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I just moved and my previous rent seeking parasite pissed me of so fucking much, I'm sick to and I hope he caught something from me.

>water enters the house when it rains through the window

>garden is filled with glass and nails due to his second building rotting in place (my dog almost cut an artery because of i)
>no isolation
<shit talks because the garden isn't nice enough
<Litterally gets money every month for doing

Trash talk your personal scum parasite in this thread please, landlords are really the fucking worst of the worst. I have not felt this violent since years


File: 1714932107826.webm (3.45 MB, 1920x1080, RENT STRIKE IMPROVED.webm)

rent strike NOW!!!!


Is that MC Ride?


and kermit, yes. AI voices


File: 1714940519384.mp4 (11.04 MB, 1920x1080, scam alert.mp4)


File: 1714940829741.mp4 (9.71 MB, 576x1024, please wake up.mp4)





File: 1714950421051.png (166.27 KB, 425x495, adam smith2.png)


Even from a lib POV, landlords suck

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