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>main character in his most famous book sells out his gf under the possibility of torture
<in reality he secretly sold out his socialist contacts to MI5 voluntarily
Was it embellishment?


The fact that people idolize orwell instead of pic related is LITERALLY 1984


lol who is this?


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presumably Aldous Huxley


jinx You owe me a soda


Aldous huxley who wrote brave new world, a dystopian novel about a world where the rich and poor evolutionarily diverge into a "designer baby" ruling class and an undereducated, oafish and oppressed underclass because of the enforcement of a "meritocratic" caste system. The main character escapes ideological indoctrination and a slavish personality by doing psychedelics in a third world country and seeing the world in a new perspective.


he unlocks the JDPON tech tree by doing stoned ape theory with the neocolony of joe rogans


>his girlfriend

Anyone remember the rape fantasy scene of the protag? Quite the red flag.


Don't pretend you never felt the urge to rape and immediately afterwards cut the throat of some chick you just met.


I couldn't even finish Brave New World it was so badly written. 1984 actually works as an entertaining pulp fiction book.

We had to read everyone of these commie dystopia allegory books in burger school.

The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, 1984 Brave New World

Both of Orwell's books were the best of them.


Huh. I only ever got to read F451 and watch The Giver (the awful movie) in school. F451 was good i think


Huh, didn't know they made a movie. It didn't even exist when I was in school. I've never even seen the 1984 movie either. I think they showed us the Animal Farm cartoon but I might be misremembering.


Wasn't Orwell an Anarchist, not a 'Communist' aka Leninist?


He fought for the trots in the Spanish Civil War.


uh nope, sounds like a you probelm


But was he a trot tho?


Animal Farm was him glazing Trotsky for half the book

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