Listen pal. I'm just hoping i can get some government subsidies like spaceX ovah here. FUND MY RESEARCH GIVE ME MONEY


We need to build ballons at home. We can start building one RN. Not with nuclear energy, but still.


>as a society we
Who, you and your trans-social tulpas?


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>Balloons at home


fake tweet


Le sigh. Who fricking cares…. Who chonking cares anymore…


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We're all going to die of overpopulation because these fucking science denying chvds don't want to fund my blimp startup. It's fucking over for the west I'm telling George Soros and Anthony Fauci to start the fucking JDPON right now you fucking fucks


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interesting. I've never heard this "obligate sapience" concept before
>sign language interpreter on the right
I remember the first time I saw her


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>obligate sapients
*blocks your path*


>I feel insane trying to explain it
I don't think it's that crazy. As Capitalism expands around the world it needs to get separate ethnic and cultural groups to work together. Over time it creates a new culture that mixes them together picking and choosing what parts to throw out and keep. Sometimes you get pieces that don't hold together except through the force of the State. So white guys who make monkey noises at black women is normally considered bad, but because it's in defense of the State keeping them all under the thumb of capitalists it's good.
Liberals talk about "bad racism and good equality" but it all get thrown under the bus when it comes to enforcing class relations.


this is a p common phenomena where instead of actually using contemporary or historical events as an example or really any form of material evidence the liberal will just make an absurdly specific hypothetical scenario that only exists within their own head where there right. Im telling you they all do this irl and online.


>(John Lewis) Gonna read about him
The works of his that I have read and recommend are: The Life & Teaching of Karl Marx (1965), Socialism and the Individual (1961), Textbook of Marxist Philosophy (1937) and Max Weber and Value Free Sociology a Marxist Critique (1975).
>(Roger Garaudy) Damm, might try to read him though.
Very little of his Marxist-Leninist works have been translated into english, so you would need to know french to read them. His best work is La LibertĂŠ (1955) & La thĂŠorie matĂŠrialiste de la connaissance (1953), the first work is his magnum opus about the Marxist conception of freedom & its history and the second is his thesis from the Sorbonne for his philosophy degree about the materialist theory of knowledge. Avoid anything he wrote after 1965.
>Lol wtf


cool, thanks, saved the file.


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I do have to wonder if there is a vibe shift, specifically in the turbo vooters not being republican but democrat. The Dems have been sweeping special elections but they poll rather poorly among the general population iirc with more likely voters going more fore joe biden. idk what caused this shift tho.


This presidential election feels so unpredictable to me so far. Every other election of my semi-politically conscious life, I had the eventual winner in mind by now.


both candidates are deeply, historically unpopular, which is amazing because we're going through the 3rd election in a row between the most unpopular people in America. it's more a question of whose campaign collapses first - Biden can finally fall on the sword of Israel or Trump can become a legitimate criminal with most of his allies and funders abandoning him. Even porkies are withholding a lot of campaign funds because they see how pointless it is to do PR spins for the candidate's terrible reputations, they are keeping the powder dry for the next round of vooooting.


at this point its impossible to even guess which would be the more chaotic outcome. a biden win would mean continuous decay of democrats as the "sensible" party, trumpists going crazy about fraud, same course with israel and ukraine. and trump is obviously a fucking wild card


I think anything goes and things will almost certainly not play out as before. Grab yer asscheeks and hang on for dear life fellers.


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the absolute state


I think the best time to seriously offer a third party in the US will be in 2025, after this election.


The projection over the American flag is great propaganda art.


Scoop: U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel


Looks like Ted Cruz is in trouble.


This whole era is creating a ridiculous amount of historically iconic images. They are going to run out of space in the textbooks for all this stuff.


Its going to be a tight race for sure, at the same time most people are saying they hate both biden and trump


I love headline juxtaposition


Is that what it was? I only remember that LA Mulan actress getting shitblasted by US libs during these protests because she was on the side of the chinese government. Need some sources on what the HK protests were about


What? Source?


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the source is confirmed


Jesus look how fat the cops are. How do they even pass training?


It is a pump and dump scheme. If you accuse them of that, they just claim they’re short sellers.


All the protesters have to do is scrape together several trillion and buy out the defense industry.


anything that can walk is considered skinny in America


Walking is an admission of defeat in the war of man against nature.


>broccoli hair
>backwards baseball cap
>camo shit
>flag clothing
seems about right


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take note racists: your "comrades" will always throw you under the bus to save face

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