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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.805130[View All]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
436 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this thread has been sabotaged and derailed so hard, revolution never




>Taiwan is actually based, guys. Wait! I'm not a democra-ACK
That's a puny island neocolony. We live in america. We have the space unlike Taiwan, but, like Taiwan, the lands remain undeveloped by speculators because building houses to live in is too expensive under Bidenomics. The democrats WANT to put us into these minum cost (quality), publicly-funded, privately owned pod ghettos.
I agree. This is inevitable because the democrats always ramp up their efforts whenever people start waking up or something happens. We can only keep fighting


As a society we need airships that act as drone or personal vehicle loading docks and "gas stations" in the air. Battery replacement and recharging would be the job of the dock workers. The reason this is such a good idea is because it returns profitability to airships being afloat, even in the event of any "hindenberg incidents". We can LITERALLY bring blimps back in 2024 while barely even changing the technology RIGHT NOW.
We should also consider the usage of earth's magnetosphere to eject magnetic platforms into the sky and float because of polarity. Electromagnetic platforms powered by nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, whichever requires a smaller reactor, could probably be powerful enough to float on the earth's magnetic field. We should also utilize ley line magic siphoning for free energy to power our industrial capacity in my opinion.
This is clearly a massive concern for socialism's future.


If you cant create this thing with the materials in your home or in your garden, then how does this affect the socialist movement right now? Nuclear energy blimps with the need to have dockyard infraestructure to sustain It? If is not part of the homebrew revolution, then it is just a project for future socialist states and generations.


Listen pal. I'm just hoping i can get some government subsidies like spaceX ovah here. FUND MY RESEARCH GIVE ME MONEY


We need to build ballons at home. We can start building one RN. Not with nuclear energy, but still.


>as a society we
Who, you and your trans-social tulpas?


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>Balloons at home


fake tweet


Le sigh. Who fricking cares…. Who chonking cares anymore…


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We're all going to die of overpopulation because these fucking science denying chvds don't want to fund my blimp startup. It's fucking over for the west I'm telling George Soros and Anthony Fauci to start the fucking JDPON right now you fucking fucks


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interesting. I've never heard this "obligate sapience" concept before
>sign language interpreter on the right
I remember the first time I saw her


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>obligate sapients
*blocks your path*


>I feel insane trying to explain it
I don't think it's that crazy. As Capitalism expands around the world it needs to get separate ethnic and cultural groups to work together. Over time it creates a new culture that mixes them together picking and choosing what parts to throw out and keep. Sometimes you get pieces that don't hold together except through the force of the State. So white guys who make monkey noises at black women is normally considered bad, but because it's in defense of the State keeping them all under the thumb of capitalists it's good.
Liberals talk about "bad racism and good equality" but it all get thrown under the bus when it comes to enforcing class relations.


this is a p common phenomena where instead of actually using contemporary or historical events as an example or really any form of material evidence the liberal will just make an absurdly specific hypothetical scenario that only exists within their own head where there right. Im telling you they all do this irl and online.


>(John Lewis) Gonna read about him
The works of his that I have read and recommend are: The Life & Teaching of Karl Marx (1965), Socialism and the Individual (1961), Textbook of Marxist Philosophy (1937) and Max Weber and Value Free Sociology a Marxist Critique (1975).
>(Roger Garaudy) Damm, might try to read him though.
Very little of his Marxist-Leninist works have been translated into english, so you would need to know french to read them. His best work is La Liberté (1955) & La théorie matérialiste de la connaissance (1953), the first work is his magnum opus about the Marxist conception of freedom & its history and the second is his thesis from the Sorbonne for his philosophy degree about the materialist theory of knowledge. Avoid anything he wrote after 1965.
>Lol wtf


cool, thanks, saved the file.


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I do have to wonder if there is a vibe shift, specifically in the turbo vooters not being republican but democrat. The Dems have been sweeping special elections but they poll rather poorly among the general population iirc with more likely voters going more fore joe biden. idk what caused this shift tho.


This presidential election feels so unpredictable to me so far. Every other election of my semi-politically conscious life, I had the eventual winner in mind by now.


both candidates are deeply, historically unpopular, which is amazing because we're going through the 3rd election in a row between the most unpopular people in America. it's more a question of whose campaign collapses first - Biden can finally fall on the sword of Israel or Trump can become a legitimate criminal with most of his allies and funders abandoning him. Even porkies are withholding a lot of campaign funds because they see how pointless it is to do PR spins for the candidate's terrible reputations, they are keeping the powder dry for the next round of vooooting.


at this point its impossible to even guess which would be the more chaotic outcome. a biden win would mean continuous decay of democrats as the "sensible" party, trumpists going crazy about fraud, same course with israel and ukraine. and trump is obviously a fucking wild card


I think anything goes and things will almost certainly not play out as before. Grab yer asscheeks and hang on for dear life fellers.


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the absolute state


I think the best time to seriously offer a third party in the US will be in 2025, after this election.


The projection over the American flag is great propaganda art.


Scoop: U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel


Looks like Ted Cruz is in trouble.


This whole era is creating a ridiculous amount of historically iconic images. They are going to run out of space in the textbooks for all this stuff.


Its going to be a tight race for sure, at the same time most people are saying they hate both biden and trump


I love headline juxtaposition


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the source is confirmed


Jesus look how fat the cops are. How do they even pass training?


It is a pump and dump scheme. If you accuse them of that, they just claim they’re short sellers.


All the protesters have to do is scrape together several trillion and buy out the defense industry.


anything that can walk is considered skinny in America


Walking is an admission of defeat in the war of man against nature.


>broccoli hair
>backwards baseball cap
>camo shit
>flag clothing
seems about right


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take note racists: your "comrades" will always throw you under the bus to save face


When will Bill Ackman and Bari Weiss call out this blatant anti-Israel Soros-funded hatred????


Franz Fanon was a humanist, you can disagree with Wretched of the Earth or Black Skins White Masks but they're classics for a reason


The only people I've seen read Fanon are larping white people.


Basically, facultative sapience is the ability to exhibit widespread behavioral plasticity, tool-making, imagination, theory of mind, and awareness of the self; several species across many clades demonstrate this trait, elephants, cetaceans, primates, and corvids being among them

Obligate sapients are species that can only survive by adapting their behaviors, social arrangements, and creating new tools to aid their survival; only humans have ever demonstrated this trait


The only people I’ve seen vehemently disdain Fanon are people of the saltine variety.


>broccoli hair
Zoomer moment

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