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File: 1714625144470-0.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.92 MB, 540x960, 1714515070991857.webm)

File: 1714625144470-1.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.96 MB, 1280x720, 1714468827434253.webm)

File: 1714625144470-2.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.97 MB, 720x1278, 1714311362863830.webm)

File: 1714625144470-3.webm (Spoiler Image, 725.9 KB, 480x854, 1714200292101003.webm)

File: 1714625144470-4.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.97 MB, 608x1080, 1714205302446827.webm)


If you want a vision of the future under socialism, just imagine trans girl clitorises cumming on your face – forever.


the future is bright !!
vid 1 and 4 hnngh


File: 1714626663531.jpeg (12.42 KB, 340x335, FojImOCXsAYHcs6~2.jpeg)

I was already on board with communism, you don't have to sell it to me


quit being so goddamn horny yall


Please spoiler porn!!! I don't want to get horny all the time.

In other news:
I'm not even straight, but these videos are so hot I might go back to being straight like God intended.


Why are videos of straight dudes fucking transgirls so rare? All I can find is the other way around…


the future is so bright I dont need my eyes


please continue to post more


I don't know but the first and second are definitely women.

I would hold them down give them some manual just to feel them orgasm on my cock.

They come like women.




the wonders of bicalutamide


need attention much? spoiler NSFW OPs


File: 1714670383861-0.webm (336.21 KB, 720x1280, 1714181656315625.webm)

File: 1714670383861-1.webm (2.77 MB, 794x1280, 1714181502881987.webm)

File: 1714670383861-2.webm (406.98 KB, 258x480, 1714200465715584.webm)

File: 1714670383861-4.webm (3.94 MB, 1894x1080, 1714205518983745.webm)

Cant stop the maup



File: 1714670661074-2.webm (454.11 KB, 500x888, 1713694057148532.webm)

File: 1714670661074-4.webm (347.5 KB, 720x540, 1713694014729976.webm)


what's wrong with having fun with gender



A political position that maintains a conservative response to change, including threats to social institutions and technological advances. Reaction is the reciprocal action to revolutionary movement. Reactionaries clamp down on the differences of the emerging productive forces in society, and attempt to remove those differences, silence them, or segregate them in order to keep the stability of the established order.

Examples of the political position of reactionaries can be seen throughout history: during the US Revolutionary War, the reactionaries were the ruling British aristocracy, who sought to maintain their feudal government over their American colonies, while the US revolutionaries sought to establish a government to represent the interests of capitalist values and practices. Hundreds of years later in Russia, the tables would turn and capitalists became reactionary while the Socialists are revolutionary.


what do you even think this means?


because genital fetishization
wow, woman with dick??? we have to focus on nothing but her dick now


any hole's a goal


booo :(


Leftists aren't ready for this conversation


Please consider sending me an email. Perhaps we can arrange a time to share some images and look at them at the same time on Skype.


No thanks caleb maup. I don't date yankee reformists.


bruh i just rewatched this first webm and it grosses me out now that i actually watched to the end. deleted


File: 1714688191748-0.webm (3.74 MB, 1280x720, 1713707768182949.webm)

File: 1714688191748-1.webm (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 1713708101188888.webm)

File: 1714688191748-2.webm (615.63 KB, 854x480, 1713708160458370.webm)

Pisses me off…


File: 1714688377576-1.webm (2.21 MB, 736x1280, 1713709675228250.webm)

File: 1714688377576-4.webm (2.94 MB, 1438x968, 1713710308323860.webm)


File: 1714688757394-3.webm (886.57 KB, 720x1280, 1713459073526566.webm)

File: 1714688757394-4.webm (932.14 KB, 720x1280, 1713368957490967.webm)


comrade Gorky has entered the thread



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