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File: 1714868292959.png (2.64 MB, 960x1280, ClipboardImage.png)


you're a German and you see this when walking down the street
you join the army or nah?


The only thing that can save Germany is total national and cultural suicide at this point.


Is that pic generated by AI


I rip the poster up and hope I don't get spotted by Neo-Nazi goons.


Uphold Finklestein Thought!


What does this picture have to do with the army?


Nope, nazi wehrb sillygirls is the new norm
and i do use nazoid here because of what she says about the ruskies and the yemenis


This is the IDF-ization of the Wehrmacht. Soon enough we will have SS- i mean smollbean Bundeswehr e-thot making tiktoks while shelling civilian homes


Is it a girl (male)?


It's a finn


File: 1714932809668.jpg (135.86 KB, 739x416, F1nn.jpg)


she is an actual xx chromosome girl


File: 1714951524166.png (61.96 KB, 675x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

She's actually a communist.

actually she's just another e-whore with a gimmick picked out specifically to appeal to the most lecherous and sexless men online, anime fans HOI4 players, Soviet, and Wehrmacht LARPers, etc.


File: 1714955024625-0.png (67.26 KB, 748x434, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1714955024625-1.png (232.72 KB, 723x652, ClipboardImage.png)

seems like it

would still smash, if only she was a pegger


File: 1714986232585.jpg (721.59 KB, 1920x1080, cover9.jpg)

Finnish wehrboo nazoid ethot or a federal agent
Call it


No, just less autism


>the most lecherous and sexless men online, anime fans HOI4 players, Soviet, and Wehrmacht LARPers, etc.
Its funny because its true.


>Hey y'all.


No, just less autism


probably from the sweet state of alabama




probably from the sweet state of alabama


>>Is this a broken bot script?


Considering that it is most likely a man in that photo, I would probably sign up for the reserve and contemplate the ensuing inner dialogue. The dialogue helping me determine if I am in fact, only attracted to the idea of a possible homosexual relationship instead of engaging in warfare, be it economic, political, social or direct combat.


>you join the army or nah?
No? Just rip it off and throw it in trash.

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