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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1714927995224-0.png (300.19 KB, 1258x589, Red Manifesto Critic.png)

File: 1714927995224-1.jpg (87.12 KB, 1125x1004, GMchc9uW4AAhTP5.jpg)

File: 1714927995224-2.jpg (64.52 KB, 1199x677, GMyD5SCWwAEEktA.jpg)


Forgot I wrote serious self-help book a while back, or rather a draft of one. Never got around to finishing it. Figured, why not now. But anons, I need your help in figuring out what else to write in it. As we know, this website and this board in particular is the best representation of the average person. Your input matters the most. So please, let's help the people self-improve, leftistly!

Also a new name would be cool, Red Manifesto seems kinda, boring.


Remove the part about Marx and Lenin, its completely unrelated to the rest of the book.
Also remove the "revcel", I dont know if you wrote that as a joke, but even if you did, it just comes off as a massive cope, no such thing.


>let me combine two things I don't really know anything about and make them both somehow worse
do something more fun

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